New life of old things 60 ideas. New ideas for using old things. Balcony or stair balusters

Addicted 2 Decorating

This chrysanthemum-like frame can be made from plastic spoons by painting them in different shades of blue.

You will need 6 packs of 48 spoons each (buy the cheapest and lightest). You also need sheets of plywood, thick cardboard or thin MDF, from which you need to cut a circle with a diameter of 45 cm with a jigsaw and a hole with a diameter of 30 cm inside it.

    Cut off the handles of the spoons, smear the back with resistant (hot) glue and start gluing them around the inner hole of the frame upwards, making small distances between the rows of spoons so that they lie nicely. You should get 6 circles.

    Then the frame must be taken out to the balcony or outside to dry. When the glue dries, take a brush and start painting the petals with acrylic paint.

    Cover the first smallest circle of petals with a dark tone of blue paint, make each next circle half a tone lighter and finish with a pale blue color. Let the paint dry.

    Then, using a hot glue gun, carefully glue the mirror to the frame, and glue a jute loop on the back of the mirror so that it can be hung on the wall. Let the glue dry.

A mirror in such a frame on the wall looks fantastic; in different lighting conditions, halftones of color play on the frame. The work is hard, but it's worth it!

Patchwork rug

My Poppet

Everyone has T-shirts at home different color that have served their time. Tie a rug out of them folk style the one your grandmother knitted. Cut the T-shirts into narrow long strips, twist a little and tie such a rug with a thick hook (simple columns in a circle). It can be laid by the bed, it will be more comfortable.

Fruit rack

The Crafting Chicks

Three different sizes of baking dishes and two old candlesticks stacked on top of each other turn into a vintage fruit and sweets rack without any extra effort. If you have a lot of jewelry, you can also store it on such a shelf. More jewelry storage ideas.

Armchair for your beloved dog


An old sweatshirt that your child wore to school can be made into a great chair for best friend person.

You will need cushion 30x30 or 40x40 cm in size, a little cotton wool, interlining or scraps from old T-shirts, as well as a thick needle and thread.

    First, sew up the neck of the sweatshirt from the inside out to make a bag.

    Then, stepping back from the neckline by 10-15 cm (sleeve width), make a line on the bag with a large seam from sleeve to sleeve, this will be the back of the chair.

    Fill it with cotton wool, interlining or scraps of old clothes through the narrow part of the sleeves, then sew up the ends of the sleeves.

    Place a pillow inside the sweatshirt bag, sew the bottom of the sweatshirt with a large seam. This is a chair seat.

    Now connect the ends of the sleeves above the seat and sew them together. The junction can be masked with a beautiful striped patch by sewing it on top.

Everyone, call your pet!

Mini vases

Blitsy Crafts

Glass jars from baby food can be turned into elegant mini flower vases.

    To do this, using a stencil (wet it with water and stick it on a jar), make drawings on them with paints in delicate pastel colors.

    Remove the stencil when the paint is dry.

    Tie long wire handles to the vases, tie them with jute rope and make bows.

    Hang on the wall where you want to freshen up the design.

Transformation of a man's tie

Polka Dot Chair

Your husband's two old silk ties make great makeup bags or storage cases. Spread the ties along the seam, iron the fabric and sew a rectangular bag out of it, sewing a zipper on one side.

Flowers in a basket

Elizabeth Joan Designs

An old wicker laundry basket can still serve as a rustic flower pot. Put a new burlap cover on it, and put a flower pot inside. It is better to glue the burlap for strength with glue. Such a planter will decorate the porch of your cottage. More ideas for a summer house with your own hands

Bottle holders

Positively Splendid

Such holders can be placed in the country next to the chairs on the barbecue area, and refreshing drinks will always be at hand.

You will need 2 (or more) empty iron cans, two pieces of colored cloth, glue, long iron bolts, screws and metal spacers.

    Wash the jars, remove the labels, and, as if using a stencil, cut out pieces of fabric a little bigger size to bend them inside the jar.

    Glue the fabric onto the jars with all-purpose glue as shown in the photo.

    Then drill a hole in the bottom of the can, insert a long bolt, secure it with nuts and metal gaskets on both sides.

    Stick the bolt with the cans into the ground.


Creme de la Craft

Many people still like to carry notebooks with them. Make these little books yourself easily by using a muesli box (or other carton boxes) and beautiful paper.

Glue strips of colored paper onto the cover, sew on a button and attach an elastic band to close the book. These books can be obtained from different style and give to friends.

You will need: a muesli box (2 covers will come out of it), A4 printer paper for the inside pages of the book, colored paper with drawings for decoration, ruler, pencil, scissors, glue, buttons, floss threads.

Newspaper from shutters

My Repurposed Life

An old wooden shutter can become a stylish magazine rack in the country. To do this, you need to thin out the blinds, cutting off every second plank. Then spray paint your favorite color and hang it on your porch or barn wall. In such a magazine rack, it is especially convenient to store thick magazines.

In every closet or chest of drawers you can find a lot of worn and forgotten things. They only take up space and negatively affect the overall energy of the room. But what if you give new life old things in interesting and easy ways?

So start sorting through your old stuff right now! By doing this, you will not only tidy up your closet and satisfy your creative needs, but also be able to do a good deed for other people. The most obvious way to use old clothes is to replenish your wardrobe. younger brothers and sisters, as well as contributing to charity shops and shelters. Upgrading old things can cut your family's expenses and help those in need.

However, sometimes old clothes too worn to wear again. Sometimes it is too valuable for us to throw it away or give it to someone else. Admit it! You keep some things on your closet shelves just because every time you look at them, you think of someone or something in your life that brings back happy or special memories. So when you don't feel like giving away your old clothes, consider these 8 great ways to give them new life.

1. Decorative pillow from shirts or trousers

it good way using old but expensive clothes for you. After all, pillows will be where you will see them every day, and thus constantly awaken special memories. Cut out square or rectangular pieces from old clothes and sew them into a pillowcase for decorative pillow. If you do not have a pillow at hand, you can fill your pillowcase with special filler or old, no longer good things, after cutting them into strips and patches. The list of the most interesting pieces of clothing for decorating the front side of the pillow may look like this: a T-shirt with an interesting design, zippers and buttons, bows or original pockets. If your clothes aren't large enough to fit the pillow you want to create, quilting can help.

2. Covers for clothes

The cover for clothes is very useful thing, which will protect your belongings from pollution and damage during transportation and moving. You can easily make your own slipcover by simply sewing up the bottom of a shirt that hangs on a hanger. If you use a shirt with buttons or a zipper, you will always have easy access to the things inside. You just have to unbutton your shirt to see what's inside. If you use a T-shirt, the neck will serve you for this purpose. If you need to store a lot of things in one case, add a rectangular piece of fabric to form the bottom, which will also allow you to fold things horizontally. In addition, an old pillowcase will serve wonderfully for this purpose.

3. Patchwork and fabric strips for needlework

Some old clothes are not good enough to wear again, but they are very useful resource for any needlewoman. Cut your unwanted clothes into pieces to make into blankets, pillowcases, curtains, or chair covers. In addition, the idea of ​​knitting hats, scarves and carpets from strips of fabric has now become very common.

As a tool for this, big hooks or even own hands! The rag craft is perfect for old clothes with no memorable features, which is suitable for decorating unique pillows.

Thicker strips can be used for hockey stick covers, fishing rods, and other long, thin items. Capabilities patchwork technique limitless! And, fortunately, the Internet is now full of all kinds of master classes, among which anyone can choose what he likes.

4. Cleaning cloths + curly hair idea

Worn out old clothes often make the best rags, because the soft fibers do not leave any streaks. Old flannel shirts are best used on glass, shoes, and metal surfaces such as car chrome. As for the happy owners curly hair, an old cotton T-shirt can (and even should!) be used to dry your hair, as this will help make your curls more defined and soft, while a towel is too dry and injures your hair.

5 Quilted Memories Quilt Idea

Chances are you keep a pair of old jeans or 80s shirts or some old fancy dress because they are one of a kind, but you realize you can never wear them again. So let's get them from the far shelves and turn them into a kind of family heirloom - a blanket that will bring you pleasure for the rest of your life. Cut out patches of clothing that will feature special commemorative details such as embellished jeans pockets, buttons, or even worn knee patches. You can, for example, create a family blanket from one or two pairs of worn jeans from each family member. Consider embroidering each person's name on the pants they once wore.

6. Packaging for valuables

After a while, items of clothing that were once important to us lose their appeal. Memories fade, or later events turn positive memories into negative ones. Then maybe it's time to make sure that they begin to bring some benefit? One option would be to decorate the drawers or memory boxes that everyone has stored somewhere in the attic or deep in the cabinets. Such boxes can be sheathed with old clothes, forming soft balls out of it, which will help to carefully store delicate souvenirs. When doing this, use natural fabrics without chemicals that can harm your relics.

7. Fabric for straining

Choose an old, loose-fitting shirt to use as a filter in the kitchen. Simply cut out a square and place it over a bowl or jar to strain liquids. On jars, use an elastic band to fix the fabric; make the cloth hang down slightly into the jar to create a slight indentation for the solids.

8. Pet clothing

When it's really cold outside, pets also need extra heat. Use baby t-shirts and coats to tailor your pet's upper body. Pajamas can be a great material for pants. Just don't forget to cut a hole for your four-legged friend's tail.

If you don't want to dress up your cats and dogs, use old clothes as bedding when it's cold. winter time to keep your pet warm and cozy. In fact, an old shirt can easily be used to line his basket and fill the space between the basket and the shirt with scraps from other already unusable clothes.

What other ways have you come across or thought of using old clothes? After all, the special pleasure of reusing and recycling comes precisely when things fit exactly your unique life.

Don't let old clothes gather dust and accumulate in all corners of your home. Get it and use all your creativity to give it a new life!

The best things in life are free. Find out how you can turn boring, old, and tossed-out items into something beautiful and functional for your home.

1. Grandma's chest of drawers

An old grandmother's chest of drawers can be updated by the hundreds simple ways(with the use of paint, varnish, wallpaper, decoupage, etc.) and even transformed into a chic “antique” washbasin cabinet!

2. Wooden shutters

Antique window shutters can be a beautiful and unusual decoration for a wall or headboard, and can also be used as a functional decor! As a rule, for a new look they are painted in fresh light colors in the spirit of the Provence style. An additional effect can be given with craquelure or hand-painted.

3. Doors and window frames

Doors and window frames are quite large and expensive items, so even when they fail, not everyone raises their hand to immediately throw them out into the street. And great: because they can still serve you as a stunning wall decor!

4. Glass jars

These are really items that are constantly accumulated in every home and can be used in a thousand ways! But, perhaps, they look most interesting in the role of a street or table lamp.

5. Lonely or broken chairs

Not sure how to use a legless stool? Or what to do with dining chairs that differ in color and design? Take inspiration from the photos below:

6. Door handles and knockers

Doorknobs and hammers can add originality and functionality to virtually every room in your home.

7. Burnt out light bulbs

Turn a burnt out light bulb into a very cute homemade decor, like this tiny terrarium or flower stand.

8. Cans

Why not? From tin cans are obtained quite nice and convenient organizers for various things, pots for indoor plants, etc.

9. Old books

Crafts from books do not involve the use of your favorite and cherished works, but only badly damaged or unnecessary volumes. See what a beautiful decor they can turn into!

10. Maps

There are 3 popular ways to use old geographical maps:

  • in the role of a wall decor that will remind you of places you have visited or places that still need to be visited;
  • as a lampshade for a table lamp or other lamp;
  • for decoupage of old furniture.

But maybe you can come up with an even more interesting way?

11. Clothes and accessories

Is your closet full of old T-shirts? Not sure what to do with ties and belts you'll never wear? We hope that one of the methods below will give you a good idea.

13. Rulers and clothespins

As a rule, rulers accumulate in those houses where there are children or adults whose work is somehow related to drawing. We offer you several interesting ideas for use in the design of your home.

14. Balcony or stair balusters

Old balusters work great as a support for a console or a functional coat hanger. See below how to make a baluster original decor with your own hands.

This time our selection of ideas for decorating the house has come to an end, but with Dekorin you will find a lot of interesting things. Subscribe to our Facebook group and stay with us!

New ideas for using old things updated: October 10, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

A creative person is subject not only to the creation of absolutely new things, but also an incredible alteration of old ones.

For example, old sweater- so warm and cozy. How many memories are associated with him, how many warm evenings spent in his cozy arms... You can't just take and get rid of such a thing. But even lying dead weight in the closet, it only causes annoyance.

Try to give a sweater a second life. It is not at all necessary to wear it again, you can make a lot of useful and beautiful products and souvenirs out of your favorite thing. And even if you do not know how to knit and embroider, and do not own any complex techniques, you will surely get a beautiful and original product.

I bring to your attention, in my opinion, amazingly simple and stylish ideas on altering an old sweater!

2. Fashionable scarf from an old sweater
For girls who love beautiful knitted things, but do not know how to knit themselves. It is very easy and simple to create a scarflet (a short warm bandage around the neck) from an old sweater that has been rubbed in some places, but it is a pity to throw it away.

We will need:

1. Old sweater coarse knit
2. Two large decorative buttons
3. Scissors, needle, thread
4. Sewing machine (if possible)

How to do:

Lay your sweater out on the table. Using a measuring tape, measure the dimensions of the scarf. You can roughly focus on these data: 20 cm x 75 cm.
It is best to cut the strip on the back or chest. Be sure to leave the sweater elastic at one end, it will look good in the final version of the model.

Now you need to process the edges. You can do this by hand with a neat, inconspicuous seam. Also on sewing machine There is a special seam for processing knitwear.

Now just fold the scarf as shown in the picture and sew on the decorative buttons. Don't bother with special buttonholes, you won't need them, because the scarf is very easy to remove over your head.

3. Cover for heating pad

Regular heating pad unusual design. It seems that even with just one look at her, you can recover.
With an old sweater, you can keep the heating pad warm for much longer, all you need to do is cut and sew a cover like this:

4. Potholders

Potholders and hot pads from a used sweater. Such a set will immediately add coziness to your kitchen, and you - Have a good mood because it's always nice to create original things with your own hands.

Feel free to take scissors and cut the old sweater at the seams, you can not rip it open.

Then we take a sheet of paper and circle our hand with such a margin that it would be convenient for you in a sewn potholder, next we draw a square outline for the stand, also with a margin.

We attach our patterns to the sweater with pins and cut them out.

Now we sew - it will be more convenient to first sweep 2 parts, and then sheathe them with an oblique trim, in tone or contrast, as you like best.

It remains only to check the seams, remove the basting threads, and our kitchen kit is ready!

5. Pencil
Cut out a piece of fabric from a sweater or other unnecessary knitted item and sew a warm case for a glass (a can without a lid, a miniature coffee can, an old cup with a broken handle ...) - now you have a cute pencil case.

The color of the clothes [email protected] you can choose according to your interior. It will look very stylish

6. Diary case

Notebook covers, unless of course it is high quality leather, wear out quickly. Sometimes you don’t even have time to fill it up to the middle - and it is already pretty shabby. Sew him a cover from a not very coarse sweater! Choose a brighter, patterned piece, or decorate it yourself

7. We insulate our phones, netbooks and e-books

You probably know that in the cold, the battery charge “melts” very quickly, so gadgets should always be kept warm if possible. So that a netbook, tablet or smartphone does not freeze in winter, sew a “fur coat” for it from your favorite, but already pretty shabby sweater. Why spend money on a plastic shell made by no one knows where or by whom, when you can make your own masterpiece.

Yes, and extra protection from scratches to your gadgets will not hurt.

8. Vintage candlestick
For such a candlestick, you only need jars and patches knitted sweater!

9. "Clothes" for candles
"Clothes" for candles will give your home more warmth and comfort. It can be especially beautiful if the sweater is white and the candles are also white.

10. Decor on vases
Make a winter collection for your ceramic vases. If your old sweater has sleeves in decent condition, then you can simply cut off the sleeve and decorate a vase or bottle with it.

Useful advice: when cutting off the sleeve, do not forget that the length of the part cut off for decoration should be greater than the height of the vase in order to bend the cut under the bottom and fix it there (glue the vase or bottle to the bottom or carefully stitch it).

11. Bottle cover
Another idea how to serve unusually New Year's table! Let all the bottles be in winter coats.

12. Lens case

Photo lenses are quite sensitive and delicate devices that should be protected from bumps and shaking. Not completely, but partially, a cover made from a sweater sleeve will cope with this task. Plus, he looks really cute.

13. Warm heart

As a cozy gift close person For example, for Valentine's Day, perfect heartsmade from fluffy sweaters . For their manufacture, you will need quite a bit of time, and the effect will exceed all expectations.

Draw a heart template on paper, attach it to the sweater and cut out two identical pieces. Sew them by folding front side inside, leaving a small opening for turning and filling.
After turning the heart inside out, fill it with padding polyester or holofiber, or you can make a fragrant “filling” from dried herbs or coffee beans. Close the hole carefully.

A wonderful souvenir is ready!

14. Original bracelet

It is easy to make original accessories from an old sweater by covering large bracelets with a knitted fabric.

15. Cup holder
Use jar lids and sweater scraps to make handy cup coasters.

16. Stool seat
A boring chair from Ikea? A seat made of scraps of sweaters sewn into one fabric on a typewriter and wrapped around will cheer you up.

And this is how you can “ennoble” an old chair:

But the best thing is to sew funny toys to kid.

17. Soft toys
Almost everyone loves soft toys. On the shelves of stores now there is such a variety of plush animals that the eyes run wide.

But a hand-made toy has an advantage over factory copies.

It will be useful and pleasant, both the process of creating a soft toy and the result. Therefore, it is definitely worth trying and sewing soft toy by hand from start to finish.

You just need to take care and choose necessary materials, tools and accessories for the product.

Required materials and tools:

  • old sweater
  • synthetic winterizer
  • thread with a needle
  • scissors
  • yarn
  • decor accessories

First, we print on a printer or draw by hand a template for a future toy. We will have a funny, bright rabbit.

The template can be downloaded - click on the picture and go to Click on the three dots below the picture ... - Open original. The original will open in a new tab - right-click on it and select "Save image as ..." from the menu that opens.

The template includes a blank for the main part (1), two blanks for the ears (2, 3), two blanks for the hands (4, 5), one blank for the tail (6) and one for the teeth (7). Solid lines indicate contours (cut lines) and dotted lines indicate stitching points.

Cut out blanks from paper

pinned to the sweater with pins.

Cut out the blanks from the sweater.

Turning blanks inside out

and fasten with pins.

We sew the blanks, leaving unstitched places to turn them on the front side.

And we turn out only the blanks of the handles.

We connect the blanks as shown in the photo and sew.

We sew the ears in the same way as the paws.

We turn the resulting workpiece to the front side.

We fill the resulting rabbit blank with synthetic winterizer and sew it up.

We make a ponytail. Having cut out a circle from a sweater, we fill it with a padding polyester,

sew and sew to the rabbit's body.

From the buttons we make eyes and a nose, sew on teeth.

A soft toy and an old sweater are ready.

Reworking old things is exactly the case when you can realize the most incredible ideas and get a great result.

Don't be afraid to fantasize. You can make a lot of cozy little things out of old sweaters. Here are some more creative ideas for you:

Now you will surely come up with what you can make from an old sweater!

Creative success to you!