Do-it-yourself cereal pattern. Making pictures from cereals is not only interesting, but also simple. Winnie the Pooh from cereals and plasticine

Increasingly, artists are turning to unusual products to create their works of art. But not only professional artists want to create unusual masterpieces. Try to make a picture of cereals with your own hands. This an interesting activity you can do it together with the kids, this product develops fine motor skills, and it's just an interesting activity.

Beautiful panel

In the photo you saw step by step master class for the manufacture of paintings from various cereals. Of course, general principle action is clear, but still requires some explanation. So, for work you need to prepare:

  1. A variety of cereals, beans, pasta. All of them should be different colors to make the picture bright and expressive;
  2. Glue;
  3. A sheet of thick cardboard or plywood;
  4. Desired image template;
  5. Paints and brushes.

So, let's get started. First you need to paint the background of the picture in the color that you have chosen for your composition. For convenience, cereals need to be sorted, here you can stick to various classifications, to whom it is convenient (in color, in shape, in size, etc.) Now, on the basis, you need to draw the selected drawing, even if you do not know how to draw at all, do not despair, you can always use a stencil.

Now you need to apply glue to one element of the picture and immediately pour the cereal on it, conceived in this place according to the plot. When the glue dries, shake off excess grains.

It is very important: you need to apply glue in fragments, because if you smear the entire drawing with glue at once, while you work with one area, the others will already dry out and the image will turn out to be of poor quality.

When the picture is ready, for reliability it can be covered clear varnish, it remains only to decorate the frame, and the picture is ready.

contour paintings

Contour paintings from cereals look very original. Let's try to make such a wonderful composition together.

So, for work you will need:

  1. A piece of thick cardboard or plywood;
  2. piece of fabric;
  3. Glue;
  4. brushes;
  5. Dry coriander or buckwheat, white rice, spikelets, wild rice;
  6. Yellow and white paint.

So, first you need to prepare the canvas. Wrap the plywood with a cloth and fix it on the back side.

Now you need to draw the desired pattern.

Gently apply a thin layer of glue along the contour of the pattern. For further work, you will need tweezers. With it, take a brown cereal (for example, buckwheat) and lay out the first butterfly.

Black groats need to lay out the bodies of dragonflies and antennae of butterflies. Then take rice (or other cereal white color) and make wings for dragonflies, fill the void in the butterfly wings.

This completes the work with the grits, but not the work on the picture as a whole. Now you need to take different herbs, spikelets, etc., and lay out the decor with their help.

In order to give the product more bright colors and expressiveness, you can paint the cereal with the appropriate colors.

To complete the composition, you can also decorate the frame. To do this, you can glue it with grits or simply paint it with a brush and bright colors. These two actions can be combined, it will turn out very bright and unusual.

Now it remains only to place ready product into a decorated frame, and our little work of art is ready.

In order for your painting to last as long as possible and turn out to be the brightest and most beautiful, you should follow some recommendations not only during its manufacture, but also about storage and subsequent care.

  1. Once every six months, the painting must be re-coated with a colorless varnish. If you did not initially cover the painting with varnish, you can spray a super-strong fixation varnish on it once every six months, then the grains will hold much more reliably;
  2. If you don’t have different types of cereals at home or they are all the same color, you can use them too, and then paint them with paints, but, of course, it will not look so impressive;
  3. The finished product must be placed under the press for several hours, so the cereal will better grab the glue and look more neat;
  4. Extra grains need to be removed from the panel, it is very simple to do this: you can simply turn the picture over and that's it. Carefully inspect the product so that there are no empty spaces and bald spots.

A picture of cereals is perfect for decorating a kitchen or any other room in an apartment, it depends on the plot of the picture, it’s just that such a craft will look the most organic in the kitchen. Also, this product can be presented to your family and friends for any celebration, because gifts made by yourself are much more pleasant to receive.

Video on the topic of the article

In conclusion, we suggest watching some more video tutorials from this collection, where you can see even more interesting ideas.

Beautiful pictures can be created from grains, cereals and other bulk materials available in the kitchen. Even the eggshell gives an immense scope for needlework.

The content of the article:

What modern canvases are not created from. For them, they use not only paints, leaves, paper, but even coffee beans, pasta, cereals. Craftsmen make beautiful pictures from eggshell so that not everyone will understand what such a work of art is created from. The main thing is to properly prepare the materials, and then you can start creating.

Do-it-yourself cereal paintings

Yes, yes, such colorful relief paintings are created from ordinary cereals. You can use any, but most often such canvases are created from:

  • lentils;
  • rice
  • millet;
  • buckwheat.
But first, the cereal needs to be prepared. To do this, it is sorted out, removing impurities. If it is “clean”, then this can not be done, but immediately proceed to the second stage. If your panel will use an unusual color for cereals, it needs to be painted. For this, light cereals are taken, for example, rice. It is placed in a technical vessel, gouache or acrylic paint is added, mixed thoroughly. Then pour onto paper in one layer. Allow to dry and use for creativity.

If you are creating crafts from cereals, then in the process of dyeing the grains, do not pour water into it or, if necessary, add very little. Then, during drying, make sure that the grains do not stick together. To do this, sometimes mix them with your hand or a dry spoon.

But not all grain paintings require grain coloring. So, you can use white rice or semolina, brown buckwheat, yellow millet. In addition, you can take other bulk materials available in the kitchen: seeds, peas, pasta.

For a picture of cereals, you will need a photo frame with a backing. You can buy an inexpensive one that has a plastic film on top instead of glass.

beautiful baby pictures

If you and your child want to make such a panel, then start by drawing a future picture. To do this, use a simple pencil. Try not to press hard on it finished work the lines of the stylus were not visible.

To do this, first stick a sheet of paper on the substrate. In this case, pink is used, and then create a graphic basis for the future composition.

If the child can draw a picture himself, then let him do it. In the meantime, prepare your materials.

It is better to pour each type of cereal into a separate bowl or deep plate. Then the colors will not be confused, and the main material for the paintings will not be scattered on the floor.

Start filling the canvas with a small fragment. It is better if they are closed. Cover the fragment, in this case one flower, with a brush dipped in PVA glue, sprinkle it with grits of the desired color. The contrast of the detail can be added by gluing dry tea between the grains of yellow millet or directly on them.

The top of the second flower consists of buckwheat, the middle part and the bottom are also made of millet. Tell the child that the stem of the plant will look good if you stick halves of dry peas on it. It is possible to coat each large element with PVA and glue it, while for attaching small cereals it is more convenient to apply glue to the base.

Bean grains framing the vase are also best glued one at a time, applying PVA to each. Inside the vase, you can place pasta, which also looks beautiful, and you will soon see this once again. Frame the picture and hang it on the wall.

Making a panel of pasta

Continuing the theme of paintings from bulk products available in the kitchen, we can tell you how to make such a wonderful canvas.

For him you will need:
  • a frame with a strong plywood or cardboard base;
  • PVA glue;
  • semolina, buckwheat;
  • peas;
  • pasta in the form of a spiral, horns, tubules, rounded;
  • sponge.
Draw with a pencil one large and 2 small trees, a wavy path, a windmill. Start decorating from the background. Cover it with PVA, sprinkle with a thick layer of semolina so that it covers the entire desired part of the picture of pasta and cereals. Avoid getting on other elements of the panel, but if a few small grains stick to them, it's okay. Slightly press the semolina with a sponge for better contact with the canvas.

Now grease the PVA tree trunk, glue buckwheat to it. From above, also with glue, attach the pasta as shown in the photo. Do the same for 2 small trees.

The blades of the mill are made of tubular pasta, and the building itself is made of dry halves of peas. Create a path from spirals, then let the original creation dry. While this is happening, you can create other interesting works of art using egg scraps for them.

shell mosaic

Don't be surprised when you find out what this beautiful work in the "mosaic" technique is made of. Crushed eggshells were the perfect material for such a magnificent painting.

For a shell mosaic, in addition to it, you need:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • a small wooden stick to press the shells (a sushi stick or a manicure stick will do);
  • tweezers;
  • acrylic paints;
We begin to make a mosaic with our own hands from the preparation of the material.

Rinse the eggshell in warm water, remove the inner film from it and dry it. Professionals use just this one, since the boiled surface is looser, while the raw one is harder.

But you can take, for example, the colored shells left over from the painted Easter eggs and boiled from simple.

First, a sketch of the future mosaic is drawn on cardboard. You can stick a picture from a children's coloring book on it and create a panel directly on this basis. If the shell is large, press on it with your hands to get smaller fragments. If it is dark and light or colored, pre-sort by color.

You can post it in two ways:

  1. Color the shell different colors, spread out separately, let it dry, then grind and start gluing piece by piece, choosing the right shades.
  2. Glue the shell, and when it dries, then paint the finished picture.
Choose the option that suits you best.

Now about how to make an eggshell mosaic. Lubricate a small area of ​​PVA cardboard, attach a few fragments to it. If you get a big piece, just press on it with a wooden stick so that the shell cracks and falls apart.

Leave the same distance between the fragments so that the panel is done neatly and looks good.

After the work is finished, and the entire canvas is filled with mosaic fragments, let the glue dry completely, then paint the shell if you used unpainted. When this layer is dry, varnish the surface.

Here is a mosaic you can do with your own hands. There are many options, so choose which one you like best and get started.

You can use other materials to make DIY paintings, such as coffee. It makes attractive and delicious-smelling wall panels.

coffee pictures

From fragrant grains, you can make the frame itself for a future panel or for photography, music. Take a finished wooden or plastic one. Lubricate the flat side of each grain with glue and attach close to each other on the edging. For such work, coffee is ideal, the shelf life of which has expired, and it is a pity to throw it away.

But even if the beans are not old, you can donate a few to make a picture of coffee. An invigorating aroma emanates from it and it will be pleasant to be in such a neighborhood. And is it possible to pass indifferently, for example, by such a one? Not only an intoxicating aroma emanates from her, she attracts glances, first arouses surprise, and then, admiration.

And such pictures are created from coffee beans quite simply. In addition to this basic material, you need to prepare:
  • a frame with a substrate of the desired size;
  • sheet of soft paper;
  • twine;
  • glue;
  • brown and white satin ribbon.
To make the coffee picture conceal a note of mystery, remember the paper so that lines appear on it in a different direction. Now glue it to the backing. Find the center of the canvas and draw a heart in this place with a pencil. Starting from its outer edge, glue the grains one at a time.

Now draw around the heart ornate pattern. Apply glue gradually on it with a thin brush or from a thermal gun and attach the rope.

You can not first draw a pattern, but immediately glue the twine, folding it as you need. Of course, this is if you have already done similar work, and your hand is “full”.

Start gluing it on the left side, then bottom left and going up to the top of the picture. Here, twist the excess thread evenly in a spiral, after applying glue to this circle. Fix the coffee bean in its center. Glue the flowers on the bottom satin ribbons. How to do them, you will learn in one of the following articles. Let the coffee picture dry, attach it to the wall or hang it on it.

From this fertile material for creativity, you can make various crafts with your own hands or with the involvement of children, relatives, friends. Surely a loved one will be surprised if, waking up in the morning, he goes to drink coffee in the kitchen and finds that his mug has become so original. If you are thinking what to give your soulmate for Valentine's Day, then such a mug with flowers and a heart made of grains will come in handy.

For romantic evening Candles can be decorated like this. These coffee crafts will also not go unnoticed.

If you want to know how quickly a coffee painting is made, watch the video. It explains how blush can be used to distinguish elements and why it is more beneficial for athletes to smell such pictures than to drink a fragrant but strong drink.

From these videos you will learn how and what other pictures you can make from cereals, coffee and eggshells:

The best gift is a handmade one. Pictures of cereals and seeds look original in the interior. With the help of natural products, you can create magnificent landscapes, flowers and other interesting subjects. You can create such gifts with your children. Making a picture is quite simple if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

Pictures from seeds and cereals can be large or very small. It all depends on the imagination and what will be placed on the picture.

As a basis, you can use:

  • thick cardboard;
  • plywood.

On the basis, it is necessary to draw a diagram with a pencil. It can be an abstraction of circles, squares and other geometric shapes, or maybe a specific drawing. In the absence of artistic skills, you can use ready-made ideas and examples. To do this, just print the diagram and stick it on the base. When using multi-colored cereals, you can immediately print a color picture - then laying out the seeds will be a little easier.

When the drawing is applied or the diagram is glued to the base, PVA glue is applied. It is on him that seeds and cereals are poured.

Small cereals, such as semolina, millet, rice and oatmeal, can be poured simply on top of a sticky base, but large seeds are glued with tweezers or with your hands.

Each detail is glued with grits separately. After finishing the sprinkling of one area, it is necessary to wait for the craft to dry, and then turn the work over so that the extra parts crumble. This procedure must be done after the design of each piece.

In conclusion, the craft must be well dried and varnished. When it dries, you can give a gift.

Toddler Options

Even a 2-3 year old kid together with his parents can make an original picture.

For children, use simple drawings, for example:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • animals.

It is better to use beans or pumpkin seeds as cereals, as they are large enough and the baby can glue them on the base himself. Before applying the seeds can be painted with gouache in any color. Children will do this procedure with pleasure.

When using colored cereals, the base must be painted with the same paint so that there are no gaps. An example is seen in the photo.

After the picture dries, it can be framed, purchased in a store or created by yourself. Such a gift can be given to relatives or friends.

DIY landscape

To create a picture depicting nature, it is enough to complete a simple master class, and a gift or a great interior item is ready.

  1. Find a color picture and match the color of the cereal.
  2. Choose the right size base.
  3. Print or draw a diagram based on.
  4. Lubricate the base with glue.
  5. Next, apply the grits - first on large elements, then on smaller ones.
  6. After gluing the grits, leave the picture to dry for several hours.
  7. Then turn the picture over so that the loose parts fall off.

From multi-colored semolina, you can create a sea, grass, road. To create vegetation, use millet, poppy or acacia seeds. As an addition, you can use pasta.

How to make an owl

Another interesting master class- creating a picture of cereals in the form of an owl. The owl will appeal to both the child and the adult. Performing the picture step by step, you can get an excellent result.

For crafts, use the following cereal:

  • white beans;
  • black beans;
  • yellow rice;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • buckwheat.

An owl is drawn on a cardboard base, then it is covered with glue. The pupils are made from black beans, and the whites are made from white beans. The nose and paws are made from yellow rice, and the wings are made from black seeds. The branch on which the owl sits is made from buckwheat, and the leaves can be made from green peas.

The groats are glued to each part of the pattern with tweezers, small groats can simply be sprinkled on the glue. The background can be made any by painting it with gouache. The result is an owl, as in the photo.

Natural materials and plasticine

You can create real masterpieces not only with the help of seeds, cereals, pasta and paints, but also with the help of plasticine. To do this, it is better to apply the drawing on glossy cardboard. Next, the drawing is painted with plasticine.

This is done quite simply:

  • a small piece of plasticine of the desired color is plucked off;
  • smeared with a finger over the drawing;
  • grits of the desired color are applied to the plasticine.

The advantage of this technique is that there is no glue, so you can even work with small children, as it is safe. Thanks to this technique, you can create a real fairy tale for the baby.

Doing simple step by step instructions to create pictures from cereals, seeds and pasta, you can create an amazing and original gift for everybody. Schemes of paintings from cereals are presented in a wide variety, you can also try to create a drawing yourself. To understand the process of creating such a gift in more detail, you can watch a video with detailed instructions.

Create masterpieces with your own hands, because giving such gifts is always much more pleasant.

Today we want to invite you to make an original panel of cereals with your own hands. It will perfectly decorate your kitchen or will be a wonderful gift for friends and family!

We make barriers. We divide as we wish. Free will! I left the middle for the collage, so I glued the background.
In this case, I used colored sticks (very convenient!). You can use a rope (which we do for the most part). And you can take thick pasta.

We fill the selected contour with a thin layer of diluted PVA, level the glue with a toothpick, making sure not to stain the partitions.

We pour the cereal. Tap evenly with a dry finger to evenly compact.

We turn over the work. If the groats were glued correctly, then an even, neat layer of groats will remain.

For beans, we take a thicker layer of glue, but we don’t get carried away, the cereal and cardboard base can get very wet and “lead” the work.

We alternate colors.

After gluing the grits, the work should fully dry!

It is convenient to do several jobs at once.

If desired, glue a miniature collage in the center. Be sure to cover the work with aqua varnish! Bugs don't sleep!

If you want to admire the work for many, many years do not use peas. With any amount of varnish, insects will get to it after some time!

Regularly, at least once every half a year, cover the work with hairspray.

This work is five years old.

Cereal patchwork!

Rope work.

Another pride, I would say attraction - hours.

The picture of cereals, seeds, grains, pasta looks original. Material can be dyed or used natural color. With the help of cereals, you can create a floral plot, landscape, abstraction and even a portrait. It is better to create cereal paintings with children. First, it develops fine motor skills, finger dexterity. Secondly, fantasy and imagination are enriched, new creative abilities are formed.

small craft

For work, you will need thick cardboard, chipboard or fiberboard, plywood. On this basis, with a pencil, draw the image of a flower in a circle or a circle with hourglass. You can transfer any abstract plot. For example, a lot of crossed circles or squares.

If you do not know how to draw, then print a template of any picture. It is better to take a photo for stained glass painting, where the plot is already divided into color pieces. The printout should be the size of the picture, if it is not, transfer the picture to the base. The color template is suitable if you use grits in the same color scheme.

To get pictures from seeds and cereals, the base is covered with PVA glue and sprinkled with grains. Start work by defining the border, then the center is easier to fill. Small grains (millet, semolina, rice, oatmeal) can be sprinkled on the glue with a handful, and large grains (beans, millet, lentils, peas, corn) should be glued by hand. To make the panel even, it is better to use tweezers.

Each section must be glued with grits separately. If you are sprinkling a painting, then leave it for a few minutes for the glue to set, then turn the work over. Excess material will fall. Then move on to the next section: cover with glue, sprinkle with grains again.

Cover the finished work with a white sheet of paper, place oppression on top, leave for a few days. This is especially important if the painting is stored without glass. Lastly, varnish it, and after a few days hang it on the wall.

Children's paintings

Children can also create beautiful work. Prepare seeds, cereals, cardboard, glue, paints, brush, template. How less baby, the larger the material should be (beans, pumpkin seeds). For older children, tomato, pepper, flower, poppy seeds are suitable. The material must be selected in accordance with the plot, then you get the original picture of the cereal. With his own hands, the child will be happy to create it!

Print any picture, paste on cardboard. Now cover the surface with glue. Take pumpkin seeds, apply them tightly to each other. Sprinkle the tomato seeds with a handful. Leave the work to dry.

Now you can color the picture with gouache. In this case, there may be gaps in the work. If you want to get more accurate pictures, then paint the seeds in advance with gouache or acrylic paints. Also paint the template with the same colors or print it on a color printer. When the work dries, arrange it in a frame. To do this, you can buy a ready-made photo frame or make it yourself from improvised material.

How do-it-yourself paintings are made from cereals: a master class

Panels can be made according to the principle of woolen paintings. Find a photo of the landscape and select the grits from it, which you initially paint in the desired color. Lubricate the cardboard with glue and layers of multi-colored semolina create a sky, sea, grass, road. Leave to dry. After a while, turn the work over so that excess grits crumble.

Then move on to the next layer. Lay out the seagulls with tweezers with rice, make bushes and trees from dyed millet, poppy seeds (can be replaced with bluebell seeds). Now lay out the side trunks of trees from the seeds of acacia, millet. Make foliage from different cereals and small seeds.

The cereal picture is almost ready. Sprinkle grass along the sides of the road. Leave the work to dry (preferably under oppression). Then prepare the frame. If you take it ready, then decorate it with cereals or pasta in accordance with the landscape. Or make it out of cardboard. Cut out the base from the passe-partout, paint, decorate with cereals. Next, glue the base, picture and passe-partout together, attach the loop.


For this work you will need white and black beans, green and yellow peas, sunflower seeds, yellowish rice, buckwheat. On cardboard, draw an owl on a branch. Make pupils from black beans, gluing in the middle on a reflection (white beans). The whites of the eyes will be from white beans, and glue the borders with black beans.

Nose, paws will be from yellow peas, wings, head - from sunflower seeds. Fill the rest of the space with rice and buckwheat. On the breast, glue a couple of feathers (seeds) on top of the cereal. A branch can be made from buckwheat, leaves from green peas. Paint the background with blue gouache.

To make a picture of cereal fit into the interior, make an appropriate frame. Garnish with beans, corn or peas. To create a specific pattern, like a baguette frame, use pasta, golden or silver acrylic paints. Cover the frame and picture with varnish.

Panel of cereals using plasticine

Small seeds develop fingers, but it is difficult for children to work with PVA glue and cereals. They do not distribute glue over the entire surface of the pattern, which causes bumps and voids. In addition, their crafts crumble quickly. In this case, it is better to replace the glue with plasticine, clay or a quickly hardening mass.

Use very thick cardboard or thin chipboard. Draw a drawing with all lines. Take plasticine according to the color of the cereal or under the background of the plot. Distribute it first along the lines and the border of some area. For example, apply plasticine to the middle of the flower. Fasten from the outer edge by pushing in yellow corn kernels.

Next round the second goes black beans or watermelon seeds. Fill the middle with buckwheat. Then distribute the plasticine along the lines of the petals, laying them out with black seeds, and fill the rest of the space with red corn grains.

From natural material unusual pictures are obtained from cereals and seeds, it is not at all difficult to make them with your own hands, especially if you take materials such as dried flowers, berries, leaves. These works should also be varnished, decorated and hung on the wall.

"Krupyany" portrait

From pasta, cereals, grains, seeds, professionals create portraits. To do this, you need to choose a material that is the same in thickness. For example, pasta and legumes, oval volumetric flower seeds, corn. You need to find as many shades and shapes as possible.

The photo should be transferred to cardboard or board. Some masters do the following: they apply translucent paper to a photo or computer monitor, reduce the image by drawing lines and light spots.

Next, glue is applied and the grains are glued, starting with the eyes, eyebrows, mouth, nose. Combining large and small beans, completely fill the face. Pay attention to the slope of the grains. If you put everything in a certain direction, and then change the line, then you emphasize the desired features. When laying out a portrait, be sure to rely on the original.

After the face, hair, clothes are laid out, fill in the background. After some time, paint over some parts. For example, eyes, pupil, eyelashes, mouth, dimples on the cheeks. A picture of cereals with your own hands is almost done. You need to apply several layers colorless varnish. Be sure to make a frame using the same material (pasta, beans). In this case, purchase paint and varnish in spray cans.

Another way to make portraits

Some craftsmen use small grains to make portraits, using bead technology as a basis. If you paint the millet in the desired color, then you can lay out any pictures according to the schemes for embroidery. But there is another technology that is used to create icons.

Master class: paintings from cereals

Cereal paintings are interesting for their technology, unusual because of the material and unique in the interior. Try your hand at simple plots and then move on to portraits.