The development of speech in children: stages, methods of forming speech skills. How to develop not only coherent speech in a child, but also thinking How to develop a child’s speech from birth


Very often, young children have problems with the development of speech skills. For many parents, this can be a real challenge. However, in most cases, there is no reason to panic. Minor problems with can be resolved on their own without resorting to the help of a speech therapist.
Special exercises will help develop the baby's speech. It's not hard to do them at all. Classes for the development of speech can be held with any child who has not reached school age.

How does a child's speech develop?

In order to help a child develop language skills, it is important for parents to know how children develop language and communication skills.
The first stage of communication is crying. Through crying, the baby conveys information about his needs and attracts the attention of adults.
Over time, crying turns into other sounds, which are commonly called baby talk. In the process of "babbling", the child involuntarily forms syllables, which he then repeats, but already consciously.
Forming syllables from sounds, the baby begins to correlate these syllables with what surrounds him. With the help of pronounced syllables and letters, he describes objects and phenomena (“av” - a dog, “bi-bi” - a car, and so on). A little later, letters and syllables form words, and a little later, short sentences.
Thus, the baby goes through a path called the development of speech.

Exercises for the Development of a Child's Speech: Tips for Parents

In order for the classes to achieve their goal, namely, to stimulate the development of speech skills in the baby, you need to take into account some tips and recommendations.

Correct hike. It is easier for kids to perceive information in the form of a game. Long uninteresting lessons will tire them and will not bring the desired result. In view of this, exercises for the development of speech should be carried out in the form of a game that the baby would like.

The duration of the lessons. The time spent on exercises should not exceed 15 minutes a day. This is the most optimal duration of classes for a small child.

Diverse presentation. Children quickly get bored with monotony. Therefore, the form of submission of information should change regularly.

Comfortable conditions. It is best if the classes take place in calm environment. The smallest children can be put on their knees, older children - on the contrary. The main thing is that the parent should be on the same level with the child and be able to freely look into his eyes.

What are speech development exercises?

Speech development is a whole range of activities aimed at improving and stimulating children's speech skills. This includes:
- Articulation gymnastics;
-Exercises for development fine motor skills;

Consider classes for the development of speech in order.

1.Communication. Communication is the most basic means for the development of speech. It is necessary to talk with a child from the very first days of his life, and even before his birth. However, it is important to speak correctly, without distorting words or distorting sounds. Children copy what they hear from adults. Hearing a clear correct speech around him, the baby remembers the sounds, and subsequently learns to pronounce them.

2.Massage. Massage contributes to the development of the speech apparatus. It is necessary to massage the face and palms of the baby. You can do this from the very first days of his life. To begin with, the movements should be light, reminiscent of stroking. Over time, when the baby grows up, the movements can be slightly increased. Massage can be arbitrary, but it is better if it is accompanied by fun and nursery rhymes (“patties” and others).

3. Articulation gymnastics. Such gymnastics includes several simple exercises: wide opening and closing of the mouth, stretching the mouth in a smile, stretching the lips with a tube, and some others. Articulation exercises will help your baby learn to speak faster and easier.

4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills. The main occupation for the development of fine motor skills was and remains modeling. You can sculpt from plasticine, clay, plastic. You can start with simple figures: balls, sausages. As the child grows older, you can move on to more complex figures and objects. Along with the development of speech, the creative skills of the crumbs will also be formed, such as a sense of color, the concept of shape, volume, and others.

For the youngest children, fine motor skills exercises may consist of getting to know objects and their shape. Place objects in baby's hand various shapes and invoices. In addition, you need to give the child to hold long and oblong objects (pencil, stick) with two fingers.

5.Games. Game activities may vary. They can be selected depending on the age and preferences of the child. Almost all children love to draw. Perfectly develop the speech of the baby, exercises with finger paints. With the help of such paints, you can first draw traces, then more complex patterns, such as flowers.

The development of speech is an important stage in the formation of personality. With the help of classes and exercises, parents can make this period of the baby's life as easy and comfortable as possible.

Often, parents believe that there is no need to think about the development of the child's speech if obvious pronunciation defects do not appear (the child lisps or does not speak at all). However, many problems in the future can be avoided, and a competent and clear speech of the child can be formed if you start paying attention to the development of speech as early as possible throughout the entire period (and, and a year, and two, and three ...).

The development of speech is not at all work on individual disturbed sounds or on expanding the vocabulary, as is commonly believed. The formation of speech depends on the activity of many areas of the brain, so you need to work in all areas: develop fine motor skills, enrich sensory experience, work on articulation, breathing, increase vocabulary, and much more.

I have written more than once about games that contribute to the development of speech in 1-2 years. In this article I would like to collect everything together, as well as publish many more useful exercises for articulation and breathing exercises and not only.

So, games and exercises for the development of speech:

1. Finger and gesture games

Scientists have found that in the brain, the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the areas of the brain responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, it is simply necessary to promote the active actions of the fingers and hands of the baby. Wonderful helpers in this matter - finger games, I have already written about them more than once, a complete list of interesting finger and gesture games sorted by age can be found here:

In addition to funny rhymes, it is very useful to learn simple gestures together with the baby, for example:

  • To the question "How old are you?" show the index finger - "1 year old";
  • We threaten with the index finger "Ai-ai-ai";
  • We show "yes", "no" with a movement of the head;
  • Show "thank you" with a nod of the head;
  • To the question "How are you doing?" show the thumb - "In!" ("Excellent!")

  • We depict how the bear walks (legs shoulder-width apart, we shift from foot to foot);
  • We depict how a bunny jumps (arms in front of the chest, hands down, jump);
  • We depict how the fox walks (we wag the booty);
  • We depict how a wolf clicks its teeth (we open and close our mouth wide, clicking our teeth);
  • We depict how a butterfly flies (we wave our hands, we run around the room);
  • We depict how an airplane flies (arms motionless to the sides, we run around the room);
  • We depict how a duck walks (we move on our haunches).
  • Closer to the age of two, we begin to learn a new answer to the question “How old are you?” and we train to show at the same time the index and middle fingers - “2 years old”. The same finger figure can be called "Bunny"

2. Sensory games for the development of fine motor skills

A complete list of fine motor skills games can be found here:

3. Articulation exercises

One of the very first and very useful articulation exercises that a one-year-old baby can handle is blowing. Tasya learned to blow at the age of 1 year 3 months, a candle helped us with this. Immediately, as they got used to the candle, it began to turn out to blow into the pipe, and bubble inflate. So, what can you learn the blowing skill on:

    blow out the candle;

    Blow into a pipe;

    Blow through a straw into a glass of water to make the water bubble;

    Blow soap bubbles;

    Blow on a paper butterfly tied to a string so that it takes off;

    Blow off small papers laid out on a plate.

Here are some other articulation exercises you can practice (from about 1.5 years old, something, perhaps, will work out earlier):

  • "Hide and Seek". First we show the tongue - we stick it out as far as possible, then we hide it, so we repeat it several times.
  • "Watch". We move the tongue from side to side - left-right.
  • "House". We declare that the baby's mouth is a house. Mom gently taps her finger on her cheek: “Knock-knock,” and the baby’s mouth opens. We say: “Bye! Bye!", and the mouth closes.
  • "Yummy". We open our mouth and lick ourselves: first we draw the tongue along upper lip, then on the bottom.
  • "Balloon". We inflate the cheeks and burst them with our fingers;
  • "Fence". We show our teeth (“we grin”) and say that the tongue is hidden behind the fence.
  • "Brushing our teeth." We show the teeth again, then with the tip of the tongue we slide first along the upper teeth, then along the lower ones.
  • "Horse". "Clicking" with the tongue, like horses.
  • "Choose out." We stand together in front of the mirror and begin to exaggerate: smile broadly, frown, stretch out our lips.

4. The game "Who lives in the house"

In my opinion, the game is wonderful in encouraging the child to pronounce simple sounds. In addition, a surprise moment in it increases the interest of the baby. So, in advance we put in a bag or box several plot toys (animals, dolls, etc.), which are well known to the baby. Then we ask several times “Who lives in the house?”, catching up with intrigue. When the child is really interested, we take out the first character and say it together (and later the baby does it himself), for example, “Cow” or “Mu-mu”, depending on what stage the child’s speech is at. So in turn we get all the hidden toys.

5. Rhymes that encourage the pronunciation of sounds and words

This is my favorite. Tasya and I simply adored these rhymes, my daughter tried her best to repeat after me simple words. The text in the verses is chosen in such a way that it motivates the child to talk. Even if at first the child will not repeat anything after you, this does not mean that the verses are useless. It is worth returning to them periodically, and the baby will definitely begin to try to repeat simple words and onomatopoeia.

How can we go for a walk? Top top!
How do we close the door? Clap!
Cat to us from the porch: Jump!
Sparrows: Chick-chirp!
The cat is happy with the birds: Murr!
Sparrows took off: Furr!
Further legs: Top-top!
And now the gate: Clap!
How does the grass grow? Sh-sh-sh!
Who is scurrying about in the grass? Mouse!
A bee on a flower: Zhu-zhu!
Wind leaves: Shu-shu!
River in trickles: Tribulation!
Hello bright summer day!
A cow was grazing in the meadow: Moo, moo.
The striped bumblebee flew: Z-z-z, z-z-z.
The summer breeze blew: F-f-f, f-f-f.
The bell rang: ding, ding, ding.
A grasshopper chirped in the grass: Tr-r-r, ts-s-s.
A prickly hedgehog ran: Ph-ph-ph.
The little bird sang: Til-l, til-l.
And the angry beetle buzzed: W-w-w, w-w-w.

in a book «» (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop) you can find many similar rhymes, although basically they are a little more complicated than these two, but reading them will also have a very beneficial effect on the development of the child's speech.

6. Breathing exercises

(from about 1.5 years old)

    The wheel burst. First we clasp our hands in a circle in front of us, depicting a wheel. Then, on exhalation, we begin to slowly cross our arms (so that right hand lay down on the left shoulder and vice versa) and pronounce "shhhh" - the wheel is blown away.

  • Pump. Next, we offer the child to pump up the deflated wheel. We clench our hands in front of the chest into fists, as if holding a pump. We lean forward and lower our hands down, accompanying our actions with the sound “s-s-s”, repeat several times.
  • Loud quiet. We pronounce a sound loudly and quietly. For example, first we pretend to be big bears and say "Uh-uh", then we pretend to be small bears and say the same thing, only quietly.
  • Woodcutter. First, we put our hands together (as if holding an ax) and raise them up. Then we sharply lower them down, bending over and saying “wow”. We repeat several times.
  • Wizard . First, we wave our hands and hold them at the top. Then we smoothly lower it, pronouncing the syllables: “M-m-m-a”, “M-m-m-o”, “M-m-m-y”, “M-m-m-s”.

7. Reading books

While reading, it is advisable to constantly use the questions “What is this?”, “Who is this?” (even if you have to answer them for the first time), questions activate the mental detail of the baby, encourage him to talk.

8. Role-playing games

The role-playing game is a very fertile environment for the development of speech. During the game, the child has a natural need to say something: you need to somehow name the main characters of the game and their actions, express your thoughts and feelings.

Details on how to play role-playing games with a child 1-2 years old, read.

9. Viewing Doman cards or other material that expands the child's horizons

I will wrap up on this. Wish you interesting activities with a baby!

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How a child's speech develops up to 3 years, what physical and psychological processes occur during this period, how to help the baby in the development of speech.

Early childhood and speech development

Early age (from birth to 3 years) is a special period in a child's life. In terms of the intensity of development, the complexity of the tasks solved at this stage, the first years of life are unparalleled. And this is the most favorable period for mastering the basics of native speech. What will be missed now may require double effort later!

Would we surprise you if we say that a child's speech abilities begin to develop even before he is born? And this is exactly so. Let's find out what, in fact, affects the formation of speech in a baby.

What factors influence the development of speech

  • Biological: heredity; correct structure and functioning of the central nervous system, speech centers in the brain, organs of hearing and speech; healthy pregnancy and safe delivery; healthy physical and mental development after birth.
  • Social: a full-fledged speech environment from the first days of a child's life, a favorable developmental environment.

How a child's speech is formed from birth to 3 years

The baby learns to communicate with outside world from the moment it was born. Let's take a look at how the speech development of children proceeds early age during the first 3 years of a child's life.

Norms of speech development in children from 0 to 3 years

  • 0 - 2 months. Scream. The first form of communication for a child is crying. The baby cries when he is hungry, uncomfortable or tired.
  • 2 - 3 months. Cooing. Crying is replaced by humming. The sounds “a”, “s”, “y” appear, sometimes in combination with “g”. The child learns to understand the speech addressed to him and to control his sound intonations.
  • 3 - 6 months. Babble. The baby begins to babble to himself and make sounds when you address him. Turns his head towards the sound. Freezes in response to a sudden loud sound. Cries differently depending on needs: "I'm hungry", "I'm tired." Recognizes his name and responds to it.
  • 6 months. First syllables. From 6 months old, you can notice that the child prefers strictly defined sounds to all others: “ba”, “ma” (learning to pronounce them is the easiest). He can repeat them endlessly: he likes the way they sound.
  • 7 - 9 months. combinations of syllables. The babbling progresses to pronouncing the same syllables: “ma-ma-ma”, “dya-dya-dya”, “ba-ba-ba”.
  • 9 - 11 months. Onomatopoeia. The baby imitates the sounds of adult speech. Responds to the name. Understands the meaning of the word "no".
  • 11 - 13 months. The first meaningful words from two identical syllables: "dad", "mother", "woman", "uncle". 12 months. The kid demonstrates interest and attention to the speech of others, repeats and combines sounds in a new way, combines them into “words”, imitating the speech of an adult. Understands and follows simple, one-syllable instructions (“sit down”). Waving bye bye, shaking head no. Uses gestures and sounds to get attention. Interested in books.

It is rare for a parent to know what signs indicate developmental abnormalities in a child. Therefore, for prevention, be sure to visit a pediatric neurologist at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

  • 18 months. The baby easily repeats frequently heard words. Knows different parts of the body and points to them. Masters simple words (by the age of 2 years, their stock can range from 20 to 50). Answers with words or gestures to the questions: “Where is the bear?”, “What is this?”. He loves being read to. At the request of an adult, he points his finger at the pictures in the book. 2 years. First sentences (two words). A 2-year-old child can easily combine simple words learned by the age of 2 into combinations: “Mom, give me”, “I want this”, “Where is the kitty?”. understands simple instructions of two consecutive actions: "Find your bear and show it to your grandmother." Vocabulary can expand to 150 - 200 lexemes, and others can already understand half of the words spoken by the child. The baby begins to use pronouns, adjectives and prepositions. Holds a book correctly. "Reads" to his toys.
  • 3 years. Multi-word sentences (of three or more words). Period ends at 3 years early childhood. By this turning point, the child is able to form sentences of three or more words. Distinguishes between colors and size definitions. Remembers and repeats familiar rhythms, melodies, stories. Some pronunciation difficulties may still persist (whistling, hissing, vowel sounds). The vocabulary expands so much that parents can no longer accurately calculate how many words it consists of. In general, the baby is already ready to speak out on any occasion.

Who is faster: boys or girls

Of course, every baby is unique and develops at its own pace. In practice, a slight delay in the development of speech can only be individual feature. Moreover, the rate of speech development can be affected by: illness, stress, lack of communication with surrounding adults or the multilingual environment in which the baby grows.

Still, it can be very difficult to resist the temptation to compare your child to others. Why do some children at the age of 2 years old already read passages from "Moydodyr" from memory and speak in whole phrases, while others need another 1.5 - 2 years to reach the same level? Should I be worried about this?

AT modern psychology two types of children with normally developing speech are distinguished: “talkers” and “silent ones”.

  • "Talkers" show increased activity and interest in the world around them. Such children like to tell something, ask a lot of questions and easily get used to the new environment. Sometimes they start talking earlier than other children.
  • Silent people tend to be contemplative. They always need to adapt to a new environment. They may start talking late, but almost immediately without defects. It is important for such children to be heard and understood. Therefore, parents should try to carefully respond to the questions of the child. However, if the “silent person” has not begun to speak by 2-3 years, you need to contact a specialist.

Statistically, boys begin to develop speech later than girls. One of the reasons lies in physiology. Brain maturation in girls is faster. This affects the growth of vocabulary: by the age of 2, girls usually have twice as much vocabulary as boys of the same age. Plus, they are more emotional by nature and are happy to share all their impressions, and boys tend to show greater verbal restraint, speaking only “on business”.

In addition, numerous studies have shown that the higher the motor activity of the child, the better speech develops. It makes sense that more active toddlers may start demonstrating advanced language skills earlier than their slower peers.

Games with a child contribute to the development of speech. Encourage him to move more, and the baby will pick up the game with pleasure.

How to Help Early Childhood Speech Development

What can we, parents, do from the very birth of a child so that he speaks naturally?

Let us remind you that the sensory channel of perception of information about the external environment (vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch) in children in the first years of life is the main one. Therefore, the answer lies on the surface: it is necessary to give the child as much information as possible about the world around him, as much as possible of any kind of sensory sensations and stimuli. Let's talk about it.

  • Touch. Feeling No. 1 at first. Warm mother's hands, her gentle touches, stroking, massage, gymnastics, toys of various shapes and textures, finger games - the more of this, the better. Knowledge about oneself, one's body and its sensations is formed through contacts with environment, so diversify the tactile sensations of the child as much as possible. Water of different temperatures (be careful!), soft fabric and rubber balls, a plastic rattle and a wooden cube, finger paints on a palette, sand in a children's sandbox, beans in a jar, etc. - the world is so rich for training the sense of touch!
  • Hearing. Give the baby as much information as possible that he can perceive by ear: the sounds of music, nature, household appliances in the house, street noise from the window and, of course, the sounds of his native speech. Talk to the baby always and about everything. Mom does it by itself, because speech is accompanied by any of her actions: she voices swaddling, feeding, bathing, laying down. She names the objects surrounding the child, pointing to them. When the baby starts to walk, the mother “keeps up the conversation”: she responds to the sounds that the baby makes, repeats them and introduces him to adult speech which the baby will try to imitate as he grows up.
  • Vision. We interest the baby in the objects around him so that he learns to focus his eyesight and keep his attention on significant objects. To help your child concentrate, you can hang brightly colored objects above the crib (for example, balloons, fluffy pom-poms They are quite light and will certainly attract attention). Some models of mobiles come with detachable toys to help adults provide a stimulus-rich space and variety for the child. This is for the little ones. Later arsenal of items surrounding reality can be replenished endlessly both at the expense of toys in the house, and at the expense of those visual impressions that the baby will receive when he is outside the house: on a city street, on a river, in a forest, at a zoo.
  • Taste. Mom's milk, water, teas, juices, pureed and solid food What a variety of textures and flavors! Introduce your baby to them, gradually expanding the range of products that you introduce into baby food. How earlier child will get acquainted with the basic tastes, the less picky he will be in food later.

When the time comes for the first complementary foods, for example, from the Agusha First Spoon line, it is important to name the products that the mother offers the baby. Cottage cheese, kefir, juice, fruit puree- this is an opportunity to acquaint the baby with the names of fruits, vegetables, talk about animals. For example, about a cow that gives milk, says "mu" and grazes in the meadow.

  • Smell. Acquaintance with smells not only enriches the perception of the general picture of the world, but also creates a certain mood, associations and subsequently pleasant memories in the baby. The smell of freshly baked bread and grandmother's jam, autumn foliage and spring melting snow, mushrooms and wild flowers - how many memories behind each of them! Do not forget about this side of perception, recognize smells with your child, teach him to distinguish them and compare them - what if you have a future perfumer growing up?
  • Gross motor skills (movements of large muscles: body, arms, legs). It is important to motivate the baby to actively move from the first weeks of life. If you think your baby needs to be swaddled, be sure to allow enough time for the baby to move freely around the legs and arms. As the baby grows, create a safe space for free movement in the house.
  • Fine motor skills (fine movements of the hands and fingers). Only a newborn has not heard that fine motor skills and speech are connected. This connection is explained by the proximity of the location of speech motor and motor centers in the brain. Therefore, any activity aimed at stimulating fine motor skills has a positive effect on the formation of speech. And do not forget about developing self-care skills from early childhood: a cup, a toothbrush, cutlery, buttons on clothes, zippers and shoelaces are great exercise equipment!

Speech is a product of the muscles and organs of the speech apparatus, and, as in the case of training any other muscle, speech must be developed by consistent and regular exercises. Let's talk about these activities and about the exercises that need to be included in the daily "speech exercise" of the child.

How to form speech correctly

  • Respond to the cooing and babbling of the child, imitate his sounds, repeat them.
  • Talk to your baby when you take care of him: swaddle, feed, bathe. Talk to him throughout the day.
  • Read bright colorful books every day.
  • Repeat short rhythmic rhymes, nursery rhymes.
  • Teach your child the names of loved ones and the names of all the objects around him.
  • Take the baby with you to new places, be with him in different situations.
  • Draw your child's attention to various objects that make sounds (animals, birds, vehicles, etc.).
  • Encourage your child to try new words.
  • "Speak" with the baby new situations in which he finds himself, before, during and after the event.
  • Look at the baby when you talk to him.
  • Describe in detail and colorfully to the child what he hears, sees, does and feels.
  • Put the kid children's songs and fairy tales.
  • When talking with your little interlocutor, do not imitate children's pronunciation, make sure that your speech is clear, expressive (but without lisping), competent, simple and clear.
  • Praise your child every time he initiates communication with you.
  • Make sure that the baby does not designate surrounding objects with sound pronunciation. Parents can use simplified forms of the words “give”, “am-am”, “tu-tu” when communicating with a child under one year old. This will help him get involved in the development of speech. Then it is desirable to accompany the simplified words with the correct names. He saw the train: “Tu-tu!” - Mom responded: "Yes, the train has gone." The kid is asked: “Who is this?” - he replies: "Wow-wow", - mom explains that "wow" says the animal "dog".
  • Be sure to correct mistakes in the baby's speech, do it tactfully, otherwise the child may lose confidence in you.
  • Enrich the child's simplified speech: "More juice" - "Tanya wants more orange juice."
  • Choose not a narrative, but a descriptive style of communication (“There is a crow flying” - “Look, a crow is flying over that house. It is black and can croak loudly”).
  • Listen to the child's answers to your questions, encourage his attempts to speak out.
  • Help your baby learn to listen and follow instructions through simple requests, naming a sequence of actions (preferably in a playful way): “Go to your room and fetch a bear.”
  • It is very important for the development of the child's speech abilities. play activity through which the baby learns the reality around him. So play with your baby!
  • Include the child not only in the game, but also in real interaction with all family members. Be sure to give the crumbs useful assignments. Pass through it requests to other adults. Thank you for your help.
  • Read every day; perhaps reading should be part of the evening's bedtime ritual.
  • Always listen carefully when your child is talking to you.
  • Explain to your child what you think, what you plan, do, how you talk.
  • Ask your child questions, stimulating him to think, encourage him to answer.
  • Talk to your child about how they spent their day kindergarten How was your trip together? After playing with your child, remember the most interesting moments.
  • Use visual material. It is difficult for children to perceive words torn off from the image.
  • Show your child that you are listening carefully: nod, smile, answer his questions.
  • And most importantly: support all the undertakings of the baby, praise him even for minor successes.

It is important that the mother (or other adult caring for the baby), despite the workload, maintains a positive attitude towards life and communication. Therefore, take care of yourself, mothers, try to find moments of rest and switch to meetings with friends, favorite books, going to the theater. This is not only for you, but also for your baby!

What to look out for

The graph for the development of speech skills was given above. Children develop in different ways, and even the most talented talkers can master all the necessary skills in their age category, only when it reaches its upper bound. Therefore, the norms of timely development do not always serve as reliable guidelines for understanding whether a particular child is mastering speech correctly.

We will go from the other side and suggest what should be the reason for contacting specialists:

  • By the end of the 1st month, the baby does not cry before feeding;
  • By the end of the 4th month does not smile when spoken to, and does not coo;
  • By the end of the 5th month does not listen to music;
  • By the 7th month does not recognize the voices of loved ones, does not respond to intonations;
  • By the end of the 9th month, there is no babbling and the child cannot repeat sound combinations and syllables after adults, imitating the intonation of the speaker;
  • By the end of the 10th month, the baby is not waving his head in denial or a pen in goodbye;
  • By the age of 1, the child cannot utter a word and does not fulfill the simplest requests (“give”, “show”, “bring”);
  • By the age of 1 year 4 months, he cannot call his mother “mother” and his father “dad”;
  • By the age of 1 year 9 months, he cannot pronounce 5-6 meaningful words;
  • By the age of 2, he does not show the parts of the body that are called to him; does not fulfill requests from two actions (“go to the room and take a book”), does not recognize relatives in photographs;
  • At the age of 3, he cannot retell short poems and fairy tales, he cannot give his first and last name; speaks in such a way that others do not understand him; speaks very quickly, swallowing the endings, or very slowly, drawing out words.

Speech therapy classes for the development of speech in children

If something worries you about how a child learns his native language, do not delay, talk to a pediatrician - if necessary, he will refer you for additional consultations to a neurologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist, psychologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist. If some speech development disorders have been found, then your joint work with these specialists (subject to following their instructions and doing homework) will definitely have a positive effect and lead to the intended goal.

What can a speech pathologist do? A speech therapist is perhaps the most important assistant to parents in this case. You need to contact a speech therapist, even if the child does not pronounce just a couple of letters. The specialist will not only identify defects, but also begin to work on correcting pronunciation. He knows all the subtleties of articulatory gymnastics and massage and will definitely help using his professional experience.

Usually, when contacting a speech therapist, regular classes are prescribed using various techniques for the development of language mobility, which the specialist considers effective in a particular case. It is important to follow the instructions accurately and on a daily basis and attend consultations regularly. Only by joint efforts can we successfully overcome speech therapy problems in speech disorders in a short time.

You can do some exercises yourself, but it is important to make sure that the baby is interested: let the classes be held in a playful way, they will not last more than 5 minutes at first, and it is better to do them every day. Don't forget to praise your child.

The formation of speech skills occurs naturally when the baby grows in a host environment that provides opportunities for its continuous development. The task of parents during infancy and early childhood is to provide the child with attention, support and communication.

Therefore, in conclusion, we want to remind you of the most important. No matter how your baby develops, no matter what games, activities, techniques and exercises you choose for him, the main thing is to remember that the child first of all needs simple daily communication with you. Not only during classes, but every minute of your time together with him. This will be the main impetus for the development of the child.

If you are conducting developmental activities with your child on your own, be patient (perhaps the result will not be visible immediately) and do not quit what you have started. And you and your baby will definitely succeed!

What mistakes can parents make when developing a child's speech?

Often a child is overprotected and cherished, trying to anticipate his desires - of course, out of love for him. But then the baby does not form the desire to work independently, he does not learn to express his thoughts with the help of speech, and many processes in his development can be inhibited.

Intuition and love help relatives understand the child literally at a glance. But communication with unfamiliar people in unusual conditions will be difficult for him, and in the worst case, acutely uncomfortable. To prevent this from happening, as you grow older, you need to more often enter into a conversation with new and new interlocutors, and then the child will simply be forced to improve his speech understanding skills.

Some parents underestimate, while others overestimate the requirements for the speech of the baby. In the first case, nothing is required of the child, all his desires are guessed and immediately fulfilled, in the second, they constantly pester: “Say!”, “Repeat!”. Sometimes two extreme approaches are used at once in one family: for example, dad demands, and grandmother takes care of. This has a very negative effect on the speech development of the child.

Try to exclude lisping, "baby talk", constant onomatopoeia in communication with the baby. The speech of the parent is a model for the child.

Parents can speak very quickly or, on the contrary, too slowly, without pauses and different intonations, in a monotone. It is important to use all the richness and diversity of the language in the development of the child's speech.

Do not try to speed up the natural speech development of the baby. Avoid overwork from speech classes, memorizing poetry.

When to See a Speech Pathologist

You should contact a speech pathologist if:

Until the age of 2.5, the child did not have speech or the baby's vocabulary is no more than 10 words. A qualified speech therapist can not only correct sound pronunciation, but also stimulate the appearance of speech in non-speaking children;

A child at 1.5 - 2.5 years old does not pronounce normal, understandable words like "mother", "woman", "bi-bi", "cat", "drink", "go", but speaks in "his" language , and a lot and actively (no need to wait 3 years - go to a speech therapist right now);

A child of 4-5 years old softens all sounds: “kisya”, “shap”, “stash”, “lamp”;

A child of 3 years and older distorts the syllabic structure of the word, skips, rearranges syllables, adds new ones: "button" - "button", "gebimot" - "behemoth", "pepitan" - "captain";

The child is over 6 years old and does not pronounce any sounds of his native language. At this time, the phonetic system is fully formed, and the baby must speak correctly;

The child began to repeat the first sounds, syllables, words (speech stutters appeared).

It is also worth being more careful if the baby is studying several foreign languages ​​​​at once: sometimes in such cases he may develop dysgraphia - a violation of mastering written speech. So that there are no deviations, you need to deal with the baby as soon as he gets acquainted with the letters - usually this skill comes at 4-6 years old.

How to create the right environment for speech development?

You need to constantly talk with the child, pronouncing the situations: dressing, undressing, washing, bathing, eating, walking and getting ready for bed. The same work should be carried out during games with toys and pictures, while reading and watching cartoons.

Examples of speaking situations

1) Washing. “Let's wash up with you, turn on the water. No, make the water warmer. Here is the soap. Take it and lather your hands. Put the soap in the soap dish. Three hands is good, now let's wash off the soap. Submerge your hands under water. Now let's wash our face. Close the faucet. Well done. Where's the towel? Take it and wipe your face and hands. How clean you have become, smart girl!

2) Gathering for a walk, when all things are already prepared. “Now we will go for a walk. Where are your pants? Here they are. Let's put on our pants, like this: first on one leg, then on the other. Now you need to fasten them with a button, where is it, show me. Correctly. Bring a jacket. What is on it? Duck, right. And what's on the sweater? Karman, well done. And so on.

3) On a walk. “Wow, look at the weather. It's raining, you're right. How nice of you to wear boots. Put on a hood. And I'll open my umbrella. Now you can walk. What's on the track? What a big puddle! What's under the tree? The leaves have fallen, and the twigs have fallen too. What color are the leaves? Red and yellow. Many leaves. Show how many leaves.

The child hears the speech of an adult and learns many new words and expressions. And since speech accompanies a situation that is significant for him, the meanings of words and their combinations are better remembered, more firmly deposited in the mind of the baby.

Anna Andreevna Pritvorova, speech therapist

Hello dear parents! Today I offer you an article on how to develop speech in a child, what you should pay attention to at certain periods, what games and entertainment will help you in this process and how not to spoil things yourself. Many parents are in too much of a hurry, do not pay due attention, and show impatience. All this can be bad for the baby.

Up to 12 months

The very first way a child uses to start communicating with this world is to cry. This is how the baby shows what he feels, how he treats his parents, what he wants. Many mothers can easily determine the intonation with which their baby screams. After all, the child needs to be shown that he wants to eat, that he is uncomfortable from wet diaper that he is awake and wants attention.

The next stage is cooing. At this point, you can start playing hide and seek with your baby. Remember that at any age, simple communication will contribute to the development of speech much more effectively than any games.

It is necessary to speak gently and calmly. Here it is important to catch the line and not overdo it in lisping with the baby, but also not to choose too serious an adult tone. When a child gurgles, then your task is to answer. Talk about all the activities that you do with your child.

Further, the little one learns to babble. Tastes different syllables. This and "ma-ba-pa-la-ka" and so on. Here you can already focus on the words "ma-ma", "pa-pa", "ba-ba". Speak clearly, let the baby try to copy you. Repetition after adults contributes good development own speech.

pronouncing short words watch the articulation, how the lips move, what the tongue does. The peanut will look at you and try to repeat. At this moment, you can introduce the baby to music, show how different objects knock, what sounds toys make.

By the age of 1, you can safely ask your child to give you something, to show you something. Remember to keep the request short and to the point. "Get up", "Give me a doll", "Drop" and the like. In the period from a year to a year and a half, the first words begin to appear in the child. This is the next stage.

You may find the book very useful Album for the development of speech for the little ones».

Up to two years

Very often, children have the sound “Y” accompanied by a pointing gesture. Thus, your baby is trying to ask what kind of object. He points to literally everything. Here you must be patient and calmly name object after object.

If it's a toy, please specify which one. AT this moment you develop a passive vocabulary. These are the words that the little one understands, but cannot yet say himself. The stock will become more and more and at one moment it will move from passive to active. Therefore, calmly name any object that the child points to with a greedy cry of “Y?”.

As I said, in the period from a year to 1.5 years, the first words begin to appear in the baby. The simplest and lightest. Children begin to designate mom and dad, favorite toy, food. Many items can fall into one category. For example, all toys can be denoted by the word “yoke”, so the daughter of one of my clients meant all the toys and asked to be played with.

Different children focus on different categories of words. Some use nouns more, while others focus on verbs.

In no case do not forget about bodily reinforcement. The peanut gets acquainted with the world through tactile sensations. What is a carpet? It's something soft and fluffy. Be sure to touch the carpet with your child if we are talking exactly about him.

If the baby paid attention to the flower, then you can smell it, touch it. Try to give words in different combinations. “The flower smells”, “the flower loves the sun”, “the flower grows in a pot”, and so on. This way, children will remember the words better.

A child at 2 years old learns to generalize objects. Your task is to teach how to act with objects. If you are learning the word spoon, then do not just show the spoon, but eat with a spoon, dig with a spoon, turn the spoon, wash the spoon. Thus, the baby will better remember the word and will not refer the concept of a spoon only to a specific object, but will make an association for all spoons.

Up to three years

It is very important to pay attention to articulation. You can purchase various wind instruments: pipe, whistle, waxwing. Thanks to the tools, the baby will blow, blow, exercise his lips and tongue. All this, in turn, will lead to a better development of the speech apparatus.

At 2.5 years old, many kids freely name objects, use generalized concepts, use the words “cold”, “dark”, and so on. Now your task is not just to teach the child to speak everything, but to understand the structure of the sentence, to teach how to connect words and build the correct phrases.

You can start with an exercise in personal pronouns. You alternately say “I”, “you”, “we”, and your baby points a finger: I - at myself, you - at you, we - at both of you.

Children don't always use verbs correctly. This is due to our multifaceted and complex language. In no case do not scold the child, do not say that he is stupid. This only aggravates the situation and the baby may stop trying to speak altogether.

Instead, teach him how to conjugate verbs correctly. Take the verb "eat" and repeat: I eat, he eats, you eat. And the same goes for other verbs. Stock up on patience.

Offer to play replay. First you name different words, and the child repeats them, and then vice versa, he says words and you repeat. This game contributes to the development of pronunciation, vocabulary and thinking.

At 3 years old, you can start retelling your favorite fairy tales or cartoons. Such games not only develop speech, but also help with memory, making sentences.

Not all children develop at the same rate. If he doesn't talk to you at two years old, don't panic. First consider if your child has always refused to interact with the fumigating world. Gesticulation, facial expressions, individual sounds - all these are moments of communication.

adult child

At the age of 4 - 5 years, the baby can already speak clearly, tell about himself and his family, describe what happened to him. Yes, the vocabulary is still scarce and because of this, difficulties may arise. Try to explain as many words as possible, calmly correct and correct, explaining what the baby was wrong about.

To make the speech coherent, try to often retell fairy tales, today, cartoons. The repetition of history structures, builds actions, which helps to better capture the connection between incidents. If the little one confuses something, do not swear and do not rush him. Give him time to think, and if he is at an impasse, calmly help him.

At the age of 6 - 7 you can put more emphasis on thinking. Try to catch how your child argues, why he makes this or that conclusion, how he builds a phrase. In order for the baby to be developed, it is constantly necessary to talk with him.

Remember that simple conversations are much more effective than all games.

Another important point- Never imitate children's speech. You must speak like an adult, in simple and understandable language, but just like an adult.

Possible difficulties

Another common moment is the embodiment of one's fantasies. The mother of one of my clients dreamed of becoming a TV presenter all her life. Hence the early hikes modeling agencies, various TV shows and other "non-childish" activities. Because of this story, the woman developed an inferiority complex, because of the clash of her desires and the needs of her mother.

Be patient, pay attention to all the child's attempts to interact with you and with the outside world, communicate with him calmly and in an adult way, do not be zealous. If you are a program follower early development- then be very careful and careful. Many programs carry great challenges in the future.

The development of the baby should take place calmly, without sharp jumps, according to his abilities and capabilities. Remember that not all children develop in the same way.

Tell us about your methods of developing speech in a child. What games do you use? When did your child say the first word? How did you help him and what did you teach?

Be patient and soon you will be talking with your child on interesting topics!

Consider how your child's speech should develop from birth to 2 years. How does language development begin in a child?

Indicators of speech development of the child

The first stage (from the birth of a child to one year) is preparatory. At this time, preparation for mastering speech takes place.

Three components are necessary for the formation and development of speech:

Emotional communication with the baby for the development of imitation;

Sensory development (tactile sensations, visual and auditory perception of objects);

Motor activity (training of general and fine motor skills).

One of the first manifestations of pre-speech development is the reflex cry of a child. AT 2-4 months the baby begins to make short sounds - a cooing appears, and then a cooing, which does not carry a semantic content. It should be noted that cooing is also observed in children deaf from birth, which indicates that the child has an innate ability to master speech.

FROM 5 months the child hears sounds, sees the articulatory movements of the lips in those around him, and tries to imitate adults. Repeated repetition of a certain movement leads to the consolidation of a specific motor skill.

Aged 7-9 months the child begins to repeat after the adult more and more various combinations of sounds. Babble, singing syllables at 9 months is a prerequisite for the normal development of speech in the future. During babbling, a feedback is developed between the work of the speech organs and the perception of external speech through the auditory canals, which contributes to the development of the voice.

It should be noted that in the presence of serious disorders leading to speech pathology, babble fades (for example, in autism, sensorineural hearing loss, etc.).

AT 12 months the preparatory stage in the development of speech ends, the vocabulary of a baby at this age usually ranges from 5-7 to 9-12 words. The vowels a, y, o, and are learned; consonants m, p, b, k, d. The child purposefully uses gestures to communicate, has the ability to correlate a word with an object, for example, picks up a dog and says: “Av-av”, takes a toy cat, brings it to a bowl and says: “ Yum-yum”, etc.

To one and a half years A baby's vocabulary can reach 50 words. At this stage, it is important to get the child to correlate words and actions, he must correctly understand simple requests: sit down, drink, sleep, mine, run, etc. During the same period, it is necessary to stimulate the need to use one-word sentences (give, drink ... ), a little later - a two-word phrase (in the process of playing with toys, showing, looking at pictures depicting simple actions, involve the baby in a conversation: “I am carrying a doll, my doll, giving a doll. What are you doing? Are you carrying a doll? Say:“ I am carrying a doll ""; "I eat, I play, I sing ... What are you doing? Tell me ..." etc.).

AT 2 years Many children speak in simple sentences. By this age, they learn the sounds n, t, d, tb, n, l, s, kh, ts, y. The kid can already communicate with loved ones for a long time in his own language (autonomous speech), but on condition that they understand him; shows the parts of the body that the adult names. It's okay if the child skips individual syllables in words (goodbye - goodbye), inserts extra sounds (glass - tankanchik), and when consonants converge, he omits one sound (stol - tol). Even if only relatives understand it, this corresponds to normal speech development.

Speech development occurs individually: someone starts speaking earlier, someone later, but by the age of 3, the child’s vocabulary is on average from 300 to 800 words. The kid already speaks in sentences of 3-4 words, his speech is understandable not only to relatives, but also to strangers. He can pronounce the sounds s, e, l, s, s, c, w, h, sh. At this age, violations of sound pronunciation, the syllabic structure of words consisting of more than 3 syllables are acceptable. The kid understands and follows simple verbal instructions, is able to memorize simple poems.