Crafts for Easter with your own hands from improvised means (materials). Drawing crafts Easter stand Cut for Easter from plywood

An interesting fact is that Easter is not tied to calendar days and is determined by the phase of the moon. Depending on the lunar calendar The date of celebration falls between April 7 and May 8. Throughout the Easter week, it is customary to give loved ones special attributes that symbolize resurrection, revival, rebirth and the beginning of a new life cycle.

Holiday symbols are directly or indirectly associated with the birth of a new life and renewal, therefore, mandatory attributes holiday table are eggs, Easter cakes, chickens, rabbits, candles, bright flowers. During the preparation for Easter, you can not only show your creativity, but also spend time usefully telling the kids about the traditions, origins and features of the celebration of this day.

Egg decoration

Everyone knows that it is customary to paint eggs for Easter, but the decoration of this symbol of the holiday does not have to be boring and standard. With the help of improvised means and imagination, you can make unique souvenirs for the festive table by connecting household members to the preparation process. Children are especially happy with the opportunity to express their creative abilities, because the flight of their thoughts is truly unlimited and with a little help from adults, amazing crafts are obtained.


Bright colors that you can buy in the store and the traditional boiling of eggs in onion skins - you won’t surprise anyone with such finishing methods. Every year, new ideas for decorating Easter eggs appear, and the resulting masterpieces become the center of attention for guests and family members.

As a basis for an Easter souvenir, you can use both ordinary hard-boiled eggs and blanks made of wood, polystyrene, plastic and other improvised materials.

  • Beads. An egg or blank can be decorated with bright and unusual beaded patterns. This will require certain skills in weaving beads, as well as dexterity to maintain the integrity of the finished product. An artificial blank can be braided immediately, and to decorate a real egg, it is better to prepare the bead base in advance and put it on ready-made, tightening it with a fishing line or silk thread. A cute craft for Easter will turn out if you lay out a pattern of small beads on the shell, having issued a pre-applied thermal sticker with a church theme.
  • Muline. An Easter egg can be decorated with colored threads by fixing them to the surface with PVA glue. It is better to think in advance how the souvenir should look like or draw a sketch, then it will be easier to work with the material.
  • Canvas fabric. The dense fabric structure is well suited for decorating Easter eggs. A canvas bag can be decorated with bright embroidery, adding feather and paper decor details, as well as making a pattern on the fabric.
  • Chicken eggs. cute plastic containers from "kinder surprise" is very easy to turn into original gift for the holiday. Plasticine scallop and beak, feather wings and tail, shiny beady eyes - the Easter chicken is ready. You can put a small souvenir inside.

The original methods of coloring eggs for Easter serve as an excellent decoration in themselves, and in combination with other attributes of the holiday, they look unusual and unique.

Coasters and baskets

The finished Easter egg looks great in a special stand.

  • by the most simple option the manufacture of the support is the creation of a cardboard cone with a cut off top. The stand can be decorated with any finishing materials, fresh flowers and greenery, fabric, or you can combine several options when making crafts.
  • Making holiday baskets with Easter eggs is a real scope for the master's imagination. You can make the base of the craft from thick cardboard by making an applique from pieces of fabric, beads or cereals. Baskets from natural materials– scrap, bamboo and jute. Inside, you can put natural greens and lay eggs, like in a cradle.
  • Thick corrugated paper in bright colors is an excellent material for decorating the table for Easter and creating crafts. Making mini coasters from it is very simple, just wrap each egg individually, gather the paper in neat folds and secure in the center with a bright ribbon.

It is very good if all the Easter attributes intended for decoration are combined with each other. It's worth thinking ahead color scheme and the general picture of the decor.

original jewelry

Candles, napkins, figurines of animals symbolizing Easter must be on the festive table. Making decorations is easy enough with my own hands, calling for help fantasy and enlisting the support of the household.

Candles. Wax crafts open up space for imagination, and Easter candles serve as an additional decoration and give a delightful feeling of warmth. The basis for crafts is made from the shell of an ordinary egg, where hot wax is poured and a wick is inserted. After hardening, it remains only to peel off the shells, leaving part of the base for support, and then apply a pattern with wax crayons.

Napkins. To create this attribute of a festive table, skill and free time are required. Embroidered napkins look best, and to make the craft look spectacular, you should remember the embroidery lessons and start creating a couple of weeks before the celebration.

figurines animals. Cute chickens, rabbits and lambs from cotton pads with legs and cotton buds look airy and cute. Additionally, paints, beads for the eyes and feathers will come in handy so that the figures are realistic.

Easter crafts are a great way to express yourself and show off creativity. The presence of imagination and the desire to surprise guests will become the basis for creating original souvenirs and help make the holiday atmosphere unforgettable.

A touching, tender and spring-like joyful holiday of Easter brings with it the revival of all living things. At this time, one feels sublimity and there is a desire to bring notes of something new into one's life.

Want to change, do good deeds and create. A great opportunity to update the interior, please loved ones with original homemade gifts and come up with a themed decor for the festive Easter table.

But how to bring an irrepressible desire to life, how to choose exactly those crafts for Easter that are easy to perform and fully correspond to the theme of the holiday? Our ideas will help you decide, which will tell you how to make a traditional or unusual, symbolic or European-style craft for Easter.

Easter crafts: symbolic Easter egg

Traditional symbols Orthodox Easter are krashenka, Easter cakes and curd Easter. It is these attributes that the hostesses pay the most attention to. But at the same time Easter eggs can become not only a ritual treat, but also a wonderful decoration, a great gift. Therefore, we will begin our excursion into the world of Easter crafts with the ideas of decorating Easter eggs and making decorative eggs - they are easy to make for Easter with your own hands, and the result is always striking in its exclusivity and beauty.

Decorating Easter eggs

There are many ways to decorate Easter eggs in an unusual way with your own hands. They are boiled in onion skins, dyed with artificial and natural dyes, painted with patterns, pasted over with pictures.

Bright colors and colorful decorations are made from simple eggs wonderful decoration. The easiest way is to use traditional dyeing methods using natural dyes.

The classic red color is obtained after dyeing in onion skins.

But the possibilities of nature are not limited to this. Cabbage and tea, nettle and turmeric, beets and carrots, grapes and coffee are all natural dyes that can be used to color eggs.

Agree, such a color variety will look great even without additional decorations.

Especially if you pick up original coasters for painted eggs.

One of the easiest ways is to decorate the eggs with a marker.

There is absolutely no limit to fantasy. You can draw both on unpainted eggs and on multi-colored ones.

Interesting ways do-it-yourself coloring crafts for Easter step by step in the video:

Even more options in the material:.

Decorative Easter eggs

But ordinary boiled eggs, albeit beautifully decorated, are short-lived - their fate is sealed. To do interesting craft in the form of an egg for Easter, it is better to resort to decorating an empty shell or mockups.

In the first case, a fresh egg is released from the contents. This is easy to do by piercing both ends of the egg with a needle. You can get rid of the protein and yolk using a conventional syringe or by blowing the contents into any container.

original jewelry with unusual patterns are obtained through the use of decoupage techniques.

The easiest way to decoupage eggs is decorating with napkins. Even kids can do the job.

Detailed steps for making such crafts for Easter with your own hands in the master class.

Despite the simplicity of execution, the result is very colorful crafts.

Another option for decorating eggs is voluminous decoupage. The relief ornament is obtained through the use of a 3D gel.

Decorate both chicken and plastic, wooden eggs can various materials.

Shiny rhinestones.


And even buttons.

Or ribbons.

corrugated paper.

Easter eggs made of fabric, thread

original crafts on the theme of Easter do-it-yourself are obtained from ordinary fleece or felt. Even children can work with such successful material.

The main thing is accuracy, perseverance and a little imagination. After all, you can make decorations, garlands, talismans, crafts for Easter as a gift from fleece eggs.

Decorative garland.



You can make an air egg of any size from threads or ropes.

No less interesting is the technique of making decorative eggs filled with thick threads.

Easter crafts: quilling eggs step by step

Using the quilling technique, eggs can be decorated both according to the blank and according to the layout, which is subsequently removed, which makes it possible to obtain voluminous crafts.

Imagine, experiment - after all, decorating blanks with ordinary paper blanks, you can get such beautiful crafts.

To make a hollow craft, you can simply remove the inner blank, for which a dense film is usually used.

The second option is to make a craft from two halves, and subsequently connect.

Funny crafts from eggs for Easter do it yourself

For those who are not looking for easy ways and love extraordinary solutions, we have selected ideas for the creative use of eggs. After all, eggs are a great basis for cool Easter-themed crafts.

First of all, these are classic chickens, hens and cockerels. As well as funny rabbits, which also took root in our decor traditions.

Easter eggs look funny in funny knitted hats.

How to use egg shells for Easter crafts

And you can not ignore eggshell crafts for Easter.

You can fill the shells with melted wax - you get glamorous Easter candles.

Or make a real picture out of a painted shell.

And if you take up the issue of preparing for Easter in advance, then you can eggshell grow greens or flowers that will be a wonderful decoration for the Easter table.

Easter is one of the brightest spring holidays. On this day, the tables are full of a variety of colors, and the interior of the rooms is decorated Easter symbols. Do not rush to run to the store to buy solemn souvenirs and gifts for the holiday. In this article, we will introduce you to simple ways DIY Easter crafts.

Easter egg

The main attribute of bright Sunday, of course, is the egg. There are many ways to decorate it. We are all familiar with grandmother's method of coloring eggs with onion peel.

You won’t surprise anyone with such a testicle on this holiday, and the color from the husk is not so bright. What can not be said about other methods of decoration, thanks to which Easter crafts will be able to surprise relatives and friends with their originality.

colored markers

This coloring method is perfect for children, because any child loves to draw. Use indelible markers for creativity - the drawing will not flow or smudge.

In the process of the image, you can use stencils cut out of paper. There is no limit to creativity, it is only limited by your imagination.


This decoration method is not as simple as the previous one. You should acquire patience, and even better - a special set for decoupage.

It includes:

  • Special napkins with drawings;
  • Tassels;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Watercolor. It can be used if you want to bring something of your own to an existing drawing.

To complete the work, it is necessary to lubricate the egg with an adhesive solution, and carefully wrap it in a napkin with a pattern, smoothing out all the wrinkles with a brush.

After waiting for a pause until the paint dries, it will be possible to proceed to various decorations. To do this, you can use various pictures, small paper figures of butterflies, flowers or Easter bunnies.

carved shell

This decoration method is perhaps the most difficult. But the uniqueness of such a design will not hold. The photos below perfectly demonstrate the beauty of such crafts.

To perform such a work will require a steady hand and a few special tools. But first you have to remove the contents of the egg. You can make a small hole in the shell and pump out the liquid with a syringe. If there is no syringe, just drink the contents, or blow it out. Then you need to rinse the egg in running water.

In work, you can use wood carving tools or a special machine with a thin nozzle resembling a dentist's tool.

With the end of the carving, the work is far from over. Let yourself fantasize. But what if you put a gift inside such a shell, in the form of a ring? Or make a small basket with a souvenir out of it? Such gifts will be highly appreciated by your loved ones.

live sprouts

Not everyone can master the laborious work of carving shells, however, empty eggs can please one more way in decorating - plants breaking through from eggs. Such a decoration will become truly symbolic for the holiday of spring, creating an atmosphere of life.

For such a work, we need to make a hole in the shell with a two-ruble coin. Fill the contents with earth and sow with seeds: dill, parsley, onion or any other plants.

In this case, it is necessary to prepare in advance, calculating the time for shoots. If there is no time, you can put a tiny cactus in an egg - it will look very funny!

You can decorate the egg with a funny face. In this case, a cactus or sprouted parsley will become a funny head of hair. Such a craft will certainly not be left without attention, accompanied by children's laughter.

Here we have considered how you can do unique crafts for Easter with your own hands from available materials. But the symbolism of the holiday can be emphasized, not only natural eggs. You can make a huge egg in the form of a box with the help of threads. Let's take a look at this method below.

Master class for making eggs from threads

For work we need:

  • Balloon;
  • Thick elastic thread. You can use twine.
  • PVA glue;
  • Spray can with varnish;
  • Spray can with paint;
  • Tassel.

Inflate the balloon with less than full force. It needs to be elastic. Place a small container of glue in front of you.

Take the thread, soak it in the glue solution and start wrapping it around the ball.

It is necessary to ensure that the ball does not lose the shape of an egg. To do this, start wrapping from the bottom of it, gradually going up, squeezing the thread more and more towards the tip. We stand for 5-10 minutes so that our thread dries.

Take a can of nail polish and spray it all over the balloon shape. Lacquer will give additional hardness to the future design. Let the varnish dry for 5-10 minutes. Let's start coloring.

After the paint has dried, gently blow off the balloon.

The threads will not go anywhere and will remain in place, retaining the shape of an egg. With this design, you can create anything. You can cut an arch or a door in it, and fill the contents with various goodies or souvenirs. From above, the design can be decorated with beads or various crafts from colored paper.

Summing up, it should be said that hand craft truly appreciated by those who are dear to you and who love you. Especially handmade nice to get into this spiritual family holiday- Resurrection of Christ.

Photo crafts for Easter

Good morning everyone! Just a little more and another one will come Orthodox holiday, which will be celebrated by all residents of Russia, and not only. It's about about Easter, namely, what crafts can be done with preschool and school age to this day.

You can make such wonderful souvenirs and creations with your children right at home, because all you need is your desire and desire. Therefore, I propose to think about this topic right now and choose what you want to do, and then give it to someone or just decorate your home.

If you want to find a more complex little thing, then you might like this option from salt dough.

I also like compositions so that there are a lot of toys and it is bright and eye-catching.

Master class on making Eggs from foamiran

Are you familiar with this fabric material? I think yes, how cool he is, just like the felt, I'm in love with him. I propose to make such a craft in the form of a fridge magnet. You can, in principle, hang it on a string, like a pendant.

We will need:

  • foam egg - 1 pc.
  • scissors
  • cutter
  • foamiran (1 mm) 2 colors - yellow and white
  • magnet
  • glue gun
  • factory eyes

Stages of work:

1. Take a hair dryer and heat the fabric, and you need to do this quickly, and stretch over the egg.

2. They pulled it on like this, and then they put a hair dryer on, held it for 11 seconds and that’s it, turned it off, waited until the fabric cools down.

3. These are the blanks you get.

4. Now, using a cutter or a clerical knife, cut the stencil into half.

5. First put the egg in yellow foamiran.

6. And then in white, cut off the excess fabric.

7. Then cut the white one in half, you can imitate cracks as if, cut in a zigzag, there are also such special wavy scissors.

8. Then prepare the eyes, make your own paws, beak.

9. Well, now the most important thing is the assembly. Glue the yellow template carefully first.

10. Then proceed to white.

11. After that, start shaping the legs, eyes and mouth, glue the parts with a glue gun.

12. What a wonderful baby turned out, wee-wee-wee.

13. On the other hand, glue a magnet, you can take a vinyl one.

14. It turned out two young weirdos, you can make a boy and a girl, and pin more bows or other patterns to your taste.

As an option, you can do something else, for example, such a charm in the form of a flower with a handle.

Original crafts for Easter for a school competition

Any student approaches this issue quite responsibly and he really wants his work to become the best. You can come up with a whole host of options. But, of course, it would be better if you make Easter symbols. For example, here are such funny chickens that are made from ordinary woolen knitting threads.

You can take this step-by-step instruction as a basis.

You can use another option. In any case, the result should please you. Here they even made a mother-hen, and plus a plate-shaped stand was woven from the same threads.

You can also make pysanky from threads, are you surprised? But I'm not, after watching this video and you will learn how to craft.

For kids elementary school you can make a mischievous cockerel, which is made of a paper cylinder.

Or I'm still hooked genious idea, make chicks out of what they say was. And I had cases from Kinder Surprise. Here is such a funny family turned yellow))).

You can also make such a little thing in the form of chicks from cardboard and thread.

And if you want to make a splash on everyone, then make a product out of gypsum. I think that the commission and the jury will definitely mark such a cool souvenir and thank you with a gift.

There are also thoughts of souvenirs and gifts made of beads, but I will also say a lot of work and skill, I remember I was fond of this occupation as a child, now there are not enough hands to sit down. But just for you I found easy way weaving, or rather, it will be just for beginners, you just have to put beads or beads on a thread, and then stick them on the surface of the egg.

Of course, this will make things a lot easier for you. After all, you can also weave, but for this you need to understand the schemes and all the symbols. And here, any beginner can handle it, so catch it.

Take the main thing good glue, for example, PVA, and one more thought, you can not put on a thread, but simply glue each bead separately, but this is more difficult.

As for the patterns themselves, if you are a master and know how to weave, then I propose to make such a grid.

It turns out just great, class!

Or do you like the mosaic technique? I have the schematic from her.

And how do you like this work, wow, breathtaking.

And if you still have any questions, then it’s better to take this model and do the work with this author of this master class.

Of course, if you are fond of needlework or knitting, then you can also make a souvenir, for example, this one. If you need a diagram, then I will gladly send it to you, it is taken from one magazine. What all the same cute and cheerful little bunnies came out, or Easter cakes for needles.

But, by the way, you can also make knitted lilies of the valley, because it already smells like spring!

If you are good at drawing, then paint a picture.

Or with the help of glue and cardboard, as well as all kinds of cereals, such an Easter masterpiece.

And here's another such thought for you, if you have multi-colored pasta lying around in your house, then you can also make such work out of them. What a charm, isn't it?!

How to make paper Easter gifts quickly and easily

In my opinion, it is these works that are most popular, because it is precisely such materials that everyone has in the house. The first thing that comes to my mind is egg cups. And what, they drew, cut out, then they gave it to the kids to paint and another children's miracle masterpiece is ready.

Make yourself such freaks, cut out and color the details, whoever needs the templates, ask, I will send it by e-mail for free. Not really funny animals.

Well, as always, you can’t do without my favorite protrusions. It's just a custom or a tradition. See what Easter bunnies can come out and decorate them too satin ribbons who needs a template, write at the bottom of the article, I will send it for free.

In general, it will be cool and cute.

You can also take any sheet, fold it and glue a cone out of it and you get something that looks like a bird.

With our smallest representatives kindergarten I suggest making a paper craft using a base in the form of circles.

And those who are older will like the hatched chick.

Good work in the form of an application, you can do this in a labor lesson with elementary school students.

You can, of course, combine two types of activity - Art and Technology.

By the way, you can just take ordinary colored pencils and do this, I also have a template for this stand in my piggy bank, so write to anyone who needs it.

You can make a product in a very original way without using glue, and instead take a stapler and fasten the parts, see what happens.

And how do you like this idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba stand, it looks really cool, but can you imagine with what pleasure your children will make it.

I can also offer to print such a blank template.

Or this black and white version on your printer.

An excellent option would be a souvenir on a stick.

Or here is such a green meadow with birds.

I also took a closer look at such a simple idea as a fridge magnet, which can be decorated with rhinestones or scrapbooking materials.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to show the stages of the work of volumetric crafts.

Step-by-step instructions for creating crafts from cotton pads and sticks for Easter for children

We will probably begin to create right away a small and very charming little yellow little rascal, called Chick. We need a bunch of cotton buds, or rather their tips. The part you will need to paint in yellow by dipping in gouache, and leave some white. Make this craft, that is, the base of plasticine, and then just stick the sticks into it.

Important! You can draw eyes yourself or find a picture and print it out on a printer.

For your next job, you will need your good mood and of course materials.

We will need:

  • cotton pad
  • disposable spoon
  • colored paper
  • felt-tip pen

Stages of work:

1. First of all, make blanks, that is, cut out the beak and scallop from colored paper. This photo shows everything.

2. Next, draw the wings and then glue them onto a cotton pad. Put a spoon in the center and cover with a second cotton pad. Draw a muzzle and voila, such a charm can sit in your pot with your favorite flowers and crow).

What else can you do? I had ice cream sticks lying around, so I connected them together and glued the eyes and beak, it turned out to be a wonderful animal. By the way, don't forget about the paws.

Probably the easiest option would be such a product, which can also be made with a child of any age, you need to paint the discs with gouache or watercolors, and then build such beauty.

You can arrange it in the form of an application, and using cereals, it also looks great, and it resembles a picture of a bird pecking at grains.

In general, choose according to your taste and color, and do not forget to write your reviews and wishes.

See what a baby chicken turned out, though white.

You can also make a picture, together in verbochki and also from cotton pads. Does it really look great? Yes, and unusual and beautiful!

Beautiful crafts for Holy Sunday for kindergarten

Of course, for preschoolers, ideas of what is easier are needed. so that the kids themselves can cope with the task and can amaze everyone.

What could be easier and faster if you teach them such a funny toy-fun, they also call it a walker. Once, by the way, we did, remember? When it came to puppet theater, I gave you ready-made templates.

Ha, and when I saw this face, I generally blossomed, I never cease to be surprised that so many crafts have been invented from the usual hand of our kids, well, you just can’t count them.

You can, together with the guys preparatory or senior group engage in visual activities and make just such a chicken (cockerel), which will have multi-colored wings.

And for the children of the second youngest and middle group, here is such a simple masterpiece. Just for one thing, you can repeat what kind of bird this is, and where her eyes and other parts of her body are.

Or here is such a funny design from the baby's legs and paints.

You can also make an application on ordinary paper plates.

Here is another unusual pencil case.

You can even make it using the origami technique, though here you only have to fold the sheet once. For young talents, that's it.

And finally, such a type of work as felting or dipping anything, such as sponges for washing dishes or soft balls. And you can do it with a regular clothespin. It looks bright and stylish, just beautiful and original.

I also liked the idea of ​​a fun family that you can make collectively with your children.

By the way, you can combine paper products with threads, or use cereals instead of threads.

I was also captivated by this work, so simple and at the same time original.

And I propose to make such a charm a common or joint work at school or kindergarten.

Easter crafts from felt

Generally felt toys began to be in demand not only among children, but also among adults, because it is always easier to sew such a present than to take any other material, felt in this regard is an unpretentious material that is easy to work with because it does not crumble. And patterns are obtained even for beginners.

On this topic, I had a separate one, from it, if you are fond of this kind of activity, you will find a lot of useful things, I'm sure it will come in handy for you.

In this post I will show you finished goods. How do you like this family?

But, nevertheless, I want to show one master class that may be useful to you someday.

We will need:

  • scissors
  • needle and thread
  • buttons and rhinestones
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer
  • lace
  • vinyl magnet

Stages of work:

1. Draw a sample egg, or you can print it on a printer.

2. Then attach the stencil to the felt and outline with a pencil. Cut out the resulting parts with scissors, you need to make two eggs.

3. Then take and cut the template into three parts, as shown in this picture.

4. Attach the middle to the green felt and circle, and then cut it out.

5. Sew this green decoration onto the egg.

6. Sew on and decorate, you can say decorate with lace or some other decor. It already looks amazing.

7. Then draw letters with a pencil and embroider the inscription, you can probably guess which one, of course, XB.

8. Then sew on buttons, sequins, or you can take beads for scrapbooking, in general, what you have.

9. Walk the edges with a seam, but you can still lay a synthetic winterizer or cotton wool inside, and then proceed to the next step.

10. Take Moment glue and stick a vinyl magnet, such a gift will be for you or your friends on the refrigerator.

You can of course do it on sticks.

And also in the form of a pendant or keychain.

In general, such beauty will not leave anyone indifferent, that's for sure.

Master class from improvised means Easter tree at home

I want to tell you right away that you can do such a craft pretty quickly if you use this step-by-step instruction.

In fact, the work will be quite creative and your children will not resist this business either.

Do not forget to wash the eggs well with water and soda. For 1 liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Use a toothpick for piercing and acrylic paint for coloring.

Prepare everything you need for work:

Then put the napkin in front of you and twist it into a tourniquet in this way. Fasten the middle with threads.

And then turn the product over to the opposite side.

And voila, crumple in half.

A couple more strokes, hand movements:

And you will see a beast resembling a bunny.

Give him eyes and a ponytail.

And needlewomen can still quite sew carrots.

Video on how to make an egg from pasta for a contest

I'll tell you honestly, I was shocked when I saw this awesome video, can you imagine it's really true, such a miracle, well, just fly away from ordinary noodles. Cool! Share this information on social networks, just click on the button at the bottom of this article.

Well, in conclusion, I already wanted to say goodbye to you, I came across such a masterpiece, which is made of papier-mâché, this design hooked me very much, I show it to you.

Still, sometimes you wonder how almost nothing comes out of it.

Do-it-yourself paper and sisal egg stand

A very wonderful and cute little thing will turn out if you use this MK, which is presented in pictures that contain a description and sequence of actions.

That's it for me, I'm ending this post. See you in the next articles. Write reviews, comment, visit more often, you will find a lot of interesting and completely new things that you don’t even know about. Goodbye everybody!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova