Hair extension care. Types of hair extensions - pros and cons, consequences, proper care and cosmetics


Rules for the care of hair extensions at home

Many girls are unable to grow long and Thick hair. In such cases, you can solve the problem by building them. But caring for them has its own characteristics. Let's figure out how to care for hair extensions correctly and what you need to use for this.

Extension types

Main varieties:

  • Tresses on an Afro-braid. A thin Afro-braid is braided around the head, on which tressed strands are sewn.
  • Italian (hot, capsular) hair extensions. This technology is very common. Capsular fastenings are located at a short distance from the roots of native hair - about 1-2 cm. When heated, the temperature of the keratin in the capsules begins to rise, due to which the strand is attached.
  • English glue method. A bit like the Italian version, only a glue gun is used instead of keratin.
  • Tape method. The strands are fixed with a special adhesive tape.

Which hair extensions are used

There are 4 types of hair:

Slavic. Recognized as the best quality hair and the most expensive. They are silky, soft, look extremely natural. Since they are practically not exposed to silicone treatment during manufacture, it is easiest to care for them.

South Russian. They differ from Slavic in thickness and rigidity. If you correctly select the necessary care products and follow the rules for washing and drying, the correction of South Russian type hair extensions can be carried out twice.

European. The quality of European hair extensions is considered acceptable: they usually undergo only one correction, so their use cannot be called long.

Asian. The hair is very tangled due to the fact that they are laid in a lock with a jack (the direction of the top and bottom is not respected). During production, they are usually liberally treated with a silicone compound, which is quickly washed off. Because of this, the selection of products for Asian hair extensions should be the most careful.

The need for correction

As your hair grows, it thins out a little and it becomes more difficult for it to support the weight of the extended strands. This can lead to tangles and tangles. When correcting, donor curls are removed, and then they are built up again.

Usually, the correction is carried out once every 1-6 months, depending on the type of hair and the method of extension:

  • With the capsular type, correction is carried out every 2-3 months.
  • With tape - every 1-2 months.
  • With microcapsule - every 3-6 months.

Rules for the care of hair extensions

Donor strands are deprived of nourishment coming from the bulbs, so you need to provide them with external nutrition. Care products will help you with this.

From natural remedies you can make masks with gelatin or oils. Can be applied olive oil Extra Virgin, avoiding the capsule area. You can also make a mixture of nine parts sea buckthorn oil and one part olive oil and apply it to the extended strands.

It is forbidden to include alcohol, cinnamon, citrus juice in home hair masks, as these products can adversely affect their condition. Do not use acidified water for rinsing, because the acid can damage the strands.

hair wash

For a stronger fixation of hair extensions, the first shampooing should take place only 2 days after the procedure.

Washing should be carried out vertically. You can not lean forward or throw your head back strongly, as the strands can become very tangled. It is better not to wash your hair every day - this can lead to rapid wear of the capsules and tapes.

In what order to wash your hair:

  • Comb your hair carefully with a comb.
  • Wet them liberally with warm (not hot!) water.
  • Squeeze a small amount of shampoo into your palm and add some water. Using the fingers of your other hand, lightly beat the shampoo and water until foam forms.
  • Massaging, apply the resulting foam mixture to the scalp. With gentle sliding movements, rub the product along the length of the strands. Remember: hair extensions should be washed in the direction of hair growth and should not be rubbed.
  • Rinse off the shampoo. Rinse your hair very thoroughly, as the remnants of the product can lead to the fact that the head begins to itch.
  • If after washing your hair you apply conditioner, balm or mask to them, then do not apply them to the capsules. To do this, collect the hair with your hand in a ponytail and apply a product on it.
  • Blot the washed strands with a dry towel, but don't rub or turban them.

Remember: you need to wash your hair very delicately. Do not wrinkle, twist or wring. Shampoo should be applied with soft stroking movements, stretching it along the length of the hair.

How to dry your hair

Don't go to bed without drying your hair, as this leads to tangles in your hair. They allow the use of a hair dryer, but it is forbidden to dry hair extensions with very hot air: the air jet should be slightly warm or cold. You can also dry your hair naturally - however, keep in mind that due to the extra volume, this may take longer.

How to comb your hair

It is forbidden to comb wet strands: this leads to tangles. Wait until the hair dries, and then begin to gently comb the hair from the ends to the roots. At the same time, hold the comb with one hand, and the strands in the root zone with the other.

When choosing a comb for daily care of hair extensions, it is better to refuse plastic and metal combs with cloves that have balls at the ends. Give preference to combs with natural pile.

Hair Styling

You can use an iron and curling iron at a temperature of 200-230 degrees. The working surface should not come into contact with the attachment points of the donor strands. If you are using heat protection when styling, try not to use it on the capsules.

It is undesirable to make a very tight hairstyle, since excess tension can adversely affect the places where the curls are attached.

How to sleep after extensions

Hair coloring

Properly selected paint can not damage the hair extensions.

  • Choose ammonia-free dyes with a low percentage of oxidants and do not dye often - this can cause dryness. It is best to paint in the salon, since it is difficult to do it yourself without experience.
  • From coloring and toning Asian strands will have to be abandoned: the hair can become stiff and unevenly dyed.
  • Remember: you need to radically change the color before the extension procedure, and not after it, since the paint falls on donor strands differently than on natural ones. At the same time, after building it is forbidden to lighten the hair even by one tone.
  • Keep in mind that when coloring donor strands, the color may turn out unexpected: usually the coloring is one tone darker than planned.

To wear hair extensions for as long as possible, you will have to introduce several restrictions into everyday life:

  • Wear a cap when swimming in the pool. This will protect your hair from chlorine and overdrying.
  • It is better to refuse to visit the solarium or bath, as high temperatures can damage the soldering spots. If you cannot refuse thermal procedures, then put on a hat in front of them or braid the strands into a braid.
  • You should not walk with your head uncovered under straight lines. sunbeams as overheating damages the capsules.

The myth that it takes a lot of time, effort and money to care for hair after extensions is unfounded. Of course, care for donor hair still has some features, but anyone can handle it.

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Modern girls are increasingly choosing to grow their hair. Nature has not given luxurious curls to everyone, and it takes quite a long time to wait until they grow back. Therefore, after visiting a professional beauty salon, the fair sex is wondering how to wash hair extensions.

Rules for the care of hair extensions

  1. Going to a professional salon and getting hair extensions of the right length is not the most important factor. The difficulty lies in caring for the strands, namely in washing the lush hair. Get ready for what proper care lasts several months.
  2. During this period, hair extensions will hold on and delight you every day. It is important to prevent tangling of curls when washing. The process is quite complicated, but it is possible to cope with it. After the hair renewal procedure, you can wash them after 2-3 days.
  3. In the allotted time, the hair will get stronger in special cells, after which you can proceed to water procedures. Before starting the manipulation, the hair must be carefully combed. It is forbidden to wash curls in a basin or bathroom. Otherwise, you will start throwing your head back, such a move will contribute to tangling your hair.
  4. The best option for washing new hair is a shower. The flow of water will not tangle the hair, while the liquid is evenly distributed over the head, washing away dirt particles. You also need to choose professional shampoo directed action.
  5. The usual remedy may no longer work. When choosing a shampoo, focus on a neutral pH balance. Means with a different indicator are not allowed to be used for hair extensions. Also, you can not use additional compositions to restore curls.
  6. Experts recommend giving preference to detergent well-known manufacturer, which has entire lines aimed at caring for extended strands. Products should not be thick. The viscosity index of the product is indicated on the packaging. As a last resort, dilute the product with non-hot water before use.
  7. An important factor when washing hair is correct application cosmetic product. Shampoo should be distributed on a wet head carefully from roots to ends. The product is applied along the entire length of the curls. Rubbing the product is not recommended, and you should not stir up a mop.
  8. It is forbidden to leave the detergent on new hair, the shampoo must be washed off immediately after application. When rinsing, try to use only filtered water. Adding to liquid lemon juice either vinegar is also contraindicated.
  9. It is allowed to use a light herbal decoction, but you should proceed with caution. Otherwise, the capsules may collapse, the hair extensions will fall off. After carrying out washing procedures, pay due attention to the collection of moisture. Manipulation must be carried out with extreme caution.
  10. Do not rub the strands and twist them into a tourniquet with a towel. It is enough to take a terry cloth and carefully run it through the hair from roots to ends. Pulling and squeezing the hair is not allowed. If you carry out the procedure, following all the recommendations, terry towel will absorb the liquid and leave the capsules intact.
  11. Do not comb hair extensions immediately after a shower. Otherwise, you will cause significant harm to your and new strands. The hair should be dried naturally without the use of a hair dryer. Next, you can start combing. It is forbidden to go to bed with wet strands.
  12. With the onset of the next day, you will not be able to carefully comb your hair without touching the capsules. You can resort to a special hair net. It is comfortable to sleep in such an accessory without fear that the strands will get tangled. Alternatively, braid a loose, not tight pigtail.
  13. To maximize the life of extended curls, it is not recommended to visit a sauna or a bath. Capsules under the influence high temperatures will simply collapse. It is also worth refraining from visiting the pool. Chlorine adversely affects the extended hair.
  14. Wash your hair in the shower with lukewarm water. It is quite difficult to follow all the rules with hair extensions. If you don’t have time to dry naturally or can’t refuse the pool, such factors will only shorten the life of the curls. Set your own priorities.

  1. The main task in the ongoing manipulation remains that the strands should not be tangled. Before going to the hairdresser, you need to acquire professional tools in advance.
  2. The main attribute is a directional comb. A quality accessory has soft and wide teeth. The latter should not have balls or tips. Otherwise, the addition on the comb may damage the capsules.
  3. Visit a professional cosmetics store and ask the consultant for a comb for extended curls. Remember that even with a professional accessory, combing wet hair is prohibited.
  4. Gather your hair in a ponytail, carefully walk through the curls. Be extremely careful not to pull your hair throughout the manipulation. Pay special attention to the roots and ends of your hair.
  5. The main and main condition remains that the extended strands need to be combed at least three times a day. It is also worth avoiding wearing tight hairstyles and bouffants. Do not neglect the recommendations, so you keep the lush hair for as long as possible.

Provide proper care for new hair, follow simple rules. Take care of your hair the right way. Try to exclude trips to the pool, bath and sauna. Do not wear tight hair, refrain from bouffant.

Video: how to care for hair extensions

In pursuit of beautiful hair we do what we don’t do, what masks we invent. And with the availability of funds and a burning desire, we go to the salon and ask the master to help us become the owner of a luxurious mop of hair. But here's how to care for extended hair and how to prolong its life, because it's not every day to run to the stylist! In fact, there are no special difficulties, and you can take care of hair extensions in almost the same way as natural ones. True, there are several features. Here we'll take a look.

How to wash hair extensions?

The first thing you should know about caring for hair extensions is how to wash them, with what shampoo. Indeed, the shampoo must be chosen carefully, it is better that it be free of impurities and additives, with a neutral PH. After washing, the use of a balm is mandatory, even if you have never bought it before. Balm is also needed neutral. When washing your hair, you do not need to feel sorry for him, if the balm is not enough, the hair may become tangled. But it is impossible to apply a balm to the hair roots, where they are attached to natural ones. You also need to wipe your hair gently (no push-ups or twists), gently blotting.

If you visit a sauna, a bath, a swimming pool, then you need to be there only in a special cap. After bathing in sea water, the hair should be rinsed well under fresh running water.

How to dry and comb hair extensions?

Hair extensions should not be combed until they are dry. There is a risk of damaging them. Therefore, you must first dry your hair, preferably in a natural way, and then comb it. We choose a comb without “balls” at the end of the teeth. We comb the hair carefully, starting from the ends. At the same time, it is better to hold the hair at the roots, despite the fact that the fastening is ultra-reliable. At night, combed hair is best collected in a low ponytail or braid.

How to care for hair extensions during styling?

It is not always possible to let your hair dry on its own or you want to style it, so using a hair dryer is indispensable. It is important not to use the maximum power of the hair dryer. We dry the hair from the roots to the tips, while not directing the air flow to the attachments. You can also use curlers and tongs, the main thing is not to disturb the attachment points. When using styling products containing alcohol, we also make sure not to spray them on the fasteners.

Can hair extensions be dyed?

Often, after a few days of wearing hair extensions, ladies think about whether they can be dyed, because they don’t like this color very much. Hair extensions can be dyed, but carefully. Usually, hair extensions are dyed while they are separate from your head - so the master has less work to do. If there is a desire to dye your hair after it has firmly settled on your head, then you need to contact the master, the one who increased this hair for you. He will select the color of the paint and the paint itself and, of course, will dye the hair in the desired color. If it is not possible to carry out this procedure in the cabin, then you need to remember the following rules. Hair extensions usually color faster and brighter than natural hair. Therefore, either a less concentrated composition (the percentage of oxidant is not higher than 7%) is made for them or the exposure time is reduced. At the same time, they try not to apply the paint to the fasteners, the strips with the polymer will soften, and the hair will begin to fall out. If you decide to use tinting shampoos, then you can’t apply them in a thick layer, and again, you need to take care of the polymer strips. It is better to dilute such a shampoo in a container and pour this composition on hair extensions. After dyeing is completed, it is first necessary to dry the hair roots. Masks for extended and dyed hair can be used, but without applying them to the hair roots, without touching the attachments. Otherwise, the hair may come off.

Thanks to modern technologies and skilled craftsmen with extended hair today can do a lot: dye, twist, tint, straighten. High-quality material will withstand any impact, if you follow certain rules and recommendations.

There is general rules for drying false hair different types, but there are also separate rules designed for a specific type of fastening of the strand - on rings or on glue.

Hair that is attached to capsules or rings during drying has the advantage that it is not necessary to dry it completely and you can use a hairdryer with hot air when drying. The hair on the capsules at the junction should not be touched with an iron or curling iron. Cold build-up using glue is the most demanding when drying - in addition to the conditions listed above, they cannot be dried with hot air (you can’t be in saunas or baths either).

How to dry hair extensions - basic rules

You can not go to bed with completely dry hair. Otherwise, you can wake up with tangles, which will be almost impossible to unravel.

Do not comb hair extensions while they are wet. So they are easy to damage or simply tear out. You can take the comb only after the hair has dried a little. In this case, combs with frequent teeth or massage brushes with rounded ends should not be used.

After washing such hair, they must be carefully blotted with a dry towel. You do not need to wind it around your head, this will lead to tearing out curls. When the water stops dripping from the hair, they need to be given a little rest and dry on their own.

If possible, dry your hair without using a hair dryer. In practice, it takes too much time and not all women can afford it. Therefore, it is allowed to use a hair dryer on the cold air supply mode. At the same time, you need to dry your hair, but in no case capsules. You need to start combing wet hair from the ends, holding the attachment point with your hands, bringing the comb higher each time.

As for styling, you can use curling irons and irons at the ends and the middle of the length - at a safe distance from attachment to capsules or glue. If you touch the ring with an iron, then nothing bad will happen.

On wet hair extended by any method, you can safely twist curlers.

Comb your hair along the entire length every day.

Every time after drying your hair with your fingers, check if nodules have formed anywhere, and if you find something suspicious, be sure to unravel it right away!