How to choose a hairstyle and the right hair color. How to choose a hair color? Six Simple But Effective Tips You Can Choose Your Hair Color

To choose the most suitable hair color for a woman, almost all stylists and hairdressers use color types: in other words, a cold or warm shade of appearance, which in total creates hair color, eye color, and skin tone.

Of course, we will talk about this, but it is possible that even professionals miss one very important detail, assessing the situation only with a superficial glance, but it will undoubtedly come in handy for you.

The fact is that they forget to look inside and see the Character there.

The ideal hair color should be suitable not only for the color type, but also for the character, for the sense of self.

For example:

Any stylist will tell you that for a woman of the “autumn” type (brown eyes and golden ruddy skin), red color and all its shades are suitable. And she can't stand him!

I had such an acquaintance, for 10 years she was on the occasion of the hairdressers, and now she spat on everything, chose her hair dye with the help of a purely feminine flair and now she is painted in “mahogany”. And I must say, this color reflects her nature much more than a shade suitable for the color type, but goes to her, without any doubt.

So, dear ladies wondering what hair color to choose ...

To determine your color type, there is a rather funny, but effective method: take pieces of fabric or paper of different colors and apply to your face.

Look at the background of which color your eyes and facial features benefit the most. Match the shade to your eye color.

I agree, it's difficult.

Firstly, where can I get all these pieces of fabric of the right color, and secondly, not everyone has a “sense of color”.

For example, although I studied at an art school, I have already forgotten everything.

So, let's try it easier.

First, go shopping with professional paint (the usual one from the mass market is not needed there: we want not only to get a beautiful color, but also shiny healthy hair). Look through the catalogs, choose a few you like, just pleasing to the eye and stylish, in your opinion.

Choose four shades: two slightly lighter than your natural hair color and two slightly darker.


It is not necessary to radically change the color of your hair if you are a smart, adult, stylish woman. You will look vulgar, and eyebrows and eyelashes that “fall out” of the general color scheme you will have to constantly abuse, staining or bleaching. Do you need it? I think no. So, 2 tones "in one direction" and 2 tones "in the other direction."

The fact is that nature has already taken care of us, creating us so beautiful and “colorful”, and all we need now is to emphasize those accents that she missed in a hurry.

As for the hair: try to become darker or lighter literally by one tone (well, just for the sake of experiment) - and you will see how expressive the eyes become, how all facial features “play out” and a happy smile appears.

And if some features of your face do not suit you, this problem can be solved with the help of not only coloring, but also a model haircut.

However, now is not about that.

  • So, four shades were chosen. Now decide one thing: lighter or darker.
  • Consult with a familiar hairdresser, who always cuts or paints: he has a trained look, and he will immediately discard those options that are by no means suitable for you.
  • Nothing left to do but try! Below are some tips that no hairdresser will give you, because these are real secrets!
  • If you are afraid, once in a lifetime you can “fork out” for a super-professional stylist, but it is bitter to admit that no Sergey Zverev can guarantee you that when he solemnly turns you to face the mirror, you will not be able to hold back an enthusiastic cry and rush with cries of happiness around his neck.

A professional is a professional, but we have already spoken above about our inner world, and there, excuse me, the road is closed not only to hairdressers, but even to psychoanalysts. So, trust your intuition and paint!

Promised "secrets" for choosing the perfect hair color

Probably still have to talk about color types. So.

Girl spring

Freckles - of course, golden hair, gray or brown eyes, fair skin. Such girls are categorically not recommended to paint in blondes - especially if the skin is imperfect, and there are black dots and red inflammation on it.

Light tones will only emphasize the “redness”, unfavorably emphasized, and all this will invariably catch the eye. Choosing a hair dye, Spring would be better off using darker shades, oddly enough, with a reddish tint. "Eggplant", "Mahogany" and others, but you should beware of copper shades.

Winter Girl

Unlike Spring, this is a cold color type: she has green or yellow-brown eyes, "cold" skin and brown hair.

In case of skin problems, it is better not to repaint the hair, in extreme cases, use the same tones indicated for Spring.

Bright coral and red lipsticks are also contraindicated.

Summer Girl

Oddly enough, this is a "cold" type. The eyes are gray or blue. Such girls should not have skin problems: they tan easily and quickly, and the tan lies on them evenly and lasts for a long time. As a rule, the Summer girl loves to go to the solarium throughout the year, which is not surprising: with her dark hair, he looks amazing.

In general, if some redness appears on the skin of such girls, then they are perfectly masked against the background of cold gray-blue eyes and blue-black hair (for example). Freckles, by the way, are also perfectly leveled in this color scheme.

Autumn Girl

We have already talked about this "warm" lady. Brown eyes, golden skin with freckles, brown hair. Stylists recommend red and reddish shades for such girls, but as we have already shown with this color type, these are far from the borders. How to choose the right hair color in this case?

For example, red hair emphasizes problematic skin very strongly. And if you listen to stylists, and you are “Autumn”, then you seem to have no other options. That's when it's time to listen to your inner "I". Or maybe it doesn't want you to be a redhead? And not everyone likes to emphasize freckles.

Alternatively, you can look through several fashionable glossy magazines. Circle all the models there with the same appearance color type as yours (now it doesn’t matter if they have a wig or colored lenses), and see whose image is closer to you in spirit.

For starters, you can try not only to dye your hair in the color you like, but also buy similar clothes or accessories. Change the image in order to soon find a new one for yourself (well, or stay in this - all of a sudden you make friends!). It's all about courage. Let yourself feel who you really are, and you can move mountains - let alone choose some kind of hair helmet!

A few "technical" points

When buying a professional hair helmet, it is important not to forget about the right amount of developer. It is sold in individual plastic bags and comes in different concentrations. 6% is the best option.

If the hair reaches the shoulders, then one box of paint is no longer enough: it is better to recolor than undercolor. But you don’t need to overdo it: we need healthy hair.


If you have chosen a fairly light hair color, it makes sense to play it safe and keep it on your hair for 10 minutes longer than the prescribed period, so that the color is guaranteed to "take".

Tint the roots should be regularly, depending on the rate of natural growth of your hair, but at least once a month. Contrary to the common misconception about “stylish” blondes, regrown roots seem to tell others that you were thrown onto a desert island for a couple of months, and, alas, your hairdresser was not with you.

Darker-colored hair can be tinted less often. You can navigate by the temples - there it is most noticeable.

And, of course, take care of your hair! You can experiment at least all your life, but it is important to remember about masks, balms, lotions and appropriate professional care for colored hair.

An excellent story on how to choose the right hair color, see the video:

Erofeevskaya Natalya

For men, girls and women of any age are divided into three types: blondes, brunettes and redheads. But we ourselves understand that not everything is so primitive, and the palettes of well-known branded coloring agents are voluminous and diverse: blonds, chocolates, chestnuts, ashy, black and copper tones - their number is close to infinity, and the newly released collections are full of a variety of "tastes".

The easiest way for a woman to change a habitual and even slightly annoying way that a woman knows is a haircut and / or coloring. But not every beauty is ready to part with maxi or midi hair length, but to change their color and thereby add bright notes to the image - why not? But the color, even if it is, cannot be taken at random: the result may not justify itself, “kill” the face and “erase” the eyes.

Hair color during dyeing forms the individuality of the individual, but the procedure for choosing the right option is complex and responsible

General classification of color types

The correct choice of hair color is based on the female color type. Some stylists who work with hairstyles do not bother much and distinguish only two types of women: “cold” and “warm”. In their classification, they are based on the color and type of skin, the iris of the eyes and the natural shade of hair given by nature.

Warm appearance includes golden or peach undertones of the skin, eyes of amber, green or tea color. In the usually chestnut shades of hair, copper strands flash through. Let's call Penelope Cruz as bright media representatives of the warm color type. “Warm” girls and women are recommended any warm shades that enliven the natural hair color and harmonize perfectly with it - golden, red, hazel.

It is categorically not recommended to bring cold tones into the warm color type, which include numerous ashy and platinum, as well as light blond - unusual for fairly dark skin, they will highlight every wrinkle and visually add a dozen years to their owner.

Warm color type - warm golden-copper-red color scheme and no ash and classic blond

Cold beauties are characterized by blue and gray-green, as well as light brown eyes, combined with light or pale skin with a barely noticeable blush. The natural color of the hair varies from ashen of varying degrees of saturation to the color of the raven wing. Spectacular, original and stylish on such women will look platinum or black, and for those with dark and black hair, a noble shade of red wine and mahogany will do. But warm and bright red, golden and honey shades will create a color imbalance, worsen and make the complexion unhealthy greenish, unfavorably shading it with its sunshine.

Cold color type - choose paint among ash and black shades, all kinds of blond and natural light brown, bypassing golden-red and hazel tones

Winter spring Summer Autumn

More scrupulous stylists and masters of hairdressing approach the matter more globally and distinguish not two very generalized color types, but four - two in each of the indicated ones: Spring and Autumn are warm, Winter and, oddly enough, Summer are cold. The principles remain the same, but the colors can be chosen more carefully:

Summer is the most common cold color type among Russian women: pale or slightly olive, practically non-tanning skin; gray-blue, gray-green, green-blue, and sometimes hazel eyes; "Native hair" - light blond (necessarily with an ashy tint) or cold chestnut. The optimal tones for hair coloring are from a cool blond with a light brown undertone to hazelnut chocolate.
Winter - pale, even bluish skin; necessarily dark hair - from dark chestnut to blue-black; eyes of saturated bright color - gray, blue, brown. Optimal dark tones for hair coloring: from chocolate and cold chestnut to ultra-black.

Spring - well-tanned ivory or bronze light skin and light, wheaten hair, eyes can be different - blue, green, hazel. Optimal tones for hair coloring: warm wheat shades and cappuccino, caramel, nut, copper and amber tones.
Autumn - native hair will certainly cast gold or copper, skin from easily burned, almost transparent to dark with an excellent even tan, eyes of any color, but always with luminous golden sparks. Optimum tones for hair coloring: from golden-copper and caramel to chestnut and hot chocolate.

Determining your own color type and orienting yourself in choosing hair dye is the surest way not to get into a mess when changing your image: the palette of tones recommended for each color type is wide, and therefore every girl or woman will find one hundred percent her own color in it.

Skin condition

Few people who want to change their natural hair color think about the fact that the result obtained after seemingly such a careful selection is far from ideal, because the skin of the face has played a role. Unhealthy skin - acne, allergic rashes, skin irritations, liver and age spots, peeling - requires not only close attention and care, but also the right choice of hair dye, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation and making all these facial “charms” clearer and more visible.

An unsuccessfully chosen hair color will make an unnecessary emphasis on problematic facial skin.

Radical colors - very dark tones (dark chestnut, black, blue-black), very light tones (warm and cold blonds, ash, etc.), rich red or copper - will only emphasize all skin imperfections. With not very attractive skin, it is not recommended to experiment with hair dyes that are more than a couple of tones different from natural. Full coloring of the head is optional, but it will be somewhat more organic to perform color coloring in suitable tones, and for beautiful light heads -. Then the main tone of the hairstyle will remain its own, native, and the skin of the face with imperfections will not draw attention to itself.

How to choose a new hair color?

If the determination to change the image has grown stronger, you have decided on the color type, it is time to ask yourself the question: what do I want? Bring a subtle revival into the usual hairstyle with tones in harmony with the “native” color, perform coloring or radically transform from a brunette to a blonde or vice versa?

If you prefer to dye your hair at home, then, narrowing down the search for the desired tone to your own color type, in the cosmetics store in the department for coloring and hair care, refer to the palette of the selected manufacturer. The palette is a line of tones, for greater clarity, made in the form of a “color map” with samples of colored strands and usually a two-digit number for each. The first digit in this number indicates the depth of the color, the second - its shade. In natural light conditions, determine whether the strand of the palette corresponds to your own “native” tone, and then (depending on whether you want to become darker or lighter) choose a tone for coloring that differs from yours within two points. And now, in this depth and proposed shades, choose the one that is closer to the soul.

When choosing professional shades and wanting a natural result, use a palette of colors that is developed by branded manufacturers

Turning from a brunette into a blonde in one fell swoop will not work even with the help of a professional stylist: such an execution is beyond the power of even healthy and strong hair - global lightening is performed only gradually. But from light to dark - please: the dark pigment will joyfully block the light one at a time.

The right choice of tone for coloring will refresh the face and make it rested and young, and the eyes - expressive and deep; unsuccessful paint will emphasize imperfections and shade the skin of the face with an unhealthy color.

April 27, 2014, 12:51 pm

Modern means of coloring allow you to create a huge number of different shades of hair. The more choice, the more interesting, of course, and it is easier to look original. However, not everything is so simple - you cannot dye your hair based on only one desire or sympathy for a particular shade.

The color should correspond to the type of face, eyes, character, emphasize outstanding nuances, and not become the reason for highlighting flaws. This material will be devoted to the secrets of color selection.

Appearance color types

It is customary to divide color types into four main groups, each of which received a name corresponding to the season. Types are distributed in uneven parts. For example, more women belong to "summer" (there is a tan or natural swarthyness, freckles, etc.) than to any other group.

It is important to know your color type, because it is he who will help you correctly determine the acceptable shades of hair.


The rarest kind. It implies a combination of snow-white skin, light-colored eyes and a natural shade of hair, characteristic of blondes. This also includes girls with golden or slightly reddish curls. As a rule, these are not very decisive women for whom changing hair color is a difficult decision. However, oddly enough, almost any shades are suitable for them.


The most common color type. The combination of eyes of blue or green shades with skin on which the tan lies well and evenly. For summer girls, a light range of colors is great: ash, platinum, various shades of light brown and bright red.


This type is somewhat reminiscent of the two previous ones, however, it stands out from them with a light golden tint of the skin, just like summer safely “absorbing” the sun's rays. The hair is naturally in the spectrum from golden to red, often curly. Lots of freckles. The eyes are dark green colors, including olive and amber, as well as brown. Red-brown colors are suitable for this type: fiery, copper, cognac, chocolate, etc. to dark brown.


Milky skin with a light, barely noticeable blush. The eyes are "ice blue" or grey-brown. The hair is usually dark in color. A new color should also be chosen in dark colors: from dark chocolate to raven's wing.

Hair color and face type

When choosing a color, the type of face is also important. How to choose the perfect hair color for your face? Many probably remember the rule when choosing the colors of clothes, when a lighter one adds volume, and a dark one, on the contrary, hides it. A similar picture is with shades of hair that will help to emphasize the correct facial features and camouflage imperfections.

Important! Often one color may not be enough to hide imperfections. We should not forget about the ways of styling hair.

The main task of correcting the visual perception of a face is the desire to make it as close as possible to the "standard", i.e. oval. Women who are naturally given this type can not think about color - almost any will do.

A round face needs to be “stretched” a little. For this, dark shades are suitable, hiding the extra volume in the cheek area. For rectangular faces, on the contrary, light colors will be appropriate, blurring the clear edges of the corners. It is more difficult for women with square faces - because they need to simultaneously stretch the perception of facial features and hide the corners. They should pay attention to radical coloring, when the upper part of the hair is dark and the roots are light.

How to choose the color of hair dye according to the type of appearance

The color type has already been sorted out above. Here it is worth dwelling on other aspects of types. Oddly enough, but we are talking about the internal perception of a woman herself. Whatever the external signs and the conclusions drawn on their basis, the character of a person is important when choosing a shade of hair.

It is unlikely that a blue-black color will suit a gentle, romantic person. Also, gentle light brown shades will not suit a rebel hooligan. A vamp woman will feel great in bright, radical colors, but calm pastel colors are likely to smear the whole image.

Of course, you can choose the color for the desired image, and by nature a romantic girl has a chance to turn into a burning brunette. However, you need to understand that for your inner feeling it will be akin to wearing a mask - to play a role, to reincarnate for a short time, but the use of such an image can constantly become uncomfortable for the state of mind.

Rules for choosing hair color by skin type

The relationship between skin and hair tones has already been discussed when considering color types. It is worth looking at this aspect in more detail and with specific examples.

"Transparent" skin

Pale, seemingly transparent or slightly golden skin can be attributed to this type. As a rule, this type also has naturally light eyebrows and eyelashes. The ideal hair colors for such skin will be light golden: from flaxen to honey, golden ash and soft light chocolate.

Velvety skin

These include peach and olive, ivory and delicate bronze. These skin tones are not very sunbathing and burn easily. Bright colors of the dark spectrum are suitable for such women: red, rich chestnut, copper or walnut. As you can see, they all have a tendency to reddish color.

porcelain skin

This is a cold type. The skin can vary from pinkish to bluish, while it is matte. Another distinguishing feature is that the tan lasts as long as possible. These ladies will suit shades of cold, but different tones. Both blue-black and light silver will be equally good. But yellow tones should be avoided.

warm pink

Unlike matte pink, this skin is more "transparent". Often accompanied by pale pink lips. For such women, steel-gray shades of light colors will be appropriate: platinum (blond), ashy variations from white to light blond.

Choosing the color of hair dye for the eyes

Let's divide all possible eyes (their color, of course) into four main groups. If a woman has some kind of transitional form, then it will be possible to use the recommendations related to both groups.

Important! When choosing a color, it is desirable to take into account not one, but many different factors and types.

We take into account the natural color of the hair when choosing a paint

It is believed that initially nature created a person harmonious. This refers to the combination of eye, hair and skin colors. Therefore, many stylists suggest not to deviate from their natural color by more than two shades. This will give a deliberate "hit in color" and it will be almost impossible to make a mistake.

Of course, the color that a person had in his youth and before the first staining (if any) is considered natural. Last but not least, this applies to graying ladies: gray hair is not a natural color.

If, nevertheless, the lady decided on a radical change in hair color, it is necessary to monitor the growing roots and tint them in time. You can make the task easier with multi-color coloring, where the natural color will become one of the shades used.

Coming to the office of a professional stylist, you can choose your future hair color quite simply. Firstly, specialists have a lot of improvised means to demonstrate the result of their work. Second, great experience.

What do you do if you don't feel like going to the hairdresser? Or do you want to confirm, check the choice of a stylist? Professionals advise using the "method by contradiction":

  1. Initially, you can imagine that all the colors available in nature will suit a person.
  2. Next, the color type is determined, and, based on the above rules, all unsuitable ones are excluded.
  3. At the next stages, the types of a person (character), face, skin color, eyes, natural hair are established, and everything that is not appropriate is deleted one by one.
  4. As a rule, there will be only a few shades left, it will be very easy to choose between them.

This is a fairly simple, but very effective way. It can be used not only for choosing hair color, but also for selecting other elements of the image.

Stylists recommend not to color at home. In other words, the people who make money from it advise everyone to carry their money to them. Of course, this is logical. You can “rebel” and out of a sense of protest do everything yourself.

However, it should be understood that staining is a complex process, and some mistakes can become irreparable.

If a woman nevertheless decided on the risk of an independent procedure, you need to remember exactly:

  1. All chemicals involved in the process must be of the same brand, and it must be a high quality brand.
  2. Apply the coloring composition to dry hair.
  3. On dirty hair, the paint goes much better. Some stylists consider this rule mandatory.
  4. Before painting, it is better to treat the scalp with petroleum jelly - this will protect it from the aggressive environment of the dye and, as a result, from the formation of dandruff.
  5. The solution is applied from the roots to the ends, and for a more even distribution, you can use a comb with frequent teeth.
  6. After the procedure, it is necessary to use special detergents and care products “for colored hair”.

In addition to all the rules and secrets, you need to accurately follow the instructions attached to the coloring agents.

Free Hair Color Matching Services: Should You Use Them?

The Internet has become an assistant in many cases. Color matching is no exception - there are a huge number of online services on this topic. What could be more convenient - pick up a photo, upload it to the site, set the parameters and enjoy the result. However, there is a whole range of problems that no such service can assess and process:

  1. Accurately determine the color of the eyes, skin, and, therefore, accurately follow the selection rules associated with this.
  2. The service definitely does not recognize a character from a photograph.
  3. Various shadows, reflections, strands of hair can create an incorrect look of the face.
  4. A photo is a static image, but in life a person is mobile, has facial expressions, etc.
  5. Finally, a color will be suggested, but it is not known whether it will be able to lie on specific hair.

This does not mean that such services should be avoided. They can be a good tool for experimentation, reflection or verification of an already made decision.

They should not be treated as the ultimate truth, but as superficial advice that sets the direction of thought.

Choosing a new color is not easy. But there is nothing overwhelming in this procedure. You need to know the rules, methods, use the tips, and the created image will bring its owner many pleasant minutes and sensations!

And a few more tips on choosing a hair color for yourself - in the next video.

In order to successfully choose the color of your hair, emphasize all the expressive features or muffle the flaws, you need to determine your appearance color type. Each color type is suitable for a specific palette, with which you can even choose the colors of your wardrobe.

1. Spring

Girls of this color type are distinguished by tenderness, warmth and romance. Therefore, shades must be selected based on these qualities.


  • Leather: light, with a warm golden hue. Often tans badly and has a slight blush on the cheeks.
  • Eyes: blue, light blue, light green, gray and turquoise.
  • Hair: light blond, honey, light chestnut, red with a golden hue. Very often there are light curls and strands that are lighter than the rest of the hair.

What is suitable?

For the spring type of appearance, light, golden, red and caramel shades are ideal, as well as feminine haircuts and hairstyles. You can lighten individual strands or make highlights.

What doesn't fit?

Avoid cold and ashy tones, which will only add extra pallor to your face.

2. Summer

The main difference between the summer color type of appearance is its cold features. Colors such as ash, silver and cool blue dominate.


  • Leather: different shades (often olive), tans well, red or pink blush.
  • Eyes: all shades of gray, as well as light brown and rarely dark green.
  • Hair: light blond without yellowness, chestnut and dark blond, often fade in the sun and split.

What is suitable?

If the hair color is lighter, choose wheat and pearl shades or light brown. For dark hair, ash-brown shades with hints of reddish reflections are ideal.

What doesn't fit?

Avoid bright reds, reds, yellows, and blacks that will make you look older.

3. Autumn

The autumn color type is associated with a bright and warm image in a red palette. Most Slavs have the appearance of the autumn color type.


  • Leather: peach color, often with red freckles, even complexion without blush. It does not lend itself well to tanning and has a tendency to burn and redden from exposure to the sun.
  • Eyes: green, olive, amber, light brown. Often very expressive and bright.
  • Hair: red, chestnut with a red tinge.

What is suitable?

The whole palette of brown is ideal: chocolate, walnut, burgundy, cappuccino and red shades. A fiery red color can compensate for the lack of blush. Light brown shades are also good.

What doesn't fit?

Avoid golden tones and wheaten blondes.

4. Winter

The main characteristic is the sharp contrast between complexion and hair color. Appearance by nature is very spectacular, so it will be very difficult to change something.


  • Leather: light, porcelain, pale with a blue tint, pale pink. If there is no contrast, the skin may be dark, olive, or with a hint of yellow.
  • Eyes: gray, cold blue, brown, dark brown, brown with an olive tint.
  • Hair: black, chocolate-cognac, straight and thick, rarely curly.

What is suitable?

Blue-black, as well as eggplant or ashy tones, will look flawless. The saturation of the black color makes the winter appearance unique and inimitable.

What doesn't fit?

Discard the golden hues and wheaten blonde palette.

In order to successfully choose a hair color according to the color type, you need to correctly determine it and follow all the tips.

In the picture below you can see a short overview of the shades that are characteristic of each color type.

How to choose a hair color for the face, according to the color of the eyes and skin?

When choosing paint according to the color of the skin of the face, you need to remember that “platinum blonde” and “burning black” clearly highlight all the flaws. Therefore, for such shades you need flawless skin without a single flaw.

If you tend to blush, avoid bright red tones, which, together with your habit of blushing, will only emphasize and highlight it even more.

Choose a paint based on the tone of your face: if the skin is warm, choose warm colors, if it is cold, choose cold ones. This will help to avoid additional pallor or yellowness.