How to choose a hair extension specialist? Hair extensions Good hair extension master

Master's work:

"> Price after consultation Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation
"> Price after consultation Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation
"> Price after consultation Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation
"> Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation
"> Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation
"> Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation
"> Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation
"> Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation
"> Master's work: Ivanova Anastasia Alekseevna Hair extensions - price after consultation
Capsule hair extension - price after consultation
Micro hair extensions - price after consultation
Hot hair extension - price after consultation

Finding a salon with a good hair extension specialist is not an easy task. Unscrupulous "masters" try to attract customers by setting low prices for hair, and many customers are led to such a bait. Remember hair good quality can't be cheap!

How to determine that you are a professional?

  • Portfolio is the most important indicator. Looking at the work of the master, you will immediately understand whether you want him to work with your hair or not. Works in the photo must have 1 background (if the hairdresser works only in the salon), otherwise you can decide that they are stolen from the Internet. If your specialist works at the client's home, it is quite difficult to judge whether all the work is in the photo. It’s good if the portfolio contains not only photos from the “before” and “after” series, but also pictures taken in the process of work. In this case, you can see how neatly the master works.
  • Consultation - even if you liked the work in the photo, do not rush to sign up for the procedure. Call the master and arrange a consultation. The specialist will confidently answer all your questions, but if the hairdresser evades answers or speaks too vaguely, then it is better to look for another master. You should be informed about all the stages of the procedure and the features of hair care before you sit in the chair.
  • Procedure time and extension method. Hair extensions should not take more than 2-3 hours, and correction - more than 4-5, depending on the degree of entanglement of the strands. If the master voices other numbers, most likely he is a beginner with little experience. To go to such a master or not is up to you.

What to look for when choosing a hair extension specialist

Experienced craftsmen work not only with their material. You can buy the hair yourself from a professional store and take it to the salon. If they refuse you, citing the fact that you need to buy hair only from them, most likely they want to impose more cheap material under the pretext of better quality. You can clarify all these nuances in advance - ask which hair is better to buy and what should be the size of the capsules. The best option will be - if the master goes to the store with you to choose the shade and type of hair for extensions.

Pay attention to reviews. If possible, contact one of the clients of the master you want to go to and get an opinion on his work. Very often, reviews on sites are bought, so you should not focus only on them. Remember, the desire to save money and get long luxurious hair at the same time can lead to poor results. Not only the effectiveness of your new image depends on the professionalism of the master, but also the condition of your “native” hair after removing the strands. Choose a good master and do not save on your appearance, and then you can visit the pool, sauna and solarium without fear of ruining your hair.

The master from the salon is more modest - also very good, the patency is high, the practice is daily. The main thing is that the salon is sharpened for this procedure. If the master paints, cuts every day, and builds up his hair once a month, even for three to five years, the number of his work on building up will be minimal.

If you apply specifically to the extension studio, the masters there hone their skills every day in extension. And, importantly, if the masters do their job poorly, the studio simply will not exist. more than a year. Be sure to ask for a portfolio where you can see the interior of the studio, you will see for yourself that the hair extension work was carried out in this place. Take a close look at the photographs of the work offered to you as a portfolio. Pay attention to whether the great power of Photoshop is involved in them.

What you need to know about hair extensions

Unfortunately, nature has not awarded every lady with lush curly or perfectly even hair. thick hair, this is no reason to be discouraged. The possibilities of the modern hair beauty industry are truly endless! Imagine that in just an hour or so, your thin, tired hairs can turn into sparkling curls from the cover of the most fashionable magazine. Yes, ideally it should be!

If you arm yourself with basic knowledge before the hair extension procedure, then you will definitely not fall for the bait of a would-be barber who can lull your vigilance with his sly eloquence. So, today the most are used, their difference lies in the very procedure for fixing strands on native hair. Hot and cold techniques have many subtypes, which a real hair extension master must be aware of and apply them taking into account not only the wishes of the client, but also professional expediency.

It is also necessary to remember the maximum allowable extension length, for example, it is unacceptable to attach strands exceeding 40-45 cm to thin, weakened hair, but it is necessary to build strands longer than 70 cm very carefully. You must have experience wearing shorter hair extensions, understanding and experience in caring for them. Yes, and your native hair should very smoothly get used to the length and load on the roots. Strands longer than 70 cm put too much stress on natural hair.

A prerequisite - while wearing a very long hair, you must strengthen and nourish not only the hair along the entire length, but especially the roots of your hair. The main load during extension falls on the hair roots. There are proven by photophoto years, very popular means for restoring and strengthening hair and roots. Many of our clients have grown their native hair thanks to these absolutely natural preparations: shampoos, vitamins and hair ampoules. Magnificent Italian preparations for hair loss, for strengthening hair, and for enhancing the growth of native hair.

And finally, I would like to say a few words about the material for building. There are several types of hair: South Russian, European and Slavic. There is - very cheap hair is stiff, tangled and brittle. There are expensive high-quality ones - silky, soft, unpretentious in care. The best ones are real Slavic hair, respectively, and the price for them is the highest. The choice of hair extensions depends entirely on you, or rather on the amount you are willing to pay for the material. And it is very important how you grow your hair. This choice must be approached very carefully.

Private extension masters

Private hair extension masters are the cheapest, among them there is a very large percentage of amateurs who have completed one-day courses somewhere, or by looking at extension processes on the Internet. And there are also professional hair extension masters, responsible people who conscientiously do their job and are responsible for every hair on your head. If you find one, consider that you are very lucky: the quality of the procedure will be no worse than the salon, and you will be able to save significantly. The consultation of the master should largely clarify the situation. A competent master will immediately find out if you have any contraindications to this procedure, tell you in detail about the extension methods, offer best option specifically for your hair, argues his proposal, patiently answers all your questions, and not vaguely, but reasonably and accessible. If your wish is illogical, he will advise the most suitable option, and he will competently explain the reasons, taking into account all the professional features of the work. If you doubt or want to see the real result, the master should invite you directly to the extension procedure itself, of course, if his client does not mind the presence of an outsider.

As for the choice of material, it is better if the master himself provides it, after consulting with you. Incorrect location of capsules on the head, cheap keratin for fixing, non-compliance with the proportions of the thickness of the extended strand and one’s own, too thin native strands or rough prickly capsules - all this is the cause of tangles, skin irritation, combing hair, breaking native strands and other distresses and undesirable consequences clumsy careless work. Therefore, it is important that the hair extension master gives a guarantee for his work, advises on how to properly care for the hair and is ready to provide so-called guarantee support in case of strands falling out. Good masters!

Finding a hair extension master in Moscow today is very simple: the service is not cheap and is in demand, and you can master the technology and get a certificate for quite a a short time. Therefore, there is a high probability of getting to a low-skilled specialist, who sometimes does not even know about contraindications, features of caring for hair extensions, and other subtleties. Our site presents highly qualified masters with solid experience - those who can carry out the procedure competently, who already have many satisfied customers who regularly use their services. Who can honestly tell the visitor that he should not do extensions at all or with the method that is chosen, and offer an alternative, if any. Such specialists can also provide other services: tint regrown roots, cut, do styling and care procedures. Reviews of real clients will help you choose a specialist.

How is the extension procedure?

There are many methods, most of them involve fixing small strands (3-6 mm in diameter) on your own hair. They are glued to those growing on the head with the help of special glue, wax or keratin all over the head or in separate areas. Mounting methods are cold and hot. The first - without heating their hair, the second - when a hot adhesive is applied from a gun or it melts with a special tool, fastening their own and false hair. The substance used has a different melting point and resistance to hair care products. Therefore, it will not always be possible to use them for those who like to visit a bath or sauna. Some types of attachment cause discomfort during sleep, there are more and less noticeable from the side. There are methods when the hair is glued in whole ribbons. A good master will always offer the best option, taking into account all the needs of the client and the characteristics of his hair.

Effect duration

Over time, their hair grows and the capsules, which are initially attached 5 mm from the surface of the head, go down. They become more visible, the hairstyle looks sloppy, styling becomes more complicated. Sometimes the adhesive is washed out, melted or destroyed over time, so correction is required periodically. On average, it is needed every three months. Some methods allow you to reuse strands artificial hair, "transplanting" them higher. The removal itself takes a lot of time and is carried out depending on the method used with heating, mechanical or chemical destruction of the capsules. Experts recommend giving your hair a rest from extensions from time to time, because the roots have to hold more weight.

Cost of the procedure

The price includes:
  • hair;
  • the work of the master (including the cost of equipment).
Extensions usually require 100-150 strands. A length of more than 70 cm is not recommended due to the high load on your hair. The cost of the entire procedure in Moscow, based on the chosen method, will be from 7,000 to 30,000 rubles.