Facial peeling with mandelic acid. Glycolic peeling of the face - what is it, the pros and cons of the salon procedure Stage III. Post-peel care

Glycolic acid is a member of the AHA acids most commonly used in chemical peels. Of all AHA acids, it has the shortest molecule, due to which it penetrates deep into the skin. Provides exfoliation of dead cells and renewal of the cellular composition of the epidermis, increases the level of moisture in the skin, restores the lipid barrier, reduces the manifestation of hyperpigmentation.

Peelings based on α-hydroxy acids show their effectiveness in the treatment of photoaging. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects. Stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts, activation of collagen synthesis.

Thanks to the action of glycolic peels, the surface of the skin is leveled, its color improves. The skin turgor increases, the small network of wrinkles is smoothed out.

Application of GLYCOLIC 35% NeoPeel based on glycolic acid, indications:

  • Complex Anti-age therapy
  • seborrhea, oily skin
  • Acne and post-acne
  • Hyperkeratosis, gray complexion
  • Hyperpigmentation, age spots after injuries
  • Preparing for other cosmetic procedures

Release form: 50 ml bottle

Glycolic peeling 35%, instructions, application protocol:

  1. Carry out a thorough make-up removal, cleanse the skin.
  2. Treat the skin with First Step or another degreaser.
  3. Apply Glycolic with a brush on the entire surface of the skin of the face in the direction from the periphery to the center: forehead, temples, chin, wings of the nose, eyelids.
  4. Exposure. The exposure time of the peeling solution individually and on average is up to 5 minutes. The signal for the start of neutralization is the appearance of redness and subjective burning sensations. If an intense burning sensation occurs in the client, the peeling composition must be neutralized immediately!
  5. With another brush, apply Neutralizer in reverse order. Wash off with plenty of warm water. Dry skin.
  6. Apply a soothing and healing cream.

Attention! This peel is for professional use only! The procedure can only be carried out by cosmetologists who have undergone special training.

Today, chemical peeling is one of the most popular and sought-after procedures in cosmetology. Its main task is to improve the condition of the skin by removing the upper stratum corneum and getting rid of any defects. At the same time, possible risks are minimized, and the terms are as short as possible.

For the procedure, there are many means - mainly various chemical and fruit acids. The most preferred are those varieties that have a gentle effect on the epidermis. For example, a preparation obtained from almond extract.

Its scientific name is phenoxyglycolic acid. In terms of its effect, it is much softer than its glycol counterpart with the same effectiveness and is suitable for even the most sensitive delicate skin without causing side effects. This is due to the larger size of the molecules compared to glycolic acid molecules, as well as slow penetration deep into the epidermis.

Mandelic acid peeling is one of the best ways to quickly renew the skin and even out its relief.

Its main advantages are:

  • universality - peeling with mandelic acid is suitable for people with different skin types, regardless of age and does not cause irritation;
  • lack of seasonal restrictions - that is, it has no contraindications for use during the period of solar activity.


Mandelic acid is a powerful keratolytic agent that causes strong exfoliation of dead cells. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and is able to split black acne plugs in the mouths of the sebaceous glands and prevent the development of comedones. That is why it is used to fight acne and post-acne.

Peeling based on mandelic acid can improve the structure of any skin type. Dermatologists recommend it as an alternative to regular facial cleansing. In addition, it has an effect on mature skin, activating cellular renewal, smoothing fine wrinkles and getting rid of age spots.

Such procedures help to stimulate the synthesis of collagen, as well as elastin - connective tissue fibers responsible for skin firmness and elasticity.

Due to its delicacy, cosmetologists use it as a preparatory stage before more intensive treatment - laser resurfacing or medium peeling.


Peeling with mandelic acid is designed to eliminate the following skin problems:

  • comedones, acne, acne and its consequences associated with a violation of the skin relief - post-acne;
  • rosacea - rosacea in the elderly;
  • folliculitis - inflammation of the hair follicles;
  • small mimic wrinkles;
  • decrease in skin tone and loss of its elasticity;
  • insufficient microcirculation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • age spots, freckles, uneven complexion;
  • preparation for laser resurfacing or median chemical peeling.


Despite the fact that almond peeling acts very gently, it has limitations for use in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to mandelic acid and its components;
  • the presence of damage to the epidermis, irritation or viral infection in an active form (herpes);
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays in a solarium before and after the procedure.


Like any cosmetic procedure, a chemical peel with mandelic acid 35 % is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation at home - for two weeks before the start of the almond peel, use a cream with 15% phenoxyglycolic acid in the morning and evening to gradually accustom the skin to the preparation and even out the stratum corneum.
  2. Cleansing the skin of make-up with cosmetic milk containing 10% mandelic acid and degreasing with a tonic with the same content of the drug.
  3. Pre-peeling with 5% mandelic acid to even out the structure of the epidermis is an important step that will allow you to test the skin for sensitivity to the drug.
  4. Application of 35% mandelic acid for 10-15 minutes if this is the first experience and 20-25 minutes for subsequent procedures. The exposure time, the concentration of the composition and the number of its layers are regulated by the cosmetologist, taking into account the quality of the product, the patient's skin type and its condition at the time of peeling.
  5. Neutralization of acid activity or simply washing with water.
  6. Soothing mask with calendula, chamomile or aloe extracts. Holding time - 20 minutes.
  7. Post peel moisturizing cream.

Tools for the procedure:

  • Magnifier Lamp;
  • Makeup remover - lotion, milk, tonic containing 10% mandelic acid;
  • Vaporizer - a device for hardware cleaning of the face with steam;
  • Hair clips or a special silicone cap to protect them;
  • Cotton pads, cotton swabs, sterile gauze or bandage;
  • Mandelic acid 5% and 35%.

The duration of the procedure is about an hour, and the average cost is from one to three thousand rubles. In many ways, the price depends on the status of the beauty salon, the region and what product is used. The most popular are:

  • Italian drugs Phyto Sintesi and OTI;
  • Brazilian brand - Mediccontrolpeel;
  • Spanish product - Mediderma.

Post-peel care

An equally important stage, on which the final result of the procedure depends, is skin care after peeling. Its main tasks:

  • reduction of irritation and discomfort;
  • prevention of possible inflammatory processes;
  • stimulation of skin regeneration;
  • active hydration;
  • protection from ultraviolet radiation and adverse effects of exogenous nature.

How does this happen? Literally the next day after peeling, there is a strong drying of the skin, which is a common reaction to the chemical action of the acid. To soften the epidermis, it is recommended to use a soothing cream containing collagen, lactic acid or seaweed extract.

As an additional option, you can make a face mask with similar components. This will help calm the skin, normalize water exchange and enhance the regeneration process.

For several days, you should apply fatty creams for intensive moisturizing containing hyaluronic acid, shea butter (the second name is shea) or aloe extract.

It is important to avoid direct sun exposure and be sure to use special sunscreen with a high degree of protection when going out. The minimum level is 30 SPF.

Post-peel skin care lasts at least 4 days. It is necessary to start repeated pre-peeling preparation after complete rehabilitation.


The course of treatment may consist of several procedures in the amount of 6 to 10 with an interval of 10 days between sessions. However, tangible results will appear after the first time. The combination of peeling with the intake of antioxidant drugs and vitamins E and C will speed up the restoration of the dermis and strengthen the immune system.

Mandelic acid has a pronounced effect, smoothes the skin from wrinkles and has a bactericidal effect, successfully coping with acne and its consequences. Pigmentation spots are visibly lightened. The general therapeutic effect of the procedure is the active production of collagen and enhanced renewal of epidermal cells.

It is recommended not only for the treatment of acne, but also to combat age-related changes on the skin of the face, décolleté and even hands. This type of peeling is popular not only among women, but also among males, for whom it is important to look well-groomed.

Repetition of the full course can be done in a year. In some cases, when urgently needed, supportive one-time procedures are used. They should be held no earlier than two months later.

Possible Complications

Each person is an individual, so it is difficult to predict all the consequences after a chemical peel.

The normal response is:

  • Hyperemia - that is, redness of the skin during the procedure and after it. This is due to the flow of blood and normally it should pass within an hour after completion.
  • Burning sensation during peeling, which disappears when the treated surface is moistened.
  • Dryness and feeling of tightening of the skin the next day after the session.
  • Peeling for several days.

Rare complications include:

  • Skin rashes. The reasons can be different factors - from a violation of peeling technology to incorrect post-peeling care. Ignoring contraindications or hormonal disruptions in the body.
  • Infection. It is observed in cases where asepsis rules are not observed during the peeling procedure and during the recovery period.
  • Hyperpigmentation. Risk factors can be heredity, hormonal changes, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, and inflammatory processes in the skin.
  • Edema or other allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
  • Burns resulting from the use of low-quality products or non-compliance with the exposure time. In some cases, the cause may be the patient's hypersensitivity to the drug.

To avoid the above symptoms, it is important to contact only highly qualified experienced specialists, take into account contraindications, follow their recommendations and in no case violate the peeling technology.

There have been and are many different ways to improve and rejuvenate the appearance. Modern technologies allow such care to be made as effective as possible, and the result is durable.

One such method is glycol peeling.

For those who are interested in what it is, how the session goes, how many procedures are needed and whether it is possible to use glycolic acid-based facial peeling during pregnancy, we offer the following article.

This is a special type of chemical peel based on the action of glycolic acid. Previously, it was produced from raw materials based on sugar cane, now chemicals are increasingly used. In contact with the skin, it affects the upper layers of the epidermis.

Active fruit acid causes old skin cells to die, and activates those under them.

This process leads to active skin rejuvenation and improves complexion, making it fresh and young.

The degree of exposure and concentration of acid

There are three types of peeling, superficial, medium and deep. To do this, use acid of different concentrations. Most often, peeling formulations contain 5-10%, 15-30%, 35-50% and 70% glycolic acid. The greater the concentration, the deeper the treatment. You should start with the smallest.

This will allow the body to adapt to the effects of the drug, or stop the procedure in time if the body's reaction is too intense so as not to cause harm. During the procedure, patients may experience a slight tingling sensation.

Superficial glycolic cleansing can be carried out within the uppermost layer of the skin. Great for treating and preventing acne. It has a soft and gentle nature of the impact, is very effective and does not injure the surface.

At the same time, the microrelief is significantly improved, fine wrinkles and freckles are erased, congestive acne is cured, acne spots are eliminated. Median glycol peeling affects the living layers of the epidermis up to the basement membrane. Due to the effect of acid, the epidermis disappears almost completely.

This type of peeling is perfect for smoothing creases and wrinkles, neutralizing the contrast of scars and gradually removing age spots (). It is carried out exclusively in a clinic, subsequent rehabilitation can last 8-15 days. With the obligatory observance of all recommendations of the doctor who performed the procedure.

What are the advantages of cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen and what results can be achieved, read.

Results, before and after photos

After a course of glycol therapy, the result is visible almost immediately. Pigmentation disappears, scars and wrinkles are reduced, and in some cases completely disappear. There is also a significant improvement in the condition of the face and its rejuvenation.

When using high-quality drugs and following the recommendations of cosmetologists, this effect is one of the safest and most effective.

Peeling is able to give your face youth and beauty for many years.

See what results can be achieved with glycolic acid peels:

Consequences and complications

Unfortunately, in rare cases, complications can occur. If your skin is too delicate, redness may appear, lasting from 2-3 hours to several days. If the sensitivity is very high, then after glycolic peeling, edema or a crust may appear, which cannot be removed on your own.

With independent actions, scarring is possible, so if such reactions occur, immediately contact a beautician and he will select a special cream.

How often can you do it, average prices in the salon

If the session went as usual and the skin reacts normally, then 2-3 procedures may be enough.

What is the benefit of darsonvalization of the skin of the face and whether this technique has contraindications, you will find out.

Glycolic peels are the most common and popular superficial peels that can be performed by both doctors and estheticians. Of all AHA acids, glycolic acid has the shortest molecule, contains only two carbon atoms, due to which it penetrates deep into the skin, leads to exfoliation, and has an indirect antioxidant and moisturizing effect. To reduce the aggressiveness of the acid, lactokine is introduced into the peeling composition. It is a unique active substance that contains a group of proteins isolated from milk and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Benefits of peeling

  1. Less traumatic and comfortable to carry out
  2. Does not have a systemic effect
  3. Doesn't develop addiction
  4. Minimum rehabilitation period
  5. Low complication rate
  6. High efficiency
  7. Peeling can be used to correct a wide range of aesthetic problems.
    (optimal indication - age-related changes or prevention of aging)

Indications for peeling

  1. skin fading
  2. seborrheic skin
  3. Hyperkeratosis
  4. hyperpigmentation
  5. Follicular hyperkeratosis
  6. Ingrown hair syndrome
  7. Peeling can be performed as a preparation for other cosmetic procedures.


  1. Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the peeling composition
  2. Violation of the integrity of the skin
  3. Active inflammatory process on the skin
  4. Herpes in the active phase
  5. Severe somatic diseases
  6. IV-V skin types according to Fitzpatrick
  7. Pregnancy, lactation
  8. Prolonged exposure to the sun

Home care preparations

  • Moisturizing Cream Vegelip Mesaltera
  • Postpeel Light post-peeling cream
  • Cleanser mousse Medic Control Pee (MCP)

Preparations necessary for the peeling procedure

  • Cleanser mousse MCP
  • Glycolic peeling Glycoliсpeel 35%, 50% or 70% (pH 1.7)
  • Converter
  • Antioxidant VC-IP Mask
  • Vegefarma MCP Revitalizing Cream

Peeling Protocol

I stage. Pre-peel preparation

For 14–21 days at night, Prepeel Active or Prepeel Acne creams are applied to the cleansed Cleanser mousse skin of the face, depending on the indications. Antioxidant MediScreen sunscreen is applied in the morning.

II stage. Chemical peel

1 step. Cleansing. Apply Cleanser mousse to the skin of the face, distribute with light massage movements and leave for 2-3 minutes to 20-30 seconds. Wash off with water.
2 step. Apply peeling gel with a brush on the entire surface of the skin of the face in the direction from the periphery to the center in the following sequence: forehead, temples, chin, eyelids. The signal for the beginning of neutralization is the appearance of signs of erythema and the subjective sensations of the patient in the form of a burning sensation. The exposure time is on average from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. With a subjective sensation of intense burning, the peeling composition should be immediately neutralized.
3 step. With another brush, apply the neutralizing solution to the skin in reverse order. Leave on for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat neutralization if necessary.
4 step. Apply antioxidant VC-IP Mask. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. Dry the skin.
5 step. Apply Vegefarma cream to the skin.

III stage. Post-peel care

During the day, the patient should use Vegelip moisturizer, apply MediScreen sunscreen in the morning, and Postpeel Light at night. Depending on the indication, Postpeel Active and Postpeel Acne creams can be used.

Expected reactions after peeling

– Slight erythema disappearing within a few hours after the procedure.
– Moderate peeling of the skin.

Peeling programs

The basic course consists of 5-10 procedures, which are performed at intervals of 7-14 days.

  1. In case of age-related changes in the skin, to prevent biological (natural) aging, the procedure is performed once every 10-14 days. The intensive course includes 10 procedures 1-2 times a year. Maintenance course - 1 procedure in 1-1.5 months. At 1–3 sessions, 35%–50% glycolic acid is used, starting from session 4, 70%. The exposure time of the peeling solution is strictly individual.
  2. To prevent photoaging, peeling is carried out once every 7-10 days. The intensive course consists of 6-10 procedures once a year. Maintenance course - 1 procedure in 1-1.5 months. At 1–3 sessions, 35%–50% glycolic acid is used, starting from session 4, 70%. The exposure time of the peeling solution is strictly individual.
  3. With seborrhea, peeling is performed with 35% and 50% glycolic acid with a frequency of 1 time in 7-10 days. The course is selected individually.
  4. For acne, peeling is performed with 35% and 50% glycolic acid with a frequency of 1 time in 7-10 days. Peeling is performed for mild acne (no more than 7-10 inflammatory elements). It is preferable to start the course of treatment with peelings with salicylic or mandelic acids.
  5. In hyperkeratosis, formulations of various concentrations are used depending on the age of the patient. The course includes up to 10-12 procedures.
  6. For hyperpigmentation, it is recommended to use Glycolicpeel Whitening peeling in combination with depigmenting therapy with Medilight. The main rule is a careful impact on areas of dyschromia!
  7. In preparation for plastic surgery, a course is prescribed, consisting of 5-6 procedures with 50% acid, then 3-4 procedures with 70% acid with an interval of 10-14 days.

This peeling has no age restrictions and goes well with other types of peelings. It is desirable to combine with sessions of mesotherapy or meso-peeling (introduction of cocktails with glycolic and hyaluronic acids), which are carried out 7-10 days after peeling.

This acid has the most active molecule of all alpha hydroxy acids, due to which preparations based on it have pronounced exfoliating, stimulating and antioxidant properties. The most common chemical superficial peel based on glycolic acid.

The action of glycolic acid is designed to soften lactokine - a complex containing cow's milk protein. Thanks to it, the protective functions of the skin are restored faster, and the peeling procedure itself becomes less traumatic and safe.

Release form
30 ml bottles


  1. skin fading
  2. seborrheic skin
  3. Hyperkeratosis
  4. hyperpigmentation
  5. Follicular hyperkeratosis
  6. Ingrown hair syndrome
  7. Peeling can be performed as a preparation for other cosmetic procedures.


  1. Individual intolerance to the ingredients of the peeling composition
  2. Violation of the integrity of the skin
  3. Active inflammatory process on the skin
  4. Herpes in the active phase
  5. Severe somatic diseases
  6. IV-V skin types according to Fitzpatrick
  7. Pregnancy, lactation
  8. Prolonged exposure to the sun


  1. Less traumatic and comfortable to carry out
  2. Does not have a systemic effect
  3. Doesn't develop addiction
  4. Minimum rehabilitation period
  5. Low complication rate
  6. High efficiency
  7. Peeling can be used to correct a wide range of aesthetic problems.
    (optimal indication - age-related changes or prevention of aging)


  1. Purifying Cleanser mousse
  2. Glycolicpeel 35%, 50% or 70% (pH 1.7)
  3. Converter
  4. Antioxidant VC-IP Mask
  5. Vegefarma cream


  1. Pre-peeling cream Prepeel Light
  2. Vegelip Moisturizing Cream
  3. Postpeel Light post-peeling cream
  4. Purifying Cleanser Mousse


I stage. Pre-peel preparation

For 14-21 days, Prepeel Light cream is applied to the cleansed Cleanser Mousse at night. Depending on the indication, Prepeel Medium or Prepeel Active creams can be used. Antioxidant Mediscreen sunscreen is applied in the morning.

II stage. Chemical peel

1 step. Cleansing. Apply Cleanser Mousse to the skin of the face, distribute with light massage movements and leave for 2-3 minutes to 20-30 seconds. Wash off with water.
2 step. Apply peeling gel Glycolicpeel 35%, 50% and 70% with a brush on the entire surface of the skin of the face in the direction from the periphery to the center in the following sequence: forehead, temples, chin, eyelids. The signal for the beginning of neutralization is the appearance of signs of erythema and the subjective sensations of the patient in the form of a burning sensation. The exposure time is on average from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. With a subjective sensation of intense burning, the peeling composition should be immediately neutralized.

3 step. With another brush, apply the neutralizing solution to the skin in reverse order. Leave on for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat neutralization if necessary.
4 step. Apply antioxidant VC-IP Mask. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. Dry the skin.
5 step. Apply Vegefarma cream to the skin.

III stage. Post-peel care

During the day, the patient should use a Vegelip moisturizer, apply a sunscreen such as Mediscreen in the morning, and Postpeel Light cream at night.

Depending on the indication, Postpeel Active and Anti-Acne Complex creams can be used.


– Slight erythema disappearing within a few hours after the procedure.
– Moderate peeling of the skin.


The basic course consists of 5-10 procedures, which are performed at intervals of 7-14 days.

  1. In case of age-related changes in the skin, to prevent biological (natural) aging, the procedure is performed once every 10-14 days. The intensive course includes 10 procedures 1-2 times a year. Maintenance course - 1 procedure in 1-1.5 months. At 1–3 sessions, 35%–50% glycolic acid is used, starting from session 4, 70%. The exposure time of the peeling solution is strictly individual.
  2. To prevent photoaging, peeling is carried out once every 7-10 days. The intensive course consists of 6-10 procedures once a year. Maintenance course - 1 procedure in 1-1.5 months. At 1–3 sessions, 35%–50% glycolic acid is used, starting from session 4, 70%. The exposure time of the peeling solution is strictly individual.
  3. With seborrhea, peeling is performed with 35% and 50% glycolic acid with a frequency of 1 time in 7-10 days. The course is selected individually.
  4. For acne, peeling is performed with 35% and 50% glycolic acid with a frequency of 1 time in 7-10 days. Peeling is performed for mild acne (no more than 7-10 inflammatory elements). It is preferable to start the course of treatment with peelings with salicylic or mandelic acids.
  5. In hyperkeratosis, formulations of various concentrations are used depending on the age of the patient. The course includes up to 10-12 procedures.
  6. For hyperpigmentation, it is recommended to use Glycolicpeel Whitening peeling in combination with depigmenting therapy with Medilight. The main rule is a careful impact on areas of dyschromia!
  7. In preparation for plastic surgery, a course is prescribed, consisting of 5-6 procedures with 50% acid, then 3-4 procedures with 70% acid with an interval of 10-14 days.


This peeling has no age restrictions and goes well with other types of peelings. It is desirable to combine with sessions of mesotherapy or meso-peeling (introduction of cocktails with glycolic and hyaluronic acids), which are carried out 7-10 days after peeling.