Outline of the lesson on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic: Direct educational activities with children in the preparatory group. Scenario royal day in the Novoomsk rural library

The signing took place at an evening in memory of the Royal Family, organized by the Kaluga branch of the IOPS and the Tsar's Heritage society, together with the Department of Culture of the Kaluga Diocese (Head Archpriest Sergiy Tretyakov).

opened final event"Royal Days" Chairman of the Kaluga branch of the IOPS V. N. Gorokhovatsky.

Vitaly Nikolaevich spoke about the celebrations dedicated to the birthday of Nicholas II, which took place in May of this year in Ferzikovo, where on his birthday in 1904 Emperor Nicholas II was together with Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich and Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich and where for the first time in the last 100 years fireworks thundered in honor of the sovereign to the anthem Russian Empire. The guests of the evening were shown a video about this event. During the demonstration of the video, the audience stood up and sang along: “God save the Tsar!”

Marina Sergeevna read out a greeting from the Deputy Chairman of the IOPS, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Elisabeth-Sergius Educational Society Foundation for Assistance in the Revival of the Traditions of Mercy and Charity A. V. Gromovoi organizers and participants of the "Royal days on the Kaluga land":

Dear friends!

On behalf of the entire Elisabeth community, which unites church and public organizations dedicated to the Holy Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna in Russia and abroad, I cordially welcome you to these significant days Royal Passion-Bearers and Alapaevsk Martyrs. Today, all the Elisabethites lightly celebrate their memory in Gethsemane in the Holy Land, in the churches of Germany in Hesse, in the Lavra of St. Sergius Abbot of Radonezh, in the Elisabeth monasteries of Kaliningrad, Minsk, Alapaevsk, parish churches in Yekaterinburg, Lakhta, Khabarovsk, Kyiv and Odessa, in the former the estate of the Grand Ducal couple Sergius Alexandrovich and Elizabeth Feodorovna "Ilyinskoye-Usovo" near Moscow, in the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Mercy - everywhere where the life and deed of the Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna are honored.

The blessed Kaluga land was in the field of spiritual vision of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna during her earthly life. The memory of the Grand Duchess as the Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society is sacredly preserved here, her charitable and missionary work is remembered, and her faithful husband, Prince-Martyr Sergius Alexandrovich, is revered. Here they turn in prayers to the holy Royal Passion-Bearers and the Monk Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. By their holy intercession, by the labors of all who have gathered here, the Kaluga land flourishes, churches and monasteries multiply, they grow in piety and love for history. native land children and youth.

The Elisabeth-Sergius Educational Society Foundation has for many years been in close cooperation and unanimity with the Elisabeth organizations in Kaluga (first of all, with the Kazan nunnery in the person of Abbess Anastasia and with the Kaluga branch of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, headed by Vitaly Nikolaevich Gorokhovatsky). Currently, the ESPO Foundation is discussing with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Import Substitution Committee under the Expert Council for the Development of Tourism of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation the need to include the Kaluga shrines and historical sites in the National Program for the Development of Children's Historical and Cultural Tourism as part of the "Imperial Route", the development of which is already underway. We hope that the federal level of interaction will allow us to meet the approaching 100th anniversary of the memory of the Royal Passion-Bearers and Alapaevsky Martyrs, the Reverend Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna with new large-scale educational programs in which all people of good will can participate.

I wish you God's help, the intercession of the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian land on this bright path.

Marina Sergeevna spoke about the continuity of the events that took place today, July 18, on the day of death Elizabeth Feodorovna, on the day of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Sergius Skete of the Kaluga department of the IOPS in memory of the deceased in Bose Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich. She noted that in May this year in the Kremlin, President Russian Federation V. V. Putin opened the Memorial Cross, recreated at the site of the death of Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich. And in July, as a continuation of this event, on the Kaluga land on the site of the former Sergius Skete, a divine service was held as part of the "Royal Days". On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the tragic events of Russian history in 1917-1918. this is symbolic and gives hope for the revival of the lost shrine of the land of Kaluga. As a gift to Vitaly Gorokhovatsky, a commemorative album "The Cross of the Grand Duke", prepared and released by the ESPO Foundation specially for the opening of the Memorial Cross in the Kremlin, was presented.

After that, the chairman of the Tsar's Heritage Society, Sergei Zotov, spoke about the events that took place as part of the Tsar's Days on Kaluga Land events.

July 16. The second day of the "Royal Days" was dedicated to the Honored Artist of Russia Pavel Ryzhenko.

Evening in memory of the Imperial family turned out to be eventful and memorable. The program was attended by Kaluga writers dedicating their works to the royal theme.

Among the guests of honor of the event was a famous poet Igor Grevtsev, whose poems formed the basis of musical creativity Zhanna Bichevskaya. The poet performed poems about the family of the Royal Martyrs, about Russia.

The evening was brightened up with her performance by the singer-songwriter on Orthodox and royal themes Daria Lynx.Famous historian and writer Yuri Zhuk told the audience about the book “Suffered to the End”, dedicated to those who remained faithful to their duty and the sovereign to the end, about the Alapaevsk martyrs and the servants killed with them.

Then the floor was given to the representative of the Kaluga Nobility Assembly Alexey Urusov. He read out an appeal to the participants of the event by the leader of the Russian Nobility Assembly O. V. Shcherbacheva.

Dear sirs, dear friends!

I greet all the organizers and participants of the "Royal Days on the Kaluga Land", dedicated to the memory of the Royal Passion-Bearers and all the New Martyrs of Russia.

This year we remember the terrible anniversary of the 100th anniversary of the February and October revolutions, which were a national catastrophe for Russia. It was a crime, and it gave rise in our Fatherland to a fratricidal civil war and repressions, terror and lawlessness, peasantization and decossackization, famine and poverty, the expulsion and destruction of the Russian elite, the suppression of the individual and the epidemic of denunciation, the destruction of temples and open rebellion. It is important to remember all this, because unconsciousness is fraught with tragic relapses.

We should also remember that old Imperial Russia, which was one of the strongest states in the world with a rapidly developing economy and a cultural renaissance. For a true patriot, it is this Russia that should be the true Fatherland.

Let us pray to the holy Royal Passion-Bearers and the Monk Martyr Elizabeth, that the Lord, through their prayers, will send to our Fatherland admonition and sincere repentance and give us all unshakable faith.

I wish you all and God-protected Kaluga land prosperity and God's help for many and good years.

The Manifesto was announced at the evening of memory public organizations to the 100th anniversary of the death of the Royal Family, which was signed by a number of public organizations present at the evening: the Kaluga branch of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, the Tsar's Heritage Society, the Double-Headed Eagle Society of Historical Education, the Union of Patriotic Forces named after Archangel Michael, the Kaluga Nobility Assembly .

Manifesto of public organizations on the 100th anniversary of the death of the Royal Family

“Only that state is strong and strong,

which sacredly keeps the covenants of its past.

Holy Tsar Nicholas II

On the anniversary of the centenary of the February and October upheavals that plunged our Fatherland into the abyss of the greatest suffering of fratricidal war, red terror, satanic theomachism, external wars that cost our people innumerable victims, we, Russian Orthodox people, determined never to allow this to happen again, and with sense of responsibility to our people and future generations, we consider it our duty to declare:

1. The history of Russia must be cleansed of slander and distortion, primitivism and blasphemy, it must carry a unifying and creative meaning.

2. We are children of the Russian Orthodox Church. We will wage a merciless ideological struggle against slander against our Church, attempts to split it from within, a struggle against blasphemy against our saints, in whatever form and from whomever it comes.

3. For historical Russia, the most organic and saving is the God-given Orthodox monarchy. The historical rehabilitation of the Russian monarchy is the basis for harmonious development our country in the future.

4. 2018 - the 100th anniversary of the great tragedy of Russia - the assassination and martyrdom of Sovereign Nicholas II, his family, the beginning of the fratricidal Civil War. This date is the cornerstone of our recent history. Impossible without repentance proper development individual, society, state. The unrepentant sin of killing the anointed God's stone lies with most of our people. Already recreated and solemnly opened on the territory of the Kremlin by the President of Russia V. V. Putin, the Memorial Cross at the site of the murder of a member of the Royal Family, Grand Duke Sergiy Alexandrovich. The head of state gave a clear and uncompromising assessment of this atrocity. This is another important step in our common repentance.

5. We unite in the year of the centenary of the Russian catastrophe. And we are creating a public Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the centenary of the death of the Royal Family. The Organizing Committee is open to all organizations and public figures. Our goal is to worthily prepare and hold events with the support of the Authorities and the Church in a significant year 2018, which, we believe, will be the year of repentance and the revival of Russian national identity, will lay a solid foundation for the consolidation of society.

A small village at the junction of the borders of three countries - Russia, Norway and Finland. Together with children - 260 people. Adults work mainly on the Pasvik cascade of hydroelectric power plants. Far North, 100 km from the regional center, impossible road. But beautiful nature, good housing, a good club. Five years ago we created an Orthodox parish. We are trying to save money for the construction of the temple of the Iberian (Montreal) Icon Mother of God. They organized charity fairs, and in front of them were concerts, competitions, competitions. And a year ago, they decided to put on a play “They left us saints ... Requiem”, dedicated to the Royal Martyrs.

Its idea was born long ago, when we read in the Vera newspaper about a similar production that took place in Perm at one time. They wrote to the people of Perm, its organizers, in particular, mother Olga Anufrieva. She quickly responded, sent both the script and the soundtrack of the musical accompaniment of the composition, for which many, many thanks to her. True, we altered the script somewhat, having previously re-read a lot of literature about the Royal Passion-Bearers.

To participate in the production, children were invited from a local school at the nearest frontier post. The role of the Emperor was entrusted to the young engineer of the HPP Ivan Vishnevsky, the Empress was played by the head of the kindergarten Elena Savina. The premiere took place in February 2016, the month when the Romanov dynasty first appeared on the world historical stage, and in February 1917 it was overthrown. We introduced viewers to documentary evidence of the life of the Royal Family, starting from the wedding of Emperor Nicholas II to the kingdom and up to the execution of all of them in the Ipatiev House. At the end of the performance, poignant lines of poems by M. Voloshin and E. Yevtushenko sounded, filled with thoughts of repentance for a grave sin committed, speaking of the need for correction “by the whole world” in order to “illuminate” the future of our long-suffering Motherland.

In this production, acting as such was not conceived, rather it can be called a literary and musical composition. But it seemed to us important that there be living people on the stage in the form of members of the Royal Family - as an illustration of the fact that the Royal Passion-Bearers lived among us. And more than that - that they are with us now, already as saints who can be prayed to.

The action began with a scene of photographing the Family for round table(they loved to take pictures and be photographed - so beautiful, smiling, friendly). On the table - needlework, a Bible leaning against a large candlestick (in the evenings they read it aloud). And the performance ended at the same table, when the children clung to the elders, covering their faces, horrified by the impending disaster. The final scene - The family lines up on the proscenium in the same way as they are located on the icon, each in the hands of his cross. The composition was almost continuously accompanied by recordings of classical music (Rakhmaninov, Tchaikovsky), spiritual chants performed by the Optina Pustyn choir, songs performed by Lyudmila Kononova, Svetlana Kopylova, Zhanna Bichevskaya.

The audience was very attentive, the production made a strong impression on them. After the performance for a long time silently looked at our photo exhibition prepared in advance in the photo club. We collected a lot of materials, and lovingly designed a large stand.

We also thank the staff of the editorial office of our beloved newspaper Vera, who sent us, at our request, some materials for the performance. We repeated the performance in April on the stage of the regional Palace of Culture in the village. Nickel. Judging by the feedback from the audience, the performance touched many hearts. And in the foyer of the Palace of Culture a charity fair was launched. Thanks to the young and adult residents of our village Rayakoski, who created wonderful things and souvenirs with their kind hands! We managed to collect donations in the amount of 12 thousand rubles, which will be used to build the temple.

They also call us to the cities of Severomorsk, Zapolyarny, to the Norwegian Kirkenes, where there are many of our compatriots. We'll try to be there as well.

Mikhaleva Nina Vasilievna, doctor of the village. Rajakoski, director and presenter of the play


1. Bokhanov. A. V. Love without borders. Holy Queen. – URL: http://-fondiv-.ru/-articles/-2/-108 .

2. Bokhanov. A. V. Nicholas II. - M .: Veche, 2008. - (Imperial Russia in persons).

3. Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova. Give love. - Publishing House: Russian Palomnik, 2011. - URL: http://-www.-radost-brest-.com/-libruary/-poleznoe/-darite-_lubov.pdf .

4. Den Yu.A. The real queen. – M.: Veche, 2009.

5. Gilliard P. Emperor Nicholas II and his family. – URL: https://-www.-litmir.-me/br/-?b=-115267-&p=1 .

6. Nun Nectaria (Mac Liz). Weird World. Empress A.F. Romanova. Diary entries, correspondence, biography. – URL: http://-www.-fb2mobile.-ru/-other/-divnyy-svet/ .

7. Repentance will save Russia. About the royal family // ed.-comp. T.N. Mikushina, O.A. Ivanova, E.Yu. Ilyin. - Omsk: Sirius Publishing House, 2013.

Purity of mind and purity of soul

Visiting the Imperial Family

Target: to form in schoolchildren an idea of ​​the high moral ideals that the family of Emperor Nicholas II embodied in their lives.


  • to acquaint schoolchildren with the example of a happy family of Emperor Nicholas II, based on love, care and mutual understanding;
  • give an idea of ​​the principles of raising children in the royal family;
  • show the qualities and behavior of family members in various life situations;
  • give an idea of ​​the moral ideals necessary for a person.
  • The love story of Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexandra Feodorovna.
  • Fundamentals of the family and the principles of raising children.
  • Service to the motherland, charity.
  • The feat of the family during the war, arrest and exile.

Lesson form: lecture with elements of conversation.

Equipment: projector, speakers, computer.

Materials: manual, video presentation, 2 films.

Methods: verbal, visual.

Expected results:

  • during the lesson, children will be able to learn about the history of the family of Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexandra Fedorovna,
  • will form an idea of ​​the relationship in a happy family and the principles of raising children based on the highest ethical ideals,
  • draw conclusions about the most important moral qualities ah, to be useful to others and to your homeland,
  • learn to think about how to bring high moral principles into their lives.

Methodological advice.

Time - 1 lesson 45 minutes.


Conduct form class hour- lecture with elements of conversation.

The material on this topic can be divided into 2 lessons of 45 minutes, adding more conversations with examples from the lives of the children themselves.

Class hour progress

Today we will visit you. Do you like to visit?

Perhaps, when visiting friends or acquaintances, you saw photos of their family members. Many families place photos in frames on the wall, put on furniture. And, of course, everyone has a family album that reflects the history of several generations.

Do you also have family albums at home?

Do you know who is in this photo?

This is the last Emperor of Russia Nicholas II Romanov with his family. Here is his beloved wife Alexandra Fedorovna and five children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Alexei.

Here we are going to visit them. Of course, this will be a virtual acquaintance.

We will look at photos from the family album and touch the history of the royal family.

Love story

“Strengthen the family, because it is the foundation of any state,” his father Alexander III bequeathed to Nicholas II before his death. Father's promise was fulfilled.

The love story of Nicholas and Alexandra has become a legend for all time.

They fell in love with each other as children, and carried their love through all the trials until their death.

It was amazing happy family. They seemed to be made for each other.

For the first time, Tsarevich Nicholas met his future wife when she was 12 and he was 16 years old.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was the eldest son in the family of Emperor Alexander III. He grew up a healthy, cheerful, athletic child and was brought up as the heir to the throne. He was prepared for government by the best professors and ministers of the court. He knew 5 languages ​​and received 2 higher educations: legal and military.

Alexandra Feodorovna, his future wife, was born in Darmstadt, the capital of the small German Duchy of Hesse. Her maiden name was Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt. Her mother died when the girl was 6 years old.

After the death of her mother, six-year-old Alice, the youngest in big family, began to be raised by her grandmother, the famous English Queen Victoria.

As a child, Alice was very lively, mischievous, laughing. For her bright character, the gray-eyed blond girl was nicknamed "The Sun".

In 1884, twelve-year-old Alice was brought to Russia. Her sister Ella married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. The heir to the Russian throne, sixteen-year-old Nikolai, fell in love with her at first sight. He liked Alice so much that he wanted to somehow attract her attention and give her something. And he turned to his mother Maria Fedorovna with a request to give him some thing that he could give to the girl. Mom took off a modest inexpensive brooch from her dress and gave it to her son. Nikolai joyfully ran up to Alice and put this sign of attention into her hand. The girl clutched the brooch in her hand, but for some reason the next day she found Nikolai among the guests and returned the brooch to him. She grew up in strict English traditions, which ordered young girls not to take gifts from strangers. He wrote this story in his diary.

Only five years after their first meeting, seventeen-year-old Alice came to her sister Ella and reappeared at the Russian court. From a little minx, she turned into a beautiful princess with a little sad dreamy eyes. By this time she was studying at a European university with a degree in philosophy. The love of Nikolai and Alice manifested itself with renewed vigor.

In 1889, when the heir to the Tsarevich was twenty-one years old, he turned to his parents with a request to bless him for marriage with Princess Alice.

Parents, Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna, did not give permission for two reasons.

First, marriages between royalty were often arranged for political reasons. Russia was beneficial alliance with France, so Nicholas found the princess of the French House of Orleans. Nicholas categorically refused.

Secondly, through the line of the English Queen Victoria, the hereditary disease hemophilia was transmitted through the women of the family - blood incoagulability, but it could only affect boys. Therefore, the parents, fearing that in the event of the birth of an heir, this hereditary disease of the English royal family could be transmitted to him, did not allow this marriage. And they even forbade young people to meet.

And again 5 years of separation. They are connected only by correspondence.

A new meeting took place in April 1894. By the beginning of 1894, the health of Alexander III had deteriorated sharply. He felt that his days were numbered. The marriage of the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Nicholas could no longer be postponed. The father gave in to his son's requests and agreed. He understood that his very young son would soon lead a huge country and he would need the support of a loving wife, so the marriage of the heir was accelerated at the behest of his father.

And soon the newspapers reported on the engagement of the Tsarevich and Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt. On the day of the engagement, Nikolai Alexandrovich wrote in his diary: “A wonderful, unforgettable day in my life is the day of my engagement to dear Alix. I walk all day as if beside myself, not fully aware of what is happening to me..

But you need to understand what an engagement was in those days: the young met, exchanged rings, parted and waited for another year.

Alice had to accept the Orthodox faith, and this became a serious obstacle for her. She professed the Protestant faith and was very religious. For her, changing religion was tantamount to betrayal. She suffered greatly, because she understood that she had to make a choice between her beloved person and God. But, in the end, her grandmother, Queen Victoria convinced her that both religions are branches of the single Christian faith, and Alice would not commit any crime before God if she became Orthodox.

After 7 months, Alice was urgently summoned to St. Petersburg.

Imagine: from the moment of their first meeting to the wedding, 10 years have passed! And all these years they corresponded with each other. It was a very tender correspondence.

Alisa of Hesse becomes Alexandra Feodorovna, the Russian Empress, the mother of the Russian people, and accepts Orthodoxy with all her heart.

After the wedding, the crown prince writes in his diary: “Incredibly happy with Alix. It’s a pity that classes take up so much time that I would so much like to spend exclusively with her. ”.

After the wedding, Nikolai gives his wife the very brooch that she returned to him in childhood. Now Alexandra Fedorovna accepts it, and this thing becomes the most important gift for her, which she will keep all her life as the greatest treasure.

All families remember their wedding day, but Alix and Nikolai even celebrated their engagement day every year. This day, April 8, they always spent together, and for the first time parted when they were already over forty. In April 1915, the emperor was at the front, but even there he received a warm letter from his beloved:

“For the first time in 21 years we spend this day not together, but how vividly I remember everything! ... what happiness and what love you have given me over all these years ... You know, I kept that "princess dress" that I was wearing that morning, and I will put on your favorite brooch…”

During the war, Nikolai Alexandrovich often and for a long time left the house. Alexandra Fedorovna sent letters to her husband every day so that he would not be sad away from his family. In total, about 600 letters survived. Looking into any of them, you can feel the beauty of their love.

And the diary entries of Alexandra Feodorovna amaze with the depth of understanding of marriage.

“Praying for you is my comfort when we are separated. I can’t get used to even the shortest period of being without you in the house, although I have our five treasures with me. ”- Alexander wrote to her husband. Even twenty years after the wedding, she affectionately called him "my boy, my sunshine."

And Nikolai Alexandrovich wrote: “I have to thank you for coming with the girls, for bringing me life and sunshine despite the rainy weather. Of course, as always, I didn’t have time to tell you even half of what I was going to, because when I met you after long separation I always get shy. I just sit and look at you - this in itself is a great joy for me ... "

Look at this photo. It can be called the "look of love."

No wonder contemporaries said: "Their honeymoon lasted 23 years ..."

When the execution of the family takes place in the basement of the house of engineer Ipatiev in Yekaterinburg, on Alexandra Fedorovna this particular brooch will be worn.

A family

Let's take a closer look at the life of this crowned family.

The duty of the head of state demanded from Emperor Nicholas II the exertion of all his strength and abilities. He ruled 1/6 of the earth's land. This is a very big burden and responsibility. In order to withstand such a load, you need a reliable rear. He found rest, joy, and happiness in his family.

They did not like noisy balls and secular receptions, the whole family experienced great happiness in communicating with each other. The atmosphere of love, tenderness and mutual understanding reigned in the family.

With an interval of a year and a half, Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexandra Feodorovna had daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia.

Alexandra Fedorovna turned out to be a very good mother. Unlike many other empresses and ladies of high society, who, having given birth to a child, entrusted his feeding to nurses, and education to governesses, she herself fed all her five children, she herself was engaged in their upbringing and education.

Father and mother, themselves brought up in Spartan conditions, accustomed children to strict discipline, instilled in them frugality and moderation.

Now we will watch the film "Purity of Thoughts and Purity of Soul" based on a chapter from the book "Repentance will save Russia" (9 min).

Note! If there is no way to watch a movie, you can simply talk about how children were brought up in the royal family:

The girls lived modestly, two in a room, slept on hard soldier beds under light blankets, cleaned up after themselves, made their own bed, darned their clothes, the younger ones wore clothes for the older ones.

They had a busy daily routine: getting up at 6.00-6.30, prayer, cold bath, light breakfast, studying, walking, a modest lunch, then again classes, free time, walking, in the evening - needlework, reading, evening prayer, at 10 o'clock - at the beginning of the 11th - in bed. Everything. Nothing special. This strict regime was violated only by some trips, someone's holidays, weddings, when the family moved somewhere.

Parents did not want the girls to grow up as pampered, capricious, useless young ladies.

They inspired the children that one must live for the sake of others, one must be useful to others.

Alexandra Fedorovna wrote in her diary: “Children must learn self-denial. They cannot have everything they want. They must learn to give up their own desires for the sake of other people. They should also learn to be caring…Children should learn to be helpful to their parents and to each other.”

And here is what the mother wrote to her eldest daughter Olga: “... You are our eldest and should show others how to behave. Learn to make others happy, think of yourself last. Be gentle and kind, never be rude or harsh. In manner and speech, be a real lady. Be patient and polite, help the sisters in every possible way. When you see someone in sadness, try to give a sunny smile. May God be with you and keep you the Most Holy Theotokos.

The mother taught the girls to work from childhood. No luxury, idleness, free time!

They knew how to sew, embroider, knit, draw, design albums, play the piano, and dance. The princesses received an excellent home education.

They were modest and polite girls. They never boasted about their origins and were respectful to all adults, including servants.

Parents paid great attention to the friends of their children, these were not necessarily children from aristocratic families, these were children who showed good-natured qualities.

Along with a strict upbringing, the children grew up in an atmosphere of sincere love and tenderness of their parents, for each other, for God. They adored their parents and treated them with great respect, did their best to help them, take care of them and those around them.

Let's talk about what you learned from this movie:

  • How did children live and how were they brought up in the royal family?
  • could they indulge in luxury, laziness, idleness?
  • How would their parents want their children to be?
  • how did they treat those around them?

Look at these beautiful faces.

The girls were very friendly with each other.

They were usually signed OTMA (by the first letters of their names).

Let's take a closer look at each of these wonderful children.

The eldest of the royal daughters - Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna.

“It was a lovely creature. Anyone who saw her immediately fell in love", - recalled a friend of the Empress Lilia Den.

Nicholas II doted on his daughter. Olga from an early age idolized her father. She was called that - "daughter of the Father." The sovereign for the daughter was at the same time the king, father and comrade. Olga's abilities were excellent, and she was called the most gifted of the royal children. She had a philosophical mind, her judgments were distinguished by great depth. One of her teachers said: "Olga Nikolaevna has a crystal soul".

Second daughter - Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna. Since she was born in Peterhof, she was called the "Rose of Peterhof". According to the memoirs of Baroness S.K. Buxhoeveden, “She was closest to her mother and was a favorite of her and her father. Absolutely devoid of pride, she was always ready to abandon her plans if there was an opportunity to take a walk with her father, read to her mother, do everything that she was asked to do. It was Tatyana Nikolaevna who nursed the younger ones, helped arrange affairs in the palace so that official ceremonies would be consistent with the personal plans of the family. She had a practical mind inherited from the Empress Mother and a detailed approach to everything.”.

Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna inherited in all respects, both external and internal, the qualities of her grandfather Emperor Alexander III. The strength of her physique was courageous in combination with a rare beauty. Relatives called her huge eyes "Masha's saucers." According to contemporaries, “The character of this girl was very loving, compassionate and peaceful. She never offended anyone, but always tried to reconcile everyone. It was a young peacemaker. Her simplicity was extraordinary, and she behaved simply like a simple Russian girl, seeing in every person a brother and sister. With her cheerful look and witty, joking conversation, Maria Nikolaevna brought everyone from a gloomy into a cheerful mood. ... She knew how to entertain and cheer up any dull person, for which everyone loved and respected her. Although she was not fond of housekeeping, she helped her sister, Tatyana Nikolaevna, rendering her complete obedience..

The youngest of the Grand Duchesses Anastasia Nikolaevna She was a lively, mischievous, cheerful girl. She was very witty and possessed an undoubted artistic gift, she knew how to find a funny side in everything. For her inexhaustibility in inventing pranks and pranks in the family, she was called “shvybzik” or “shvibz”. “She was always naughty, climbed, hid, made everyone laugh with her antics, and it was not easy to see her”, - wrote the maid of honor of the Empress Anna Taneeva (Vyrubova).

Even in recent months of her life, when the family was arrested, she knew how to cheer those around.

During the First World War, all the women of the royal family sewed shirts for soldiers, knitted socks and mittens. Anastasia, who was then 13 years old, took an active part in these works.

Everyone who came into contact with the girls was surprised at their modesty, extraordinary benevolence, and openness. The girls were amazing.

The priest, who received confession from them in the last months of their lives, told how he was shocked by how pure, unspoiled girls they were: no dirt, either internal or external, sticks to them.

After the birth of four sisters, everyone was waiting for an heir. In 1903 the whole family went to Sarov. There was a glorification of our Russian Saint Seraphim of Sarov, and the family participated in the festivities, in prayers. They also dipped into the holy spring and asked God for an heir. And a year after that, Alexandra Feodorovna had an heir. They say that there was no limit to the happiness of this family and the whole inner circle, many congratulations came from abroad on the occasion of the birth Tsarevich Alexei.

However, their joy was soon overshadowed by the sad news - the doctors discovered that little Alexei had hemophilia. From any blow, bruise, the child opened internal bleeding, and the hematoma did not resolve for weeks. This caused great suffering to the boy. That's what they called him a sufferer during his lifetime. Several times he was on the verge of life and death. At one of these moments, Grigory Rasputin, a prayer book from Siberia, appeared. Before that, he was on pilgrimage to many holy places: on Athos, in Jerusalem, on Valaam. And now he was next to the family and was introduced to Nicholas II by one of the high-ranking priests. And through the miraculous prayer of Grigory Rasputin, Alexei's pain ceased. His prayer was practically the only way alleviate his suffering.

His sisters adored him, and he was the joy of his parents.

When he was healthy, the whole palace seemed to be transformed: it was a ray of the sun, illuminating everyone and everything. It was not for nothing that his parents called him that in correspondence - Sunbeam. He, like all children, was naughty, his pockets were always stuffed with tin soldiers, some kind of pebbles and all sorts of things.

From birth, his life was devoted to one thing - the future reign. He took a lot of interest in life ordinary people and often said: “When I am king, there will be no poor and unfortunate! I want everyone to be happy."

In the Peterhof park, the Tsarevich had his own field, where he planted rye and at the end of the summer he himself squeezed it with a sickle in order to better feel the life and work of the peasants.

He studied like the rest of the children, and, as the teachers noted, the heir was smart and quick-witted.

Nicholas II himself introduced him to Russian military history and the structure of the army. By tradition, Alexey became the chief of the 12th East Siberian Rifle Regiment and the ataman of all Cossack troops. He loved to be in the army, his favorite food was black bread, cabbage soup and porridge, which, as he said, his soldiers eat.

When his father headed the front in 1915, Tsarevich Alexei often went to the front with his father, which helped to raise the morale of the army, despite the danger of such trips to his health and life. He and his father were often in the position of troops very close to the front line, within reach of an artillery shell from enemy territory.

What qualities of royal children did you learn about?

What is the most important quality that parents instilled in their children?

Service to the Motherland. Charity

From childhood, parents instilled in their children the conviction: "Your life is a service to the Motherland." And the whole life of this family was an example of serving the Motherland.

Alexandra Fedorovna did a lot of charity work. She led 33 charitable societies, and the children took an active part in such matters.

These photos from the holiday white flower". This is a charity event that was held to organize the treatment of tuberculosis patients. Tuberculosis at the beginning of the century was a real disaster.

The girls created quite a lot of products with their own hands and sold them at charity bazaars, and the proceeds went to the construction and equipment of hospitals for the poor.

The Empress organized four large bazaars in favor of tuberculosis patients in 1911-1914; they brought in a lot of money. The Empress, together with the Grand Duchesses, came up with handicrafts ahead of time, drew and embroidered for the market, and at the festival itself she stood at the kiosk all day, surrounded by a huge crowd of people.

Numerous cases of charitable assistance to their country and people are striking, not from the treasury, but from their own personal funds on the part of the royal family, when tragic events took place. But not only with their own means, but also with their personal participation, they served their people.

Let's remember what a feat Emperor Nicholas II accomplished during the First World War.

He ensured the rapid rearmament of the army in just a year and a half, spending on this, as well as on helping the families of the dead and wounded, all his huge inheritance and brought the country to the threshold of victory, leading the front in 1915.

Remember what the queen did during the First World War.

When the First World War began, Alexandra Feodorovna organized hospitals for the wounded at her own expense in her palaces and herself, together with her daughters, began to work in them.

The family began to live very modestly, all funds were transferred to the infirmaries. Girls, adult beautiful girls, during the three years of the war allowed themselves only one outfit - the uniform of nurses.

Alexandra Fedorovna and two eldest daughters Olga and Tatyana passed the exams for nurses.

Imagine what kind of patients are brought from the front. The Empress and her daughters assisted fully, like nurses, in surgical operations.

The younger girls relieved the suffering of the wounded: they wrote letters under their dictation, read books aloud, sewed pouches, arranged concerts.

World history does not know such cases of such self-denial and selfless service of royalty to their people.

Link. Execution

As a result of the coup d'état in February 1917, the Provisional Government seized power.

The family was arrested in Tsarskoye Selo and languished there for several months, after which they were deported to Tobolsk.

Here you can see their photos after the arrest.

In this new position of theirs, they showed extraordinary calmness and clarity of mind. They endured all humiliation and oppression with truly royal dignity. They tried to live normal lives. Children continued to be taught, lessons were given to them personally by their parents and Princess Olga. In the evenings, the emperor read rumors to everyone. A hill was built on the street, firewood was chopped. The princesses knitted, giving items to the soldiers guarding them. During daytime walks, all members of the family were engaged in physical work: clearing the paths of the park from snow or breaking ice for the cellar, or cutting off dry branches and cutting down old trees, preparing firewood for the coming winter. With the onset of warm weather, the whole family began to arrange a vast garden, and some officers and soldiers of the guard took part in this work.

The industriousness and indefatigability of His Majesty impressed the soldiers so much that one of them once said: “After all, if you give him a piece of land and let him work on it himself, he will soon earn all of Russia for himself again.”

Despite the humiliation suffered during the arrest and exile, none of the members of the royal family became embittered, did not feel hatred for their enemies. From Tobolsk, Olga Nikolaevna wrote: “The father asks to convey to all those who remained devoted to him, and to those on whom they can have influence, so that they do not avenge him, since he has forgiven everyone and prays for everyone, and that they do not avenge themselves, and that they remember something evil that is now in the world will be even stronger, but that it is not evil that will conquer evil, but only love..

In October 1917, power was seized by the Bolsheviks. started Civil War followed by hunger, suffering that claimed millions of lives.

In April 1918, the family from Tobolsk was moved to Yekaterinburg, to the house of the engineer Ipatiev. This house has become last place their earthly sojourn.

In Yekaterinburg, the conditions of their imprisonment became completely unbearable. They were humiliated and harassed by the guards. They were forbidden to walk, bars were installed on the windows, guards stood in 2 rings around the house. The family was in complete isolation, only devoted servants and a doctor were with them. But they endured all suffering with meekness and humility.

The tragedy occurred on the night of July 16-17, 1918. The commandant of the Ipatiev House Yurovsky woke everyone up at night, forced them to get dressed under the pretext that they would be transported somewhere. They went down to the basement. 23 steps down. There was no trial, no investigation. They immediately started shooting at them.

Nicholas II was 50 years old, Alexandra Fedorovna - 46, Olga - 22 years old, Tatyana - 21, Maria -19, Anastasia - 17, Alexei was 13 years old (he did not live up to 14 years for 2 weeks).

Together with them, 4 more people died: doctor Evgeny Botkin, cook Ivan Kharitonov, maid Anna Demidova, valet Alexei Trupp.

At one time, the royal family could have escaped, they had offers to go abroad, but the family preferred to stay in their beloved Russia. The whole family, including children, made a conscious choice: to be together to the end and support each other in the most difficult conditions of oppression and humiliation.

Emperor Nicholas II forever preserved in his soul the most important thing - faith in God's providence and devotion to the Fatherland. “I have a firm and complete confidence,” he said, “that the fate of Russia, just like the fate of me and my family, is in the hands of God, who put me in my place. Whatever happens, I bow before His will, believing that I never had any other thought than to serve the country, the management of which He entrusted to me.

For many years, the true appearance of royalty was hushed up and deliberately distorted to please the ideological and political interests of the existing government. But today, a century later, we can learn the truth about them and understand how highly moral and highly spiritual this family was. And take as a model their relationship, their way of life, their devotion and loyalty to the Fatherland.

The royal family has been canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as holy martyrs.

The family album ends not with a photograph, but with an icon depicting all seven members of the family.

Now we will watch the film "Family Album" and flip through its pages again (5 min.).

Let's recap the main points:

The royal family of Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexandra Feodorovna Romanov embodied in their lives the highest moral ideals: serving the Motherland, bringing benefits, caring for people, love for the family, for one's country, for God. Parents taught their children by the example of their lives.

Creative task

For three days, conduct an experiment: live for the sake of other people.

Whenever you feel like doing something for yourself, like playing a computer game or watching TV, turn your attention to helping your parents, sibling, friend, neighbor, etc. Ask them what help they need, look for yourself what you can be useful in. If you don't know how to do something (cooking, ironing, etc.), use this opportunity to learn.

Record your good deeds in a diary. Reflect also the reaction of people and your own feelings. Do you enjoy living for others?

Development of the history lesson "Last Romanovs"

Lesson type: Lesson learning new material

Lesson form: Lesson of theoretical or practical independent work (research type)

The purpose of the lesson:

for the teacher: create conditions for understanding and understanding new material in accordance with individual features students by means of the educational project method

- for students:

1. Instilling interest in the history of Russia, the development of high moral qualities;

2. the formation of ideas about the time of the activities of the "Last" Romanovs; their role in the development of our state at the end of the nineteenth century;

3. understanding the definition of the main directions of Russian domestic and foreign policy;

4. Understanding the reasons why the rule of the Romanovs was ambiguously interpreted in history.

Lesson objectives:

    Create conditions for the development of internal motivation of students to repeat and systematize knowledge about the Romanov dynasty;

    To create conditions for the development of students' skills related to goal setting;

    Create conditions for the development of students' skills to enter into a dialogue and defend their point of view;

    Create conditions for the development of students' information competencies to find the necessary information in additional literature;

    Create conditions for the development of key educational and cognitive competencies related to subject and personal reflection, control and self-assessment of the work done.

Planned results:

subject- to be able to systematize the material on the topic; evaluate historical events and processes, the activities of historical figures.

Personal- understand the value of a person as an engine of history; show a feeling of love for the Motherland, respect for its history;

Metasubject- possess the skills of independent work; be able to work with educational information; identify causal relationships;


Formation and awareness of a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland and respect for its history.


Statement of the educational task (formulation of the topic); adoption of a cognitive goal (goal setting)


General educational: searching for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using basic educational and additional literature, multimedia materials.

brain teaser : text analysis, selection and comprehension of information from texts, documents.


Communicative and speech actions (interactions in groups), coordination of efforts to achieve a common goal, joint activities when working in groups

Equipment: encyclopedias, multimedia projector, student projects, presentation on the topic “The Romanov era”, a fragment from the film by G. Panfilov “The Romanovs. Crowned family." portraits of Nicholas II, his family, grand dukes.


"Behave in such a way that you are forgiven that you were born great princes." Nicholas I.

Lesson Stage Objectives

1. Organizational stage (1 min.)

Purpose of the stage:

Creating a working atmosphere in the classroom.

Checks the readiness of students for the lesson (the presence of a textbook, diary, notebook), computer operation, availability of working materials

Preparing students for the beginning of the lesson, the mood to gain new knowledge in the subject.

2. Actualization of knowledge (5 min.)

Purpose of the stage: definition of the topic of the lesson and setting the goal of the lesson:

Russian history full of various events, which should not be denied, let alone forgotten. They must be remembered, disassembled in all subtleties and not rushed with assessments.

3. Checking the knowledge and skills of students on the material covered (4 min.)

Purpose of the stage:


students to active educational and cognitive.


4. Presentation of new material (25 min.)

Purpose of the stage:

understanding and


memorization of knowledge and methods of action

Divides the class into 4 groups:

5. Control of assimilation (5 min.)

Purpose of the stage:

provide an opportunity to assess the degree of assimilation of new educational material

What is the reason for the success of the fight against the khanates and the failures in the Livonian War?

6. Reflection (3 min.)

Purpose of the stage:

self-assessment by students of their activities in the lesson, assessment by the teacher of students' activities

P3, P19, R7, L11, L10

7. Homework (2 min.)

Purpose of the stage: consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson

§ 21, prepare a lead task (2 weeks):

prepare an essay on the topics "The role of Ivan the Terrible in strengthening the statehood of Russia", "Is Ivan the Terrible - a bloody tyrant or an outstanding political figure?"

Write the assignment in a diary

    Lesson plan:

Lesson stage

Forms of activity

Organizational this

Creating a working atmosphere in the classroom

Knowledge update

opening speech teachers. Determining the topic of the lesson and setting the goal of the lesson:

Checking the knowledge and skills of students on the material covered

Preparing students for active educational and cognitive activity: frontal survey

Learning new material

Performances of students with ready-made individual projects:

1. The first Romanovs.

2. Grand Dukes: Nikolai Nikolaevich Romanov, Alexander Mikhailovich, Elizoveta Fedorovna, Georgy Alexandrovich

3. Nikolai Konstantinovich Romanov

Assimilation control

Issues of assessing the degree of assimilation of new educational material


Self-assessment by students of their activities in the lesson, assessment by the teacher of students' activities

Did we reach the goal of the lesson?

Evaluates student performance based on the results of work in the lesson

They say that they learned something new in the lesson, what they learned, how they evaluate the knowledge they have acquired.

Each student evaluates his work in the lesson and evaluates himself and his group as a whole (gives justification)


Consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson, prepare an advanced task (2 weeks): prepare an essay on the topic “Outstanding representatives of the Romanov family”

Write the assignment in a diary

Fyodor Nikitich (aka Patriarch Filaret) was the first of his kind to bear the surname "Romanov" in honor of his father Nikita Romanovich and grandfather Roman Yuryevich Zakharyin. Legally, members of the royal, and then the imperial, family did not have any surnames at all (“Tsarevich Ivan Alekseevich”, “Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich”, etc.).

Family tree of the Romanovs https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanovs#/media/File:House_of_Romanov_family_tree_(1347-2014)_by_shakko_(RU).jpg

Teacher: Guys! Now open page 53 of the textbook and find the document from the memoirs of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna. (Reading the document).

In 1913, in Russia, celebrations were held in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. To the surprise of many, they were accompanied by a nationwide manifestation of monarchical feelings. Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna recalled the trip of the royal family along the Volga region: “Wherever we traveled, everywhere we met such loyal manifestations that seemed to border on frenzy. When our steamer sailed along the Volga, we saw crowds of peasants standing up to their chests in water in order to catch at least the tsar's eye. In some cities I saw artisans

and workers prostrating themselves to kiss his shadow when he passes.

Starting from the sons of Paul I, all the great princes are divided into two categories: the elders - the heirs-princes, future emperors, and all the rest.

At first glance, the fate of these second ones is enviable: immediately after birth - all the highest awards of the empire, which any other, even well-born, even talented, even giving all his strength for the benefit of the tsar and the Fatherland, do not always manage to earn for many years of impeccable service. And also - more than two hundred thousand gold rubles annually. Just for the title. And also - the countless number of advantages that gives belonging to the imperial family: your own luxurious palaces, a huge staff of servants, the ability to travel wherever you like, and much, much more. In general, there are no merits and duties, it would seem, no, but the possibilities are unlimited. There is something to envy.

No wonder Nicholas I, the father of seven Grand Dukes and Duchesses, taught his children: “Behave in such a way that you are forgiven that you were born Grand Dukes.” And taught. None of the Romanovs, unlike the nouveau riche, never boasted of either wealth or permissiveness. True, this did not save them from envy.

And what a superficial, and even more envious look sees, is most often far from reality. In fact, few people were forced to live according to such strict regulations as the Grand Dukes. They were deprived of the freedom of choice - something that is extremely necessary for a thinking person.

The occupation was predetermined by him from the moment of birth - only military service.

Family life was also programmed: to marry only equal foreign women, mainly German princesses. The Grand Duchesses were also doomed to marry foreign princes, and no one asked whether they liked the groom or not. Hence the unhappy marriages, which were not uncommon in the Romanov family. Those who rebelled against the imposed rules, in most cases, paid dearly. I will definitely tell you about such recalcitrants.

It is curious that only one of the Russian tsars, Nicholas I, was emperor longer than the Grand Duke. And his older brother Alexander I remained the Grand Duke until the age of 24 and wore the crown for exactly the same amount. Most of the Russian emperors for a significant part of their lives were grand dukes (that is, they remained on the sidelines). The most striking examples of this are Peter III (21 years old Grand Duke - six months emperor), Paul I (42 years old - 4 years old), Alexander III (36 years old - 13 years old).

Obviously, their characters were not only formed, but also quite clearly manifested over the long years that they were waiting for their turn to the throne. But the grand-princely period of the life of monarchs is known much less than the years of their reign. And to know how they lived before ascending the throne; who taught and educated them, who were their friends of youth; what passions owned the hearts of future monarchs is interesting, if only because this knowledge helps to understand the origins of some character traits of autocrats, which over time had a significant impact on the life of Russia.

But the course of events in the country was also influenced by those grand dukes who were not born for the throne: younger brothers, children and grandchildren of the autocrats (twice it was they who unexpectedly found themselves on the throne). Very little is known about their service to the Fatherland, however, as well as about the unworthy deeds of some of them. This knowledge gap is to be filled in this book.

Its heroes will be 34 people who have played a very prominent role in Russian history for two centuries. There were 38 Grand Dukes of the Romanovs in total, five of them died in infancy or early youth, so there is nothing to say about them except words of sympathy. The first character in the book will be Grand Duke Pyotr Fedorovich, who was born in 1728 and briefly became Emperor Peter III; the last of legitimate Grand Dukes of the Romanovs - Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, who lived until 1942.

About legal and illegal - the story is curious and not without instructiveness. When the time comes, I will definitely tell her.

I give a list of the Grand Dukes, with whom readers will get to know. It will help to understand the difficult family ties of the characters in this book. I do not name the majority of the Grand Duchesses, since they were married abroad in their early youth and did not leave a noticeable mark in Russian history.

This lesson on the history of Russia was compiled for students of the 10th grade (basic level) of Lyceum 410, Pushkin St. Petersburg. When working on educational material, the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards were taken into account for high school. the abstract is presented in the form of a technological map of the lesson, introduced in our lyceum from the new school year. Routing involves regulating the activities of the teacher and students at different stages of the lesson. The main goal of the lesson is to teach how to work with various matrials, process educational material so that it becomes clear to the student. The development mentions TASK A - read the text, find and highlight the main facts, events and phenomena, draw up a diagram, table or figure.


"Royal Family"

(pages of the family album of the last

Russian Emperor NicholasII)
Decor: the main wall is draped, photographs of the royal family, fragments of letters, diaries....

Table, lace tablecloth, framed portraits, candlesticks with candles

Book exhibition "Personality in history"
Participants of the evening:

Presenter 1 (main)

Host 2 (male)

Host 3 (female)

Musicians (violin, piano)

Romance performer (student of a music school)

(While the people are gathering , background music playing)
(Intro screen: family photo and name of the evening)
Sounds like Anthem "God Save the Tsar"(1.5 min.)
(On the screen: a portrait and words of NikolaiII)

“I have an unshakable, absolute conviction that the fate of Russia - as well as the fate of myself and my family - is in the hands of the Lord, who put me in my place. Whatever happens to me, I must bow before His will with a mind that has never allowed any other thought than to serve my country, which He has entrusted to me..
Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

The history of Russia is inextricably linked with the fate of Russian emperors, who from generation to generation continued the dynasty and ruled over our vast state.

Hundreds of books have been written about the Royal Family and the reign of Nicholas II in recent decades, feature films have been made. As you remember, in the 90s aroused interest, I would say excitement, the search for the remains of members of the royal family who were brutally murdered in Yekaterinburg. Unfortunately, for most people it was an idle interest, and not a desire to spiritually experience and comprehend everything that happened then.

Historians give an ambiguous assessment of the reign of Emperor Nicholas II. Much can be argued, but we will not delve into the historical context of the topic. That is not the purpose of our evening.

On the eve of the birthday of Nicholas II, we dedicate this evening to his family, which is an amazing example of a true Russian family, in which the main basis was love and help to each other.

It must be said that there were few happy people among the imperial families. Peter the Great sentenced his son to death, Catherine II killed her husband, Emperor Peter III, and her son Pavel, as you know, was strangled with a scarf in his own bedroom. Everything can be taken away from a person: kingdom, power, life. It is impossible, perhaps, to deprive one - love. And God rewarded the last emperor of Russia with consolation - love and family happiness.

Leafing through the pages of the family album of Nicholas II, we will try not only to understand and discover the unique personality of Nicholas Romanov, but also, having entered the world of the royal family, to think about how we live today and whether we can protect and appreciate what is given to us from above ...
Sounds like a piece of music

duet (violin, piano)

Host 2: Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov was born in Tsarskoe Selo on May 19, 1868. Being extraordinarily capable, he received an excellent education under the guidance of the best Russian scientists. He was fluent in four languages ​​and loved Russian classical literature. According to contemporaries, Nicholas II was the most educated person. In addition, according to the tradition of the Russian tsars, Nikolai Alexandrovich was a military man, studied military disciplines and was trained in the guards regiments. The sovereign was a model of modesty, diligence, devotion to duty and the Motherland.

The personality of the emperor was versatile, inner world he was complex, and this is his resemblance to many prominent people of the era.

Presenter 1: Of course, he was a less prominent politician than, for example, Emperor Peter the Great or Alexander II. Nicholas II cannot be called a great ruler. In fact, this was his tragedy. That he was not in his place in history. With his education and temperament, he should have ruled a country like England, and not Russia of the 20th century, where all reforms and transformations were carried out by rulers of a dictatorial temperament.

Nicholas II was an intelligent person, in his reign he adhered to Russian Orthodox principles. He deeply knew Russian history and literature, was a great connoisseur of his native language and did not tolerate foreign words in it. The sovereign was unmercenary, and this is a well-known fact. He generously helped those in need from his own funds, without thinking about the size of the requested amount. He did not like extravagance and luxury. He had been wearing civilian suits for decades, ever since the time of the groom.

The Christian virtues of the sovereign: meekness and kindness of heart, modesty and simplicity were not understood by many and taken for weakness of character. But it is not so.

For example, during the war with Japan, the sovereign declared: "I will never conclude a shameful and unworthy peace for great Russia." And despite pressure from all sides, he showed a firm will, and success in the negotiations is entirely his. Nicholas II possessed rare endurance and courage.

But the last king of the Romanov family was not destined for a cloudless existence. He came to the throne early, and here two crushing misfortunes awaited him: the illness of his son and the impending collapse of the great empire.

But that will be later, but for now...

(Bravura music sounds - march, against its background - the words of the presenter)
Host 2: The first years of the reign were favorable and seemed to promise prosperity to Russia.

The word “first” is the best fit for the era of Nicholas II: the first newsreel, the first tram, the first aircraft, the first car, the first hydroelectric power station, the first electric plow, the first submarine. All this appeared in Russia for the first time, and each technical innovation did not go unnoticed by the Sovereign, or even introduced on his initiative. The king was a big car enthusiast. The French economist E. Teri predicted at the beginning of the 20th century: "By the middle of the current century, Russia will dominate Europe, both politically and economically and financially."

Presenter 1: It seemed like it would always be like this.

Nicholas II, like many in our country at the end of the 19th century, was in the feeling that Russia was moving along a stable, predetermined path of development for centuries.

As we have already said, in essence, Nicholas II was not created to solve grandiose historical tasks. The country, which was developing dynamically, turned out to be unprepared for the tasks that confronted it at the beginning of the 20th century.

The world, which was clear to him and familiar, crumbled before his eyes. The giant storm that swept over Russia was carried away ... and he himself, and everyone he loved.

Presenter 3: The most faithful and devoted person in the life of the sovereign was Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. From the first steps of her life in Russia, she realized how hard it is for Nicky here, how many problems there are, and how few people want to take on their solution.

The tragedy of the Russian Tsar also consisted in the fact that he turned out to be a very lonely person. The same people who shouted their blessing, their admiration to the tsar, were absolutely indifferent to the fact that he was imprisoned and shot.

When Nicholas was forced to abdicate (on the night of March 16, 1917), he wrote in his diary: “In the name of saving Russia and keeping the army at the front in peace, you need to decide on this step ... I left Pskov at 1 a.m. with a heavy feeling of experience; around treason, and cowardice, and deceit.

Only Alexandra Fedorovna, like no one else, understood him. Between them there was a deep strong feeling, which over the years only grew and grew stronger.

Reader: Oh, how in our declining years

We love more tenderly and more superstitiously ...

Shine, shine, parting light

Last love, evening dawn!

Let the blood run thin in the veins,

But tenderness does not fail in the heart ...

Oh, last love!

You are both bliss and hopelessness.

. F. Tyutchev "Last Love"

Performed the romance "The night is bright"
(Continues to play the piano softly,

excerpts from letters sound against the background of music)
(On the screen photo: the king with the queen)
(To the center of the hall, to the table with photographs go

leading in the image of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna)
Host 2: “My dear, I miss you, for your kisses and caresses. How can I thank you for your lovely letters and lilies of the valley. I press my nose against them and often kiss, it seems to me, those places that your sweet lips touched ... "
Presenter 3:“I bless you! I kiss your dear face, sweet neck and dear beloved hands with all the fervor of a ardently loving heart. Oh, if I had wings to fly to you every evening and delight you with my love. I long to hug you, shower you with kisses and feel that you are mine, my own ... "

(Music stops)

Presenter 1: These are not youthful letters. Nikolai was 48 at the time, and Alexandra was 44 years old. They had been husband and wife for a good two decades.
Lead 3: When Nicholas and Alexandra first saw each other, they were about the same age as Romeo and Juliet. He is 16, she is 12. Nikolai wrote in his diary: "We love each other." Even though they lived far apart, tender feelings strengthened in their souls, the desire to be together all their lives increased.

When Alice arrived in Russia 5 years later, she was already a charming golden-haired princess and, of course, she met Niki at balls and parties. And at the big dance evening she became the lady of the Tsarevich's mazurka. Nicky was elated.

When he was 21 years old, the Tsarevich pasted a photograph of his beloved Alix into his diary.
(Screen photo: Alix, Queen Victoria, castle in England)
Presenter 1: Alice, and at home - Alix, was born in 1872. Her father is the Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine, her mother is a duchess, Alice is the granddaughter of the English Queen Victoria. Alix's mother died when the girl was 6 years old. And then Queen Victoria of England took care of her upbringing. In her residence at Osborne Castle, the childhood and youth of the future Russian Empress passed. Here, in England, she received an excellent education and even received a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University.
Presenter 3: And in distant Russia, Nicky kept thinking about the beautiful princess.
Host 2:“In the evening, my mother talked about family life Nikolay wrote. - Involuntarily, this conversation touched the most vital string of my soul, touched that dream and hope that I live from day to day. My dream is to ever marry Alix, I have loved her for a long time. I resisted this feeling for a long time. Everything is in the will of God, trusting in his mercy, I calmly and humbly look to the future ... "
Presenter 3: But at home they did not even want to think about the marriage of the Tsarevich. My father generally believed that Nikolai had childish judgments. And when Nikolai turned to his parents to bless him for marriage, his father's answer was short: “You are very young, there is still time for marriage”. The young man meekly resigned himself and waited. Secretly from their parents, they corresponded with each other. During the six months of the engagement, Alix wrote 133 letters to Nikolai, and the groom wrote 127 letters to the bride.

Another 5 years have passed. The feelings of the young became stronger finally, they were able to resist all temptations and temptations.

Presenter 1: But the princess saw two insurmountable barriers between herself and Nicky. The first is a change of religion. Alix was a Protestant, and the future Russian Empress, according to the law of succession to the throne, was supposed to be Orthodox. But the grandmother, the English queen, helped dispel doubts. She said that, after all, Orthodoxy is not so different from Protestantism. There was more a serious reason excluding the possibility of marriage. In the Alix family, the lineage of Queen Victoria was subject to a hereditary disease - hemophilia. The disease is also mysterious because not all children and grandchildren became carriers of this terrible disease, there were exceptions. And Alix hoped for this, believed that the Lord would help her, and she agreed to the marriage.
Lead 3: Alix left an entry in Nikolai's diary: "The key to my heart in which you are locked, lost, and now you'll never get out of there".

There was also another entry: “Since the past has passed and will never return, and we do not know the future, only the present belongs to us ...”

In the future, these words will turn out to be prophetic ...
The romance “Random Meetings, Past Meetings” is being performed
(On screen photo: Nicky and Alix)

Lead 3: The engagement took place in Coburg in the spring of 1894, and the wedding was scheduled for next spring, but it happened earlier ...
(On the screen photo: Emperor AlexanderIII)
Lead 2: In autumn, Alexander III suddenly fell ill. The disease progressed rapidly, so Alix was urgently called. Alexander III wanted to have time to bless the children.

Before his death, Alexander III bequeathed to his son:

“You have to take the heavy burden of state power from my shoulders and carry it to the grave in the same way that I carried it., and how our ancestors carried. I give you the kingdom God has given me. I took it 13 years ago from my bleeding father...

In foreign policy - keep an independent position. Remember: Russia has no friends. They are afraid of our immensity. Avoid wars. In domestic politics - first of all, patronize the church. She saved Russia more than once in a time of trouble. Strengthen the family, because it is the basis of any state.”

On October 20, 1894, the emperor died. An hour and a half after the death of his father, the persons of the imperial retinue began to swear allegiance to Nicholas. Dear Nicky became the autocrat of all Russia Nicholas II. When he first realized all this, he was frightened and cried (you can understand - he was only 26 years old).

Lead 3: On the morning of the next day, Alix converted to Orthodoxy, and they began to call her in Russian - Alexandra Fedorovna.
Lead 2: “I still can’t believe that I’m married: so all the recent events happened soon. I am immeasurably happy with my darling Alix. But for that the Lord gave me to carry a heavy cross. Hope for His help and the example of an unforgettable dad will help me serve and work for the benefit of our dear Motherland..
Lead 3: A week after the funeral, a modest marriage took place.

The whole first year was spent in anticipation of the first child. They decided that if a daughter was born, they would be called Olga, and if a son, Pavel. The first daughter was born - Olga. 4 girls were born in the family: Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia.

(On the screen photo: princesses)
Lead 2: But Nikolai was waiting for his son, but there was still no heir ...

When this happened, Nicholas was in great joy and excitement. The birth of the Tsarevich was a holiday for all the people: cannons fired, bells rang, prayers of thanksgiving were served. The country rejoiced, welcoming the birth of a new future Sovereign.

Here is an entry in the diary of Nicholas II:

“An unforgettable great day for us, on which the mercy of God so clearly visited us. At one and a quarter in the afternoon, Alix had a son, who was named Alexei..

Alexei was extraordinary beautiful child who brought great joy to the royal family. But this joy was short-lived.

(On the screen: a fragment of a documentary chronicle with the participation of the Tsarevich)
Presenter 1: Tsarevich Alexei Nikolayevich was a favorite of the whole family, both parents and sisters, and indeed of all people who came into contact with the Royal Family. The authority of the name of the Tsarevich was extremely high. In order for any new undertaking to gain status and success, it was enough to include the name of the Tsarevich in the number of trustees or honorary members.
(Photo on screen: Metropolitan Nestor, Kamchatka, early 20th century)
At the age of 7, on the day of the spiritual majority of the heir, the sovereign makes him the patron of the Kamchatka Orthodox Brotherhood in the name of the Image of the All-Merciful Savior Not Made by Hands, which was headed by Hieromonk Nestor, and which was patronized by the entire royal family. This shows how close to heart Nicholas II took the needs of distant Kamchatka. The patronage of the Tsarevich attracted great attention and assistance to the activities of the brotherhood throughout the country. People donated funds, warm clothes, textbooks, medicines, church utensils. All this was sent to Kamchatka. The sovereign gave permission for the free transportation of the Kamchatka wagon throughout Russia to Vladivostok, and the queen was tied up with her daughters and ladies-in-waiting warm dresses adults and children to be sent to distant Kamchatka. Thanks to such assistance, medical care was improved in Kamchatka, churches and chapels were built, and parochial schools were also active, which taught children and adults. The literacy of our region at that time was at a fairly good level.
Lead 3: Years passed, clouds were gathering over Russia, but peace and harmony reigned in the Royal family.

The royal family, as we have already said, was an example of a true family, in which the main basis was love and help to each other.

They led a modest lifestyle for the reigning persons, did not like luxury, did not arrange magnificent celebrations and festivities. The empress did not want the Ministry of the Palace to spend money on gifts and came up with this: twice a year, on birthdays and name days, the girls received one diamond and one pearl each. So, by the age of 16 there were two necklaces of 32 stones.

Princesses Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia were brought up in strictness: they slept on camp beds, took cold baths in the morning, clothes were passed from elder to younger. Her Majesty did not like idleness, from childhood she taught her daughters to work. During the First World War, the Empress and her eldest daughters Olga and Tatiana completed medical courses. They worked as simple sisters of mercy in the hospitals and infirmaries of Tsarskoye Selo, and the younger ones, Maria and Anastasia, visited infirmaries and hospitals, where they helped with sewing clothes for the wounded and preparing dressings. The empress was convinced that children should know that, in addition to beauty, there is a lot of sadness in the world.

Eyewitnesses recall: the empress gave sterile instruments to the surgeon, helping with the most difficult operations, taking amputated arms and legs from his hands, removing bloodied and lice-ridden clothes. She never grumbled, did not feel sorry for herself at all, considering it her duty to take care of those around her.

She has been a philanthropist all her life. During the famine in 1898, she donated an eighth of the family's annual income to the suffering. Alexandra Fedorovna often gave financial assistance to those in need through her close associates, trying to keep it a secret.

Presenter 1: The empress organized charity bazaars, the proceeds of which went to help the sick, she organized educational workshops for the poor throughout the country and opened schools for sisters of mercy. At her own expense, the queen built a house for disabled soldiers of the Russo-Japanese War, where they learned every trade.

Extraordinary kindness and attention to others were the hallmarks of this family.

Even when they were in exile in the Siberian town of Tobolsk (1917), on the eve of Christmas, they were diligently engaged in needlework in order to make gifts for everyone. A Christmas tree was arranged not only for all the servants, but also for the guard platoons on duty on the first and second days, and each of the soldiers and each of the servants received some thing of Her Majesty's or Their Highnesses' own work, such as knitted hat or gloves.

In Tobolsk, the royal family could still adhere to the routine of life that was in Tsarskoye Selo. Teachers were engaged with children, continuing to teach them languages ​​and needlework. But gradually the regime became tougher. The Empress wrote at that time: “We must endure, purify, be reborn!”


Send us, Lord, patience

In a time of stormy, gloomy days

endure the persecution of the people
And the torture of our executioners.

Give us strength, oh right God,

To forgive the crimes of the neighbor
And the cross is heavy and bloody
To meet with Your meekness.

And in the days of rebellious excitement,

When enemies rob us,
To endure shame and humiliation
Christ, Savior, help!

Lord of the world, God of the universe!

Bless us with prayer
And give rest to the humble soul
In the unbearable hour of death...

And, at the threshold of the grave,

Breathe into the mouth of your servants
Inhuman forces
Pray meekly for the enemies!

Sergei Bekhteev "Prayer"

Lead 2: Exactly one year after his abdication, in Tobolsk, the Sovereign wrote in his diary: “How long will our unfortunate Motherland be tormented and torn apart by external and internal enemies? Sometimes it seems that there is no strength to endure longer, you don’t even know what to hope for, what to wish for?

The royal family loved Russia with all their hearts and could not imagine life outside the Motherland.

“I would not want to leave Russia. I love her too much, spoke Sovereign. “I’d rather go to the farthest end of Siberia.”
Lead 3: “How I love my country, with all its shortcomings. She is dearer and dearer to me, and every day I thank the Lord for allowing us to stay here.”- wrote Alexandra Fedorovna being imprisoned.

The last days of the Royal Family were spent in Yekaterinburg, where they were brought at the end of April 1918. From the Romanov station, they were taken by car to the house of the merchant Ipatiev. This house was destined to become the last prison of Nicholas.

Reader: Enamel cross in buttonhole

And a gray jacket cloth ...

What beautiful faces

And how long ago it was.

What beautiful faces

But how hopelessly pale

Heir, Empress,

Four Grand Duchesses.

Georgy Ivanov "Enamel cross in the buttonhole"
Presenter 1: Having fallen into a fatal web, which he could not break, Nicholas paid for his mistakes by dying like a martyr, along with his wife and five children.
Sounds tragic music performed by a duet

(violin, piano)

Lead 2: Fifty-three days of life in Yekaterinburg were for the entire royal family days of physical deprivation, unbearable moral torture, bullying by unbridled guards, complete isolation from the world, doom and eternal anxiety. It was no longer life, despite all the spiritual strength of the close-knit Imperial family.

On the night of July 16-17, Yurovsky woke up all the prisoners, ordered them to dress quickly and go downstairs. He explained that the White Czechs were approaching Yekaterinburg, and the local council decided that they should leave. Nikolai went down the stairs first, carrying Alexei in his arms. Yurovsky led everyone into the basement room. Here he asked to wait until the cars arrived. Nicholas asked for chairs for his son and wife. Yurovsky ordered to bring three chairs. In addition to the Romanov family, there were also Dr. Botkin, the footman Trupp, the cook Kharitonov and the room girl of the Empress Demidov. When everyone had gathered, Yurovsky again entered the room, accompanied by the entire detachment of the Cheka with revolvers in their hands. He stepped forward and quickly said: "In view of the fact that your relatives continue to attack Soviet Russia, the Ural Executive Committee decided to shoot you."

Nikolay, continuing to support Alexei with his hand, began to rise from his chair. He just had time to say, "What?" And then Yurovsky shot him in the head. At this signal, the execution began ... Even after death, the executioners continued to abuse the bodies of their victims.

The great Romanov dynasty ceased to exist.

Presenter 1: Everything transient is both slander and criticism of the emperor, but the human qualities that were inherent in these Russian people are eternal, they will survive and survive the rise and fall of any empire. Judging by them, one can call Nicholas II an exceptional person who loved Russia and was devoted to her to the end.
Host 2: (voice behind the scene) From a letter from Alexandra Feodorovna, written in Tobolsk.

Presenter 3: (reads by heart)

“One after another, all vain things leave, families and fortunes collapse, friends disappear. You need to live for today. But God is in everything, and nature will never change. I can still see the churches and the hills, the world I love... ...I'm wheeled across the street to church, my legs hurt unbearably... some bow and bless us, others hesitate.

I feel old, oh so old, but I am still the mother of this country and I feel her suffering as my own children suffer and I love her., despite all her sins and horrors. No one can tear a child out of a mother's heart, and nothing can take our homeland from us, although Russian black ingratitude towards the emperor breaks my heart. And this home country. Lord, have mercy and save Russia!”
(On the screen: an excerpt from the video clip of Zhanna Bichevskaya's song

"Song of the Royal Martyrs")
(Leaders go to light candles at the main wall)
Lead 3: In 2000, at the Council of Bishops, Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov and his entire family were canonized as saints.
(On the screen: image of the canonized royal family)
Presenter 1: Dear friends, our evening has come to an end. We sincerely thank everyone who helped in the preparation and holding of the evening.