Cake from beer cans. How to make a cake from beer cans for a men's holiday? Candy bouquet for a man

It is unlikely that you will find a "dessert" for February 23 better than a beer cake. To prepare it, you don’t need to knead the dough at all, puzzle over the cream and come up with decorations. It is enough to buy a few cans of beer and find various elements for decor, and then set aside half an hour of free time to create a unique male cake for the holiday.

Master class on making a beer cake

Beer cake is a wonderful gift for the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday. It is very easy to make it. Read our master class with step by step photos, and you will learn how to form amazing men's "desserts" with your own hands.


  • beer cans - 25 pcs.
  • 1 glass beer bottle
  • double sided tape
  • scissors
  • corrugated paper
  • foil
  • satin ribbons

Cake made from beer cans is held on a cardboard base round shape. You will need two of these blanks. More if you plan on making a tiered beer cake. You also need to buy 25 cans and 1 glass bottle of beer. Do not forget to prepare double-sided tape, scissors, corrugated paper, wire, foil and satin ribbons.


  1. Wrap cardboard bases with foil.

  1. Start collecting the cake with the first seven cans. The second circle already consists of 12 cans.

  1. Wrap them with tape so they don't fall apart and decorate. To do this, cut a long, wide strip of corrugated paper, wrap the cake around the circumference and fasten it in a section. Top with a contrasting satin ribbon.

  1. On the second tier, place a smaller, foil-wrapped cardboard form. Place a bottle of beer in the center. Around her are six jars. Wrap the second layer with double-sided tape, corrugated paper and ribbons.

Rules for serving beer cake

This beautiful beer cake for February 23 is usually served with a bouquet of fish. It is so easy to perform that it does not require step by step description. You just need to take a few fish, tie them at the tails, wrap them in newspaper and decorate them with an elegant bow. Best Ideas men's bouquets from the fish you will find in the photo.

Ideas for decorating a beer cake

A beer cake for a man can be made even by a woman who is far from needlework. Please your husband on Defender of the Fatherland Day and present him with such an original and interesting gift. A bouquet of fish and a beer cake are ideal as a present for male colleagues. In our photo selection you will find new ideas for making beer cakes.
Banks do not have to wrap beautiful paper and ribbons. You can buy a ready-made box and put beer in it. You will end up with a cute little cake.
It will be very original if you add snacks to the cake. Decorate them festively and please your protector.

When preparing a gift for a loved one, you want it to be appreciated. Naturally, you can buy some necessary thing, ask the store to package it beautifully, but your soulmate, perhaps, will be much more pleasant to receive such a present, in the creation of which you have invested love.

It's no secret that any holiday is not complete without alcoholic beverages, and such a drink as beer is to the taste of many men. Even if your young man does not drink, most likely he has friends or colleagues who will not refuse such a treat. Therefore, the packaging for the main gift in the form of a canned beer cake will come in handy for February 23, for a birthday, and for the New Year.

First of all, decide on the main gift. These can be leather goods (wallet, document cover, belt, etc.), external storage, camera, etc. The main thing is that the gift is small and can fit into the "package" you create.

As soon as the gift is bought or chosen, you can safely start creating a beer cake, given the size of the present. You will need:

- two trays with a diameter of 30 and 20 centimeters (sizes may be different, but the difference in the diameter of the trays should be 10-12 cm);

- a satin ribbon five centimeters wide and about three meters long;

- wrapping paper in the color of the tape;

- scotch;

- scissors;

- beer in cans.

First, take the trays and carefully wrap them individually in wrapping paper. Secure the wrapper with tape to the underside of the trays.

Place a packed tray of a larger diameter in front of you, arrange cans of beer on it in a circle as close as possible to each other. Place the main gift in the center of the tray between the jars.

If the gift is small and there is a lot of free space between the banks, then fill it with bags, crackers and other goodies "for beer". Take a ribbon, tie it around the jars in a circle, and tie its ends into a beautiful lush bow. To prevent the tape from sliding down, secure it in several places with small pieces of tape.

On top of the first "cake" put a tray of smaller diameter. Install the rest of the cans on it, placing them not only in a circle, but also in the center. Tie a wide ribbon around the second tier of the cake in a circle, tie a bow and fix it with tape or glue on the side of the "cake". From the remaining ribbon, make a very lush bow with a diameter of the top tier of the cake. Attach it to the top of the cake. If you do not know how to make bows, then you can buy a ready-made bow and decorate your creation with it.

It is worth noting that if you don’t need to take the gift you created anywhere, then the above-described option for creating it will suit you. Otherwise, I advise you to wrap each cake a couple of times with tape, and then tie it with ribbons and decorate.

Very soon, a holiday for the strong half of humanity - and after all, it is customary to give cakes and bouquets for the holidays. And if you have not yet decided how to surprise your defender, husband, friend, colleague or acquaintance, then the Barabashka Creative Workshop invites you to make a truly masculine cake, a cake from a foamy drink loved by many.

It is not difficult to make such a cake with your own hands, the main thing is to have a large supply of beer and your gift will definitely not go unnoticed.

To create a beer cake with your own hands, we need:

  • 25 cans of beer (can be different for two tiers - 6 + 19)
  • 1 bottle of beer (in glass)
  • Satin ribbons
  • corrugated paper
  • Double-sided tape
  • Foil
  • Round cardboard (for stand)
  • Wire
  • Scissors
  • Greeting cards

First we make a stand for our cake. We use several layers of thick cardboard.

Advice: as the beer is very heavy and if you plan on moving your cake, it is best to replace the cardboard with a sturdy tray, plywood, etc.

We glue the cardboard together with double-sided tape.

We seal the cardboard with foil.

And we begin to collect our cake.

First, we expose the first 7 cans.

We glue them together so that our design does not fall apart in the future.

Then we make a second circle of cans and glue again.

Since the adhesive tape is double-sided, it is easy to stick decor on it.

We use corrugated paper and satin ribbon, but decor options may vary.

The colors were chosen according to the upcoming holiday.

We make the second tier. In the center we have a glass bottle, and jars around it.

We fix with tape again and decorate with paper and ribbons.

Doing beautiful bows, remembering to respect the chosen color scheme.

The cake is already ready, but you can always add fun details to it, such as themed cards.

We fasten postcards to wire springs.

In the center we insert a card with wishes and secret words.

The cake is ready to impress and delight, also perfect for a group of friends!

Nobody will be left out.

Happy holidays, dear men!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland.

The need to give a gift without spending a lot of money appears more often than we would sometimes like. This idea is proposed by our master class. It is ideal for small corporate parties in a male company or for friendly gatherings at home.

For women, this is a good opportunity to pamper their husband and (or) adult sons, pleasantly enlivening a family evening. Yes, and the family will be pleased to receive a gift that mom tried to make with her own hands.

Let's try to make a beer can cake with our own hands. Of course, this gift will not be a cake in the full sense of the word. But the design and appearance your gift will be a reference to the atmosphere of the holiday, an indispensable attribute of which has long been a cake.

You will need 11 cans of beer of your choice with a capacity of 0.5 l, 10 chocolate bars, a dozen chocolates in foil, a stand, narrow double-sided tape, wide decorative ribbons and a bow, scissors, silicone glue, gel food glue, toothpicks, decorative numbers .

Instead of tape, you can use cling film to secure an array of cans.

Surely you will have to carry a cake from beer cans. Therefore, the stand must be strong enough. This will be either thick cardboard covered with foil, or a large flat plate. A dish of a suitable color is also suitable. You can paint it with your own hands, choosing a drawing that suits the occasion.

For each candy, you can make a separate original paper wrapper. Additional packaging of the candy will prevent the glue from directly contacting the foil and will serve as a decorative element.

Also make a dozen loops from scotch tape as recommended by the master class. With their help, you can fix the banks. Making them is pretty easy. Wrap a few wraps of tape around your finger. Cut off the excess. Carefully lay the loops, being careful not to touch the adhesive layer.

So, let's begin:

  1. At the bottom of one of the jars, carefully place two loops of tape. Putting your finger inside each loop, press its adhesive layer to the jar. Then set the jar exactly in the center of the stand or dish. Press her down. This measure should ensure the relative immobility of the can. It is important to fix the bank located in the center, as the rest are grouped around it.
  2. Around the central one, install six more pieces in a circle. Fasten them together at about half the height with tape, circling the entire set around the circumference.
  3. On top of the tape, place a wide decorative tape of bright colors, masking it. Pull the ends of the tape tightly and carefully tie or glue. You can fasten them with a stapler. The first tier of our cake is ready.
  4. Secure the remaining four cans well with tape. Also decorate it with ribbon. At the bottom of each jar, install 2 loops. Set the design of four cans on the first tier of the cake and strengthen it by slightly pressing it.

  1. Make a small smear of glue on the back of each chocolate bar. In each gap between the banks and on the first and second tier, set a bar. The bars should not fall out when being carried.
  2. On the underside of the wrapper of each candy, you also need to make a smear of glue. Strengthen one candy for each bar on both tiers of the gift.
  3. If your cake will be a guest at a birthday party, or at some celebration memorable date, you will need to decorate it with decorative numbers. They can be attached to toothpicks by applying a little food glue to the joints.
  4. Insert numbered toothpicks lubricated with silicone glue from above into the gaps between the jars.
  5. The final touch is the installation of a spectacular decorative bow with tassels. Making such a bow with your own hands is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Both men and women will be delighted with such a gift. Everyone will find in its bowels a delicacy for themselves.

The idea of ​​our master class can be useful for organizing any parties.

In a purely male company, a gift of this type is updated with packages of salted nuts, crackers and fish snacks.

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Cake is an indispensable attribute of any holiday. But it is unlikely that your man will be delighted with a mastic butter cake. To really surprise the chosen one, an adult son or dad, you need a creative approach. Do-it-yourself beer cake in jars is the best hand-made men's gift. Such a present will be relevant for lovers of a foamy drink.

Beer cake is delicious, beautiful and original!

Defender of the Fatherland Day, birthday, wedding anniversary, professional holiday. If you look at the calendar, then you can come up with a reason for celebration for every day. Holidays for women are a real test. And the point is not that you have to stand at the stove for half a day, and then wash a mountain of dishes. The main problem is a gift to a man. Shaving accessories, belt, Eau de Toilette, cufflinks, wallet, business card holder, key holder - all this is already a hackneyed topic.

If your chosen one is friendly with a sense of humor and loves to give you unusual gifts, you will surprise him too. Do-it-yourself beer cake in jars and a bouquet of fish - here best gift, which you can present to a man. The basis of such a foamy dessert will be alcoholic drink in tin cans. But its decoration and presentation depend on the flight of your imagination.

We will share with you a couple of creative ideas and valuable advice:

  • beer cans are the basis of the cake, you need to make it round and multi-tiered;
  • for any cake, cakes are needed - in our case, this is a strong frame;
  • spacing, durable cardboard, plastic or wood can be used as a frame;
  • we fix the cans with each other with double-sided adhesive tape;
  • be sure to fix the bottom of the can on the frame;
  • you can decorate a beer cake with multi-colored fabric or corrugated paper;

  • the cake can be completely covered with fabric to keep the intrigue;
  • beer cake can be decorated with satin ribbons, bows, postcard clippings, balloons, candles, numbers, photo cards.

It all depends on how you reveal your creative potential. A little advice: if you plan to move the cake from place to place, then for the frame you need to choose durable material otherwise the cake may fall apart. On average, to make a three-tiered cake, you will need 25 cans with a nominal volume of 0.5 liters.

You can get creative with the design and add a few glass bottles. On each jar, you can attach stickers with wishes, write words of love, jokes, or indicate on which day you need to drink this foamy drink.

Beer cake - a delight for a man

A real man will appreciate such a "dessert". A foamy drink is loved by many representatives of the strong half of humanity. Even if your chosen one does not drink drinks with degrees, you can stock up on non-alcoholic beer. The main thing in such a gift is presentation and originality.

Now we will tell you how to make a beer cake with your own hands. step by step photo will help you turn a bunch of tin cans into a real cake.

  • 25 pcs. cans of beer;
  • 1 glass bottle with beer with a nominal volume of 0.5 liters;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided adhesive tape;
  • scotch;
  • cardboard;
  • compass;
  • satin ribbons;
  • bows for decoration;
  • corrugated paper;
  • foil.

  1. Baking any cake begins with the preparation of cakes. We will not change traditions and prepare a frame for our beer cake.
  2. The first tier will consist of 7 cans. Let's put them in a circle and decide on the diameter of the base.
  3. Cut out three circles of different diameters from cardboard. We need to build a pyramid.

  4. Glue double-sided adhesive tape on the first cardboard blank.

  5. We paste over the cardboard frame with foil. You can use corrugated paper or fabric.

  6. By analogy, we decorate the rest of the cardboard blanks.
  7. We begin to collect the first tier of beer dessert.
  8. Place a beer can in the center of the cardboard circle.
  9. We fix it with double-sided adhesive tape.
  10. We fixed the bottoms of the jars with double-sided tape. The base will hold firmly.
  11. To prevent the jars from falling apart, we will tighten them with tape or paste over with tape.

  12. We put more beer cans in a circle and also fix the bottoms.
  13. We need to completely fill the cardboard base with beer cans. We fasten the entire layer with tape or satin ribbon.

  14. Measure the height of the beer cans with a ruler.
  15. We measure corrugated paper of the desired height and wrap it around the entire first layer of cans.
  16. We fix the paper with double-sided adhesive tape.
  17. In the middle we will decorate the paper with a satin ribbon. You can make an original assembly with threads on a ribbon or sew on an elastic band.

  18. We make the second tier of beer cake.
  19. Place a glass bottle in the middle of the jar.
  20. We can cut cardboard to the size of the bottom and glue it with double-sided tape.
  21. By analogy, we fix all the banks with tape.
  22. We decorate the second tier with corrugated paper and satin ribbon.

Bouquet for a man

Not all men are interested in floristry, and flowers are considered a female weakness. But from a bouquet of dried fish, your chosen one will be delighted. We have already told you how to make a beer cake with your own hands. The master class showed you that there is nothing complicated about it.

Now let's make a bouquet. It can be based on any dried fish: bream, perch, roach, ram, vobla. You can decorate the bouquet with chips, pistachios, crackers, herbs. Awaken your imagination and create.

Required materials and tools:

  • dried fish;
  • decorative paper;
  • multicolored ribbons.

Step by step description of the creative process:

  1. We select a fish of approximately the same size.
  2. We put it in a bouquet and tie it with a rope or an elastic band near the ponytails.
  3. We wrap the fish bouquet in decorative paper. Newsprint looks original.
  4. Tie a ribbon and attach a bow.

You can spend a little more time and effort and create unusual bouquet. From corrugated paper or newspapers, make flower blanks. The role of the stems will be played by floristic sticks. We add some pistachios, salted nuts and other beer snacks. We wrap everything in decorative paper and fix it with tape.