Paper weapon: knife. How to make a bladed weapon out of paper Paper knife

Children, when playing, very often want to have toys on hand that imitate real objects. Boys prefer dangerous games with weapons and, of course, no normal parent will put a real knife in the hands of a child. The toy must be believable, but safe! Paper origami comes to the aid of parents and children - weapons, knives and other toys from this material can be made easily and quickly. How to do this, read below.

How to make a ninja dagger?

Many boys are passionate about ninjas and their fighting techniques. Every self-respecting ninja has a knife called a kunai. How to make a ninja knife out of paper?

  1. Take square sheet paper and fold diagonally.
  2. Fold the resulting triangle again.
  3. Now return the figure to its original position and bend the corners so that their edge coincides with the center.
  4. Fold the shape in half in the center.
  5. Make the tip of the weapon - on one side, tuck the remaining ends into the "pockets".
  6. Roll the next sheet into a thin tube and push it three-quarters into the “pocket”.
  7. Smooth out the free end of the tube and bend it at a 90° angle.
  8. Bend the end of the tube three more times at a right angle - this will form the handle.
  9. Tuck the end of the tube into the "pocket". The ninja knife is ready!

How to make a folding knife

How to make a knife out of paper that will also fold? It's not difficult at all, the main thing is to follow the instructions!

  1. Fold a square sheet of paper twice diagonally.
  2. Align the bottom sides with the center line. Bend the top corners and align exactly.
  3. Bend the side strips so that they are vertical, then turn the paper over and fold the strips back.
  4. Bend the lower and upper corner of the future knife.
  5. Make a blade by folding two edges of the paper. The paper knife is ready!

How to make a butterfly knife?

A knife with a retractable blade can be made by first cutting out parts of it from paper. These will be 4 long narrow rectangles, 4 narrow strips and 2 short strips along the length and width of the rectangles. Cut out of white cardboard and a blade. Now start the main work.

  1. Take two rectangles and glue them with strips of cardboard, leaving the inner sides free (this is the future pocket for the blade).
  2. Glue the lid on top - the two remaining cardboard rectangles.
  3. Start working on the blade - pierce it with a toothpick, the edges of which should not be more than 2 cm on both sides.
  4. Now insert the blade into the knife body, close the knife and pierce with toothpicks on both sides.
  5. For the durability of the knife, fix the toothpicks with any glue.

How to make an assassin's knife out of paper?

Many boys are addicted to computer games and dream of having an assassin's blade at their disposal. You can make it out of paper very quickly, take only 8 sheets of paper and tape.

  1. Place 4 sheets of paper on top of each other and fold in half twice.
  2. On one side, cut a strip about 1 cm wide.
  3. Make a sharp blade by cutting off the corners on both sides.
  4. Tape the blade with tape so that it does not crumble into pieces.
  5. Now take 4 sheets of paper to make the case. Also lay them on top of each other and bend twice.
  6. Cut out the central part of two sheets, secure the rectangular pieces of paper with adhesive tape.
  7. Make a ledge-limiter out of paper, it will prevent the knife from falling out of the case. Insert the knife into the case.
  8. Now put a sheet of paper on the case, it should recede from the limiter quite a bit.
  9. Wrap the sheet around the case, leaving a small gap. Secure the ends of the sheet with tape. Now you know how to make an assassin's knife out of paper that pops out of the case with a sharp wave of the owner's hand!

Every parent will have peace of mind knowing that their child's toys are safe.

But boys and girls have completely different interests. The girls make paper flowers and the boys make paper weapons.

Therefore, this article is dedicated to all mothers and fathers who raise sons.

I suggest that you and your child create a toy weapon that is absolutely safe, and most importantly, it can be made as much as it will fit into your gun room. It all depends on the availability of paper, glue and tape in the house.

And the fact that this is creativity is already confirmed finished work. For example, a paper dagger, which has a beautiful hilt and sheath.

I think that one has only to look at these objects, as the forms of the most ideal dagger, sword or rapier are already beginning to form in the head.

So, then let's start mastering the origami technique. All descriptions will be very detailed so that my young reader can easily repeat what is shown in the figure. So let's get started.

Origami - marvelous technique, which allows you to create any things. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. In the course of training, it is honed logical thinking, attentiveness, accuracy and patience. As you understand that the boy all these qualities are very important.

And, of course, it will be very interesting for him to make a gun with his dad. This will create a community of interest and put an hour of your time to good use.

And, as we know, our adult dads are also children, so you need to make two pistols at once.

Today we will be able to make two simple options. Of course, if you add fantasies, then you can improve them, for example, add another muzzle.

For all crafts, A4 sheets are required.

A craft that a child of 4-5 years old can do.

This pistol is in two parts. Let's take dense sheet paper. We want it to be square.

Now fold it in half.

And split it into two lanes.

Now fold one of the pieces in half lengthwise.

And in half again.

Let's bend our workpiece in the middle and set it aside. Now take the rest of the strip.

We bend the edge. If it is difficult to do this manually, then use a ruler.

We turn the strip in half so that the free edges coincide completely.

We repeat this action again.

Also fold in half.

Now we turn one side at an angle.

We also fold the other side.

When we expand, we should get such a figure.

Now we connect both parts, pushing the ends of one into the formed “loops”, which were made a little earlier at the second workpiece.

We sell both parts.

We tighten the barrel and handle well.

Now let's complicate the weapon model. Let's just say the first option looked more like a flintlock pistol, while the bottom one looked more like a revolver.

We will need a square measuring 21 * 21 cm, glue, a pen or pencil and scissors.

We make blanks, for this we fold the sheet in half.

And cut along the fold line with scissors.

Take the first half and fold in half.

Expand, now we will wrap each edge to the middle.

In this picture, both edges are wrapped.

This is how we celebrate straight lines fold, along which it is then easy to roll the desired part.

Now we find the middle of the workpiece by folding it in width.

Then we turn both edges to the middle.

You see that very even folds are obtained? It's like we're drawing a grid.

And it remains to roll the workpiece along the marked lines.

We bend one edge along the marked second line.

Repeat the same action for the second edge. Here's what we get.

Remember that we still have one more half? Now we need to split it in half. To do this, find its middle along the length and cut along the fold line.

We will roll one of the parts again, only this time across.

And cut again.

We begin to collapse the part, as shown earlier.

We get such a preparation. This will be the trigger.

We need to glue the two sides.

Our trigger is ready.

Using the handle, twist the muzzle. Glue the edge with glue or tape so that our tube does not turn around.

Now we take a large workpiece and begin to wrap one of the pending segments around one edge. Glue the edge to the part, otherwise the winding will slip off it.

We glue the edge so that the winding does not unwind.

We insert the barrel into the edge of the winding.

To prevent the barrel from falling out, we bend the edge.

And we glue it so that our muzzle does not fall out. By the way, the edge of the tube is also better to miss.

Glue the trigger. After that, you need to glue all the edges of the handle.

Do all the steps in order and everything will work out.

If it is difficult to fold, focusing on your eye, then use a ruler.

Although the origami technique is quite self-sufficient and it uses only your hands and a paper sheet.

Origami weapons: diagrams for beginners

It happens that the scheme is not always clear, because it contains the most important actions and their sequence.

Therefore, I give a step-by-step description of the main types of weapons.

But a brief scheme for creating a weapon that shoots looks here. It begins with the creation of an ordinary pistol, then becomes more complicated to a revolver and ends with a paper gun.

I also give a brief scheme for creating a surreken. This is the easiest option. You can increase the number of rays to any value.

But such a knife is made very easily and has a very sounding name - kunai.

In the diagram, the sequence of actions for folding the kunai blade.

The handle can be made like a katana.

How to make easy ninja shuriken without glue

And now let's start creating a surreken. After all, a real ninja always keeps a couple of rays in his belt pockets.

Below I will show you how to make them without glue. And, if you are afraid of getting confused, then take two sheets of paper of different colors.

For four rays, we will need two landscape pages. We take the first and fold one edge diagonally. So we form the line of the free edge.

Now fold the sheet in half.

Half more.

And we find the middle of the strip in width.

We twist the bottom edge and make sure that all lines are parallel to each other.

We repeat the same action for the other edge.

We make another one of the same kind. Here's what should happen.

Now the ends of the blanks need to be bent.

Lay both strips perpendicular to each other.

We bend the folded edge and try to get into the slot that has formed in the middle with the end.

We also turn all the rays in turn, changing the side of the surreken.

Crafts for boys: axe, nunchaku, katana and butterfly knife

So, they shot from a pistol, lowered the surreken, now it's the turn of the "cold" weapons.

I really liked the idea of ​​the Slavic axe. What's more, it's very easy to do.

To create an ax we need:

  • 1 sheet of A4 paper

From the rectangular shape of the sheet, we need to make a square. Therefore, we fold it diagonally, connecting the edges and cut off the resulting excess strip. We will use it to create the handle.

Now we mark the diagonals of the resulting square.

Now we turn each edge to the center.

We turn over the workpiece.

And again, each end is bent with a point to the middle.

Turn the square over again and repeat the same steps.

Then we open two opposite edges.

Carefully fold the piece in half.

We begin to make a shaft for an ax. To do this, take the remaining free edge and find its middle.

Let's expand and now turn each edge for the found center line.

Let's fold the edge inward.

Now we need the shaft not to turn around, so we glue its internal parts.

Lubricate the top with glue.

And we glue both parts so that the shaft is inside.

Everything, you can decorate the toy with runes or inscriptions and run to organize a camp.

Now we will start creating a katana. These are the weapons of real samurai - the most fearless warriors Japan.

We will need:

  • 2 sheets of white paper
  • 1 color sheet
  • scotch
  • stationery knife

Let's fold one white page in half, draw a good line along the fold line.

We turn the edge to the intended fold.

And roll the katana blade.

So that it does not turn back, we carefully glue the junction of the edge with a strip of adhesive tape.

The tip of the knife is rounded, so we do it.

Now we take the remaining white sheet and start making a tube from one end. You need to twist diagonally. Secure the edges with tape.

Now let's move on to the handle. To do this, we measure the edge of the blade.

On the fourth part of the A4 format, mark exactly this width and fold it.

Glue a strip of tape along the edge.

We turn one more fourth part from A4 in the middle.

And again, but in a different direction.

We also fix so that the part is complete.

Mark the width of the blade and draw a rhombus.

It must be cut with scissors or a clerical knife.

Here are our details. We begin to collect katana.

We insert a tube into the blade, it will go beyond it. Therefore, we insert the handle, grabbing part of the blade.

We put on a limiter.

I could not resist the folding knife, so I want a lot of people to see this craft.

We will need:

  • 4 sheets (colors: 2 red, 1 blue and 1 yellow)
  • toothpicks
  • glue gun

We fold the red paper in half and divide it into two parts.

Roll up the strip.

From all the red paper you get 4 strips.

Cut the blue paper into two pieces. We take one half and proceed to the formation of the blade.

We give shape to the tip of the blade. Be sure to seal it with tape.

From the remaining half we make a strip. We take the blade and cut its base to the width of the second blue stripe.

We insert the prepared strip into these slots.

Glue the edges well with tape and make two holes with an awl. We make the same holes at the ends of the red blanks.

Insert toothpicks into the holes.

Roll up a tube from a yellow sheet.

We divide the tube into two equal parts and begin to glue it on hot glue.

We connect it with two parallel red stripes, forming one side of the handle - the sinuses.

We cut off all ugly and protruding edges.

Lubricate the slots with plenty of glue, and cut off the ends of the toothpicks or bite off with wire cutters.

Separately, I will say about the nunchucks. This invention was used by the Chinese when they were under pressure from Japan. They were forbidden to use any weapons and began to train with chains. Then this art developed into this kind.

We will need:

  • 8 sheets of paper
  • 20 m cord
  • glue gun.

You can twist six tubes in advance. First, one end is tucked, then we move diagonally.

We connect three tubes and wrap them in paper. Help yourself with hot glue.

So we got two blanks.

The ends of the cord are also smeared with hot glue and inserted between the tubes. We are waiting for the cord to be fixed.

We seal and weight the edges.

These are the options for men's crafts, I offer you. Some of them are made very simply, for some you need to puff. But I think that the reward for you will be happy boys who will be busy playing for several hours.

Any weapon that is featured in popular fantasy films and cartoon series can be reproduced at home.

There are several ways to make such toys. For example, you can make a butterfly knife out of paper. Such a toy is made in just a few minutes.

What materials will be required

To make your own safety knife, you will need:

  • several sheets of thick paper 15x20 cm - 2 red, 2 blue, 1 yellow.
  • sharp scissors;
  • several wooden toothpicks;
  • transparent tape.

Also, to assemble a believable paper knife, you will need to prepare an awl.

Knife blanks

To make a paper knife with your own hands, take a red sheet, fold it in half along the long side and cut it into two equal parts. Fold each part in half again and fold three times so that you get a strip about 1 cm wide.

Do the same with the second red sheet. You should end up with 4 identical red stripes. In the future, these will be the "handles" of the knife. Wrap the strips with tape so they don't unravel.

Fold a sheet of blue paper in half and cut it into two parts. Fold one of the halves in half, then in half again and again. Cut off the end of the resulting wide strip in the form of a knife edge and wrap the resulting “blade” with tape.

From the second blue half, fold a narrower strip, folding it in half and then three times. Also cut its end in the form of a blade. Insert the second strip into the first to make the "blade" more rigid.

Cut the second sheet of blue paper in half. Roll a wide strip from one of the halves. Cut the blunt end of the “blade” along the edges along the length of 2-3 cm. Insert the blue strip at the bottom of the “blade” perpendicularly and secure it with tape.

How to make a paper safety knife: assembly

At the intersection of the “blade” and the strip, make two holes with an awl. Insert into the holes with a toothpick. Poke holes in the ends of each of the 4 red stripes you made earlier.

Roll a yellow sheet of paper into a thin tube and fasten it with tape. Cut two pieces from the tube along the length equal to the red stripes.

Put the red stripes on the toothpicks on both sides. Lubricate the yellow tubes with glue on both sides, lay them between the red stripes in pairs and press down. As a result, you will get two movable handles along the edges of the "blade".

The final stage

Cut the toothpicks so that they only protrude a couple of millimeters from the plane of the paper. Glue them on top with tape on both sides.

Cut a perpendicular blue strip at the level of the "handles". A real paper butterfly knife for a child is ready. Depending on the position of the "handles", the "blade" in such a toy will be open or closed.

A lot of people are interested in how to make a paper knife with their own hands, I will now demonstrate this master class in step by step form with photo. The craft is not very complicated and is considered slightly childish, for example, like, or. It is by making a paper knife that many learn origami skills. We will need two oblong sheets, one long for the base of the knife, and the other smaller for the limiter. I specifically took different colors to make it clearer and more convenient for you.

I'll go straight to crafting. Let's prepare the necessary leaves, orange for the base of the knife, pink for the limiter. Determine the size of the orange sheet yourself, the length of the knife depends on it, the size of the pink one can be slightly reduced in the process.

Let's start with the basics. Take a longer rectangle and fold it in half along a long line. We need this to mark the middle.

Unfold the folded sheet. The middle has been set.

We bend one side to the middle.

Fold the second one in the same way.

Here's what should happen. If the length of the base is too long, you can cut it.

Now you need to make one edge sharp. Bend one corner of the two, like this.

The other corner must be wrapped in the middle.

And finally, insert one corner into the other.

One edge of the knife is ready, this is how it looks, neat and beautiful.

We wrap the other edge of the workpiece inward. It turns out two corners.

Then, individually wrap each corner inward again. We take one.

We wrap. This is how it looks.

Fold the second corner inward in the same way and this is what should happen.

This is what the finished homemade base looks like.

Let's move on to the limiter. Take a pink leaf, the one that is smaller.

Fold it in half along the long side. And mark the middle.

Fold both sides towards the center. And bend the entire workpiece in the center.

Bend the existing strip two-thirds.

This is what it looks like from above.

Bend the remaining tail the same way.

Insert the shorter end into the longer one. At this stage, you can slightly adjust the size of the knife limiter.

Connect both parts together. On the crossing of two parts, you can pour a little PVA glue to fix them.

Here we managed to make such a beautiful paper knife, interesting craft origami and pretty easy.