Decorating wooden eggs with your own hands. DIY Easter eggs - how to make and how to paint. Color Block Easter Egg Decoration

In this collection, master classes about. how to create a blank for an Easter egg and how to decorate a souvenir Easter egg with decoupage, lace, braid, twine. threads, ribbons,

It is easy to decorate a souvenir egg with just colored floss threads.

First, a photo of a master class on decorating Easter eggs with silk ribbons from Ada.

Souvenir egg stands on beads glued to it:

Decor materials:

First, the workpiece must be wrapped with a narrow tape.

How to do it:

Secure the end of the piece of tape with a pin.

Secure with glue or pins decorative elements on the surface of the souvenir:

If this is not possible, buy a similar blank, see the following master class HOW TO MAKE A PREPARATION FOR EASTER SOUVENIR IN THE SHAPE OF AN EGG from BOLGA1110

MK is how to quickly and inexpensively make egg blanks for further decoration.

Not everyone can buy ready-made wooden or plastic blanks. You can glue the egg over papier mache, writes the author of MK BOLGA1110. Empty eggshell too fragile, but if it is prepared in this way, it becomes quite strong.

This is all we need. A viscose napkin, scissors and glue. It’s more convenient to work with Titanium glue. I pour it into a bottle from a stationery PVA. In the photo with a blue cap. Very convenient! If we work with children, we use carpentry PVA, it doesn’t smell .

3. I just pick the shell with a knife. Through a large hole, it is easier to get rid of the contents.

4. And if the hole is too big, then I seal it with a piece of masking tape.

I mark the middle. We don’t scribble strongly.

6. To do this, I cut out an oval on paper and put it on an egg.

7. Apply glue to the line.

8. We stick a napkin. We try without folds.

9. Cut off neatly. The more accurately you cut it, the more inconspicuous the joint will be.

10. We do the same with the other half. And so several layers. I did two. More can be. The more, the stronger. And you can decorate.

11. I pasted the canvas for embroidery on top of the napkin. Pay attention to the seam.

12. I pasted a napkin on top. The joint is not visible at all !!!

13. This is done in the same way, only the joint is closed with a ribbon.

Decor with lace and twine

Decoupage on a napkin

If the workpiece is puttied and treated with sandpaper, then you can make a classic craquelure. And who knows the art of painting, you can paint.

Another MK for decorating a gift egg for Easter by Lilia Egorova

We will need:

Preparing an egg from foam (can be made of wood)

Wooden egg stand

2 printouts with a flower (made on a laser printer)

Acrylic primer

Decoupage varnish

Lacquer glossy

Varnish "Maimery" 753-754

Mounting glue "Liquid nails" (transparent)

Sandpaper #240

Adhesive tape wide transparent

Dry pastel

Glass outline white

Scissors, brushes, napkins, cotton buds

Metallic gel pen

Screw (if the egg is made of foam)

We prime our foam blank with primer (I have “Sonnet”), varnish it (I have “KIVA” here), dry it, screw a screw into the “ass” of the eggs (for convenience).

Let's get the printouts ready. cut out 2 flowers

We put our fragments “face down” on a hard surface, stick adhesive tape on top (the fragments must be completely covered with adhesive tape), and intensively, with pressure, “stroke” the fragments with scissor handles. The adhesive tape should, as it were, “stick” into the paper.

Then, very carefully, remove the tape with the top layer of paper. This is how we thin out our printout.

Cut off the edges of the printout, giving it the shape of an oval

Soak printouts in water (5 minutes)

We choose a place on the egg for our printout, grease it with decoupage glue. We take the printout out of the water and glue it. Try not to have wrinkles on the flower itself. And we will remove the wrinkles on the white background later. And also - do not forget - the fingers must be wet so as not to erase the paint. Top the printout with varnish, dry with a hairdryer. Repeat everything with the 2nd printout on the other side of the egg. After drying with a hair dryer, cover the entire egg with varnish.

While our egg is "resting", let's take care of the stand. Let's sand well

Primed, dried with a hair dryer (I always dry only with warm air and at a decent distance from the subject), varnished and sent to dry

Let's go back to the egg. Let's remove our folds with the help of a skin (here No. 240), at the same time we will go a little along the edge of the printout in order to better align it with the surface of the egg. We varnish it, dry it. Please note that the color of the printout and the background color of the egg are slightly different.

Therefore, we take a primer, a brush or a sponge (whichever is more convenient for you) and carefully paint over both our printout and the whole egg (this way we even out the background color). Again, varnish and dry well

We take Maimeri 753 varnish and apply it with a brush on our printout. I needed small cracks, then I dried for 45 minutes. (We work only on one side of the egg)

After 45 minutes, apply Maimeri 754 varnish (I prefer to apply with my finger), The layer is not thick (I remember small cracks). We are waiting for the varnish to dry (it will become matte)

While our varnish is drying, prepare the grout. We take dry pastel, white and black, and turn it into a gray powder

Maymery 754 varnish has dried up, cracks (probably) have appeared, it is possible to overwrite.

They happily ran and washed off the 2nd layer of varnish along with the “mud” under a stream of warm water. We waited for the rest of the water on our egg to dry and again covered it with “KIVA” varnish (in general, we protect our every step with varnish). The whole procedure with craquelure was repeated on the other side of the egg.

Here's what we got

We connect the egg to the stand using the Liquid Nails mounting glue.

We have about 20 minutes for the glue to dry. We can safely balance the egg. Let's leave our brainchild to stick for a couple of hours.

After making sure that the egg is firmly held on the stand, we will continue to work with it. With the help of a metallic gel pen, we outline the boundaries of the craquelure.

Let's get to the fun part - decorating! Here you can already give free rein to imagination. We take a white outline on the glass and draw all sorts of curls right along our “gel border”. Let the outline dry and erase cotton swab dipped in water gel contour (where it is visible).

We close the excess craquelure with soil, dry it, varnish it, dry it and turn on our imagination!

Here is a souvenir egg I got.

A few days before Easter, it's time to find out about how to decorate a wooden egg with your own hands. There are many special techniques. Below are the most simple and elegant ones. Try to surprise your loved ones for the holiday!

The best treat for the Bright Resurrection of Christ will be Easter cake prepared according to a special recipe, and one of the most pleasant and interesting presents for Easter will be various variations of eggs, both real chicken eggs painted in all colors of the rainbow, and souvenirs made from the most various materials, which after will remain as a present for a long time. So, today we will talk in detail about how to decorate wood Easter eggs.

Braiding an egg with beads


  1. Small tailor's scissors
  2. fishing line
  3. Beads of two colors

Step 1

Prepare a wooden blank in the form of an egg. And all necessary tools. Come up with a pattern and sketch it out on a piece of paper. The diagram will show how many beads you need. As a rule, the basis of most beaded patterns is a circle. Put on the fishing line you need the amount of beads. Put it on the fishing line using a needle. Follow the pattern. After each row, fix the segments with two knots.

Step 2

To form a new row, thread the needle in the right place immediately after two beads and then follow the pattern. In the proposed scheme, the pattern is made in the form of a flower with many petals. Creating petals, for which the base is the first circle, the smallest in size, thread the needle through each bead. In the second round - after a few. To get started choose a simple circuit which will be easy for you to deal with. Try using two colors.

Step 3

After completing three rows of petals, you will have a finished flower that will cover one side of a wooden egg. The same beaded flower can be created for the second side. Take note of both sides. If you strictly followed the pattern, they will turn out symmetrical. Further, according to the scheme, connect both flowers in a similar way. It doesn't matter how many beads you use to connect, as long as you follow the rules of symmetry.

Step 4

As a result, “honeycombs” form between the flowers. At the end, connect the segments with the same honeycombs from the sharp and round sides of the egg. Now you know, how to decorate a wooden egg with beads. Dream up! Surely you will have many ideas for decorating an Easter souvenir.
More details about how to decorate an Easter egg with your own hands - in the video.

Decorating the Easter egg with ribbons

Now let's deal with how to decorate a wooden easter egg with ribbons.


  1. Wooden blank in the shape of an egg
  2. Double-sided tape
  3. A set of ribbons in white, blue and pale green
  4. Ready-made "stamens" for flowers

Step 1

Tape the wooden base with double-sided tape. Make sure that the tape does not fold into rough folds. Distribute it evenly.

Step 2

Start Taping the Egg blue color, moving from the sharp end in a circle. Fill the entire space with tape, leaving no gaps.

Step 3

After filling the entire surface of the egg with tape, cut the tape, fixing it with hot glue. The base of the egg is ready.

Step 4

Start creating decorative flowers. For this tape white color cut into cubes no longer than 2 cm. Each segment will become a petal. Carefully and lightly burn the edges of each segment with the flame of a burning candle. Use a large, thick candle that will burn slowly and evenly. So it will be easier for you to work. In this case, the sides of the segment will take a rounded shape.

Step 5

On the other side of each segment, make a crease in the center. Cut off the excess and burn. For each flower you will need five white petals.

Step 6

Cut the green ribbon into segments 2.5 cm long. Fold each segment in half, cut it out in the form of a leaf and singe the edges with a candle flame in the same way. To create the base of the flowers, you will need stamens. You can buy ready-made in a specialized store.

Step 7

Collect all parts of the flower. Type with a needle on the thread all the white petals, stitching each with two stitches. Insert the stamen into the middle of the flower between the petals and tighten the thread well. From below, once again fix the base with a thread.

Step 8

Glue the flowers onto the egg using the same hot glue. Determine in advance the places where you will glue the flowers. You can change the location later, but it is not desirable to leave ugly spots of glue.

Step 9

Cut 3 cm long pieces of green tape. Roll up with envelopes, fix with glue and use to make base petals. This is what the finished egg will look like. More details about this in the video.

P.S. Start preparing Easter souvenirs now! Then you will have time for both trials and mistakes, which you should not be upset about! Decorate your Easter wooden egg with love and on the Bright Resurrection of Christ give your loved ones a piece of your heart warmth!

Olesya Tulinova

One of the most favorite holidays for both children and adults is approaching - Easter. On the Easter It is customary to exchange colored eggs as a sign of a bright holiday. beautiful easter egg, was illuminated in the church and kept until the next Easter.

According to legend, the first painted egg was presented by Mary Magdalena, who, being a disciple of Christ, came to Rome to Emperor Tiberius preaching the Christian faith, and presented him with a simple chicken egg with the words "Christ is Risen" as a gift. The emperor did not believe and said that no one can be resurrected, just like the white egg cannot turn red. A miracle happened egg in Mary's hands turned red. Since then, there has been a tradition of dyeing eggs and exchanging them.

Technician lots of egg decorations, easter egg can be decorated with beads, crochet, make from pasta and balloon, papier-mâché, salt dough, quilling ribbons, etc.

We will need:

blanks from egg shaped foam;

-sequins different kind and colors;

Pins - carnations

sequins are attached to the base with pins-studs from the lower end of the egg, in a spiral, to the bottom of the product.

Having secured everything sequins it turns out to be a very beautiful product.

Decorating an egg you can use a variety of sequins and colors, which will give you the opportunity to make many different interesting and beautiful products.

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For work, we need: a foam egg blank, glue, decorations, paint to give the blank the desired color. Options like.

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Master class "Easter egg made of wood using the decoupage technique" One of the favorite bright holidays Easter will come soon! All Christian.

Souvenir Easter eggs are often made from wood. Such gifts can be bought in the store, or you can make your own hands and paint them in an original way.

Thanks to the simplest tools - brushes and paints, an ordinary wooden blank becomes a real decoration. holiday table.

And even if you can't draw, there is simple techniques, which will help you quickly and interestingly color a wooden egg, including with children.

Decorating wooden eggs for Easter can be turned into a family ritual and practiced every year before a wonderful Orthodox holiday.

Materials for painting eggs made of wood

The first thing you need to purchase is a wooden blank. Today buy wooden egg blanks you can shop for needlework.

Outwardly, they are very similar to a chicken egg, and after coloring and decorating, it will be almost impossible to distinguish them from the real one.

Egg sizes can vary. Usually their diameter is from 3 to 8 cm, and their height is from 5 to 12 cm. There are also very large options for those who are engaged in professional painting or simply want to surprise loved ones with an unusual product.

Formation of flowers and pheasant in Gorodets painting

The cost of an egg starts at an average of 40 rubles, which is quite inexpensive, and you don’t have to waste time cutting out a wooden mold yourself.

In addition to wooden blanks, you will need:

  • brushes,
  • paints - acrylic or gouache,
  • sponge,
  • furniture varnish,
  • cotton buds,
  • newspaper, sandpaper,
  • pencil,
  • awl,
  • rhinestones, decorative stones.


There are several techniques for painting Easter eggs, so the list of materials for work can be adjusted.

We paint wooden eggs in stages with our own hands

Consider a simple version of painting a wooden blank with a brush and paints.

Operating procedure:

  1. Sand the workpiece with sandpaper, as paint and varnish lie more evenly on a smooth surface.
  2. On a sheet of paper, make a sketch of the drawing in three positions - side, front and back. Of the simplest solutions, you can use floral ornaments. Children can draw a chicken or other animal. Let's take a look at the chicken.
  3. mix yellow and white acrylic paints on the palette and color the egg.
  4. After the egg dries a little, with a simple pencil apply the details of the drawing to the base - eyes, wings, combs, beak.
  5. Start coloring the elements. Paint over the eyes with white paint, red beak, draw paws, tail, wings. To fill your hand a little, you can practice first on paper.
  6. It is convenient to draw fine details with a long and thin brush and acrylic paint.
  7. After the paint is completely dry, cover the workpiece colorless varnish by dipping an egg into it or using a brush. The varnish will fix the drawing and help keep it long enough.

Other popular designs on wooden eggs include abstract designs, floral and animal designs, and church-themed designs.

How else to decorate a wooden egg for Easter

Another popular technique for decorating wooden eggs is carving.

For getting beautiful patterns you need to train for more than one month, so for beginners we can recommend using an engraver, which will greatly simplify wood egg carving.

For work you will need:

  • engraver with grinding head,
  • wood billet,
  • sandpaper,
  • pencil,
  • acrylic lacquer,
  • stain,
  • eraser,
  • brushes for varnish and stain.


Operating procedure:

  1. Using a pencil, mark the pattern on a wooden base.
  2. Turn on the engraver, start marking with the side of the nozzle, moving back and forth.
  3. Erase pencil marks with an eraser.
  4. Decorate with stain. Several shades can be used. The original color is obtained by painting the egg in a dark tone, and then treating the surface of the workpiece with sandpaper. The protruding areas will become slightly lighter, and the picture will become more voluminous.
  5. Top coat with varnish.

Using an engraver will make carving a quick and easy task, and easter decoration turn out unusual and original.


The brightest holiday of Easter is approaching. In this article we will look at: how to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands.

Boil the eggs in the usual way and set them aside. To make the eggs red, rub the beets and add water to make a puree. Place the eggs in the coloring mixture and boil for 1 minute.

If you want green eggs, make mashed potatoes in the same way from ground spinach.

To create eggs yellow color- dilute a pinch of turmeric or saffron in a liter of water and boil the eggs for a minute.

To make purple eggs, puree the berries lilac color, add water and boil for a minute.

In order to make blue eggs - finely chop 2 heads of red (purple) cabbage, pour 0.5 liters of water, add 6 tablespoons of 9% vinegar and soak the eggs overnight. To make green eggs, use the recipe for blue eggs + add a teaspoon of baking soda.

You will need: cooled white boiled eggs, food coloring of the desired shades, a small saucepan, water, a tablespoon, 9% table vinegar.

Master Class

color blocking is a modern trend, which is a combination of two or three bright colors opposite to each other in one unit (thing, object). For example: red-green, yellow-blue-orange.

You will need: white boiled eggs, food coloring of the desired shades, 9% table vinegar.

Master Class

Easter eggs in the color blocking trend are ready! I recommend watching this video!

You will need: boiled eggs, food coloring of two colors, sunflower oil.

Master Class

Easter eggs with marble effect are ready! I recommend watching the video tutorial!

You will need: raw white eggs, silk fabric, cotton fabric, rope or rubber band, table vinegar 9%, a container for cooking.

Master Class

Easter eggs with silk effect are ready! I recommend watching this video!

You will need: white boiled eggs, food coloring of the desired shade, stencil, tracing paper (transparent paper), gauze or nylon, scissors.

Master Class

The selected pattern should be printed on the egg shell. Use stencils and everyone will see that you have approached the holiday creatively.

You will need: boiled eggs, thermal stickers, a container for cooking.

Master Class

Easter eggs with thermal stickers are ready! I recommend watching this video!

You will need: boiled dyed eggs, powdered sugar, confectionery syringe.

Master Class

Easter eggs with sugar drawings are ready!

You will need: boiled cooled dry eggs, decoupage napkin, scissors, brush, raw egg white as glue.

Master Class

Decoupage Easter eggs are ready! I recommend watching this video!

You will need: raw eggs, syringe, alabaster, glue gun, narrow satin ribbons, a lighter, a bottle cap, decoration elements - flowers, beads ...

Master Class

You will need: raw eggs, yarn, glue gun.

Master Class

Yarn Easter eggs are ready!

Paint the egg with patterns, drawings, inscriptions ... Play on the contrast colors white egg and black marker. You will see that such an Easter egg looks very original.

You will need: boiled white eggs, food coloring of the desired shades, lace, rubber band, 9% table vinegar.

Master Class

Easter eggs with a delicate lace pattern are ready! In the same way, you can “draw” a fine mesh, only use nylon tights for this.

You will need: boiled white eggs, food coloring of the desired shades, table vinegar 9%, glitter of the desired shades, brush, egg yolk.

Master Class

Decorating Easter eggs with cereals

You will need: boiled eggs, various cereals at your discretion, PVA glue, brush, felt-tip pens at will.

Master Class

Easter egg from cereals is ready! You can use buckwheat, rice, semolina, coffee beans, Easter sprinkles and even pasta. Imagine and surprise everyone!

If you like to sew, knit and create masterpieces self made- then create beautiful clothes, covers for Easter eggs. You can knit them with hats, skirts, make belts out of ribbons, sew bags, wrap them with lace, and elegantly decorate them with ribbons, beads, flowers, sequins ...

If you do not know how to sew and knit, do not despair, just draw funny faces on the eggs. This process will not take much time and, moreover, will amuse all the guests. Get inspired by ideas from our photo gallery!

Chic, beautiful, creative, exquisite, delicious Easter eggs will not only be an excellent decor for the festive table, but also original gift relatives. Happy holiday to you and your loved ones, Christ is Risen - Truly Risen!