DIY Christmas decorations from light bulbs step by step. A detailed master class for making Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs. Suspension manufacturing stage

Master class "Christmas tree toy from old light bulbs"

Author : Aktuganova Victoria, 15 years old, a student of the 9th grade of a boarding school of the VIII type, Art. Tepikinskaya, Volgograd region.
Supervisor : Biryukova Natalya Alexandrovna, teacher of a boarding school for children with disabilities st. Tepikinskaya, Volgograd region.

Target : Making Christmas decorations from old light bulbs.
Tasks :
- teach how to make a New Year's toy from improvised material;
- to develop labor skills and independent artistic activity;
- develop imagination and Creative skills children;
- to form artistic taste, aesthetic experience.
Purpose : I offer a master class for students, teachers and parents. Such a Christmas tree toy can be made at a labor lesson for the New Year holiday.

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is deeply rooted in history. The balls, which previously represented apples, represent the forbidden fruit, burning candles are the essence of Christ's sacrifice, and the top of the head is star of bethlehem. All kinds of figured gingerbread, cookies, waffles are reminiscent of unleavened bread, which are used during the sacrament ceremony. The first Christmas decorations were edible.
It wasn't until the 17th century that more ornate jewelry began to be produced. For this, Christmas tree cones were covered with gilding, and eggshells were covered with a layer of brass. Paper flowers, cotton wool crafts were used for decoration. Christmas tree fairies were made from brass sheets. Silver foil made it possible to create graceful butterflies, as well as stars and flowers.
First Christmas balls were made in 1848 in Germany from colored and transparent glass.
Today you can buy any products. They are performed in the form fairy tale characters, various fruits and vegetables, all kinds of figurines. And you can make a toy yourself from various materials. I propose to make one of these toys.

Working process.

So, we need materials: old light bulbs, New Year-themed napkins, gouache paints, PVA glue, paint and glue brushes, strong threads, scissors, golden and silver nail polish, hairspray.

1. We paint the light bulbs with paints in several layers. Let's dry.

2. From napkins we cut out fragments that we will glue on toys.

3. We tie threads to the light bulbs and fasten the loop.

4. Using a brush and glue, apply the cut-out parts of the napkins to the light bulbs and let dry.

5. With silver and gold nail polish, add glitter along the contour of the glued pictures.

6. We also cover the top of the light bulb with shiny nail polish. Let's dry.

7. From above we cover the finished toys with hairspray. This will give them shine. Let dry. Our toys are ready!

We decorate the Christmas tree together,
Feast of the whole family meet,
We are looking forward to the fun.
Seeing off the past year!

Happy New Year!

Somehow I saw on the Internet New Year's toys made with my own hands from light bulbs) I really liked this idea (because I'm already pretty tired of plastic New Year's toys) and now, when there is still time to start making such toys, I select all necessary material. I invite you, who are interested in this idea, to join. Moreover, such creations will appeal exclusively to all children, and therefore, for some time, computer games will be able to fade into the background.

The closer the New Year holidays, the more I want to create! And the most grateful time for hand-made Christmas decorations is right now. You can create them from anything, for example, you can make Christmas decorations from light bulbs.

Ideally, to take the accumulated burned-out lamps for this, but if the soul is boiling with inspiration, and the hands are required to create, then you can use new ones that have been waiting for their daylight hours in the pantry for many months. So what kind of Christmas tree decorations can be made from this ordinary and already useless things in everyday life?

Cute and good-natured snowmen made of light bulbs.

Having caught fire to make toys from light bulbs with your own hands, the first thought or idea that comes up is snowmen. On a primed light bulb, painted in White color, it is easy to draw a funny face, a carrot nose is easily made from salt dough, and for true hand-made craftswomen there is an opportunity to mold noses for snowmen from fimo or cold porcelain. The lamp base is beautifully decorated with a cute fabric cap. Well, you can also add stick hands by gluing them to a universal glue-gel or glue gun. There is a huge field for imagination here.

That's all - wonderful snowmen in such funny New Year's caps will gladly decorate your Christmas tree! And they will be paired with fabulous grandfathers, penguins and other New Year characters. Cute little animals and characters from favorite fairy tales

Since drawing faces on light bulbs turned out to be so much fun, why not increase the number of characters that will decorate your New Year's branches? Wonderful and very cute New Year's toys made of light bulbs are all kinds of little animals! Such an adorable pair of bunnies will look very cute! And you can also provide the bunnies with New Year's caps, such as in this photo.

But besides bunnies, there are many other animals that we strongly associate with new year holidays. Which of them can come to your mind? For example, a deer. Yes, yes, if you wish, you can make funny deer out of a burnt out light bulb! And also New Year- the holiday is cold, snowy, which means that curious penguins on the Christmas tree will come in handy!

After the light bulbs are primed and the palette of colors lies in front of you, more and more new ideas come to mind. What other toys from light bulbs for the New Year can be made with your own hands? Sophistication of decoupage in the creation of toys from light bulbs

In addition to rather childish crafts that are distinguished by enviable immediacy, you may wonder how to make a toy out of a light bulb in a more refined style. For this, a technique such as. Recently, this type of hobby has become very popular, as it allows you to create very beautiful things without any special artistic skills. Therefore, prime the light bulbs, pick up New Year-themed napkins and create an elegant masterpiece for the New Year for your Christmas tree.

The lightness of balloons.

If in the coming year the only thing you really want to get from Santa Claus is a trip to hell and warmer, or even better - several trips a year, then the Christmas tree will need to be decorated ... That's right! Balloons!

You can create a graceful, lacy openwork by choosing multi-colored threads for work. From smooth silk threads, a classic lace pattern will turn out, and the products will be more sophisticated.

Simple and tasteful

Well, if you want to get the maximum effect with minimal effort, you can go the simplest way. Coloring the light bulbs different colors, they can be sprinkled with dry glitter on an adhesive base, or you can use ready-made glitter for decorating in a tube. You can make toys both completely shiny, and alternate matte and shiny stripes.

These toys from old unnecessary light bulbs will look very impressive! Especially if their decoration is complemented with shiny rhinestones!

For freelance artists.

Well, for those who confidently hold a brush in their hands, and a supply of paints at home is a must, you can paint the bulbs with wonderful patterns, turning them into real works of art. You can use clear ornaments or a noble floral pattern, or you can hit the avant-garde - in any case the result will be impressive.

Options can be very diverse. Can be used salty dough, cute caps and caps made of fabric, structural paste for creating icicles and three-dimensional relief, coloring and decorating with sparkles and beads, and possibly tying light bulbs on the base beautiful bow. Choose the option that best suits your idea!

Light bulb Christmas tree toy- beautiful homemade Christmas decoration. Such original toys can decorate your home, create a special festive atmosphere. Where do we usually put burned out light bulbs? The answer here is unequivocal: of course, we throw them away, as a rule, more than a dozen possible bases for beautiful Christmas decorations. We offer several options on how to give them a second life.

If you haven’t saved the old light bulbs, and you can’t wait to try to bring our design ideas to life, then be sure to buy it in the store, its cost is low. To understand how to make a Christmas tree toy out of a light bulb, you will need one incandescent lamp (by the way, you can choose them on the market different sizes, which makes it possible to make many different, interesting toys). If you have a lot of other materials at hand, then they will come in handy for New Year's crafts and ideas you can find.

Light bulb Christmas tree toy

You can make sure that Christmas tree toys from a light bulb photo looks very original, and there are very few materials for its creation, and, moreover, special skills or abilities. In addition to our glass base, we also need acrylic art primer, white acrylic paint, napkins with a festive New Year's pattern, gold acrylic paint, glitter outline, satin ribbon, PVA glue, car varnish.

As you may have guessed, we will perform this craft using the decoupage technique, we have already used it more than once to decorate various items, which then become a real decoration for your interior. And if you do everything they will tell you about the intricacies of the decoupage technique.

The glass base must first be covered with primer, for this you can use a regular brush or do it with a sponge.

When the primer layer is dry, it is necessary to paint it with white acrylic paint, for this it is better to use a sponge. To speed up the drying process, you can use a hair dryer, but if you are not in a hurry, just leave it gently in an upright position on a stand so that it dries evenly.

At this time, start preparing napkin motifs. Those girls who have been doing decoupage for a long time know where you can find many different napkins with a beautiful, festive ornament. Of course, you can also find a pack of napkins with beautiful pattern, which you will also need for table setting. A large assortment of napkins, which are sold by the piece, is available in All for Needlework stores, so first of all go there to get an idea of ​​how it will look Christmas tree toy from a light bulb, ideas will definitely come to your mind when you see a bright Christmas pattern.

From the napkin it is necessary to tear out (neatly, but so that there are beautiful torn edges) the motifs you like. After separating the outermost layer (third). With the help of PVA and a brush, the motifs must be glued onto the base.

Now we need gold paint, which needs to paint over the entire background. Next, we will use a glitter outline. With the help of glitter, you can draw snowflakes or checkmarks.

After two hours, all the elements will dry, which means that you can proceed to the final stage: the toy must be covered with transparent auto varnish.

We will use a satin ribbon to create a loop, it must be carefully glued, and you can hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree toy from a light bulb: ideas

If you have artistic skills, then you can decorate a lot of light bulbs, create original Christmas decorations. It is enough to paint the base with paints to your taste, and then varnish it. You can, using this base, make a snowman that will take place under the tree or in the center holiday table. But for him it is also necessary to make a stand, for this you can use gypsum or plastic: press the lamp into a damp gypsum cake, then remove it, and leave the stand to dry.

The glass must be thoroughly washed and degreased (for example, with alcohol), then white paint should be applied with a can. Glue the lamp to the stand with glue. Leave for a while to dry. Using putty, you need to glue the branches on the sides.

Next, you need to apply a narrow belt of putty to the base, it should be rough. Make a carrot out of orange plastic, glue it (this will be the spout). Color the grains of millet with a red marker and glue them as buttons.

The plinth should be painted with black paint, make a pompom with a fur outline on it. With a black marker at the end draw a mouth and eyes. And you can decorate the snowman with a woolen scarf.

With paints and a glitter outline, you can paint a light bulb with interesting, bright motifs: make stripes, zigzags, circles. It is very simple, it does not require special drawing skills, so offer your kids to do this kind of creativity.

You will be very beautiful toy on a Christmas tree from a light bulb, photo master classes walk you through each step of its implementation. For decoration you can use various materials, for example, very meticulous work can be done if you decorate the glass base with beads, forming a New Year's pattern, you can use multi-colored sequins and other materials. There is also a simple original way- wrap the base with threads, they can be taken in one color or several. Here are our great tips, you can find on our website.

Natalia Grishina

The pre-holiday chores associated with the preparation of everyone's favorite holiday, the New Year, amaze with their imagination and creativity. I want to bring to your attention, my creations. New Year's toys from light bulbs, which we did with my daughter, for an exhibition in kindergarten. Master There are a lot of classes for this type on the Internet, but we got our own funny snowmen. I post the stages of work that we have done.

this snowman was made first, and decorates the Christmas tree in kindergarten.

this toy made six-year-old daughter Nastenka

For manufacturing need a regular light bulb, acrylic paints for glass and ceramics, pieces of fabric, threads in color, scissors, titanium glue, sponge, brush, cotton swab, toothpick, beads and of course your imagination and mood.

primed white paint light bulb. (let dry, then repeat).

The light bulb was bad so I took a piece of sponge and worked on it.

After the paint has dried, glue a braid on the titanium glue, in the form of a loop, for which toy can be hung on the tree.

Sew a cap from a suitable fabric, turn it right side out.

Using glue, stick the cap on the plinth light bulbs.

I cut out a ribbon with decorative scissors and tied it on the cap.

I glued the same ribbon on the body

I drew the handles and cut out the mittens and glued the buttons

like this funny snowman turned out. I wish you creative success and wish you all a Happy New Year!

Don't throw away burnt out light bulbs! Today we will learn how to turn them into very cute Christmas decorations with our own hands. Snowmen, Santa Claus, shiny lanterns and much more - we have collected for you best ideas for inspiration and useful workshops. A little effort - and you will get a great set of unique toys that will make your Christmas tree even more beautiful!

All materials for work are very simple. The process itself is also easy: turn on Christmas songs and get down to business, charging yourself with a New Year's mood!

Option one: shiny flashlights

Finished toys will sparkle and shine. Choose any colors, mix them, combine with each other.

What will we need?

  • light bulbs (preferably small ones)
  • PVA glue
  • dry glitter

How to do?

  1. The light bulb must be smeared with glue with a brush. If you have dry dyes in the color of the selected sparkles, you can mix them with glue: if gaps are allowed, flaws will not be visible.
  2. Then just sprinkle them with glitter. Hold by the base, pour with a spoon.
  3. It remains only to make a rope.

Such homemade Christmas toys can replace any set!

Option two: gold and silver bulbs

Such Christmas decorations look very expensive and always turn out to be especially beautiful.

What will we need?

  • large sequins
  • PVA glue
  • spray paint or gold and silver acrylic paints
  • standard size bulbs

How to do?

  1. Pour glue into a bowl and pour glitter into it. Dip the light bulb into the bowl and scroll it from all sides.
  2. We take another light bulb, hold it by the base and carefully cover it with paint on all sides. Don't forget to wear gloves!

Ready! In these Christmas decorations, the lights of the garland are very cool.

Option three: light bulbs in "sugar" sprinkling

These Christmas toys just make you want to eat them! They are very similar to sweet candies.

What will we need?

  • small light bulbs
  • acrylic paints
  • artificial snow (premade or homemade)

How to do?

  1. We cover the light bulb with acrylic paints and let it dry.
  2. Then repeat the procedure so that the color is saturated.
  3. From above we cover our craft with artificial snow. Ready!

It is better to take small light bulbs - it is easy to glue a gold thread to them, for which you can hang a toy.

By the way, if you make artificial snow with your own hands (you will find the corresponding master class), cover it with spruce branches as well - this way your Christmas tree will turn out snowy and “candied”.

Option four: New Year's toys in sequins

This method is suitable for those who love hard work.

What will we need?

  • small light bulbs
  • a bag of sequins
  • additional decorations in the form of flowers or stars
  • PVA glue
  • tweezers

How to do?

  1. Light bulbs can be pre-painted. Gently pick up each sequin with tweezers and dip it in the glue, and then "seat" them on the light bulb, one next to the other.
  2. Wrap the top of the craft with cotton wool.

Option five: shiny decor and satin ribbons

You will get very neat New Year's toys from light bulbs that will look beautiful both in a set and individually.

What will we need?

  • light bulbs of different sizes
  • acrylic paints
  • PVA glue
  • sequins, mirror pieces, stars and other decor
  • thin satin ribbons

How to do?

Life hack: If you don't have acrylic paints, but only gouache, watercolor or other paints - mix them with glue and cover the light bulbs with a mixture with a brush. Such paint will lie tightly.

  1. Light bulbs are painted with acrylics.
  2. Next, using tweezers and superglue, lay out decorative elements.
  3. Wrap the base with ribbons.

Option six: Christmas decorations with stones

We will not paint the light bulb, but we will do the decor - it will still be beautiful. This option is suitable for those who did not have paints at home.

What will we need?

  • bulb
  • large rhinestones
  • Super glue

How to do?

Please note that the glue in this case must be transparent.

Stones can be glued with tweezers or directly with your hands. If desired, you can lay out a fancy pattern.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with the decor, so that the Christmas tree toy turns out to be beautiful, but not tasteless.

Option seven: snowmen in hats

You will get a very cute Christmas toy that is hard to miss.

What will we need?

  • a small piece of cloth for milking caps
  • white acrylic paint
  • plasticine
  • marker

How to do?

  1. Paint the light bulb white.
  2. We fold the fabric with a cone and glue it to the base.
  3. We draw eyes and a smile to our snowman with a marker, mark the place for the “carrot”
  4. If there is a ready-made “nose” made of plastic, we glue it on superglue, if not, we sculpt a “carrot” from plasticine.
  5. If you want to make a girl snowman, add yarn braids.

Try to make different New Year's characters in the same way. Actually, it's not difficult.

Option eight: New Year's toy made of fabric

A light bulb can turn into a ball! You just need to properly decorate it.

What will we need?

  • piece of beautiful elegant fabric
  • bulb
  • satin ribbon, lace lace
  • small decorative elements: leaves, spruce branches, etc.

How to do?

  1. We wrap the light bulb with a cloth, and from above we intercept it with a tape (in the place where the base begins).
  2. It is better to fix the design with glue.
  3. It remains to add decorative elements!

Choose fabrics in red, green, white, gold and silvery colors. Velvet, felt or thick printed fabric look best.

Option nine: ready-made stickers and napkins

If you've ever decorated eggs for Easter with ready-made stickers, you can already guess what I'm talking about.

What will we need?

  • bulb
  • ready-made stickers or napkins
  • acrylic paints

How to do?

  1. First you need to paint the light bulb in one or more colors.
  2. If you have ready-made New Year's stickers, just decorate them beautifully on a glass surface.
  3. if you have New Year's napkins, try to decorate a light bulb using decoupage technique.

In this way, you can make toys even with very complex patterns.

Option ten: toys with a beautiful pattern

If you know how to draw or are ready to work with stencils, this idea will definitely appeal to you.

What will we need?

  • light bulbs of different sizes
  • acrylic paints
  • thin brushes
  • pieces of fabric for decoration

How to do?

  1. Paint the light bulb the same color. Let this layer dry thoroughly and apply a second one.
  2. Then arm yourself with a thin brush and apply a pattern to the surface. It is better to “rehearse” the image on paper in advance, and then copy it. If you don't know how to draw, take a stencil and tracing paper. Apply an image with a simple pencil and then paint it.
  3. Instead of thin brushes and acrylic paints, you can take nail polish (try glitter options - they are often used for nail art, which means that their brush is thin) or special markers.

Don't forget to wear new year character a hat, stick a scarf and other related accessories on it. By the way, such a toy light bulb will become great gift for the holiday!

Choose any of the ten proposed options. Don't be afraid to experiment! If you are working on decor with children, do it on the table. If the light bulb suddenly slips out of your hands and breaks, the fragments will not fly to the floor.

Enjoy the process, get inspired and feel like an artist!

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