Elongated base made of artificial spruce branches. New Year's compositions with their own hands. But magnificent artificial flowers have also found application.


We continue our pre-New Year's marathon to create interesting, bright and stylish compositions. It is New Year's Eve, because we will not notice how time flies and it will already be necessary to prepare for the meeting in 2018. New Year's compositions are useful in everything: at work, to decorate the table and office, at home, for a child at school or kindergarten, as gifts for guests, and so on. We will start with the simplest crafts, and finish with more complex ones that require a little more time and skill.

Compositions with glasses

The easiest option to decorate, for example, a New Year's table is to turn the glass over, put a decorative Christmas tree under the cup, a small figure of Santa Claus, or you can put small Christmas decorations, tinsel and serpentine, dry flower buds, ribbons, beads and other decor. On top of the glass stand, you can install a candle-tablet and light it at the most crucial and magical moment. There can be many such compositions on the table, or you can put several diverse glasses in the center of the table. See the photo for how it might look:

Glasses, by the way, can not be turned over, but decorated using them as vases. You can use large candles instead of tablet candles, it also looks spectacular.

You can pour water into a glass, put colored pebbles on the bottom and put a floating candle on top.

Do-it-yourself New Year's compositions should radiate warmth, care, the creative component of the hostess of the house, so do not be afraid to experiment, do not be afraid to act not according to a template, but come up with something of your own.

Christmas compositions with fir branches

If you do not plan to buy a whole Christmas tree, then you can always make a composition from branches with your own hands. For the simplest, but elegant and beautiful composition, we need:

  • fir branches;
  • several bumps, preferably open;
  • you can have several branches of mountain ash or viburnum;
  • dried apples;
  • large candle;
  • several tall thin candles;
  • Christmas beads for the Christmas tree;
  • any decor that you like (cinnamon sticks, decorative gifts, walnuts, dried citrus slices, dried flower buds).

This composition can be made in a wicker basket, simply by folding branches into it and decorating with decor. And you can form a wreath from twigs, discreetly bandage it with a fishing line, and attach your decor to the wreath. You can use a glue gun, thin wire or fishing line, depending on the situation, which is better to use.

This ikebana can be placed in the office, presented as a bouquet to a teacher in a child's kindergarten or a teacher at school, it will also decorate a country house or the hall of a city apartment.

Compositions for the New Year from branches

A New Year's composition from branches is also easy to make, like all the previous ones. Go to the forest or the nearest park for good, strong and beautiful branches. On the way, collect acorns, cones, chestnuts and everything that can be useful in hand-made production.

The easiest option is to install a branch in a vase and decorate it with unusual Christmas decorations. You will get something like this composition, as in the photo:

More gentle version it will turn out with a thin branch that has many thin branches. It can be decorated with delicate Christmas toys in the same style, there should not be many of them so as not to overload the composition.

Look at these photos, they will definitely give you some new ideas, maybe there is some kind of decor at home that you didn’t know where to attach and it will be perfect for this composition.

The branch can be decorated with a small garland, with cones that you first need to “snow”, you can, on the contrary, take bright ribbons, bright balls, beads to play in contrast.

The branches do not need to be placed in a vase, they can simply be placed on the table in a bouquet, decorated with decor. You can take small wooden sticks, small logs and place them in a transparent vessel along with other decor. Fantasize, it's always good!

New Year's wreaths

Composition option for decorating a door, table center, coffee table or desktop. Let's start with the simplest - a wreath of Christmas balls.

We will need a large number of balls of different sizes, you can have the same color, or you can choose different ones - this is already up to your taste. Next, you need a wide ribbon to collect the balls, or you can use wire. You will only need to thread it into the eye of the balls and form a wreath, which can then be hung on the door or placed on New Year's table, look at the photo:

As an additional decor, you can use balls of a different shape, ribbons, balls from various other materials, beads and other decorations.

We complicate the design and decorate our wreath with natural materials. The basis of the wreath will no longer be balls, but branches, twigs, fir cones, and so on.

It all starts like this, but it turns out such beauty, as in the photo:

And how do you like this wreath of cardboard sleeves and balls? We think it looks very stylish and original, worth a try.

Such a wreath will definitely look better on a wall or door, so that everyone can admire its unusual design. The bushings can be painted with gold or silver paint, and inside you can put not only balls, but also cones, chestnuts, even put pill candles, provided that you do not set them on fire.

But this version of the wreath will surely appeal to the kids. The wreath can be hung in the children's room, brought to children's holiday or give it to one of the child's friends.

As a base, use a thick cardboard circle, on which you attach the decor. Decorations can also be connected directly to each other, without using a base.

And here is another festive wreath for the children's room. Such a decoration is suitable not only for the New Year, but also for a birthday and any children's holiday.

Well classic version New Year's wreath - a wreath of cones. Always win-win, easy to perform and inexpensive. The whole house will be delighted with such a New Year's decoration.

Connect the cones together with wire, and after creating a frame, attach the decor that you prepared in advance to the wreath.

Christmas compositions for wall decoration

The lightest, but very touching and beautiful composition is obtained from cardboard or paper parts that are shaped on the wall in a herringbone pattern. You need to cut silhouettes from bright magazines or unnecessary booklets Christmas hats, Christmas trees, deer, sweets. These details should not be too large, because then you will attach them to the wall, forming a Christmas tree. Bows, small Christmas decorations, ribbons and serpentine can also be used as decor.

There can be a lot of options, we offer the brightest:

But the composition is a little more complicated. You need to collect branches of the same width, but different lengths. To also use them to form a schematic Christmas tree and decorate it with various decor.

Can you imagine how the house will play when such a composition appears in it?

A beautiful New Year's composition can be made from a garland and family photos. We are sure that such a composition will be able to linger on the wall for a long time. Looks very touching and cute. You can hang photos that you took during the past year.

Beautiful and bright look on the wall garlands of felt toys. The decor can be hung in the children's room or in the kitchen.

Such toys can be bought ready-made, or you can sew them yourself. You will need felt different color, threads and patterns. You can make bright balls from wool. We offer several patterns for New Year's toys.

A New Year's composition on the wall can be made from a wooden frame, Christmas balls, ribbons and other New Year's decor.

The frame can be painted in gold or silver, use the color scheme in which the whole house is decorated.

Similarly, you can not disregard the chandelier. It can also be decorated with decor. If the design allows, then you can attach a wreath of cones, hang Christmas decorations, gingerbread cookies and other decor.

If the design does not allow, then you can attach only a few ribbons with balls or New Year's figures to the chandelier.

Fir cones, dried citrus slices and other natural materials are suitable as decor.

Let's see how they do it now New Year's compositions do-it-yourself video master class:

No matter how old you are, no matter how exactly your composition will turn out, whether it will look like the original, but it will be yours, with a piece of your soul, it will be exclusive and will surely warm the house on cold winter evenings. Appreciate every moment of your life and delight your loved ones with your crafts.

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New Year is such a holiday when you want to decorate your house with magic lights, fill it with New Year's flavors familiar from childhood - needles, tangerines, cinnamon and chocolate ... New Year's compositions will perfectly cope with this task! Create them yourself or you can .

Let's discuss how to prepare a house for the holiday and what winter compositions will suit your interior?

And we will also learn how to turn a festive table into a magical one, and a house into a real fairy tale! At the same time, we will try to use those materials that we can collect in the forest or buy for little money in stores before the New Year.

With the help of this lesson, you will be able to make a New Year's composition with your own hands.

How to choose Christmas compositions for home decoration?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the interior of your home and its color scheme. And already they will tell you which New Year's decor will suit your home the most.

Most often in New Year's interiors you will find colors winter forest- white, green, brown. We associate them with a real Russian winter - a lot of snow, a beautiful Christmas tree that fills our house with a fresh forest aroma ... Spruce cones, cinnamon, chocolates on the Christmas tree - how could it be without them?

And add bright shades to these three colors - for example, lilac, purple, blue! For example, a Christmas wreath on your front door with bright blue-green elements will look bright and spectacular. Already at the entrance, he will set your guests in the New Year's mood and set a special festive mood. At the entrance to the house, seeing a wreath, your guests will look forward to - what will they see outside the door of this house? In which fairy tale will they get in?

If you love the color red (and according to the Chinese calendar, it symbolizes the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster) - feel free to use it as bright accents in New Year's compositions!

What can you make Christmas compositions from?

It is generally customary to create New Year's compositions from living or artificial needles. That is, first a base is created from needles, and only then decorative materials are added. Various natural materials can serve as an addition - cones, cinnamon sticks, anise stars, hand-snow-covered tree branches, moss balls, driftwood and wooden saw cuts, bark.

The choice of decorative materials that you can put in the New Year's composition is simply huge! Christmas decorations, decorative branches with berries, foam and plastic snowflakes, textile flowers with sparkles, ribbons! And of course, candles! Which New year's night without candles?

Oh, and don't forget about fresh flowers! They look very cool in New Year's compositions and will refresh the New Year's interior.

New Year's compositions: ideas for inspiration

And of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of interesting ideas for creating New Year's compositions and decorating New Year's interiors. For inspiration - one of best ideas, in our opinion

If for you a New Year's wreath is something banal and you want originality in New Year's decor - decorate your front door or one of the walls of a country house with a pair of cute stylish boots or winter skates with a winter "snowy" composition. Your guests will appreciate your taste and extraordinary approach to home decoration.

Emphasize Scandinavian style New Year's interior such winter powdered compositions and wreaths "with a chill" will help you. And at the same time there is something very tender and magical in them... it is impossible to take your eyes off these winter masterpieces!

Winter is often perceived by us as a monochrome season, where everything is filled with snow-white color. But in fact, this is a time of contrasts: white snow and juicy red berries of viburnum and mountain ash, purple beautiful fruit and rich greenery of conifers.

In winter, even the aromas are thicker and more intense. All this can convey your bouquet! Combine soft, airy cotton and cones, bright roses, oranges and spruce branches.

Combine elements that are opposite in texture, color and shape in a bouquet. That summer would be too much, in winter time enrich the bouquet and create a mood.

A real work of art! How could it be otherwise? Indeed, in a winter bouquet, not only flowers are often used, but also other natural materials that correspond to the season:

  • bunches of mountain ash, beautiful fruit, viburnum
  • twigs with fruits of the snowberry, barberry, wild rose
  • birch branches
  • dry flower pods with seeds, physalis
  • cones
  • bark and graceful tree branches
  • branches of conifers (spruce, juniper, arborvitae, cypress)
  • cotton bolls
  • cinnamon sticks
  • star anise
  • dried oranges
  • fruits and nuts
  • dry herbs
  • hydrangea inflorescences and other dried flowers

Your imagination can suggest the most unexpected options for the elements and decor of the bouquet. Choose something that will not freeze, will not wither quickly, which we associate with the winter season. For example, florists advise choosing flowers of dark shades for your bouquet, they are more resistant and even if the petals suffer a little from the cold, it will not be noticeable.

Rose, chrysanthemum, calla lilies, carnation, gerbera, tulip, gypsophila, freesia, hydrangea, snowdrop, cymbidium are ideal for a winter bouquet.

Additional accessories for the bouquet can be knitted elements, ribbons, lace, cords, buttons, foil, Christmas balls, beads, organza, figurines of angels and birds.

Bright, saturated, and at the same time, winter bouquet with piano roses, ilex, orchids and cotton.

This bouquet is made up of pine branches, "snowy" fir cones, brunia, thuja branches, snowberry and eucalyptus. Small flowers, reminiscent of cherry blossoms, look tender and light in a bouquet. Bouquet handle decorated with lace self made, twine and waxed cord with wooden buttons.

Interior composition will perfectly decorate your home on snowy winter days, complement the table setting and may well replace the Christmas tree. Use the advice of florists and create your own unique decorative object. So:

The winter composition will have a beautiful shape if you arrange the flowers in it at different angles and at different levels.

Any composition has a focus - a point that attracts attention (a bright flower, a large bud, a candle, a branch of the original form). It is not necessarily located in the center, but it is around it that the whole composition is built.

Choose a container for the composition, combined with the style of the interior.

If the composition will consist of fresh flowers, use a floral sponge. It will come in handy when creating a Christmas wreath for table setting.

As the basis of the composition, you can choose foam or plasticine. Such a base is suitable for New Year's compositions, when it is necessary to fix spruce branches, balls, animal figurines, garlands, and install candles.

For single cut flowers, you can use thin narrow vessels (test tubes) that are easy to fix inside the composition.

Use branches different lengths(vine, willow twigs, branches and roots of trees). With their help, you can add dynamics, direction to the composition.

For a New Year's composition, a stand in the form of a saw cut tree is perfect. The composition itself is installed on such a stand not in the center, but is shifted to one of the sides.

On a light background, a composition of bright and dark colors, on a dark background - a light bouquet.

It is not necessary to buy flowers for your winter arrangement. Most houseplants are great for making this. Moreover, many of them have a flowering period in the winter. Choose:

  • poinsettia (Christmas star)
  • Schlumberger (Decembrist)
  • hippeastrum, amarylis, wallot
  • orchid
  • chlorophytum
  • cyclamen
  • azalea

Fragrant, winter composition of scarlet roses and spruce branches with cinnamon sticks and orange.

Beautiful winter compositions for decorating tables and interiors.

Ekibana is the art of arranging bouquets using various natural materials.
Beautiful compositions help diversify the interior, decorate the festive table or present an originally designed gift.

Ekibana from spruce branches for the new year: ideas, compositions, photos

Real spruce branches will be a great addition to the New Year's Ekibana. Forest aroma will give a festive mood, creating an association of a winter fairy tale.

  • Christmas spruce branches go well with golden and red tones. The composition decorated with balls, sweets, beads and cones will become a bright accent of the festive interior.
Golden red tones on a green background
  • A festive table can be decorated with a composition located on a multi-tiered vase

natural materials in combination with white balls
  • The combination of the smell of spruce and citrus will add new year mood. It will not be difficult to build such a beautiful fruit ekibana

Lemon, orange and spruce greens
  • Ceiling decoration will not take up extra space, but will add a special New Year's atmosphere, especially if it is supplemented with a garland

Original sconce made of natural decorative elements
  • For lovers of a not quite standard form of composition, an eco-style in the form of a felt boot is suitable. Decorate it with spruce branches, dried lemons, bright ranetki and forest cones.

Unusual Ekibana

Video: Compiling New Year's compositions

New Year's ekibana on the festive table with your own hands

The founders of the art of ekibana are the Japanese. They believe that the pine is a very good-natured tree that cherishes all the flowers surrounding it, and goes well with any of them.

  • Create festive atmosphere on the table you can use one sprig of pine, placed in a beautiful vase
  • If desired, add any favorite flower: rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, tulip, cyclamen, camellia, etc.
  • The New Year's table can be decorated with compositions of any shape and size, decorating not only with flowers, but with fruits, sweets, Christmas balls, tinsel, ribbons
  • To create a single composition, put pine branches in a vase of water
  • Peel off the peel from the orange
  • We put it in a rose
  • We take a toothpick, fix the flower

We remove chips
  • We dry the rose

We dry the workpiece
  • Adding ready-made decor elements to prepared pine branches

Collecting Ekibana

Video: Christmas composition of fir branches on the holiday table

New Year Ekibana in a basket

Prepare in advance:

  1. beautiful basket
  2. floral sponge
  3. wire
  4. bright roses
  5. fresh leaves
  6. spruce branches
  7. Dried fruits from orange and apples
  8. Christmas decorations
  • We put a sponge moistened with water in the basket
  • Beautifully arrange spruce branches based on sponge

Fill out the form
  • Decorate with leaves and decorative branches
  • We stick roses

We fantasize with the help of any elements
  • Dried fruits are fixed on a wire

Additional elements
  • Add to Ekibana

Ready New Year Ekibana
  • Roses can be replaced with Christmas balls

Festive composition in a basket

Do-it-yourself winter kibana for kindergarten, school

Build forest beauty Together with parents, even kids can do it.

  • Cut out a circle from a sheet of drawing paper, with a radius of the desired height of the Christmas tree
  • We fold with a cone
  • Attach with stapler or glue
  • Pieces of a plaster bandage are wetted in water, glued onto the base
  • Dry well

crafts for kids
  • We spread large cones on the lower part of the base, fix them with glue

Step by step decorating the template
  • Next, reducing the size of the cones, lay out the whole tree to the top
  • Then we apply glue in places, sprinkle it with salt
  • Christmas tree looks like wrapped in snow

You can stop at this
  • We decorate the resulting space between the cones with tinsel, toys

If desired, we make the composition brighter

Video: Do-it-yourself winter craft for a kindergarten or school for a competition

Do-it-yourself Ekibana from spruce cones

The pure natural energy of natural cones creates an unusually cozy atmosphere in the house.
Eco style welcomes dry branches. They make the interior dynamic and light.

  • Stick cones on ordinary branches
  • Decorate with a garland
  • Place in a vase wrapped in birch bark
  • Fill the vase completely with cones, insert dry branches with a garland - another composition option
Eco style in the interior
  • Make a piece from balloons, glue with natural cones

Ceiling Ekibana

Do-it-yourself New Year's Ekibana from sweets

The composition of sweets and champagne in the form of pineapple looks original.

  • Wrap the bottle with bamboo cloth, secure with thread
  • Fix the tails on the candies with glue so that they do not stick out.
  • After drying, attach the candy to the bottle with glue
  • Start from the bottom
  • Then stagger to the beginning of the neck
  • Cut out leaves from green tape, glue to the bottle
  • Fix some sweets on cut out leaves
  • Ekibana from tropical fruit is ready

Just fill half the glass with beautiful sweets. Decorate with decorative ribbon and flowers.

simple decor

Do-it-yourself New Year's Ekibana from fruits

Fruit compositions are most often made for a gift. Such an ekibana tends to quickly lose its beautiful appearance, therefore, it cannot serve as a long-term decoration of the interior. You need to eat it as soon as possible.

  • Cut selected fruits beautiful shape. It can be hearts, circles, stars, any intricate shapes.
  • Sprinkle apples citric acid so they don't turn black
  • Put on a skewer one or more chopped figures
  • Put a special moistened sponge in a vase
  • stick fruit
  • Decorate at your discretion with tinsel, cones. Although bright fruits do not require additional decoration. Cut in this way, they look very impressive.

fruit ekibana
  • The original composition is obtained from a decoratively designed orange peel.
    You will need a few forest cones, sprigs of spruce, cinnamon stars. The rest is up to your imagination.

Bright oranges in the New Year's composition
  • Orange tangerines with candles are easy to make, but look very impressive.

Unpretentious ekibana

Christmas ekibana in blue and white

Cold blue and white tones are more suitable for a formal setting.
Create an arrangement with blue Christmas toys, cones, blue spruce branches, dried oranges, white candles and walnuts.

Ekibana in simple style

Delicate composition in blue and white colors

Festive Ekibana

Ekibana new year wreath

Option New Year's wreaths

Take flexible willow branches as a basis

Snow emission is achieved with a strong saline solution

Step by step example

Scheme for making a natural wreath

New Year's Ekibana from beads

Such a work of art requires a certain skill and patience. If you have experience, you can use the proposed photos. But a do-it-yourself ikebana cannot be compared with any ready-made purchased composition.
After all, the energy and love invested in jewelry is peculiar only to you, so no one will have such an instance, even if someone tries to copy your composition.
The main thing is to do everything with taste and grace.
The necessary materials can always be found at hand, and if necessary, you can buy the missing natural blanks in stores.

Video: Christmas composition with candles

We continue the theme of original New Year's compositions that will help decorate your home interior on the eve of the holiday. You will find the beginning of the article.

19. Elegant decor does not always require complex manipulations. In order for the composition to turn out spectacular, sometimes it’s enough just to show imagination. See how interesting the bright ones look christmas balls, if they are used instead of a fruit vase, which traditionally decorates any festive serving. Just put plain toys on a beautiful plate and complete the composition with green twigs. You can also decorate high candlesticks with balls by securing them with double-sided tape.

If you add toys to the composition different colors, you get a decor with a more dynamic character and a bright design.

20. Other parts of the holiday service can also be used for New Year's decor. Arrange cones and coniferous twigs in glasses and arrange them on a cake stand, adding Christmas decorations, bleached acorns and curly gingerbread to the composition.

21. Sometimes completely unexpected things can serve as the basis for compositions. For example, wine corks. Stack them in a tall, clear candlestick for a creative decor option that will add an unexpected twist to your interior.

22. If combined into one composition different types needles, you can get interesting option New Year's decoration. Place three identical vases with green bouquets made of spruce, thuja, pine branches on a tray, and decorate the composition with a garland with flickering lights.

23. Fans of an unconventional approach to interior design will certainly appreciate this decor option. Antique sleigh decorated with vases New Year's toys, candles and spruce branches, can become a real center of attraction that attracts the attention of guests. If you are not afraid of original and bold solutions, then such an accessory will definitely come in handy.

24. Put any non-fluffy twigs in a plain white pitcher and fasten vintage twigs to them with trailers. Greeting Cards- decor in fashion style rustic is ready.

25. To make a snow-white composition, you will need decorative snow and large candles. Tie the candles with coarse twine and set them on a beautiful vase, after pouring artificial snow (or sugar) into it. Use gold-plated cones or balls as a bright accent.

26. Beautiful and unusual compositions obtained by combining spruce twigs with fresh flowers. In this design option, flowers are used to decorate flowerpots. To fix the buds you will need a glue gun. Gently glue on the rose heads to create an amazing fresh flower vase.

27. Fix cones in candlesticks instead of the usual candles (using glue or double-sided tape) to create an original New Year's composition. Cones can be in advance - then they will look more harmonious and elegant. Complete the composition with green twigs and decorative balls.

28. New Year's transformation: Flip glasses filled with marmalade and caramels to instantly transform from a familiar serving item holiday table in spectacular candlesticks.

29. Fill a wide tray with fresh cranberries and place scented candles in the middle of the arrangement. To enhance the decorative effect, the berries can be sprinkled with sugar and decorated with spruce branches.

30. Put green leaves in a beautiful jar, and then carefully fill the container with water by 2/3. Add a floating candle and berries for an eco-friendly arrangement.

31. To make a mini boxwood Christmas tree, lay floral foam on the bottom of the vase and fasten sprigs of different lengths, imitating the shape of a Christmas tree. By using glue gun fix small decorations on the “herringbone” and complement the composition with cones and balls, laying them side by side.

32. Put the branches of grapes in a nest-shaped vase and decorate them with fresh flowers, spruce branches and a transparent candlestick set in the middle of the composition.

33. An option for New Year's decor for those who miss summer. Merge into one composition winter decorations and nautical accessories to create an unexpected design reminiscent of a beach vacation.

34. Fill several transparent vases with water and add decorative sparkles. Use any green twigs as decoration.

35. Snow-covered candles are another holiday decor option that you can easily make yourself. Cover the candles with a layer of decoupage glue and roll in Epsom salts, previously scattered on a flat surface. Make sure the salt covers the candles evenly on all sides. Ready-made snow-covered decor can be used to create a variety of New Year's compositions.

36. If you have an old suitcase lying around in your pantry, then give it to him new life as a basis for New Year's decor. Clean the travel bag of dust and put green apples, cones and spruce branches in it. To enhance the vintage character of the decoration, complement the composition with a winter-themed black and white photograph, securing it to the lid of the suitcase with double-sided tape.

37. A beautiful decor is obtained if you fold new Year decoration in a vase with a metallic sheen. Such a container beautifully reflects the objects laid out nearby, so complement the composition with beautiful twigs that will create the desired mirror effect.

38. Take two vases of different sizes. In one - smaller - pour water and put flowers and fir branches in it. Place the vase with the bouquet on a large plane and fill the space between the containers with walnut kernels.

39. Citrus and coniferous smells create an indescribable New Year's aroma that fills the whole house with anticipation of the holiday. Pour miniature kumquat fruits into a beautiful translucent vase and decorate the composition with a massive candle and pine needles.

40. A mix of fruits, pine needles and cones is another way to give the interior a New Year's sound. Spread out beautifully decorative elements on a tray and add simple white candles as accents.

Happy New Year to you!