Easter greetings in your own words. Orthodox congratulations and solemn appeals Wishes for Easter short God bless

Easter - main holiday in the Christian calendar, which falls on April 19 in 2020, “exceeds all the celebrations, even those of Christ and in honor of Christ, as much as the sun surpasses the stars” ... On this day, believers send each other christian greetings Easter.

Orthodox congratulations on Easter

Happy Easter!
And with all my heart I wish:
You will live with honor up to a hundred years,
Believe in God and love
Let only good news
They will come to your house!

We sincerely wish you a Happy Easter
"Christ is risen" - these are the main words today!
May the Lord protect you from troubles
And reward good deeds!

On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him forever
The conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

Christ keep you
From every misfortune
From an evil tongue
Sudden misfortune.
Keep you from pain
betrayal, disease,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend.
And God bless you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and lots of happiness!

On the day of Christ's Resurrection
Let fun come to your house
The smell of fresh cookies
Church ringing, children's laughter.
Behind a wide table
Your house will meet all the guests,
Grace will come down from heaven.
Happy Easter to you! Christ is risen!

Christian congratulations on Easter April 19, 2020

On Easter Day, believers greet each other with the words "Christ is Risen!" - and answer: "Truly Risen!". Send your family and friends Orthodox congratulations on Easter in verse.

I wish God's grace
Good for your home.
I congratulate you on Easter
Let the family live in peace!
May the Lord protect you
Your peace always keeps
Protects from all troubles
And bless your home!

How music flies from heaven:
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"
I gently hug you
And I hold it tightly to my heart.
God bless you always
Always protected from harm!
your lucky star
Let it burn in the sky for many years!

Holy Sunday has come
And announced to us the good news:
For eternal salvation
Christ is risen. Christ is risen!
Keep heaven,
Live for many, many years.
Jesus in my heart forever with you,
He will save from evil and troubles.
We wish you bright Easter days,
After all, this is a miracle of miracles.
Forget about your sorrows -
Christ is truly risen!

Easter day. Pure nature.
And every moment today is sweet!
The Orthodox people
The great holiday has arrived.
Happy Easter to you
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Wish less days sad
More happiness and love!

On this day I want to wish
Good deeds and beautiful deeds,
Meet every day with a smile
More sunny-clear holidays.
Let luck go ahead
Gives the world only bright colors,
Let nothing stand in the way
On the bright holiday of the divine Easter!

How can you congratulate on Orthodox Easter?

On this page of our site you will find beautiful and touching verses dedicated to the Easter of Christ, which, as a congratulation, it will be a pleasure to receive your brothers and sisters in faith.

Happy Orthodox Easter
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
May it not be in your life
Troubles are neither small nor big.
On this day we wish you
Fulfillment of miracles
And, of course, we will tell you:
“Happy holiday! Christ is risen!"

Congratulations on Easter!
Peace, joy in the soul,
We wish you strong faith
With God to be in any trouble!
Open the doors of the heart
For love and bright days.
We will meet a marvelous hour in hope.
Joy to the world, Christ is Risen!

The Holy Fire descended...
This is a symbol of Christ's resurrection!
I want it to enter my soul
Holy light and brought us salvation!
May God forgive you all your sins
May it cover with its grace,
To make your days easy
To lead you to peace and happiness!

On the great day of holy Sunday,
When people are celebrating everywhere,
I will come to you first with congratulations.
May the Lord protect your hearth
May grace bestow upon you!
I gladly bring the good news.
After all, Easter has arrived. Everyone rejoices!
Rejoice and you! Christ is risen!

Saved by the blood of Christ on the cross
Everyone living on the mortal Earth.
He saved, forgiving the murder of the insane,
On Pascha, the saint announced about this.
He showed us that there is no corruption.
The ringing of the bells flooded the whole world ...
Celebrate, rejoice grateful people.
The Easter service is served by the parish.
Keeping good faith in my heart,
I congratulate you on Easter!
Gently say a prayer
Let a glorious holiday into the house today.

Christian congratulations for Easter in prose

You have not yet decided how to congratulate family and friends on Easter? This can be done not only in poetry, but also in prose.

On this day, Christ gave us hope for eternal life, faith in the future and the light of selfless love. May this joy live in your soul every day, making your life more beautiful.

Congratulations on the bright holiday of Easter! I wish that unshakable Faith gives you strength, real love filled your heart with harmony and warmth, and rainbow Hope always illuminated your life path. Peace and happiness to you. Christ is risen!

Congratulations to the father on Easter

How to congratulate Orthodox Easter people you love? You can address a lay person: “Dear brother (or sister) in Christ!” or simply by name, to a priest whom you know closely - “Dear father!” or "Dear father, father (name) ...".

If the relationship is not so personal, then the style should be more formal. But in any case, congratulations to the priest on Easter should be sincere and warm.

Christ is risen!
Truly Risen!
I congratulate you on Easter
you, holy father.
bell ringing
Melting in the blue of the sky
God's grace
Let it fill your soul.
I wish you love
Humility, kindness,
Lord bless
us for good deeds.

Holy Father, congratulations
I'm on Easter day from the heart,
Let your prayers save
They always sound to us in silence.

May the Lord give you strength
To lead the flock
Let your faith help
Always carry a difficult cross.

Health to you, goodness, bliss,
Harmony in the soul always
Let in joy and understanding
Great years are coming.

How to congratulate a father on Easter in prose?

I heartily congratulate you on the bright Sunday of Christ! This holiday fills the hearts of believers with the joy of the triumph of good over evil, the victory of life over death, and strengthens us in the Orthodox faith.

Wish you good health, prosperity, success in your good deeds for the benefit of your flock and the Russian Orthodox Church!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the Resurrection of Christ!
The great feast of Easter carries the unquenchable light of faith, fills hearts with good feelings, gives joy, love and hope. It is dear to all believers who honor Christian values.

I would like to wish you success on this day in your ascetic work. Good health and long years of pastoral service to you!

Happy Easter greetings in verse and SMS

Fill your chest, holy delight!
Christ is risen! Christ terminated
Chains of eternal darkness, rising from the grave.
Christ defeated both death and hell,
He gave us the name of the Lord's children,
Ripped from us the bonds of dark power.

On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And in the blue sky, disappearing,
He sang the song of the Resurrection.
And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth," they said,
Wake up: your King, your God is Risen!

The covenant of blessed heaven
Sounds to us the song of Sunday,
Love, and happiness, and forgiveness -
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! He is the King of the worlds
Mighty kings Lord,
He is all humility, all is love,
For a sinful world holy blood
Shed like an Angel-Redeemer!

Christ is risen! He announced
That on earth all people are brothers,
He renewed the world with love,
He forgave his enemies on the Cross,
And opened His arms to us!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like the singing of angels from heaven
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Join all brotherly hands
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! - just two words
But how much grace is in them!
We are unearthly bliss again
Illuminated in their hearts.

Christ is risen!..
Oh sacred moment!
O miracle, above all miracles.
What were in the universe! ..
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

The royal doors are open before us,
Holy fire shines from a candle...
Around again placed in the temple
Colored eggs, Easter, Easter cakes,
It's still dark, but the sun is shining
Plays with all the colors of heaven.
And joyfully repeat to each other:
"Christ is risen!"
"Truly Risen!"

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!
In the smile of blue
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

How the sun shines brightly
As the sky is deep,
How fun and loud
The bells are ringing.
Silently in God's temples
Sing "Christ is Risen!"
And the sounds of a wondrous song
They reach heaven.

Praise the Lord from heaven
And praise, people!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
And trampled down death forever!

People are brothers! Has come
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright holiday of Sunday
God of truth, God of strength!…
Away from us enmity and malice!
Let's forget everything! We'll forgive everyone!
Let's honor reconciliation
Day of the Risen from the Tomb!

Christ is Risen! Brother people!
each other in a warm embrace
Hurry up to accept!
Forget quarrels, insults,
Yes bright holiday of Sunday
Nothing will darken.

Christ is Risen! Hell trembles
And the sun of eternal truth shines
Over the renewed earth:
And the whole universe is warm
A ray of divine light.
Tastes joy and peace.

"Easter Day"
Easter day. Pure nature.
And every moment today is sweet!
The Orthodox people
The great holiday has arrived.

"Holy Christ's Resurrection"
Holy Christ's Resurrection,
The bell ringing flies from heaven,
And to the glory of God hymns,
Rejoicing - "Christ is Risen!"

"Christ bless you!"
Christ keep you
From every misfortune
From an evil tongue
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God bless you
If it is in His power,
Health, good years,
Love and grace!

"Happy Sunday to you"
Spring has come again!
Life has become a fairy tale again:
Happy Sunday to you!
Happy and wonderful Easter!

My soul, rejoice and sing
Heiress of Heaven:
Christ is risen, your Savior
Truly risen!

Christ is risen! Again with the dawn
The shadow of the long night thins,
Again lit up above the ground
New day for a new life.

People are brothers! Has come
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright holiday Sunday
God of truth, God of strength!…
Away from us enmity and malice!
Let's forget everything! We'll forgive everyone!

Christ is risen!..
Oh sacred moment!
O miracle, above all miracles,
What were in the universe! ..
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! In the rays of love
Sorrow gloomy cold will disappear,
Let joy reign in the hearts
Both those who are old and those who are young!

Spring and the sun - the distance is bright,
The storm has passed.
Easter bells
Sing about happiness.
Earth and sky, pond,
Forests and Vessels,
And people - together we all sing:
Christ is Risen!

Happy Easter
Easter, Easter is a holiday!
Everywhere signs of joy.
Happiness shines in the eyes.
The sun is shining in the sky.
The singing is heard loudly.
The sun's light and the laughter of a child.
And in my heart
Light hymns are ringing.
And from end to end
Happiness we know.
Easter! Easter! Heaven's guest!
Everyone shouts: "Christ is risen!"

Happy Easter
Glory, glory
Great Easter!
Christ looks down from heaven
How Orthodox people celebrate and rejoice!
Christize - "Christ is risen!"

Happy Easter
Accept congratulations on Easter,
With the radiance of the sun!
On a spring day the colors are so bright
Nice smell of cookies!

Happy Easter
"Christ is risen, dear ones!"
"Truly risen!" - in reply.
On Easter Day and other days
The Savior gives us His light!

Happy Easter
Let the sun shine in the sky in the morning
And doves coo outside the window!
Let all the bells ring in the cathedrals,
Thoughts will be joyful, light!
Let it flaunt on the festive table
multi-colored mosaic of eggs,
Candles in the nests of vanilla cakes
Surrounded by relatives and bright faces!

Happy Easter
Will, faith, fortitude
Hands are stretched out to us now
Both hope and love.
So that we don't forget
And "Rise!" to shout
On the Bright holiday again and again!

Happy Easter
On the table is a round dance of bright colors,
Pickles, a parade of Easter cakes,
And in the eyes are reflected brightly
Lights from church candles!

Let the soul become winged again
Resistant to flattery and evil, to silver,
Noble, big, enlightened
And open to goodness!

Happy Easter
I wish you inspiration
On the day of the Holy Ascension.
Glowing like heaven
Your blue eyes

Happy Easter
Holy Christ's Resurrection.
The bell ringing flies from heaven,
And to the glory of God - hymns,
Rejoicing - "Christ is Risen!"
On holiday, I give you an Easter egg.
Congratulations, Christ is risen!
Our discord is an accidental phenomenon,
On the Bright Holiday, his trace disappeared.
There is no offensive languor in the soul,
And love has risen like Christ.
Our reconciliation is inevitable!
Christ brought us hope again!

Happy Easter
May Easter Sunday
It will be sunny, warm and clear!
May it give enlightenment to the soul,
The mood will be great!

Happy Easter
Great day, day of salvation!
The bright holiday has come!
Holy Resurrection Day
God of truth, God of strength!
All worries and doubts
Fly away!
No worries and regrets
And my soul is easy!

Happy Easter
May the sun shine on you on Easter day,
The sky is azure!
Everyone you meet will answer with a smile,
Glaze shines on the cakes!

Let the bells fly
The soul will be clear, light!
Poplars and maples are blooming,
Spring will be warm!

Happy Easter
Clear and sunny on Easter!
Krashenki red, songs and dances.
Light on the soul, like from a bright candle.
And Easter cakes are already waiting on the table.

Let it spread throughout the world: "Rise!"
We will always be together with hope.
With Faith in love, in the golden years.
Together. Today. Now. Forever and ever.

Happy Easter
May it bring good and congratulations
Day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ!
Let the service in the temple heal, enjoy
And a sense of inspiration will appear!

Happy Easter
The goldfinch and the song thrush sing,
Great Lent is behind us again!
The ringing of the bell flies up,
Easter bell sounds!
May God's mercy, grace
Help to give happiness to loved ones!
Give joy and warmth -
And it will be light on the soul!

Happy Easter
The earth is waking up today
And the fields are dressed with mystery.
Spring is coming, it is full of miracles!

Happy Easter
Nature is full of gentle trembling,
And the birds fly in the blue of the sky.
Silence broken today
Christ is risen! Truly risen!
The green grass is now rustling,
She is echoed by the old, full of mystery, forest.
And the wind whispers gentle words:
"Christ is risen! He has truly risen!"

Happy Easter
We wish God's grace in life,
Health, light, peace and kindness!
Create, help, create
Let the bells ring on Easter Day!

Happy Easter
We congratulate you: Christ is risen!
Good luck, Big miracles!
So that with God in the heart
Lived brighter
He is with us again - Christ is Risen!

Happy Easter
Accept congratulations on Easter
And spring is coming again!
Let the bright mosaic of colors
Happy feast of the saint!

Happy Easter
Accept Easter gifts
And congratulations from us!
Let the holiday be bright, bright
And dear heart every hour!

Happy Easter
Every now and then repeat
The words "Christ is risen!"
Everyone smiles at each other
"Truly risen!"
We congratulate you on the divine holiday
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
solemn mood
You meet him.

Happy Easter
May the Easter days
Will be clear, fine,
Hospitable, sincere,
Not like others!

Happy Easter
Sing songs for Happy Easter!
This day is the best day of all!
You knock on my door -
Cakes are waiting for you.
May grace live in the soul
And the generosity of the heart will not fade!
The Lord will save and keep
And prosperity will give!

Happy Easter
Today the sun is pouring down
And good and clear day
Because our Christ
Bring truth into this world
And resurrected for joy
And reached the holy heavens.

Happy Easter
Easter has come
Joy embraced:
beloved Jesus,
Resurrected, resurrected.
Congratulations on the kindness
Happy Easter -
a wonderful holiday,
Miracle of Miracles.

Happy Easter
May the blessing of the Lord
Gives joy, peace and grace!
Let the weather please today
The heart yearns to live and create!

Happy Easter
I'm waiting for you on a spring day
On the day of Holy Sunday.
And remind the sky of the cross,
What is truly risen!

Happy Easter
We heartily congratulate you
Happy Easter Sunday!
Let it be bright every hour
And sweet - conversation!

Happy Easter
Christ is risen!
And triumphs
Life reborn again
Light, driving away the darkness of winter, rejoices.
Christ is risen!
And with him - love!

Happy Easter
Let the ringing of bells decorate the holiday
And your face will light up with joy!
As a symbol of life, happiness, fertility
I give you an Easter egg!

Happy Easter
On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And disappearing into the blue sky
He sang the song of resurrection.
And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth," they said,
Wake up: your King, your God is risen.
Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up the fragrant anthem
The one whose commandment is love.

Happy Easter
May Easter Sunday
It will be colorful, sunny, bright!
Let the soul bring renewal
And make a nice gift!

Happy Easter
Happiness is very simple.
You and me. There are stars above us.
We are on the same path
We return home.
And towards people, people
They shout to us: “Rise! O miracle!
Easter cakes shine in the house,
Krashenki and three candles.

Happy Easter
Spring has come again.
Now Life has become a bright fairy tale again:
Happy Christ Sunday to you,
Happy and wonderful Easter!

Happy Easter
We congratulate you on Easter!
The holiday is kind, beautiful, big.
May spirituality always triumph
Faith in God brings hope!

Happy Easter
Easter comes with spring
And joyfully "Rise!"
We scream in vain
After all, happiness is up to heaven!
Trees are like candles.
And joyful fire
All our meetings are burning
And we both go.
Like the sky is endless!
How the sun loves us
Happy and carefree
And with bright eyes!

Happy Easter
For the glory of life gave the Creator
Holy grace happen,
To descend from heaven into every house
Salvation world! Christ is risen!

Happy Easter
My soul, rejoice and sing, heir of heaven!
Christ is risen,
Your Savior!
Truly risen!

Happy Easter
Holy night... The temple is flooded with lights.
The prayers of sinners go up to heaven
Like burning incense on an altar...
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Happy Easter
Believe, believe in miracles
After all, it is impossible without it.
The world does not stand on whales -
On love and miracles.
Christ loves everyone equally,
For him there are no the most important.
May he help you in everything.
Happy holiday! Happy day!

Happy Easter
April rings: "Christ is risen!"
Church bells rejoice!
And a ray of goodness slid from heaven,
Doves coo joyfully!

Happy Easter
Spring will bloom empty with the sun,
May the Easter holiday be bright!
Let there be bread, a sip of wine,
Let the year for seedlings be generous!

Happy Easter
The temple is solemn and strict
He ascended up to heaven.
And rushes over the road
The voice of the jubilant: "He is risen!"
We were informed about it
Birds in the blue.
I will find that happiness, or
Do I see it like in a dream?
Happy Easter
What is more wonderful than all miracles.
Every day will be wonderful
After all, he has truly risen!

Happy Easter
Happy Easter today
This holiday is beauty itself!
Orthodox people celebrate
Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Let care live in your house,
Kindness, faith, truth light!
May there always be bread and work,
Happiness, joy for many years!

Happy Easter
Laughter distant, ringing, childish.
He left us a legacy
So much faith and love!
And now we shout: "Rise!"
And the soul, like a song,
It's pouring - just call.

Happy Easter
From threshold to threshold
Only bright road
Only to the happiness of life is the way.
We are grateful for the mercy
And for the miracle that opened.
Don't forget about it.
A star is burning in the sky
And speaks to me.
About love, hope, God
And about the sunny road
On a bright holiday, in a white temple
Let's disperse the darkness in the corners.
Let the big star look
Straight to the soul, without blinking.

Happy Easter
I woke up and I hear -
Spring is knocking on the window!
Drops rush from the roof
Everywhere is light!
And it seems - not birds,
And the angels are flying.
That Easter is coming soon
They will let us know!

Happy Easter

The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - it's time for miracles,
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no words brighter in the world -
Indeed, Christ is risen!

Happy Easter
The birds, the river and the forest will tell:

The song is carried up to heaven:

The stars shine for us, the darkness has disappeared.
It is a holiday today! Christ is risen!
More wonderful than fairy tales and all miracles
Brightest holiday! Christ is risen!

Happy Easter
Christ keep you
From every misfortune
From an evil tongue
Sudden misfortune.
Keep you from pain
betrayal, disease,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God bless you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and lots of happiness!

Happy Easter
Christ is risen!
Saint again
It's Easter.
And golden
The head of the capital shone
And my heart became sweeter:
Today the sun shines brighter
Stronger wind beats in the window,
And the cry rushes to heaven:
Christ is truly Risen!

Happy Easter
Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Happy Easter
We congratulate you:
"Christ is risen!"
We wish you well
Big wonders!
So that with God in the heart
Lived brighter
He is with us again
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen. This is how Orthodox believers congratulate the arcs of a friend at a meeting or by means of SMS messages. But besides the standard congratulations, I always want to wish something good, good, eternal.

On this bright day, everyone around pronounces only words of congratulations. Any work on this day is a sin. One can only rejoice in congratulating family friends and celebrating Easter. Ask for forgiveness from God and from relatives and friends, but also forgive yourself.

On the tables in almost every house there are beautiful Easter cakes or cottage cheese Easter, painted eggs. Everyone has fun and congratulates their relatives and friends. Our not big selection congratulations will make your congratulations a little more beautiful and not the same as everyone else.

I baked Easter cake
I will send it to you as a gift.
And I will tell you with kindness:
I love you all very much.

Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ,
I wish you all the best:
Be confident, beautiful and healthy
Live with a smile of happiness on your lips.

Congratulations! Easter holiday
Finally at the door.
The sun, like in a fairy tale,
Sends rays for all people.

There is hope for salvation
Happy Easter Sunday,
So let her shine in the soul
Bless you with love!

Christ is risen! We congratulate you -
After all, the Lord has saved us for eternal life.
We want to rejoice and have fun,
Pray to God for everyone today!

Let the soul rejoice! Christ is risen!
And it couldn't be happier.
Believe: by the power of divine miracles
Everything that gnaws at the heart will be dispelled.

Happy Easter, I congratulate you!
I wish you health and joy,
Good luck, wealth and good news.
May all that is desired come quickly.

Christ is risen! I congratulate you!
Let happiness come to the house.
Let warmth, love, care
Easter will bring with it.

I wish you earthly blessings on Easter,
And many good deeds of people,
Warmth, health and patience,
Peace in the soul and mood.

Happy Easter and Sunday,
With joy, warmth of spring,
With grace from heaven.
We rejoice all. Christ is risen!

Happy Easter congratulations.
May it bring peace to your home.
I wish you happiness and good
Good luck in business awaits you.

The bell ringing spreads
Good news to heaven.
I congratulate everyone on Easter.
Happiness to you! Christ is risen!

Happy Easter, bright Sunday,
God's blessing.
Let the house be filled with good
Happiness, joy, warmth.

Happy Sunday, Happy Easter.
Let the heart be warm
Joy, warmth, love.
Let happiness be with you!

Happy Sunday, Happy Easter.
Warmth, kindness and affection.
God's pure grace
Happiness and love radiant!

I congratulate you on Easter,
Let the warm wind blow
Bring good luck to the house
And bless everyone!

Easter brings guests to the house,
Get the cookies quick
Wish your loved ones good luck and happiness.
And let your house be bypassed by bad weather!

Happy Easter, congratulations
Bright days, I wish you love.
Be kindly warmed
In life, you have joy to meet!

Happy Easter, congratulations,
I wish you well at home
So that the light does not leave him,
And your path is always illuminated!

Happy Easter, bright Sunday!
Let the soul be warmed.
There was no evil in life,
Love entered the house forever.

Congratulations dear,
We wish you a great holiday,
They brought large paskas,
Bow down before the face
We are saints, we ask for happiness,
Let bad weather go away.

That's like Easter eggs
We covered with different paint,
The post is over, let's put on some weight!
Happy holiday! Christ Resurrect!

The New Year has passed and the masks have been removed.
Take out the eggs, paint for Easter.
Grace came from heaven!
And Jesus Christ is risen!

We congratulate you on Easter.
And we want to live like in a fairy tale.
Let there be a cake with wine on the table.
And only joys come to the house!

Happy Easter holy congratulations
I wish you happiness and health.
Peace, peace in the country,
Sunshine in your window.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Rushing from earth to heaven.
And on Holy Sunday
Please accept Easter greetings.

On the day of Christ's Resurrection
I send you congratulations on Easter.
I wish you fun
I'll even have a glass.

I baked Easter cake
I will send it to you as a gift.
And I will tell you with kindness:
I love you all very much.

Flocks of birds in the blue sky
Bells are heard.
I congratulate you on Easter
Spare no kind words.

Congratulations on the spring holiday
April pleases with early Easter.
On a clean day of holy Sunday
I wish you to enter the door of happiness.

To the ringing of bells for Easter
I wish you a break from the Fast:
Easter cake, egg and sausage
On the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

All Christendom with delight
Meets the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.
I congratulate you. Protected by God
Let the cherished dream come true.

The sun shines on Sunday,
Christians around the world celebrate Easter.
I congratulate you, I send joy from the heart.
Let the sunny door open for you

Joy comes to us with Easter.
Congratulations on the Great Day.
Let everyone have krashenki with sausage
Delicious that day.

On the Great Day of Easter, the feast is bright
Send congratulations to everyone.
"Christ is Risen!", and colorful
Start the holiday with an egg.

All the snow melted on Easter
The sun shines from above.
Happy Great Day everyone,
I wish you all beauty

Under Easter church bells
We say: "Christ is risen!"
Congratulations on a spiritual day
The sun brings you from heaven.

"Christ is risen!". We assure you without a doubt
We lift up to the sky three times a cry.
"Christ is risen!", and this Sunday
Accept congratulations and Easter cake.

Beautiful Easter greetings for mom

My dear, kind mother,
I wish you on Easter
So that you are the most beautiful,
More tenderness, joy, affection,

So that she does not know any troubles or sadness,
To be young and healthy
So that the eyes shine with happiness
Admire that dad you!

The aroma of the cake
Tears from the wax pours a candle
Mom, Happy Easter
I wish you all the best

Happiness, sun, kindness,
Youth, beauty,
Peace, joy, kindness
And spring warmth!

Mommy dear
Happy Easter
I sincerely wish
Let life be a fairy tale

Sunny and bright
So that you do not know troubles
smiled more often
And met spring!

Happy Easter, mommy, you,
I wish you a lot of happiness
To be cheerful and not know evil,
Love, you, health, family warmth!

Spring comes bright
Nature is awakening
I wish you mom
May happiness never end

May joy give you
Easter Annunciation,
Christ is risen, dear,
Truly risen!

Dear, my dear
I congratulate you on Easter
I wish you, mommy
From the bottom of my heart, love and affection.

May your life be bright
Comfortable and stress-free
And let spring blossom in my soul,
Good luck, joy on Christ's Sunday!

Easter greetings in prose

Easter greetings can be given not only in poetry, but also in prose. In principle, anyone can compose something festive in prose. But if you don't have time to think beautiful text, and you need to send it very urgently, then try these congratulations.

We congratulate you on a Happy Easter! We wish peace, kindness, love, peace of mind and prosperity! May love always warm your hearth, your loved ones will be there, all your expectations will certainly come true, and your cherished dreams and wishes will come true!

Christ is Risen! So let your heart rejoice on the day of Easter! May the faith, hope and grace given by the Lord on this day become a reliable foundation for a long, happy and joyful life! Good and happiness to you and your loved ones!

On the day of Easter, I wish you and your loved ones happiness, harmony, peace and understanding. May your soul be cleansed, the house be filled with grace, and your heart with the desire to do good, to give yourself to faith, the desire to love and be loved! Let bright Easter the ringing of bells will heal the souls, and the eyes will shine from the realization of the Resurrection of Christ! Christ is risen!

Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing, warm, wonderful day - the feast of Holy Easter! May your souls, like today's spring, inhale the warmth of Easter and be reborn clean, warm, joyful! This day grants us renewal and victory over death! So may holy grace and love be with you! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen we say with hope and a smile. We wish that peace, goodness descend from heaven today. Health, joy, peace, peace of mind, holy inspiration, support from loved ones, help from friends, all worldly blessings and a full bowl of table, and faith in the best, love, hope, and good luck, and many bright days. Happy Easter!


Letters and written congratulations are the oldest form of Orthodox communication. This tradition has been going on since apostolic times. The epistolary heritage of church writers is great and priceless. There are brilliant examples of the correspondence of ordinary believers.

“We, the Orthodox, have a holiday every day,” believers sometimes say, as if in jest. And indeed. church calendar- It's a total holiday. Written congratulations of believers on Easter, Christmas, patronal feast or Angel Day is an important and joyful event for every Christian. You need to know that there are certain rules here, or, more precisely, established forms of writing written congratulations for a particular holiday. How to start such a message? If this is a congratulation of a clergyman, then you need to know how to address him correctly (as mentioned above).

How to say Happy Easter

In the series of the Lord's feasts, the feast of Easter occupies a central place, and in the series of all Christian holidays, it "exceeds all the celebrations, even those of Christ and in honor of Christ, as much as the sun surpasses the stars." All Divine services and church rites of this holiday are especially solemn and imbued with one feeling of joy about the Risen One.

At the end of Matins, after the singing “Let us embrace each other, brethren! And to those who hate us, we will forgive everything on the resurrection” - all believers begin to greet each other with the words “Christ is Risen” and to christen, kissing each other on the cheek three times.

The joyful Paschal greeting reminds us of the state of the apostles in which, when the news of the Resurrection of Christ suddenly spread, they said to each other with amazement and delight: “Christ is Risen!” and answered: “Truly Risen!” Mutual kissing is an expression of love and reconciliation with each other, in memory of our universal forgiveness and reconciliation with God through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The entire period from Easter to the holiday, that is, forty days, the first words of greeting among Christians are the words “Christ is Risen!”, And in response they say: “Truly Risen!”

A written congratulation on Easter also begins with the words “Christ is Risen!”. You can highlight these words in red. If you are congratulating not a clergyman, but a lay person, it is best to address it like this: “Dear brother (or sister) in Christ!” or just by name:


I cordially greet you, Verochka, my dear, on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

I pray to God that the light of the Resurrection will always illuminate your path. So that the Sun of Truth - Christ always warms you ...

You can turn to a priest whom you know closely, “Dear father!” or "Dear father, Father Joseph..."

Congratulations should be sincere and breathe love. The beautiful congratulations of Father John (Krestyankin), full of spiritual joy, can serve as a high example.


What is this wonderful words! How they change everything around us and in ourselves. In these words there is a victorious message, and a call to joy, and a greeting of love, and a wish for peace.

Saying these joyful words, I stretch out my hands to you in order to fraternally embrace you together with the threefold Paschal kiss and wish you bright joy, good health and a strong spirit for the service of the eternal Bishop Christ and His holy Church.

I rejoice with you, your family and friends in the Risen Christ.

Truly, Christ is Risen!


Your unworthy brother and wretched pilgrimage.

A congratulatory message on Easter may be preceded by words from irmoses, troparia or songs from the Easter canon. For example, here are excerpts from some of the holiday messages of Father John:

Shine, shine, new Jerusalem...


Let us hear with our hearts the first words of the Risen Savior to the myrrh-bearing women: “Rejoice!”

Your Resurrection, Christ the Savior,

Angels sing in heaven...

Fathers bless, priests sing, people exalt the Risen Christ forever...

And again the Easter Annunciation filled the world.


Death we celebrate mortification...

Another life of eternal beginning...

From congratulations about. John (Krestyankina)

Easter greetings always end with the words “Truly Risen!”, Also highlighted in red. Solemn, significant and heartfelt are the concluding words of Father John's letters:

May the Risen Lord protect every laborer in His field into eternal life, may He multiply their strength and boldness in service and make their labor fruitful.



With a brotherly Easter kiss. Your brother and worshiper...

My dear ones, we believe in the Light and let us be sons of the Light, and we will stand with Christ!

Truly! Truly!

Truly, Christ is Risen!

The grace of the Risen Lord will strengthen you on the path of salvation.

With love in Christ

and congratulatory messages
Merry Christmas

The Feast of the Nativity of Christ, by the grandeur of the event to be remembered, is celebrated more solemnly than all holidays, with the exception of Easter. Saint John Chrysostom calls the feast of the Nativity of Christ "the most honorable and most important of all holidays", "the mother of all holidays". The joy of this event is so great that the Church from ancient times decided to accompany the whole day of the holiday with church bells.

The solemn glorification of the Nativity of Christ after Divine services in churches is transferred to the dwellings of believers.

Many families set up Christmas trees for Christmas. This custom is based both on the words of the prophet Isaiah about the Savior: “And a branch will come from the root of Jesse, and a branch will grow from its root” (Is. 11, 1), and on the words of a church hymn in honor of the event of the Nativity of Christ: “Christ is a branch from the root of Jesse, and the flower from it, you have grown from the Virgin.

Decorating cut branches of Christmas trees with candles, lights and sweets shows that our nature is a barren and lifeless branch, only in Jesus Christ - the source of life, light and joy - can bring spiritual fruits: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith , meekness, temperance (see: Gal. 5, 22-23).

In congratulations on Christmas, unlike congratulations on Easter, there is no obligatory, time-honored formula with which it would begin. These may be the words of the irmos from the first Christmas song “Christ is born, praise!”:


Dear sister in Christ R.! My congratulations to you on the now-born Christ and prayerful wishes to grow all your life in Christ to the extent of His age. How to purify the heart in order to approach the great piety mystery: "God appeared in the flesh?"

I wish you the help of the Divine Infant Christ in your charitable deeds.

Your pilgrim K.

Here is one of the congratulations on the Nativity of St. Athanasius (Sakharov):


God's mercy be with you, my dear Olga Alexandrovna!

I cordially greet you on the great holiday and prayerfully wish you well. May the peace of God fill our hearts, may it reign not only in people of good will, in people of good will, but throughout the world.

I invoke God's blessing on you.

Save yourself in the Lord.

Most Honored Mother Abbess with all the sisters in Christ!

On the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, I congratulate you, mother, and all the sisters of the holy monastery entrusted by you.

Unfortunately, in our time, congratulations are often sent and arrive at the wrong time. This is a bad and unholy habit. Despite the fact that Easter or the Nativity of Christ is preceded by many days of heavy fasting, and last days before the holidays are filled with chores and worries - yet this is not an excuse. We must make it a rule for ourselves: to congratulate on the holy holidays on time.