What is special about superficial facial peeling, its method of implementation and possible complications

Pure smooth skin- one of the components female beauty. Unfortunately, perfect cover is rare. natural gift. Most girls and women have to tirelessly take care of maintaining a healthy face. One of the most accessible cosmetic procedures is a superficial peel. It can be done at home and in the salon, it is safe and copes well enough with minor problems. Regular exfoliation of the face provides rejuvenation, improves color and texture.

According to the degree of exposure, superficial, median and deep peels are distinguished. What are the features of the first type, what are its advantages and are there any contraindications for carrying out?

What is a superficial peel?

The bottom line is to remove some of the cells and act on the remaining ones in order to enhance regeneration. Aggressive factors used for these purposes penetrate into different layers of the skin and affect it in different ways. What is the difference between medium and superficial peels? With superficial cosmetics do not pass beyond the basement membrane, which is the boundary between the epidermis and dermis. At the same time, the upper, dead layer of cells is removed, and the renewal of the epidermal layer is enhanced.

The procedure is recommended after 25 years. It is done not only on the face, but also on any other part of the body, more often it is the décolleté and hands. Superficial peeling does not cause irritation and redness, as evidenced by numerous reviews. It does not require a recovery period, has a minimum of contraindications and there is no seasonal restriction, it can be carried out at home and in the salon.


The procedure is carried out using various factors affecting the skin. Depending on this, there are several types.

1. Mechanical - microdermabrasion.

Use small particles of minerals or plant derivatives (fruit seeds, milled rice, etc.). The procedure is accessible, safe and inexpensive. It can be done at home ready means or prepare the mixture yourself from improvised components. Feedback from those who regularly do home peeling suggests that the results are visible only in case of minor problems. Mechanical peeling cleans pores, slightly evens out the tone of the face. More often it is used as a preparation for other cosmetic events.

2. Superficial chemical peeling of the skin.

Made with acids and enzymes. Fruit (ANA-acids) dissolve fat, weaken the bonds between dead cells, have anti-inflammatory and stimulating effects. About ten natural and synthetic acids are used. Dairy and phytic are the least aggressive, followed by almond, glycolic, pyruvic and salicylic. At the end of the scale - retinol acetate and retinoic.

Reviews of cosmetologists suggest that glycolic acid is the most widespread component of peeling formulations. With its help, superficial and median peeling of the face is done. Reviews of such procedures say that they brighten the skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, remove acne, increase the tone of the cover. Facial peeling with enzymes is gentle. Papain, lipase, amylase, protease, subtilisin are used for it. Often manufacturers combine enzymes and acids.

3. Hardware - laser and ultrasonic - with special equipment in beauty salons.

Surface peels are commercially available and usually contain a combination of enzymes and several acids in varying proportions. To prevent aging and cleansing of dead cells of the epidermis, you can regularly carry out the procedure at home. But if there are any problems, even minor ones, it is better to contact a beautician. A competent specialist will select the desired composition and the required duration of the course.

Depending on the goals pursued, skin products can be selected with a targeted action:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • bleaching;
  • moisturizing;
  • exfoliating.

How is it carried out?

High-quality surface peeling of the face is not a one-time procedure. To achieve the desired effect, a course of 6 to 10 sessions is required with an interval of 7-10 days. In the salon, the cosmetologist will select the right remedy, its concentration, adjust the purpose and duration of the course depending on the reaction of the skin, give individual recommendations for aftercare.

For example, in the case of glycolic acid, a 15-25% concentration is used for the first time, then 1-2 procedures follow with 30-50%, and only then go to 70%. In the case of whitening, it may be necessary to prepare the skin at home for several weeks, for which light cosmetics with fruit acids and depigmenting compounds are used.

The session is carried out in three stages:

1. Preparation: cleansing and steaming. Sometimes mechanical peeling is used.

2. Application. There is various techniques: for a gentle effect, the mixture is smeared with a brush, for a more aggressive effect - with a cotton swab. In this case, a different amount of acid penetrates the skin. After 5-10 minutes, the composition is removed with a cosmetic tissue or washed off with water. During the action of the remedy, tingling and tingling are felt, which is normal.

3. Nutrition and recovery: cream, light massage.

In general, the whole procedure takes from 10 to 20 minutes.


You should be aware that superficial peeling is not intended to correct significant defects. It is used to eliminate minor cosmetic disorders and prevent premature aging. The indications are:

1. oily skin;

2. acne;

3. seborrhea;

4. small wrinkles,

5. dark spots;

6. traces of acne.

Such facial peeling has a multifaceted beneficial effect:

  • increases tone;
  • constricts blood vessels;
  • improves hydration;
  • evens out the relief;
  • increases elasticity, stimulates the production of collagen;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The multiplicity depends on the type of skin: for oily - up to 2 times a week, for dry, 1 time in 14 days is enough.


Superficial peeling, for all its harmlessness, has limitations:

  • allergy to components;
  • damage - wounds, abrasions;
  • dermatological diseases in the acute stage (demodicosis, etc.);
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • can't be done after mechanical cleaning faces;
  • not recommended immediately after epilation and eyebrow correction.

Skin care

After chemical peeling, you need to take care of the skin, because it is thinned and vulnerable - young cells grow, which are sensitive to external influences.

1. During the entire course, it is necessary to protect the skin from UV rays - use sunscreen SPF 30, do not go to beach resorts, mountains. In autumn and spring, sun protection powder is recommended.

2. In the early days, you need to use soft tonics and lotions, moisturizing creams.

3. Do not use home remedies - scrubs, cleansing masks.

4. Within a week after it, epilation is prohibited.

Subject to the regulations for the use of cosmetics and recommendations for protecting the skin during the procedure, there will be no undesirable reactions other than slight peeling in a few days.

Many years ago, wine was used as the first chemical peel. Now the variety of active agents has increased significantly. This is due to the demand for this procedure.

What is a chemical peel?

This is a cosmetic procedure, during which chemically active substances are used to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The treated area after the session is magically transformed. The fact is that under the layer of keratinized (dead) cells, healthy skin is hidden, which has not yet lost its blooming appearance under the influence of external factors.

Peeling is also useful as a means of preventing skin aging and correcting existing age-related defects. In addition, this procedure stimulates the natural production of elastin and collagen. And these substances are able to quickly and permanently rejuvenate the face.

What types of chemical peels are there?

There are three types of chemical peels according to the degree of impact:

  • surface

It does not require special preparation of the treated surface, i.e. the procedure can be started as soon as the patient came to the beautician. This type of peeling will help get rid of acne and fine wrinkles, as well as return the skin to its healthy color. Interestingly, regular sessions of superficial chemical peels can give an effect, like that that appears after several procedures of median peeling.

  • median

It takes some preparation to do so. First, the cosmetologist must clean the affected area, whether it be the face or another part of the body, after which he applies the chemical composition for 5-20 minutes. The acid is then neutralized.

After this procedure, redness and peeling of the skin may appear. This is due to the fact that a medium chemical peel causes a slight burn.

  • deep

Preparation for this peeling completely copies the preparation for the previous type of procedure. The only difference is that deep chemical peeling is equivalent to an operation, is carried out only in a hospital, requires anesthesia and a fairly long rehabilitation period.

In this article, we consider superficial chemical peeling and its varieties. According to the degree of exposure and active agents, there are several methods for cleaning the skin, here are the most popular of them:

Almond peeling

The advantage of this type of peeling is that it is suitable for absolutely all skin types. Therefore, high concentrations of the active substance can be used without any risk of damage.

Almond peeling can smooth out wrinkles and even out the relief of the skin, moisturize it and restore its structure. In addition, this procedure helps beneficial substances from others cosmetics penetrate deeper into the skin layers.

Glycolic peeling

The concentration of glycolic acid in the composition for such peeling will be 70%. This allows you to reduce the thickness of the layer of dead cells, improve complexion and lighten hyperpigmented areas.

Glycolic acid began to be used in cosmetology back in 1990, so its effectiveness has been proven more than once. In addition, it is less traumatic, which is also important.

Superficial retinoic peeling

This peeling perfectly smoothes wrinkles and evens out the skin texture. Although an important role here is played not only by the process itself, but also by preparation for it. Without appropriate measures, the result obtained may be extremely far from the expected. By the way, everyone who decides on retinoic peeling should take care of a week of vacation as well. the rehabilitation period after it is 5-7 days and at this time the face does not look the best.

Coral peeling

The procedure eliminates skin irregularities and improves its color, but the effect of it does not last as long as we would like. Although it helps to get rid of stretch marks and scars perfectly. But even here you need to be prepared for a long (5-7 days) recovery period.

Salicylic peeling

The difference of this type of superficial peeling is that it does not scrape off dead cells, but dissolves them. Salicylic acid in this case is the main agent. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, and most importantly, does not lead to annoying irritation. Among other things, this substance is able to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Lactic acid (lactic) peeling

This chemical peel is more suitable for correcting age-related changes and excessive pigmentation. And for cleansing sensitive skin is almost a panacea.

Peeling with lactic acid evens out the complexion, improves the barrier function of the skin, fights wrinkles of various depths and stimulates the production of collagen by the body.

Enzymatic (enzymatic) peeling

Enzymatic peeling is what you need for problematic and oily skin. He actively fights acne and age spots. Enzymes are biologically active substances that our body produces every day on its own. Therefore, their use does not cause irritation.

Fruit acids (ANA) peeling

Renowned for its softness and safety. It is based on fruit acids (tartaric, malic, citric, etc.), which are of natural and natural plant origin. They act only on dead cells, without affecting the healthy layers. Therefore, this type of superficial peeling is especially suitable for teenagers. many of them want to get rid of acne without damaging their still young and healthy skin.

Phytic peeling

It is also called summer, because. this is one of the few peels that can be safely used in the hot season. Phytic peeling restores skin health and lovely color. At the same time, it fights wrinkles and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. During the session, the patient does not feel much discomfort, which is the sin of most other chemical peel compositions.

Features of the

Those who first decided on a chemical peel usually have a lot of questions. This is not surprising, because ten years ago no one heard of such a procedure, and today it is already carried out in every salon. Therefore, not everyone knows that chemical peeling can be recommended by a cosmetologist for a client of any age. It all depends on the condition of the patient's skin.

But this is not the only issue that concerns visitors to beauty salons. The answers to the most common questions can be seen below:

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of the procedure depends on the type of peeling. Naturally, a superficial chemical facial peel will take less time than a medium or deep one. On average, a session lasts from 30 to 40 minutes.

How often should a chemical peel be done?

It is usually prescribed in courses of 7-10 sessions. But there is no universal quantity .. The number of sessions is purely individual and is determined by the cosmetologist directly at the appointment. The fact is that it depends on many factors. The age of the client, the condition of his skin, and the degree of its problematicness also matter.

Professionals advise repeating surface peeling courses 2-3 times a year. Moreover, it is better to plan a visit to the beautician for the winter or autumn. In summer, you can safely go to the salon only if you are guaranteed not to go to the sea coast.

How long does the effect of a superficial chemical peel last?

The result obtained after such a procedure lasts from 4 to 6 months, after which the course can be repeated.

What parts of the body need such a procedure?

The chemical peel procedure is unique in that it is suitable for virtually any part of the body. Chemically active substances equally effectively and painlessly interact with the face, neck, hands or décolleté.

Post-peel care

In order for the skin to look better after peeling, and not to acquire additional problems, you will have to take care of it especially carefully. First, you need to give up long walks under the sun. Secondly, in no case should the resulting crusts be removed. All attempts to get rid of them will lead to scarring. Thirdly, you should definitely use nourishing and moisturizing creams.

All women want to look attractive. This is possible only with clean matte skin, on which there are no blackheads and blackheads. But due to various factors, its tone is lost. Beauticians have developed many facial enhancement procedures. One of them is surface peeling. This procedure has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as described in the article.


Surface peeling is of several types, each of which has its own characteristics. The main ones include:

  1. Mechanical, which includes vacuum procedures.
  2. Physical, performed only in beauty salons.
  3. Chemical.

The last option is:

  1. Enzymatic, in which the effect on the skin of natural substances.
  2. Acidic. The epidermis is treated with acidic agents.
  3. Combined. In this case apply different ways cleaning.

Before performing any procedure, you need to consult a specialist. After all, not everyone is suitable for such cleaning.

Mechanism of action

Surface peeling of the face is the effect on the skin of abrasive, physical, chemicals. As a result of this exposure, the keratinized cells of the epidermis exfoliate and fall off. Therefore, the underlying layers of cells get more nutrition and oxygen, which activates them and leads to division. This process is called regeneration - the restoration of epidermal cells.

Among the advantages are the following points:

  1. The procedure affects only the layers above the basal layer of the skin. Therefore, the deeply located membrane of the dermis is not damaged, its structural bonds are not broken. This procedure can be performed frequently, on average - 1 time in 10 days.
  2. Alternating peels are used. For example, enzyme and acid are carried out alternately, which allows you to rejuvenate the skin. At the same time, there is no metabolic disturbance in the epidermis and the depletion of its regenerative capabilities.
  3. Superficial peeling is carried out throughout the year, even in the spring and summer. To eliminate the risk of pigmentation, apply sun protection.
  4. Compared to more serious procedures. When trauma occurs to the upper and deep layers of the dermis, superficial cleaning has a small price, even if it is performed in the salon. Mechanical peeling costs from 2800 rubles, ultrasonic - from 2200 rubles, and chemical - from 3400 rubles.
  5. The procedure is performed not only in the salon, but also at home.


Superficial peeling is performed with the following symptoms:

  1. Skin aging.
  2. Uneven pigmentation.
  3. Peeling.
  4. Pimples and blackheads.
  5. Loss of elasticity.
  6. The presence of scars.
  7. High production of sebum.
  8. Clogged pores.

Procedures are also performed at home, but the best effect is expected from a salon event. Experts perform peeling according to all the rules, so you should not worry about the result.


Surface peeling of the face can not be performed with:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The presence of tan residues.
  3. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Scratches, wounds, ulcers.
  6. Elevated temperature, fever.
  7. Herpes, warts.
  8. Allergies.
  9. Pathologies of the nervous system.
  10. diabetes mellitus.
  11. Chronic pathologies during exacerbation.

So that after the event there is no irritation, it is advisable to entrust the selection of funds to a beautician. He will choose the right cosmetics that will not harm the skin.

How is it done?

Superficial peeling is performed in the following steps:

  1. Training. The skin must be well cleaned: it is washed using a mildly acting gel or other means. Then they are degreased with special preparations. Additionally, at the discretion of the beautician, the skin is treated with products that open pores and prepare the surface for deep cleansing.
  2. Main stage. It is necessary to apply an acid preparation to the skin, using the rules of the instructions. This is done with your hands, a cotton pad or a special brush. Manipulations should be carried out slowly.
  3. The effect of the acid is then neutralized. This is carried out by a special neutralizer, which is applied to the skin with massage movements. Then it is washed off with warm water.
  4. To protect against complications, the skin is treated with a nourishing mask or other remedy that the beautician will advise.

Superficial peeling is only useful if it is performed regularly. One event will not be enough. The number of procedures depends on the type of skin, sensitivity, cleanability. Whether the problem is mild or severe is important. For the treatment of acne and blackheads, it is recommended to perform 10 treatments. And for rejuvenation, 7 is enough.

preparatory care

The benefits of a superficial chemical peel will only come about if proper pre- and post-treatment care is performed. There is a basic list of actions to prepare for this event:

  1. A few days before peeling, the face should be lubricated with a weak acid solution to protect against burns and prepare the skin.
  2. Sometimes anti-tanning creams are used.
  3. Often, experts recommend using cosmetic products with salicylic acid.

With improper preparation or lack thereof, a burn may occur. Negative consequences include roughness of the skin or, conversely, severe vulnerability.

Care after the procedure

According to reviews, superficial peeling should be performed only in compliance with the recommendations of cosmetologists. After the procedure, you need to perform the following care:

  1. Avoid sun exposure, use sunscreen.
  2. The use of moisturizers and creams that nourish the skin with vitamins.
  3. Do not eliminate the crusts that appear after peeling. This can result in small scars. A positive effect is noticeable after 1 procedure, and even better results are visible after 2 weeks.

Thanks to proper care the face after superficial peeling will gain neat look. It is necessary to perform this type of procedure regularly, because only then a positive result is expected.


After superficial peeling, the skin of the face acquires a renewed look. The results include the following positive points:

  1. Elimination of oily sheen.
  2. Improvement in complexion.
  3. Treatment of acne, blackheads.
  4. Skin rejuvenation.
  5. Narrowing of pores.
  6. Starting metabolic processes in the skin.

The procedures allow to eliminate dermatological problems of adults and adolescents. Peeling eliminates imperfections that have appeared for various reasons. But it should be borne in mind that if the rash appeared due to malfunctions inside the body, problems will be noticeable again and again until the main cause is eliminated. The effect persists for at least 4 months. But it usually lasts 6 months.

Possible risks

So that the superficial peeling procedure brings only positive results there are some risks to consider:

  1. You should not perform the procedure during an exacerbation of acne, as this may worsen the condition of the epidermis.
  2. When cleaning in the spring and summer, you need to use sunscreen.
  3. During mechanical superficial peeling with abrasive components, do not apply force and rub them into the skin, as this can lead to injury. Because of this, irritation is likely to occur, which will require treatment.
  4. If an unfamiliar agent is to be used, a skin test should be performed.

At home

At home, peeling can be done thanks to affordable products that are sold in pharmacies. Although this does not require the presence of a beautician, there are still some tips to consider before performing this cleaning. Usually superficial peeling is performed with lactic acid or fruit acids - strawberry, malic, citric.

When it is required to eliminate dead cells and pigmentation, glycolic acid or median peeling should be used. In order not to confuse anything and not harm the skin, the finished product must be bought at a pharmacy. Only use it after reading the instructions. You should pay attention to the composition, as there may be some components that cause individual intolerance.

Before use, the safety of the drug should be checked. This is done as follows: a little product is applied to the skin, which is especially sensitive - the elbow or the area behind the ear. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes. If redness appears, do not perform procedures. If no unpleasant moments followed, then the remedy is perfect.

Compared to salon peels, superficial peels performed at home are considered safe and effective due to the low concentration of acids. the easy way skin cleansing. For oily epidermis, it is advised to do the treatment every week. If the skin is dry and sensitive, then peeling is carried out every month.

A few minutes after applying the product, there will be some tingling. This is due to the effect of the acid. The duration of the procedure is usually indicated in the instructions, it is better not to violate it, since burns and other negative consequences are likely to occur. After the end of the procedure, the product is removed from the skin of the face, washing off with warm water. The first 10-20 minutes after treatment, there may be some redness of the skin. For home peeling, a product is prepared based on coffee grounds or ground natural coffee, sea ​​salt and oils.

Complications and disadvantages

People who perform a superficial chemical facial peel need not worry about complications. Slight redness is often observed, but this disappears after a few hours.

This procedure has no noticeable disadvantages. It does not lead to such pronounced results as with deep views peeling. But this disadvantage is covered by such advantages as a short rehabilitation period, a minimum of contraindications and side effects. But still, there are some nuances that you should pay attention to before performing superficial facial peeling. Reviews of cosmetologists indicate that:

  1. After 40 years, this procedure may be ineffective, the skin needs radical measures.
  2. If there are minor dermatological problems, many procedures will be required, which will cost a lot.
  3. If the skin is sensitive, then the active substances can penetrate deeply into it, so the recovery can last up to 10 days.

There are gentle peeling options performed at home, but they have the effect of a nourishing mask. But there will be no noticeable changes after them. If peeling is found, then you should not worry. This phenomenon is considered a normal reaction.

There are many compositions for home peeling on sale. Cosmetologists advise to first consult with specialists before using any cosmetics. If such procedures are performed with caution, a positive effect is expected.

Unlike the median and peelings, the superficial one has relatively few contraindications and allows you to maintain the usual rhythm of life.

The simplest surface peeling of the face is a mechanical cleansing of the skin with scrubs. As for hardware laser and cleanings, it is more expedient to use them for medium peeling than for superficial ones. The most practical and convenient are chemical superficial peels, which, if performed correctly, exclude accidental damage to the skin.

Most often, the epidermis is cleansed with compounds containing fruit acids and enzymes. A wide range of preparations allows you to do superficial peeling at home. However, it should be understood that only a specialist will be able to correctly select the composition (it is difficult for an amateur to figure out which active substance will be useful for the skin) and achieve the maximum return from the procedure. A cosmetologist with the necessary knowledge will combine the elimination of a specific skin problem with the renewal and rejuvenation of the skin, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of surface peeling.

Surface peeling of the face: indications

  • "Tired" dull skin;
  • pale, bluish, grey colour skin;
  • frequent pustular rashes and irritations;
  • uneven relief, decreased turgor;
  • small wrinkles;
  • fresh age spots of soft color.

Superficial peeling: reviews and the essence of the procedure

When the skin is subjected to superficial peeling, the action of the working composition is directed to the upper layers of the skin, while the underlying layers of the epidermis, and even more so, the dermis, are not affected. But even such a “weak” effect is enough to help the skin get rid of dead cells and give it an impulse to renew itself. The essence of any peeling is to violate the integrity of the skin and the subsequent stimulation of cells to regenerate. After damage, old, diseased and dead cells are exfoliated, and with them the skin gets rid of toxins and toxins, which instantly improves the color and texture of the skin. Feedback from clients who are convinced of the real rejuvenation of the skin after superficial peeling confirms laboratory studies proving that real skin renewal is possible without painful and radical procedures such as or phenol peeling.

Superficial peeling: video

Surface peeling: price and number of procedures

The cost of a superficial peeling session in the salons of Moscow and St. Petersburg ranges from 600 rubles to 5,000 rubles. Since no expensive equipment is required, almost all cosmetology establishments offer superficial facial peels. Patients' comments on the procedure agree that the sessions pass without complications and justify the hopes placed on them. However, one should not expect a miraculous transformation after the very first superficial cleansing - to achieve a stable and long-term effect, superficial peeling should be done in a course of 3-7 procedures, one every 7-10 days.

You can do surface cleaning of the skin all year round, including in the spring and summer. In reviews of superficial chemical peeling, patients indicate that sunscreens help to avoid complications after the procedure, carried out during periods of solar activity. Fears that frequent sessions of superficial cleansing can deplete the skin are unfounded. On the contrary, peeling preparations enriched with vitamins, microelements and antioxidants help to maintain integuments in an attractive and healthy state. Estimated prices for the most popular types of superficial peels are given in the table:

In situations where it is not possible to visit a beautician, you can buy preparations for superficial peeling and do the procedure yourself.

Superficial peels and patient age

Superficial peels can be used at any age, but there is a difference in the composition and frequency of repetition of procedures:

  • young skin up to 30 years- superficial peels are recommended with preparations containing fruit acids 1-2 times a year;
  • mature skin up to 35 years- superficial peels with fruit acids are useful, procedures are performed up to 6 times a year;
  • skin after 35 years with signs of age-related wilting - a mid-surface peel is recommended, affecting most of the layers of the epidermis. Since at this age, in most cases, the skin needs carefully planned care using mesotherapy, biorevitalization and contour plastics using modern injectable preparations, it is better to consult a cosmetologist and draw up an individual anti-aging skin program, which must include surface-median peeling. fruit acids. The active substance for the procedure will be selected by a specialist after diagnosing the condition of the integument.

Types of superficial peels and methods of the procedure

Superficial peeling can be carried out using mandelic, lactic, crotonic, azelaic and other AHA and BHA acids, which are included in the working composition as the main active components that determine the type of superficial peeling. If the skin is very sensitive, acid peeling can be replaced with a superficial enzyme peel, which is considered the most delicate among chemical peels.

Preparation for superficial peeling of the skin

Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed and degreased. For this, mild soap formulations and lotions are used, often containing 2-5% of the active substance to better prepare the skin for the procedure.

Facial peeling procedure

A preparation containing fruit acids and enzymes is applied to cleansed and dried skin. The exposure time is chosen by the cosmetologist, focusing on the condition of the skin and the recommendations of the manufacturer of the cleansing composition. In the case when mid-surface peeling is required, the exposure time of the drug increases.

Completion of surface peeling

The peeling composition is washed off with water or a special neutralizing solution. The beautician blots the skin with a tissue and applies a soothing mask. Before the patient leaves beauty salon, a cream with a high level of sun protection is applied to the skin.

It may seem that superficial facial peeling is a procedure that can be done without restrictions, at any time when you want to refresh and tone your skin. However, it should be noted that too frequent use of formulations containing even a very small amount of acids dries out the skin, and in addition, wean skin cells to work without external influences. As a result of unreasonably frequent superficial peels, a decrease in the synthesis of protein fibers and hyaluronic acid, which leads to deterioration appearance skin covers.

Superficial peels: which composition to choose

Skin problems

dehydrated, sensitive

Superficial peeling in cosmetology is an opportunity to gently cleanse the skin, improve its condition, and refresh the face. The procedure is indicated not only to eliminate visible defects, but also as a prevention of early aging of the integument. Plus, you can carry out this type of cleansing in the salon and at home. The main thing is to observe the peeling technology, as well as the frequency of procedures.

The essence of the procedure

With age, the skin loses its natural elasticity and tone. This is due to the accumulated dead cells, weakened by regeneration and slowed down intracellular processes. You can “wake up” the covers, get rid of non-working particles of the epidermis that clog pores and prevent the skin from breathing, using a simple and effective procedure- superficial peeling.

Superficial peeling of the face is a type of skin cleansing. The impact is shallow, only the stratum corneum of the epidermis is involved, so the procedure takes place without pain and complications. It should be noted right away that the procedure is able to correct only minor imperfections and skin problems, for deep wrinkles and sagging cheeks, it will be useless.

Concerning age category, then cosmetologists insist on performing such cleansing after 25 years, when the skin needs help in preventing the appearance of wrinkles and loss of tone. However, cases are allowed when peeling is carried out in adolescence for the treatment of acne, acne.

Types of peels

There are several ways to influence problem areas: using chemical and abrasive compounds, microcurrents and ultrasound. In cosmetology, the following types of surface peeling are distinguished:

  1. Chemical peeling or exfoliation is the most popular type of cleansing. The principle of the method is to influence the epidermis with chemically active components (concentrated acids or alkali). The main advantages of exfoliation include high-quality cleansing and affordable price. But keep in mind that superficial chemical peeling of the face has a pronounced process of exfoliating dead fibers. Outwardly, it will look like you are sunburnt.
  2. Mechanical - no less efficient view surface cleansing. In this case, abrasive compounds, brushes, sponges are used. Scrubs familiar to us also belong to mechanical peelings. Skin renewal after such cleansing is gradual and less noticeable, unlike exfoliation with acids.
  3. Hardware - perhaps the most delicate method of cleansing the epidermis. For peeling, high-tech equipment is used. The integrity of the integument is not violated, all exposure is directed deep into the epidermis. Microcurrents, radio frequency and ultrasonic vibrations are used as a cleansing factor. The procedure has a significant disadvantage - it is an overpriced cost, so not everyone can afford such a cleansing.
  4. Enzymatic or enzymatic - a type of purification with the help of enzymes (enzymes) obtained in the process of fermentation of bacteria, plant or animal origin. The substances used delicately destroy keratinized layers, dirt and fat particles, normalize the functioning of cells and glands.

The choice of the type of peeling depends on your own preferences, the presence of indications and contraindications. Before cleaning, consultation with a specialist is required. This will provide a quick and high-quality solution to the skin problem that has arisen.

Who needs peeling

Superficial peeling is not able to solve complex age-related imperfections and skin problems, but it can partially correct them, invigorate weakened epidermal cells and enhance intracellular processes.

  • the first wrinkles and signs of early aging of the integument;
  • acne, problematic acne and acne on the face;
  • clogged and enlarged pores, increased oiliness of the skin;
  • unhealthy complexion, unusual grayness and dullness;
  • weakening of the tone and elasticity of tissues;
  • skin pigmentation, freckles, which the client would like to get rid of;
  • some dermatological diseases (folliculitis, seborrhea and others);
  • comedones and blackheads.

Superficial cleansing of the face can be carried out as a preventive measure or before more complex cosmetic procedures (for example, before laser, phenol peeling or surgery).

Expected effect after cleaning

Surface peeling for the face has a multifaceted, beneficial effect:

  • frees the integument from dead cells, keratinization and sebaceous plugs;
  • normalizes skin respiration;
  • enhances the effect of cosmetic products used in daily facial care;
  • smoothes fine wrinkles, folds, scars;
  • activates the synthesis of natural collagen, thereby increasing the tone and elasticity of the fibers;
  • has a therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • dries up acne;
  • stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • evens out the tone of the epidermis, makes it fresher and healthier;
  • accelerates blood microcirculation, metabolism in the cells of the epidermis.

The final result, in fact, like peeling, is superficial. The purpose of the procedure is to prevent the appearance of a problem and facilitate its elimination, so there is no need to rely on a miraculous transformation of the face.

If you are suffering from a specific skin problem, choose a peel purposefully. For example, exfoliation with salicylic acid is ideal for owners of a problematic type of epidermis, because the acid agent has a pronounced drying, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. But with dry skin and the first signs of early aging, it is better to use milk peeling, because lactic acid intensively moisturizes tissues and has a rejuvenating effect.

In general, freshness, healthy radiance, softness and lightness of the skin after a peeling course are guaranteed. These pleasant client changes will not leave the next 4-6 months.

How often to clean

Many factors affect the final result of a peeling course. The main ones are: the sensitivity and reaction of the skin to the actions taken, the intensity of exposure, the duration of exposure, the degree of the problem, and also by what method the cleansing was performed. Approve clear numbers, inter-procedural intervals will not work. On average, the number of procedures varies between 4-10 cleansings.

Between procedures, be sure to take a break to restore the covers. If you decide to do chemical peels, then the break should be within 7-10 days, but for hardware cleaning it can be reduced to 4-6.

The frequency and estimated schedule of peelings is determined by the beautician. This takes into account the condition of the skin, its sensitivity, the age of the patient and the chosen cleaning technique. Violation of a given rhythm can reduce the effectiveness of procedures or dry out tissues.


It is impossible or highly undesirable to perform superficial types of peels in the presence of at least one item:

  • there is a fresh tan on the face, wounds, abrasions or traces of a recent operation;
  • the client suffers from chronic diseases such as epilepsy. Diabetes and others;
  • there are benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • with weakened immunity, SARS;
  • during the period of exacerbation of infectious diseases, there is herpes;
  • the patient complains of fever, chills;
  • with a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • there is an allergy to the drug used.

With caution, after weighing all the pros and cons, it is worth treating pregnant and lactating patients. Most superficial peels are safe for the baby, so it is not forbidden to perform. However, consider the hormonal background, it can lead to increased skin sensitivity or, conversely, nullify the expected effect.

Be sure to inform the beautician about negative experience carrying out such procedures, on the passage of drug treatment and a negative reaction to individual components. These factors can also affect the result of the peel.

The most popular superficial peels

Among the most popular skin cleansing techniques that are loved by clients of beauty salons and lovers of home procedures, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Ultrasonic peeling is an easy, painless version of hardware skin cleansing. The destruction of dead, keratinized layers and dirt particles is performed by ultrasound. In addition, sound vibrations additionally massage the skin, increase the tone of the fibers and improve blood microcirculation. The course of ultrasonic peelings, as a rule, is 5-10 procedures, and the resulting effect will last up to 4 months. Peeling is carried out using special equipment, but you can also clean the skin at home. This can be done using the device home use. This is a significant financial savings, you only need to spend money on the purchase of the device once.
  2. Glycolic peeling - refers to the category of exfoliation. Molecules of glycolic acid quickly penetrate deep into the epidermis and destroy intercellular bonds and particles of fat and dirt. Glycolic acid differs in softness of impact, rarely causes complications and irritation of the skin, therefore it is recommended for owners of a sensitive type of epidermis. Glycolic peeling is also excellent for teenage and oily skin problems. The recommended course of glycolic peels is 4-10 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days.
  3. Lactic acid peeling is another type of cleansing with chemical compounds. In this case, lactic or lactanoic acid acts as the main ingredient. It is an excellent moisturizer. The human body is well acquainted with lactic acid, so this peeling is perceived easily, without pain and complications. Milk peeling is indicated for all skin types, at any age.

Speaking of the most simple methods cleansing the skin at home, scrubs take the leading position here. They include abrasive particles that mechanically clean the covers. To make your own scrubs, you can use salt, sugar, oatmeal, coffee grounds, and other simple kitchen products.

To achieve the ideal condition of the skin, to support it at the first signs of aging and to delay this moment, light, gentle superficial cleansing will help. Remember, peeling is the most important part of high-quality, correct and effective care behind the skin.