Cream with spf: why is it needed. Face creams with spf budget and not very

The sun's rays not only delight with warmth, cheer up, but can also have an extremely negative effect on the skin. To prolong youth and beauty, maintain health, use products with SPF, which are designed to moisturize the skin. You need to apply it before going out, always in the summer and preferably in other months. SPF refers to an index that determines the level of protection against solar radiation, and more specifically, ultraviolet B type rays. The number next to the symbol indicates the amount of ultraviolet radiation that can get on the skin when using the product.

What is SPF factor

Ultraviolet rays are divided into two categories - UVA and UVB. They differ in the degree of penetration into the dermis and the aggressiveness of the impact - UVB radiation causes skin burns, causes the formation of free radicals.

Filters are of two types:

  1. Physical- block both types of rays, do not cause irritation, allergies, but can dry sensitive, dry skin.
  2. Chemical- absorb rays, are part of decorative, care cosmetics. Some drugs are strong allergens.

Which sunscreen is better to read.

Sunburn is a protective reaction of skin cells that produce dark pigment to the effects of UV radiation.

Part of the chemical filters under the active influence of UV is destroyed with the release of free radicals. For this reason, even with protection, you should not be at the peak of activity in the sun.

Benefits of a day cream with SPF

Hyperemia develops within a quarter of an hour of exposure to the sun. Redness is not a healthy reaction, which should not be normal. Moisturizing cream with spf will provide protection against sun rays keep youth. In addition, it has a complex caring effect.

Too high a factor is just as bad as too low. Choose a cream according to the needs of the skin.

The main effects that you can achieve when using creams are either:

  • burn protection- it is provided by a special composition. At the same time, you will still sunbathe, but do not burn out. To keep skin white, look for special agent sunburn categories;

  • prevention of pigmentation, melanoma- spots may appear, but the risks are low. If you do not protect the skin in any way, they are almost guaranteed;
  • hydration- there are a lot of vitamins in creams, nutrients, which saturate the skin with moisture, restore, give elasticity;
  • rejuvenation- since it contains coenzymes, hyaluronic acid, there is a noticeable improvement in the overall appearance of the skin;
  • update- regular competent care always improves the condition of the skin.

The exact effect of the product depends on its composition - read the packaging.

Contraindications for use

Sunscreen day cream has a complex chemical composition, so it must be used with caution. Contraindications:

  1. Irritations, skin diseases- a remedy with SPF with a high degree of probability will only worsen the condition and increase the rash.
  2. Allergy- if you suffer from intolerance to certain components, first read the information on the label.
  3. Do not use the cream for other purposes. Yes, it can be quite fatty, but a nutritious night will not replace. As for the harmful substances in the composition, they are such only conditionally and create a film only on the surface of the skin.

When using a product with SPF, there are risks, but in the case of prolonged exposure to sunlight without protection, they are much higher.

Read also, is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun,.

Application rules

To understand if you need sunscreen right now, look at the UV index. If it is below 2, SPF is not necessary, if 2-4 and you plan to walk for a long time, it would be better to play it safe. When the UV index is 4-6, SPF 20 protection is needed, more than 6 - 25-30.

Skin care products with SPF are not as common because complex, heavy formulas are more likely to cause unwanted reactions. But on sale there is a wide range of tools for different types skin.

You need to apply the cream 20-30 minutes before going outside, but be sure to cleanse the skin. If you are constantly under the scorching sun, the application should be repeated every few hours. Do not use regular SPF over product. tone cream, because in this case the filters will not work.

Rating of the best sunscreens for face skin


For more information about the benefits and types of creams with an spf factor, see the video.


  1. The sun's rays aggressively affect the skin, so constant protection is needed. You can use the cream all year round, but in the summer it is a must.
  2. SPF is a filter that determines how much light rays reach the skin. The lighter the dermis and the brighter the sun, the higher the factor should be.
  3. There are inexpensive ones - the price range for them is from 150 to 4 thousand rubles. More expensive does not always mean better, but the regularity of application is very important.
  4. In winter, a cream with an SPF of 15 will be enough, in summer you need 20-50, taking into account the type of skin and climate.
  5. Apply the product 40 minutes before sun exposure, constantly reapply the layer if you are outside for a long time. This should be done at least every 3 hours.
  6. Possible individual intolerance and allergy to the composition of the product. Pay close attention to the reaction when using a new tool.

Which is better for tanning: oil or cream, read.

Turn back the clock with Radiance Emulsion by La Prairie. It will restore radiance to the skin, make hyperpigmentation and uneven tone less noticeable. And SPF 30 sun protection will fight free radicals that cause skin aging. At regular use With this product, the skin is saturated with moisture, looks more elastic and toned without injections and plastic surgery.

Anne Semonin Protective Face Cream with Oligoelements SPF 30

One of the main advantages of this cream is its lightest texture, which is quickly absorbed and instantly begins to work on rejuvenation. It's all about the composition, which includes Phormidium microalgae (stimulates cell renewal, smoothing wrinkles and protecting the skin from aging), sea lily (fights pigmentation), moisturizing ingredients (prevents moisture loss and dryness of the skin) and SPF complex (protection from UV rays). and harmful effects environment leading to premature aging of the skin).

Chanel Sublimage La Protection UV Regenerating Cream

In this cream you will find the highest degree of protection SPF 50 (there is no more!) And a special protective complex that creates a protective invisible screen on the face. It is like a strict face checker that does not let in UVA and UVB rays, free radicals and any atmospheric pollution. Sublimage La Protection UV cream also contains planifolia vanilla, licorice extract and vegetable oligopeptide, which prevent the process of photoaging and even out skin tone. In addition, this tool can be used as a base for make-up.

Givenchy Facial Mist Vax'in For Youth City Skin Solution

The Vax’in For Youth City Skin Solution line was developed specifically for residents of the metropolis who experience stress every day, which cannot but affect the skin (wrinkles, enlarged pores appear, elasticity and radiance disappear). But the Givenchy facial beauty spray from this collection provides complete protection against environmental pollution and preserves the youthfulness of the skin. Two complexes are responsible for this: StoPollution (captures and neutralizes "dirt" of any origin, preventing its toxic effects) and Vax'in For Youth (stimulates protein production, strengthening the mechanisms of self-defense and self-healing of the skin).

Clarins Hydra-Essentiel Normal to Dry Skin Moisturizer SPF 15

Air conditioners, dry air, cold wind - this trinity is trying by hook or by crook to draw moisture out of the skin. And sadly, they succeed. The Hydra-Essentiel cream is called upon to turn the tide of the war, the formula of which includes an organic extract of Kalanchoe. It also launches the natural mechanisms of skin moisturizing, stimulating the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin looks well-groomed, and SPF 15 filters also protect it from the harmful effects of UV rays.

Vichy Firming care against signs of aging at different stages of formation Slow Age

This is Vichy's first and only daily treatment that corrects the signs of skin aging at different stages. An open fight against skin imperfections is carried out by the antioxidant Baicalin in the company of vitamins C and E: they help neutralize the oxidation processes in the skin. Probiotic Bifidus reduces sensitivity and strengthens the protective barrier of the skin, thereby increasing the resistance to external factors. Vichy thermal water (it is included in absolutely all brand products), enriched with 15 minerals, normalizes the pH balance and strengthens intercellular bonds in the skin. And finally, SPF 25 protects it from UV radiation.

Avene Hydrance Optimale UV Rich SPF 20

This product is ideal for those with very dry and sensitive skin. Hydrance Optimale UV Rich SPF 20 contains active ingredients: safflower oil, Avene thermal water, soy seed extract and glycerin. They instantly soften and soothe the skin, making it soft and velvety, restoring a feeling of comfort.

L'Occitane Immortelle Protective Face Cream

Erborian CC cream for men with SPF 25

Not only ladies, but also representatives of the stronger sex dream of eternal youth. That's why Erborian multifunctional CC cream is specially designed for men. It contains a high concentration of Korean medicinal herbs, which fights against any age-related changes in the skin, helps to reduce wrinkles, strengthening and tightening the contours of the face.

Ultraceuticals Mattifying Protective Moisturizer SPF 30

First, this cream completely replaces a moisturizer. Secondly, the mineral particles included in its composition absorb excess fat, matting the skin. Thirdly, the cream contains a mixture of organic and non-organic filters that completely neutralize the negative effects of UV rays, A and B type. And despite the fact that the number 30 is on the package, we can say that this tool works for all 100.

Women who do not want to age prematurely know that sunscreen- A must-have skin care item in the summer season. And for the face, it is generally recommended to use creams with SPF all the time! This will help protect against the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation and prevent photoaging. However, not every remedy is able to give the body high-quality protection, so the choice of the best sunscreen must be approached with knowledge of the matter!

How to choose sunscreen

First of all, you need to remember that ultraviolet rays are different, namely the type of UVA, UVB and UVC. However, the latter hardly pass through the ozone layer, so we have to defend ourselves only from the first two. Many modern creams, which are also called sunscreens - sunscreens, can save the skin from the effects of both UVA and UVB rays at once. As a rule, manufacturers prescribe such information on the packaging in large print - be sure to pay attention to this!

In addition, an important role is played Sun Protection Factor, he is known to all SPF. And if a cream with SPF 15-20 is enough for a walk in a shady city park, then for relaxing on the beach, and even more so for a vacation in a hot tropical resort, you need more protection, and it is better to choose a sunscreen with an SPF level of 30-50. If you use Korean products, remember that Asia has adopted the PA label - an analogue of the European SPF. And instead of numbers after PA, pluses are put down, and the more there are, the higher the degree of protection.

Concerning composition, then it's great if titanium dioxide and zinc oxide (physical filters) or avobenzone, benzophenone, bisoctrizol (chemical filters) are present in the cream.

Nuances of application

Of course, one must be able not only to choose a quality tool, but also to use it wisely. So, not a single sunscreen will protect the skin throughout the day - it must be updated, especially after bathing! And you should not apply sunscreen right on the beach, but 15-30 minutes before going outside, so that the chemical filters have time to begin their protective effect.

In addition, the tube of sunscreen itself should not lie on a deck chair under the scorching sun - put it in your bag so that the filters do not lose their effectiveness!

And to decide which sunscreen to take for the face and body, our rating of the best, compiled taking into account the opinions of professionals and reviews of ordinary users, will help you.

The content of the article:

Face cream with SPF is a means to protect it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Every day, even in the cold season, the sun's rays affect the skin, it becomes dull, dry, it may appear dark spots, freckles. And the worst thing is that it quickly loses elasticity and ages. The sun can also cause serious skin diseases and even tumors. To protect your face, you need to use creams with a protective factor SPF daily, and especially in hot weather.

Description and purpose of the cream with SPF protection

The SPF (sun protector factor) is a measure of how long you can take UV baths without the risk of getting burned. Rays, by the way, are different, namely:

  • UVA rays. They penetrate into the middle layers of the dermis and cause premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and can lead to melanoma. Creams with SPF are not able to adequately protect the skin from these deeply penetrating rays. To do this, on the package, in addition to the SPF mark, there should also be a UVA mark.
  • UVB rays. They have high damaging factors and lead to burns, redness and irritation of the epidermis. It is from these rays that creams with an SPF factor are more designed to protect the skin.
The degree of damage that a person can receive while in the sun depends on many nuances: his color type, the country where he lives, the time of year and the period of the day. However, to protect the skin from solar exposure in summer, a day cream for the face must be with protective factors. After applying the product with SPF, any dermis becomes more resistant to sunlight.

It's easy to calculate how long an SPF cream works. Any person can stay in the sun without consequences for the skin for an average of 25 minutes, and the SPF factor extends this time by 15, 25, 40 times. To calculate 25 minutes, you need to multiply by this level, and you get an approximate time period. Of course, this formula is very approximate, and much also depends on individual features dermis.

SPF creams come in two types:

  1. FROM chemical protection . They include vegetable oils, which are produced on the basis of choline and benzene and have a protective mechanism - they do not let dangerous rays into the deep layers of the skin.
  2. With physical protection. They form a screen impervious to rays on the surface of the dermis. These products contain titanium and zinc oxide. Rays hitting the skin are reflected and scattered.
Creams with protective factors are visually indistinguishable from conventional facial cosmetic products. The only point is that on their packaging there is always an SPF icon indicating the degree of protection. Do not confuse such products with classic highly targeted sunscreens!

Note! If for a stay on the beach, universal SPF products are suitable, designed for contact with water and requiring frequent application, then daily face creams with SPF combine comprehensive skin care and sun protection.

The benefits of a day cream with SPF protection

By choosing a quality product with an SPF factor for the face, you can not only protect your skin from aggressive sun exposure, but also provide it with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Such tools have a whole list useful properties and can solve several problems at once.

Benefits of a day cream with SPF:

  • Protects from burns. The trace elements included in the composition, namely zinc oxide, manganese, iron, calcium, create a thin film on the skin that reflects the rays. In this case, a person gets a light tan - it all depends on the level of SPF, but the possibility of burning and damaging the skin is excluded.
  • Prevents the appearance of pigmentation, the development of melanoma. Thanks to benzophenone, a chemical that is a powerful filter of UVA and UVB rays, they do not penetrate into deep tissues and are unable to have a destructive effect at the cellular level.
  • Moisturizes. The sun's rays dry out the skin, because moisture evaporates from the deep layers of the dermis. Day creams with SPF protection factors provide it with vitamins A, B, C and K, which saturate it with moisture and make it supple.
  • Rejuvenates. The components included in the composition - coenzyme and hyaluronic acid - saturate the cells with unique substances and act as antioxidants, promote the appearance of new cells. They also moisturize the dermis well, so they are part of almost all creams with SPF.
  • Nourishes. Wheat, jojoba, almond oils, as well as aloe extract restore overdried areas of the dermis, gently saturating them with useful components. Glycerin is also often present in the composition and perfectly softens the skin, making its texture velvety to the touch.
  • Renews the epidermis. Polyunsaturated acids omega 6 and 3 have a regenerating function, contributing to the elimination of dead cells and the appearance of new ones.

Important! Thanks to the powerful composition of the cream with SPF, after using it, a woman's face will not only be protected from redness and wrinkles, but will also receive the maximum amount of vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial trace elements.

Contraindications for day cream with SPF protection

A day cream with protective factors from solar radiation is a chemically complex remedy that can aggressively affect the dermis, therefore it has certain contraindications.

Cream with SPF should not be used in cases of:

  1. If you are allergic to any component that is part of it. In this situation, everything is individual and without a preliminary test and sample is indispensable.
  2. With exacerbation of any skin disease. The composition of the cream with SPF will only worsen the condition of the dermis, causing irritation or itching. In this case, special medications and generally refrain from creams.
  3. When the remedy is not used for its intended purpose. Use SPF cream only during the day. If applied before bed, it will not cause harm, but it can be hard on the face and will only increase the load on the skin, which needs to rest at night. In principle, you should not load it with additional components that provide protection from the sun if you do not appear under its rays.
It is no secret that often components are added to creams that can harm the skin - synthetic substances, preservatives, parabens and heavy chemical elements. Sunscreens are no exception, including day creams with an SPF factor. But not all information about their harm should be trusted.

There are two common myths:

  1. Reflective film of cream with SPF harms the body. Many women do not want to use these products for the reason that they contain titanium dioxide, zinc and iron. These are really elements that leave a superficial film on the skin that prevents the harmful rays of the sun from penetrating. However, they cannot cause serious harm to the body, since this film acts only on the surface of the epidermis, without penetrating into deep tissues.
  2. The application of such creams negatively affects the absorption of vitamin D.. This vitamin is produced in the body when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. Dermatologists say that, getting into open areas of the body, it penetrates the body in the required amount. The areas can be arms, shoulders, and others, not necessarily the face.

Note! When using a cream with sun protection factors, you must understand that there are small risks, but they are hundreds of times less than the consequences that you can experience if you do not use it.

How to choose a good cream with SPF protection

In order not to get into trouble and get a really decent result from such a face care product as an SPF cream, it is important to choose a product that suits your color type, as well as pay attention to the composition. Another important quality criterion is the level of a cosmetic company that produces a product with filters for daily use. To make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular and effective creams.

Face cream with SPF 15

Such creams are suitable for daily use for women with dark skin, as well as for the fair sex who want to protect their face from the sun in the winter. The level of protection in it is minimal, so for the bright sun in the spring summer period he might be weak.

Products with SPF 15 gently protect against sun exposure, have a light texture and provide the epidermis with additional substances, depending on their intended purpose.

To effective creams with SPF 15 include:

  • Clarins Hydra Tinted Moisturizer. Very delicate moisturizing tinted cream without age restrictions, which provides the face with freshness and radiance, and also well protects against redness. It contains extracts of catafray bark and rowan berries, as well as hyaluronic acid, which provide long-term hydration and promote the appearance of new healthy cells.
  • Mattifying Cream Christina Comodex. Ideal for oily and combination skin. The composition is designed in such a way as to rid the face of excess shine on a hot day and at the same time protect it from the negative effects of sunlight.
  • Cream wrinkle corrector with Wrinkle Lab filters from Lancaster. Hyaluronic acid and wheat proteins prevent early appearance wrinkles, retaining moisture well in the cells. Date palm extract and vitamin A promote the appearance of new cells, and protective filters prevent pigmentation and photoaging of the dermis.

Face cream with SPF 20

The protective filter SPF with an indicator of 20 is designed for European-type girls with dark blond hair and dark eyes. These creams are suitable for all women who want to get quality care and sun protection slightly above the minimum level.

Dermatologists believe that this is the most optimal protection factor suitable for daily use, because it reflects up to 90% of solar radiation.

Quality face creams with SPF 20:

  1. Optimals by Oriflame. The product is aimed at brightening the skin and at the same time protecting against ultraviolet radiation. As part of the Swedish lingonberry extract, as in other creams of this line. In addition, it moisturizes the epidermis well.
  2. Natura Siberica. Day cream suitable for use by young girls from 18 years old. Designed for the fair sex with sensitive skin, improves elasticity, protects against premature aging.
  3. White Perfect Re-Lighting Whitening by L "Oreal. This is an effective whitening cream from an Israeli company that perfectly removes strongly pronounced age spots. Extracts of red grapes and mulberry roots delicately brighten the dermis, cleansing and tightening. Suitable for daily use by girls over 18 years old. Texture means easy- after application there is no feeling of a greasy film.

Face cream with SPF 25

Creams with SPF 25 and above are suitable for use by women with fair skin and dark or bright eyes during the summer period. These funds are designed to provide the epidermis with higher protection from the negative effects of sunlight. It is highly recommended to use them every day for girls who spend most of the day outdoors.

Face creams with SPF 25:

  • Hydra Vegetal by Yves Rocher. This product is designed for women with normal and combination skin. Thanks to plant juices, it retains moisture well in the cells, suitable for use only in the summer.
  • Estee Lauder DayWear. Fights existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. Contains coenzyme Q10, alpha-linoleic acid, kinetin, and vitamins E and C, which make dry skin softer and oily skin matte. Suitable for all types of dermis, protects well from the sun. The result - the skin retains its natural healthy color.
  • Clinique City Block Sheer SPF 25. Works very well under makeup tonal means drain even in the hottest time of the year. Thanks to algae extracts, it eliminates excess fat from the surface of the dermis, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also prevents redness of the face even when exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Face cream with SPF 30

Cosmetic products with such a filter are suitable for owners of hair and eyes. light color, which, in principle, are forbidden to be in direct sunlight for a long time without protective equipment. Face creams with SPF 30, unlike conventional tanning products, do not leave a greasy film and have narrow cosmetic properties.

Best day creams with SPF 30:

  1. Protecting Fluid by La Mer. Special sunscreen for the face, which easily adheres to the skin and is suitable for applying any foundation creams on top of it. It contains powerful reflective spheres that refract and redistribute the sun's rays. Algae protect the dermis from temperature extremes and high humidity. There is no sticky effect, which is usually a frequent disadvantage of funds with this level of SPF.
  2. Dermalogica Oil free matte. Cream with vitamins C and E effectively moisturizes the dermis, protects from the sun, and most importantly, has a calming effect and relieves existing irritations and redness.
  3. Muse Protective Day Cream. A very delicate day cream suitable for daily use. Developed by Israeli cosmetologists especially for the hot season, when sun protection is a must. It contains a complex of sugars and hyaluronic acid, which means that it not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also prevents aging.

Face cream with SPF 40

Face products with such a high level of protection are a must-have for women who are just opening the beach season or have ultra-sensitive skin. Such creams block 98% of harmful radiation. Such protection is especially necessary for girls who have recently undergone a cosmetic peeling procedure.

Skin care products with SPF 40 include:

  • Helena Rubinstein Premium UV. This is a cream that allows a woman to stay under the direct rays of the sun for a long time without harming her face. It has a smoothing effect and evens out the skin texture from the first day of use. Another plus is the effective fight against freckles and pigmentation.
  • Shiseido Urban Environment UV Protection Cream. A Japanese product that protects against UVA / UVB - two types of rays that are the main cause of early skin aging. Antioxidants provide hydration and give the dermis comfort. It has a very light texture and is almost instantly absorbed, making it an ideal make-up base.
  • . The day cream contains mineral filters that provide powerful protection against the sun, free radicals, and negative environmental impacts. This is a very worthy remedy that will provide the skin with comfort in any conditions, nourish it with useful components, and give a healthy color.

How to use face moisturizer with SPF 15-40

The very fact of using a cream with filters does not guarantee that it will exclude the appearance of a burn or redness of the epidermis. It is important not only to choose a quality product, but also to know certain rules for applying the product.

How to properly apply SPF cream:

  1. The product is applied to cleansed facial skin 20-30 minutes before going outside. This time ensures that the cream is completely absorbed and its working components begin to work. If you are exposed to sunlight 5-10 minutes after applying the product with filters, the rays will have time to have a negative effect.
  2. Do not spread the cream in a thick layer - this will not provide higher protection. On the contrary, a dense mass will cover the face with a film and leave a greasy sheen, making thin skin heavier. But she needs to breathe, so use just a couple of strokes of the product.
  3. Apply cream light strokes and clapping movements with fingertips. In no case do not need to rub vigorously.
  4. After the cream with SPF on the face, you can apply regular powder or a light foundation. These tools will only slightly reduce it protective function. To enhance the protective effect, you can use powder with sunscreen properties, but at the same time, the SPF level should not be lower than that of the cream.
  5. If, after applying cosmetics with SPF, a woman uses thermal water during the day, it is advisable to apply the cream with filters again, because any liquid easily washes away all the working components.
In general, the rules for using an SPF product are not very different from applying any other face cream.

How to apply cream with SPF on the face - look at the video:

After 35 years, a woman with any type of skin and regardless of the time of year should use creams with SPF, because they prevent photoaging of the dermis and protect against pigmentation. Such funds are required for use in the summer, when even the skin of young girls is exposed to negative impact sun rays. If you neglect these tips, it will become dry, dull and wrinkled. Choose high-quality creams with a strong composition and natural ingredients.