Artistic description of an emerald. Emerald is a rare gem of the ancient world. Emerald in magic

It is difficult to find an ancient people whose history would not mention the emerald. This stone personified eternal youth, true love, clairvoyance, granting the owner powerful magical protection. Myths, legends, sagas, religious writings - many handwritten sources of past millennia contain legends about this gem. Today, the emerald is one of the most coveted stones of noble people, speaking of power, prosperity, good taste.

History and origins

The emerald has been known since ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and many other peoples and cultures of the world. Close to four millennia BC, the Babylonians traded gems. Emeralds were considered a profitable investment for the upper class.

The ancient Egyptian beauty, Queen Cleopatra had emerald mines among her possessions. They were located near Aswan. There were legends about these mines, but for centuries, stories about them were considered a myth until 1818. Rich deposits of minerals, of course, were not found there, however, archaeologists discovered inventory in the former mines, later dated to 1300 BC.

It is interesting! Mines near Aswan were also developed during the reign of Pharaoh Sesostris III. The mining site was a mine laid by slaves in solid shale at a depth of about 200 meters. Such mines accommodated up to 400 people at the same time. The miners worked in complete darkness, as it was believed that the green nuggets were afraid of the light. A rock containing emerald was raised to the surface. Stone crystals were distinguished after lubrication of the rock olive oil.

For the Egyptians, the emerald was sacred stone, a gift to the ancient Egyptian deity Thoth. The green mineral was considered a symbol of unfading youth, eternal spring. In addition, people believed that the gem is capable of endowing a person with the gift of clairvoyance, as well as telepathy.

The stone of the goddess Isis helped turn dreams into reality, see the past and the future. The Egyptians made emeralds a favorite material for jewelry, they wanted the mineral to be placed in tombs. The nugget was given to women in labor as a talisman for the expectant mother.

  1. The green gem was also known in India. It is believed that the emerald gained fame as the stone of love thanks to the Sultan Shah Jahan. The fact is that the famous creator of the Taj Mahal owned green gems, which were engraved with scriptures. The Taj Mahal to this day remains a symbol of eternal love and devotion, and with it also the emerald, the talisman of the great Sultan.
  2. A little later, the mineral gained fame as a healer. With the help of a stone, the bites of poisonous animals were treated. Some kind of gem was considered even dangerous for snakes. Emerald was also credited with a positive therapeutic effect on human vision.
  3. The alchemists said that it was on the tablets of this gem that the instructions for creating the philosopher's stone were inscribed. According to legends, such a stone is able to bestow eternal life and transform any metal into gold. Myths say that the tablet was a very large emerald, allegedly discovered along with the mummy of the deity Thoth. Scientific occult postulates were carved on a huge stone.
  4. The history of the Central Asian countries also did not do without an emerald. In those parts, the mineral was considered a talisman that could protect the owner from bad dreams, sorrows, evil spirits. The stone was endowed with the ability to strengthen the heart, relieve epilepsy, and the emerald seal in a gold frame protected from ulcers, vicissitudes of love, and gave a restful sleep.
  5. The emerald was revered in all countries with the Islamic religion, which cannot be said about Christianity. According to the legend of Christians, the emerald is a stone of dark forces. Allegedly, the mineral fell to the ground from the helmet of Lucifer during his expulsion from heaven. Therefore, the green nugget was considered a hellish stone, a product of evil. Although there is some duality here, because according to legend, the Grail is carved from emerald. In addition, the emerald is the third gem on the pectoral of the Jewish high priest.

Only in the 16th century did Europe learn about the emerald after the Spanish conquistadors traveled to the shores of America. Green gems began to arrive in streams to the Eurasian continent from the lands of Colombia. In Russia, the mineral was called beautiful word"smaragd", considered a symbol of hope, wisdom, composure. In 1831, mineral deposits were discovered in the Urals.

Place of Birth

Emerald mining sites are scattered all over the world, but there are few deposits of high-quality stone. There are such emeralds in the world's main deposits:

  • Colombia.
  • Egypt.
  • Brazil.
  • Zambia.
  • New Granada.

In Ireland, Austria and Norway, stones of the lowest grade are mined. The largest percentage of the world's mineral production comes from Colombian deposits, but Zambian and Brazilian emeralds are rightfully at the highest level of quality.

Did you know that in 1974 the largest ever emerald crystal weighing 28 kg was mined. Found this miracle of nature in Brazil.

Mining is also carried out in Italy, the USA, Russia, Bulgaria, Germany, Nigeria, Somalia, Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are stones in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Cambodia, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, China, India, and also in Madagascar.

Physical Properties

Emerald belongs to the beryl group of stones. The mineral owes its green color to vanadium oxide impurities, less often to chromium or iron oxides. The gem is resistant to acids, however, at a temperature of more than 700 ° C, it becomes discolored. Scientists believe that the nugget is still "ripening", that is, over time, its hardness will increase.

admixtureFe2O3, V2O3, Cr2O3
Hardness7.5-8.0 on the Mohs scale.
Density2.69-2.78 g/cm³
Refractive indexnω = 1.564-1.595,
nε = 1.568-1.602
kinkRough and uneven.
TransparencyTransparent or translucent.
ColorGreen, yellowish green.

Perfect transparent stones are rare. Often found specimens are dotted with cracks, veins, splits, clouded with gas bubbles or interspersed with other minerals. To give an attractive appearance, most stones are treated with special chemicals.

Color varieties

All emeralds differ in color, as well as the degree of transparency, but they are classified according to the places of production. There are such types of emeralds:

  • Colombian. Grass-colored stones are characterized by minimal damage and defects. Colombians also mine a special type of stone - "trapiche". This is a nugget with a pattern resembling a wheel with six spokes, diverging rays from the center of the crystal.
  • Brazilian. Minerals are lighter and more transparent than Colombian ones.
  • Zambian. They are considered the most beautiful of all the stones mined on the planet. Crystals from Zambia are perfectly clean, transparent, rich green in color. There are specimens with a yellow or blue tint.
  • Zimbabwean stones combine two shades - green and yellow.
  • Ural. Nuggets of large size, dense green color, but opaque.
  • South African. Light crystals, cloudy. These stones are only cut cabochon.

When evaluating the gem quality of an emerald, the first criterion is the color of the stone. Rich, dense green minerals are highly valued, even if they have minor defects. Ideally transparent, but a light nugget is cheaper. Emeralds that are impeccable in all respects cost more than those with similar indicators.

Medicinal properties

Smaragd has a complex effect on the body, participating in the establishment of many processes:

  • Normalizes blood pressure, eliminating sudden changes.
  • Fights headaches. For these purposes, it is recommended to wear earrings.
  • Acts as a remedy for the treatment of diseases of the joints.
  • Normalizes the work of the digestive system, helps in the treatment of gastritis, colitis, ulcers.
  • Eliminates the causes and symptoms of urinary tract diseases.
  • Improves the functioning of the female reproductive system, normalizing the menstrual cycle, eliminating PMS and pain during critical days.
  • Stabilizes emotional condition person, suppressing outbreaks of unreasonable anxiety, mood swings.
  • Improves eyesight. For this purpose, emeralds are applied to the eyes daily for 15-20 minutes.

Water charged with emerald has an antibacterial and cleansing effect. Such water can be drunk, and also used as a cleanser if there are skin problems. Charge the water by putting the emerald in a vessel with liquid overnight. It is worth noting that a mineral that has not been touched by processing is much stronger than a faceted stone.

Magic abilities

Emerald has a great influence on women, their physical and state of mind. Since ancient times, the mineral was considered the patron saint of the beautiful half of humanity. The nugget helped young girls become wise wives and mothers, saving them from fatal misdeeds, making them feminine.

It is interesting! Regardless of nationality or religion, the emerald has always been considered an attribute of mature women, revealed in the form of a wife and mother. At times Kievan Rus emeralds could only be worn by married ladies who became mothers three or more times.

Smaragd contributed to the rapprochement female spirit with nature, bringing the understanding that the true purpose of a woman is to be a wife and mother. Thanks to this harmony, the girl could feel an invisible connection with her ancestors, thereby gaining their wisdom. Such hints enabled the woman to act in any situation for the benefit of the family.

In addition to the role of a spiritual mentor, the emerald was known as a talisman for pregnant women and women in childbirth. It was believed that the gem helps the expectant mother overcome all the difficulties during pregnancy, protecting her from the premature birth of the baby. Such an amulet must have been present at childbirth, easing the pain of the process, helping the baby to be born healthy.

Of course, the magic of this nugget does not end with the patronage of the female sex. In the world of magic, the emerald is known as:

  • Activator of prophetic dreams. The stone does not just help magicians look into the depths of time, communicate with spirits, call prophetic dreams. The mineral contributes to the embodiment of these dreams into reality.
  • Family amulet. The gem protects marriage bonds from splits, quarrels, misunderstandings, fading of feelings. No wonder 55 years of married life is called the Emerald Wedding.
  • Amulet of good luck and inspiration. A good talisman for business people, as well as creative people.

The gem is reputed to be a mineral that increases the positive character traits of the owner, which makes it useful not only for women. Men can get rid of bad habits or qualities that prevent them from achieving what they want. The talisman protects a person from aggression from the outside, as well as from the "inner demon". Thanks to the stone, the owner will get rid of the desire to get involved in a scam, go the wrong way or commit a rash act.

Compatibility with other stones

Emerald is the mineral of Air. Therefore, it has a bad attitude towards the minerals of Water:

Astrologer Pavel Globa claims that conflict relations also develop with.

In jewelry, the neighbors of emeralds are often white ones. Sometimes a pair of emeralds is made up of stones from an equal category in rank - chrysolites, and.

Jewelry with a mineral

The emerald is considered an elite gemstone, so the price of jewelry in a precious setting will be appropriate. The cost of a gem is determined depending on the color and transparency, measured in thousands of rubles per carat. beautiful decoration, which is accompanied by a quality certificate for a stone, will cost a lot:

  • A gold ring with a Brazilian emerald, weighing less than a carat, costs an average of 100 thousand rubles. Colombian pebble will cost a little less, about 80 thousand.
  • Earrings with emerald in the company of diamonds are estimated at about 160 thousand.
  • Bracelet - from 100 thousand.
  • The pendant costs about 100 thousand, but for an emerald necklace you will have to pay more than 500 thousand rubles.
  • Men's cufflinks - an average of 200 thousand.

The average price can change both up and down. For example, a Ural stone set with silver will cost the buyer several times cheaper than a gold jewelry with a Zambian gem.

How to distinguish a fake

Artificial emerald is not uncommon today. The technology of growing such a stone was invented by the Germans in 1935. Ennobled, but cheaper minerals are also given out for emeralds, for example: or.

There are a sufficient number of signs by which imitation can be identified:

  • By color. Emeralds are always green, not swamp or bottle emeralds, but green. A stone that is too light indicates what is in front of you. Also, a synthetic fake shines too brightly.
  • Cut. Facets natural gem always sharp, geometrically clear. Erased corners speak of a fake.
  • Purity. In normal jewelry store a flawless crystal at a reasonable price suggests a fake. Most often, natural nuggets are endowed with small internal cracks or inclusions.
  • Change of external conditions. Natural stone does not change color from prolonged exposure to water or the sun.
  • Lighting. In ultraviolet rays, a natural emerald will not change color, while a fake one will react with yellow-brown highlights.

The latter method is inaccurate, as sometimes a natural stone can look like a fake.

There is a risk of encountering a doublet. This means that the natural mineral in the jewelry is only a thin top plate glued to a cheaper stone. Such an imitation can be revealed by looking at the stone from the side under a magnifying glass.

Also, most natural emeralds are processed with special resins in order to give them a more perfect jewelry look. By dipping such a stone into a solution of detergent or washing powder, you can reveal the true shade of the nugget.

How to wear

To buy an emerald, you should choose the first or second day of the lunar cycle, and start wearing it no earlier than the 16th lunar day. Before buying, try to tune in to the same wavelength with the stone, then you can feel whether it suits you or not.

Products with emeralds are a luxury item. Having such jewelry, it is necessary to match them in status and wealth. Emerald jewelry is worn on special occasions, such as social events or parties.

Expensive items made of gold or platinum, complemented by diamonds - an accessory of the held mature women. For young ladies or girls, more modest options with light natural or artificial pebbles of small sizes are suitable.

There are also office decoration options. For business style neat silver stud earrings, complemented by a ring that matches the design, are quite suitable. White gold is an alternative to silver. A bracelet with emeralds, made of platinum, white gold or silver, looks good with light-colored clothes. Other metallic colors work better with dark fabrics.

Jewelers did not deprive the strong half of humanity of their attention. The men's range offers wealthy, powerful men rings, cufflinks and tie clips encrusted with emeralds.

Emerald belongs to strong, resistant stones, but still quite capricious, which corresponds to its status. Therefore, this nugget requires careful care:

  • Smaragd does not tolerate household chemicals and cosmetics, therefore, when doing household chores, it is better to remove the jewelry. It is worth dressing after applying and fixing makeup.
  • Clean the stone with warm soapy water, wiping with a soft cloth.
  • It is better to store emerald jewelry in a cool place, in a closed container, after wrapping each piece of jewelry with a soft cloth.

In order for the emerald to please the eye longer, do not forget to contact the jeweler from time to time to restore the protective oil layer. Over time, it is wiped off, then the stone becomes more vulnerable.

Astrological Compatibility

Emerald is a friendly stone, but it does not have ideal compatibility with all the Zodiacs. Best of all, the mineral patronizes such signs.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

  • Twins. Excessive aggression and irascibility of this sign will be replaced by wisdom and composure under the influence of the talisman. The twins will feel better concentration, memory improvement, become mentally calmer, more cheerful and responsive. This is a plus for communicating with others.
  • Crayfish. Quick-tempered and sometimes aggressive Cancers emerald will give balance and harmony. The amulet will make the representatives of the sign self-confident, friendly and open, which will help Cancers to find good friends.
  • Taurus. For them, the emerald will become a source of vivid emotions and impressions. The talisman will strengthen intuitive thinking, attention, memory, which is important for concentrating on the goal and moving along the path to achieving it.

Name Compatibility

Emerald will become a talisman for you if your name is:

  • Elena. In her life, the mineral will bring balance, wisdom, hope.
  • Hermann. For him, the nugget will become a window to the future, enlightening the mind, giving hope and wisdom.
  • Isabel. Smaragd will drive away negative energy, clearing the aura. The amulet will give her composure, awaken inspiration, preserve the family hearth.
  • Klim. It does not hurt him to get rid of longing and love failures with the help of a talisman.
  • Julia. The stone will bring luck into Yulia's life, protecting her from sorrows and troubles.
  • 5 (100%) 2 vote[s]

A high gem quality emerald can cost more than real diamonds. These are not legends at all, and beautiful stones of rich green color can really be very expensive. But along with natural crystals, absolutely mythical stones are offered on the market at the price of real emeralds. These include red and black emerald. Naming other, beautiful minerals in themselves, by the name of a precious stone, merchants are trying to profitably sell their goods.

A high-quality gem-quality emerald can cost more than real diamonds

All mineralogical encyclopedias characterize emerald as a transparent mineral with a crystalline structure, belonging to the beryl group. The color of the stone is characterized as green with a hint of blue. It has its own name - emerald. This indicates the uniqueness of the color of the stone.

Depending on the deposit precious gems may have slightly more pronounced yellow or blue, but it is not possible to find a blue emerald. Dull stones with a bluish color can be simple beryls or have an artificial origin. The same applies to the mineral, which is often sold as red emerald. This is a rare, beautiful and valuable crystal of bright red color. It is called bixbit and belongs to the same group of beryl as a real emerald.

Sometimes on sale you can also find transparent minerals of very dark shades. Unscrupulous dealers may offer them as a rare black emerald, but you should not pay attention to their assurances that the stone is genuine. Under this name, any dark gray crystal can appear.

All mineralogical encyclopedias characterize emerald as a transparent mineral with a crystalline structure, belonging to the beryl group.

Natural emerald can only be green. The heterogeneity of the color of a large crystal makes it possible to obtain jewelry stones of a lighter color, with a bluish tint, and yellowish-green. Depending on the color saturation and transparency (purity) of the crystal, the price for it is also formed. On the labels of jewelry, you can, among other things, notice the designation 2/2 or 3/3. These numbers in the professional environment of jewelers indicate the color and purity of the stone: the larger the number, the higher the stone is rated according to a five-point system. Designations are found only on jewelry with natural stones.

A cloudy, opaque crystal looks like this due to inclusions of air bubbles or other minerals (such as talc). At the same time, it is considered an emerald, but will have a low cost. On the label of the product in this case put a low rating.

Natural emerald can only be green

What is an "emerald garden"?

Some varieties of gemstone (Colombian, Tanzanian, Indian emeralds) contain inclusions of liquid, air or salt crystals enough big size. They are usually visible to the naked eye. A network of small cracks can also form inside the crystal. The value of the stone is noticeably reduced due to such defects, but there are very few pure stones, and varieties with such inclusions are very common.

To avoid overstocking and falling prices for emeralds, jewelers use a simple marketing trick. In low-grade stones, vices are presented as advantages, they come up with a poetic name and sell minerals, albeit inexpensively, but in large volumes. In this case, the color suggested the name: an emerald with defects in the light resembles an interweaving of branches and green leaves.

Do not mistake stones with inclusions for a fake. This is most often a real natural emerald. An artificially grown crystal usually has a completely transparent mass, rich color and an ideal surface.

Emerald - a precious stone (video)

Where are emeralds mined?

Geologists call it greisen and pay attention to this mineral as a sign of the presence of precious stones. Emerald ore can be formed as a result of the action of hot water in thermal springs on granite rocks, which are very characteristically destroyed. The Colombian emerald, which is considered the best in the world, comes across just in such veins. Very rich, but unusual emerald ore in Colombian deposits is represented by carbonate shales.

The mineral itself is found in ore veins in the form of inclusions. Colombia is currently the main supplier of the gemstone (50-95% of world production). In the same place, at the Muso deposit, an unusual dark emerald is mined with light zones arranged radially. This type of stone has its own name - trapiche. In addition to the Colombian deposits, such stones have not been found anywhere else, perhaps the reason for their formation was an unusual emerald ore.

In addition to Colombia, emeralds are mined in many places: in the USA and Canada, in a number of European countries, in Pakistan and Afghanistan, India, on the African continent and on about. Madagascar. Ural emeralds, mined in Russia, are famous for the size of pure crystals. They are considered very high quality even by world standards.

Emerald ore is spread all over the planet

Gallery: precious emerald (25 photos)

Emerald ore is spread all over the planet

magical properties emerald allow not everyone to wear it Natural emerald can only be green All mineralogical encyclopedias characterize emerald as a transparent mineral with a crystalline structure, belonging to the beryl group

How to identify a real emerald?

Buying expensive jewelry Nobody wants to buy a fake. Similar to emerald, ordinary green beryls are often offered at a low price. This is what should alert the buyer in the first place.

How to choose an emerald so as not to be mistaken? There are several features that are unique to real stones:

  1. Dichroism, or the ability to change color with a change in the angle of incidence of light. Turning the stone 90º, you can see how it changes from a bluish hue to golden or vice versa.
  2. Natural emerald has a rich green color, sometimes with a velvety sheen. The crystal may be hazy, but never light green, bottle, marsh.
  3. Cracks and inclusions are another way to distinguish natural crystals from grown synthetic counterparts. If the stone has no flaws, it is fabulously expensive, comparable in price to diamond or surpassing it. A hydrothermal emerald without flaws is ten times cheaper.

Trying to determine the authenticity of a stone with the help of special equipment is quite difficult. This task is only for specialists.

Buying expensive jewelry, no one wants to buy a fake. Similar to emerald, ordinary green beryls are often offered at a low price.

The common name "hydrothermal emerald" means that the crystal was grown in a laboratory. The chemical composition of synthetic stones is fully consistent with the best varieties of Colombian minerals. Nano-emerald can be grown only under certain conditions, which are kept secret by each manufacturer of such stones. Hydrothermal emerald is cheaper than real crystals, but different from them high rates color purity and saturation. Depending on the amount of certain additives, scientists can grow stones with predetermined properties and the desired shade.

Artificial emerald repeats the properties of a natural crystal. It has dichroism, has a rich color and even consists of the same substances. How to distinguish an artificially created emerald from a real stone?

The only way is to pay attention to defects. If there are no noticeable cracks, then the stone should be examined through a magnifying glass: microscopic defects are always present in real crystals. And only their complete absence will indicate the laboratory origin of the insert. Another sign may be the lack of an assessment of color and clarity on the jewelry label.

It is necessary to distinguish one mineral from another if we choose it as a talisman. For these purposes, you can use both faceted inserts and raw crystals. But it's impossible to replace gem emerald green garnet, beryl, chrysolite or artificial equivalent.

Green gem magic

Like many precious stones, the green emerald in Russia was known under a completely different name. Borrowed from Arabic and Turkish, the modern name comes from the Greek word "smaragdos". And it is the emeralds that are mentioned in the annals where in question about green gems. In the languages ​​of the Romance group, the Greek word also changed, and emeralds are still called "esmerald".

Both the precious emerald, and the zumurut mentioned in Avicenna's treatises, and the green stones beloved by the Maya and the Incas, which the conquistadors identified as esmerald, are one and the same mineral, currently known as emerald. The magical properties that are attributed to him have been used to solve problems since ancient times.

In European medieval magic, the emerald is a symbol of chastity and motherhood. The description of the stone notes its special properties: to cleanse, to help fight one's own shortcomings, to produce noble impulses and radiate a positive mood. Since ancient times, the emerald stone has been considered a protector from other people's evil spells and thoughts, from despondency and short-sighted acts. It is believed that the magical properties of the emerald stone increase if it is inherited from previous generations.

This is a wonderful amulet for young mothers: an emerald and its varieties can be presented to a spouse after the birth of their first child. Jewelry with inserts of processed stones will give a woman peace of mind and satisfaction with her new position. The protection of the crystal also extends to the child: he cannot be jinxed, he will sleep more peacefully at night and suffer less from various childhood diseases.

Emerald in lithotherapy

Modern healers emphasize the healing properties of the emerald. Traditionally, contemplation of the green depth of the crystal was recommended for the treatment of eye diseases. Currently, it is believed that any kind of emerald is able to relieve the tension of the organ of vision.

The precious green crystal is also credited with the ability to calm nervous system, level the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome. Cleansing, antiseptic properties are also noted: it is believed that there are no bacteria in water infused with a gem. She can wash her face with acne and skin irritations, wash poorly healing wounds.

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra, whose beauty surprised her contemporaries, greatly appreciated the emerald: its value as an amulet that prolongs youth was incredibly important to her. But it is still believed that the constant wearing of jewelry with a gem rejuvenates and gives vitality. In practice, both the improvement of metabolism and the normalization of the work of the whole organism were noted.

The magical properties of emerald (video)

Combination with zodiac signs

The magical properties of the emerald allow not everyone to wear it. Regardless of who suits the gem according to the horoscope, dishonest people who are at odds with their own conscience will not be able to wear jewelry with it. Inserts will break, the product will be lost, and, like many precious stones, the emerald will not help its owner.

But, when choosing jewelry for yourself, you need to take into account which zodiac sign the emerald suits. This will help to avoid problems that arise when the influence exerted by crystals on the life and fate of their owners is inconsistent.

The ideal companions will be the emerald and the sign of the zodiac - Virgo. People born between August 21 and September 20 very often have a pessimistic outlook on life. A product that contains Ural emeralds will help them treat the environment with great confidence and give them the ability to enjoy every moment of their existence.

For courageous Sagittarius, the magical mineral emerald will allow you to get rid of the desire to surpass others and make them calmer. But most of all, it will be useful to the Gemini: the importance of the emerald stone for them lies in its ability to give wisdom and composure. Impressive, insecure representatives of this sign will be able to gain sober thinking and a philosophical attitude to any situation in life. It will be easier for singles to find a mate, and family people be able to trust their partner more.

Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios are also among those who suit jewelry containing magical crystals. They equally need endurance and ease in relations with others. Despite the difference in potential, both the quick-tempered Scorpio and the modest Cancer are signs corresponding to the elements of Water. It is her receptivity and ability to shape-shift that makes those born under these constellations so sensitive to outside influences. The ability of a coldish crystal to protect against external negativity was noticed in antiquity and can help the signs of the Water trine.

The magical properties of the emerald allow not everyone to wear it

Representatives of other zodiac signs should not wear emerald jewelry too often. Helping in some situations, they may well harm in others. The criterion for choosing a gem as an amulet or a talisman that attracts wealth, for them, should be the expected events themselves: at a business meeting related to financing their enterprise or obtaining a loan, such an ornament will come in handy.

It is best to purchase gems and jewelry with them in reputable large jewelry companies. Experts will give full information about where the emeralds of the presented group are mined, if necessary, they will conduct an examination and provide confirmation of the authenticity of the crystal.

When buying jewelry in random places, you should remember that the characteristic of the emerald marks the green color. different shades as the only one possible. Dark, saturated colors increase the value of the stone, but a completely black emerald does not exist in nature. Careful attention to the choice of crystals will greatly reduce the risk of disappointment in the purchase.

Attention, only TODAY!

Emerald belongs to the precious stones of the first order. It is considered one of the most expensive gems in the world, and is sometimes valued on a par with diamonds, rubies and sapphires.

Since ancient times, unique, unusual and even magical properties have been attributed to this beautiful gemstone. It was decorated with crowns, symbols of power, robes of eastern rulers and great European monarchs. Amulets and antidotes for snake bites were made from it.

Description of the mineral

Emerald is the most beautiful gemstone of green color. There are emeralds of various shades, from yellowish green to dark green, slightly blue. They may be colored unevenly, or may have longitudinal changes in color intensity. Often in emerald minerals there are various inclusions, cracks, gases and liquids.

The name of the mineral "emerald" comes from the Turkic word "zumrut", which came from the Persian language, as a derivative of the word "zumurrud". In Greece, beautiful green stones were called "smaragdos", which literally means "green stone", and in England - "emerald". The modern name of the stone "emerald" appeared in the Middle Ages, as a derivative of its names in different countries peace.

The strong healing and even mystical properties of the emerald, along with its wondrous beauty, have allowed it to become one of the most revered gems in the world.

History of the stone

The first developments of this precious mineral were carried out as far back as 1500 BC. e. in the so-called "emerald mines of Queen Cleopatra", located near modern Aswan. Cleopatra herself really loved these beautiful stones and preferred emeralds to other gems, but their extraction in these Egyptian mines was carried out long before her birth.

The mention of these extraordinary green stones of marvelous beauty can be found in the epic of different peoples:

  • So, the ancient Roman writer Gaius Pliny in the 1st century AD. e. described the so-called "Scythian emeralds (emeralds)", which "like no other stones delight the eyes without tiring them."
  • The emerald is also mentioned in the Bible as one of the precious stones used to decorate the breastplates of the Jewish high priests.
  • King Solomon spoke of how the emerald gladdens his heart, drives away bad dreams and diverts dark thoughts.
  • The Egyptians revered the emerald as a symbol of the Goddess Isis and a wondrous gift from God Thoth. Jewelry made of bright green emeralds, meaning eternal youth, can be seen on the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs.
  • In Arabia, emeralds were used not only for inlay jewelry but also for the manufacture of strong medicinal products. Local healers were sure that a mixture of emerald dust and white camel milk was the strongest antidote.
  • Armenian Aesculapius used emerald powder for black cough and bloody diarrhea.
  • Georgian sages believed that the crystals of the precious green stone capable, like a magic mirror, of revealing to man his future.
  • During the time of the Incas and Aztecs, this mineral was classified as sacred. He was loved, worshiped and attributed various mystical properties. So, the Incas revered a huge emerald the size of an ostrich egg as a mythical deity.
  • In India, emeralds were considered symbols of love and fidelity and were worn as amulets.
  • In Islamic countries, at all times, the emerald was considered the main magical stone. Even now in the Arab world he is valued for his special green tint, which is considered a color that belongs to Islam.
  • In Russia in the XV-XVII centuries, the emerald was revered as a stone of wisdom and composure.
  • In the 16th century, the Spaniards brought emeralds to Europe, where these beautiful gems gained immense popularity and fame as healing stones.
  • In the middle of the 19th century, new deposits of emeralds were discovered in Russia (in the Middle Urals), as well as in the USA and Australia.

Place of Birth

To date, the main deposits of emeralds are located in Russia, Australia, Namibia, Norway, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Zambia and, of course, Colombia. It is in Colombia in the carbonate rocks of the Chivor and Muso deposits that the highest quality and most valuable types of emeralds are mined to this day (about 90% of the world's stone production).


Emeralds are distinguished mainly by the place of their extraction. Depending on the deposit, the shades of the extracted stones differ:

  • Colombian emeralds- especially valuable gems of a bright, grassy-green hue.
  • Trapiche Emeralds. They are also mined in Colombia. These green gems are distinguished by a special star shape with "rays" that extend from its center.
  • Zambian emeralds are distinguished by their special pure green or slightly bluish tint. They are darker than Colombian emeralds.
  • Zimbabwean emeralds distinguished by the presence of blotches of a yellow tint. These emeralds are quite small, but are valued for their very good quality.
  • Brazilian emeralds- yellowish green. They are much lighter and cleaner than the Colombian ones.
  • Emeralds of South Africa usually cloudy and light. They mostly go to cabochons.
  • Russian emeralds- opaque and mostly filled with mica inclusions.

Chemical composition and physical properties

Emerald is one of the transparent varieties of beryl, a silicate of beryllium and aluminum (Be3Al2 (SiO3)6). The green color of this beautiful gem is due to the presence of chromium (Cr) impurities in it.

The chemical composition of emerald includes:

  • chromium (Cr) - from 0.01 to 1.0%;
  • iron (Fe) - 0.12%;
  • vanadium (V) - 0.05%.

Depending on the predominance of one of these elements, the shade of the stone also changes - from a light bluish-green hue to a rich dark green, emerald green.

It is the color that is the main criterion for assessing the quality of a stone and, accordingly, its cost. The richer and darker the shade of the emerald, the higher its value.

The next criterion for evaluating a gem is its transparency and the presence of defects visible to the naked eye.

Thus, the ideal emerald is a transparent, defect-free stone of saturated color. Its value can even exceed the cost of a diamond. But in terms of its physical properties, in particular, the strength of emerald is significantly inferior to diamond.

So, its hardness on the Mohs scale is 7.5-8.0, and its density is 2.8 g / cm3.

It is sensitive to pressure and heat and can easily lose color when exposed to temperatures above 700°C. At the same time, in relation to acids and reagents, it is quite stable.

magical properties

AT different times, in different countries, different magical properties were attributed to emeralds. But they have always been considered strong and powerful talismans that fight the negative qualities of their owner and are able to develop the best qualities in him.

People who are convinced of the special power of this stone are sure that the emerald is capable of:

  • protect its owner from the influence of dark forces;
  • protect from any misfortunes;
  • give its owner wisdom and composure;
  • protect on long trips;
  • attract wealth and good luck;
  • pacify voluptuousness;
  • bring peace and tranquility;
  • promote procreation;
  • preserve marital ties, preserve peace and harmony in the family.

It is believed that with this magic stone people with developed intuition are able to decipher the signals of the Universe and enter into communication with the subtle worlds.

The healing properties of the mineral

Lithotherapists claim that emeralds can help:

  • strengthen memory;
  • reduce high temperature
  • drive away bad dreams;
  • dispel melancholy;
  • heal inflammation;
  • deal with infections
  • get rid of night blindness;
  • heal from psoriasis;
  • reduce blood pressure.
  • diseases of the bladder;
  • diabetes
  • heartburn and stomach diseases;
  • pain in the heart;
  • headaches and joint pains.

Emerald and zodiac signs

Most of all, astrologers are convinced, the emerald suits Cancers and Pisces. For people born under these water signs, the emerald is able to bring happiness and good luck.

This gem is suitable for Aries and Sagittarius.

But Scorpions are not recommended to wear jewelry with emeralds.

Gem Application

The main scope of the emerald is jewelry. It is usually cut with a stepped, so-called "emerald cut". However, cloudy stones, with inclusions and cracks, are processed exclusively in the form of cabochons.

Only occasionally, emeralds of especially large sizes are used to make decorative items. For example, the Vienna Museum of Art and Industry exhibits a small (10 cm high) emerald vase dating from the 16th century, carved from a dark green Colombian emerald.

In Russia, this precious gemstone is legally declared a currency value.

According to legend, the Queen of Sheba (the legendary ruler of the Arabian kingdom) preferred the emerald to all other precious stones. Her best outfits were embroidered with emerald embroideries, on which more than 1000 maids worked.

The National Bank of Tehran today holds a hairpin encrusted with three large emeralds, which belonged to the founder of the Mughal Empire, the Great Mogul Babur. For many years it was used during the coronation of Persian shahs.

The emerald is considered the stone of fidelity, and according to one legend, this gem can break when one of the spouses of a loving couple is unfaithful.

One of the legends tells that the famous Holy Grail was made from an emerald that fell from the crown of the overthrown Satan.

Ancient magicians believed that the emerald was able to blind the snake and deprive it of its sight.

The Roman historian Tacitus claimed that the emerald goblet, by neutralizing the poison, more than once saved the life of the emperor Nero, whom they tried to poison.

According to legend, it was the emerald that was the sacred stone of the legendary Atlanteans.

In 1993, an emerald weighing 1200 grams was found at the Malyshevsky mine. It was named "President" in honor of Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

The world's largest emerald crystal weighing 28 kilograms was found in Brazil in 1974.

The first artificial emerald was grown in 1935 in Germany. To date, such synthetic gems are produced in many countries on an industrial scale.

How to distinguish a natural emerald from a fake

To distinguish a natural emerald from a fake, you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass, a color filter, a refractometer and carefully examine the stone.

  1. Place the stone under the color filter. Natural emerald, when viewed through a color filter, will acquire a reddish-brown hue, due to the presence of chromium in its composition.
  2. Examine the stone through a magnifying glass. AT natural stone you can see various inclusions, small cracks, gases that are not found in synthetic counterparts. Just do not confuse them with the air bubbles that are found in glass doublets.
  3. Arm yourself with a refractometer (a device for measuring the refraction of light) and measure the refractive index of the stone. For a natural emerald, it should be 1.58, and for a synthetic emerald, it should not exceed 1.572.

But to be 100% sure that you bought a natural emerald, it is better to contact a gemologist.


Emerald is not only an expensive stone, but also rather capricious. When caring for him, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. Avoid constant exposure to ultraviolet light and exposure to strong chemicals.
  2. Do not use sharp objects when cleaning the stone.
  3. To give the emerald freshness, you can dip it briefly in a warm soapy solution, then gently wipe it with a soft cloth.
  4. Periodically, it is necessary to give the stone to the jewelry workshop for the application of a special protective oil agent.


Emerald is a 1st class gemstone. Large emeralds, absolutely defect-free saturated dense tone weighing from 5 carats are more expensive than diamonds. Emerald considered ideal in cases where a perfectly transparent stone has an evenly distributed saturated color.

The main criterion for high emerald quality is its color, but transparency is in second place. Stones of natural origin almost always have splits and cracks, and only occasionally do they find specimens that are ideal in all respects, and then they are highly valued.

Emeralds come in a variety of colors ranging from green-yellow to blue-green, but the main color is always green, sometimes even dark green. The distribution of color is almost always uneven, very often the base of the emerald is colored darker than its free end.

The word "emerald" comes from the Persian-Arabic zumurrud and also from the Turkish zümrüt. Earlier in Russian, the word emerald was written like this izumrut.

The Turkish and Arabic words come from the Greek word σμάραγδος, smáragdos, which was used earlier in the languages ​​of the Slavic peoples, which means green gemstone.

In Europe, the emerald has the following names: in Spain it is called esmeralda, in Germany this stone is called smaragd, and in France - emerod.

Varieties of emerald

Emerald is found in nature various kinds. brazilian emerald has a translucent green tint. A rather rare name Trapiche, this species has the shape of a wagon wheel with spokes. They are usually found in Colombia.

Another species is called emerald - malachite or Eurohit. The next variety of emerald is called Vilyuisk or Vesuvian. Also distinguished are copper emerald or dioptase, Ural or demantoid and nickel emeralds.

Physical properties of emerald

According to the well-known classification of A. E. Fersman, the mineral emerald belongs to gemstones of the first order. They also include diamond, ruby, euclase, sapphire, alexandrite, chrysoberyl, noble spinel.

Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl that has a grassy green color. This color shade is imparted by vanadium oxide or chromium oxide, very rarely there is an admixture of iron oxide, usually these are South African emeralds. Emeralds are characterized by increased fragility, its hardness fluctuates in the range of 7.5-8 units.

Unlike emerald, it has a hardness of 10.0. The transverse separation, combined with small, thin cracks often found in emeralds, makes this mineral very sensitive to pressure and high temperatures. At 700 degrees and above, emeralds easily lose their color, but they are resistant to various reagents and acids.

Emeralds often have various defects. Precious varieties of emeralds very often characterized by the presence of a rather complex network of thin cracks and veins that cut the stone along and across.

Often found and zone emeralds, crystals of which have a longitudinal change in color intensity, usually with a lighter and brighter core, as well as with a transverse alternation of dark and light green zones.

In light emeralds, even without magnifying devices, but by eye, dichroism is clearly visible, that is, a change in the color of the mineral from bluish to yellowish-green, when the crystal rotates.

The very best emeralds contain about 75% tone. In addition, a high-quality emerald should be well saturated with color, its shades should be light and bright. Grey colour is normal.

Transparent are only emeralds of the highest reference quality, however, they are often clouded by various inclusions of gas, bubbles and liquid, as well as healed cracks, dotted inclusions of other minerals captured by emerald crystals during their growth. It is by the mineral composition of the inclusions contained in the emerald that it is determined from which deposit this specimen was mined.

Emerald transparency

Basically, all emeralds contain a large number of inclusions and surface fractures. Unlike a diamond, which is graded at 10x magnification, an emerald is graded by eye.

Thus, it turns out that if the emerald does not contain cracks and flaws visible to the eye, of course, subject to good visual acuity, then it is considered flawless.

emerald crystals, which do not have surface disturbances, come across quite rarely, therefore, almost all emeralds are chemically treated with various mixtures to give them the most pleasant and beautiful appearance.

The irregularity and uneven shape of emerald crystals makes it possible to apply the cabochon method, instead of the simple one. Emerald cut, which intensifies color tones, was designed to avoid chipping off the corners of the gemstone.

The origin of the emerald in nature

Emerald crystals are formed during the interaction of silicic magma with ultramafic wall rocks, so their deposits are usually caused by greisen zones of ultramafic rocks or phlogopite mica, sometimes emeralds are found in or near pegmatites. However, the best quality emerald specimens found in hydrothermal veins that occur in carbonate-carbonaceous shales.

alluvial placers of emerald crystals practically do not form, due to the fact that the emerald is close to quartz in density. Secondary deposits are due only to weathering crusts.

As a result of greisenization processes, in the presence of feldspars and granites, micas are formed light colors. such as muscovite or lepidolite.

As a result of this process, the original rocks turn into greisens, which are complex rocks, which include light micas and quartz.

Very often, greisens are saturated with valuable ores and minerals in the form of small inclusions. The choice for the development of the deposit is made, as a rule, in the presence of greisens containing ores of rare colored stones and rare metals.

The greisenization process is necessary for emerald formations. AT more deposits discovered on earth, the formation of emerald is confined to the presence of phlogopite mica, they are usually formed as a result of the interaction of ultrabasic rocks and high-temperature water solutions.

In Colombia, emerald crystals are found in low temperature carbonate veins adjacent to black bituminous limestones. Quite rarely, small-sized emeralds are formed in exocontacts of various pegmatites.

Emerald deposits

The biggest and richest emerald deposit considered Colombia. AT last years 95% of all emeralds are mined there. From 2000 to 2010, Colombian emerald production increased by 80%. Also, deposits of this mineral are located in Zambia in the vicinity of the city of Kitwe.

In 2004, approximately 20% of all the world's emeralds were mined from this deposit, such statistics put Zambia in second place after Colombia in the production of emeralds. During the first half of 2011, 3.7 tons of emeralds were mined at the Kagem deposit.

Emeralds mined in Zambia are considered the best compared to Colombian ones, as they are of high and impeccable quality. Emerald deposits also available in these countries: Austria, Afghanistan, Australia, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Cambodia, Canada, Ethiopia, Egypt, Germany, France, Kazakhstan, India, Italy, Namibia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Mozambique, Norway, Russia, Pakistan, Somalia, Spain, South Africa, USA, Switzerland, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.

High quality emeralds quite a rare occurrence. Most of them are found in several deposits: on the coast of the Red Sea, in the mountains of Zabar near the city of Kosseir in Egypt, there is a deposit, which, according to the hieroglyphic inscriptions found there, was developed in 1650 BC; an emerald deposit called Tunja was discovered in 1555 in Colombia; Another known deposit, located in the town of Muso, in New Granada, which has been developed since 1537.

Emeralds of significantly lower quality are mined in Norway, near Lake Mjosen and its environs, in Ireland in the town of Morn, in Habakhtal, in Salzburg, Austria. AT Russian Federation emerald crystals are found 90 km. northeast of Yekaterinburg on the Tokovaya River.

There is a black mica slate. Emerald deposits are also known at the headwaters of the Bolshaya Refta River. The stones mined in these places are famous for their size. The Bolshaya Refta River is also rich in phenakite and alexandrite.

Under Pharaoh Sesostris III, who ruled about 37 centuries ago, emerald deposits were developed, which gave the world many beautiful specimens. They are located near Aswan, it is 50-65 km. from the Red Sea.

In strong rocks, slaves laid mines, the depth of which reached 200 meters. In one such mine could be about 400 people at a time. They believed that the emerald did not like light, so all the work was done in absolute darkness.

emerald-bearing rock taken to the surface, then pricked into pieces and generously smeared with olive oil, this helped to distinguish and select the precious minerals that the ancient Romans and Greeks called stones of green radiance.

History of emeralds

In ancient times, they were highly valued by the rulers of India. It is believed that the builder of the Taj Mahal, the famous Sultan Shah Yahan, wore emeralds as a talisman, they were depicted with sacred scriptures.

Most likely, it was because of this that the emerald began to be attributed to the effect on love, because the Taj Mahal is one of the greatest symbols of devotion and love.

The famous report of Juan de Samano, who was the secretary of the great emperor Charles V, indicates that the first Colombian emeralds were found in 1525. And it was connected with the first expedition of Diego de Almagro and Francisco Pizarro.

This mineral was also highly valued by ancient cultures. The inhabitants of Babylon were selling emeralds as far back as 4000 BC. The famous emerald deposits owned by Cleopatra were located in the vicinity of Aswan in Egypt.

For many years it was believed that these deposits were just a fictional story or legend, but in 1818 they were discovered again in these places. And in the old mines, tools were found that, as it was later determined, belonged to 1300 BC.

By 1530, almost all emerald deposits and mines were known to Europeans. Their number was not great. After the conquest of the territory of Colombia by the Spaniards, a large number of emeralds fell into Europe.

In ancient Egypt, there was a Book of the Dead, in which it was written that the Egyptians accepted an emerald as a gift from the great god and ruler Thoth. Green color speaks of spring and therefore the emerald was considered a symbol of eternal youth.

The peoples of Egypt called this mineral, the stone of the goddess Isis. And they gave him the ability to turn dreams into reality, see the past, read minds and predict the future.

It was also assumed that the emerald is able to reward a person with unchanging love and fidelity. He was considered the patron saint of expectant mothers, and the emerald was the best gift for a pregnant woman. In ancient Egyptian jewelry, emeralds were also very popular.

And great amount people wished that decorations with after their death were placed in their tombs. There is a legend about the great emperor Nero, which says that he had a large emerald, which he used as a monocle when he watched the battles of gladiators.

Emerald- a mineral, a transparent variety of beryl, painted with an admixture of Cr 3+ or vanadium oxide with an admixture of iron oxide (South African emeralds) in a beautiful grass-green color. It occurs in crystals and their intergrowths, usually grown into mica rock (mica), quartz or feldspar. The crystals are fissured, usually ranging in size from 2-5 mm to 0.5-2 cm, rarely larger. Emerald is a precious stone of the 1st class, large flawless stones of a thick cold tone weighing more than 5 carats are valued more than a diamond.

See also:


The emerald belongs to the hexagonal syngony of the dihexanal-bipyramidal symmetry class. There are impurities of chromium 1-2%, sodium, potassium, lithium, cesium, rubidium, iron, vanadium. The main motif of the frame structure of beryl is represented by the six-ring structures of the SiO 4 ring - tetrahedra - Si 6 O 18, connected to each other by BeO 4 - tetrahedra into hexagonal columns with large channels inside such columns. These columns are connected to each other by BeO 4 - tetrahedra and AlO 6 - octahedrons.


Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl, tinted grass green with chromium oxide or vanadium oxide, sometimes with an admixture of iron oxide (South African emeralds). Emerald easily loses color at temperatures above 700 ° C, but is resistant to acids and other reagents.

Natural emeralds are rarely flawless, they usually have cracks and splits, often cut through a complex network of thin veins and cracks. Increased brittleness is a characteristic feature of the stone: its hardness is 7.5-8 units on the Mohs scale (for diamond - 10), in combination with thin cracks in transverse separation, this makes it very sensitive to compression and heating.

The distribution of emerald color is uneven: usually the free end of the crystal is colored brighter than its base, there are also zoned crystals with a longitudinal change in color intensity (often with a brighter core) and with a transverse alternation of light and dark green zones. In brightly colored stones, dichroism is even visible to the eye - a change in color from yellowish to bluish-green when the crystal is rotated.


Emerald is found in nature in various forms. Brazilian emerald has a translucent green hue. A rather rare name Trapiche, emeralds of this type have the shape of a wagon wheel with spokes. They are usually found in Colombia.
Another type is called emerald - malachite or eurohit. The next variety of emerald is called Vilyuisk or Vesuvian. Also distinguished are copper emerald or dioptase, Ural or demantoid and nickel emeralds.


Emeralds are formed by the interaction of silicic magma with host ultramafic igneous rocks; therefore, their deposits are represented by greisenization zones. Occasionally small emeralds are formed in exocontacts of pegmatites.

In most deposits of the world, emerald is confined to phlogopite mica, formed as a result of greisenization - the impact of high-temperature aqueous solutions on ultrabasic rocks. As a result of this process, the original rocks, due to the feldspars of granites, are transformed into polysyllabic rocks containing quartz, light micas and often valuable ore minerals in the form of inclusions. The presence of greisens is the leading search feature for deposits of ores of rare metals and precious stones, including emerald.

The best quality emeralds are confined to hydrothermal veins occurring in carbonate shales. Colombian emeralds occur in low-temperature carbonate veinlets intersecting black bituminous limestones.


The main use of emeralds is in the production of jewelry. Quality control jewelry stones produced in accordance with international requirements. The most valuable are bright green crystals with minor inclusions. Bright color- the main factor affecting the price.
The world's largest processed emerald crystal weighing 7.5 kg was shown at the IV National Fair of Precious Stones of Brazil. It is owned by the Lebanese Salim el Awar, who bought the gem in 1973 in the Brazilian village of Karnaiba, where there are over 6 thousand emerald workings.
The largest emerald crystal was mined in 1974 in Brazil, its weight is 28 kg.

Emeralds are also used to create solid state lasers.

Emerald - Be 3 Al 2 Si 6 O 18


Strunz (8th edition) 8/E.12-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 9.CJ.05
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 16.6.1