6 interpersonal relationships. The concept of interpersonal relationships. Types and characteristics of interpersonal relationships. Write a short story about your friend, girlfriend

A person is considered a person only if he lives, communicates and interacts with other people who surround him. This material is devoted to the topic of interpersonal relations, which is studied in the lesson in the 6th grade of social science. With the help of this article, you can repeat the studied topic, prepare additional information for the lesson.

The concept of "interpersonal relations"

Each of us has our own principles life values, moral foundations, priorities and outlook on life. The interaction of one person with the people around him, the ability to establish a connection with them is called interpersonal relationships.

There is the concept of "Donbar number", which means the maximum comfortable number of human connections. Its value ranges from 100 to 230, with an average of 150 contacts.

Life in society is different, and therefore relationships are diverse. Their variety depends on many factors and is classified into such types :

  • informal\formal;
  • business/personal;
  • practical/emotional;
  • subordinate/parity.

Let's look at each type of interpersonal relationship in more detail below.

Relationship types

  • Formal\informal ;

All formal (official) contacts are established by law and are formed only on a legal basis. Such relationships are not influenced by personal attachments and feelings. They can be established between team members or superiors and subordinates.

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Informal relationships are formed taking into account personal sympathies and feelings.

The types of relationships between a person and other people are closely intertwined with each other, so it is difficult to make clear distinctions.

  • Personal ;

These include: love and friendship, affection and respect, hatred and antipathy, enmity and hostility. These links are established regardless of joint activities.

  • Business ;

Professional communication is formed on the basis of professional interests and does not depend on personal attachments. So, for example, classmates continue to study in the same class, regardless of personal feelings within this team.

  • practical/emotional ;

Practical relationships are established when one can benefit from the relationship. They are led common sense or calculation.

Emotional connections are built when there are deep feelings between team members.

  • Subordination \ parity ;

Subordination contacts are built between two individuals, one of which has a higher position in status (boss - subordinate).

Parity relations are established on the basis of equality between all members of the team.

Types of interpersonal relationships

There are such types of interpersonal relationships :

  • Acquaintance - has three stages:
  • face recognition;
  • recognition and greeting each other;
  • greeting and presence common interests and topics of conversation.
  • friendship - Mutual sympathy and the presence of common interests;
  • partnership - business relations based on common goals;
  • friendship - is established between those who know how to be friends, that is, the ability to share joy, help in trouble, inspire confidence;
  • love - highest form relationships.

The role of feelings

All contacts are established on the basis of experienced feelings towards others. They can be both positive and negative. The first feelings are based on the external data of a friend, and only over time, personal qualities and character traits are evaluated.

The distortion of feelings can be affected by such factors :

  • inability to distinguish true intentions from motivation;
  • the ability to objectively evaluate a new acquaintance;
  • determination of attitudes imposed by oneself or society;
  • stereotypes;
  • forcing events, inability to understand a person to the end;
  • not accepting someone else's opinion.

What have we learned?

Interpersonal relations are the interaction between people, which is based on established moral principles, life principles of the individual. There are several types of relationships: formal and informal, personal and business, parity or subordination, practical and emotional. All of them are closely intertwined with each other and line up in the following sequence: acquaintance - friendship - camaraderie - friendship - love.

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Task 1. Using the text of the paragraph, fill in the diagram.

Task 2. Write what kind of interpersonal relationships you have established:

A) with teachers - business

B) with peers - friendly

C) with parents - personal

Task 3. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters

Task 4. Many people make virtual friends on the Internet. Do you think such friends can be considered real? Justify your answer.

Yes, friends from the Internet can be considered real if they can help in difficult times not only in word, but also in deed - to come, perhaps to do something, to talk on the phone with you. In addition, pen pals, or rather the very idea of ​​​​such friendship appeared a very long time ago in the world, and not with the advent of the Internet.

Task 5. Read Bulat Okudzhava's poem "Let's compliment each other."

Think of the nicest compliment you've ever received. Write about it.

The most amazing compliment I received was for good manners and business suit at the celebration. My mom's friends made it for me. It was very cool.

Write what compliment you would like to give to a loved one.

I would like to tell my mom that she is the most wonderful person in my life and I am very grateful for the time she spends with me.

Task 6. Remember and write three proverbs about friendship that you like.

Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.

Money can't buy a friend.

A tree is supported by roots, but a person is supported by friends.

Task 7. Read the text of Mikhail Tanich's song "When my friends are with me" and complete the tasks.

What do you think is the value of friendship?

Answer :

The main value of friendship is in the support that friends can give you, often we are talking not about material, but about spiritual support, moral.

Write a short story about your friend, girlfriend.

Answer :

My friend and I met in primary school- We had the same portfolios, and therefore we immediately noticed each other and became friends.

He is very good and kind - he always helps me when I ask him, and it often happens that I have not yet had time to ask for something, and he is already in a hurry to help.

We spend a lot of time together after school - walking, playing games, just fooling around and talking. He plays football quite professionally, so our team often wins. I like his directness and openness, the desire to help others, as well as the nobility and honesty.

Task 8. Spend a comparative nature of interpersonal relationships. Complete the comparison table.

Answer :

Official and personal relationships

Lesson topic: "Interpersonal Relations" (Grade 6)
Lesson type: learning lesson.
The purpose of the lesson: to form an independent idea of ​​communication as a need of a person living in society, to know the conditions for the formation of interpersonal relations, to determine the types of interpersonal relations

Lesson objectives:

  1. Formation of skills to analyze previously acquired knowledge, compare them with new lesson material.
  2. Strengthening the skill of working in groups.
  3. Formation of the ability to establish communication with comrades and friends.

During the classes.

1. Organizing moment.

Hello those who are in a good mood today.

Hello those who are sad today.

Hello those who like to spend time in communication with friends.

Hello those who are ready to enter into relationships with new people.

I hope that our communication today will bring us mutual pleasure. And what is needed for this?

We will answer this question at the end of the lesson.

2. Checking homework.

Each student reads one or two proverbs and explains its meaning.

3. Warm-up - a task for each student.

Now we will look for some advantages in ourselves, pronounced positive qualities. Each, in turn, will name a positive trait of his character from the proposed list.

activity, vigilance

vigilant, careful, unselfish.

polite, generous, cheerful.

brilliant, proud, hospitable.

gullibility, businesslike, kind.

naturalness, hairy.


caring, perky, shy

initiative, executive, resourceful, sincere

flirtatious, eloquent, critical.

affectionate, light, inquisitive.

dreamy wise merciful

reliability, assertive persistent resourceful

organization, optimism, responsibility, responsiveness

positive truthful friendly

hospitable determined vulnerable

ability to empathize, self-criticism independence


confident stubborn

fanatical, fantastic

economic brave




Time is up. And now we will check: what each of you said. Please, who is ready now to repeat what classmates said. (Participants repeat several statements). You are great!

It is important not only to speak, but also to hear what others are saying.

Let's draw a verbal portrait of a friend. What should a true friend be like?

Conclusion: Work in groups. Students' answers are given.

You are great! You have a beautiful portrait of a friend

But in order to build relationships, or reach mutual understanding, you need to know certain rules.

I suggest you look at a few stories (pictures) and answer the questions:

What are the people doing in these stories?

What unites them?

What relationships between people are shown in the story?

4. We formulate the topic of the lesson.

So what do you think the topic of today's lesson is?

The topic of our lesson is "Interpersonal Relations"

5. We formulate the purpose of the lesson.

What do we need to know today?

What we're going to talk?

Must learn: what is interpersonal relationships, determine the types of interpersonal relationships.

6. Learning new material.

I suggest you find out:Where does the relationship between people begin?

And this will help us to make the epigraph of our lesson

Intimate fellowship is where the tenderest friendship and the strongest hatred come from. (A. Rivarol )

What is the epigraph about?

Conclusion: Interpersonal relationships begin with communication.

Interpersonal relationships, personal relationships - a special connection of a person with the outside world.

Look at the topic of the lesson?
Name a few associations with the word "relationship" or make up a few sentences with this word.

I have a good relationship with parents.

I like my relationship with my classmates.

According to the latest census, I am related to the students of the basic school.

In math class, I found the ratio of six to two.

Relations between our countries in last years improved significantly.

Teacher: All statements refer to a certain connection, or
between - person and group
or between two people
or values
and even between countries

Interpersonal relationships- (the main topic of the lesson) a special connection of a person with others (business, personal, friendly, comradely, family, etc.)

Wear mutual character, that is mutual).

Make up words that start with mutual

For example, reciprocity.
Try to continue ... (mutual assistance, mutual understanding, interaction, etc.)

All the words you mentioned speak of certain relationships between people.

What should people feel for each other in order for all these words to be applicable to them? Other examples can be given: a driver and his assistant (an example of interaction); new student in the classroom (an example of mutual perception); conductor and pianist (example of mutual understanding)

And what is it? These are deeds, actions or feelings.

And what is the most important thing?

So, what is the basis of interpersonal relationships?
Conclusion: Feelings are the basis of interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal relationships largely depend on emotions, mutual feelings.

What emotions can a person experience?

Pleasure, joy, bliss, envy, delight, grief, admiration, resentment, anger, pride, longing, trust, boredom, respect, tenderness, gratitude, love.

I suggest you divide into 3 groups. Consult in a group and let one of you give the answer to the next question.

Group task:

1.Group. Name the feelings that you think bring people together.
2. Group. Name the feelings that separate people.
3. Analyze the relationship of the main characters of famous cartoon characters, films, literary characters.

Very good fellows. And now let's summarize all of the above, look at the diagram

The senses







Sympathy, inner

location, attraction

dislike, antipathy,


What will we conclude? What have we learned?

Conclusion: Understanding another person is an important condition for interpersonal relationships.

Interpersonal relationships are different.

Types of interpersonal relationships

Teacher: questions for the class.

Now we must learn to identify the types of interpersonal relationships.
Let's try to do it together.
(see presentation)
You have just met a person. He has become attractive to you, you greet each other at subsequent meetings
. (acquaintance)
You not only greet, but at a meeting with pleasure enter into a short conversation. Now you…? Buddies.
Are you all in class...? Comrades.
And the greatest value in life, as well as the highest level of interpersonal relationships ... Guessed?
Friendship unites people for a long time, sometimes for life. It is tested not only by time, but also by various tests.
What literary or cartoon characters do you know who can be called friends?
(Kai and Gerda, Pinocchio and Pierrot, Pushkin and Pushchin, Uncle Fyodor and the cat Matroskin, ..)

Tell me, who are you in the class to each other: friends, comrades, buddies?

In order to build relationships or reach mutual understanding, you need to know certain rules.


How to build interactions to reach mutual understanding is useful

remember the rules:

  1. A sincere and benevolent smile is the way to the heart good man(“From a smile, a gloomy day is brighter ...”).
  2. Spare no compliments on the person you are interacting with ("Let's compliment each other...").
  3. Do not rush to draw conclusions from the first impression (“They meet by clothes, but see off by mind”).
  4. Do not be intrusive, remember the measure (do not ask the question: “How are you?” - tell everything that happened during the day).
  5. Do not rush to conclusions (“If you hurry, you will make people laugh, but you will damage friendship”).
  6. The success of the interaction depends on two (you can not applaud with one hand ...).

And one more rule, which has been known since ancient times, I would like to voice all the same

The Golden Rule of Morality: Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you..

Providing feedback and self-monitoring.

Let's summarize our work with you, what you learned about

Let's summarize our work, what have you learned about interpersonal relationships?

During the lesson, we sewed to the conclusions.

What did you remember right away from what you learned in the lesson, and what did not?

What made it difficult for you to work in class?

Did you like the lesson, did it bring you new knowledge, emotions. I propose to answer the question in an unusual way, compose a cinquain. Do you know what cinquain is?

Sincwine - a five-line poetic form that originated in the United States under the influence of Japanese poetry. As an example, I would like to compose a cinquain about you, about the impression you made on me.

Sixth graders!

Friendly, united

Learn to work and rest

Treat each other with respect

Friendly team

Try now at home to compose a cinquain on the topics of friendship, love, communication.

You are great fellows, thank you for the work in the lesson, for the activity, originality in the answers. Lesson over!

1. Can a person do without interpersonal relationships? Justify your position.

Against- A person cannot do without society, he needs to keep in touch with other people. The most striking manifestation of this connection is communication in a team.

2. Fill in the table "Levels of interpersonal relations". Highlight the types of relationships in which you are involved.

Which of them do you think are the most important for a person? Why?

The most important are friendship and fellowship. Friendship is a personal disinterested relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are reciprocity, trust and patience.

3. Everyone knows that there are people who cause sympathy in each of us (like), and there are those who cause antipathy (unpleasant). Write in the table the character traits of a person who is attractive and unpleasant, in your opinion, justify your choice.

Good features: responsiveness, neatness, friendliness, intelligence.

bad traits: arrogance, cunning, inconstancy.

4. Solve the crossword. If all answers are correct, then you will be able to find in it all levels of interpersonal relationships.

1. Relationships between people that are mutual. 2. What helps a person cope with a difficult task 3. And the level of interpersonal relationships, and processed cheese. 4. Deception, lies. 5. Empathy for another person. 6. A word with the same root as the word "society", something that people cannot do without. 7. The level of interpersonal relationships based on a common cause.
8. The most common interpersonal relationships in which all the people we recognize participate. 9. Location, feeling of affection, warm feeling for someone 10. Close, relatively long-term relationship between two or more people, based on mutual sympathy and free choice and trust. 11. Feeling opposite of sympathy. 12. An attitude built on the belief that you will not be let down or offended.


1. relationship. 2. help. 3. friendship. 4. lies. 5. empathy. 6. communication. 7. partnership.
8. acquaintance. 9. sympathy. 10. friendship. 11. antipathy. 12. trust.

5. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to interpersonal relationships.
Underline the term that “drops out” of this list.

Reciprocity, partnership, mutual assistance, friendship, acquaintance, language of communication.

6. Fill in the comparative table "Business and personal relationships".

7. Below are examples of interpersonal relationships at various levels; arrange them in the appropriate columns of the table.

1. Taisiya has a neighbor Albina. They greet each other when they meet.

2. Galina and Polina, meeting, exchange news.
3. Eugene and Matvey play in the same volleyball team.
4. Sidor and Alexander are always ready to come to each other's rescue.
5. Gleb and Fedor are classmates.
6. Maria and Claudia are sitting at the same desk.
7. Diana and Marina go home together after school.
8. Larisa and Artyom do their homework together.
9. Nina and Zina rested together in a summer camp.
10. Nikita and Plato exchange stamps.
11. Julia and Yana spend their free time together.

Acquaintance - 1, 9. Friendship - 6, 7, 10. Partnership - 2,3,5,8. Friendship - 4.11.

eight*. Write a short story on one of the following topics:

3. The basis of interpersonal relationships.

Communication is a process of interpersonal interaction generated by the needs of interacting subjects and aimed at satisfying these needs. The purpose of communication is that for the sake of which a given type of activity arises in a living being. In animals, this may be, for example, a warning of danger. A person has much more goals of communication. And if in animals the goals of communication are usually associated with the satisfaction of biological needs, then in humans they are a means of satisfying many different needs: social, cultural, cognitive, creative, aesthetic, the needs of intellectual growth and moral development and etc.

Psychology of communication and interpersonal relations Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

11.1. Interpersonal relationships and their classification

Interpersonal relationships are relationships that develop between individuals. They are often accompanied by emotional experiences, express inner world person.

Interpersonal relationships are divided into the following types:

1) official and unofficial;

2) business and personal;

3) rational and emotional;

4) subordinate and parity.

official (formal) they call relations that arise on an official basis and are regulated by charters, decrees, orders, laws. These are relationships that have a legal basis. People enter into such relationships out of position, and not out of personal likes or dislikes for each other. Informal (informal) relationships are formed on the basis of personal relationships between people and are not limited by any official framework.

Business Relationships arise from people working together. They can be service relationships based on the distribution of responsibilities between members of the organization, the production team.

Personal relationships are relationships between people that develop in addition to their joint activities. You can respect or disrespect your colleague, feel sympathy or antipathy for him, be friends with him or be at enmity. Therefore, the basis of personal relationships are the feelings that people have in relation to each other. Therefore, personal relationships are subjective. Allocate relationships of acquaintance, camaraderie, friendship and intimate relationships. Acquaintance- these are such relationships when we know people by name, we can make superficial contact with them, talk with them. Partnership- these are closer positive and equal relations that develop with many people on the basis of common interests, views for the sake of spending leisure time in companies. Friendship- this is an even closer selective relationship with people based on trust, affection, common interests. intimate relationship are a kind of personal relationship. An intimate relationship is a relationship in which the most intimate is trusted to another person. These relationships are characterized by closeness, frankness, affection for each other.

Rational Relationships are relationships based on reason and calculation, they are built on the basis of the expected or real benefits of the relationship being established. emotional relationships, on the contrary, are based on the emotional perception of each other, often without taking into account objective information about the person. Therefore rational and emotional relationship most of the time they don't match. So, you can dislike a person, but enter into a rational relationship with him for the benefit of a common goal or personal benefit.

subordinate relations are relations of leadership and subordination, i.e. unequal relations in which some people have a higher status (position) and more rights than others. It is a relationship between a leader and subordinates. In contrast to this parity relationships mean equality between people. Such people are not subordinate to each other and act as independent individuals.

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