Gratitude diary, or a happy family and its secrets. Gratitude diary - what is it, why should it be kept What to write in a gratitude diary

— Gratitude Diary
- Why write gratitude in the diaries
How to write thank you
- positive points

Gratitude Diary is a very powerful and effective practice. It can be done by every person. This will help to receive powerful support from the Universe. In addition, with its help you can correct those aspects of life that are important to you and are not sufficiently developed.

There are several types of such a diary. You can keep a general diary, where you will thank the World for all the good that it gives you. Or you can thank specific people, such as your loved ones, or your colleagues (if you need to improve relationships at work). You can also thank the Universe for your successes or for new opportunities.

It is here that it is very important to understand your purpose for working on a diary. For what you focus on always multiplies in your life.

This pattern is widely known, but, unfortunately, many do not follow this advice. Therefore, their World clearly confirms their negative thoughts about how badly they live. And what else can you expect if thoughts about what they lack, what they are bad at, what they can’t do, what they don’t have enough are scrolling in their head again and again.

The Gratitude Diary is exactly the tool that allows you to change the course of your thoughts. This is a very powerful tool. And you can use it to improve your life.

- Why write gratitude in the diaries

There are four important aspects that a person gets when he starts keeping a gratitude journal:

The first (and biggest) plus from this activity is that a person's point of view of the world changes, as well as his inner mood and attitude to life. This can open up new opportunities for you, as well as give Happiness and Joy. Even positive people will begin to appear in your life. And life itself will turn in the direction of well-being.

Gratitude for the Abundance you have received is the best guarantee that it will continue.
prophet Muhammad

Gratitude is the first step to improving your life. If every day you thank the Universe for the good that it gives you (even in a small amount), every day you will have more and more of it.

The second advantage of keeping a Gratitude Diary is that not only your life will improve, but also the lives of other people. After all, the word "Gratitude" is not simple in itself. It includes two important words: “good” and “give”. Whenever you utter words of gratitude, you are bestowing a boon on the World or a certain person.

Even in everyday life, try to get away from the traditional “Thank you” and replace it with a more capacious “Thank you”. So in your own words, you will really help to ensure that there are more blessings and prosperity in the world.

The third benefit of keeping a Gratitude Diary is that the Gratitude Diary teaches you to notice small positive things and moments in your life. Happiness is made up of moments and little things. This means that keeping a Gratitude Diary brings additional Happiness into our lives.

The fourth plus is support and assistance in developing new skills. In this case, this diary is somewhat reminiscent of a merit diary. With one exception - here you thank yourself for your success, thank those who taught you something, and thanks to them you were able to do it, and also thank the World for the fact that these people entered your life.

Do you have many ideas? Envy and write down all your ideas in it.

How to write thank you

In fact, there are no strict rules. Here are a few tips to help you understand how you can use a gratitude journal and maybe inspire your own ideas.

1) What can you be grateful for?
You can thank for anything and anyone, for example:
a) remember all the pleasant moments of the day and give thanks for them;
b) remember all the pleasant moments in life and also thank for them;
c) thank the people you interact with;
d) thank the universe (god, life, world, etc.) for what you want to have, as if you already have it;
e) be sure to thank yourself.

1) In what form should the diary be kept: electronic or paper?
You can choose the method you like best. I don't think it matters much.

2) How to get what you want with the diary?
Our world is abundant, and if we can imagine something, then it is real. And the practice of gratitude only helps to manifest this in reality.

3) Is it effective to achieve goals using this technique?
The experience of many people shows that yes. In fact, there are many techniques for achieving goals and you can use any. In order to use any technique, you need to understand what end result you want and go for it.

Writing a daily goal in a diary in the form of gratitude allows you to keep the goal in focus, and the power of gratitude accelerates its implementation. Therefore, you can combine this technology with any other that you already use.

4) How to understand that the diary is working?

You will notice it yourself. New acquaintances and people will begin to appear in your life who will help you realize your goal. There will also be pleasant events and surprises. The main thing is to keep track of all this and feel real gratitude for every bonus from the universe - then there will be even more of them.
It's like magic - you don't need to know and write down all the steps in advance to achieve the goal, everything happens by itself.

5) How to formulate diary entries?
You can use this format: "Thank you for the fact that ..." and then you can add anything you want. You can take this one or come up with your own.

6) How many entries do you make per day?
It is desirable not less than 10 entries. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But mostly I focus on this figure.

7) What if I have a deep depression now, I don’t feel any gratitude and I can’t force myself to write something?

I recommend that you forcefully write 100 thanks in one sitting. Remember all the pleasant things that happened in your life, thank all your relatives, friends and just acquaintances, and also thank yourself for everything that you can remember. This will help relieve depression and move forward.

8) How to develop the habit of writing thanks every day?
You can use the Android app LoopHabbit and mark each day whether you kept a diary or missed it. With the application it is more convenient, you can set up reminders.

Start and write down all the joyful events that happen to you.

- positive points

As a result of keeping a gratitude diary, we will get the following effect:

1) Changes in the perception of the surrounding reality.
It is achieved through a positive perception of reality through the expression of gratitude. The individual will no longer have the desire to gossip, criticize and condemn someone. Since this is usually done by people who experience internal discomfort, and at the expense of such “little joys” they try to compensate for their own inadequacy.

2) Reducing depression and stress.
It has been scientifically proven that optimists get sick much less often than pessimists. By expressing our gratitude, we send a message of love and joy to the world around us. Over time, with the regular practice of keeping a gratitude diary, our biofield strengthens and becomes dense enough not to let in negative energy.

Many things will no longer seem so terrible, and resentment will be sharp and burning. Nightmares and nervous tension will torment you less and less.

3) Improvement appearance and health.
Programming yourself with the help of a diary for good and positive improves your health. After a short period of time, you will be able to feel that most health indicators have changed for the better. Joy brings a feeling of relaxation and inner harmony, while negative energy creates discomfort and tension throughout the body.

4) Positive changes in life.
People who radiate positivity attract other people and favorable circumstances to themselves like a magnet. Failures are bypassed, and in difficult moments of life, someone's invisible support and care is felt. This does not happen immediately, not the day after the start of the diary. It takes at least 21 days for you to develop the positive habit of being an optimist.

5) The emergence of new interests and ideas.
When a person focuses on his problem and tries to solve it by literally going ahead, he misses out on many of the best chances in his life.
If something doesn't work, then step back for a while and wait. Perhaps what you want to happen is simply not given. Practicing a gratitude journal can help you figure out what the root of the problem is. When a person stops focusing on one thing, he begins to see the whole panorama of life with its enormous possibilities. Gradually, they begin to come to his head interesting ideas and unleashes creativity.

6) Self-realization and a sense of self-worth.
Through new ideas and awareness of how you can present yourself to the world, a person comes to a sense of his own significance. He begins to understand why he came into this world and why he was born. With the acceptance of this, aimless existence and depression disappear.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

If it becomes sad, cats scratch at the heart, failures literally haunt, then it's time to start keeping a gratitude diary. A personal triumph can also become an occasion to write down a couple of dozen “thank you”. This is a great way to stay on the wave of luck and consolidate success.

What is a gratitude diary?

A gratitude diary is a type of personal diary in which a person writes down what he feels for. This is a psychological tool that helps to correct the perception of the world. Such a diary is a kind of receiver that helps you tune in to the right positive wave.

Why do you need a gratitude journal?

It is especially helpful to keep a gratitude journal during and bad mood. At these moments, a person needs faith in the good and optimism, it is important for him to see that there is something in every day. Here are a few more reasons to start keeping a gratitude journal:

1. Turn from a grumbler into an admirer.

As a rule, it is easier for people to criticize others than to see that they do something nice for them. But as soon as you start to notice that a colleague holds the elevator door, and mom makes breakfast every morning, a neighbor takes care of the common front garden, although they are not obliged to do this, the attitude towards people around them changes.

2. Learn to enjoy the little things.

The inner discomfort goes away, instead the understanding comes that the world owes nothing to a person, but it gives so much. This allows people to see that they have much more than they think, and most importantly, that this is enough for.

3. Become an optimist.

Once a person starts complaining about life, it is very difficult for him to stop. His perspective changes, and he continues to notice only the bad, losing sight of the good. A gratitude journal allows you to “reset.” In order to have something to write down in it, at first you will have to work hard and look for the good in your environment. Gradually one will automatically notice such things.

4. Move towards your goals and change your life.

But what if there is catastrophically little good in life, and in order to find it, you have to change the situation? It may not work out right away, but when a person sees that he has something to be grateful for, he will want to find other reasons for this.

5. Increase self-esteem and forgive offenders.

One way to be grateful is to say "thank you" to yourself for certain or appearances, you can thank the offenders or difficult situations in life, which led to the tempering of character.

This is just a small part of what helps to change the gratitude journal.

How to keep a gratitude journal?

1. Write by hand.

2. The first 100 "thanks".

It is recommended to take a notebook or notepad and write at least 100 "thank you" in it to begin with. Coverage can be very large, the size of a life. It’s worth starting with the first thing that comes to mind, and when the “crisis of thought” comes, you need to retire years ago in your memories. Perhaps a person will be grateful for a bicycle donated by his parents for a decade, for a good grade given by a teacher in a certificate, although it was undeserved.

3. Thanksgiving limit.

You need to set yourself a minimum for which you need to be grateful every day. Let it be, for example, 10 "thank you" per day. It does not matter how global they are, the main thing is that the minimum is respected. There is no maximum, the more thanks, the better.

4. Every day is an occasion to say "thank you".

You need to fill out a diary daily, this is important. It is said that it is produced in 21 days. It is recommended to give thanks regularly for at least 3 months. The gratitude instinct is very useful for normalizing self-esteem, optimism. Even if the phrases “thank you for the donor kidney” and “I am grateful that I woke up today in good mood”, Both entries deserve attention. Happiness is in the little things.

5. Gratitude for the future.

You need to be grateful not only for what already exists and is happening in life, but also for what you want. This works in the same way as with , which must be described in the present tense. Gratitude can sound like this: “I am grateful that my work brings me pleasure” (even if the work is terrible), “thank you for bringing me closer to meeting my beloved man every day” (for single girls who dream of meeting a chosen one).

6. You can thank anyone.

A person can say “thank you” to people (friends, parents, relatives, random passers-by), fate (the Universe, God), himself. Thanking yourself is generally very useful, it helps in raising self-esteem, understanding that a person can do much more than he thinks. Gratitude can be impersonal, such as "thank you for my good health."

7. Give thanks for failures and shortcomings.

The presence of a person's shortcomings is also a reason for gratitude. You can safely take an example from the famous actress Tilda Swinton, who in one of her interviews said: “I'm lucky that I'm not beautiful! All attractive girlfriends and friends are forever dependent on their appearance, she dictates to them how to behave and live. I'm free of it, I don't have to conform to anything." Seeing her extra pounds, the girl can thank them for encouraging her to go to the gym, now she has a new useful one. Having failed the interview, the guy can thank the failed employers for showing him what he needs to grow in.

8. Reread the diary.

A person makes all entries in the diary, first of all, for himself, in order to see how much good and positive things are in his life. To remember this, you need to periodically reread the diary.

You should not dwell on the gratitude diary, the words written in it can be spoken directly to the addressee. Mom, friends, colleagues, even random passers-by who have done something good will be pleased to hear "thank you" and get a sincere smile. This is a chain of goodness that will make the world a little better.

There were also difficult times in my life when difficulties and trials rained down on me like from a cornucopia. I will not have time to solve one problem, as ten new ones will fall down. And so she rowed through the thorns to the stars, as if on a leaky boat, from which she constantly had to scoop up water so as not to drown nafig.

It was so long ago that I had already forgotten why I once again complained to a neighbor from our entrance about the current trouble. And do you know what she did? She listened carefully, and then said sternly:
- Stop complaining. Otherwise, your troubles will never stop.
Well, they won't stop anyway. There are always reasons for them.
- Do you want them to stop?
- Want. Highly.
- Then, starting today, stop telling anyone about your troubles, and at the end of the day, before going to bed, thank you for all the good things that happened to you during the day. And do so exactly 21 days. There will be first changes in your life. Go ahead and get to 90 days. The changes will become even more significant. Let this become your new habit, like brushing your teeth before bed.

And who to thank?

Specific people, God, the Universe, your body, nature. 10 thanks at the end of the day, 10 of your "thanks" to someone or something will change your life so much that in time your troubles will end.

At first, it was very difficult for me to scrape together 10 thanks. But I felt it was necessary, and my first 10 thanks went something like this:

1) thank you for being alive and breathing
2) thank you for my children, that I have them and I am not alone
3) thank you for the fresh bread I bought today
4) thanks to my daughter for her five in Russian - pleased
5) thanks for the fact that today I did not have an exacerbation of the ulcer
6) thanks for the good weather
7) thanks to my son for helping me take out the trash
8) thanks to the body master for fixing the TV
9) thanks to the TV master for not only fixing the TV, but also helping to hang a cabinet in the kitchen and not taking any money
10) thank you for the fact that the kids quickly calmed down today and I have time for thanks.

Sometimes I literally sucked my gratitude out of my finger. But I imperceptibly got involved, and after three weeks I noticed that life became easier.

Three months later, for some reason, there were even more trials and problems, but I continued to choose the brightest moments from a pile of daily events and wrote these 10 thanks before going to bed. Sometimes it was like I was lying, crushed by a carriage, and above me the sky was blue - thank you, a beautiful butterfly squatted on my nose - thank you; still alive - thank you, and so on.

I admit honestly, sometimes I missed and did not write thanks, and then I had to start over again. After all, a new habit is formed in 21 days, fixed within 90 days, and changes life only after daily implementation. And if you miss even one day, you destroy the magic of the habit.

I haven't always been consistent, but I had the willpower to make 10 daily gratitudes my habit. I still have old diaries and diaries where I wrote down my ten "thank you" at the end of the day.

And one day there was an insight. Illumination. I realized how much my life has changed. I began to look better, but what is there - I became a beauty. My income has increased. I made repairs and our living space was transformed: a fountain gurgled in my bedroom, we got a beautiful cat with a piercing blue eyes. I changed the old sofa for a new bedroom furniture set. And many other changes.

Trials and troubles kept coming into my life. But year after year I became more and more happy woman and I tried to keep all the focus of my inner attention on the good that comes into my life.

It is like a spotlight or flashlight in a dark room. You turn it on and choose where to direct the light. On a pile of rubbish and old bugs, or on beautiful flowers and a bird on a branch. And this does not mean that garbage or garbage does not exist. You just clean them out, but you continue to highlight what gives you energy and joy. What makes you happy.

This is just one of the simplest magic techniques I have mastered in my life. Which helped me change my perception and my inner mood. There are others. Life is a magic that we, women, create every day: at home, at work, in the garden, with children, with friends, alone with ourselves.

And I want to end this article with sincere thanks for today:

20 thanks today (July 14) day:

1) Thank you for every day I spent with my husband on the day of today's anniversary of our official marriage, for all the time that I have known him, he has never disappointed in anything.

Thank you for having me

2) Thank you for the luxurious bouquet of roses that my husband gave me today.

And when did he have time at his employment!?

3) I thank my husband for coffee and toast in bed for breakfast.

Nice morning ritual

4) Thank you for the warm, sunny, clear weather in the middle of winter.

I once dreamed of living in a warm winter ...

5) Thank you for the fact that new geranium flowers are blooming today.

These flowers bloom with one of my wishes

6) Thank you for the snowdrops that have grown in our yard as harbingers of spring.

Here is a snowdrop without snow! Spring is coming!

7) I thank the neighbor's cat for coming to visit and murmuring a lot of affection to me.

Is it time to come up with a name for my tailed friend?

8) Thank you for the 5 Tibetan pearls that made me feel better.

My Daily 5 Tibetan Pearls

9) Thank you Ruby (car) for getting me where I needed to go today without traffic jams and problems.

Thank you Ruby for driving me!

10) Thank you for the amazing Fight workout with the new track.

Sweaty and happy after Fight

11) Thank you for the soulful workout Centergy (a mix of yoga and Pilates) with my favorite trainer Judy.

Centergy Coach Replaces Fight Coach

12) I thank myself for today's quick work done around the house and not only.
13) I thank my husband for the delicious dinner that he prepared in honor of our little jubilee - Tareki Fish.
14) I thank maycharmelek for new comments to my posts and comments.
15) I thank my daughter for her lovely messages.
16) I thank two friends for their messages and moral support in this situation.
17) I thank XXX, which, with her unexpected actions towards me, has stirred up past feelings and helps my soul gain new experience, and my spirit to get stronger.
18) I thank the tarot cards that gave clear answers to my questions.
19) Thanks to the new Internet provider, who left my husband and I on July 14 after lunch without the Internet for almost a day, and thus found time for many other things.
20) I thank my half-sister Natasha for a wonderful handmade scarf that keeps me warm tonight.

Wonderful handmade scarf with a brooch from my sister Natasha

Girl, thank you in advance for your comments on this post!!!

PS: I forgot to write that for many years I have been doing without daily records of gratitude, although I’m lying: the year before last and last year wrote down. But nevertheless ... Before going to bed for the last six months, I just remember all the good moments of the past day and thank you out loud or to myself.
But yesterday I was not too lazy and made this post and wrote as many as 20 thanks. And today something very, very good happened to my husband, beyond words. Both for him and for the family. And I suddenly saw a connection between my 20 thanks and what happened today. New several reasons for new thanks.
This is such a great virus!

Greetings, dear readers! Elena Nikandrova is with you. On the pages of the site, I quite often mention that you need to thank God, the Universe for everything that is in your life. And this time I want to talk with you about the gratitude diary, how to keep it and what it will bring into your life.

Why You Need a Gratitude Diary

Gratitude is the most powerful and powerful feeling that any of us can experience, and at the same time, gratitude is the most in a simple way attract happiness, love, health, wealth and everything that you dream of into your life.

Einstein also proved that we and everything around us are energy with different vibration frequencies, and these vibrations attract similar vibrations to themselves. So, when we begin to give thanks, focus on gratitude, then our vibration frequency rises and attracts already higher vibrations. Therefore, when we write down what we are grateful for during the day, we attract to ourselves even more of what we are grateful for.

You might be thinking, “Why do I need a gratitude journal when I can mentally thank you?” Of course, you can thank in your mind, but when all this is written down on paper, the effect of gratitude will be much greater.

In addition, we need a diary not only to write gratitude for what we have, but also to write down what you want to be grateful for. But we will talk more about this a little later.

What should a gratitude diary look like?

Now in stores you can find a special notebook from the author of the book "The Secret", which is called "The Secret Book of Gratitude", costs from 350 rubles and more. But if you do not have the opportunity to buy such notebooks, then you can purchase any notebook or notebook you like. After all, the point here is not where to write, but what you will write.

For example, I have a nice little pink notebook that I like to take in my hands every evening.

We have dealt with this issue, now let's proceed directly to the filling.

How to keep a gratitude journal

First of all, before filling out the diary, you need to relax and tune in to gratitude, for this, say the word “thank you” or “thank you” 20 times to yourself or out loud.

After that, open your diary, and on the first page write “I am grateful for: ..”, and then write down what you are grateful for the day you lived.

When you're done with that, turn to page two and write down everything you want to be thankful for. That is, here we write what we want to have, but do not yet have. For example, I want to thank for: interesting work, for such and such an amount of money, for successful and fast development your business, etc. Always write as if you already have it.

I already wrote the rules of gratitude, but once again I want to remind you: saying thank you to the Universe, do not expect anything in return, just give thanks from pure heart, penetrate it. If you write only to get more, then what you have will be taken away from you.

In the “I want to thank” column, you can write the same thing every day until the desire materializes.

And a few more nuances - there should be more real gratitude than desires, and in the column “I want to thank” you need to write only your desires, you do not need to write that “I thank you for the fact that my daughter entered such and such a university or my son married such-and- the girl." This is their life and only they can decide what to do.

Yours faithfully, Elena Nikandrova

In contact with

The word “diary” is associated with many people either with a school diary or with a diary where impressionable girls describe their emotions about love experiences.

Bodo Schaeffer - German financial consultant, also known as "financial Mozart", offers to keep a diary of success. What for? To significantly increase your income in three months.

Should we trust Bodo Schaeffer, because now there are many other reputable financial gurus? This Bodo Schaeffer, whose creed with young years there were words: “The winner goes through life first class”, at the age of 26 he learned what complete bankruptcy is. He owed creditors 75,000 marks.

However, that is why it is worth listening to his recommendations. As the proverb says, "For one beaten, they give two unbeaten." The mistakes made were good for Bodo Schaeffer: thanks to them, he realized that he needed a teacher. Why struggle to reinvent the bicycle that others have been riding for a long time? Athletes have coaches, so why can't he turn to the same coach, only in the field of finance!

His mentor was an American millionaire who appreciated Bodo Schaeffer's desire for knowledge and his perseverance. In the distant past, this millionaire himself started his own business with some thousand dollars and brought his fortune to almost a billion. He helped Bodo Schaeffer establish the firm and advised him. After 2.5 years, a capable student earned 100 thousand marks in 30 days, and by the age of 30 -.

Now Bodo Schaeffer lives on a percentage of his capital, gives lectures that gather a large number of people who want to learn from him, and publishes his own books. In particular, “Breakthrough to financial success”, “The path to financial independence. First million”, “Laws of winners. Wise truths. Success Strategies.

Financial success, who could not get an education in his youth due to lack of money, seems like a fairy tale. But if you study the principles of success that he developed, and realize the consistency with which he adhered to them, then there will be nothing surprising in his achievements. Most people who would also dream of getting rich lack perseverance and strength of character.

An indispensable component of success is keeping a diary of success, says Bodo Schaeffer. “If you do not become lazy and make entries in the Diary of Success every day, then after 90 days your material income will increase by at least 20%. I guarantee you that!” he says.

Looks tempting!

How does the Success Diary work?

So, the Diary of Success is an ordinary notebook where from now on we will write down our daily achievements - large and small. We also include compliments “earned” during the day, positive ratings received from other people, our positive impressions of the events taking place around us.

There must be at least five such achievements. More please! The word "achievement" sounds a bit pathetic. When we hear it, some global achievements with high results come to mind. In our case, we count as achievements both an early rise, which we did not succeed in any way, and a compliment received for deliciously brewed coffee, and good buy, and high-quality work - everything we did well and for which we are grateful to ourselves and to this day.

In the Diary of success, you can write motivating quotes, thoughts you like famous people own thoughts and ideas.

It would seem, what is easier! Unfortunately, many people start successfully, but after a few days they safely abandon any new business, coming up with excuses: there is no time, it’s not interesting, it’s stupid, it doesn’t work.

So our actions are:

  1. We purchase a notebook, notebook, diary (it is better to keep a diary in paper form);
  2. In the evening, before going to bed, we dedicate 15 minutes to ourselves to
  3. Gather our thoughts and write down everything that we did today, for which we were pleased with ourselves - everything that caused positive emotions;
  4. This should be done systematically, and not on a case-by-case basis.

What is the secret of the Success Diary?

The thing is, we spend too much time on negativity. Every day we focus our attention on unpleasant situations and failures, we remember insults for a long time. Happy moments and all the good things that are done with us and around us, we do not notice. And one gets the impression that our life is a chain of failures and defeats, there is no positive in it. Hence - defeatist moods, self-doubt, low self-esteem. Thoughts, as you know, are material. First, we program ourselves that everything is bad, and then we make excuses and blame the circumstances that prevented us from realizing ourselves.

Brian Tracy, an American expert in the psychology of success, rightly noted that people take care of their own physical health Therefore, they prefer quality products. They don't care what they eat. But at the same time, they neglect their spiritual health and fill their heads with low-grade information and negative thoughts which ultimately makes them pessimists and losers.

A person who will become a habit of keeping a diary of success:

  • Become more motivated. He will learn to notice the positive moments, and every day he will have more and more reasons to praise himself;
  • Say goodbye to depressive thoughts. He simply will not have reasons for depression. The same wrote that “our consciousness can hold in itself only one thought at a time - positive or negative. And what it will be - we choose. With the help of the Diary of Success, we will make this choice. If suddenly we are seized by depressive thoughts, we will leaf through our Diary of Success and understand that there is nothing to be sad about;
  • He will be able to control his path to the goal. Most people plan their day mentally: in the morning they remember what they have to do during the day, and in the evening, before going to bed, they summarize. However, some things remain unfulfilled: they are either forgotten or postponed until tomorrow. With the help of the Success Diary, it is much easier to control yourself, and therefore organize;
  • He will become more self-confident, because the Diary of Success will clearly confirm that he has something to be proud of.