How to make large paper flowers for decoration. Decoration of the hall with flowers made of paper with your own hands. Photo of corrugated paper flowers

These or those decorations have been used everywhere for more than a dozen years. Every year there are more and more various kinds jewelry, they also vary in the type of materials from which they are made. It can be improvised materials, any natural or special materials made for a particular decor.

As already mentioned, decorations are different types and can be made from a wide variety of materials. Most often, decorations are used in the works of designers, for example, for decorating a hall, bedrooms, children's rooms, kindergarten groups, and you can also decorate a school class before some important festive event. Let's deal with paper decorations.

It can be:

  • Garlands of colored or shiny paper, etc.;
  • Paper flowers;
  • Paper balls;
  • Various products in the technique of origami.

Let's take a closer look at paper flowers. Such products are often used to decorate a hall or any other room in order to create a festive or romantic atmosphere.

Flowers may be different size, different colors. By themselves, paper products can be made in the form of a completely different colors: rose, dahlia, peony, daffodil, dandelion, tulip and so on. Most often, the choice falls on one or another flower based on the theme of the upcoming celebration, to which the decoration of the hall is timed.

Floral paper products I can be both voluminous, as you can now say 3D, and flat, it all depends on how exactly the design will be carried out. For example, if you intend to make a garland on the wall from paper flowers, then it is best to use flat flowers, but if you are going to decorate the ceiling or make a large ceiling garland, then feel free to choose voluminous flowers for your idea.

Large paper flowers for decorating the hall: how to do it yourself

There is a whole name of types of paper, each of which is distinguished by some of its unique characteristics. At the same time, of all types paper material you can create such beauty, which are paper flowers.

The size of a flower-themed product varies from small sizes to completely huge, almost gigantic. Here, again, it all depends on the imagination of the one who orders or makes floral-style jewelry himself.

Huge paper flowers are great when you need to fill a large space at once. So, back to the types of paper products.

Let's look at what kind of paper can be used in the manufacture of decorations for a festive or romantic interior of a room:

  1. Plain colored or white paper.
  2. Corrugated paper.
  3. Craft paper.
  4. Wrapping paper.
  5. Newsprint or music paper.

The latter is suitable for themed decorations, for example, in a music education class, you can add decor from flowers made from music paper, in the printing house, flowers can be made from newsprint.

Making floral decorations for the interior of the room from wrapping paper, including paper baskets for sweets, is well suited for kindergartens. It will be stylish and bright, besides, in this case, pupils can be involved in making decorations, thereby not only decorating the group, but also giving the kids a labor lesson. In addition, corrugated paper is very popular; it can be used to create great amount various colors for decoration.

Decoration of the hall with flowers from corrugated paper

Corrugated paper is one of the most popular types of material from which flowers are made to decorate a wide variety of premises. From corrugated paper you can make both small flowers, for example for volumetric garlands, and for individual flowers. Large color products look especially good. Let's determine which flowers can be made from crepe paper.

They all look quite natural, like natural ones:

  1. peonies;
  2. Dandelions;
  3. carnations;
  4. Exotic flowers.

The latter are usually performed, unlike others, with whole bouquets. Good for single room decor or for Hawaiian style parties.

Volumetric dandelions outwardly resemble pompons due to the light structure of the flower made of corrugated paper.

As mentioned earlier, you can use paper flowers to decorate the hall, using them in the form of garlands. Often such garlands are made from small volumetric flowers like carnations or small dandelions. Corrugated paper is ideal for making garlands due to its lightness. Garlands made of thicker and heavier paper will not look so delicate and airy.

Worth showing how you can make one of the most simple species corrugated paper flower - dandelion. We take a stack of corrugated material, fold it with an accordion, then pinch it in the middle and open the petals on both sides of the middle, a very fluffy ball comes out.

How to decorate a room with paper flowers

There are many different ways how to decorate a hall or other residential or non-residential premises with flowers from any type of paper, just as there are a huge number of master classes in making flowers.

Decoration can be placed:

  • On the ceiling;
  • On the walls;
  • On the canvas of curtains or tulle;
  • On the floor - giant flowers can be placed here, for example, in the corners of the hall.

For wall decor, you can use paper flowers in bulk or in a flat form. Of the flat flowers, daisies are often common. They can be of various colors. Some daisies from one row of petals, some from several rows, such flowers may also differ in core. Someone prefers to make it just as flat from a circle of paper, while someone makes a voluminous core.

To do this, the circle of the core is pushed. This can be done by numerous cuts on the edges of the core circle, not reaching the middle of the circle.

Next, let's look at how you can decorate the ceiling with flowers. The ceiling can be decorated with individual flowers or whole garlands. Someone prefers to attach individual colored paper products directly to the ceiling canvas, which may not be convenient for their subsequent separation, while someone prefers attaching individual colors to thin threads. This method is great for rooms with high ceilings. In the case of fastening on thin threads, it will make the ceiling decoration mystical and mysterious, because thin light threads will be almost imperceptible, and thus it will give the impression that the flowers are floating right in the air under the ceiling.

We make large paper flowers to decorate the hall (video)

On curtains you can attach both garlands of small flowers, like Hawaiian garlands, and large or small individual flowers. This solution is well suited for decorating the hall to children's holiday. With such a bright decor of curtains, you can create the impression that the children are in a magical forest or jungle. It all depends on your imagination and the size of the decorated room.

Handmade decoration of the hall for a celebration or the interior of your own apartment is becoming more and more popular. Flowers are perhaps the most common decorative elements.

Thematically, they are suitable for decoration practically any celebration. For their manufacture, the most different materials. The simplest and most affordable is paper. At the same time, paper flowers are very spectacular and colorful.

Where to start decorating the hall?

Before you start creating a flower arrangement, you need to consider its location. From this will depend on its size and shape.

As a rule, the place for the arrangement of flowers is chosen walls, ceiling, podium. When designing a wedding zone, it would be appropriate to place them along the edges of an improvised path or staircase. Small bouquets placed on guest tables or curtains look very nice.

Material for making flowers

As a basis to make a bright, voluminous flower, you need paper. Depending on the type of flower, it can be glossy or corrugated. To connect the parts, glue, threads, metal staples for a stapler, and adhesive tape are used.

To highlight some details, take advantage acrylic paints, satin ribbons, decorative beads. Having collected everything you need for creativity, you can begin the process of creating flowers.

Basic flower modeling techniques

The simplest design that can be created from paper, is a ball. It can be easily attached to any smooth surface. In addition, by experimenting with the color and density of paper, you can make very unusual compositions.

It is created very simply. Several sheets of corrugated paper must be folded into an accordion. Fix the middle with wire or thread. Give the appearance of a ball with scissors. The final stage will be the straightening of the ribs of the structure.

The size, colors and texture of the ball will depend only on your imagination and the quality of the paper. The thinner it is, the more elegant the finished product will be.

Flowers look more complex from craft paper. Due to the strong texture, they are very dense and hold their shape well. To make them, you need to cut a spiral with scissors with a curly nozzle.

What flowers are made from paper?

If desired, paper can be cut out practically any kind of flower or plant. The most common are roses, peonies, snowdrops.

In order to make peonies, you will need paper in a format no smaller than A4. It is important that it be colored on both sides. This condition is necessary for the realism of the flower. the sheet will need to be folded into an accordion.

In the middle, you should drag the accordion with nylon thread. The formed accordions must be placed perpendicular to each other. The more accordions, the more magnificent the bud will be in the end.

You can add volume spreading the petals. You can complement the flower arrangement with such cute plants as daffodils. They also look great as separate decorative elements. To make them, you will need to cut out a small square of paper, 15 by 15 cm in size.

In the resulting figure, it is necessary to bend the edges by 45 degrees. the resulting harmonica should be aligned. Use glue to connect the sides of the folds. In total, you need to make 4 accordions.

You can add originality to the daffodil with the help of multi-colored petals. The flower head should be formed from the stem. It will act as a fixing base. Stamens can be made from beads.

How to make a garland?

The most common form of volumetric decor is a garland. . It is versatile and suitable for decoration almost any celebration zone - ceiling, walls, arch. To make it you need the following parts: fishing line, paper and decorative elements I mean beads, sequins. As auxiliary materials, you will need cardboard and glue.

During the preparation phase, should make a stencil. It can be cut out of cardboard. After that, you can start harvesting the petals. They must be strictly the same shape and size. Then they can be placed on the fishing line. This must be done strictly in the middle of the elements.

For ease of placement, loops should be formed at the end of the fishing line. You can add a garland based on your own imagination. Thus, making paper flowers is not difficult at all. The main desire, patience and creative thinking.

Paper flowers can be used to decorate the interior, decor, and even as a gift! Let's try to learn how to make voluminous paper flowers with our own hands, see examples and photos of beautiful finished works, and also see a master class for beginners.

The easiest way to make flowers is from colored paper - it can be corrugated or plain, also if you plan to make strictly decorative flowers, you can take paper with a mother-of-pearl or metallic effect. You should not make a tulip or a rose as a first experiment - try something very, very simple first.

decorative crafts

In order to make simple and spectacular flowers you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper (corrugated is also suitable);
  • thin wire;
  • sharp scissors and a pencil for marking.

Better take colored paper several shades, so your flowers will look spectacular and attractive - for example, it can be shades of yellow or several tones of red. Do not try to mix cold and warm colors if you doubt your taste.

For beginners, the easiest way to do this is to fold colored paper several times in such a way that you get a stack of squares of about 6 * 6. Then, with a pencil, mark the shape of future buds on the upper square with a pencil - it can be a smooth rounded figure, regular circles, or whatever your imagination tells you.

Then, with scissors, you need to carefully cut the stack in the shape of a marked sepal and disassemble it into its components - for each flower you will need three to five blanks. The wire must be cut into pieces of about 15-25 centimeters, twisted on one side so that a decorative center is obtained, then the previously obtained “petals” are put on each wire, after which a stand is made at the bottom of the wire (a stable ring is twisted).

With such crafts you can decorate a table for a holiday, or use them for a photo shoot or interior decor, or you can simply attach them to the wall in the nursery or in the hall near the mirror - good mood secured.

Or this simple one:

From what is at hand

For the manufacture of these products, old magazines or newspapers are used. In this way, you can make large paper flowers - the technique is simple, and paper crafts are quite spectacular.

What you need:

  • unnecessary magazines (absolutely any);
  • green adhesive tape;
  • sharp scissors;
  • large barbecue skewers;
  • paper glue or regular hot melt adhesive.

How to make voluminous paper flowers quickly and easily? I tell you step by step.

  1. Sort the magazines into pages and choose the brightest and most colorful ones - these are the ones we will use in order to make paper decorative crafts.

  2. Each page should be folded four times along the length, cut with a fringe from the side of the fold, without cutting to the edge about one centimeter.

  3. We start directly making buds - you need to take the resulting fringed tape and wrap the top of the skewer with it, fixing it with glue or adhesive tape. This is how buds of voluminous flowers are made like asters and chrysanthemums.

  4. Then, with a fringed ribbon, you need to make several turns around the skewer so that the bud turns out to be lush and beautiful. When there are enough turns, you can glue the free edge of the fringe so that the bud holds.

  5. Wrap the skewer with duct tape, cut out plant petals from magazines, shape them and glue them. Your most beautiful and fluffy flowers are ready.

By the way, these recommendations can be used for beginners - they are done quite easily. If you want to make these flowers with children, then make sure that they have safety scissors, or cut the fringe yourself.

Decorative flower garlands

Want to make awesome garlands? Use giant paper flowers for them. By the way, making paper flowers with your own hands for garlands is very simple - you only need beautiful spectacular paper and a little skill. No color templates for cutting or diagrams are required, the main task of such large products is to look bright, unusual and attractive, large paper flowers do not have to be realistic.

  • scissors;
  • corrugated paper of two or three colors (it is better to take bright and light);
  • thread or fishing line;
  • stapler or glue.

From corrugated paper, you need to cut rectangles, put them in a pile of five. If you want to get flowers of the same color, then fold by color. And if you want to make original paper flowers, then stack several shades in one pile - pink, white, light red and yellow will look chic.

The size of the rectangles is chosen independently, you just need to remember that the flowers will be of the same diameter as the rectangle on the narrow side.

Each stack is collected into an accordion (look at the photo how to make flowers from such accordions, if the description is not too clear).

Each accordion of five sheets of paper must be stapled or glued in the center paper ring. The edges of the accordion are best rounded - cut something like a petal.

Now each blank needs to be turned into a bud - straighten the buds from the accordions you made. You need to straighten the accordions in different directions, and you will see how you get it beautiful flowers from paper in just a few seconds.

Then cut the desired length of fishing line or thread, and string the buds - your garland is ready.

Another version of the garland:

Bouquets for decor

Do you want to make a bouquet of paper flowers? See photo:

Do you want to learn how to make a tulip? Watch the video below step by step photos how to make tulips in different ways.

Useful information and several step-by-step master classes

At the very end of the article, download the sketches and color templates for cutting. By the way, if you want to make origami paper, it is best to use special double-sided paper.

look detailed master class how to make paper origami flowers and plants is not only interesting, but also quite difficult, so don’t expect perfectly made flowers right away, you’ll have to try a little to make paper flowers with your own hands.

Also, flower stencils will come in handy if you make large paper flowers of complex shapes - the same tulip or rosette is more convenient to collect from a special shape of the petals.

Try to make large paper ones - just collect a huge rose bud according to this master class (see the photo below how to make flowers lush and beautiful).

Here are large paper cut flower templates:

And here are the step by step photos:

And how to make flowers for children? Try to minimize any risks - for example, do not let children work with adult scissors, prepare the wire in advance and make sure that children are disciplined.

Learn how to make paper flowers with your own hands using coffee filters or napkins - a thin and fragile napkin looks almost like a real petal, you just need to give it a shape and collect a bud.

This video shows how to make paper flowers for beginners.

A few inspiring photos - see how beautifully you can decorate your holiday with camellias or roses.

Try to make voluminous paper flowers with your own hands using cardboard or thick paper - even a child can handle this technique.

Another version of a simple flower:

Leaf patterns:

How to beautifully and originally decorate a hall for a wedding, graduation, children's or other holiday? You can do this with paper flowers. This design of the hall with flowers is easy to do with your own hands.

Pros of paper flowers

This decor is a great alternative to beautiful, but familiar fresh flowers, balls and draperies.

  • Paper compositions do not fade or crumble.
  • Much cheaper than real bouquets bought in a flower shop.
  • No need to spend money on a florist, decorations can be created independently.
  • The manufacturing process is simple, but interesting, you can connect children to it.
  • Easy to attach - you need pins, glue or tape.
  • It is easy to clean the room after the holiday.
  • You can make inflorescences of any size and type, including the most exotic and fantastic.

What paper is better to use

To create flowers, you can use the most different paper and other materials. If you show imagination, then they will go into action:

  • cardboard,
  • color,
  • white,
  • corrugated,
  • music,
  • craft paper,
  • bushings from under toilet paper,
  • disposable tableware,
  • starched fabric (silk, organza).

Such decorations are good to make with children. For example, for a holiday at school, students can not only do a large amount of work, but also enjoy it and realize their creative abilities.

Advice! Making paper flowers is an interesting idea for a labor lesson in kindergarten or school, especially if you later decorate a class or group with crafts.

Adults also benefit from doing this kind of work. Moreover, do-it-yourself paper flowers for the hall will cost several times cheaper than buying ready-made ones.

When choosing shades, you should keep in mind the general style of the room, the nature of the celebration, the main color in the room.

Also, for creativity, you will need glue, adhesive tape, threads and a needle, wire, pins, tinsel, beads, ribbons and other additional decor.

How to arrange

Usually, walls, curtains, and a curtain are first of all decorated. If there is a stage, then the flowers are placed at the entrance and in the depths. They are also attached along the ramp, masking the equipment in parallel. You can lay out paper buds along the edges of the carpet.

The walls are decorated with voluminous or flat flowers of various shapes. You can create a composition of flowers of different sizes, leaves, ribbons, add drapery. It is better, of course, to keep them in the same style or color scheme. Paper buds can resemble peonies, roses, daisies, poppies, or be fantastic shapes. Sometimes large specimens have an island, and smaller ones are hung around. You can also cut out a flock of butterflies from paper in similar tones.

Above festive table with the help of flower arrangements, places are allocated where the heroes of the occasion sit. The photo shows how you can decorate the place of the bride and groom for wedding table. For wedding decor, you can add paper butterflies or doves to the flowers.

Small flowers can be scattered on the floor. With the help of garlands decorate the ceiling and walls. You can decorate furniture with giant flowers or arrange them in the corners of the room.

Buds can be used to form letters and numbers, for example, to put them at the back of the stage. To do this, the bases of the desired shape are cut out of thick cardboard, and then flowers are glued to them. You can make them from colored paper napkins.

The ceiling is decorated with individual flowers or flower garlands. You can hang flowers on threads different lengths. Such decorations look especially good under high ceilings. Hanging from thin threads or strings, the inflorescences look like they are floating and create a magical feeling. You can also hang them on ribbons. Such decor would be especially appropriate in a music or assembly hall.

Curtain or curtains can be decorated with flower arrangements, individual baskets or garlands such as Hawaiian. They also decorate a photo zone or a background screen. At the same time, it is not necessary to fill the entire wall with flowers, although this is also possible - sometimes a few large ones and a scattering of small ones around are enough.


giant flowers

Large paper flowers made of paper to decorate the hall look spectacular. To create them you will need:

  • paper,
  • glue,
  • pencil,
  • scissors.

Can be used as glue glue gun or ordinary quality glue.

First, draw the petals. They should not be round, but slightly oblong. Petals will need 9-10: 4 large, 3 medium, 2-3 small. Next, cut them out and incise. We glue the cut to make the petals voluminous.

We glue the 4 largest petals. The edges need to be slightly bent, like a real flower. The second row in the center we glue the petals of the middle and small size, we also bend their edges.

To create the middle of the flower, one small petal, cut it to the middle, fold it and glue it. Glue the center into the cup of the flower. These flowers can be made in several different sizes and colors.


These large paper flowers can be made from many paper cones glued together. For this paper different shades cut into squares or rectangles, rolled up and fixed with glue. The first (outer) row of cones is glued to the cardboard base, and then gradually fills the middle of the bud.

Flowers with notes

If instead plain paper use paper with a printed score, it will turn out original decoration hall for musical holiday. The shape of flowers in this case can be the simplest.

From cupcake molds

Paper cupcake liners can be dyed different colors and the flowers are almost ready. It is enough to add a bright center and green paper leaves.


To make giant white lilies to decorate the hall, you will need two plates - a large one and a smaller one. The large one will measure the diameter of the flower, and the small one will measure the size of the petals.

We draw a circle, tracing a large plate, and then draw petals, circling a small one. Cut out the piece. Three such preparations are needed:

  • from one we cut out two petals,
  • from the second, one
  • cut the third on the petal.

We fold and glue all three shapes and wrap the petals to get a flower that looks like a natural one. We glue the blanks together, inserting the smaller ones into the larger ones. Glue the round base on the bottom.


Very simple, but in their own way cute flowers for decorating the hall. To make daisies out of paper for decoration, cut out the petals in the form of a drop. You can either glue them with sharp ends, or fold each petal in half, then unfold and glue them in this form.

The middle of the chamomile is done separately. To do this, cut out a circle from paper of a contrasting color and cut it without reaching the middle. These "petals" need to be fluffed up so that the core of the flower is voluminous. It is glued to the center of the chamomile.

Corrugated paper

Corrugated paper produces voluminous and fluffy roses, peonies, carnations and exotic flowers.

  • You can make flowers using the same technology as pompons - paper is folded into an accordion, tied in the middle, straightened. Pieces of paper or tinsel are glued in the middle.
  • Peonies do this: you need to cut out several circles of different shades of pink and different sizes. Waves are cut along the edges of some, while others have teeth. Then the circles are sewn from largest to smallest to get a voluminous inflorescence. The flower is crushed to give it more volume.
  • Bright tropical flowers are obtained from paper in juicy tones. To do this, the sheets are rolled into tubes, tied together and straightened.
  • Balloon flowers are made by folding several sheets of corrugated paper into a pile, then with an accordion. In the middle, the accordion is tied with wire, the edges of the stack are rounded with scissors, and then the petals are straightened. It turns out a flower-ball, similar to a dandelion.

Corrugated paper is especially suitable for creating flowers for decorating a hall. Thanks to its structure, it is easy to fluff it, it can be used to make volumetric buds similar to natural ones. In addition, it is light and airy, it is easy to make delicate flower petals from it. More thick paper does not create such a feeling of lightness, the flowers do not look so natural.

from craft paper

From such paper, you can cut a wide spiral, and then roll a rose of an unusual color out of it.

From toilet paper tubes

A light and airy composition will be obtained from cut toilet paper bushings. To do this, they are cut into rings, folded, and then glued with ordinary PVA, securing with clothespins. Finished flowers or individual rings can be dyed. These flowers are easy to hang on the wall - for this you need to drive in a few carnations.

If you are preparing for a celebration, you need to start preparing decorations in advance. Firstly, you will not be in a hurry, and secondly, you will practice and fill your hand. It is especially worth practicing if you want to make origami flowers or some kind of complex model. It is better to start preparing for a serious celebration a couple of months in advance.

Sketch first. When you know what you want to get, it will be easier to pick up paper and compose the whole composition.

Designers do not recommend doing it yourself capital letters and numbers. As a rule, the result is far from ideal. If you can’t do without them, then the letters from paper flowers will look much better than just cut out and painted.


Paper flowers for the decor of the festive hall are often not inferior in beauty to real ones. Such decorations are very original, and besides, they are inexpensive, because you can make them yourself.


It would seem that it sounds very simple: paper flowers. And immediately thoughts arise: are the halls still decorated flower arrangements made out of paper? It sounds very frivolous and not quite stylish. But this is only sound, but the visual picture speaks of a completely different thing.

Seeing these same paper compositions, there are no words other than stylish, original, bright and catchy. And all why? Yes, because it all depends on the skill of execution. This is what we're going to do today. Decorating the hall with paper flowers with your own hands will bring you a lot of positive and right emotions.

chic dahlia

Very simple in execution, but looks very chic - this is a paper dahlia. We need the following materials and items:

  • thick paper, several colors (for example, gray, pale pink and red or orange);
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • patience and good humor.

We cut out a circle from cardboard - this will be the basis of our decoration. Now you need to cut out squares from colored paper, about 7x7 cm in size or a little more. It is better to use a ruler and a pencil so that the squares are the same and even.

Now the most interesting thing is that we need to twist all our squares into such tubes or even envelopes, remember, in such cases, seeds and nuts were sold before?

Now it's time for our prepared circle. We begin to glue the first row of the future dahlia on it.

Then, when the first layer is dry, we can proceed to the next one. Petals can be of different colors, then the dahlia will turn out to be more saturated and voluminous.

Such dahlias look gorgeous on the wall in the form of a panel. If you make the dahlia petals a little smaller, then it will even fit as a decoration for a postcard.

Air and fluffy paper balloons

Another simple "recipe" for making beautiful balls- using corrugated paper. Don't worry, it's available at any craft store or stationery department. And corrugated paper flowers look very gentle and original.

For one decoration, we need about 9-10 sheets of paper. Of these, we will make our pom-pom. We stack the sheets on top of each other, and then we collect everything together into an accordion, 3-5 cm wide. The length of the sheet, but choose the length yourself, depending on what size you want the flower.

Now let's take a thick thread to tie our accordion with it in the middle. Do not overtighten the workpiece, just slightly overtighten.

Now the edges of the "accordion" need to be cut, observing a semicircle - these are already our future petals.

Now you need to expand all the layers of the pom-pom in different directions and try to fluff it, as it were, separating each layer of paper from each other. Do this very carefully, especially when working with tissue paper. By the way, such pompoms are often made from papyrus paper, crepe paper, napkins or thin wrapping paper.

And here is a variant of a crepe paper pom-pom:

By the way, if the edges are cut not in a semicircle, but at an acute angle, then the petals will be sharp, and the flower will seem more voluminous, “daring”. Such paper flowers for decorating the hall are often used to decorate wedding banquets, anniversaries and children's parties.

"Craft" flowers

Large paper roses can be made using craft paper. It is also easy to buy, it is the paper that is used to wrap gifts or bouquets of fresh flowers. The easiest option is to take a sheet of kraft paper, draw circles on it, retreating about 2-3 cm from each other, draw a kind of snail, as in the picture:

Now, along the drawn lines, let's start cutting out the future flower. Carefully twist the resulting tape, glue the blank to another small piece of paper with the base.

Such a strict and at the same time very original and attractive rose can come out.

You can do it even easier: take a strip of craft paper, bend it in half lengthwise, and then just twist it into roses, as shown in the photo:

Newspaper flowers

Flowers from ordinary newspapers look quite unusual and original. The principle of creation can be the same as the creation of a dahlia, or you can prepare patterns in advance.

Patterns for flowers today are not at all difficult to find, and they can be very diverse, as they say "for any flower." Paper decorations, having a pattern, are also very easy to make. It is enough to cut the flower according to the template, stick the core and the flower for the panel is ready.

"Basket" flowers

Let's call them that, because they are made from baskets in which cupcakes used to be.

This kind of flowers is very simple in execution, but it turns out very nice. It is better to choose already multi-colored baskets, but if there are none, then you can paint the baskets in bright colors. Glue a core of colored paper in the center of the basket and the flower is ready. You can safely create a wall floral panel. Do not forget about the petals, they can be cut out of corrugated paper.

Bouquet of tropical flowers

We will again need corrugated paper to make a bouquet of tropical flowers. So, we take paper of different shades, twist each of the sheets into a tube, and then put the tubes into each other. After that, they all need to be tied together with a dense thread, but do not transfer.

After the tubules are bandaged, gently begin to straighten them until you get a bright, juicy bouquet of exotic flowers.

The more tubes there are, the brighter the colors you choose, the cooler the bouquet will look.

These bright balls are perfect for decorating a hall, even a wedding banquet.

There is another chic "recipe" for creating giant flowers for decorating the hall. It will require a lot of large sheets of colored paper, glue and your accuracy.

So, first you need to cut out large and beautiful petals: you can draw them yourself, or you can use templates.

When all the petals are ready, you can start assembling. Bend the petals a little so that they really resemble a flower petal. We take the base - it can be an ordinary circle cut out of cardboard of the same color, and proceed to gluing. By the way, at the base of the petal, you need to make a small cut along the petal to the center, so that it is easier to attach it to the base.

So, we gradually glue all the petals, their size can be different from giant ones to small ones that you place in the middle of the decoration, or you can just use a black round core from the same paper.

A few notes on paper handling

There are several nuances to working with paper, these few tips will help you create flowers with ease:

  • if the corrugated paper is slightly torn when unfolding the petals, do not despair, straighten the rest of the petals, and slightly remember the place of the tear, the hole will not be visible in the total mass;
  • do not use glue that is too liquid, it can wet all the petals and take a long time to dry;
  • use only sharp scissors or a clerical knife, otherwise the edges of the petals will be sloppy.

To better understand how to work with paper to create decorations for the hall, we suggest taking a look at one of the video tutorials that will help you create such beautiful masterpieces:

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