What is deep facial peeling. Deep facial peeling at home

Deep peeling is considered to be one that destroys the epidermis, the papillary layer of the dermis and affects its reticular layer. In simple terms, deep facial peeling destroys old skin to the full thickness, leaving only small islands of tissue, from which the restoration of the skin takes place.

It has been performed with phenol-based preparations for about 80 years. Since then, the formulation of the drug has undergone a number of changes in order to maintain its effectiveness in terms of skin renewal, and reduce the toxic effects on the body.

At the moment, the main components of peels based on it are: phenol, oil, the purpose of which is to reduce the rate of absorption through the skin into the blood, glycerin, propylene glycol solvent, water.


Usually this procedure is not performed on patients under 55 years of age, as other less safe and equally effective procedures can be offered to those who are younger. For owners problematic skin Glycolic peeling or the same peel for which calcium chloride is used is much more suitable.

  • pronounced age-related changes in the skin, such as deep wrinkles in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, between the eyebrows, the area of ​​"crow's feet";
  • changes in skin elasticity, initial signs of sagging skin;
  • decreased elasticity of the skin of the eyelids;
  • senile (senile) pigmentation;
  • the presence of cicatricial changes in the skin, such as stretch marks, post-acne scars, atrophic scars.

A distinctive feature of phenol peeling is its ability to completely destroy the old, degraded and lost its functions framework of elastin and collagen fibers, and stimulate the skin to produce new fibers.

This is especially important for the skin around the eyes, where the skin loses elasticity and the ability to contract very quickly.

It is not indicated for those who only have the first wrinkles, there is a desire to slightly smooth the surface of the skin and even out the complexion. Again, there are safer procedures for this. For example, TCA peels or fruit acid peels.


  1. Phenol peeling can be performed only on limited areas of the body. For example, on the skin in the area of ​​​​a small scar or individual stretch marks. The delimitation is associated with the toxicity of phenol.
  2. It cannot replace plastic surgery. All the same, after the procedure, there will be “flews” in the cheek area, hernia of the eyelids and other signs of deformative aging of the skin.
  3. Deep peeling at home, for the face and body, it is impossible to do both because of the lack of the possibility of adequate anesthesia, and because of the technical complexity of the procedure, when you need to know which areas of the face how much phenol to apply.

Unprofessional actions can lead to the fact that the skin will be burned to the full depth, including growth zones, and instead of the epidermis, the wound will begin to overgrow with connective scar tissue.


The most important contraindication is the state of health:

  • phenol, being absorbed into the blood, forms toxic compounds with plasma proteins that can cause arrhythmia, therefore the heart and blood vessels must be in order, the procedure is prohibited for those who have various kinds of ECG changes or a pacemaker is installed;
  • for the neutralization of phenol and intermediate products of its metabolism, it is necessary that the functions of the liver and kidneys be normal, phenol itself has a pronounced nephrotoxic effect (impairs the functioning of the kidneys);
  • oncological diseases are a contraindication for the procedure;
  • during pregnancy, phenol has a pronounced toxic effect on the fetus;
  • chronic skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, may firstly accelerate the absorption of phenol through the skin and increase the risk side effects, and secondly, the skin diseases themselves can sharply worsen;
  • exacerbation of acne or the appearance of abscesses (acne) can lead to the fact that pathogenic bacteria that caused inflammation in a limited number of hair follicles can spread throughout the face, including the subcutaneous fat with the development of a purulent process;
  • taking drugs that are neutralized and excreted by the liver and kidneys (almost all).

Peeling Jessner (Jessner peel) got its name from the name of an American doctor. See video - peeling procedure.


Usually, special preparation in the form of creams and cleansers with fruit acids is not required, since it is still impossible to prepare the skin for a third-degree burn. It is mandatory to undergo an examination to the extent that the doctor determines for you.

Based on the results of the examination, the presence of indications and contraindications for the procedure is determined. The only thing that can be done in the pre-peeling period is to give the skin the maximum amount of useful substances to create a kind of skin reserve for recovery.

For this, ampoule concentrates and alginates, micronized seaweed and clay, special serums are suitable.

A week before peeling, you must start taking antiviral drugs and other medicines that the doctor will prescribe.

How is the procedure

The procedure itself is painful, since a 3rd degree burn is artificially caused on the skin, and it lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Not everyone can endure this kind of pain.

Taking into account the risk of developing complications in the form of arrhythmias and the need to perform the procedure under general anesthesia during deep peeling, the presence of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator is mandatory.

The patient is connected to a heart monitor for the duration of the peeling. There are a number of clinics. where it is performed without anesthesia and without an anesthesiologist. If we take into account that the cost of the procedure is not lower than the one performed with anesthesia, then it becomes clear that the clinic simply saves, and at the same time risks a little.

Stage 1. Skin cleansing and degreasing.

For washing, aggressive soap and a rough sponge are used in order to remove not only the remnants of cosmetics, but also the maximum possible layer of the epidermis. After washing, the skin is thoroughly dried. Degrease the skin with a mixture of alcohol and acetone.

Stage 2. Application of phenol.
The process of applying phenol itself consists of two consecutive processes. First, phenol is applied to certain areas of the face, and then Zheloleo is used for a more even distribution of phenol in the skin and uniformity of its effect. A different amount of a phenol-containing preparation is applied to different areas of the face, since the skin in different parts of the face differs both in structure and in developed age-related changes.

Geloleo is a combination of a special polymer film that is applied to the face and a special preparation that looks like wax, which is applied to the film. When the film and wax interact, phenol is released from the wax, which contributes to a more uniform effect on those parts of the face where the effect of the phenol-containing solution was not enough.

Video: Deep face peeling

Zheloleo is on the face for up to 48 hours, then it is removed along with dead skin. After removing the mask, the skin is necessarily treated with preparations containing antibiotics, antibiotics are prescribed orally.

Post-peel skin care

In the first day or two after the procedure, it is necessary to use painkillers, since pain and burning sensations can be very pronounced.

The first three days before removing the mask, you can not wash your face, brush your teeth, as it is forbidden to get water on your face.

Even water can only be drunk through a straw. Remove the mask with dead skin with a special plastic stick or spatula. Bleeding areas are exposed.

Gradually, on the injured area due to the constant outflow of plasma on the surface of the post-peeling wound (and the whole face becomes one big wound), fibrin is deposited in the form of a film. This fibrin film tightens the face very much and limits facial expressions.

The film comes off in separate pieces within 7-10 days, and red skin grows under it, somewhat reminiscent of the skin of a newborn baby. The redness may last for another 2-3 months. In total, it takes 6 months for the new skin to finally form. Constantly during the first week or two it is necessary to use antibacterial and wound healing agents. On the third or fourth week, you can start using powder.


Complications can develop even in people with healthy internal organs, since different skins pass phenol in different ways, and therefore, different people at the same concentration of phenol on the skin, different doses of phenol in the blood can be obtained.

The patient's life-threatening complications are:

  • arrhythmia;
  • development of acute heart failure;
  • development of acute renal failure;
  • the appearance of pigmentation (usually a consequence of diseases of the endocrine system);
  • the appearance of a demarcation line - the border between the skin devoid of pigment, in those areas where peeling was carried out, and unaffected areas;
  • the appearance or intensification of allergic reactions to any irritants from the external environment;
  • exacerbation of herpes or the development of a purulent process in the tissues of the face;
  • the development of scars in the event that the growth layer of the skin is damaged and connective tissue begins to grow instead of the epithelium;
  • if melanocytes are irreversibly damaged during the procedure, then the skin loses its ability to tan, and at the same time its natural protection from the sun, which increases the risk of developing skin cancer.


How much the procedure costs may also depend on the number of days that the patient will spend in the hospital, if necessary.

Deep peeling of the face at home allows you to thoroughly cleanse the skin of various contaminants, make-up residues and sebum. With this cleansing, you can get rid of the keratinized layer of the epidermis, which makes it difficult for the formation of new cells and spoils appearance skin. Deep skin cleansing at home is somewhat different from the procedure that is carried out in the salon, but has its own advantages.

Interesting!- this is a manipulation that allows you to remove not only the surface layer of the epidermis, but also other layers of the skin, activating their regeneration. Face cleaning in the hospital is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist, in compliance with the rules of antiseptics and an individual approach to each client. Before proceeding with this procedure, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations and a doctor's examination, since deep peeling has many contraindications and side effects.

Why deep peeling of the skin?

Deep cleansing of the epidermis is necessary for its better functionality, activation of regeneration processes and skin rejuvenation. The usual cleansing of the face is not enough to start these processes and eliminate a number of shortcomings.

This procedure allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Eliminate accumulated dirt, make-up residues, clean pores from plugs and excessive amounts of sebum;
  • Remove dead cells covering the epithelium, which starts the process of epidermal renewal and ensures its restoration;
  • Refresh and tone the skin, increase blood microcirculation and metabolism;
  • Eliminate uneven skin microrelief, get rid of small wrinkles, roughness, uneven tone, spots after acne;
  • Improve the nutrition of the skin, saturate the cells with oxygen;
  • Ensure better penetration of useful substances contained in cosmetics;
  • Return the skin smoothness and elasticity, even out the contours of the face, give it an oval shape.

Important! Before you start peeling the deep layers of the dermis at home, you need to make sure that there are no damages to the skin, and also study the features of this procedure. Find the recipe that best suits your skin concerns.

Deep chemical facial peel

Chemical peels can be carried out not only in the salon, but also at home. To do this, you need to prepare a peeling mixture and apply it correctly to the skin. This recipe contains available ingredients that can be purchased at a pharmacy.

For this recipe you will need:

  • Camphor alcohol - 30 ml;
  • Ammonia 10% - 10 ml;
  • Glycerin - 30 ml;
  • Boric acid - 10 grams;
  • Hydroperite tablets -30 mg;
  • Soap;
  • Calcium chloride solution.

First of all, it is necessary to mix hydroperide, alcohols, glycerin and boric acid in the indicated proportion. Soap must be grated or rubbed by hand. The resulting chips are added to a pre-prepared mixture, mixing thoroughly. The end result should be a creamy mixture. The prepared mass can be stored in a cool place for 2-3 months.

The peeling procedure consists in applying this mass to the skin with massage movements. The substance must be left on the face until completely dry. It is necessary to wash off the creamy solution from the skin with calcium chloride. At the end, remove the remaining product with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Peeling roll for deep cleansing of the skin

Very often, calcium chloride is used in recipes for deep facial peeling. This recipe is easy to use. It helps to literally exfoliate dead skin cells and impurities from the surface of the skin, thoroughly clean the pores from plugs.

To carry out a peeling roll, the following components are needed:

  • Calcium chloride 5% - 1 ampoule;
  • Baby soap.

Peeling is necessary in several stages:

  1. Pre-cleanse the skin from dirt and make-up residues. Treat your face with lotion to get rid of excess sebum.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the calcium chloride solution and apply it all over your face.
  3. When the first layer has cooled, it is necessary to apply a layer again.
  4. In general, apply up to 4 layers on the first application and up to 8 on subsequent peels. The skin becomes accustomed, so it does not react so sharply to the chemical solution.
  5. When the last layer has dried, you can begin to roll the mass and impurities from the face. To do this, the fingertips are lubricated with soap, and the face is massaged in circular motions.
  6. It is necessary to carry out massage before the pills stop appearing.
  7. Rinse the skin large quantity warm water and apply a soothing cream.

Deep peeling with soda and salt

Soda and salt are the components that are the basis of many scrubs and peels. They have an excellent cleansing effect and help exfoliate dead cells perfectly. cook this peeling very easy and requires a minimum of components.


  • Salt;
  • Soda;
  • Cream.

Mix salt with soda 1 teaspoon, dissolving them in a tablespoon of cream. The cream should be taken as normal, you can take a nutritious or simple baby cream. You can also replace the creamy base with cream or a spoonful of sour cream.

Apply the resulting mixture with massaging movements and leave it for 5 minutes. Rinse off any remaining product with cool water.


Deep peeling at home will deeply cleanse the epidermis from street dirt and flaky scales. This remedy perfectly removes dead cells and tones the skin. The action of the presented recipes is much higher than the usual cleansing peels and scrubs, but not as aggressive as the deep peeling carried out in the salon.

Every woman dreams of having beautiful, youthful skin without imperfections. Unfortunately, nature does not bestow such a gift on all the fair sex. But what about the rest, whose skin is far from perfect or already has the first signs of aging?

In such cases, help modern technologies beauty that allows you to slow down age-related changes and get closer to the desired result. One of these methods is deep resurfacing of the face or chemical peeling.

Deep peeling is a procedure for removing the upper layer of the epidermis under the influence of active chemicals. Chemical peeling can be called a rather unpleasant and painful procedure.

It should be carried out by a highly qualified experienced cosmetologist under anesthesia and only in a special medical institution. Otherwise, the consequences may be unpredictable. It is enough to look at the photo of these consequences to understand why deep peeling is compared with surgery.

Deep chemical peeling is characterized by a pronounced effect. Its result is noticeable immediately after the end of the recovery period and it persists for a sufficiently long period of time.

Types of chemical peels

Chemical peels are classified according to the degree of impact, which depends on how deeply the active solution penetrates into the layers of the skin. There are several factors that influence the choice of procedure. This is the price, the concentration of acid in the solution, the number of skin layers involved in the process.

The main types of deep facial resurfacing are:

  • Superficial chemical peeling is suitable for any skin, since the depth of its impact is limited to the upper layers of the epidermis. This procedure is indicated for minor age-related changes or skin imperfections. Recovery after it is quite fast. And with careful observance of all technologies, complications rarely occur. How the procedure takes place, you can see on the photo on the Internet. There are also customer reviews of cosmetology clinics.
  • Moderate chemical peeling of the face is a process of moderate action. In this case, the chemical solution penetrates deeper and provokes a second-degree burn. As a result, the overlying layers of the epidermis gradually exfoliate. Rehabilitation may take some time, and the effect of manipulation is quite pronounced. But when using low-quality products or non-compliance with the necessary safety rules, there is a risk of complications. The price of the procedure is moderate. The photo shows that this technology produces a noticeable effect.
  • Deep face peeling. The chemical penetrates deep, causing a second or third degree burn. The active substance is phenol. Such an operation is quite traumatic, complications can often occur. But the effect after it is comparable to a facelift with surgical methods. Deep peeling is performed once in a lifetime.

How does phenol work on the skin?

Chemical deep peeling is an aggressive form of exposure to the skin. But it effectively helps with the effects of sunburn, wrinkles, scars, and even benign neoplasms. Works in a complex, significantly rejuvenates the skin.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure for deep skin resurfacing is shown:

  • With age-related changes in the skin: wrinkles, age spots, decreased tone.
  • In the presence of cosmetic defects on the face: scars, scars, uneven pigmentation.
  • With signs of photoaging.

But not everyone can do a deep chemical peel. There is a category of people who are recommended to carry out moderate or superficial procedures. First of all, these are the owners of a dark complexion. Also, chemical peels are not suitable for those who want to improve the condition of the skin of the body, not the face.

In addition, this procedure is contraindicated:

  • In all trimesters of pregnancy and throughout the lactation period.
  • In the presence of herpetic eruptions or other skin diseases in the area of ​​​​the alleged exposure to phenol.
  • In the presence of allergic reactions or individual intolerance to any of the components of the phenol mixture.
  • In cases of serious diseases of the cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory systems, when there are contraindications to general anesthesia.

In the photos taken a few years after the procedure, you can see that this exposure leads to a pronounced and long-term effect. That is why the doctor must weigh the pros and cons before recommending a deep peel to a client. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, the patient should tell the doctor about his diseases. Statistics show that negative reviews about the procedure are left by those who did not calculate the consequences and hid the presence of contraindications from the doctor.

Main steps

The whole process takes just over an hour and does not cause any serious discomfort to the patient.

  1. Chemical phenol peeling of the face is carried out in an operating room. There, the patient is administered sedatives and painkillers. With increased pain sensitivity, it is possible to carry out the procedure under intravenous anesthesia.
  2. Before applying the active mixture, the skin area is thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased with alcohol or acetone. Such manipulations are necessary for a uniform effect of phenol on the skin and the prevention of unnecessary adverse reactions.
  3. The active drug is applied with smooth movements to the areas of the face as evenly as possible. It is possible to use several layers of the agent to enhance the effect.
  4. After the required exposure time has elapsed, the phenolic acid is neutralized. I apply special films with a reagent on the skin, which neutralizes phenol and removes its excess.
  5. After removing the active drug, apply to the face protective cream, which stimulates regenerative processes in tissues and protects them from negative impact sunlight.

Peeling is a procedure for exfoliating the old keratinized layer of the skin to improve its external condition, based on the ability of the skin to reproduce. Distinguish peeling of the face, body, skin around the eyes. With the peeling procedure, wrinkles, keratomas, dark spots, increase moisture and improve its color. and the body is very virgin with the following defects: enlarged pores, acne, scars, age-related pigmentation of the skin.

Types of peeling
There are three types of peeling:
1. exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin - exfoliation;
2. superficial peeling procedure - epidermolysis;
3. medium peeling;
4. deep peeling - we will consider it in this article.
Deep face peeling
Deep peeling of the face is one of the most aggressive cosmetic procedures aimed at lifting and rejuvenating the skin of the face. It is also called phenol, because the procedure is most often based on the use of phenol.
Deep affects the deep layers of the skin and is therefore considered the most powerful of all the types that exist today. In terms of its effect, it is comparable to the surgical methods of face lifting. It gives a pronounced rejuvenating and tightening effect. Deep wrinkles are noticeably smoothed, and small ones disappear altogether. The new skin becomes smoother, softer, looks radiant. In addition, leading to advanced education collagen fibers, the procedure enhances the skin's resistance to various damaging factors, thus significantly slowing down the subsequent visible aging of the facial skin. In a word, deep peeling of the face is an excellent solution for people who want to keep their skin beautiful and young for a long time.

Types of deep facial peeling
To date, there are two types of deep facial peeling:
1. Hardware - using a laser and a high-frequency radio wave;
2. Chemical (high concentration acids are used).
The most modern is hardware peeling, the main advantage of which is a dosed and precise action.

Who is a deep peeling of the face
People over 40 who have fairly noticeable, deep wrinkles on their skin, especially mimic ones. With the help of deep peeling of the face, you can look younger by five years or more.

Like any other serious cosmetic intervention, deep facial peeling has contraindications:
Local inflammation in areas of the skin;
Systemic skin diseases;
Exacerbation of chronic diseases or acute diseases;
Allergy on the face;
Tendency to keloid scars;
Diabetes mellitus, epilepsy;
herpes infections;
Open markets on the skin, burns;

During and after the procedure
Since deep peeling of the face is a rather painful procedure, it is performed under general anesthesia or with careful dosage, since if the drugs are imbalanced, phenol poisoning of the body is possible, which can even lead to death. However, at individual approach to the patient, an experienced cosmetologist can easily carry out a deep peeling of the face without causing any time to the patient's health.
It is also worth noting that since this is a rather serious procedure, it takes a lot of time to recover after it. This means that before deciding to do a deep peeling of the face, you need to take into account seasonal features (after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to appear in the sun for several weeks) and other contraindications, carefully calculate the time you have.

In the last decade, the phrase "chemical peel" is one of the most frequently used cosmetic terms. There are several reasons for this: the popularity of the procedure itself, the relative simplicity of its implementation, the experience gained by cosmetologists and consumers. Chemical peels, which give a positive picture of use, still have some specific limitations in selection and use.

Despite their apparent simplicity, chemical peels are still a method of aggressive action on the skin. It is accompanied by pain sensations of varying severity, the time of post-peel rehabilitation (sometimes taking the client out of the usual rhythm of life), as well as very common complications, the most common of which experts call post-peel pigmentation. For its prevention by both consumers and specialists the best way the seasonality of procedures has become: any type of chemical peeling, from superficial "teenage" to deep, should be performed in the autumn-winter period. It is then that the activity of UF radiation is minimal, and the risk of post-peeling hyperpigmentation is reduced to zero.

Chemical peeling is used to solve a wide range of cosmetic problems: hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles, scars, photo- and bioaging, acne, etc.

How a chemical peel works

All types of chemical peels are performed using organic acids. For superficial peeling, lactic, fruit, and glycolic acids are used; for medium peeling, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), resorcinol is used; for deep peeling, phenolic acid, as well as TCA in an increased concentration.

Acids applied to the skin dissolve the epidermis, depending on the concentration and time of exposure - from the surface layers to the basement membrane (the layer of cells that separates the epidermis from the dermis).

In fact, when performing a chemical peel, the specialist (and consumer) receives a chemical burn of the skin of the face, controlled and corrected. The depth of action of acids, as well as additional properties of preparations (modern mixtures for chemical peels contain whitening components, antioxidants, anesthetic ingredients) allow you to specifically solve individual client problems.

The price of a chemical peel procedure or course varies greatly, depending on the following points:

  • the general level of the clinic or cosmetologist's office, his professional training and skill level;
  • location (city, country) is an extremely pricing factor;
  • type of peeling;
  • the need to purchase drugs for rehabilitation;
  • the cost of drugs used. Depends on the brand, country of manufacture, etc.

Therefore, it is difficult to give even an approximate gradation of prices for chemical peeling.

Stages of chemical peeling

  1. pre-peel preparation. Its purpose is the relative adaptation of the skin to the acid used, as well as the alignment of the upper epidermal layer, for better penetration of its own peeling. Preparation can take from 7 to 15 days before the procedure, or it can be 10-15 minutes of special care immediately before the peel. During the pre-peeling preparation for cleansing, products with a low concentration of those acids that will be used during the actual peeling are prescribed and used.
  2. chemical peeling. The goal is to obtain the desired result, depending on the selected active acid. Any type of chemical peeling is carried out according to a given protocol. The cosmetologist selects the active ingredient, its concentration, application time and pH.
  3. post-peel rehabilitation. The goal is to minimize complications and consolidate the results achieved by peeling. It is performed either on an outpatient basis (during superficial peeling), or in a clinical setting (during deep peeling), or under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

Superficial peeling

Superficial peeling is performed with preparations of the following acids:

  • dairy. This acid gives a delicate effect, softening effect, anti-inflammatory effect. Indicated for use in mixtures for sensitive skin. It is able to regulate the hydrobalance of the skin.
  • glycolic. Normalizes the production of structural proteins of the skin (elastin and collagen), smoothes the corneumstratum relief, is especially recommended for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum.
  • fruit (ANA-acids) Recommended for weakened and / or sensitive skin, they can increase skin elasticity, tone, strengthen the barrier function and positively affect the level of NMF.

It is this type of chemical peeling that is most popular and in demand, due to:

  • extremely soft and gentle on the skin
  • the absence of bright negative sensations during the procedure, as well as in the process of post-peeling treatment. It must be understood that complete insensitivity of the skin to acids can be achieved either through anesthetics, or at an extremely low, therefore useless, concentration.

Cosmetologists consider the following indications for superficial chemical peeling:

  • manifestations of fine mesh aging;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • grayish complexion;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • molluscum contagiosum

Means for peeling, as well as the scheme for their implementation, is selected depending on the age of the patient, his skin type, the task at hand, and the tolerance of the drug. As a rule, peelings are carried out in a course (up to 3-6 procedures), the interval between procedures can take 7-14 days. Here it is important not to forget the physiology of the skin, to remember the rhythm of cell renewal. When superficial peeling should not be more than 4 procedures, as well as reduce the interval between sessions (less than 7 days). In cosmetology, as elsewhere, the principle “the best is the enemy of the good” works. It is for this reason that French experts recommend choosing two or three courses of superficial peels rather than one medium peel; or two median than one deep.

Already told. Feedback from our readers

During the preparation of the material, our faithful readers sent several reviews on the superficial chemical peeling.

Xenia, Moscow

"After thirty superficial peeling I go more regularly than to the gynecologist. The cosmetologist makes me a course of five procedures, we usually start in November and finish in early to mid-December. She uses mandelic and lactic acid, before peeling she always prepares, then by all means a moisturizing mask, followed by a massage, then serum and cream. One peel once a week. Yes, it's not ticklish, the skin burns, as if getting sunburn. But it is quite tolerable, but for the result you can suffer even worse! In winter, everyone is scary, gray, shrunken, with rough cheeks and foreheads, and I’m like a girl by Christmas, and then after the sea I still do a special course, but this is not only peeling, so it’s not the topic.”

Marina, Yalta

“Our cosmetologists work with Russian brands mainly, they are cheaper, but, judging by the results, they are no worse than French ones. My specialist combines superficial peeling with a moisturizing program. I do procedures 2 times a year, 3, sometimes 4. A special effect after sea bathing and sunbathing, the skin seems to age by five years in summer, and after November peelings it is again ok. Earlier we can’t, back in October the sun is very strong, the velvet season. Well, in February, there are also three procedures, as preparation for spring and summer, to remove dullness. I also constantly wash my face with Pola foam, with lactic acid. My specialist says that the concentration is acceptable. Well, where in our area without SPF creams, this is a must and is not discussed.

Median peeling

The appointment and execution of median peels is not very popular among specialists. There are several reasons for this:

It is for medium (not to mention deep) peelings that the anamnesis is very important, as well as the complete absence of categorical contraindications to chemical peeling. These include:

  • herpes in the active stage, atopic dermatitis, eczema, pustular acne, viral warts, molluscum contagiosum, etc.
  • use of retinoid preparations by the client, topically and/or orally. Retinol enhances the action of the acid, as a result - a severe burn followed by post-traumatic hyperpigmentation, at least.
  • the presence of somatic diseases.
  • insufficient rate of healing of the wound surface.

Median peeling dissolves epidermal cells down to the basement membrane, which results in:


  1. accelerated production of elastin and collagen
  2. the appearance of "young" cells of the epidermis, with an increased level of NMF
  3. lightening hyperpigmentation
  4. smoothing deep wrinkles
  5. getting rid of scars and post-acne, stretch marks


  1. the recovery period is from a week to two. At this time, hyperemia (swelling) of the surface persists.
  2. the skin is very flaky, there is a constant feeling of itching
  3. with incorrect care or an incorrectly performed procedure, negative consequences are possible, from hyperpigmentation to the formation of keloid scars.

Typically, high concentration TCA (up to 30%) is used for medium peeling, as well as salicylic acid. Both of them are characterized by a keratolytic, anti-inflammatory, degreasing effect, therefore they are indicated for oily, not prone to hypersensitivity skin. Often in salons, the same superficial peeling is called median, but performed with higher than usual concentrations of active acids.

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