Deep peeling of the face: an effective rejuvenating treatment. Deep chemical peeling of the face: stunning results or health problems

Deep peeling is a procedure based on applying a high concentration of trichloroacetic acid (or carbolic acid) to the surface of the skin. The procedure can only be performed under the supervision of a dermatocosmetologist on an outpatient basis and under anesthesia.

Acids, acting on the skin of the face, have a burn effect, thereby the old withered skin is destroyed, and new cells are regenerated in its place. The renewed skin layer is characterized by a homogeneous composition, which is rich in collagen and elastin. Such skin becomes young, healthy and blooming.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Age-related degenerative changes in the skin (wrinkles, sagging facial skin, senile pigmentation);
  • Structural skin disorders (scars, stretch marks).

Features of the procedure

  1. Preparatory stage. Before deep peeling antiherpetic therapy is mandatory. The deep peeling procedure itself can take 1-2 hours. At the beginning of the session, it is required to wash off all sebum and remove dead skin cells, as well as completely dry the skin. To do this, the face is treated with a rough sponge and an alcohol solution or acetone.
  2. After the skin has been successfully dehydrated and defatted, a solution of carbolic acid (phenol) is applied to the skin. Processing is carried out by zones. What is it for? Firstly, zonal application allows you to evenly distribute the acid solution on the skin. Secondly, the skin on different parts of the face requires individual way processing.
  3. Next, a silicone film is applied to the skin, after which it dries, it is applied on top. special agent- jelly.

After deep peeling, direct ultraviolet rays should not be exposed to the skin. But, despite this recommendation, the procedure is not prohibited in the summer, and sunscreen should be used to avoid adverse effects.

Deep peeling does not require serious preparation and is characterized by a short rehabilitation period. There are two disadvantages of the method:

  • After the procedure, the skin has a pale color for a long time;
  • There is a clear boundary between the area where peeling was performed and where not.

For women with a fair skin type, this procedure will be the most preferable. As for the representatives of dark skin, it entails the need for constant application of makeup to even out skin tone.

Varieties of deep facial peeling

The cosmetic procedure is aimed at rejuvenating the skin and solving various cosmetic problems. After deep peeling, microcirculation of the blood of facial tissues improves and lymphatic drainage increases.

Depending on the depth of exposure, peels are divided into:

1. Super-superficial - can be carried out at home. In this case, a scrub or gommage is applied to the previously prepared skin and circular motions hand, sponge or a special brush for a few minutes. This procedure can be repeated no more than once every 10-14 days. The scrub contains solid particles of various diameters of natural (coffee, ground fruit pits, sugar, etc.) and artificial origin (various synthetic polymers). Gommage is a creamy substance that, when dried, curls up and provides exfoliation.

2. Surface chemical peeling. It is carried out in the salon, it is not recommended to carry it out at home. Acids are applied to the skin of the face, most often lactic or various fruit acids. The effect is based on a chemical burn of the epidermis layer, as a result of which an active regeneration process is launched. Before chemical peeling, preparation is carried out - it consists in adapting the skin to the selected acid, it can take from 15 - 20 minutes immediately before the procedure or several days.

Indications: "tired" complexion, skin mollusk, blackheads, acne and various options skin pigmentation disorders.
Contraindications: purulent inflammation on the skin, wound surfaces, allergic reactions.

3. Median peeling - a method in which the epidermis layer is removed as much as possible, the effect occurs to different levels of the dermal layer. There are two options for the method of median peeling: physical and chemical.


  • Fractional thermolysis: when exposed to the skin, a laser beam creates micro-holes, due to the appearance of which rapid regeneration processes begin.
  • Laser dermabrasion: the laser beam in this case is more voluminous, penetrates to the upper layer of the dermis, which causes the evaporation of a certain amount of cells. The process, again, is directed to cell renewal.
  • Diamond dermabrasion: performed with a device with diamond nozzles that act as a grinder.

Chemical: trichloroacetic or salicylic acid is used. A chemical burn is deeper than a superficial chemical peel and extends to the dermis.

Indications for median peeling: reduction of skin elasticity, change in the contour of the face. Age spots, including freckles, warts, papillomas, keratomas, skin areas with increased keratinization, superficial cicatricial changes.


  • Inflammatory processes on the skin and surrounding areas;
  • Oncology;
  • Acute stage of the infectious process;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • The formation of keloid scars in history;
  • Mental illness and epilepsy;
  • blood diseases;
  • Wounds of the skin, at the site of the proposed procedure;
  • Pregnant and lactating women may be denied the procedure.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Peeling of the skin;
  • The rehabilitation period is at least one week after the procedure;
  • Pain during the procedure.

4. Deep peeling

This species is the most aggressive and dangerous. In this case, phenolic acid is used, which is toxic to the heart muscle and kidneys. Upon contact with the skin, a weak solution of phenol causes a chemical burn to the middle layer of the dermis. There is a destruction of collagen fibers, elastin, the process of regeneration starts.

Contraindications: the same as for medium peeling, as well as the age of women from 40 years. Medical examination data to detect pathologies internal organs(primarily the heart and kidneys). For women taking aspirin, deep peeling is absolutely contraindicated.

Benefits of the procedure

Deep facial peeling is an effective and effective cosmetic procedure for facial rejuvenation and renewal, which can only be performed by a highly qualified specialist.

The benefits cannot be underestimated.

  1. Penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis, by 0.6 cm.
  2. After the procedure, the face becomes refreshed, smoother, wrinkles are smoothed out, the level of moisture and elasticity increases.
  3. Reincarnation begins in a week, when the first positive results become noticeable. These include equalization of tone, haze, light lifting. Also activated protective functions cells.
  4. The effect achieved by deep peeling lasts from 3 to 10 years and is similar to some plastic surgery and better than laser resurfacing.
  5. It is used for pigmentation, scars, deep mimic and senile wrinkles, skin aging.

This procedure is indispensable for those who have had unpleasant consequences from acne, the so-called post-acne. Even sunburns are an indication for peeling.

  1. From 25 years old with scars and post-acne, hyperpigmentation, freckles.
  2. From 35 years old subject to availability deep wrinkles, strong age-related changes.
  3. From 45 years old recommended in winter period maximum 1 time per year.

The basis of deep peeling is most often phenolic acid. It is aggressive not only in relation to the upper layer of the epidermis, but also to the first two layers of the dermis. A rather long recovery period after the procedure more than pays for the result.

A feature of the correct procedure is very pale skin after redness. This is a skin reaction to phenolic acid.

After the procedure, in no case should you take sunbathing, as the skin becomes hypersensitive to the sun.

Peeling price

The cost of deep peeling varies widely. Do not forget that a certified qualified specialist with extensive experience, guaranteeing a 100% result, will appreciate his work highly. The price of deep peeling in Moscow averages from 13,000 rubles. AT beauty salons in the regions of Russia, the price starts from 10,500 rubles.

Deep facial peeling: Reviews

Ekaterina, 45 years old, Moscow,
Did peeling for the first time. The skin was covered with crusts and fell off with scales - such was the reaction to the procedure. Four sessions are already over, and my skin surprises with its condition! It is tender and soft, like velvet. I look younger, no one gives me my age! It is very nice. Look at 45 years old, 30 with a small ponytail.

Anna, 35 years old, Krasnodar

In my youth, eels were my constant companions. From this, the skin did not look attractive: small scars from traces of acne extrusion, uneven skin color. And only a beautician was able to choose the percentage of the concentration of the drug, so that all the shortcomings were removed as if by hand. I did a deep peeling and the skin began to change! There are two more procedures left to achieve the perfect complexion.

One of the popular, but specific facial skin rejuvenation procedures is deep peeling. He is considered quite effective method in the fight against aging, although this is not the most pleasant procedure. How rejuvenation is carried out with the help of deep peeling and what are its features, we will consider in the article.

Features of deep peeling

Skin cells, having gone through their life cycle from maturation to death, accumulate in the upper layers, interfere with the renewal of the skin, clog pores and contribute to aging. In order to prevent these processes, various peeling procedures are used. Depending on the depth of exposure, the following methods are distinguished:

  1. Superficial - the granular and stratum corneum are cleaned.
  2. Median - carried out on the entire epidermis.
  3. Deep chemical or hardware - has an effect on the reticular dermis.

Also, the procedure is carried out with the help of special equipment and devices. Hardware methods of peeling are divided into:

  1. Deep mechanical - a layer of dead cells is scraped off with a special brush or cutter. With cleansing movements, they act on the skin of the face in order to eliminate fine wrinkles, scars, irregularities, pigmentation and remove tattoos. The procedure is carried out using local anesthesia, the duration depends on the scale of the surface to be treated (from 5 minutes to 1.5 hours).
  2. Deep laser - erbium or CO2 laser burns the contents of dead cells, provides a lifting effect. This method is used to eliminate moderate wrinkles on the skin of the face. An anesthetic cream is usually applied, the procedure is quick and is considered quite effective.

Deep chemical peeling of the face - application of chemical-based substances (phenol, glycerin, propylene glycol solvent, oil, water). In deep cleansing, the following happens:

  • Dead cells are exfoliated.
  • Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen.
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • The relief and tone of the skin is leveled, which contributes to the achievement of a rejuvenating result.

The procedure is considered aggressive, painful and requires serious medical supervision and rehabilitation (from 2 weeks to 6 months), but the effect of it will not be long in coming. The results of the impact can be observed after 7-10 days.

It is highly not recommended to carry out deep facial peeling at home on your own, as this is a serious procedure that requires anesthesia, the use of chemical compounds, professional knowledge and skills. By doing it at home, you can burn the deep layers of the skin, as a result of which the skin will become overgrown with scar tissue.


The choice of the type of deep peeling is directly influenced by the age of the patient, the condition and problems of his skin. Not earlier than from the age of 50, it is recommended to do a deep chemical cleaning of the face. For younger women, more gentle methods are offered, according to age. Indications for the procedure of deep phenol peeling can be:

  • The presence of deep wrinkles (in the region of the nasolabial folds, between the eyebrows, pronounced "crow's feet").
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Sagging and decreased elasticity of the skin.
  • Scarring.
  • Decreased skin elasticity on the eyelids.
  • age pigmentation.
  • Post-acne.

It is advisable to carry out the deep peeling procedure in the autumn or winter period, since solar activity is reduced at this time of the year and negative impact on the skin will be lower.

Contraindications and complications

The deep peeling procedure is very serious and requires a thorough preliminary examination, which will help prevent health problems and various complications. So, there are the following contraindications to its implementation:

  1. The presence of a pacemaker, violations of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, acne, acne, urticaria).
  6. Taking any medication (associated with a load on the liver and kidneys).
  7. Herpes.
  8. Vitiligo.
  9. Dark skin.
  10. Tendency to colloid scarring of the skin.
  11. Allergy to components of the chemical composition.
  12. Increased body temperature.

The appearance of complications depends not only on the condition of the internal organs, but also on how the skin passes chemicals. With the same dosage of phenolic components, different people different amounts can get into the blood.

Serious complications include:

  • The appearance of renal or heart failure.
  • The occurrence of purulent processes, scars.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • pigmentation skin.
  • The appearance of a line of demarcation between the areas of the skin that were affected, the areas where the phenol was not applied.
  • Development of an allergy to components.
  • Loss of natural UV protection.

Deep peeling of the face is often done under general anesthesia, so it is worth considering the reaction to the injected drugs.

Carrying out the procedure

Deep peeling is carried out using phenol under general anesthesia, since not everyone can withstand pain, and at the same time it is long (about 30-120 minutes). Therefore, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator is often present during the manipulation.

There are the following stages of the procedure:

  1. Training. Before deep peeling, the patient does not need special preparation. You can fill the skin with useful components, for example, using serums, micronized algae, clay, ampoule concentrates. Your doctor may prescribe certain medications up to a week before your procedure.
  2. Skin cleansing. It is carried out with the help of soap and a hard sponge ( sponge). Residue is removed with vigorous movements cosmetics, keratinized cells of the epidermis are removed. The face is wiped with a towel and the skin of the face is degreased alcohol-acetone mixture.
  3. Application of a chemical (phenol). It is applied to different parts of the face in different amounts, somewhere the skin is more problematic or age-related, somewhere, on the contrary, visual changes are minimal. On top of the phenolic layer, a special Geloleo mask is applied, which is a polymer film with a wax layer. Its use contributes uniform distribution phenol all over the patient's face. The mask is removed only 2 days after the deep peeling procedure.
  4. Removing the mask. It is carried out using a special spatula and sticks. After removal, the face is treated with antibiotics, they are also prescribed for internal use.
  5. Care after the procedure. Often, after peeling, painkillers are prescribed, due to the appearance of burning and pain in the places where phenol is applied, they are taken until the discomfort stops. In the first 3 days, it is forbidden to wash your face (you should try to avoid any liquid getting on your face), brush your teeth, and drink only through a straw. This is due to the fact that after the procedure, a fibrin film is formed on the skin, which leads to contraction, limits facial expressions and movements of the muscles of the face. Bleeding areas may appear on the skin, because deep peeling actually artificially causes a third-degree facial burn. The fibrin film leaves in pieces for 1-2 weeks, red skin forms under it, hyperemia can last for several months. The complete formation of a new layer of skin takes 6 months, the recovery time depends on individual characteristics. In the first 2 weeks after deep peeling, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and healing drugs.

You can apply decorative cosmetics for the skin after 1-1.5 months. It is forbidden to stay in the open sun for the first 2 months after deep peeling, in the summer months it is necessary to use products with a high sun protection factor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding on a deep peel, it is worth weighing the pros and cons well.

Among the advantages of this method of rejuvenation are:

  • Acceleration of metabolism and regeneration of skin cells.
  • Improvement of skin complexion and texture.
  • Increasing the elasticity of the skin.
  • Noticeable improvement appearance(the patient may look 10-15 years younger).
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  • The positive effect lasts 1-2 years.
  • Reduces the appearance of fine wrinkles.
  • Eliminated skin problems such as small scars, acne marks, etc.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • The aggressiveness of the impact of phenol and the pain of the method.
  • Long recovery period.
  • The need for antibiotics.
  • There is a risk of infection, scarring, pigmentation, and other complications.
  • Increasing the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays.
  • The possibility of exceeding or reducing doses of phenol.
  • The method is not suitable for owners of dark skin.

When choosing a method of facial rejuvenation, consider all the nuances of the procedure, contraindications, age and possible complications.

Remember that deep chemical peeling is not advisable to do more than once every few years. Repeating the procedure earlier is possible, but only after agreement with the doctor.

Array ( => 806 [~ID] => 806 => 1 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 1 => 74 [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 74 => Deep face peeling. What you need to know about it? [~NAME] => Deep peeling of the face: what you need to know about it? =>


Among all peelings, the most effective is the deep face peeling. But at the same time, it is also the most traumatic type of peeling. What problems it will help get rid of and what else you should know about the procedure, we will tell in the article.


  • with increased oily skin;
  • age spots, freckles;



Deep chemical peeling of the face is a very effective, albeit quite aggressive, method of rejuvenating and improving skin condition.

The effect of peeling with a high concentration of acid is similar to the effect of laser procedures.

Indications for deep chemical peeling

Compared to other types of peeling, deep peeling affects not only the visible layer, but also the deeper ones. As a result, keratinized cells are completely exfoliated and removed on their own, activating the processes of regeneration and metabolism at their level, including collagen and elastin fibers, which are the main components of young skin.

The procedure of deep peeling of the face is indicated in the following cases:

  • with increased oily skin;
  • open and too enlarged pores;
  • in the presence of open and closed comedones;
  • acne, predisposition to rashes;
  • at the first signs of aging on the face, neck and skin photoaging;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • post-acne, scars on the skin of various nature.

How is a deep peeling procedure performed?

This procedure will take you about 40-50 minutes.

  1. The beautician does make-up removal with a special lotion, which also expands the pores.
  2. Local anesthesia is done only for people with very sensitive skin. In fact, because of it, it reduces the effect.
  3. Applying a peeling solution.
  4. You will have to spend 15-20 minutes with the solution on your face so that the peeling starts the regeneration process.
  5. The last stage of the procedure is the application of a post-peeling mask, which will help strengthen the result and have a calming effect on the skin of the face.

It is recommended to spend the next few days at home, as the procedure is quite tough, and the skin will recover after it. Take 3-4 days for vacation. These days it is necessary to smear the skin with Panthenol and sprinkle with thermal water.

How much does a deep facial peel cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on the active substance that is the basis of the peeling preparation. The price of the procedure for deep chemical TCA facial peeling is 10,500 rubles.

Please note that in order to achieve maximum results, it is better to repeat the procedure three more times with an interval of 3 weeks.

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Deep chemical peeling of the face is a very effective, albeit quite aggressive, method of rejuvenating and improving skin condition.

The effect of peeling with a high concentration of acid is similar to the effect of laser procedures.

Indications for deep chemical peeling

Compared to other types of peeling, deep peeling affects not only the visible layer, but also the deeper ones. As a result, keratinized cells are completely exfoliated and removed on their own, activating the processes of regeneration and metabolism at their level, including collagen and elastin fibers, which are the main components of young skin.

The procedure of deep peeling of the face is indicated in the following cases:

  • with increased oily skin;
  • open and too enlarged pores;
  • in the presence of open and closed comedones;
  • acne, predisposition to rashes;
  • at the first signs of aging on the face, neck and skin photoaging;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • post-acne, scars on the skin of various nature.

How is a deep peeling procedure performed?

This procedure will take you about 40-50 minutes.

  1. The beautician does make-up removal with a special lotion, which also expands the pores.
  2. Local anesthesia is done only for people with very sensitive skin. In fact, because of it, it reduces the effect.
  3. Applying a peeling solution.
  4. You will have to spend 15-20 minutes with the solution on your face so that the peeling starts the regeneration process.
  5. The last stage of the procedure is the application of a post-peeling mask, which will help strengthen the result and have a calming effect on the skin of the face.
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It is recommended to spend the next few days at home, as the procedure is quite tough, and the skin will recover after it. Take 3-4 days for vacation. These days it is necessary to smear the skin with Panthenol and sprinkle with thermal water.

How much does a deep facial peel cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on the active substance that is the basis of the peeling preparation. The price of the procedure for deep chemical TCA facial peeling is 10,500 rubles.

Please note that in order to achieve maximum results, it is better to repeat the procedure three more times with an interval of 3 weeks.

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Deep face peeling. What do you need to know about it?

We inevitably age, so sometimes the skin needs an extra stimulus to regenerate. Deep peeling is a beautician's "magic wand" that allows you to refresh your skin and get rid of fine wrinkles.

Deep chemical peeling of the face is a very effective, albeit quite aggressive, method of rejuvenating and improving skin condition.

The effect of peeling with a high concentration of acid is similar to the effect of laser procedures.

Indications for deep chemical peeling

Compared to other types of peeling, deep peeling affects not only the visible layer, but also the deeper ones. As a result, keratinized cells are completely exfoliated and removed on their own, activating the processes of regeneration and metabolism at their level, including collagen and elastin fibers, which are the main components of young skin.

The procedure of deep peeling of the face is indicated in the following cases:

  • with increased oily skin;
  • open and too enlarged pores;
  • in the presence of open and closed comedones;
  • acne, predisposition to rashes;
  • at the first signs of aging on the face, neck and skin photoaging;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • post-acne, scars on the skin of various nature.

How is a deep peeling procedure performed?

This procedure will take you about 40-50 minutes.

  1. The beautician does make-up removal with a special lotion, which also expands the pores.
  2. Local anesthesia is done only for people with very sensitive skin. In fact, because of it, it reduces the effect.
  3. Applying a peeling solution.
  4. You will have to spend 15-20 minutes with the solution on your face so that the peeling starts the regeneration process.
  5. The last stage of the procedure is the application of a post-peeling mask, which will help strengthen the result and have a calming effect on the skin of the face.

It is recommended to spend the next few days at home, as the procedure is quite tough, and the skin will recover after it. Take 3-4 days for vacation. These days it is necessary to smear the skin with Panthenol and sprinkle with thermal water.

How much does a deep facial peel cost?

The cost of the procedure depends on the active substance that is the basis of the peeling preparation. The price of the procedure for deep chemical TCA facial peeling is 10,500 rubles.

Please note that in order to achieve maximum results, it is better to repeat the procedure three more times with an interval of 3 weeks.

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Deep peeling is a particularly traumatic procedure that requires rehabilitation. The next 2-4 days will need to be spent at home. The skin must be constantly smeared with a greasy cream or Panthenol.

Today, in cosmetology, the use of a laser for rejuvenation, beauty and recovery is gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the effectiveness and safety of this method of influencing the body, which guarantees the quality of the equipment and the professionalism of the specialists conducting the procedure. Deep skin peeling with a laser is no exception.

Differences between simple and deep skin peeling

There are several types of skin peeling, some of them can be done at home on your own, and some are used only in a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic. Here are the most commonly used ones:

  • Peeling with abrasive products. Usually they are made on the basis of grape or apricot kernels, coffee grounds, ground almonds and others. The size of the solid particles in this case determines how soft or hard the agent acts on the skin.
  • Acid peel. It is carried out with the help of fruit acids and acid-based products purchased at a pharmacy.
  • Mild, non-abrasive pre-formulated formulas, such as gels and facial cleansers.
  • vacuum or ultrasonic cleaning faces.
  • Laser peeling. There are several types: superficial, median and deep - depending on the depth of penetration of the laser beam into the skin layers.

A simple peeling will help you get rid of dead skin cells, cleanse your face of impurities and refresh your color. With it, the skin will become smoother, and the pores - less pronounced. O painless and safe.

Deep facial peeling with a laser, unlike a simple one, solves more global problems. It not only smoothes wrinkles and cleanses the face of minor imperfections, but also corrects the oval of the face, heals and rejuvenates the skin as a whole. Its results are more obvious and visible to the naked eye, and the duration of their preservation is much longer. It is not painless and is performed with anesthesia, but it is also safe.

When should you use this method?

Deep peeling of facial skin with a laser is a rather serious procedure. Due to the peculiarities of the procedure, women and men usually resort to it after 35-40 years. The main problems that this peeling solves are:

  • small and folds on the face, including in the eye area,
  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity, but not critical,
  • the presence of birthmarks in the area of ​​the face and neck,
  • blurring of clear facial contours due to flabbiness and sagging of the skin,
  • availability , small ,
  • presence resulting from improper skin care.
  • After the examination, the cosmetologist will tell you exactly whether laser peeling will be effective in your case or whether more or less effective methods of skin rejuvenation and cleansing should be resorted to.


    Any medical and cosmetic procedure has contraindications, especially such a serious one as deep peeling of the skin of the face. It is not recommended to do it if you have:

    • any skin problems, including allergic rashes and open wound surfaces,
    • tumors and neoplasms in the body,
    • any diseases of the blood, blood vessels and heart,
    • tendency to develop keloid scars on the skin,
    • problems with the endocrine system,
    • acute renal and hepatic failure,
    • propensity to develop convulsions and epileptic seizures,
    • increased thinness and sensitivity of the skin of the face,
    • inflammatory processes and infections in the body.

    In addition, you should not use deep peeling of the face during pregnancy and lactation, as well as people under 25 years of age. Do not resort to this method of rejuvenation and facial cleansing during menstruation and other hormonal disruptions in the body, as well as in old age.

All women want to look charming at any age. Soft and fresh skin is everyone's dream. There are many ways to achieve this result, one of them is deep peeling. This procedure will be discussed below.

A cosmetic procedure called peeling is an effective, but rather aggressive effect on the skin, helping to restore skin elasticity without surgery, get rid of wrinkles, scars and small tattoos.

After the procedure, the skin is restored, collagen production increases, and the mechanism of skin rejuvenation starts.

Peelings can be divided into several types depending on how deep the subcutaneous layers were involved in the renewal process, as well as on the aggressiveness of the impact:

  • superficial peeling - the most simple and safe procedure that affects only the superficial layers of the dermis. It is considered quite safe, can be used by women with a young and mature skin, but the effectiveness of the procedure is not too high;
  • median peeling affects the deeper layers of the skin, is considered more effective and efficient, but has a number of contraindications;
  • deep chemical facial peel - the most effective method fighting wrinkles and sagging skin. It is considered a dangerous and rather complicated procedure, affecting even the deep layers of the dermis. Never performed on areas of the face with thinner skin (the area around the eyes and mouth) due to possible damage. It has many contraindications, can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. The procedure is considered quite painful, after the rehabilitation period is necessary, during which the skin heals.

Deep chemical peeling of the skin: what are the features of the procedure?

Deep chemical peeling for the face - exposure to the skin with a chemical called phenol, sometimes the procedure is carried out using high concentration trichloroacetic acid. Shown:

  • people with increased pigmentation skin,
  • having defects in appearance such as scars or scars,
  • women over fifty who want to minimize age-related changes.

After the chemical peeling procedure, the skin is renewed and regenerated, the catalyst for these processes is a strong chemical burn received during exposure. It should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist in sterile conditions. Follow-up care is also extremely important, during which the skin must heal under close supervision.

Face peeling is carried out in the salon under the supervision of a cosmetologist and an anesthesiologist.

How long is the time of exposure to chemicals on the skin during the procedure?

The duration depends solely on the condition of the skin: it can vary from 10 minutes to an hour. During exposure, the cosmetologist closely monitors the changes that occur with the dermis. After that, it treats the skin areas on which the chemical composition was applied with a special neutralizer that completely stops the chemical reaction, and conducts a series of restorative procedures that promote speedy healing.

At the end of exposure, the face does not look very attractive. The skin has a reddish color, there is swelling on the face, it is very flaky. After about a week, the skin stops peeling, later the complexion is restored.

After about 2 weeks, it becomes possible to apply cosmetics on the face and go for walks. But finally the dermis is restored at least 2 months after exposure. It is then that it becomes possible to evaluate the result of chemical peeling.

Why it is worth doing, benefits

The chemicals used for deep peeling are so aggressive that they almost completely destroy the top layer of the dermis. Due to this, the recovery process is very intensive, leading to skin rejuvenation and the disappearance of deep wrinkles, scars and scars.

The effectiveness of the impact is very high, the effect obtained exceeds the results of laser skin resurfacing.

The procedure of chemical exposure is carried out once, and the result is stored for at least 5-10 years.

  • It does not require preparatory procedures.
  • The rehabilitation period can be spent at home, following the recommendations of a specialist.
  • After full recovery, the face acquires an even color, wrinkles and chronic scars disappear.

Result and contraindications

Cleansing the face with chemicals has the following effect:

  • wrinkles disappear,
  • the skin on the face becomes smooth and soft,
  • even complexion,
  • disappear dark spots, scars, scars,
  • the skin is firm and rejuvenated.

The use of chemical peeling (an aggressive procedure with a deep effect on the skin) is impossible for a number of diseases; it is categorically contraindicated for people suffering from:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • oncological diseases,
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver,
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema).

It can not be carried out by women during menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation, with damage to the skin of the face to ladies of advanced age.

Hardware peeling, its features

There are other methods of peeling for the face, deep cleansing and rejuvenation - the result of hardware exposure.

Most often in cosmetology, ultrasonic and laser methods are used.

  • lack of contact of the device itself with the skin, which completely eliminates the possibility of infection through the instrumentation;
  • point effect of procedures, which allows for correction only in those areas of facial tissues that need it;
  • the absence of negative consequences in the form of scars or scars at the end of exposure.

But even such methods of correcting appearance are traumatic and painful, both procedures are carried out only by specialists, using anesthesia. Full restoration of the skin is fixed after about 2-3 months, the recovery period itself is quite long and painful.

Laser exposure

The procedure is as follows: a laser beam destroys (burns) the top layer of facial skin, removing dead cells and simultaneously eliminating minor defects. Such a facial roll has a stimulating effect on the skin, causing skin cells to regenerate at a high speed, and the entire body to produce collagen (a substance responsible for skin elasticity and youthfulness).


  • getting rid of scars and deep wrinkles,
  • getting rid of age spots,
  • the skin is tightened and refreshed.


  • inflammatory processes on the skin of the face or in the body,
  • skin diseases,
  • epilepsy,
  • diabetes,
  • pregnancy or lactation.

A huge plus of laser exposure is that during its implementation, the laser beam completely disinfects the skin, so the likelihood of infection is practically reduced to zero.

Ultrasonic exposure

Ultrasonic exposure to the skin of the face is positioned as a painless and harmless alternative to other peels. But to call the procedure deep can be a stretch. Rather, it can be attributed to superficial peeling exfoliating the top layer of the dermis.

But the ultrasound itself penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, causing the cells to become more active. With this effect, the body starts the regeneration process, begins to intensively produce collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

The advantages of this type of influence can be considered:

  • absence of pain,
  • wide range of applications,
  • minimal recovery period
  • immediately noticeable results
  • no damage to the skin.

The main disadvantage can be considered not too high efficiency. Such a facial roll should be carried out fairly regularly and often. A large list of contraindications does not make it particularly popular: ultrasonic exposure is not recommended for people with skin, cardiovascular, nervous, allergic diseases; not possible during pregnancy or in the presence of an intrauterine device.

Radio wave exposure

Such peeling, also related to deep ones, is based on the effect of radio waves on the skin of the face. The method of carrying out, manufacturability and safety is almost the same as with laser exposure.

The only difference can be considered that the recovery period is much shorter, skin exfoliation passes faster, redness disappears. But pain after the procedure will be felt for several days. The result becomes noticeable after about a week, within a few months the effect of the conduct will increase.

This effect perfectly removes moles, freckles, benign neoplasms. Radio waves help remove tattoos and permanent make-up of the face. The skin becomes more elastic and toned.

The procedure helps to get rid of enlarged pores, wrinkles and blackheads.

Contraindications to conduct are:

  • skin diseases,
  • allergic diseases,
  • epilepsy,
  • diabetes,
  • tendency to form keloid scars.