Moisturizing face cream: the best and reviews. How to choose an effective and safe night cream for aging, dry and sensitive skin

Of course, it is impossible to stay forever young, but it is nice to look younger than your age. What can be done to make this a reality?

The main thing for the skin at any age is high-quality hydration. © Getty Images

After 25 years

The period between 25-35 years is very important for the skin. At this age, the first signs of aging begin to appear:

The following remedies will help overcome these troubles.

Advanced Génifique Sensitive Double Action Youth Concentrate, Lancôme

The composition contains ferulic acid, which has an antioxidant effect. The product soothes the skin and reduces signs of sensitivity, enhances its barrier functions.

A special complex with extract and plant cells of youth gives the skin a powerful boost to rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles and giving the face radiance.

Vitamins E and B5 in the cream moisturize and protect the epidermis. Suitable for people with normal and combination skin.

Skin care should be daily and regular. © Getty Images

30–35+ years

Action cosmetics should be aimed at moisturizing the skin, active mineralization and nutrition, as well as an anti-stress effect.

The cream strengthens the skin and resists aging with antioxidants, probiotics and sunscreens.

A product with 10% pure L-ascorbic acid, which stimulates collagen synthesis and, in combination with ferulic acid, actively fights wrinkles.

After 40 years

  1. 1

    Hyperpigmentation appears.

  2. 2

    Wrinkles become static.

  3. 3

    The skin often looks gray, tired and dull.

  4. 4

    The sebaceous glands reduce their activity, hence dryness.

  5. 5

    Affects the gravitational influence - the oval of the face loses its clarity.

It is at this age that you should pay attention to cosmetics with powerful anti-age components - peptides, nutritional and mineral ingredients.



Cream based on thermal water soothes allergy-prone skin, nourishes and protects it.


Visibly reduces wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.


Face cream protects the skin from aggressive external factors. Improves the appearance of normal to combination skin, thanks to its ultra-light consistency it is suitable for everyday use. The cream is applied in the morning on a cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes.


On the labels of cosmetics, the composition is written in small print, which cannot be understood at first glance. But we'll try! This will help us Tatyana Sinitsyna, cosmetologist-esthetician at the Institute of Restorative Medicine.

All cosmetic procedures one way or another begin with determining the type of skin. Having learned our type, we will be able to correct the resulting imbalance, which violates our beautiful appearance. Yes, and the product on the label can be selected, only being absolutely sure that you have dry, and not combination skin.

Today we will be interested in three areas of our beautiful body that we want to keep young and beautiful - the face, eyelids and hands. It is these areas that become dehydrated over the years and undergo strong age-related changes. Our task is not only to prevent aging, but also to cure, nourish the skin so that it is not only smooth and taut, but also shines with health.

That other guy...

Type "normal (read - perfect) skin" occurs in selected happy female units and in children under 10 years old, so this type can be ignored, it does not cause any problems to its owner.

Laws of Choice
Cream for oily skin should consist of water in oil, cream for dry skin should consist of oil in water. What does it mean? As part of a cream for oily skin, water should be in the first place on the list, and only then oils and other ingredients. For dry skin - on the contrary, oils should be the first in the composition, and only after them everything else.

Vitamin E must be present in a cream for aging skin.

For morning moisturizing, owners of oily skin use gels. In the evening, full-fledged creams are used. Owners of dry and combination skin use creams both during the day and in the evening. However, in frosty winter weather, before going for a walk, creams are also recommended for owners of oily skin.

oily skin type - the skin is thick (seemingly dense), the pores are enlarged, even at a distance they are clearly visible. The complexion is often greyish. Although it is believed that oily skin is less prone to aging, yet this type gives its wearer a lot of trouble - a tendency to inflammatory elements: black dots (comedones), pustules (pustules), acne (papules), etc.

dry skin type - flat, smooth matte shade, often has a "marbling effect" (as if transparent). The pores are so small that they are not visible even upon closer inspection. Inflammatory processes almost never bother the hostess of a dry skin type, but she has enough of her own problems - early wrinkles, "crow's feet" near the eyes, then near the lips, pronounced mimic wrinkles on the forehead. Such skin is most often sensitive (it manifests itself especially badly in cold and windy weather - it instantly begins to peel off).

Combination skin type - perhaps the most common. Such skin combines the "charms" of oily type - shine and enlarged pores in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and dry type - flaky skin on the cheeks. Although there are other combinations.

Why do we need cream at all?

Under the influence of the external environment, our skin loses moisture, nutrients, hence (due to unsaturation) it takes on a gray appearance, the pores become clogged with dirt and become inflamed, black dots or wrinkles appear. What is the effect of cosmetics?

A cream for dry skin is designed to moisturize and saturate the upper layers, for oily skin - to saturate and close pores, for combination skin - to smooth out contrasts, to solve two problems at once.

Our skin is covered with a water-lipid mantle, the task of which is to create a barrier, preventing excess moisture from evaporating, but also preventing disease-causing agents from passing inside. BAVs (biologically active substances), which are part of cosmetics, break through this shell in order to deliver vitamins, water, oils directly to the cells. Soon the water-lipid mantle is restored, but the cells are already filled with the substances we need, which means that the skin looks great and feels great.

Little label tricks

No matter how attractive the design of a skin care product, from now on we are only interested in the composition indicated on the jar. How to read this abracadabra?

From big to small

Theory. The funds that are indicated are arranged there in a special way. by the most first comes the ingredient whose content in this substance dominates, and then in descending order of concentration. This principle is used by all cosmetic companies without exception.

Practice. For example, you liked a beautiful pink tube. The advertisement reads: "Velvet Rose Petal Cream." We look at the composition: if the extract of rose leaves or the roses themselves are listed at the end of a long list of ingredients, you can be sure that their amount in this cream is so small that the promised miraculous result of their action is doubtful.

Mutation Cream

Theory. In no case should the cream contain formaldehyde and its derivatives. Careless manufacturers sometimes use this tool as a preservative.

Practice. In many countries, formaldehyde is officially recognized as a carcinogen - a substance that, penetrating the skin, destroys it, up to cell mutation. Even hypothetically, we do not need such results! If you see the word formalinum (formaldehyde solution) on the label, don't buy it.

This mysterious paraben

Theory. Parabens are preservatives that are used in almost all products. So, in the composition of creams, you can find substances whose names end in "-paraben". For example, butylparaben (Butylparaben), methylparaben (Methylparaben), propylparaben (Propylparaben). This preservative has excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties, which allows for a long-term preservation of a cosmetic product, especially rich in natural ingredients. However, in addition to excellent qualities, in rare cases, it can cause allergic dermatitis and, according to some studies, be a provocateur of breast cancer.

Several expert studies have shown that there is an indirect link between the presence of parabens and breast cancer. High levels of parabens were found in cancerous tumors in 18 out of 20 women. Molecular biologist Philippa Darbre reported that the ether form of parabens found in the tumor indicates that they may have come from the outside, that is, they were applied to the skin using, for example, a deodorant, cream or body spray. Another indirect evidence of the dangers of parabens is that 60% of all breast tumors are found in only one fifth of the breast area - the upper outer square closest to the armpits.

Practice. Cosmetics should not contain more than 0.3% parabens. And if you saw a paraben with the prefix “iso-” (for example, isobutylparaben), then this remedy should definitely be abandoned. In addition, if an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product occurs, it is most often associated with the reaction of your skin to the paraben. For allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate even the smallest dose of these preservatives, there are now special organic cosmetics.

What's useful?

The composition of all creams, emulsions, gels includes a certain number of components. These are water, oil, biologically active substances (BAS), vitamins, amino acids, emulsifiers and some preservatives.

Do not be afraid if you see a bunch of obscure substances with scary names in the composition of the product. Yes, perhaps these are preservatives, but they are also necessary to preserve the properties of the cream and extend its shelf life. However, in the right remedy preservatives are on last places in the list, and this, as we remember, indicates a small dose of their content.

By the way, the “terrible” names in the composition of the product sometimes do not mean chemistry at all. These may be emulsifiers and antioxidants created from plant extracts. Such components contribute to the healing of pustules, sores, cracks. Also, emulsifiers ensure that the product does not delaminate, has a uniform structure. For example, Gliceril Stearate, Carbomer (allows you to get transparent, non-sticky textures), Polysosbate 20 (based on vegetable oils, used for cream viscosity).

The content of this or that plant in the cream directly depends on what type of skin the cream is intended for. For example, strawberries are perfect for oily skin, lavender, St. John's wort are perfect for dry and combination skin.

It is great if the magic component azulene is present in the composition of the product. This substance is obtained from medicinal herbs: chamomile, wormwood, common yarrow, valerian, St. John's wort. Azulene soothes, heals, nourishes and nourishes.

Oil speaks volumes

According to the oils indicated on the label, you can guess the true purpose of the cream. If coconut, then the cream is designed to soften, olive, vegetable - to moisturize.

It is good if such agents as panthenol (pantenol) and allantoin (allantoin) are included. The first component has a softening and regenerating effect, rejuvenates the skin. The second exhibits a softening and moisture-retaining effect, eliminates peeling, and enhances skin regeneration.

If vitamins A, E, D, K are present in the cream, then a special fatty base is necessary for their dissolution and assimilation, most often Lecitin is used for this (it is both an emulsifier and a BAS). And lecithin is made from egg yolk or from soybean oil.

Vitamins in cosmetics can also be added not in pure, but in synthesized form - in the form of extracts or extracts from plants and vegetables. For example, Tocopheryl Acetate is a synthetic vitamin E derived from vegetable oils (highly recommended for aging skin).

The principle of "cosmetic snuffbox"

Creams, and any cosmetic products, are recommended to be purchased not in jars, but in tubes or in bottles with a dispenser. The fact is that antioxidants, vitamins and other useful material they begin to work actively in the air, but if the jar is open, then the cream simply loses its properties. But if you still happened to buy a jar that is dear to your heart, then when using the cream, apply the principle of a “cosmetic snuffbox” - clench your hand into a fist, turn it towards you thumb up. This formed area between the thumb and forefinger is called a cosmetic snuffbox. Apply as much cream to this area with a special spatula as you usually need for the procedure, and immediately cover the jar tightly.

We read and understand!

Let's take any cream, even for hands, one of the well-known brands, which claims that the cream not only moisturizes, but also softens the skin, and the effect lasts for two days. Hand cream composition:

Aqua- water means this tool most of the water, and therefore the cream - for oily skin.

Clicerin- glycerin, in itself, is a good substance, suitable for moisturizing, but if it is in the first rows in the list of ingredients, then this cosmetic product is not suitable for dry and normal skin. Glycerin in high concentration can draw its own moisture from the skin.

Dimenthicone- dimenticone, mineral oil, for softening and moisturizing.

Urea Urea is a natural moisturizer.

Caprylic Triglyceride- caprylic triglyceride, this substance is obtained from coconut oil which is a natural skin softener. Thus, already from the first five components, we understand that the product really moisturizes, but is only suitable for combination and oily skin. And for dry skin, this will be a real nightmare, since the product will not moisturize, but, on the contrary, will dry it.

Paolo Giacomoni, Vice President External Nutrition, Herbalife:

I recommend purchasing only the funds of large companies that are most responsible for quality control. And here's why: there is great amount examples of the illogical use of certain substances in the production of cosmetics. For example, trichloroacetic acid is a good bleaching agent. But if you dip your finger into it, it will become like a cat's tongue - rough. Some manufacturers add it to creams, and after applying them, the skin becomes rough, uneven.

Or take, for example, bergamot oil - it has a very pleasant smell and has been used in cosmetology since the time of the pharaohs. But if you smear a product with this oil on your face and go out under the sun, a black spot forms on the skin, which cannot be removed by anything within six months, or even two years. Another example is hydroquinine. This substance has a bleaching quality, but should be used under strict medical supervision because it can cause irritation. Since you are unlikely to identify and learn all the substances dangerous to the skin, it is better to trust well-known brands that have a reputation not to experiment with dubious ingredients.

Sven Fey, Head of Innovation at NIVEA Hair Care Hamburg:

To date, the production of cosmetics without preservatives is impossible. We must be sure that this or that means of our production will not deteriorate within 30 months after manufacture and will retain the quality guaranteed by the manufacturer. The European Union has legislation regulating the use of preservatives in cosmetics. And since preservatives fall under the strict control of the European Commission, you can be sure of their safety. In addition, NIVEA restricts the use of even approved preservatives. For example, now there is a lot of talk about the dangers of parabens. We - and the European Commission - do not consider this ingredient dangerous. But out of respect for our consumers, who are concerned about the presence of parabens in cosmetics, we develop formulas without this preservative.

Finding, or rather, choosing the right one, the perfect face cream is not a test for the faint of heart. Mountains of unsuitable jars on a shelf in the bathroom grow like mushrooms after rain, but that one, the only one, is still missing. And if you are still “lucky” to have problem skin, the question “which face cream to choose” is especially acute.

In this post, we will tell you how to find the right face cream, and what to look for when choosing and buying.

When looking for and choosing a face cream, consider 5 important parameters. It is they who in the complex will give the desired result and will not let you be disappointed with the purchase.

  • Skin type.
  • Problem to be solved.
  • Season (summer, winter).
  • Time of day (day, night).
  • Age.

Let's talk about each in more detail.

1. Skin type

Skin type is the first criterion from which you should start when choosing a face cream.

At oily, oily and problematic skin, choose lighter textures - gels, cream-gels, emulsions, fluids and serums. Formulas without thick oils (butters) and waxes are your option. At the same time, they can be both with silicones and without them.

At dry and prone to dryness skin, look for more saturated textures, with oils, waxes, lanolin, silicones. Cream for very dry atopic the skin will often be similar to an ointment or putty.

Excess oil and acne

In this case, light means are needed. oil-free (without oils) and with the inscription noncomedogenic (non-comedogenic). Of course, they still do not guarantee 100% elimination of acne, but they reduce the risk of clogged pores and new rashes. If you use medical anti-acne products, apply them under the cream.

Sebum-regulating, anti-inflammatory and mild exfoliating agents, such as lactic acid, are what you need. In winter, you can use a cream with stronger acids (salicylic, glycolic) and retinoids.

What to look for on the label

Acids, vitamin A (retinol), zinc, rosemary, sage, tea tree, sulfur, niacinamide (vitamin B3), chamomile, calendula, panthenol, allantoin.

Dryness and dehydration

At dry skin, look for rich textures with large quantity oils and lipids. At dehydrated skin - emphasis on hydration.

What to look for on the label

    Moisturizers: hyaluronic acid, algae, aloe vera, amino acids, sorbitol, xylitol, chitosan, squalane, urea, collagen, elastin, glycerin, saccharides, lactic and malic acids.

    Lipids: cholesterol, ceramides, sphingolipids, sphingosine, lecithin.

Tired, dull skin

Your best friends- mild acids, vitamins and antioxidants. They will refresh the skin and give it radiance.

What to look for on the label

Lactic and malic acids, vitamins C, A, E, coenzyme Q10, green and red tea (rooibos).

Sensitive, allergic skin and rosacea

The most simple compositions, soothing ingredients, the absence of fragrances and dyes - what you need. Avoid a lot essential oils and strong preservatives.

Keep in mind that natural and organic creams are not always the best friends of an allergic person. Allergies to natural ingredients can occur just as easily as to chemical ones. Therefore, often creams for sensitive skin and allergy sufferers contain many silicones and other neutral components. They may seem "empty" (not loaded with active ingredients), but for allergy sufferers, this is a must.

What to look for on the label

Soothing, anti-inflammatory components: aloe, panthenol, allantoin, bisabolol, chamomile, azulene, calendula, hyaluronic acid.

At rosacea the main focus is on strengthening blood vessels. Massage and components to improve microcirculation and increase the tone of the vascular walls come to the rescue.

What to look for on the label

Anti-couperose, vascular strengthening components: extracts of horse chestnut, grape leaves, blueberries, red tea (rooibos), gingko biloba, sweet clover, chamomile, cornflower, calendula, linden, grape seed oil, algae, aloe, bisabolol, panthenol, vitamins C, A , E.

3. Season. Summer and winter cream

Regardless of skin type, switch to lighter creams in summer, and more saturated and dense creams in winter.

Summer face cream

The "golden rule" of summer care is moisturizing and sun protection in the morning, nutrition and recovery in the evening.

What face cream to choose for the summer? It is good if your daytime summer cream does not contain any oils or silicones. In summer, the skin begins to actively produce oil, and oils and silicones create a protective film that can lead to clogged pores (especially with addiction). In addition, saturated fatty textures are not comfortable in the heat.

In the summer, the cream can be replaced, especially for oily skin. Serums a priori have a lighter airy texture and are very comfortable in the summer.

Choose the most moisturizing products. Humidification is always relevant, but in summer due to the scorching sun and drier air - especially. Look on the label: amino acids, urea, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, algae, chitosan, squalane, collagen, elastin, aloe vera, glycerin.

Day cream for summer must contain SPF (preferably from 15). During pregnancy, lactation, adolescence, with any hormonal changes in the body, as well as with a tendency or the presence of pigmentation, choose SPF from 30.

The sun is at its most active during the summer months, so antioxidants are a must-have summer cream. Look on the label: vitamins C, E, A, alpha-lipoic acid, resveratrol, copper peptides, selenium, lycopene, green tea.

Winter face cream

The "golden rule" of winter care is nutrition and protection in the morning, moisturizing and recovery in the evening.

The main task of the day cream in winter is intensive nutrition and protection from adverse weather conditions - wind, frost, snow, hail, rain and temperature changes. Only a healthy epidermal barrier and hydrolipidic mantle save us from all these troubles. Therefore, in winter, more than ever, it is important to maintain and strengthen them. In addition, in winter, the skin produces less oil and becomes drier.

A competent winter cream has a dense, rich texture and necessarily contains oils, waxes, silicones, and lanolin. It is very good if the composition contains vitamins - A, E, C, K and a small SPF filter.

In winter, we focus on nutrition and protection, but we must not forget about hydration. Dry air, batteries, temperature differences between the room and the street provoke dryness and dehydration. Moisturizing the skin in winter is transferred to the night.

Why is it impossible to apply a light moisturizer in winter, or even a gel in the morning as a day care? Similar funds in in large numbers contain water, which freezes on the face in cold, frosty weather, causes hypothermia, peeling, and damage to the skin. Therefore, a moisturizer applied in winter before going outside does not protect it, but rather harms it.

It is important to remember that absolutely any cream contains water in one quantity or another. Therefore, apply creams 30-60 minutes before going outside - during this time the water will be absorbed.

4. Time of day. Day and night cream

In fact, the only difference between a day and night face cream is that the day one should ideally contain SPF. In the night cream SPF we don't need anything.

Everything else - hydration, nutrition, lightness, fat content, density, saturation with active ingredients - is variable. Depending on the season and skin type, both day and night cream can be either light moisturizing or rich in nutrients.

Therefore - no need to bother. Choose a cream based on your skin's needs, not on the day/night label.

5. Age

And finally, another criterion when choosing a face cream is age.

AT young age(up to 25 years), in the absence of serious problems, a good light moisturizer with plant extracts and vitamins is quite enough. Vitamins are not superfluous. ☺

After 25, look for products rich in antioxidants, proteins, hyaluronic acid, algae, silicon, collagen. For prevention. ☺ These components help maintain the skin's moisture level, strengthen it, prevent the aging process, delay the formation of wrinkles and maintain a youthful appearance of the skin.

A cream for skin after 35 years should contain antioxidants, phyto-stem cells, retinol, peptides (for example, argireline, matrixyl), hyaluronic acid, collagen, silicon and other anti-age components.

Briefly about the main

When choosing a face cream, rely on 5 main parameters - skin type, problem to be solved, season, time of day and age.

For oily skin and summer, choose lighter textures, for dry skin and winter - more saturated. Day cream should contain SPF, night cream should not.

At problematic skin with acne, look for anti-inflammatory sebum-regulating components on the label, for dry and dehydrated skin - lipids and moisturizers, for dull skin - vitamins and antioxidants, for sensitive, allergic skin and rosacea - soothing and strengthening blood vessels.

Do you have any questions? Ask in the comments.

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A little girl was smeared with mother's cream and received a reprimand? Mom was sorry not for cosmetics, but for your skin. Today, when it would seem that every woman should understand cosmetics, like Perelman in mathematics, many continue to make gross mistakes when choosing and using cosmetics. good cream- not expensive, but one that "works" with your skin. How to choose it?

What does the skin need?

Some face creams solve the problem of acne, others fight wrinkles. There is, rosacea, enlarged pores, puffiness. What do you want? When choosing a cream, it is important to understand the problem that the product should solve. In addition, you must know what you need from the cream. And you can dream about a lot - about lifting, rejuvenation, nutrition, whitening, UV protection. Mark your skin problem and the desired effect in the "Application" and "Assignment against" filters.

Individual approach

Solving the problem, the cream must match the type of skin and age. Inconsistency in the most detrimental way will affect the appearance. Professional creams for oily skin contain components that narrow pores and reduce fat secretion. Working on the surface of dry skin, such a product will degrease it, exacerbating the problem of tightness and peeling. And, on the contrary, categorically does not fit oily. Emollients (fatty substances) of the product will clog pores, provoke the appearance of acne and pimples. Age is an equally important selection criterion. Young skin needs light and natural care with antioxidants. Mature or fading requires "heavy artillery" - the presence of acids, collagen, coenzyme Q10 and other anti-age ingredients. When choosing “your” cream, be sure to use the filters “Skin type” and “Age of application”.

To the place and time!

Frankly about the secret of her attractiveness, Brigitte Bardot recommended never to be confused with night. Cosmetologists agree with this opinion. The key task of a day cream is to protect against the aggression of the external environment. Night - saturates the skin with nutrients and stimulates renewal processes. There is also a difference between winter and summer cream. In summer, the skin needs protection from ultraviolet radiation and intense hydration. Winter dictates its own rules: protection and nutrition! A light moisturizing summer cream not only does not “work” in winter, but also causes harm, leaving the skin to be torn apart by frost and wind. Use the "Application time" filter to choose the cream "to the place and time."

Rules for applying creams

A cream that suits your skin perfectly can make it worse. It's all about the application technique. Carelessly rubbing and smearing, in the future, get early wrinkles and sagging skin.

The cream is applied with fingertips with massage and patting movements, warming up the skin and improving microcirculation.

All movements are directed from the center to the sides along massage lines. Professional eye creams are applied from the outer corner to the inner (under the eyes), in the area of ​​the upper eyelid - from the inner corner to the outer.

Don't forget the neck. In the neck area, the cream is applied from the bottom up, to the chin, and the lower part of the chin is massaged with vigorous patting movements.

Where could I buy? In "Cosmetics Gallery"!

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The "Cosmetics Gallery" provides everything to make the purchase comfortable. Be beautiful!

1. Moisturizer Hydratation, Geltek

At the heart of this domestic remedy is shea butter and wheat germ, very effective moisturizers and skin protectors. Even the emulsifier (a means by which the cream does not break down into its component parts) is made from olive oil. The composition contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, silk proteins, and Aloe Vera juice, which soothes the skin and prevents acne. To enhance the protective properties of the cream, it contains D-panthenol and a unique UV filter of the latest generation.

The price is about 850 rubles.

2. Day cream "Antistress", Likovskaya cosmetics

For the manufacture of this cream, the producers of Kislovodsk, a famous health resort with numerous thermal springs and springs, used glacier melt water, cocoa butter, olive and linseed oils, beeswax and plant extracts of clover, calendula, linden and yarrow. The cream perfectly moisturizes, protects against free radicals and soothes dehydrated, irritated skin.

The price is about 800 rubles.

3. Gel-cream "Express-moisturizing", Mirra

Many luxury brands can envy the composition of this cream: apricot oil, D-panthenol, soy lecithin, birch leaf extract, birch bud extract, Asian centella extract, knotweed extract, Vitamin E, orange essential oil, myrrh essential oil, lemon essential oil - a perfectly balanced complex of ingredients that will restore skin tone, restore water balance and reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions and irritations.

The price is about 500 rubles.

4. Day cream-hydrolifting "Violet and Althea", Green Mama

Light and quickly absorbed cream is suitable for any type of skin, moisturizes and softens, restores a healthy tone and delicate radiance to the face. Contains violet extract, vitamin complex and marshmallow extract, which removes signs of fatigue, puffiness, improves microcirculation, gently tones and tightens facial contours. The composition also contains pure shea butter - a natural skin protection against ultraviolet radiation. This good and inexpensive face cream does not leave a greasy shine and serves as an ideal base for daytime makeup.

The price is about 200 rubles.

5. Moisturizing facial serum, Baikal Herbals

Based on Baikal herbs, this serum is designed specifically for sensitive skin prone to flaking, irritation and redness. This effect is provided by the extracts of Jungar and Mongolian tea, and cedar milk, a unique ingredient, nourishes and soothes the skin, protecting it from external factors.

The price is about 240 rubles.

6. Cream-gel Arctic Aqua, Lumene

Great moisturizer for oily or combination skin. Due to the absence of oils in the composition, it does not leave shine, the Hydroxylitol complex saturates the skin with moisture and keeps it inside, without causing swelling or excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. With prolonged use, it reduces the production of sebum and reduces excessive shine in the T-zone.

The price is about 380 rubles.

7. Universal cream All in One Snail Repair Cream, Mizon

Luxurious Korean cream with 92% snail secretion filtrate was created specifically for tired and dull skin. It restores the elasticity and firmness of the skin, improves its tone, smoothes fine wrinkles, makes the skin relief smooth, promotes renewal of the upper layer of the skin and thus fights against early aging.

The price is about 480 rubles.

8. Bio-cream for the face "Double anti-aging care", Black Pearl

Damask rose extract nourishes and restores skin cells, leveling the effects of free radicals that destroy collagen and elastin fibers, thereby slowing down the aging process. The cream tightens the oval of the face and gives a pleasant feeling of freshness and comfort, even if you have dry skin. And thanks to the presence of the SPF factor, it is suitable for use in the summer or in the south. A great face cream that you can buy inexpensively!

The price is about 200 rubles.

9. Nourishing day cream, Nivea

American Nobel laureate Peter Agre received his award for the discovery of aquaporins - special water channels through which moisture moves in the layers of the skin. It is this discovery that led Nivea experts to create the HYDRA-IQ (smart hydration) formula, which stimulates the formation of aquaporins, thereby improving the distribution of moisture in the skin and eliminating the appearance of dehydrated areas.

The price is about 200 rubles.

10. "Hydration Expert", L'Oreal Paris

This cream was developed specifically for sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation. He
intensively moisturizes the skin, retains moisture inside, reduces redness and prevents their occurrence in the future. Almond oil and camellia extract even out skin tone for a healthier, smoother, more radiant complexion.

The price is about 280 rubles.

11. Face cream Anti-Age Caviar Gold, Natura Siberica

The unique properties of the proteins contained in black caviar and gold, known for its antibacterial properties, in combination allowed specialists to achieve a harmonious and effective duet that transforms the skin in a matter of weeks. Amino acids, minerals and vitamins, combined with 24k colloidal gold, tighten the skin, smooth wrinkles and even out the complexion, restoring a healthy glow and elasticity to the skin.

The price is about 820 rubles.

12. Moisturizing hyaluronic cream, Libre Derm

Hyaluronic acid is known to be the best moisturizing component for the skin, it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to maintain youth, strengthens the skin frame, nourishes the deep layers of the skin, resulting in an improved microrelief, natural radiance of the skin appears, it looks smoother, velvety, elastic and pulled up. And camelina oil - the second key component of the cream - consists of 60% polyunsaturated fatty acids, which means it relieves irritation, soothes and nourishes the skin.

The price is about 400 rubles.

13. Toning face cream, Body Shop

Light cream-gel moisturizes, tones and instantly gives the skin a healthy glow thanks to vitamin C, which the product is very rich in, as it contains orange and grapefruit oils. And the light-reflecting particles in the composition turn it into an excellent primer that will prepare the skin for makeup, making it visually fresher.

The price is about 650 rubles.

14. Ginseng Cream, Neva Cosmetics

Despite the modest appearance, this cream does an excellent job of caring for the skin. In addition to ginseng extract, which strengthens and tones the skin, it contains echinacea extract - a natural anti-age component, shea butter, which softens and protects, olive oil and vitamin E.

The price is about 50 rubles.

15. Cream "Natural elixir of youth", Pure line

It is enough to read the composition to make sure that the cream is excellent: 7 oils (pistachio, sesame, sunflower, passionflower seed, grape seed, peach and olive oil), chamomile extract and moisturizing ingredients. Any will do skin, absorbs well and smells great.

The price is about 70 rubles.
