What to do with hair after a perm. Hair treatment after waving: how to correct the mistakes of the master and eliminate side effects. Treatment and masks for burned hair

It has long been known that curly girls dream of straight hair - for this they buy styling products for straightening strands and ironing. Straight-haired divas are ready to do anything to see a beauty with tight curls in the mirror. But not everyone wants to get up every morning to style their hair with a styler. Ideal Solution– long-term styling with the help of special chemicals. However, no matter how modern and sparing the cosmetics used by the master are, they cause serious harm to the hair. Therefore, they require special care during the recovery period.

Hair always doesn't look the best. Resistant preparations dry out the hair cuticle, so the strands begin to look lifeless and untidy. Split ends cannot be cured with silicone and moisturizing masks. Repeated perms often change the oiliness of the scalp - hair can become dry or overly greasy. In response to the use of aggressive cosmetics, the skin is covered with crusts of dead epidermal cells. The crusts fall off on the shoulders, turning into dandruff. To cope with it is beyond the power of advertised shampoos.

Use a ph-neutral shampoo to wash your hair. It is suitable for frequent use, does not cause inflammation and allergic reactions. This shampoo can be bought in the store professional cosmetics. Apply shampoo only to the roots of your hair. Massaging the hair, lather the product and rinse with warm water. Use an exfoliating shampoo once every two weeks to deeply cleanse your scalp. It is easy to prepare at home - you can add a large sea ​​salt or sugar.

Apply twice a week to the entire length of the hair intensive mask, the rest of the time, use a conditioner. When choosing a product in the store, pay attention to the content of moisturizing ingredients - aloe juice, Shea butter, silk proteins. They will help to cope with split ends and dry hair. Distribute the balm along the length of the hair, avoiding contact with the roots (otherwise the skin will look oily).

The mask is a thick concentrated product designed to radically solve trichological problems. There are several types of hair masks: sebum-regulating, nourishing, moisturizing, smoothing. For strands affected by perm, the last three types come in handy. If you do not want to spend money on a store product, make a mask with your own hands. For example, from aloe extract. 2 tbsp aloe extract, mix with 1 tbsp. acetic acid and 1 cup olive oil. Stir and apply to hair half an hour before washing. Comb and wrap them with cling film. You can also make a mask of burdock oil - the well-known "helper" of damaged hair.

Do not comb wet hair, so as not to further injure them. Get 'em wet terry towel without squeezing or rubbing. Apply a detangling spray or fluid to your hair (preferably on oil based). Spread it out with your fingers. Then start drying. Curly hair should not be dried with a hot air jet - use a diffuser and a warm stream. If you have time, it's best to let your hair dry naturally.

Frequent combing is generally not recommended for permed hair. Use not metal, but wooden combs - preferably combs, brushes and brushes. Start combing from the ends of the hair, gradually rising to the roots. To improve the nutrition of the strands, it is useful to massage the scalp with your fingertips every evening for 3-5 minutes.

Hot styling will have to be abandoned for a while. This means that the only styling tool for the next couple of months will be your own fingers. The use of tongs, irons and hot rollers thins curled hair and makes it brittle.

In this case, the use of styling products is highly recommended. They cover each hair with a thin film, protecting it from the effects of wind, rain and comb teeth. For styling hair with chemical carving, you can use foam, mousse, lotion and texturizing cream. Sprays and gels are usually made on an alcohol basis, so you should not use them.

It is advisable to refuse coloring of hair curled with chemical preparations. If you still can not wait to change the color of your hair, use henna or a tinting agent with no large quantity pigments. Please note that the tonic will change the color of your hair by a maximum of 1.5-2 tones.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely restore the condition of the hair. Severely damaged ends will not be cured by any mask or shampoo. Return former beauty cutting with hot scissors will help.

Curly curls are considered an adornment of any hairstyle, but their creation with normal styling requires a lot of effort. With the development of technologies and materials, chemical methods of creating hairstyles have entered the world of beauty, and the main one is fixing the shape of a curl. Such a procedure facilitates the creation of an interesting styling, but damages and dries the strands, so additional hair care after a perm is required.

Perm Rooting strands

Compositions for such a procedure are performed with a lower content of the main components, so they do not affect the hair structure so much. On the other hand, carving is carried out at the very roots, so if the master makes a mistake, the curls will be damaged from the very base, which will significantly increase their recovery time.

Alkaline-based products are considered softer, so they are more often used for perms. For thicker and thicker hair, acidic compounds are required that rigidly fix the shape due to the partial destruction of the protein structure. All compositions for waving also negatively affect the condition of the scalp and hair follicles.

Curls after perming

Additional hair care after perm is required for any treatment method. With such a hard impact, the hair structure changes, the bulbs weaken, and the strands lose their elasticity and become brittle. To maintain your hair, you should constantly use intensive restorative cosmetics, including masks, balms and special oils.

How to care for hair after a perm: proven products

There are several ways to cure hair after a perm:

  • Application of nourishing masks;
  • Moisturizing with balms and milk after washing;
  • Use of spray oils before combing;
Using oils and sprays before brushing
  • Application of protective mousses and foams before styling.

Masks and oils restore the hair structure, so their use is best combined and combined with other care products. It should be taken into account the fact that classical means will have low efficiency. After processing, the hair structure is disturbed and becomes porous, therefore, to improve the strands, you should use products that simultaneously nourish and protect the curls from external influences. That is why a mask for hair damaged after chemistry is most often performed on the basis of one or more types. vegetable oil.

Must use hair masks

Recipes for simple but effective masks

Recovery and care with castor and burdock oil

The most famous for their beneficial effect on the hair are castor and burdock oils.

Therapeutic ingredients for hair

To prepare a restorative agent based on it, you must mix:

  • Honey - 1 mass part;
  • Castor or burdock oil - 1 mass part;
  • Onion juice - 1 mass part.

The components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied to the strands, as well as the scalp. The mask is left for 40 minutes, then the curls are washed well with running water. First, you can rinse your head with a decoction of chamomile, it will soothe the scalp and remove excess oil. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 4-6 times a week for 20-30 days.

Oil emulsion can be used as a standalone after perming.

Burdock oil is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 2: 1, mixed well and applied to the hair roots.

Burr oil

The strands are collected in a hat, the head is wrapped with a towel to keep warm. After 1.5 - 2 hours, the hair is washed with salted water to effective removal excess oil.

Nourishing and moisturizing mask with kefir and black bread

Restore strands and scalp. For its preparation you will need:

  • Black bread - 50 g or 2 pieces;
  • Kefir - 200 ml;
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • Honey - 10 g or 1 tablespoon;

Bread is placed in a bowl and kefir is poured. The soaked pieces are left overnight, and in the morning they are kneaded to a state of porridge. Two raw yolks and a tablespoon of honey are mixed into the workpiece. The prepared mask is applied to the scalp and hair, after 20 minutes the hair is washed with a decoction of chamomile. Yolks nourish and cover the strands with a thin film, honey strengthens the hair structure, and bread and kefir nourish and moisturize the skin and hair follicles. Such a tool allows you to improve the condition of the curls after 8 - 10 applications.

Treatment mask for hair

When restoring hair, several methods should be combined, including nourishing masks, special cosmetics and styling products.

To reduce damage to the hair when combing, special indelible sprays and balms are used. You can supplement daily care with a foam that envelops the strands and protects them from external negative impacts. But you should not count on a quick recovery of the hair, only a complete renewal of the strands will return the former shine and texture.


How to style, straighten and color your hair after the procedure

The impact on curls during chemical fixation is so great that the hair will no longer be able to transfer heat treatment or additional exposure. Therefore, laying can only be carried out with warm air or with natural drying.

What you need to know about styling

Smoothing with an iron and the use of a hair dryer are highly undesirable. Given the disturbed structure and drying, the fragility of the strands will increase under such exposure, which will lead to increasing hair loss. It is better to comb the strands with wooden brushes, brushes and combs. Wet hair should first be dried with a towel, then apply a tangle-proofing agent and comb the curls. With mild chemicals, you can use warm air styling.

Soft chemistry

Hair coloring

Staining implies the presence of an oxidizing agent, which further destroys the structure of the curls. Such exposure will also weaken curled strands, and it will be much more difficult to restore their health.

After chemistry, you should do without the use of thermal styling methods and experiments with the color of the hair. You can return to such habits after updating the strands along the entire length.

In order for the curls to look natural and aesthetically pleasing after the perm procedure, and not resemble straw, it is important to know how to restore hair after chemistry and properly care for them. After all, along with perfect curls and saving time on a morning hairstyle, you can often get dry, dull strands with split ends. This result brings a lot of disappointment, and sometimes makes you resort to scissors.

Basic care

Curling chemicals dry out the hair cuticle, making it lifeless and brittle. Repeated perm affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, which may cause increased oiliness or dryness, and dandruff may appear. That is why it is not recommended to do the procedure if the hair is dry, brittle or has recently been dyed. It is better to take care of the health of the hair in advance and take a course of nourishing masks, treat depleted strands, and only then proceed to “chemistry”.

  • 1. Basic care
  • 2. Oil based masks
  • 3. Folk recipes

After a perm, it is important to follow the rules of special hair care. This will allow the hairstyle to last longer and more effectively, speed up recovery.

  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 3 days, so that the product has time to attach to the hair. Even if your scalp is oily by nature and requires daily washing, you should not ignore this advice. It is better to postpone the perm closer to the weekend and spend it at home.
  • In order for the curls not to lose their shape, you should give preference to combs with wide teeth made of natural materials, for example a tree.
  • Shampoo for damaged, weakened hair with a neutral ph-balance is suitable for washing your hair.
  • It is necessary to apply shampoo only to the roots, distributing it over the entire head with massaging movements.
  • For nutrition, moisturizing, use balms, masks, protective sprays. For styling - foam-balm.
  • It is better to refuse to dry your hair with a hairdryer, but if you cannot do without it, then use it in a gentle warm or cold mode. But in no case should you go to bed with wet head, from this the curls will lose their shape, the perm will be spoiled.
  • For better blood flow to the hair follicles, you need to massage your head every evening for 5 minutes.

It is important to remember that straight hair care products make curls heavier and lead to straightening, therefore they are not at all suitable for strands after curling. Bouffant is also prohibited, they will irrevocably spoil the “chemistry”.

Oil based masks

One of the simplest but effective ways hair restoration after a perm - the use of homemade masks from natural ingredients.

Such care will nourish and moisturize the strands well. The mask is applied to wet, washed hair no more than 2 times a week. The rest of the time you can use the balm.

  • Burdock oil mask. In 3 tablespoons of shampoo, add 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 0.5 tablespoons of burdock oil, stir. Apply to hair along the entire length, put on a bath cap, wrap with a towel and leave for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse your head thoroughly with warm water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.
  • mask from castor oil. In 30 g of castor oil, add 10 g of honey (if the honey is sugared, melt in a water bath), 1 yolk, 10 g of lemon juice, mix thoroughly. Spread strands, wrap with a towel and soak for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Mask for severe hair loss. Mix onion juice, castor oil, aloe gruel in equal parts. Apply for 1 hour, rinse with warm water.

To stimulate blood circulation and improve the nutrition of hair follicles, massage using castor oil has proven itself well. To do this, mix 30 g of castor oil with 30 g of lavender oil. Apply the product on the skin and massage for 3-5 minutes, rinse.

Essential oils can be added to masks, which have preventive, medicinal properties, accelerate recovery.

  • For dry brittle hair- ylang-ylang, rosemary, lavender, sandalwood, chamomile, mandarin.
  • For oily scalp - tea tree, lemon, mint, pine, juniper.
  • For split ends - chamomile, rosewood, ylang-ylang, geranium.
  • For the damaged - orange, rosewood, lavender, sandalwood.
  • To strengthen the hair follicle (from falling out) - rosemary, tea and rosewood, calamus, cedar, pine, mint.
  • If the scalp is overdried - chamomile, geranium, lavender, lemon balm.

As base oil for dry hair, olive, peach, almond, jojoba, shea are suitable. For fatty - grape seed oil, avocado. The addition of essential oil to masks is done on the basis that 3-5 drops of essential oil go to 2-4 tablespoons of base oil. Also, as a supplement, you can use vitamins A, E in gelatin capsules.

Folk recipes

The question of how to restore hair after a perm arises for many women who are faced with the problem of depleted strands and split ends.

To make your hair healthy and radiant, it is important to take proper care of weakened hair and apply masks that promote the regeneration of curls. Easy to prepare and use, they nourish the hair, improve its structure.

  • Black bread mask with kefir. Pour 2 pieces of black bread with 1 glass of kefir and leave overnight. In the morning, knead the bread, and add 2 yolks, 1 tablespoon of honey to the resulting mixture, mix. Apply the mask to the hair roots and massage for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water or chamomile decoction. Apply the product 2 times a week.
  • Yeast mask. Dissolve 5 grams of dry yeast in 2 tablespoons of warm castor oil, add 1 tablespoon of cream and egg yolk. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath. Rub the mask into the hair roots, hold for 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo. Rinse with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.
  • Glycerin mask. Mix 2 yolks with 10 drops of glycerin, 10 drops of lemon juice, mix thoroughly, add 3 tablespoons of water. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair, and then distributed over the entire length, put on a bath cap, wrap with a towel. It is recommended to apply the mask 2 times a week for 2 months. To make recovery more effective, a decoction is used for rinsing: pour 1 tablespoon of mallow into 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, cool. Add 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon each lemon juice and wine vinegar.
  • Herbal mask with bread. Take 1 tablespoon of chamomile, nettle and linden, pour boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes in a sealed container. Cool the resulting infusion, strain, add rye bread, oil vitamins in ampoules (sold in a pharmacy) E, A, B1. Apply to strands, hold for 1.5 hours, rinse with warm water.

Hair loss is a worrying symptom. In many cases, this phenomenon indicates a malfunction of the body or serious diseases. Sometimes hair loss is provoked by external factors. So, often women who have done long-term styling and noticed the first signs of baldness begin to sound the alarm: hair falls out after chemistry, what should I do? Most of all, don't panic. Nervous strain can lead to stress, and it will only exacerbate the problem. But you should not ignore negative changes in appearance. It is better to immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist or trichologist. The specialist will find out true reason and select the appropriate treatment.

There are a lot of factors that negatively affect the density of hair. Among them there are both quite harmless and carrying a real threat to human health. Let's figure out what can lead to baldness.

  • Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins often affects our strands. It is worth reviewing your diet and including foods containing a large amount of the desired element in the menu.
  • Hormonal changes. They are observed in adolescents during puberty, in pregnant women, nursing mothers and women during menopause. Also, an imbalance of hormones can be caused by disorders in the endocrine or nervous system.
  • A sharp change in climate and weather conditions. For changes in environment the body reacts differently. In addition, if you do not protect the curls with a headdress from the cold or ultraviolet rays, they will begin to weaken and fall out.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Overeating, abuse of harmful products or passion for mono-diets is fraught with negative consequences in the form of hair loss. This also includes bad habits.
  • Age and hereditary factor. If a person's ancestors lost their hair, it is quite possible that this problem will also affect him. In addition, older people have much less strands than young people.
  • Cosmetics. The desire of many ladies to be beautiful does not always lead to the expected result. Often, after a perm or styling, instead of a shock of luxurious curls, women get alopecia. The same outcome can be as a result of frequent staining.

Types of long-term perm

If a woman wants to become the owner of curls, she can go to the hairdresser and choose the type of perm that suits her best. As a rule, the choice of a new hairstyle will depend on the age of the lady, her hair type and health status.

Amino acid perm

It is a potent agent, contains thioglycolic acid. Due to the pungent odor and complex composition, it has a number of contraindications. Not recommended for owners of dry and brittle hair, people with a high risk of allergies.

Alkaline styling

This type of curling began to be used many years ago. Its disadvantage is that it is toxic to the body, and after a perm using alkali, the roots and hair shafts will noticeably weaken. Currently, this type of styling is used extremely rarely.

Neutral perm

As the name implies, it does not have a detrimental effect on the hair. The composition includes substances with a low acid content, therefore they do not violate the structure of the hair, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and quickly restore curls after the procedure. Contraindications include cases of individual intolerance.


This perm is not associated with the use of acid. It consists of a fixative and a restorative agent, which are of natural origin and are present in the human body. In addition, such preparations are often enriched with vitamins and minerals for additional care.

silk waving

For those who naturally got thin hair, it is she who will do. This product is based on silk proteins and is completely free of ammonia. After a perm of this type, the curls retain their original state. Silk differs from similar styling preparations in a pleasant smell and texture.


It is used more for styling than for creating curls. Assumes a long-term fixation of the hairstyle, if desired, you can easily change the type of curl. But, like any chemical compound, it makes the hair on the head drier. Suitable for hair owners different lengths and types, but requires the use of additional care products and fixing styling.

Hair loss after perm

Unfortunately, lovers of curls after the procedure notice that already curled hair becomes less. The thing is that even the most neutral styling changes the structure of the strands at the molecular level. Indeed, in order for the hair to be affected, it must be made more receptive with the help of a special tool.

Then curlers are used, which again need to be fixed with certain preparations in order for the desired styling to be securely fixed. And immediately after a perm, care products with an extensive chemical composition are applied to the hairline. It is quite natural that after such treatment, the curls become dry, brittle and damaged in places.

How to restore hair

Of course, in order to avoid hair loss, hairdressers will recommend not doing a long perm, but limiting yourself to using curlers. But if a woman has long dreamed of wavy hair and wants their appearance to be preserved for a long time, chemical procedure can't be avoided. You just need to know how to prevent alopecia after perm and what to do if the hair starts to deteriorate.

First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet. The strands need to recover, and a sufficient amount of healthy foods and vitamins will help in this.

After chemotherapy, you can not dry your hair with a hairdryer. Moreover, twisting them in a towel is also undesirable. You need to let them dry naturally and do this preferably before you lie down in bed.

If after creating a lush hairstyle you swim in the sea or pool, try to avoid prolonged contact with such water. After bathing, be sure to take a shower so that the strands do not suffer from dryness.

If before styling you used only shampoo, then after a perm you will need much more care products. You should buy a special shampoo for baldness, preferably with natural ingredients. Balm, conditioner, masks and hair oil will be useful, because the curls so need additional moisture. If you prefer alopecia treatment folk remedies, you can make decoctions of nettle, calamus root or burdock. Such tinctures can be both rubbed into the hair roots, and used to rinse the hair after shampooing.

Herbal decoction recipes

A decoction of nettle will help to cope with the problem of loss. A few tablespoons of dry or fresh nettle leaves are poured into 0.5 liters. hot water and boil over low heat for up to 20 minutes. After cooling, filter and apply to the scalp twice a day. The treatment lasts 14 days, and after a week break it can be resumed.

Instead of nettle, you can use coltsfoot. This plant is also effective in repairing damaged curls. Two tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and covered with a lid. After 30-40 minutes, the tincture will be ready. It can be diluted with thawed or mineral water and rinse your hair after washing.

To use the beneficial properties of different herbs, you can mix nettle leaves, coltsfoot and chamomile flowers in equal proportions. Pour in water, bring to a boil and keep on fire for a while. When the infusion has cooled, use it as a rinse.

Sometimes, in fulfilling their dreams, women get too carried away - this is how you and I get nervous and physical exhaustion after a diet, the color of an overcooked grill after a solarium, and lifeless tow instead of hair after a long-term perm. You can’t ignore the barber’s warnings that perm can cause great damage to hair - he can objectively assess the situation, and see that the hair is damaged after dyeing or lightening. However, we, hoping for a miracle, still insist and get what we want, which leads to a long recovery period, in which only hair masks after perm can help.

Harm perm

Perm, which is one of the most aggressive effects on the hair, even if they are perfectly healthy, worsens their condition.

If the hair has been repeatedly lightened, or damaged by constant dyeing, doing “chemistry” is, to put it mildly, unreasonable. And good master immediately warns that the hair will have to be treated and restored for a long time, as it can become very brittle, dull. The most unfavorable prognosis in this case is complete or partial baldness.

If the master undertakes to do a perm and the initial state of the hair is satisfactory, then it is still better to ask your master about how it will be possible to treat the hair, the structure of which will be disturbed by a perm.

After chemistry, the hair is overdried, so it is not recommended to dry it with hot air and even wipe it thoroughly with a towel. Only gentle blotting and air drying naturally will help them look their best. It is also highly undesirable to use for styling iron curlers, thermal curlers and curling irons.

In addition to special shampoos and balms of a professional line, there is also a very useful masks for hair after chemistry - they are usually applied to the hair after washing to give them additional nutrition and hydration, to restore the structure.

Here are recipes for masks that really help hair recover after a long-term perm, and they also “work” if the hair is burned by dyeing or lightening.

Hair masks after perm

  • 1. Olive mask

Required in clean hair and rub into the scalp olive oil and carefully distribute it on the hair with a comb. Then put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a towel on top. You can keep the mask for an hour or even more, if possible. Actually, if you make such a mask for the whole night, your hair will only get better.

  • 2. Castor oil mask

Two yolks are mixed with a few tablespoons of castor oil (available at the pharmacy) and a little cream or sour cream and a teaspoon of dissolved yeast are added. If the hair is thick or long, then the volume of the hair mask after perm should be doubled or even tripled accordingly. All ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath, rubbed into the scalp - no need to spread it on all the hair, as they stick together, this mask is for hair regrowth, it is used if the hair falls out or stops growing.

  • 3. Mask with burdock oil

Three tablespoons of shampoo for damaged or dry hair are mixed with one tablespoon of aloe juice and a small amount of burdock oil. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp and left for half an hour under a heater, then the hair is washed and rinsed with water and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

  • 4. "Economical" mayonnaise mask

The remains of any mayonnaise are rubbed into the roots of the hair and left for twenty minutes under a cap - this mask also helps if the hair literally falls off at a distance of a couple of millimeters from the roots and with baldness.

  • 5. Mask with dark beer and burdock root

Prepare a decoction of burdock root, insist and, after straining, mix one tablespoon with a glass of dark beer heated to 60 degrees. Apply the composition to the hair and insulate, you can keep it for several hours.

  • 6. Mask with egg and cognac

An excellent remedy for restoring weakened, burned and dull hair is a simple home remedy. For it, you will need 1 - 2 yolks of chicken eggs (depending on the thickness and length of the hair), two tablespoons of castor oil or any other high-quality, preferably "raw" vegetable oil, a glass of cognac. If you are afraid of overfatting your hair and the formation of "icicles", put a heaping tablespoon of hair balm into the mask.

Stir the mixture thoroughly and heat it by lowering the cup into a container of hot water. The mask is applied to clean and almost dried hair, carefully distributed over the head, rubbed into the skin and into the ends of the hair.

The head must be covered with a plastic cap or an ordinary thin plastic bag without a pattern, insulated with a large terry towel, and even better - use an electric thermal hat. You can stay in the mask from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the condition of the hair. After heating, the hair must be allowed to cool, rinse off the mask with plenty of cool water. The mask not only softens and restores damaged curls8, but also gives them a stunning glossy shine.

  • 7. Nettle mask

In the villages, for a long time, hair was treated with nettles and had luxurious thick braids almost to the floor. For home conditions, this recipe is suitable:

  1. Make a rich nettle tea by steeping fresh or dried herb in a small amount of water.
  2. Let it brew well and cool, strain and mix two tablespoons with two yolks, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and a spoonful of fresh honey.
  3. For density, you can add a little balm or hair mask.
  4. Stir and apply the warm mixture to your hair.
  5. After 20 - 30 minutes, rinse and rinse the strands with a nettle decoction in a lower concentration.

Regular repetition of the procedure will restore the quality and structure of the hair.

Overview of professional masks for hair restoration

Hair masks after chemistry can also be professional - experts recommend applying ready-made masks and balms for a longer time than what is indicated on the label. If the hair is in a deplorable state, then the usual balm is applied after washing the hair and kept for a day, repeating the procedure if possible.

Not all of the professional hair masks are expensive. For example, PHYTOmask from Chistaya Liniya is cheap and accessible to everyone, and in terms of effectiveness it can leave behind even very expensive and well-known products. It consists of natural ingredients, perfectly nourishes damaged hair, makes them smooth and shiny.

Intensive professional moisturizing mask Londa for dry and damaged hair perfectly copes with the problems of chemically burnt strands, you just need to hold it longer on the hair. It does an excellent job of moisturizing even very dry strands, therefore it is used with pleasure in professional beauty salons, and is also suitable for home use.

Kerastase Nutritive is a famous mask that perfectly treats damaged hair and can serve as a replacement for the equally popular keratin hair straightening.

In the mass market segment, you can find many affordable and effective masks, which will successfully cope with dryness and brittle hair after a perm.