Chemical peeling: types, features, indications and contraindications. What not to do after the procedure. Acid lifting: deep peels

Chemical peel for the face is one of the most common services of beauty salons and specialized clinics. Feedback on such rejuvenation in most cases is positive. An additional advantage of chemical peeling is the relatively low cost.

Chemical peeling of the face has earned its popularity due to its high efficiency. It is possible to get the desired result in 90% of calls to specialized specialists working with problem skin. The price of manipulation depends on the severity of the pathological condition, the neglect of the process, the age of the patient. Also, the cost is affected by the qualifications of the clinic staff and the number of defects on the face.

Properly performed procedure of chemical peeling of the face does not cause complications, contributes to the tone of the skin, improves the synthesis hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. It is quite difficult to achieve acceleration of metabolism and tissue regeneration in another way. Performing a chemical peel on your own, at home, is strictly prohibited.

Performing a chemical facial peel

Modern cosmetology is developing rapidly. In recent years, many different chemicals, allowing to perform a high-quality peeling service on the face without harming other tissues and the general health of the patient.

The most commonly used acids for chemical peels are:

  • retinoic (stimulates lipid synthesis, the process of melanin production, accelerates cell growth);
  • kojeva (chemical peeling of the face with this substance prevents skin aging and has an antioxidant effect);
  • phytic (removes the upper layer of the dermis by exfoliation and does not allow severe irritation);
  • azelaic (has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect after chemical peeling on the face).

Of course, this is an incomplete list of substances used in cosmetology. Mention should be made of trichloroacetic acid, vitamin C, phenol and many other elements.

Types of chemical peels for the face:

  1. Superficial - impact only on the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  2. Median - penetration to the basement membrane.
  3. Deep - renewal of the connective frame and cellular composition to the entire depth of the skin.

Chemical peeling of the face should be carried out only in a specialized institution. Moscow boasts a huge number of such clinics and beauty salons. Therefore, choosing your master will not be a problem.


Before performing a chemical peel on the face, it is necessary to follow several recommendations from a specialized specialist. No need to think that it is possible to perform skin rejuvenation in one session. At the very least, it will definitely not work to get a visible effect from a hasty impact.

The first step is to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Chemical facial peels can aggravate the problem of acne or severe irritation. It is forbidden to perform the described cosmetic procedure without the approval of a doctor.

If during the examination no serious pathologies and contraindications were identified, you can begin to prepare for chemical peeling on the face. To do this, a few weeks before the procedure, professional skin cleansing is carried out with salicylic or fruit acid.

Chemical peeling by the TCA method or other methods is not recommended for excessive tanning. Therefore, the patient should refrain from visiting a solarium or traveling to hot countries.


The cost of chemical peeling of the face may vary slightly depending on the quality of the equipment and the qualifications of the master. Most often, you can find out the preliminary price of the procedure by visiting the official website of the clinic. There is also an appointment and the first examination.

Directly, the procedure of chemical peeling on the face is performed in several stages. First, using the applicator, the prepared solution is rubbed into the skin (from the forehead to the nose and jaw). Then the face is covered with a special mask made of cotton napkins. The period of wearing such a device is determined by the master based on the results of preliminary diagnostics and assessment of the condition of the skin.

Light chemical peeling of the face affects only the superficial layers. This is the most gentle and fastest skin rejuvenation procedure. Most often, at least 4-6 sessions are required to obtain a visible effect. With the help of this effect, the patient gets rid of wrinkles and small irregularities.

Median chemical peeling can affect part of the epidermis and the stratum corneum of the skin up to the dermis. The service solves problems such as flabbiness, loss of elasticity, firmness of the skin, helps to eliminate age-related changes and small age spots, scars, stretch marks. In Moscow, such manipulations are performed in cosmetology clinics.

Deep chemical peeling of the face is a rather dangerous procedure that requires special equipment and experience in influencing all skin cells, up to the papillary layer of the epidermis. Such treatment is allowed only once in a lifetime. The high toxicity of phenol can provoke unpleasant complications.

You can also mention the less popular, but quite effective chemical yellow peeling. Cleansing temporarily stains the face in orange shades. The technique helps from the aging dermis, pigmentation and scars after acne.

rehabilitation period

This type of exposure, as a superficial chemical peeling of the face, does not require any additional follow-up actions. When conducting a deep cleaning, the doctor makes recommendations based on the tolerability of the procedure.

Usually, specialist advice is aimed at protecting the restored skin layer. After the service, it is not recommended to stay in the open sun for a long time, visit saunas, baths. Chemical peeling of the face makes the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.


Chemical peeling of the face is becoming a real salvation for women who have problems with the skin. This procedure is allowed at any age and rarely causes serious complications.

The reasons for performing a chemical facial peel are:

  • excessive pigmentation;
  • pathology of the protective function of the skin;
  • dryness and peeling;
  • age changes.

With the help of chemical peels, you can moisturize, brighten the skin, improve appearance, prepare for plastic surgery.


The ban on chemical peeling applies to people with inflammatory lesions of the skin on the face, intolerance to drugs and anesthetics, neoplasms or colloid scars. Also contraindications to chemical peeling are pregnancy and lactation.

Possible Complications

The negative effects of chemical peels are very rare. Usually, unpleasant complications are the result of a medical error and non-compliance with recommendations during the rehabilitation period. Possible exacerbations of herpes, skin infection, allergic reactions, riser erythema on the face.

Prices and clinics

Chemical peeling of the face with glycolic acid or other types of cosmetic solutions is allowed only in the conditions of a specialized institution. By contacting a hospital consultant, you can find out how much a chemical peeling of the face costs and how to properly prepare for the procedure.

Every woman wants her face to look perfect. Chemical is the remedy that will help where the cream and mask can not cope. The purpose of the peeling procedure is to eliminate skin defects and rejuvenate by removing the upper layers of the epidermis. Professional peeling is carried out using various chemicals that cause burns and rejection of those layers that are planned to be removed.

Damaged in this way, the skin begins to actively regenerate. Fans of this procedure and cosmetologists claim that after some time after it, the skin will be tender, like a baby's. But this procedure has both its advantages and disadvantages. How often to do a chemical peel and can it be done at all? What drug to choose? Experts do not yet find a consensus. What kind of facial procedure is described in more detail by.

What are the types of professional chemical peeling for the face

There are 3 types of chemical peels:

  1. Surface. involves exposure only to the outer layer of the epidermis (keratinized). At the same time, the outer layer of the skin is renewed, the ducts of the sebaceous glands are cleansed, their secretion is regulated, excess dead skin particles are removed, and the penetration of biologically active substances is improved. The skin becomes smoother, even, its color evens out (it becomes light and uniform).
  2. The median affects the entire epidermis, reaching the basement membrane on which the cells lie. In this case, there is an activation of connective tissue cells that lie in the middle layer of the skin and are responsible for the structure of the collagen framework, a decrease in the number of melanocytes ( pigment cells), increased vascular tone. You can find out from the link.
  3. Deep– impact on the entire thickness of the skin (epidermis and dermis). This method is the most radical and painful, so it is done only according to the testimony of a doctor and under anesthesia. This leads to a complete renewal of the collagen-elastin network, helps to get rid of deep scars. At the same time, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid is activated, which maintains skin tone, and its cellular composition is completely renewed. The dermis recovers from 6 months to a year and requires more thorough care.

Who can have the procedure

Superficial chemical peeling of the skin is the most gentle, it can be performed on adolescents with excessively oily dermis, people with hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands. Apply it in the fight against acne and acne, if alternative methods for problematic skin turned out to be ineffective (cream, cleansing, etc.). At the age of 25 to 35 years, it can be used for a slight rejuvenation effect.

AT young age medium peeling is not recommended, and it is not necessary. But unscrupulous cosmetologists can offer such a procedure, you need to be careful. It is necessary with an age-related decrease in the synthesis of the structural components of the skin (collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid). In this case, medial peeling will help activate the cells that lie in the dermis (fibroblasts).

On the video chemical peeling at home:

Deep peeling is best not done until the age of 55. There is simply no point in injuring your skin before. You need to be prepared for a long recovery period, protect your skin from the sun and cosmetics for at least six months.

What is a chemical peel, it is better not to know for children under 16 and people with dry skin. In this case, procedures aimed at moisturizing the skin are more suitable.

Are there contraindications?

There are much more prohibitions on peeling than indications. It is necessary to consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist before deciding to do this procedure. If you have at least one contraindication, then the consequences can be very serious.

The first danger is the sun. Depending on the type of peeling, it is necessary to protect the skin from direct exposure from 2 weeks to a year. sun rays and use a cream with UV protection. If you do not follow these recommendations, then you can get age spots on the face, for the alignment of which you will need to do a new peeling of the skin.

The risk of joining a bacterial, fungal or viral infection increases sharply. In the thickness of the skin weakened by peeling, there are much fewer immunologically active cells that protect against the spread of infections, such as the human papillomavirus.

If the rules of personal hygiene are not observed or if this virus is present (warts, papillomas on other parts of the body), it can spread with lightning speed to the areas where peeling is applied.

If a person has a problem with a tendency to allergic reactions, then he should be prepared for excessive swelling and redness for some time after the procedure. Anti-allergenic drugs and cream will help improve the condition.

It is better to refrain from chemical peeling during pregnancy or lactation. The epidermis of a pregnant woman is prone to hyperpigmentation due to hormonal changes. Therefore, the result may be different than expected. In addition, the components of peeling mixtures are toxic and can be absorbed into the blood, which can be dangerous for a child.

The following diseases are considered contraindications for peeling:

About superficial fruit is told.

On the video chemical peeling for the face:

How to prepare for the procedure?

Before exposing the skin to aggressive acids, it is necessary to prepare it for this. The better pre-peeling care is carried out, the less likely it is to get unpleasant side effects. Recommended 2 weeks before procedure mechanical cleaning, the use of cleansers is permissible only with the presence of weak acids in the composition.

Most often it is salicylic or ascorbic acid. Already at this stage, it is worth starting to protect the skin from direct sunlight. Be sure to take a break in visiting the solarium, the beach.

If a deep peeling procedure is planned, then a superficial chemical peeling of the face is performed 1-2 weeks earlier for preparation.

What could be the consequences?

You need to be prepared for the fact that the face immediately after the procedure will look far from ideal. The recovery period begins, during which the following may occur:

  1. Redness, swelling. The skin reaction is similar to an allergy. Antihistamines (decongestants) may help at this stage.
  2. Peeling of the skin. It can have a different character: from almost imperceptible to slipping of fibrin films from the skin, which can change color. This peeling is the purpose of the peeling. Thus, the epidermis is updated, gets rid of old cells.
  3. Tightness, dry skin. due to the drying effect. A cream will help to fight this, which is mandatory prescribed in the recovery period.

What are the unexpected side effects?

In addition to the consequences that will be necessary, you can encounter much more unpleasant effects. The most common of them is the lack of the desired result. This procedure does not solve all skin problems in one fell swoop, besides, there are a lot of details that must be observed (pre-peel, post-peel care) in order to get a decent result.

But no result is better than serious skin damage caused by an uncontrolled burn. Such a burn develops as a result of an incorrect peeling technique (neglect of the required acid concentration, time frame, etc.). It can also happen if the skin is too sensitive to acid.

The most common complication is hyperpigmentation. The face after chemical peeling should be protected from the sun. Most often, the responsibility for the appearance of excessive pigmentation lies with the patient, since the presence of pigment grows in direct proportion to the amount of ultraviolet radiation that enters the skin. It is not necessary after peeling to fly on vacation to warm countries. In a temperate climate, it is better to peel in the autumn-winter period.

On the video, how often to do a chemical facial peel:

After peeling, a small rash or even large acne may appear, especially in the first week after the procedure. They can come off on their own, or cosmetic cleaning is required. The reason for their appearance is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. In the post-peeling period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of items that have contact with the skin (bed linen, clothes, telephone, etc.). It is worth abandoning the use of decorative cosmetics for a while - it clogs the pores.

As a result of exfoliation, crusts form that cannot be torn off. You have to wait until they give up on their own. If this is neglected, scars will appear. Scarring can be associated with cosmetologist's mistakes (high concentration of the drug or non-observance of the application time) or with the presence of skin regeneration disorders in the client.

As a result of medium or deep peeling, an effect can be observed when a clear line is visible between the areas of the skin on which the procedure was performed and those where it was not. It depends entirely on the experience and skill of the beautician. So you need to choose a professional with recommendations, apply the best blends. A good doctor will advise, help in choosing the right procedure.

How to take care of your skin during the recovery period?

For all types of peeling, the same skin care measures apply. The highlight is sun protection. Recommended for use with a cream with a high level of protection against UV rays, limited time spent under the sun. A dermatologist or cosmetologist gives recommendations on the use of a cream that accelerates skin regeneration, relieves inflammation, redness, and pain.

2-3 days after the procedure, you can wash your face with water, a product with a neutral acid-base balance. While peeling is observed, it is better to use serums on water based instead of greasy oil face creams. When the peeling stops, you can again use your favorite cream.

It is better to refuse:

  • tanning on the beach, in the solarium;
  • visits to saunas, baths, steam rooms;
  • trips to the pool;
  • other cosmetic procedures;
  • decorative cosmetics.

More information about facial care after the procedure can be found in.

When can you do it again

How often peeling can be done, the doctor can individually tell. You can do a chemical peeling of the face (superficial) only once every 2 weeks. The doctor may prescribe a course of 5-7 procedures to achieve the desired effect.

For medium and deep peels, this time is much longer. It depends on the means used, which are indicated by the manufacturers. Usually this is at least 2 times longer than the duration of the recovery period.

Can I do the procedure myself?

Chemical peeling of the face can only be carried out by a cosmetologist in sterile conditions! But at home, you can do a chemical peel for the body. It is characterized by the absence of bright inflammation and redness and less danger to the skin, since on the body it is much thicker and stronger than on the face, has denser layers.

The procedure is carried out at home using purchased or self-prepared products. The composition should contain fruit acids, which are characterized by a mild effect on the stratum corneum, antiseptic properties. They moisturize the skin, rejuvenate it. Such mixtures are sold in pharmacies or specialized cosmetic stores.

The recipe for a body peeling mixture at home: mix high-fat kefir with chopped pieces of citrus fruits (lemons, oranges). This mixture must be applied to the body with light massage movements, hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Lactic acid in combination with fruit acids will give an excellent effect of exfoliating, whitening and moisturizing the skin.

Whatever type of peeling is chosen, the most important thing is to consult a doctor, think over the pros and cons of such a decision. After all, the consequences are sometimes much more expensive and require much more time and effort. Beauty requires sacrifice, but this sacrifice should not be health.

More information about the means for the procedure can be found.

Chemical peeling is the removal of the upper layers of the dermis.

And thanks to this procedure, you can achieve a lifting effect, restore the protective properties of the skin and solve many aesthetic problems.

Chemical peels can be divided into three categories. Read on for this and more.

Every woman wants to be well-groomed and beautiful and pays special attention to the condition of her face. To cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, remove age spots, various defects and irregularities, women from ancient times used various masks, decoctions and herbal tinctures.

But all these means were ineffective. Modern cosmetology has stepped far forward and at present, chemical peeling is successfully used to restore and rejuvenate the skin.

What is it and types of cleaning

Facial peeling with chemicals is an active process of exfoliation of the upper layer of dead cells of the epidermis, stimulating the natural process of skin renewal. With the help of an individually selected chemical composition, various stains, defects and irregularities are removed and smoothed.

Activation of natural protective functions body, active production of hyaluronic acid begins, cells begin to produce a large amount of collagen and elastin, the surface becomes more elastic and toned.

With the help of chemical exposure, you can effectively cleanse your face of pigmentation and freckles (read about laser), remove vascular "asterisks" (find out how to do it) and small facial wrinkles. This procedure effectively fights tuberosity, which is caused by various skin diseases.

With its help, you can smooth out scars, remove excessive redness and normalize the function of the skin glands.

Depending on the method, such purification is carried out using various acids: fruit, glycolic, salicylic, trichloroacetic and phenolic. According to the strength and depth of penetration, they distinguish between medium and light superficial. Most often, such peeling is used exclusively for the face, but it can also be used on other areas, such as the neck and décolleté.


This type is the most radical in terms of its effect on the body and is carried out using phenol. It is a very aggressive substance and penetrates very deep into the lowest layers of the epidermis. Phenol has a strong toxicity and in fact the destruction of the upper skin layers occurs, but this allows you to solve a number of serious problems that are beyond the power of other methods.

This procedure is very painful and is performed only under general anesthesia in an outpatient setting in a cosmetology clinic.

During it, the patient is sedated with the use of painkillers. Duration from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the treated surface and the number of defects.

After the procedure, the surface is covered with a protective crust, there may be severe redness and peeling. The recovery period lasts 3-4 weeks. Bed rest is recommended for the first week, and the doctor may also prescribe a number of drugs that will speed up healing and prevent the inflammatory process.

After exposure to drugs, the surface brightens significantly, therefore it is not recommended for patients with very dark color skin.

With the help of deep exposure, you can remove strong pigmentation, remove scars and irregularities, even out deep wrinkles and remove vascular inflammation and other age-related changes.

Like any method, it has its pros and cons.

  • the method allows you to cope with deep wrinkles;
  • removes deep irregularities and strong pigmentation;
  • eliminates sagging and sagging;
  • superior in efficiency to dermabrasion;
  • one session is enough;
  • the effect persists for several years.
  • very painful procedure;
  • long recovery period;
  • possible complications in the form of redness and a hard crust;
  • not suitable for very dark skin;
  • high price.

See the results of a deep chemical peel:


For this procedure, trichloroacetic, glycolic or salicylic acid is used. This method is less aggressive and does not act as actively and deeply as cleaning with phenol. But peeling of medium impact, as well as deep peeling, is able to remove deep wrinkles and reduce small pigmented manifestations.

With it, you can refresh and rejuvenate the face, remove small spider veins and smooth out scars and irregularities. This method is softer and is carried out in 3-4 sessions. The result of the median exposure lasts about six months and, if necessary, it must be repeated.

The session is carried out on an outpatient basis and lasts from 20 to 60 minutes. The method does not require general anesthesia. To enhance the impact on the surface, special agents are preliminarily applied. They soften the skin and prepare it for the main composition.

Then chemical acids are applied that penetrate into the middle layers. During the session, the patient may experience a slight burning sensation and tingling.

After the procedure, the composition is removed with dry ice. There is slight redness and swelling, which disappears within 24 hours.

Sometimes there may be peeling and a feeling of tightness. After such a procedure, the complexion brightens a little or remains the same. The recovery period lasts 1-2 days, the face becomes smooth and radiant.

For a speedy recovery after a chemical peel for the face, the beautician can choose individual set for skin care: moisturizing or nourishing cream, special serum, vitamin mask and cleansing tonic.

You should also refrain from decorative cosmetics, the first 2-3 weeks require application sunscreen. Medium peeling is performed for patients of any age.

  • practically no pain;
  • allows you to remove small wrinkles and irregularities;
  • removes acne and inflammation;
  • removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • evens out tone and adds shine;
  • eliminates slight flabbiness and sagging (these problems can be solved by RF-lifting);
  • improves complexion.
  • preliminary preparation is required;
  • the result is visible after 3-4 sessions;
  • unable to remove deep wrinkles and skin defects;
  • the effect lasts less than from phenol peeling;
  • quite high price.


This is the mildest type of chemical treatment; lactic and fruit acids (enzyme peeling) and a weak solution of trichloroacetic acid are used for it. Cosmetologists recommend superficial cleansing for young patients under the age of 40, when the first age-related changes and small wrinkles appear on the skin.

This method affects only the top layer and is not able to cope with wrinkles, large age spots and irregularities.

But it copes well with acne, seborrheic manifestations, improves the surface of the skin, promotes active rejuvenation.

With the help of this procedure, you can get rid of small freckles, remove local redness and peeling. After surface exposure, blood circulation improves, cells are actively saturated with oxygen, the face looks radiant and toned.

This procedure does not require prior preparation. It can be done in the salon or at home. Using a cotton pad, the active substance is applied to the cleaned surface. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

The session is completely painless and does not require a recovery period. Superficial cleansing does not cause burning and redness, the tone of the face does not change. After such cleansing, the application of sunscreen is recommended.

  • absolutely painless method;
  • does not require prior preparation;
  • does not injure the skin and does not cause side effects;
  • does not change skin tone;
  • improves blood supply;
  • actively rejuvenates and improves the structure of the dermis;
  • effective against acne;
  • inexpensive and accessible method.
  • unable to cope with wrinkles and age spots;
  • does not remove tuberosity and deep unevenness;
  • the result is visible after 5-6 procedures;
  • the effect lasts 1-2 months, then a repeat is required.

We offer you to watch a video on how the procedure of medium and deep chemical peeling for the face is carried out:

Indications, photos before and after the procedure

Indications for carrying out are:

  • any kind of pigmentation;
  • various skin defects, the presence of scars and scars ( copes with such defects perfectly);
  • uneven skin surface as a result of various diseases;
  • wrinkles and dry skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • severe redness;
  • the presence of vascular "asterisks";
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • clogging of pores and the appearance of "black dots";
  • sagging skin.

These are the results of a median peeling of the skin of the face:


Like any cosmetic procedure, peeling has contraindications:

  • skin diseases such as dermatitis, neurodermatitis and psoriasis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • keloid scars;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • fresh wounds and cuts;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to the chemical.

How often can you do

Deep chemical peeling can be done no more than once every two to three years.

Why diamond peeling is a type of microdermabrasion, you can find out.

Customer opinion

  • Margarita, 31 years old, housewife:

    “I did a shallow peel for cleaning. The result was very good, I liked everything very much. Small wrinkles are gone, the skin has become more even.

  • Svetlana, 37 years old, director:

    “I did a facial cleansing in the salon - after giving birth, the complexion has changed a lot. I was pleased with the result, but the cost of such a cleaning was quite high, often you can’t afford this.”

  • Vera Ivanovna, 67 years old, pensioner:

    “I always try to take care of my appearance, a friend advised me to clean with fruit acids. I really liked it! The face is refreshed and rejuvenated, even small wrinkles are gone.

  • Karina, 45 years old, seller:

    “I decided on a deep cleaning in a beauty salon. They did it under general anesthesia, I was warned about the consequences, I had to sit at home for two weeks, my face was covered with a red crust and was very swollen. But the pigment spots have almost disappeared. I won’t do it a second time, it’s too painful.”

Chemical peeling is an effective salon procedure that can be used to eliminate serious defects, make the face and body look younger and more beautiful. This method has no analogues, it can be used at any age.

A dermatocosmetologist will tell you more about chemical peeling:

Modern cosmetology offers a lot of ways maintaining youthful skin: from anti-wrinkle creams to drastic measures such as Botox injections and facelifts.

What if light remedies no longer cope with some signs of skin aging, and there is no desire to go under the surgeon's knife? Help will come chemical peeling facial skin.

This kind of peeling helps eliminate fine wrinkles, post-acne, small skin irregularities and get rid of acne and inflammation.

The procedure for chemical peeling is very simple, but at the same time, it must take place under the strict supervision of a specialist. The upper layer of the skin is treated with acid, which causes a slight burn of the dead upper layer of the epidermis.

Chemical peels use acids such as:

  • grape;
  • trichloroacetic;

To determine which acid right for you, it is better to use the services of a specialist.

A competent cosmetologist will also prescribe preliminary procedures for preparing facial skin for chemical peeling.

preliminary stage, as a rule, includes the application of special masks that normalize the acid balance of the skin.

Before chemical peeling, it is necessary to carry out a deep cleansing of the face, which contributes to the complete degreasing of the skin. Depending on the condition of the skin and indications, chemical peeling divided into three types:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

For superficial peeling a weak chemical composition is applied to the face, aged for a certain time and neutralized with a special agent. The effect will be noticeable almost immediately. The skin tone will increase, it will take on a healthy look, fine wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Superficial peeling can do repeatedly to achieve the desired result. As a rule, the course includes from four to eight visits to the beautician, with an interval of ten days.

For medium peeling, as with the surface, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that will be exposed is pre-cleaned and a chemical composition is applied. It will be of a higher concentration, and the depth of the burn will depend on the exposure time of the acid.

On the skin of the face after such treatment, slight redness and peeling may appear. The interval between procedures can be more than a month, and the course may include from one to three sessions.

For deep peeling
it takes much more time to carry it out and to restore the skin of the face.

Procedure equated to operation, since the chemical composition of high concentration acids has a rather painful effect on the skin.

Deep peeling carried out permanently, requires anesthesia and a rehabilitation period. You can repeat this procedure no earlier than six months later.

Recommendations and contraindications for chemical peeling for the face

Chemical facial peels are most effective for fair-skinned people.. But it is worth remembering that fair skin is the most sensitive, so it is important to choose the right active ingredient in order to avoid post-cosmetological pigmentation.

Successful chemical peel applies when:

  • abundant skin pigmentation;
  • the presence of scars, scars, post-acne;
  • correction of skin defects, including age-related ones;
  • prevention of age-related changes in the skin.

You need to know that the chemical peel procedure may not be suitable for everyone. She should cancel or postpone in the following cases:

  • active form of herpes;
  • advanced acne rashes;
  • SARS, influenza and other colds;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of fresh wounds or scars;
  • recent radiation therapy.

Who Should Avoid Chemical Peels? The categories of such people include nationalities, having a swarthy skin color. In such cases, after peeling, the skin loses its ability to pigmentation.

At diabetes, oncological diseases, diseases of the kidneys and blood vessels, chemical peeling is contraindicated. An individual factor may be hypersensitivity to certain acids and substances.

Skin care during its recovery period

After a chemical peel, the skin of the face becomes very sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Due to exposure to the sun on the face pigment spots may appear.

That's why, the best time of the year for such cosmetic procedure can be considered autumn and the beginning of winter.

Even if it's cloudy outside However, the skin should still be protected with creams with a sun protection factor of at least thirty-five.

Best after procedure spend a few days or weeks at home. After a deep chemical peel, crusts may form on the skin of the face. They must not be removed under any circumstances.

Otherwise, in their place there will be scars and scars. A mandatory item in post-peeling care should be moisturizing and nourishing the skin with the help of creams.

Advantages and disadvantages of chemical peels


The most important advantage of chemical acid peeling is the fact that the effect of this procedure is preserved. very long time. Other benefits of chemical peels include:

  • Skin aging prevention and rejuvenation. Chemical peeling with acids is the best way to eliminate and mask mimic wrinkles, against which creams and massages are powerless, giving a subtle or short-term effect.
  • Removal of dead skin particles. As a result, the skin looks younger and smoother. The right acid for a chemical peel will improve blood circulation and give a healthy complexion.
  • Smoothing scars, scars and post-acne. For problematic skin that has a pronounced relief surface, chemical peeling can be the only way smooth out pronounced defects. Chemical peeling, among other things, perfectly copes with enlarged pores.
  • Adjustment of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to their normalization, acne will cease to occur and inflammation on the skin will stop.

There are a lot of positive aspects of chemical peeling. To the negative points this procedure can include:

  • Long rehabilitation period. With superficial peeling, the healing period of the skin is short. After a medium or deep peel, you will have to change your lifestyle for a while and follow some precautions.
  • Risk of complications after peeling. Complications after exposure to the skin of the face with acid, subject to all the recommendations and conditions, are minimal, but still take place. Therefore, trust facial peeling only to trusted clinics and professionals.
  • Impossibility of smoothing deep wrinkles. Chemical peels can make them less noticeable mimic wrinkles, but is unable to cope with deeper folds.
  • Unaesthetic appearance of the skin the first time after exposure to acid. This, perhaps, refers to the consequences of deep chemical peeling. A red crust forms on the skin, blisters or slight swelling may occur. But this is only a temporary phenomenon that will pass over time.
  • The high cost of the procedure. This drawback is very conditional, since the low cost of chemical peeling may be the result of unprofessionalism, which can adversely affect your health.

Facial chemical peel price

Pricing for chemical peels can vary greatly. AT beauty salons middle level procedure cost, on average, ranges from 2500 to 4000 rubles.

From this article you will learn:

  • How is a chemical peel done?
  • face peeling - reviews, photos before and after,
  • What is the difference between superficial, medium and deep facial peels.

A chemical facial peel is a method that involves the application of toxic chemical solutions to the skin, thereby producing a controlled burning of the surface layers of the skin. After peeling, the skin is gradually restored. Skin repair occurs due to the growth of cells from deeper layers of the epidermis or from intact hair follicles.

Chemical peels damage the superficial layers of the skin in a controlled manner. After chemical damage, the skin is repaired by the formation of younger skin and thus the appearance of the skin is improved. The depth to which damage occurs is determined by the nature of the chemicals that are applied to the skin.

What are the benefits of a chemical peel?

If a chemical peel is performed correctly, the skin will look younger and have a beautiful, even tone. In addition, if a chemical peel is carried out in a course (for example, every 6-8 weeks), then this leads to stimulation of the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which means it will lead to an improvement in skin elasticity and some reduction in the depth of wrinkles.

Chemical peeling of the face: indications

Chemical peels can improve skin conditions in the following cases −

Important: remember that no chemical peels can remove or reduce the appearance of spider veins on the skin of the face, they cannot reduce enlarged pores on the skin, they cannot promote facial skin tightening. But they can make the skin smoother and slightly firmer, remove brown spots, even out uneven skin tone, and generally make the surface of the skin look fresher and younger.

Chemical peeling of the face: before and after photos

What are the types of chemical peels?

Chemical peels differ from each other in the depth of damage to the skin. It is critically important to choose the right peeling depth for your skin, otherwise you can very much regret the treatment.

  • Superficial chemical peeling of the face
    penetrate to the depth of only the most superficial layer of the skin - the epidermis (Fig. 8). After this type of peeling, you can expect skin regeneration after 3-5 days, but be prepared for a period of skin peeling.

    This type of peeling is a good remedy for rejuvenation of the superficial layer of the skin, helping to give it youth and a uniform tone. Also, this peeling is intended for the treatment of acne, post-inflammatory skin pigmentation. Not effective in reducing wrinkles.

    it soft peeling it is usually necessary to repeat once a week for 4-6 weeks to get a good result for a long time.

  • Deep face peeling
    works down to the deep layers of the dermis (Fig. 8). Can be used to treat severe skin changes due to photoaging (sun exposure), scars, scars and wrinkles. This type of peeling allows you to maximize the regeneration of your own collagen and elastin in the skin, which will allow the skin to be more elastic.

    Epithelialization after peeling will occur on the 7-10th day, however, complete healing of the skin will occur only after 1-2 months. It is not advisable to carry out this peeling for diseases of the heart (arrhythmia) and kidneys, because. phenol used here in small quantities is absorbed into the blood.

Preparations for chemical peeling -

The most popular peeling chemicals are: alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid, retinoids, and phenol.

1. Preparations based on hydroxy acids -

  • Alpha hydroxy acids
    used for superficial peeling. Glycolic acid is most commonly used, but other fruit acids can be used, such as: lemon acid, lactic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid (the latter is produced from the skin of grapes).

    It should be noted that glycolic peeling of the face (depending on the concentration of glycolic acid in the preparation solution) can be both superficial and medium. Peeling with alpha hydroxy acids is more suitable for patients with dry skin.

  • Beta hydroxy acids
    this type of acid includes, for example, salicylic acid. Beta hydroxy acids have some advantages over alpha hydroxy acids, because they have the ability to penetrate deeper into the pores of the skin, which means that lower concentrations of acid can be used.

    In addition, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it is preferred for use in people with sensitive skin. In addition, salicylic acid is fat-soluble, so peels based on it are especially indicated for people with oily skin, as well as in the presence of acne on the skin.

Professional brands of superficial chemical peels containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids: MD Forte, Agera RX, Dermaceutic, Jan Marini, LA Peel, ICP, Mene & Moy , "Skinceuticals Gel Peels", "Mandel", "Cosmedix", "NeoStrata".

3. Preparations based on trichloroacetic acid -

Trichloroacetic acid at a concentration of 25-30% is used mainly for medium peeling, and at a concentration of 40% for deep peeling. In addition to all the above indications, this acid is excellent for reducing fine lines (shallow, narrow wrinkles). Peeling based on this acid has a blue color, so it is often called blue face peeling.

Professional brands of products for medium chemical peels containing trichloroacetic acid: Skintech Peels, Mene & Moy, Compositum, Cosmedix, Obagi Blue Peel.

4. Yellow peeling for the face: reviews

Yellow facial peel is a combination of retinaldehyde (a natural metabolite of beta-carotene and vitamin A), vitamin C, and acids (phytic, kojic and azelaic). At the beginning of the procedure, the face is cleansed with a special peeling based on 20% glycolic acid. This is necessary to remove the dead layer of the epidermis. Only after that, a yellow peel containing retinoids will be applied to the skin.

Kojic phytic acid helps to remove spots (hyperpigmentation). Azelaic acid has antibacterial properties, fights free radicals, regulates oily skin. Vitamin C promotes the synthesis of new collagen. Retinoic acid stimulates the proliferation of new epithelial cells and skin cells, and also controls the secretion of sebum.

Yellow peeling (Yellow Peel) is produced by many companies, including those we have listed above, for example, Mene & Moy and others. Despite the rich composition of the yellow peel, there are no studies that would confirm the advantage of this peel over others. Indications for the use of this peeling are exactly the same as for other peelings.

How are chemical peels performed?

What should be the preparation before chemical peeling?

Before chemical peeling, they are often prescribed, less often with stronger forms of vitamin A (tretinoin-type retinoids). The appointment of such funds allows you to accelerate the recovery of the skin, reduce the risk of complications.

If patients often have herpes on the face, then a week before chemical peeling and 2 weeks after its completion, antiviral drugs (Acyclovir or Zovirax) are prescribed to prevent the onset of herpes. this is very important, because herpes in this situation can lead to the formation of scars on the skin.

All patients should be advised to use sunscreens with a high degree of protection. This is necessary both before and after peeling. This is important so that the skin then has a uniform tone. In addition, for individuals with dark skin, pre-treatment of the skin with hydroquinone may be required to prevent problems with subsequent possible hypopigmentation of the skin.

Is anesthesia needed?

Superficial peeling rarely requires anesthesia, but the process of applying the solution may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation. Medium peeling may cause more discomfort. As a rule, medium peeling is carried out against the background of premedication with a tranquilizer (for example, diazepam) and oral analgesic. In some cases, a combination of a tranquilizer and local anesthesia is used.

Deep peeling is performed, as a rule, only under general anesthesia with the participation of a plastic surgeon and an anesthesiologist. However, in last years, due to the advent of more gentle chemical compositions, it became possible to often abandon general anesthesia in favor of sedation with tranquilizers in combination with injections of local anesthetics.

How does a chemical peel procedure work?

The process of chemical peeling begins with the treatment of the skin with compounds based on alcohol or acetone, which is necessary to degrease the skin. Then, a working chemical solution is applied to the skin, having previously protected the eyes from getting particles of the solution into them. The solution is applied for a strictly defined time, based on the type of patient's skin, the type of chemical reagent, etc. After the time has elapsed, the chemical solution is removed and the skin is treated with protective agents.

After the surface peeling procedure, you can immediately return to work. Recovery after a medium peel can take from several days to a week, and after a deep peel it can take several weeks. The rate at which the skin heals will largely depend on age, general health, and the immune system.

Face after chemical peel photo -

Chemical peeling of the face: price

  • superficial chemical peeling - 4000 rubles,
  • medium chemical peeling - 5000 rubles,
  • deep chemical peeling - 10,000 rubles.

Complications and side effects -

There is general rule: the deeper the peeling, the longer the skin recovery will take place, and the higher the frequency of possible complications. Most superficial peels are safe, but medium and deep peels require a lot of experience from a specialist, proper preparation of the skin for the procedure, as well as proper care after the procedure.

Side effects :

  • Pain -
    usually typical for medium and deep peels; usually lasts only a few hours.
  • Skin redness
    superficial peels cause only slight redness, which lasts only for a few days. However, red face after peeling, medium or deep, can last up to 1 month.
  • Itching and intense flaking
    itching, as a rule, occurs after medium and deep chemical peels.
  • allergic reactions
    are quite rare. If the patient has a history of any allergies, then it is advisable to perform peeling while taking antihistamine (anti-allergic) drugs.


  • Chemical burn of the skin
    as a rule, this is only possible with medium and deep peeling, because. more highly concentrated acids are used there. With the wrong choice of the drug (without taking into account the type of skin), the time of peeling, unfortunately, such a complication is possible. The risk of this complication is higher if the peeling is performed not by a dermatologist, but by an ordinary cosmetologist without medical education.
  • Folliculitis or acne
    Acne after chemical peels can result from improper use of emollient creams used to promote healing. In this case, antibiotics may be needed.
  • Bacterial or fungal infection
    rarely occur, but if it does, it can lead to scarring of the skin. The danger of infection exists only with medium and deep peeling.
  • Herpes recurrence -
    will require the appointment of antiviral drugs to prevent scarring. In persons who often develop herpes, it is advisable to peel while taking antiviral drugs or immunostimulants.
  • hyperpigmentation
    is a consequence of the occurrence of inflammation in areas of the skin subjected to chemical peeling. Inflammatory hyperpigmentation is usually temporary but may persist for up to 2 years. Treatment age spots In such situations, it is possible to use special means such as hydroquinone.
  • Hypopigmentation
    is the loss of pigmentation; usually occurs after peeling dark skin. in some cases, hypopigmentation remains for life.
  • Telangiectasias (spider veins)
    these are small red vessels under the skin; they may become more visible after peeling. Cope with spider veins can be quite simple and with the help.
  • demarcation lines
    this is usually the result of medium to deep peels; there may be a noticeable line between the skin where the peel was performed and where it was not.
  • Scars -
    are a very rare complication of chemical peels. An early sign of scarring is constant redness and itching.

How can the frequency of complications from chemical peels be reduced?

  • Peeling should only be carried out by a specialist
    superficial peeling face preparations based on lactic and glycolic acid can be carried out not only by dermatologists, but also by specially trained paramedical personnel, and cosmetologists.

    Medium peeling should be carried out only by a doctor with a higher medical education, and one should strive for this to be a dermatologist. If you plan to do deep peeling, then only a dermatologist or plastic surgeon should perform this procedure.

  • Choosing the Right Exfoliator
    it must be carried out with strict consideration of the patient's skin type.

Chemical peeling of the face: contraindications

The correct selection of patients who can undergo chemical peeling is very important. not everyone can do it . Depending on the type of peel, your doctor may not recommend treatment if:

→ do you have scars on the skin, warts,
→ there is abnormal hyper- or hypo-pigmentation of the skin,
→ if you have red hair and freckles, dark brown skin,
→ have a bacterial, fungal infection of the skin,
→ if you have been prescribed isotretinoin (used to treat acne) within the past 12 months.

We hope that our article was useful to you!

Last revision of the article: 10/10/2017