Unusual do-it-yourself snowflake for the competition. Snowflakes with your own hands or what you can make snowflakes from. Wire snowflakes

To make a beautiful paper snowflake, you should stock up on ready-made templates for creating a pattern in advance. Of course, you can cut paper without using special patterns, but this method is only suitable for those who already have a certain experience and artistic taste. The process of making openwork snowflakes is quite simple, for this you need to fold a sheet of paper in half so that you get a triangle. We fold the resulting triangle two more times, after which we cut out the pattern using a pre-prepared template. This is applicable to create traditional hexagonal snowflakes.

To make a snowflake with eight corners, first fold a sheet of paper in half twice in a triangle, and then diagonally once more. Octagonal snowflakes look more elegant but are more difficult to cut due to more layers of paper.

Patterns for cutting paper snowflakes

Instead of plain white paper, you can use paper napkins, thin papyrus paper, foil, or old magazines. Beautiful openwork snowflakes on the walls and windows of the room will perfectly complement holiday decor. From light paper snowflakes, you can make a great garland or streamer with threads hanging down. You can also decorate with a homemade snowflake new year card or gift wrapping. Snowflakes made of a denser material will be the perfect decoration for a children's New Year's costume.

Volumetric paper snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • thick paper of any color;

  • pencil;

  • ruler;

  • scissors;

  • stapler (glue or tape).


Beautiful pasta snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • pasta of various shapes;

  • brushes of different sizes;

  • glue Moment;

  • acrylic paints;

  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, sparkles, artificial snow, stickers, etc.).


Openwork snowflake in quilling technique

Quilling (paper rolling) - is called the direction in art associated with the manufacture of flat or volumetric figures from strips of paper twisted into spirals. Using the quilling technique, you can create incredibly beautiful openwork snowflakes.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;

  • ruler;

  • pencil;

  • scissors;

  • tassel;

  • glue;

  • awl.

Greetings to all! Today is November 12, and there is still no snow in our city. What's the weather like for you? We are all already in anticipation of winter fun and the snow-white attire of nature. I really want to go outside and feel how slowly and gracefully snowflakes fall on you.

As a matter of fact, we will talk about them, about these white cut-out beauties! Probably, these fluffies are an indispensable attribute of decorating houses, streets, school and kindergarten premises in winter period time. There are different ways to make this craft. The main difference is the material from which it is made and the cutting methods. We will talk about how to make paper snowflakes using different schemes and cutting patterns.

Do not forget that such blanks can be used as crafts for the upcoming New Year. Ideas of interesting and beautiful things that you can do with your own hands, you can get ready for the holidays in advance.

You know, I want to advise you to introduce such a tradition in your family: to get together on cold evenings and create with the children, making and cutting out these simple designs, and then sticking them on the windows. And let passers-by envy your beauty!!

The easiest way to make a snowflake is to fold the sheet 5 times. We fold the first four times in half, and the fifth diagonally. From the resulting workpiece, cut out any patterns and unfold. Our New Year's beauty is ready!!

But it's very simple and not really interesting way. To complicate it, you can perform a tetrahedral version:

Or pentagonal:

Here is another simple and easy way cuts of our product:

And to make it even clearer to you, let's now take a step-by-step look at the manufacturing process:

  • We will make snowflakes out of paper square shape. If you have a standard A4 sheet, then bring it to the desired shape. Now fold it so that you get a triangle. We cut off the excess part and get a perfect square.
  • We add the square diagonally, we get a triangle.

  • Fold the triangle to the far corners, getting another smaller triangle.
  • We have a preparation. Apply any pattern on it and carefully cut it out.
  • You just have to straighten ready product so as not to catch it and not tear it.

On a note!! This is the easiest way to make a snowflake. Here the result depends on the selected pattern. The more complex the pattern, the more unusual and interesting the result will be.

Beautiful do-it-yourself snowflakes (we make from paper)

I would also like to note that the more complex the decoration pattern, the more difficult it will be for you to cut it out, so calculate your strength.

For you, one more photo instruction for making New Year's crafts:

  • Make a diagonal fold. If you don't have square sheet, then do not forget to cut off the excess part. Next, fold the workpiece diagonally again.
  • The widest part of the triangle, that is, its base, is divided into 3 equal segments. We bend one corner so that the edge ends at the level of the mark. It will be below the base, but strictly below the mark. Now fold the second part and cut off the uneven ends.
  • Draw or cut out a snowflake right away.

I think, in general, you already have an idea of ​​​​how to carry out these simple designs and there should no longer be any difficulties in their manufacture. For you, there is another video story on our topic, and we move on to more complex options.

Volumetric snowflake. Cutting templates

To make a three-dimensional structure, you need to master the techniques of kirigami and quilling. Let's take a closer look at these two methods.

  • Kirigami paper snowflake

We will need: bright colored paper (the reverse side should be white or colored); scissors; pencil with ruler.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out a square from colored paper of any size.

2. Fold it four times to make the part a quarter.

3. We make a diagonal fold.

4. Cut off the beveled corner from above.

5. Cut out symmetrical triangles at the outer side of the figure.

6. With scissors from bottom to top, we make two cuts on both sides of the sharp corner, as well as one more cut on the right or left.

7. Unfold the paper and gently smooth it out.

8. Now arbitrarily bend the formed corners up or down.

9. Having folded all the corners, iron the craft with an iron.

10. When you place the product, then turn it as desired with the front or wrong side towards you.

When you are familiar with this technique, I offer you templates of more original types:

  • like this for example

  • or such

  • maybe you will like this option

  • Snowflake in quilling technique

And this is a very painstaking work, but the result is the envy of everyone. Although, if you figure it out, everything is done very simply.

  • We take a regular sheet of paper and draw the same lines using a ruler with a pencil. Cut the sheet into strips.
  • Take an awl and attach the edge of the paper strip to its end. Now we wind the strip on the tool.
  • We glue the end of the strip to the resulting coil and remove the roll from the awl. Make another such coil, but lightly squeeze it with your fingers on one side. Make five more of these droplet coils.

  • Take the first blank and glue six "droplets" to it.
  • Again we roll six coils and squeeze with our fingers on both sides. Glue new details between the snowflake petals.
  • Take three strips and bend them in half, then cut them. You should have six short strips. Of these, twist six coils. Glue a new coil to each end of the part.
  • From long strips we make six more coils, only slightly larger than the first. To do this, do not tighten the paper too much. Glue them on top between small rolls.
  • You need to make six more large coils and bend their sides with your fingers so that you get a square. We glue them with the top to large coils.
  • Take a pencil and wind it around paper strip, glue the end of the strip and remove the coil. We glue this part to one of the tops of the snowflake and thread a ribbon or rope into the ring.

Here is a diagram of how you can still glue the parts:

  • And you can also make such a three-dimensional 3D figure.

We will need: paper, scissors and a clerical knife; scotch; glue; stapler.

Cooking process:

1. Make six identical squares out of paper.

2. Bend each square diagonally and make 3 cuts to the middle on both sides. The cuts should not touch, leave 0.5-1 cm between them.

3. Unfold the sheet and lay it so that the uncut edges are vertical. From the inside, you need to twist the two nearest edges into a tube. Glue with glue or tape.

4. Expand the workpiece and connect the next two strips. Again, turn the part over and connect the 3rd row of strips. Glue the last strips too, turning the workpiece upside down.

5. We do the same with six squares. Then fasten them in three elements, deployed in one direction. Then we fix both parts into a three-dimensional figure.

6. If necessary, fix the sides of the product with a stapler or glue.

And another master class on making winter beauties:

How to make a snowflake from a toilet paper roll?

It turns out that in order to make such crafts, it is not necessary to use plain paper, you can take rolls from toilet paper. And the work process is very simple, you need to take only one roll, PVA glue and paints, you can use acrylic, or gouache. For decor, take glitter, sequins or confetti.

Now just cut the toilet paper roll into equal parts, flatten it and glue it. Top with your choice of material.

Here are a couple more design ideas for roll structures:

  • use small and large pieces

  • From above you can take different elements of decoration

  • Or you can just cover it with gold paint

Schemes of paper snowflakes for the New Year

Now that you are familiar with the different techniques for making this type of jewelry, I want to offer you diagrams and ready-made templates. Take, save, cut and create! May the holiday always reign in your house.

  • scheme 1;

  • scheme 2;

  • scheme 3;

  • scheme 4;

  • scheme 5;

  • scheme for beading;

  • pasta beauty.

That's all for me. I look forward to your comments. All excellent mood! Bye Bye!

The traditional, familiar and beloved decoration of the room for the New Year holidays is paper snowflakes. They can be large and small, voluminous and flat, single and in a garland. There are a lot of options, everyone will choose the right one for themselves, and in the article we will look at the most basic ways of how you can make snowflakes for the New Year with your own hands from paper with detailed description and photographs.

For work, we will need 1 sheet of A4, it can be colored or white. We fold it exactly in half lengthwise, then into an accordion. The edge of the accordion is equal to two centimeters. Unfold and cut in half along the fold line. Received 2 identical accordions.

On the outside of the accordion, draw the outlines of a snowflake, as in video 1, and cut it out. We draw the second accordion and cut it out in the same way.

We glue the openwork accordions together, fasten the middle with glue. We got a beautiful carved snowflake.

Huge paper bag snowflakes

Let's try to make voluminous ones with our own hands for the New Year, a photo step by step with a description is given below. These paper snowflakes are very unusual and interesting.

They come out voluminous, beautiful due to the fact that they need to be made from paper bags, which you can buy or pre-glue yourself.

For this work, we need (for 1 snowflake):

  1. Paper bags 30 * 9 cm.
  2. Cardboard strips 20 * 9 cm and 20 * 1 cm.
  3. Simple pencil and ruler.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Glue or thin double-sided tape.

We make a snowflake like this:

  1. On cardboard 20 by 9 cm, draw a pattern of one repeating part and cut it out.
  2. We transfer the template to the packages and cut it out. For 1 snowflake, you need to use 10 packages, from which we get 10 snowflake rays.
  3. Further in the center we glue each ray with the neighboring one. To do this, spread a strip of glue or glue double-sided tape or adhesive tape.
  4. Expanding our volumetric snowflake and also fasten the extreme rays to each other.

Any snowflakes can be lightly smeared on the edges with glue and sprinkled with sparkles or walked over them with a dry brush, with a small amount of paint of any color, so you can shade the snowflake.

Asterisk - snowflake

For this amazing and unusual, bright star - snowflakes, we need:

  1. Colored paper. Sheets 11 by 16 cm. Six sheets of different shades.
  2. Glue and scissors.

We fold each sheet into a tube and glue it, then fold it in half and cut it into 2 even parts. We glue all the parts, laying on top of each other.

Cut off the top of the entire stack into a sharp corner on both sides. Unfold the stack and glue the ends. It turned out an asterisk with sharp tips.

Children will love these stars - snowflakes. They are bright and unusual, voluminous and large. They can decorate the whole room.

Big and colorful beauties

Let's see how to make colorful large paper snowflakes with your own hands for the New Year. Such beauties are quite simple to make, and they look bright and beautiful. They are good for decorating children's rooms, kindergarten or school. Of course, they can be made plain white, as is customary, for this you can use office paper.

For creativity we need:

  1. Colored paper of any shades, double-sided is better. For 1 snowflake you need 2 leaves.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue.

Let's start creating:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper into a triangle at an angle, cut off the excess.
  2. Fold in half again straight from the top.
  3. Next, bend the corners of the triangle in different directions to the middle.
  4. Draw a line from the center to the corner and cut out the droplet.
  5. Mark with a pencil and make cuts to get a snowflake openwork.
  6. Expand the snowflake and bend the strips of rays to the middle, glue them.
  7. Make 1 more of the same layer and glue them together in the center so that the rays of the top layer fall into the gaps between the rays of the bottom layer.

That's all. A snowflake can be hung on a braid and decorate a room with it.

Snowflake in modular origami technique

Origami is a technique for creating amazing figures from modules made from paper squares. In this technique, you can make a snowflake. It will be unusual, beautiful and compare favorably with the usual flat and voluminous snowflakes. To work on a modular snowflake, we need:

  1. Squares of one-sided blue paper 10 by 10 cm - 8 pieces.
  2. Glue.

We collect a snowflake from 8 modules. They all add up the same way:

  1. We bend the square diagonally with the blue side out. Fold in half again and unfold
  2. We bend the long side to the vertical center line and bend the corner up. Fold the other side in the same way.
  3. Open the paper square.
  4. By folds we assemble the module in the other direction, as in video 2.
  5. We do exactly the same for all 8 modules.
  6. Now add the modules. We put the white triangle of one module into the pocket from another module, fix it with glue.

So we connect all the modules. We attach the braid and the snowflake is ready.

Snowflake - fluff, we make from paper squares

Beautiful fluffy and voluminous snowflakes for the New Year with your own hands can be made from squares of paper. Colored squares can be cut out of double-sided colored paper or take office paper to write in the form of squares. 1 snowflake will take 6 squares.

For work you will need:

  1. One and a half sheet of colored double-sided paper, we will make squares from it.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Glue.

We make a snowflake like this:

  1. Cut out 6 squares, or take ready-made squares.
  2. Fold them diagonally into a triangle.
  3. Cut into strips 0.5 or 1 cm wide towards the center so that the center remains uncut.
  4. These will be fluffy rays of a snowflake. Now we glue each ray one by one at the tips, then in one direction, then in the other.
  5. Now let's connect 3 rays each, and after that we glue all the triplets together in the center.

The main thing is to do everything carefully and follow the instructions. The snowflake will turn out to be joyful fluffy and cheerful, it can decorate both the nursery and any other room.

shining fluff

This type of snowflake - fluff autumn is like the method of making carved paper snowflakes, which you can simply and quickly do with your own hands for the New Year. But we will sprinkle it with sparkles, and it will shine. For one snowflake, we again need 6 squares, one for each ray.

We make a snowflake according to the description given above. We use squares for recording for snowflakes or cut our own to size and any color. Then we make glitter. We take tinsel and cut its terry finely on a sheet of paper. After that, coat the rays of the snowflake with a little glue and blot them into sparkles. Attach a ribbon to the snowflake and hang it boldly on a Christmas tree or wall.

New Year's fluff

And now let's figure out how to make beautiful snowflakes - do-it-yourself paper fluffs for the New Year. These are fluffy and weightless creatures, they will create an amazing winter, new Year mood in the room. They are easy to make, all you need is paper, scissors and glue.

For 1 fluff, we need to make 3 squares of different sizes. They should have a side of 20 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm.

We fold these squares diagonally into a triangle three times, cut out a ray and cut it, forming fluffs. After unfolding and gluing with each other, overlaying those that are smaller on the largest layer.

That's all, the fluffs are ready. They can be mounted on the wall, curtains and so on. You can sprinkle them with glitter or make them colorful using a double-sided colored paper.

Snowflakes in unusual technique

To create a large fluffy snowflake, you can use napkins and the trimming technique. To do this, you need to cut out a large snowflake template from thick paper. It should be very simple, just 8 rays from the center. Next, prepare the napkins by cutting them into squares. Take any shade of napkins to your taste.

Now we do this:

  1. Lubricate with PVA glue a segment of the beam.
  2. We wind 1 square of the napkin onto a stick and trim it to the surface smeared with glue. So we fill the entire snowflake, attaching each subsequent square quite tightly.
  3. The closer the pieces of the napkin are to each other, the fluffier the snowflake will turn out.

Such a snowflake should be hung on a braid or put on a table or shelf. It can be decorated with sparkles or any small decorative elements, supplement with artificial spruce branches.

To visualize how to make some more types of snowflakes for the New Year with your own hands from paper, watch a video on the topic.

Decorating your home is a real tradition that comes to every family on the eve of the New Year. So, it is at this time that you can forget about problems and some troubles and immerse yourself in childhood a little, when you can just enjoy today, completely surrendering to creativity. One of these types of creativity is the creation of snowflakes.

Openwork snowflake for decor for the New Year 2017

To create such a snowflake, you will need a few paper clips and strips of colored paper. Of course, paper can be used in any color - depending on colors your home. Then 5 minutes of your time - and the snowflake is ready.

Snowflake - an asterisk, as one of the options for Christmas decorations

Original snowflakes will decorate even the most unusual interior options. Creating such a snowflake will take you a few minutes: to do this, fold the paper as shown in the figure, cut along the lines and glue. For one snowflake, you need two similar parts.

It is worth noting that such decorations are best obtained from thick gift paper.

Volumetric snowflake for home decoration for the New Year 2017

Volumetric snowflakes became a trend on the eve of the last New Year, and are in no hurry to leave the lists of the most beautiful. So, to make such a miracle, you will need paper, scissors and glue. Such snowflakes can be hung on the walls, hung from the ceiling or made part of the decor of the Christmas tree.

Christmas snowflake with sharp edges

These "sharp snowflakes" look best when made from paper. dark colors. So, dark shades focus on acute form, thereby highlighting this snowflake from the mass of others. It is easy to make: all you need is paper and sharp scissors. Such snowflakes can be made even from ordinary napkins.

Classic snowflake for Christmas decor

The classic snowflake is a must-have for any New Year's decor. To make it unusual, use multi-colored paper of good density. Such snowflakes can be a great decoration for windows, or you can build a hanging garland from them.

To align the edges of the snowflake - use an iron.

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On the eve of the New Year holidays, everyone wants that the house was extraordinarily beautiful, cozy and fabulous. Therefore, it's time to think about what you can do to achieve your desired goal. good option decorating the front new year holidays will decorate the windows with unusual patterns, festive motives, which will bring a pre-holiday mood and a New Year's fairy tale to the usual decor of the room.

And there is no need to think that all home decorations can only be purchased in a store, while spending quite an impressive amount of money. It would be much better, united by the whole family, to do various decorations for home and Christmas tree by yourself. For such an activity, you can allocate a certain day, for example, when it is planned to install a New Year's beautiful spruce. And do not forget that this is the most exciting activity!

The easiest thing you can do with your own hands is to cut and attach snowflakes in different places. Everyone remembers how, as a child, they cut them out before the holidays in the garden. Today, becoming parents, you can spend time with your child with benefit and pleasure, cutting out beautiful snow-white snowflakes with your own hands from paper. Babies are always great joy take part in such events.

Teaching a child to cut a snowflake yourself is not at all difficult. For this you need to prepare essential tool and paper. As a basis, you can take napkins, colored paper or just a white sheet from the album.

The thickness of the sheet does not really matter. But you need to know that the most delicate and airy snowflakes are obtained from thin sheets. And too thick paper it will be hard to cut.

You will also need a pencil and sharp scissors. After the pattern for the future snowflake is selected, the paper is folded, as shown in the photo. The more additions you make, the more interesting and openwork the snowflake will turn out.

The size of the future decoration depends on how large sizes sheet is initially selected. In this case, only the desire to have a large or small snowflake influences the choice.

When the drawing is applied to paper, we proceed to cutting. This process requires special care and accuracy. In no case should you cut off the edges of the paper at the folds, as the snowflake may simply fall apart.

Children really like this process. After all, in the end you will get beauty with your own hands, which is so nice to decorate a Christmas tree, windows or walls in a room.

It should be noted that, it would seem, such a simple activity as cutting snowflakes out of paper with your own hands is a great opportunity to develop a child’s imagination, a sense of beauty and artistic taste.

It is possible and necessary to develop the abilities of your child at home, but a variety of circles in the garden, school will only help to raise the level and hone the talents of the child.

Apart from simple cutting from paper a child can be interested in making volumetric models snowflakes. These decorations are designed for older children and adults. But that doesn't make them any less interesting or beautiful.

All the same openwork paper snowflakes are taken as the basis, the pattern is transferred, for example, to polystyrene or polystyrene foam. With the help of a sharp knife, all the necessary elements are cut out, and as a result, unusually beautiful, voluminous snowflakes are obtained.

They can be left white, but if you connect the kids and paint them together with bright colors, then such decor elements will simply amaze with their unusual design. And the time spent creating them will bring all family members together. The result of your labors will be unique.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes

In this master class, we will make such a heart with a snowflake. It can be used as a bag for little gift or just like Christmas tree toy with your own hands.

First you need to print this diagram.

We transfer the scheme to paper and cut it out.

The result is two identical blanks.

To fasten together, we make cuts - on the one hand, from the top to half of the snowflake, on the other, from the bottom to half of the snowflake.

We collect the finished volumetric snowflake, threading each other.

Attach the handle.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflake is ready!

How to make a DIY 3-D snowflake

Modern technology has also reached such a seemingly simple task as creating a snowflake. As the name implies, 3-D snowflakes are a more complex, but very effective technique, due to which the made decor is distinguished by a special elegance of lines and rather unusual shapes.

What may be needed to make a snowflake with a 3D effect?

Prepare a square sheet of paper of the desired color, a pencil and a ruler, scissors or a sharp paper knife, glue. The work of making 3-D snowflakes is very painstaking and requires a lot of patience.

The first step is to draw a sheet of paper into squares. We need 6 identical squares. Then such a scheme is applied. It can be printed.

Fold the square in half diagonally, transfer the diagram as shown in the figure. Fold in half again.

The next step is cutting parallel lines. The incisions must be made in such a way that they are directed towards each other, but do not converge to the end.

We connect and glue the corners of the first small square.

Then turn over and glue the corners of the next square.

And so on in order, until all the corners are glued together.

To make the snowflake voluminous, you need to very carefully glue the corners of all the squares. As a result, six snowflakes are obtained, which, gluing together, form a three-dimensional 3-D figure.

We connect the corners of all the blanks to each other.

In order for the figure to keep its shape and not fall apart, you need to additionally glue the sides of the snowflake.

That's all, our 3-D paper snowflake is ready!

Coming up with various patterns, painting the figure with paints and even decorating with beads, you can not only create a very beautiful Christmas decoration but also to help develop the child's imagination and sense of style.

Paper snowflakes - kirigami instructions

Snowflakes - kirigami is a fairly simple way to quickly and effortlessly make a lot of beautiful jewelry. The highlight of this type of snowflake is the selection of paper. For snowflakes - kirigami you need bright colored paper.

It can be colored on one side only, but you can choose paper with rich colors on both sides.

We take an A4 sheet and fold it as shown in the photo.

Cut out a square, fold in half diagonally.

We fold two more times.

Then we print and transfer just such a scheme to the finished workpiece.

The next step is to cut patterns on the workpiece using nail scissors.

Carefully cut out the snowflake and unfold it.

Bend the resulting corners, as in the photo.

A snowflake can be decorated with stasas, beads, Christmas tinsel, and then it will become the central decoration of your New Year's home.

2 more do-it-yourself kirigami snowflake options:

The light, airy figure of a ballerina is very beautiful. If you combine two types of a beautiful snowflake and a ballerina figurine together, the effect can exceed all expectations.

It takes a lot of time to make this type of jewelry. But the work of cutting it out is quite simple, even a child can handle it. Not single figures look very impressive, but a whole garland of graceful ballerinas.

What you need to prepare for work:

  • dancing ballerina figure template;
  • thin White paper for a ballerina's tutu. Paper multilayer napkins are very well suited;
  • thin white cardboard;
  • scissors.

Choose a ballerina figurine template. In the Internet, you can find a large number of options. Simply copy the selected template into a text document, format and print. But it is much more interesting to draw a sketch yourself. Transfer the template to cardboard and cut it out.

It is very important that the cardboard is white on both sides, since the snowflake is voluminous and is clearly visible from any side. The size of the figurine is optional. There are no restrictions in this matter.