Wreath of cones and chestnuts. Autumn wreaths. Decor of doors and walls of the house. Step-by-step master class of New Year's wreaths from natural materials

Master class on creating an autumn acorn wreath. Technique is used to create a wreath wet felting. Step by step description works and high-quality photos fully reflect the process of work.

Bright autumn colors fall into the soul for a long time. Let's create an autumn wreath of acorns with our own hands to prolong the autumn mood. Made on the basis natural materials, it will look even more interesting.

Do-it-yourself autumn wreath of acorns "Breath of Autumn"

This will decorate any interior.


  • Twigs of trees (willow, willow);
  • acorn caps;
  • scissors;
  • sewing threads (light green, dark green, brown);
  • jute cord;
  • wool for felting (orange, yellow);
  • liquid soap;
  • water;
  • soup plate;
  • hand towel;
  • felt (light green, dark green);
  • album sheet;
  • simple pencil;
  • Super glue;
  • sewing machine or sewing needle;
  • glue gun.

1 step

We will tie the willow branches together in a circle. We will grab the branches with a sewing thread of a branch so that it does not fall apart. Having given the wreath a shape, we finally fix the branches with a jute cord in a circle.

2 step

We make an acorn from wool using the wet felting technique. Felt small pieces of wool with an oval. We adjust the size of the wool acorn by the acorn caps.

The number of acorns depends on the size of the wreath. It didn’t come out very big for me, so it took 10 acorns. It turned out 5 orange and yellow acorns. Let the woolen ovals dry completely, and then glue super glue hats.

3 step

Let's make 2 oak leaf templates. They should differ in size and shape.

According to the template, we cut out leaves from light green and blue felt, 6 pieces of each color.

Sew the veins on a typewriter, but you can also do it manually with a regular sewing needle.

4 step

Use a glue gun to glue the felt leaves together and glue them onto the wreath.

Glue acorns on top of the leaves.

5 step

Cut one and a half meters of jute cord and fold it in half.

We form a loop 15 cm long, and at the end we make a knot.

With the advent of autumn, city parks and forests become unusually attractive, thanks to the bright leaves of red and yellow. They are excellent material for decorative crafts, including autumn wreath.

Original autumn wreaths, in addition to leaves, may include hop cones, autumn herbs, fruits, tree branches, for example, oak trees with acorns. Such wreaths give the interior a special atmosphere conducive to relaxation and creativity. Such a wreath, as a rule, is placed as a decoration on one of the walls of the room or on the door.

The basis on which the details will be fixed;
- special covering;
- glue;
- autumn leaves, cones, acorns, beautiful branches, etc.;
- multi-colored ribbons.

A flexible wire is suitable as a base, the thicker the better or vine. They are sold in craft stores. As an option, a metal coat hanger is used, its advantage is that it already has a hook on which the wreath will be attached to the wall. A circle is formed from it, to which the details of the wreath are attached. It is important that the circle has the correct geometric shape, otherwise it will affect the quality of the work. It is easy to make a circle with your own hands from those same branches or vines, fastening them with wire. The basis can also be branches with cones, acorns, berries, herbs, flowers.
The wreath can be one-sided or two-sided. Double-sided, when decorative parts are fixed on both sides, it is recommended to decorate the door.

The elements of the wreath are selected depending on the time of its use. Naturally, natural parts deteriorate quickly, so for long-term use, it is worth giving preference to artificial parts.

Natural elements for a wreath should be dried, but not overdried, so that the details do not lose their shape and crumble. As for apples, cones, acorns, they will hold well if they are first fixed on a stick. Leaves, grass, flowers can be woven singly or in bunches. Glue, wire, grass stalks are suitable as fasteners. Natural fasteners look much more aesthetically pleasing.

The bow will perfectly complement the autumn wreath. A place for it must be determined in advance. Looks great bow of wide suede, velvet, plush ribbons in warm colors. The bow can also be made from stems of flowers or herbs. On the wall, the wreath is fixed with a hook or beautiful ribbon in the form of a loop.

I really love autumn for its bright colors, abundance of vegetables and fruits, warm scarves and berets, and, of course, for the comfort and special atmosphere. And I also really like to create interesting and beautiful home decor from natural materials.

In autumn, nature is generous with colors, and all the world is a riot of color. I constantly want to collect something, make bouquets, and also weave autumn wreaths of leaves, cones and other gifts of autumn. And then leave all this beauty in your memory for a long time, because ahead is the winter time, buying up paints.

DIY autumn wreath

The word "wreath" comes from an old Slavic word meaning "gift". This woven ornament natural materials in the form of a ring, it is designed not only to decorate, but also to protect warmth and peace in the house.

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you 21 delicious autumn wreath ideas which are so easy to create with your own hands. Here it is - a symbol of the harvest, creating comfort.

  1. This wreath used a large number of various herbs and fruits of reddish hues. Such decor will become a fashionable and bright addition to your interior or house facade.
  2. Natural colors of wreaths from autumn leaves familiar to the human eye, they soothe, relax and harmonize.

    Fresh and dry leaves are very beautiful and only once again confirm that the best artist is nature. So why not fill the space at home with her wonderful works, creating a special atmosphere of comfort.

  3. And this decoration is for lovers of everything unusual. If you think round wreaths are too boring, try weaving a wreath in the shape of a heart. It looks very stylish and original.

  4. This season, according to the Pantone Color Institute, red is in special favor. And this is a good reason to create a monochrome solution for your interior in red tones.

  5. All lavender lovers will appreciate this fragrant decor. Weave a lavender wreath and decorate the door with it, and happiness will definitely not pass by!

  6. Old newspapers can also be used to make very pretty wreaths that are great to hang on the wall or use as table decorations.

  7. To create such a decor, you will need cones, hot glue, pruners for cutting cones, a wreath hoop (can be twisted from branches or newspapers), burlap or linen.

    Using a pruner, you need to trim the bumps, cutting off the tops. Work on such a wreath is laborious and with an abundance of garbage, but the result is worth it.

  8. The simplest, but at the same time spectacular way decorate a wreath on the door decoration will be collected on the street or in the park with autumn leaves. A wreath looks beautiful both from leaves of the same type, and combined. For a decorative wreath, oak, maple and other leaves are suitable, the color is your choice.

    Dry artichoke can be added to the leaves, Pine cones, chestnuts, acorns and rowan.

  9. And this is a wonderful autumn wreath using physalis fruits. How do you like that stylish decoration front door?

  10. This wreath can be used as table decor. Stylish and beautiful, isn't it?

  11. Maple leaf wreaths are especially popular, which can be woven in the usual way or come up with something more interesting.

    For example, you can take birch, maple or other tree branches and intertwine them together. And then decorate the branches with leaves, ribbons, acorns or cones.

In autumn, you can also see a lot of orange physalis fruits, which stand out brightly from other plants. Due to its natural ability to survive for a long time without water, physalis is an excellent basis for decoration. So I suggest you get inspired a couple more

Autumn leaves are just a great material for creating wreaths. A good reception is also their combination with dry grass, acorns, cones and chestnuts. Wreaths made from natural materials can decorate the walls or the door of the house. The best thing is that children can also be involved in the creation of this decorative element, who can help choose the color of the leaves and weave them into a wreath. And how to make a decorative wreath from pre-prepared autumn leaves quickly and easily with your own hands, you will learn from this article. Decor from autumn gifts makes the house cozy and fills it with a special charm. At this wonderful time of the year, green, yellow and red leaves spread like a bright canvas in a city park or forest. So once the time has come to collect them and make all sorts of crafts and decor elements with your own hands.

We make a beautiful wreath of autumn leaves with our own hands

Wreath ingredients to prepare:

  • The basis of the product, on which all decorative elements are attached;
  • Special floral wire;
  • Maple, oak and other types of autumn leaves;
  • Cones, acorns, nuts, chestnuts, autumn fruits and vegetables;
  • Ribbons of different colors;
  • Glue;

What you need to know in order to make a decorative leaf wreath with your own hands:

  1. Thick, but at the same time quite flexible wire is the most optimal and at the same time cheap basis for any wreath. You can buy it in a specialized store, or you can make it yourself using a regular metal clothes hanger. Her shoulders need to be folded in a circle, leaving a hook on which our product will hang.
    You can also use natural materials for the base, for example, willow or wicker twigs woven in a circle. Another option is branches with berries, cones or acorns.
  2. The next step is to choose the type of wreath:
  • One-sided - decorative elements are attached only from the front side.
  • Double-sided - decorated and front side, and purl;
  1. Of course, the second way to design a wreath will look much better and more presentable.
    Then you can proceed to the selection of decorative elements. This is done taking into account how durable the product should be. In order for the wreath to decorate the house for a long time, you need to use only artificial fruits and vegetables. It is important to know that before use, the leaves must be dried, but not completely, so that they can keep their shape in the product.
  2. Cones, acorns, apples and other decorative elements must be fixed on a wire or stick before use. Fix the grass, dry flowers and twigs with glue.
  3. If there is a desire to decorate the composition with a large bow, you need to decide in advance on the place of its attachment so that it does not stand out from the overall picture of the product.
  4. You can hang this beauty on the door by the hook, but it will be better and more aesthetically pleasing to make a loop from a beautiful satin ribbon.
General tips and tricks for creating leaf arrangements:
  • Natural materials should first be checked for bugs and dirt;
  • It is necessary to follow certain safety rules when working with young children;
  • For the base, it is best to use natural ingredients;
  • If the craft will hang on the street, it is best to choose a wire base.

Create a simple wreath of autumn leaves as a decorative element

Making such a wreath together with the kids, you can not only have a great time, but also decorate your home with a bright craft that will warm your heart and evoke warm memories even in the most severe frosts. Moreover, for the manufacture of such crafts, a minimum of parts is needed. it disposable plate from paper, bright multi-colored leaves and glue. The first step is to cut out a circle from a paper bowl, as shown in the photo.

Then the child can start working - smear the circle with glue and sculpt autumn leaves on it. it creative task, so you need to leave the kid a field for creativity and not insist on a certain sequence of doing crafts.
At the very end, you can decorate a wreath of leaves with beads, rhinestones, or tie a large bow of satin ribbons.

Create yourself, teach your kids to think extraordinary and creatively, and then they will grow up smart and quick-witted.

Video on the topic of the article

At the end of this article, a small thematic selection of videos on making wreaths from autumn leaves is presented, which will help to reveal all the nuances of working with natural materials.

I have a tree that I have at home and at work. This is one of my first creations in the field of topiary, which I left to myself. And I thought it would be nice to do something similar, but already from decoration on a wall or door Moreover, autumn is not over yet, you can collect materials, and you can decorate the house for the New Year holiday with such decoration. So I decided to make a wreath!

I bought the basis for a wreath (foam circle) where a year and a half ago and I started making a coffee theme that I loved at that time, a coffee wreath. But I didn’t have enough patience and interest for it and this unfinished wreath lay everywhere!
And now it's useful to me!
I peeled off all the grains, repainted and set to work!

But we collected this round over an acorn in Turkey. When the bus stopped for a rest and everyone went according to their needs, some to perkur, I personally went to PARADISE. To the paradise of such little bumps.
From the beginning, I began to collect in my palm, but all the cones in this forest did not fit in my small palm and we went for the package. This saved the situation a little.
Having collected a little, I happily went to rest on the sea.
But, how lucky I was when the bus stopped there on the way back of our vacation :) :) :)

And so, let's get down to MK. Making a wreath is very simple!
For this we need:

  • foam circle (can be replaced with crumpled paper wrapped with threads)
  • dye
  • cones
  • acorns
  • nut shell
  • beads
  • leg-split.

1. We paint the base in a color close to the materials that we will use in the work.

2. Glue cones, acorns, nuts.

3. We fill the voids with coffee beans, small acorns, and beads.
On the right side of the wreath they are, on the left they are not.

4. We wrap a wreath with twine and make bows from the same material.

Before I started making a wreath, I thought that it would go on sale. But when cones and acorns were glued a little on the base, I realized that I would keep the wreath for myself.
I plan to make the same Christmas tree for the New Year!

And a few more photos for the autumn mood!