What to give a man in the year of the dog. Choosing the best gifts for the new year of the dog. Gift ideas for a stylish and business girl

The pre-holiday fuss does not tire, on the contrary, it gives a lot of pleasure! Pleasant chores make the heart beat faster, and the anticipation of something good does not leave throughout the entire period of the New Year holidays. Snow-covered streets, green beautiful Christmas trees, trees and buildings wrapped in colorful garlands - all this allows you to feel like in a fairy-tale world and return to childhood for a moment, when everything seems colorful and magical.

How can you do without gifts in the New Year?! Their choice is perhaps one of the most exciting activities. After all, it is always nice to give joy to loved ones. But what exactly to choose as a presentation? The stores have all kinds of goods for every taste and budget.

It is important that the gift:
. firstly, surprised by its originality;

. secondly, it turned out to be necessary and came in handy;

. thirdly, it reminded that the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is coming.

Anyone who finds it difficult to understand the abundance of goods is advised to pay attention to ideas that will help determine New Year's gifts for family members, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. So.

7 Christmas Gift Ideas for the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog 2018

Idea #1
The dog is a friendly and fair animal. She does not seek to acquire wealth. For her, the feelings with which you present the gift are more important. In 2018, handmade gifts will be appropriate. Various crafts, in which you put your whole soul, will please the gifted people.
It can be:

. postcards;

. sculptures;

. paintings;

. figurines;

. flowerpots, painted by you personally;

. Photo frame;

. beautiful set of candles.

If you decide to make a New Year's souvenir with your own hands, pay attention to such an option as a figurine in the form of a dog. It can be molded from plasticine, glued from shells or cardboard. You can also sew a soft toy using fabric patches, and a synthetic winterizer or cotton wool as a filler.

Idea #2
The dog is somewhat conservative. She will certainly be pleased with the presentations, which will always be relevant. Such gifts are recommended to be presented if you do not know for sure what exactly the recipient will like.
Consider the following options:




Tie and/or cufflinks (for men);

A set of bath towels;

A set of bed linen;

Kitchenware (for women).

An excellent gift for the New Year 2018 will be a live puppy. In this case, the Yellow Earth Dog will certainly bring good luck and help in all endeavors. But, if you are not sure that the addressee wants to acquire a four-legged friend, it is better to refrain from choosing such a gift. The animal must be desired and loved.

Idea #3
Jewelry can also please and bring good luck in the coming year. Well, if you order the manufacture of any product according to an individual sketch. It will be an exclusive thing that has no analogues. And it is doubly pleasant to have a unique decoration! When choosing such a gift, consider the recipient's complexion, as well as their preferred style of clothing.
For example, if you want to give a ring, you need to take into account the constitution of the hand of the person being presented. If the palm is large, and the fingers are short and thickened, it is better to give preference to a massive product. And if the hand and fingers are thin and long - choose a delicate ring. As an option, you can choose a decoration decorated with a figurine of the symbol of the year.

Idea #4
The dog is restless. Sometimes she worries too much about trifles. All this interferes with her peaceful existence. The dog wants to control everything and no trifle escapes her attention.
Such daily stress can make you feel worse. Therefore, in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, it will be useful to carefully take care of your health. And as a New Year's present, a ticket to a health resort is perfect. There you can gain strength for the whole next year, take a break from everyday hustle and bustle, especially since it is sometimes useful to be in a calm environment to restore energy and raise vitality.

Idea #5
The dog is highly intelligent. She is well-read and educated, always striving for self-realization. And the element of earth in 2018 will endow this animal with wisdom, modesty and adherence to traditions. Therefore, as gifts for the New Year, you can choose everything related to these aspects.
Great gifts can be:

Business accessories (diaries, parkers, desk stationery sets);


Business bags-folders;

Cases for glasses.

Since the Dog is inquisitive, you can give your loved ones a gift in the form of an educational excursion to some interesting place for the New Year. And if you have a certain amount of money, buy a ticket to a country with a rich history, where there are many architectural monuments, museums, monasteries and other cultural heritage.

Idea #6
In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, good luck will accompany those who work hard and honestly, and also behave with dignity in any life circumstances, always act according to their conscience, without losing honor and self-control. This animal will also patronize those who are engaged in mental work, especially if the work is related to scientific research. The dog is an ideal performer, she will not let you down, but her natural pessimism and frequent bouts of apathy often prevent her from getting to the "top of fame". Therefore, in 2018, special attention should be paid to the development and cultivation of such a quality as purposefulness. An amulet in the form of a stone will help to improve your sense of purpose. Such a gift will protect, contribute to the achievement of success not only during the year of the Dog, but also in the future.
What stones correspond to the year of the Yellow Earth Dog?
The palm belongs to amber. It has a rich golden color, increases vitality and relieves its owner of pessimism.
The honorable second place in its strength is occupied by jasper. This gem will help to cope with aggression, defeat feelings of anger and anxiety.
And in the third position is carnelian - a stone that will achieve universal recognition and win the respect of others. It also boosts self-esteem and self-confidence.

Idea #7
Real banknotes are a very good gift, but just putting the papers in the hands of the person being presented is impossibly boring and even indecent.
Special envelope postcards are sold, just designed for this, you can put banknotes there, but in this case you should be aware that this is not just a postcard, but a wallet with contents - many have a frivolous attitude towards postcards, they may lose or even not see content.
But it’s best to buy, for example, a beautiful Christmas tree toy, and insert a rolled-up money into the hole, put the toy in a box with tinsel and wrap it according to all the rules - in beautiful paper with
ribbon. Such a gift will tell you that you didn’t just put money in, but took care of how to beautifully decorate your not too original present.

What gifts for the New Year 2018 to present to your loved ones, of course, you decide. But in the process of choosing them, it is recommended not only to take into account the taste preferences of the recipients, but also to listen to your own heart. As a rule, intuition never deceives!

More on Christmas gifts:

* What to give for the New Year - boyfriend, dad, husband, teenager, mom, grandfather, grandmother, brother

*New Year gifts for those who are together (for a couple)

*What gift to give, depending on the Chinese horoscope

*Gift - to the house! space invasion

* Choosing a New Year's gift from the point of view of psychology

*Gift ideas for teenagers, mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law.

*Choose a gift for the New Year for a man? Easily!

*What New Year's gifts were relevant last year

The bright adventurous year of the Rooster is passing, and the Yellow Earth Dog will take its place. Despite the fact that these two patrons meet at the junction of their reign, they are radically different in character. The Yellow Dog, like all four-legged pets, is faithful and constant, and requires the same attitude towards itself. Unlike the Rooster, she does not like changing places and creativity. Therefore, when choosing gifts for the New Year to loved ones, it is worth considering such a feature of the Yellow Dog as practicality and thrift. And if your budget is limited, then the dog will appreciate not the small things bought in the passage, but a gift made by himself.

Gift ideas for the New Year of the Dog 2018 are inexpensive.

A dog is a domestic creature attached to close people, but at the same time, it does not allow a superficial attitude towards itself. The mistress of the year requires attention and is quite ambitious. Therefore, if you do not want to anger the Dog, at the very beginning of his reign, carefully consider the choice of gifts.

For the new year 2018, you can give up shiny expensive items, with the exception of gold. Yellow Dog will appreciate practical and inexpensive gifts along with expensive gifts.


Photo: Gift Ideas for the New Year of the Dog 2018

It is known that the book is the best gift and this expression is more suitable than ever in the coming year. A book bought inexpensively and beautifully designed with your own hands will bring no less benefit and joy to a girlfriend or wife than a good perfume. The main criterion in the choice will be the love of reading for the future owner; such a present will not bring joy to a person indifferent to literature.

Useful little things.

The Yellow Dog is a practical creature, giving little things that are useful in everyday life, bought inexpensively, you will not only please this trait of the dog, but also show attention to a loved one.

What to give a close friend? Looking closely, you can easily determine the tastes and preferences of everyone, especially in our information age. And if the girl's account is full of recipes, buy her a set of kitchen towels or unusual baking tins.

For a motorist guy, the little things for caring for his “iron friend”, or hand-sewn pillows and seat covers, are suitable.

A teenager will be happy with new headphones, a skateboard case, or an unusual keychain.

A "computer" is suitable for a mouse or a pad under it. But what to give if you don't understand anything about computers? Be sure to check out these items. If you are going to give a mouse, then it should be of good quality and preferably multifunctional. The mouse pad also has a number of features. The main thing is attentive attitude to gifts.

A girl who loves plants can be presented as a gift with a beautiful violet, even the one that she already has, the gift will still be to her liking and will take its rightful place on the windowsill.

What to give a husband, a home craftsman? Inexpensively bought case for tools, definitely fit. After all, such things do not happen very often.

Needlewomen who create all sorts of unthinkable beauty with their own hands can be presented with hooks, knitting needles or organizers. And that's not all, knowing what kind of creativity the craftswoman prefers, you can easily find a thematic gift for any passionate girl.

Athletes and lovers of winter sports, more than ever, will need ski lubricant, or an unusual do-it-yourself sports hat and scarf for the new year 2018.

Caring for the tastes and hobbies of loved ones will be the key to the success of the donor.

Edible gifts.

All people are gourmands, but everyone prefers one thing. Therefore, when deciding how to inexpensively please a person with a gift for the New Year 2018, you can turn to taste preferences.

What to give a sweet tooth?

A sweet lover will appreciate pastries, cakes, or sweets. Bright New Year's packaging will give a special charm to the gift. And if you are not deprived of culinary talents, then you can make them yourself.

What to give to vegetarians? In addition to diet sweets, you can present a beautifully decorated basket of exotic fruits.

Meat-eaters will rejoice at a piece of boiled pork or ham cooked deliciously for the New Year 2018.

It is unlikely that you will be able to buy inexpensive high-quality alcohol, but accessories for connoisseurs of wines or stronger drinks will serve as a wonderful gift for the New Year 2018. These are all sorts of unusual corkscrews and openers, small sets of wine or martini glasses, etc.

Gifts for children.

Photo: New Year of the Dog 2018.

Children are the most grateful recipients of gifts. An inexpensive toy bought for the New Year 2018 will evoke many vivid emotions.

What to give an older child? All sorts of board games are suitable: puzzles, rpg games, monopolies, etc. Do-it-yourself kits will also please, a do-it-yourself trinket will stand in its place of honor and please its owner for a long time.

office gifts.

Photo: Ideas for inexpensive gifts for the New Year of the Dog 2018.

For the new year 2018, it is customary to give gifts not only to relatives, but also to colleagues. And if you do not know the hobbies and preferences of your colleagues, various necessary little things that are always relevant will help. Notebooks, pens, unusual stationery. Many people in the workplace keep photographs, so albums such as boasters, frames, or photo holders are good gifts.

The yellow dog is not pretentious, but selective. Having spent a little time choosing the right gifts, you will see how the attitude towards you of relatives and friends will change. And for the new year 2018, good luck will accompany all your endeavors, thanks to the favor of the patron of the year.

What to give for the New Year of the Dog 2018 to a guy?

On holidays, it is so nice to receive gifts, especially if they are to your liking and to the place. But what to give in return? Especially not an easy choice when a surprise is selected for the opposite sex.

When choosing a gift for a young guy - a brother, friend or loved one, you should pay attention to his preferences and tastes. Gifts for the new year 2018 should have a special meaning for the future owner and be practical. Astrologers advise to be guided by the hobbies of the recipient of the gift, since the coming year will be held under the sign of the Yellow Dog. And she is sensitive to trifles, the dog is more likely to appreciate a practical and necessary present than an expensive trinket.

What are the best gift ideas for a guy?

Photo: Gift ideas for the New Year of the Dog 2018.

Modern young people for the most part value mobility and movement, so if you have a brother, feel free to give him a hoverboard for the new year 2018. This is the most desired gift for men from 5 to 30 years old.

Gadgets and accessories for them will delight those who gravitate towards technology. In the electronics store you will be shown and told about all the new products in this area. And what to give depends only on the planned budget.

A particularly relevant gift in the year of the Yellow Dog will be clothes and all kinds of accessories. Why? The patroness of 2018, the dog, appreciates self-care most of all, but be careful, you should not give all kinds of "collars" even if the young man is a fan of the subculture, such an item will not bring good luck. You should also not give socks, a banal gift is unlikely to be appreciated by both the recipient and the symbol of the year.

But the original belt or buckle is quite suitable for it. A worthy choice will be scarves and ties, as well as a classic muffler. The most valuable will be a warm sweater or a do-it-yourself vest.

Gift ideas for a boyfriend can also be found in hobby stores. It is not necessary to understand in detail all kinds of hooks and accessories. A folding chair with a personalized or original inscription will be a wonderful gift for both the fisherman and the hunter. It will also suit the avid traveler.

A multifunctional folding knife will be appreciated by men of all ages.

Gift Ideas for Athletes . Here the flight of fancy can only be limited by the wallet. Dumbbells, expanders, balls, exercise machines, etc. all this is widely represented in the shops of dispute goods.

If your friend or acquaintance is not devoid of a sense of humor, then you should look into joke shops. When choosing a cool gift, you should avoid "farting" pillows and similar non-practical things. Here it is better to choose an unusual flash card with a funny inscription or a running alarm clock. An unusual mug that changes color when pouring a hot drink will suit the guy working in the office, and will attract a lot of curious looks to him for the new year 2018.

Photo: Gift ideas for a loved one.

In a relationship, the main thing is to appreciate each other, what to give for the new year 2018 to your beloved guy, it will not be difficult for a girl. But there are a few tips that will help make the holiday unforgettable, and maybe get a long-awaited marriage proposal.

Jewelry is the perfect gift for a man. Gift ideas for precious metal products. There are many options for such gifts, these are bracelets, key rings, rings, cufflinks or tie clips. An engraved declaration of love will help them become special.

A certificate for a watch mechanism from a well-known company will please any representative of the stronger sex. The guy will like the opportunity to choose a prestigious attribute himself.

If a young man is indifferent to decorations of any kind, and prefers a computer to everything in the world, then the most successful gift for the new year 2018 will be a new laptop or tablet of the latest model. Before you buy such an expensive gift, you should carefully ask which models he prefers, otherwise, instead of a holiday, you will have to rush to the store for a replacement. What to give if your budget is limited? It is worth paying attention to computer accessories. A good mouse, or a keyboard that your loved one has been talking about lately, will please him no less.

The holidays are fast approaching and you've already run out of gift ideas? Then you can safely go to the men's clothing store. A classic tie or good gloves will complement the style of the second half and will be a great gift for the new year 2018.

If you don't find anything suitable for your boyfriend, don't get discouraged. Include a creative thought, a romantic dinner prepared by oneself or held in a restaurant, a sensual dance, a joint trip to the cinema - this is not a complete list of unforgettable gifts for your beloved guy.

Most men are serious about choosing a gift for their girlfriend, but they are not original. With this approach, a gift for the new year may not bring the expected joy. What to give a girl? Tell the symbol of the year Yellow dog. For the new year 2018, the flight of fancy is limited only by the tastes of the future owner of the gift.

Gift ideas for a stylish and business girl.

Modern trends dictate to us that a successful woman should look stylish in any situation. And many girls do a great job with this task. If your soulmate is one of them, then a beautiful, stylish accessory or bag will be a wonderful gift for the new year 2018

But everything is not so simple here. Firstly, in the upcoming New Year 2018, the Yellow Dog will become a symbol, and she is demanding on details. Secondly, there is a possibility that the girl already has such a thing.

What to give a fashionista? Options for possible gifts for a stylish thing:

  • Leather bag - preferably from a well-known company
  • Gloves - be careful with the choice of size
  • Belt - the classic leather belt is always in style
  • Laptop bag or case
  • Cufflinks are now a trendy women's accessory.
  • Stylish umbrella - umbrellas with pictures are in trend

With the right choice, such a gift will surely please the future owner.

Gift ideas for a romantic and gentle person.

Photo: What to give for the New Year of the Dog 2018 to a girl?

A lot has been written about how a romantic gift for a girl should be. The general meaning is that he should tell his beloved about how important she is to you. New Year is the most wonderful occasion for such gifts. After all, it is on this holiday that the souls of people open up towards each other.

Tastefully selected jewelry with an engraved confession would be an ideal option. And if you did not dare to make a marriage proposal for a long time, then such a gift for the new year 2018 will increase your chances of success.

What to give if you haven’t been dating long enough or met recently? Do not buy a ring, there are many other options:

  • earrings
  • bracelet
  • pendant
  • brooch

For the new year 2018, you should not give chains. Astrologers advise to bypass such objects so as not to frighten off good luck. A dog may regard such a gift as a restriction of its freedom.

Perfumes and cosmetics, constant companions of the female representatives. But it is sometimes impossible to understand all the subtleties, so now it is possible to give a girl certificates to almost any store.

Romantic girls are pleased with all sorts of soft toys. Pay attention to what kind of fluffy animals the girl prefers. It can be bunnies, bears, or a dog. If you want to avoid the banality of such a gift, give the girl a collector's item. A symbol of the year, a yellow dog, will be a wonderful gift for a friend or sister.

Such gifts will be complemented by a romantic candlelit dinner, cooked by oneself or delivered from a restaurant.

An unusual gift for a girl for the new year 2018 will be a trip to a horse farm, with a riding lesson or horseback riding.

What could be better than the opportunity to spend the New Year holidays together. Give your beloved girl time spent alone with you by buying a ticket to a snow-covered holiday home.

If the possibility of departure is limited, then in the city you can find many interesting activities for a couple for the new year 2018. Buy tickets or a subscription in advance for:

  • visiting cinemas and theaters
  • skating
  • various quests

Sweet gifts for the New Year 2018.

Photo: What to give for the New Year of the Dog 2018?

As you know, girls have a big sweet tooth, despite their diet, in the new year they allow themselves to succumb to this weakness. And in order for the gift to please the symbol of the year, sweets should be decorated in yellow or golden colors. The dog will appreciate such a gift and good luck will accompany you. Here are some gift ideas to pamper your taste buds.

Gift chocolate can not only please with taste, but also with unusual design, it can be an inscription on each tile or even an imprint of a girl's profile.

Sweets with gold, according to manufacturers, are not only tasty, but also healthy. And also will be an ideal gift for the new year 2018.

Fortune cookies and chocolate will please even the most serious girl. Such a gift can be prepared with your own hands.

A set of chocolate fondue and a beautifully designed basket with chocolate and fruits will please the sweet tooth for a long time. And you are guaranteed to be invited to try a delicious gift.

Who says that ice cream is not eaten in winter? Give your loved one a set of unusual varieties of ice cream.

What to give a girl who is fond of cooking? If your girlfriend loves to cook, then delicious gift makers offer to buy bulk dessert sets. This is an originally designed container, where ingredients are poured in layers, a step-by-step recipe is additionally attached. But such sets are rare, so having a good understanding of the recipe, for example, chocolate brownie, you can make it yourself.

Gift ideas are full of variety, only the budget can limit them. Sometimes a simple trinket reminiscent of the place where you met or kissed for the first time brings more joy than an expensive present. And even a picky dog ​​will not be able to object.

What to give for the New Year of the Dog 2018 to her husband?

It is always a pleasure to please the closest person with gifts, especially in the new year. A carefully chosen or handmade gift will remind him of your love and bring vivid emotions into the relationship.

Unusual gift ideas.

For a long-term relationship, it is important to bring new emotions into everyday life. And an unusual gift for the new year 2018 is a great reason to do it. The symbol of the year, the Yellow Earth Dog, will also appreciate it.

No need to be shy to give your husband toys, of course, if they are not soft pussies.

If your man loves to build and build, get him a giant Lego set. Buy a prefabricated model, it can be a ship, a military vehicle or a car, depending on which technique is closer to your husband.

A helicopter or a car on the control panel will appeal not only to the husband, but also to the child, who will be able to spend time playing with dad. Such gifts for the new year 2018 will give you the opportunity to return to childhood and relax after tiring working days.

Surely your loved one told you about the dreams of youth, it is time to fulfill them. It could be:

  • aircraft piloting course
  • travel
  • contribution to participation in the sailing regatta

And most importantly, most likely he will offer to share his dream with you.

Practical gifts for husband for the New Year 2018.

If your husband is a realist, then a practical gift will appeal to him. What is relevant for the new year 2018, because the symbol of the year, the yellow dog, will bring good luck to the givers of just such gifts.

Electronics. Gift ideas for men who gravitate towards electronic technology:

  • Powerful latest generation processor
  • Smartphone
  • MFP instead of an old printer

What to give if funds are limited? Computer accessories will help save the budget, and bring no less joy to your husband:

  • laser wireless mice
  • headphones
  • external drive with large memory
  • laptop cooling pad, etc.

A welcome gift for a home master will be a large set of tools in a case. Take a closer look at your husband's tools, maybe something has been junk for a long time and you will immediately understand what to give. Or get him a certificate for the purchase of the necessary tools in a specialized store.

What to give an avid summer resident? Does your husband spend all his free time in the country? Give him a new grill. Here you can dream up, if you have a permanent barbecue installed, then modern stylish accessories for it will be a wonderful gift for the new year 2018. Or, in addition, purchase an environmentally friendly electric grill. But only if your husband is not a fan of retro style. A symbol of the coming year, the dog loves meat, so astrologers approve of this choice.

A hammock or a garden swing will also be a wonderful gift for a husband who loves country rest. To make such a gift unusual and individual, a swing chair will help, which will be intended only for him.

A serviceman's wife will always find a gift for her husband - it can be a flask, a sapper shovel, embroidered shoulder straps, etc. You should not give your husband for the new year 2018 - a knife, such a gift will not bring good luck.

A business man should always look presentable. Therefore, when deciding what to give a businessman, you should pay attention to prestigious accessories:

  • pen parker
  • purse
  • leather briefcase
  • precious metal cufflinks
  • custom business card holder
  • famous brand suit or custom made

Gift ideas, hobby shops.

Regardless of who your husband works for, he must have hobbies. Pay attention to this aspect of your spouse's life.

What to give a collector? Choosing a gift is pretty easy. Enlarge his collection with a new copy (stamps, coins, weapons, vehicle models, etc.)

Give a man who is passionate about fishing a boat that he has long dreamed of. A more modest, but no less desirable gift would be a new spinning rod or a folding chair. A fan of underwater fishing will be delighted with a new powerful crossbow or wetsuit.

Aquarist gift ideas: present a new aquarium or unusual exotic fish.

If all gift ideas to some extent do not suit you for the price, then you can get by with a more modest present, for example

  • new computer game
  • beautiful glasses case
  • multifunctional flashlight
  • board game, etc.

For the new year 2018, the main thing is not the cost of the gift, but taking care of the interests of a loved one. This year, the surprise should carry a special meaning, awaken feelings that have cooled down over many years of living together. And also fill the relationship with new colors and vivid emotions. After all, the well-known saying says how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it.

What to give for the New Year of the Dog 2018 to his wife?

Usually men are lost in choosing a gift for their wife, even at the first stage of a relationship. And over time, especially when managing a joint budget, men rely on the fact that she herself will say what to give her. This approach is extremely wrong, and the patroness of the year dog will not appreciate it. Try to break the stereotype of relationships that has developed over the years.

The coming year is represented by the Yellow Dog. Here's what astrologers say about gifts this year. A dog, like all domestic four-legged pets, appreciates attention, and it is also a very practical animal, so a carefully chosen gift that will be used throughout the year will bring good luck to both the owner and the giver.

Beauty and style.

If your soulmate appreciates her appearance most of all, then you can give her all kinds of jewelry, stylish accessories, clothes or perfumes. What to give your wife a fashionista?

  • Decorations. For the new year 2018, jewelry made of gold is best suited. It can be: brooches, earrings, pendants or rings. The only limitation will be the chains, they abhor the symbol of the year, like any items resembling a collar or chain.
  • Accessories. For a woman who appreciates prestige and style, an umbrella, a business card holder, a leather wallet, a famous brand bag, soft leather gloves, etc. will be a wonderful gift. The main thing is to carefully study the modern fashion trends of accessories and your gift will definitely please your beloved wife.
  • Perfume. Every woman has at least three fragrances that she uses. The main rule here is that there is never enough good perfume. Ask your beloved what fragrance she has been dreaming about for a long time, and feel free to give it for the new year.
  • Items of clothing. If your significant other inadvertently sighs about a dress in a magazine, this is a signal that it will be a wonderful gift for the new year. If you wish, you can also give beautiful underwear, preferably in golden colors. But if you're not sure about the size or your taste, then the best gift would be a gift certificate from your wife's favorite clothing store.

The wife, first of all, will appreciate the gift for which you spend not only a large amount of money, but attention to her preferences. The Yellow Dog will also appreciate this approach.

Useful and practical gifts.

What to give to a wife who, above all, appreciates the comfort of home and the warmth of the hearth? If you have such a wife, then you are incredibly lucky. Giving gifts to such a woman is a pleasure.

Most women are excellent cooks, so you can pick up a worthy gift for your wife in kitchen goods stores.

  • Food processor
  • submersible mixer
  • coffee machine
  • Sets of pots and pans of a well-known company
  • Unusual sets of spices
  • bread maker

Do not be afraid to be banal when choosing such a gift. Women themselves do not like imposed stereotypes, and a well-equipped kitchen will give many joyful minutes to the hostess of the house and free up time for communication. Astrologers say that the yellow dog is most supportive of gifts that help in everyday life.

If your wife is a business woman, then you are a practical gift that should facilitate or improve her work. What to give a business woman?

  • A new laptop and a cooling pad - as you know, in women, it heats up mercilessly.
  • Leather briefcase for papers
  • Paid certificate for tailoring a business suit
  • Beautiful and comfortable shoes, very important for a woman who works all day

Just a cozy blanket and a book by your favorite writer will bring more than one hour of pleasant pastime to your wife.

The patroness of the year, the dog requires attention, so special gifts are a great option for this new year. What to give your wife to remember this New Year?

Particularly relevant for the new year 2018 are unusual gifts that will surprise a woman or fulfill her cherished dream.

Romantic women have always dreamed of a prince on a white horse. And these are not just words, become a prince for your beloved by giving her a joint horse ride or a riding lesson.

Today, many country holiday homes offer a rich program of unforgettable holidays for the New Year holidays. Please your beloved with a trip for two to such a boarding house.

Spending time together is always a great gift, which you can prepare, perhaps without leaving the city and without being tormented by the question of what to give. A well-thought-out and self-organized program for the New Year holidays for the two of you will be a great surprise:

  • Cinema and theater tickets
  • Walk in the snowy park
  • Going to a museum or a fashion show
  • Performance with dressing up in historical costumes and a ride in a carriage or retro car
  • Photo session
  • Tickets for New Year's Eve at a famous restaurant

An addition to any gift will be a dinner prepared with your own hands in an intimate setting. Light candles on a beautifully set table, turn on soft music, and tell your wife how much you love her. Believe me, such an evening will forever remain in the memory of your soulmate as the very first date.

Giving gifts to loved ones is important and necessary. Sometimes in our daily routine, we treat gifts as a must. Therefore, we often do not think about what to give, but only about the value of the gift, this approach is extremely wrong. By looking closely at your loved ones, you will discover an unknown world unnoticed or forgotten over time. And how many pleasant minutes the choice of a present will give, and it will be even more pleasant to see sincere happiness from the received surprise.

The new 2018 year of the yellow earthen dog is just around the corner, which means that you should already start preparing for it, collecting information about the upcoming holiday and looking through various gift options.

Even the process of choosing and buying souvenirs should bring joy, and not just be a troublesome event. It should be turned into a kind of magical ritual, repeated every year a few weeks before the festive celebration. Isn't it great to expand your horizons and go shopping? And also learn a lot about a person, his hobbies and character in order to choose the perfect New Year's present for him?

There are general rules that should be followed when choosing a gift for the new 2018. You can only know them, choose excellent souvenirs. These are the basic criteria that relate to color and other information related to the character of the yellow earth dog. First, let's talk about them, and then, as an example, we will give several specific gift options for the new 2018, and also talk about what should not be given.

General criteria for choosing a gift for the new year 2018 based on the characteristics of the symbol

A dog is an animal that combines many traits. It is faithful, kind, sympathetic, courageous, domestic, freedom-loving, sociable, stable, calm. It is desirable that the gifts contain some manifestation of the features of this totem animal. The dog will be kind to souvenirs for the family, home, sports, hobbies. For example, home signs will have gifts such as bed linen, pillows, a towel, a bathrobe, slippers. The best, especially for parents. They will definitely be pleased to receive a “warm” souvenir from you.

The colors of the year are yellow and earthy. As well as shades close to them - brown, golden, olive, coffee, green and others. It is also worth remembering that such neutral colors as black and white are combined with all others. And so they are also quite appropriate. There are situations when it is not possible to find and purchase the gift of the desired shades. In this case, at least try to pack it in the appropriate color packaging.

Specific options for what you can give for the new 2018 year of the yellow dog

1. Figurines and figurines of a dog. Banal gifts that immediately come to mind when we find out under which Chinese character the whole next year will pass. It is really worth remembering that there is little use for such little things, and they quickly fall into the secluded corners of the closet, starting to grow dust there. Still, it is better to choose something more practical as a souvenir. Moreover, the symbol of the year itself does not like trinkets without use. For example, you can give original slippers, which have a dog's muzzle at the top. Such a souvenir is just right for the holiday, and will also benefit their future owner. But just do not miscalculate with the size of the feet of the one to whom you give this gift.

As for dog figurines, it is better to give them as an additional element or decoration for the main souvenir.

2. Live dog (puppy) for a child who constantly asked about her parents before. It is better that this is your child, since another family may not expect a “living” friend as a gift, who will also have to take care and feed additionally. Therefore, if you plan to buy a dog not for your child, then you should ask the permission of his parents in advance. They may even agree. Although in most cases, no one will be happy to burden themselves with some additional worries. But this is a very good gift for a child. A real living friend and protector.

Some more information about choosing a gift for children for the new year.

You can find out what to give your child with the help of a little trick. Make him write a letter to Santa Claus. Of course, this should be done not with the help of force, but with good cunning, luring the child into this process. It is not necessary to send a letter to Santa Claus. You did all this in order to find out the desires of your “child”, which in the end will make it easier to choose a gift.

When choosing a gift for a child, you should take into account his age and hobbies. You can give toys, cars, dolls, constructors, sweets, sledges to a very young creature. Older children will already need other gizmos: books, paints, school supplies, a bicycle, a scooter. In fact, choosing a gift for children is the easiest. Because, unlike adults, they do not earn money themselves and will be happy with almost any thing.

3. DIY crafts. This does not mean that you do not have cash to buy a souvenir. On the contrary, most often it is gifts made by oneself that are valued significantly more than those purchased in a store. Since labor was invested in them, your love and warmth. And if they are also applicable in everyday life, then they have no price. It is also a very pleasant and addictive thing to do creative things and create something for other people.

With your own hands, as a gift for the new 2018, you can make something out of paper using the origami technique (for example, the symbol of the year), knit hats, scarves or mittens, cook on a stick or even a whole cake, create original postcards, sew or make from wood a puppy, a snowman, a Christmas tree, or make other things yourself.

4. Gift for the dog itself, if you or the owners have it, where you will celebrate the new year. You can give a bowl for eating, delicious food or some kind of treat, gizmos for games, a leash, a house, a bed, beautiful clothes, an address book, a sign with a funny inscription that a dog lives here.

  • The automatic feeder will fill up as the dog eats.
  • The automatic drinker on the machine will be filled with water.
  • A raincoat will help keep your dog from getting wet during rainy walks, and shoes will keep a bunch of dirt from sticking to his paws.

5. Movies and cartoons about dogs on one or more discs. In order not to break the law, to want to buy licensed products in some store or order via the Internet. And not just pump it onto a disk or flash drive, and then give it as a gift. Yes, and store products look good, having beautiful packaging with a description of what is inside. There are really a lot of good films and cartoons about dogs. There are plenty to choose from.

Examples of films about dogs:"White Beam Black Ear", "Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend", "White Captivity", "Turner and Hooch", "Beethoven", "His Dog Business", "White Fang", "Love for Dogs is Obligatory", "Dog life”, “Megan Leavey”.

Examples of cartoons about dogs:"Great Dog Escape", "101 Dalmatians", "Catdog", "Volt", "The Secret Life of Pets", "Lady and the Tramp", "All Dogs Go to Heaven", "There Once Was a Dog".

6. Dog-shaped box. This is a gift option for girls and women. They like to collect all sorts of small things and store them in boxes, and therefore they will be happy with this souvenir of the original form.

7. Gift-adventure. You can give a lot of things that will impress you very much or will keep adrenaline in your blood. Such a surprise due to new driving sensations will definitely be remembered for a long time. For example, you can donate: skydiving, flying in a wind tunnel, snowmobile or quad bike safaris, horseback riding, karting or wakeboarding in winter, climbing a climbing wall. You can also purchase a certificate for many of these adventures. Let the person himself decide where he wants to get provocative emotions from him and be replenished with new impressions.

8. Gift-learning. You need to study constantly. Lenin himself bequeathed this to us with his iconic phrase about education. He said: "Study, study and study again." And this is good advice, especially in our time, when without the necessary knowledge you are thrown back several years in your profession. However, learning doesn't have to be boring. You can give certificates for training in the following activities: tennis, snowboarding, diving, boxing, billiards, pistol shooting, dancing, trampolining, playing the guitar, drawing. Purposeful people can be directed to interesting trainings. In general, you can find a surprise for every taste and interest.

9. Gift-travel.The dog is of course a pet, but she also loves to frolic, run around the open spaces. Therefore, she will favor any travel. This is a great gift for those who love to visit new places, travel to other countries. It is also suitable for those who have a passport, but who have not yet decided to use it for its intended purpose. You can organize a trip for a person to a warm exotic country, or a visit to an interesting place that is in your or a nearby city: a trip to a water park, planetarium, oceanarium, museum.

10. New Year's quest. It can be done for both adults and children. The quest can be organized independently. For example, which will be associated with the search for gifts in the house. But it is better to entrust this business to professionals - holiday agencies. Contests, riddles, hints, perhaps searches, and then at the end the winner receives a prize. In general, it will be great and interesting to spend time with the company.

11. Barking alarm clock, who will not only make noise, waking up from sleep with his barking, but will also run away, forcing him to get out of bed and start chasing him. He will teach the owner of the alarm clock to wake up quickly in the morning. For many, this is a very difficult task. It's easier to promise yourself that another 5 minutes and you'll get up. An alarm clock running away and barking at the same time will not allow this.

12. Gifts for everyone you meet. Small gifts in the form of key chains with the shape of a dog can be bought in advance in large quantities and given to all the friends who meet you, but for which you did not specially prepare anything for the New Year 2018. For example, they accidentally met a person on the street, congratulated on the upcoming one and presented a keychain or some other small thing. This is much "cooler" than just exchanging congratulations. By the way, perhaps a friend or acquaintance will give you something in return. Instead of a keychain, women and girls can be given sweets or lollipops. It is advisable to find those that are shaped like a dog. It will be both pleasant and tasty for them.

Why buy small things? All in order not to create an obligation or inconvenience of a person in front of you. As if he owes you something in return. No. Is not obliged to. A small thing is very easy to accept as a gift without obligation. But an acquaintance may well give something in return, if something small is at hand, or he will give good advice.

With the help of small gifts, you enhance the effect of congratulations on the holiday, filled with more and more positive and joyful emotions. Just for the sake of getting these sensations, you should not skimp on small trinkets.

13. Inexpensive gifts for colleagues. Of course, you can't collect money for everything. For relatives and friends, we most often give something valuable and expensive. But you will not fork out for everyone, especially for a large number of work colleagues. With those with whom you have exclusively labor relations, you can give small inexpensive souvenirs. These can be things that are useful at home and at work: mugs, calendars, pens, notepads, document covers, organizers and other stationery.

For a worthy gift, you can collect a whole team and give your boss a wristwatch, expensive wine, a silver ashtray, a leather belt of a famous brand, a table fountain, an original hourglass, an expensive status pen, a genuine leather briefcase, a pocket banknote detector and other souvenirs.

14. Gifts of modern times.Nowadays, new things are constantly appearing. Electronic devices are especially popular. They can even be attributed to one of the most desirable types of gifts. You can donate: a tablet, a smartphone, computer glasses, a Sony PlayStation game console, a backlit keyboard, an e-book, a gaming mouse, headphones, a joystick, a player, a monitor, an action camera, a digital photo frame.

15. Flowers and plants- decorative spruces, violets, cacti, palm trees in a pot. You can even create a composition of several plants. Here you need to know about the person to whom you will give this gift. Specifically, does he like to take care of plants and does he already have flowers in his house? If the answer is "No". It is better not to consider this option as a gift. If the answer is "Yes". Then it is worth considering the possibility of this souvenir. From plants, you can look at: poinsettia, Decembrist (schlumberger, zygocactus), cyclomen, bromeliads, spruce or thuja tree.

16. Gifts based on hobbies.They can be books on the topic of a hobby or certain things. Artist canvases, paints, pencils, brushes. Fisherman specialized clothing, fishing rod, tackle, folding knife, thermos for hot drinks, thermo mug. For the athlete a special water bottle, a pool or gym membership, smart bracelets and watches, a fitness tracker. Culinary electronic scales, a recipe book, a chef's knife, a mixer, a blender, an apron, an unusually shaped wooden board.

17. Gifts for motorists. Car owners, perhaps, should be attributed to a separate cohort of people. On the one hand, a car is a hobby for them, but on the other hand, it is a necessary means of transportation.

Souvenir options for motorists:

  • heated seat cover;
  • vacuum cleaner for the car;
  • radio tape recorder;
  • columns;
  • flavor;
  • smartphone holder;
  • original glass scraper.

18. Christmas decorations. It is quite possible to decorate the Christmas tree with figurines of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman, angels. They can be hung on it, or placed somewhere nearby. Ornaments can even be made by hand. For example: knit mittens, socks, animal figurines, small sweaters. It will be both a gift and an ornament that can be hung on a Christmas tree.

19. Other gifts.A few more specific presentation options for the new 2018. You can also donate:

  • Dog-shaped talisman;
  • Winter inflatable sled;
  • USB flash drive with a puppy's muzzle;
  • dog mask;
  • Large soft toy in the form of a dog;
  • Ecotestor;
  • Kick scooter;
  • A set of natural cosmetics;
  • A mug with an interesting inscription;
  • a bottle of champagne;
  • Aroma candles;
  • a box of chocolates;
  • Chocolate;
  • Cinema ticket;
  • Plaid;
  • Mat;
  • Set of dishes;
  • Board games: chess, checkers, backgammon, monopoly and others.

What not to give for the new year 2018?

  • Since the dog does not like collars and chains, it is advisable not to give chains, necklaces and other jewelry around the neck. With such a souvenir, setting a totem animal against yourself is easier than a steamed turnip.
  • Kittens and everything connected with them (figurines, images) can bring bad luck in the new year. Dogs are not very cat friendly. On the contrary, they show aggression towards them, barking and rushing after them. True, this does not apply to cats that have been living in the family for a long time. With them, they usually form friendships after some time.
  • Gifts with pungent odors in the form of perfumes and perfumes. Olfactory functions in dogs are highly developed. Smelling pungent odors in the air will only irritate them. As a result, this will only spoil the attitude of the symbol of the year towards you.
  • Not practical things. It is necessary that the thing be useful, and not just be forever hidden after the holidays in the back drawer of the closet.

What do people most want to get for the new year?

These gift options do not apply specifically to the year of the dog. They show up every new year. The most popular desired gifts are the following presents:

  1. Money is a universal gift. Because they can be spent on anything. Only the person himself knows exactly what he needs. Maybe he's saving money for an apartment, a car, or a trip. It is difficult and very expensive to give. But to help and donate some money would be quite appropriate.
  2. Expensive modern technology: tablet, laptop, computer, iPhone, game console, digital camera.
  3. Travel is a ticket to some exotic and warm country.
  4. Jewelry. Everyone loves jewelry, especially women.
  5. Perfumes and cosmetics. Here you should be careful and know the tastes of a person, as well as the presence or absence of an allergy to certain substances. But as it was already written above - for the year of the dog, you should be more careful with gifts that emit pungent odors (perfume and perfume).

The upcoming year 2018 according to the eastern calendar belongs to the Yellow Earth Dog, the element of the year is earth. Thinking about what you can give for the New Year, you can start from the basic qualities of his mistress and the ruling element. The dog is sincere and friendly, generous and disinterested, fair, true to principles and traditions, chaste and far-sighted. She is sociable, but at the same time emotionally stable, has excellent intuition. The main element of the year - earth - personifies fertility and abundance, wealth and wisdom. The gift you choose may symbolize one of these qualities - be sure to mention this when you give it.

Based on the main qualities of the coming year, you can choose the color scheme of the gift. The colors of the earth element are all shades of yellow and brown, khaki, olive, coffee and golden. If the gift itself has a different color, you can decorate the packaging in earthy tones.

What to give for the New Year 2018 - the year of the Dog?

Of course, the symbol of the year - the dog - is the main theme of all New Year's gifts. If you have been thinking about getting a pet for a long time, now is the time to do it - the patroness of the year will surely appreciate such a spectacular gesture and repay you with good events. Yes, and without any mysticism - dogs are very loyal friends who will always be happy to see you, give you many pleasant minutes.

If for some reason you are not ready for a pet, you can donate any useful thing with the image of the symbol of the year:

  • A child or a young girl will be delighted with a soft dog toy. You can either buy it in the store or make it yourself.
  • If you make gifts to relatives with children, you can depict the symbol of the year in any technique available to kids: origami, appliqué, embroidery ...
  • Children will be very pleased with the robot dog, able to walk and bark like a real one.
  • As a symbolic present for colleagues or a large group of friends, beautiful key chains in the form of dogs or with their image are quite suitable.

Do not put off choosing gifts for the end of December! So that the fuss in the shops and the lack of the necessary goods do not spoil your preparations for the holiday, it is worth planning everything now.

  1. Make a list of people you want to gift: relatives, friends, colleagues.
  2. Decide how much you can allocate for congratulations, whether you will purchase gifts or make them yourself. If the latter, it's time to start in order to be in time for the holiday!
  3. Think about who and what you will present. If there are no ideas, look through the range of online stores: perhaps there you will come across something suitable. For example, in the store you can already find a lot of New Year-themed goods, from small souvenirs to status presents: knitted Christmas balls and pillows, mittens with winter patterns, themed sweets sets, personalized notebooks, notebooks and calendars with a New Year's design, New Year's dishes with engraving, souvenirs on which you can put any inscription or photo - you can order all the gifts in one place!
  4. Buy or make everything you need in advance - and you can wait for the holiday with a light heart, knowing that you have not forgotten anything and all people dear to your heart will be warmed by your attention!

Gift ideas for the new year 2018 - for comfort and warmth in the house

The patroness of the new 2018 year - the Dog - appreciates home comfort and comfort. This can be taken into account when choosing gifts. Moreover, presents from this category will delight almost everyone: both parents and friends. As a gift you can present:

  • warm blanket or blanket;
  • textiles and other accessories for the kitchen: unusual cutlery, crockery, hot pads;
  • interior items, beautiful and at the same time functional: sofa cushions, curtains, lamps, paintings.

DIY gifts for the new year 2018

Here, 2018 opens up just a huge scope for imagination! And it's not just dog toys and home textiles. Here are some gift ideas you can make yourself:

  • Handmade soap set. It is worth doing it in the New Year theme (in stores there are forms in the form of Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, gifts, Christmas balls) with the addition of festive aromas: needles, citrus fruits, cinnamon.
  • Self made candles. They can also be used as home decoration, especially if, again, you add a festive scent.
  • Mittens and sweaters, scarves and hats are a great option if you know how to knit. Such a product can be decorated with a New Year's pattern or an image of the symbol of the year - a dog. An unusual little souvenir is a knitted mug cover that will make it a cute accessory. You can make a heating pad for the kettle with your own hands.

  • For especially active knitters - "big" ideas: a warm blanket, a beautiful pillow, which can also be made in the form of a dog. The pillow can also be sewn.
  • An excellent family gift can be a photo album designed using the scrapbooking technique. You can fill it with shots of past years or leave blank pages for new impressions.
  • You can make a set of Christmas decorations with your own hands. There is simply unlimited scope for imagination here! Balls - knitted, embroidered and decorated with sequins, stars made of wire or beads, snowmen made of cotton wool and much more - all this can be done independently. Just do not forget that toys should be light enough.
  • An original gift for the New Year 2018 can be a “checkbook of desires”. By itself, such a gift is quite inexpensive, you just need to spend a little time making it - beautifully arrange the pages of a notebook, writing on it what your partner may wish: a kiss, a joint day off, coffee in bed ...

We give sweets for the sweet life in the coming year

What is the New Year without all kinds of sweets and other tasty things? You can prepare a sweet gift yourself, or you can buy it in a store - in any case, the recipient will like such a present. If you know the tastes of the person to whom it will be intended, be guided by them. Relevant recently is the trend when they give a basket, for example, not with sweets, but with fruits, wine and cheese of elite varieties, high-quality tea or coffee. This option is suitable, for example, if you go to visit friends and want to present something pleasant for the whole family.

Sweets with a New Year theme can become not only a pleasant souvenir, but also a decoration of the table and even at home. Remember the Christmas stories in which the Christmas tree is decorated with gingerbread, apples, sweet cones, and then the kids enthusiastically eat all this wealth? Such goodies can also be made by hand. You can make gingerbread in the form of Christmas trees, snowflakes, mittens, Christmas balls, or even a whole gingerbread house.

To decorate treats, purchase colored paper, bags, ribbons. They can be with New Year's prints (Christmas trees, snowmen, snowflakes), traditional colors for this holiday (white, red, green), as well as all shades of golden brown - the colors of the elements of the coming year.

An interesting gift idea is a set for making mulled wine: a bottle of good wine and appropriate spices. In this case, joy will be brought not only by the very fact of giving, but also by the subsequent joint preparation of the drink and enjoyment of its exquisite taste.

Children's gifts for the New Year

The choice of children's New Year's gifts is a matter of particular importance. New Year is a holiday when every child is waiting for a miracle, when a fairy tale comes to life and the most impossible wishes come true. And we do not just buy a new toy or a book for a child - we create a small miracle for him.

A good family tradition can be to write a letter to Santa Claus together. For parents, this is, of course, a way to find out what their children dream about and make it easier for themselves to choose. But a kid who is still learning a lot and knows the world, writing such a letter can teach a lot. After all, this is not at all easy - you need not forget about politeness, congratulate Santa Claus on the upcoming holiday, do not forget about the magic words “please” and “thank you”. And a story about how the baby behaved in the past year will help to sum up its results, remember your mistakes and successes, and correct what didn’t work out. Then the letter can be sent by real mail, or you can put it in the refrigerator or outside the window, from where a good wizard will “pick it up” at night.

If for some reason the fulfillment of the desire that the child wrote about is impossible, choose a gift for him in accordance with his interests, hobbies, and age. The smallest ones will like bright, flashing, attention-grabbing things: musical instruments, developing rugs, business boards. For children of preschool and primary school age - games and puzzles, puzzles, constructors. Schoolchildren - something useful for study, for example, a new backpack or a set of stationery, books on interests - about dinosaurs, space, pirates, about something that the child is interested in.

Corporate gifts for 2018

A good leader knows that motivating employees can be done not only by high salaries. Any person working in the company is pleased when they remember him, congratulate him on holidays, so it has become a good tradition today to give small souvenirs at the New Year's corporate party. In the coming year, these can be figurines of dogs, key rings, mugs, piggy banks with the image of these friendly and faithful animals, small cute toys. If we move away from the symbols of the year, then any worker will need notebooks, pens, and organizers. It is especially nice if such a souvenir is with corporate symbols: it gives everyone a sense of belonging to the team, the team.

New Year's gifts for women

Any girl or woman will be delighted with a gift that will emphasize her beauty, show how important and loved she is. Jewelry, ladies' accessories are suitable as a present: handbags and wallets, umbrellas and gloves. Since the coming year belongs to the Yellow Earth Dog, you can choose accessories with stones (they represent the elements of the Earth) of the appropriate colors: golden, yellow, ocher, amber.

When choosing a New Year's gift for mom, start from the lifestyle that she leads. An active woman can be presented with a subscription to fitness or dancing. If she enjoys doing housework, choose a certificate for a master class where she can learn a new recipe, or household appliances. A universal gift for any woman is personal care products. The original version is visiting a New Year's ball or riding a troika of horses: this is not so much a gift as a feeling of a holiday, a New Year's miracle.

But things that remind you of the need to monitor your health (tonometers, orthopedic shoes, etc.) should not be given: after all, the New Year is a time of miracles, not worries!

Men's Christmas gifts

If everything is relatively simple with the fair sex, then with the choice of presents for the strong it is more difficult. A gift for a man can be functional, related to his work or hobby (but the main thing here is to understand this at least a little in order to present a really good and necessary thing). You can give something that emphasizes the status: an expensive watch, cufflinks, a branded pen, a briefcase or a diary made of genuine leather.

Universal options that will suit almost any man:

  • computer accessories (good headphones, mouse, original flash drive, removable hard drive) or gadgets (smart watch, game console);
  • leather belt;
  • warm sweater or scarf.

You can give a father or grandfather something related to his hobby: a motorist - accessories for his "iron horse", a fisherman - a new spinning rod, a summer resident - a functional garden tool, an elderly man - a comfortable rattan rocking chair.

On New Year's holidays, everyone dreams of receiving something special, memorable as a gift. Both adults and children are looking forward to the new year to find their present under the Christmas tree. In the turmoil of pre-holiday days, sometimes it is not possible to purchase exactly what will truly please loved ones and relatives, adults and children. In order for the New Year's present to be truly chosen with a soul, you need to find time to search for and buy it.

The next 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Dog. This animal loves home comfort, family atmosphere, warm relationships in the family. When choosing New Year's gifts, you should not forget about this so that the whole next year will pass in a friendly family atmosphere. A nice addition to the main present will be a small toy in the form of a puppy. What can be ideas for New Year's gifts 2018?

DIY gifts

Perhaps the most valuable things are those in which a piece of the soul was invested in their manufacture. Gift ideas for the new year 2018:

  • If you know how to knit, you can give a knitted blanket, sweater, hat with a scarf, socks. You can knit something from New Year's symbols: snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees. From the original gifts, one can single out a connected cup case.
  • Christmas tree toys: transparent balls with family photos inside; balls with prints of small palms of grandchildren for grandparents; fragrant compositions for the Christmas tree, and other options.
  • Photo frames. You will need a regular wooden photo frame, as well as all kinds of decor elements for New Year's gifts.
  • Edible Christmas gifts. Not original, but absolutely win-win, because everyone loves various goodies. A beautiful box with baked gingerbread cookies or gingerbread cookies will look very New Year's. You can make a hole in each cookie and insert a satin ribbon so that you can hang it on the Christmas tree as a decoration. Cooked jam, confiture or jam can also please relatives, colleagues and friends. You should take care of beautiful jars to which you can attach small postcards with congratulations.
  • Snow globes. This New Year's gift will please both adults, for whom this is a reminder of children's New Year's toys, and children. Making snow globes is very simple, and they look really magical and fabulous.
  • New Year cards. This is more likely to be an addition to the main New Year's surprise, but homemade original cards will add zest. Turn on all your imagination, stock up on confetti, beads, rhinestones, spruce branches, dried fruits, cinnamon sticks, tulle, silk patches and other materials, and start creating. Interesting ideas can be found on the Internet.
  • Now it is very fashionable to cook homemade soap. The original soap in the form of interesting figures of a snowman, Santa Claus, a dog, a bottle of champagne will not leave anyone indifferent.

Inexpensive gifts

Of course, I want to give something expensive, high-quality, necessary. But it is not always possible to spend a relatively large amount of money on New Year's presents. If you have many relatives, colleagues and friends, you need to come up with inexpensive gift ideas to give attention to everyone.

In the New Year, no one should be left without a gift.

Delicious gifts

  1. Natural coffee beans or good herbal tea will always come in handy. Don't forget about New Year's packing bags.
  2. Spice mills. Those who prefer to spend time in the kitchen will be delighted with such a gift.
  3. Gingerbread house or homemade cake. Going to friends or relatives, take on board such an original idea.
  4. Grocery basket. Fill it with exotic fruits, sweets or those products that the person to whom the basket will be addressed prefers.
  5. Alcohol. It can be a bottle of wine complete with a set of spices for mulled wine, or small souvenir bottles of expensive spirits.
  6. Chocolate. Large tiles in beautiful wrapping paper will cheer up the sweet tooth.

A beautiful New Year's cake will delight all family members

  1. Inexpensive set consisting of tablecloths and napkins, kitchen towels, apron. Let them depict Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa Clauses, funny puppies.
  2. Cups with saucers. Again, pay attention to the fact that something themed is depicted on them.
  3. A good idea would be original candlesticks with candles.
  4. Coasters for hot cups with original design.

paper gifts

  1. Magazines. You probably know what magazines the person you are going to give a present reads. Therefore, you can give a selection of such magazines, beautifully packing them.
  2. Books. As you know, the best gift is a book. Such a present is especially appreciated in our time, when paper versions are being replaced by e-books, tablets and computers.
  3. Diaries. Before buying a diary or a notebook for the new year, you need to carefully ask if the person has already bought it for himself in advance.
  4. Wall calendars. Let there be a photo of a good-natured dog on the calendar, such a calendar will not only come in handy in the coming year, but it will also protect and protect the house in which it will be hung.
  5. A photo frame that shows you together.

The book is the best gift for any occasion.

What to give women

Someone likes to cook, someone works hard, some women devote a significant part of their time to their appearance, and someone is interested in a healthy lifestyle. Based on what hobbies a woman has, it is necessary to choose the option of a New Year's present:

Gifts for hostesses

  1. Steamer, multicooker, electric meat grinder and other technical appliances for the kitchen
  2. Sushi set
  3. Fondue attachment
  4. A set of beautiful dishes
  5. Robot vacuum cleaner
  6. Humidifier
  7. Living flower in a pot
  8. Needlework set

Flowers in pots are not only a wonderful gift, but also a beautiful home decoration.

Presents for business women

  1. Purse, folder or briefcase made of genuine leather
  2. Painting with a still life or abstraction in the office
  3. original card holder
  4. Famous designer silk scarf
  5. Certificate for free car cleaning
  6. Gem flash drive

Gifts for women who love their looks

  1. Aroma oils
  2. Handmade soap
  3. Hair dryer, hair straightener
  4. Subscription to the fitness club
  5. Certificate for spa treatments
  6. Manicure/pedicure set
  7. Gift set with perfume, shower gel and body cream of the same brand
  8. Original cosmetic bag

A woman will be pleased with a set of cosmetics

What to give your loved one for the new year?

Loving men are especially sensitive to the choice of a New Year's present. They want to surprise their chosen one, to please, to see a sparkle in her eyes. How can you pamper your beloved woman? After all, they are so waiting for gifts for the new year, so the ideas for presents for 2018 may be as follows:

  • Romantic dinner at her favorite restaurant
  • Jewelry, new coat
  • Cash for shopping in a beautiful envelope
  • Travel for two
  • New Year's photo session for two

On a note! Give a woman what she has long dreamed of: a mobile phone of the latest model, a real live puppy, a navigator in the car, a new necklace or earrings. Listen to what your significant other often says, because she has probably voiced her secret desire more than once. And what will be her surprise when it comes true on New Year's Eve.

Beloved woman can be pleased with beautiful jewelry

New Year's gift to mom

Choosing what to give to the closest person, we want to truly please her. Although, for a mother, the most important thing is the attention of her children, and everything else, no matter what you give, is just a nice addition. There can be a lot of ideas for an interesting and necessary presentation:

  • New mobile phone, tablet. Our mothers have mastered the Internet with pleasure and are active users.
  • Appliances for the kitchen. A wonderful surprise will be something that mom does not have in the kitchen: a slow cooker, a juicer, a food processor, a bread machine, a kitchen scale, a blender, an electric kettle, etc.
  • A set of dishes, new pans or pots
  • Orthopedic pillow
  • Favorite eau de toilette or perfume
  • Electronic book
  • Umbrella, gloves, neckerchief
  • Theater ticket
  • Plaid with New Year's motifs

New Year's gifts for men

All men in their hearts remain small children who are waiting for the New Year holidays to receive a long-awaited gift. So, what ideas can please men in the new year?

  1. The most universal present for men is alcohol in gift bottles. The set may include glasses or glasses, a corkscrew, cigars.
  2. Men will be delighted with everything related to computers, because they devote a lot of time to it: flash drives, headphones, computer mats and mice, a laptop bag, etc.
  3. The present may be related to the man's hobby. Motorists can be presented with a certificate for washing or dry cleaning a car, fishermen will appreciate a new spinning rod or a tent for the summer, and lovers of summer holidays - a new barbecue.
  4. Neckerchiefs, ties, trouser belts, cufflinks, leather purses - all these items are always needed in a man's wardrobe if a business style is chosen.
  5. An expensive pen will always be a good present, regardless of the profession of a man.

When choosing a gift for a man, you should remember that by doing this you show attention to this person. You should not buy shaving foam and shower gel in the first supermarket, because the gift should be chosen with soul. Be sure to remember the preferences and lifestyle of the person to whom you will give a New Year's present. Let it be not original, but this thing will be useful and necessary.

Important! Choose a present based on the degree of familiarity. What can be given to an old friend is not suitable as a gift for the director.

Gifts for children

Toddlers write letters to Santa Claus with their wishes, and older children constantly voice their dreams to their parents. Without exception, all children are waiting for the new year. They believe that it is on this fabulous night that all their innermost desires will come true. What to give children for the new year?

  • Very young children still do not know anything about gifts and do not understand their meaning, but parents really want to give them something too. It can be a deck chair, a high chair, jumpers, developmental centers, musical toys, a set of bath toys, soft cubes, pyramids. An excellent gift option for a small child would be a professional photo session. When the baby grows up, he will be happy to look at New Year's photos.
  • A child from one to three years old can be surprised with bright toys, children's kitchens with utensils, large cars, an interesting designer, and various sets for creativity. They will not refuse a new interactive toy.
  • From four to seven years old, children are given large colorful books that develop children's tablets and laptops, doll houses, children's tool kits for hairdressers or doctors. Radio-controlled helicopters or the railway will surely please the boys.
  • Girls aged 8-10 years old can be presented with a Barbie doll and a house for her, a beautiful dress, a handbag, a set of hairpins, and children's cosmetics. Boys will appreciate a game console, a bicycle, a radio-controlled car.

Choosing presents for the new year should be a pleasant experience, not an obligatory duty. You should think in advance who and what you will give, not forgetting about the beautiful design of the gift. As a New Year's present, both creative original things and useful, practical things can become. The main thing is that the gift will be chosen and presented from the heart. For the New Year of the Dog 2018, be sure to please your family and friends with pleasant surprises.