Increase intuition. How to develop intuition. Exercises for the development of intuition. Ways to develop intuition

Scientists have proven that the sixth sense is not a myth, but a subconscious alternative mind. It can and should be improved. To decide how to develop intuition with exercises, a few of our tips will help.

Intuition is an innate property. All the necessary knowledge and answers to the most difficult questions are already concentrated in our mind, we just need to learn to listen to our inner deep resources.

The subconscious mind captures the slightest shades of information coming from reality. The inner voice is able to suggest a way out of the most problematic situations.

To learn how to use and develop intuitive thinking, try to master a few techniques.

  • Trust in the power of intuition! A person is able to perceive any existing information in an intuitive way - faith opens up access to new opportunities.
  • Remember situations when the sixth sense has already helped you find a way out - at least once this happened to everyone. A saving thought often appears during stressful events.

For example, in an exam, we often guess the correct answer or already know in advance the number of the ticket that came across to us. If you still find it difficult to remember, mentally return to the time of your love.

Love is able to develop and strengthen our intuitive capabilities: we feel loved ones at a distance, we simultaneously experience the same emotions, we can guess their desires and very often, without agreeing, at the same time we find ourselves in one of the most significant places for us. Once again feel this state, fix it and return to it as often as possible.

  • Try to “dive” into your intuition, choose feelings that are close to you. If you like the field of human relations, don't try to predict economic surges and the next collapse of the dollar.
  • Limit logic. Artificially simulate stressful situations - intuitive vision is connected in them. Do not try long and painfully to find a solution to the problem. On the contrary, reduce the time for reflection as much as possible and ask someone to constantly interfere with you.

An important change that can and should happen in your life, as well as improve it in all areas, will happen with the help of a wonderful one. With it, you will reveal your potential and improve life in all its manifestations: more money, better relationship, better health and happiness.

The best exercises for developing intuition

1. D give intuition freedom

Try to constantly make as many unexpected guesses as possible. Try to guess everything: who you will see first at work, the name of the waitress in the restaurant, what your partner will wear at the meeting, for what reason your boss is calling. In most cases, you will be wrong. However, you should not take your guesses seriously - let them, on the contrary, improve your mood.

The purpose of the task is to develop freedom of thinking, learn to turn off logic and think in a relaxed way. Over time, you will notice that your assumptions are more and more often correct. Practice shows that the fastest way you will learn to anticipate phone calls. Compete with caller ID - it's useful and interesting.


This is a very simple mechanical exercise to develop the sixth sense. Write a question on a piece of paper - make it your main active hand. You must answer it with the opposite hand, shift the pen to the other palm and write the first thing that comes to mind.

Your mind will be confused, so intuition will work first. With the dominant hand, you can write not only questions, but also the first part of a sentence. For example: “I prefer dark tones in clothes, because ...”, “I don’t like to talk about this topic, because ...”, “I like sweets, because ...”.

You need to finish the phrase with a secondary hand. The intuitive answers you received in this task can be used to combat bad habits, in psychological self-improvement programs and even to speed up the process of losing weight.

3. Exercise "Reading people"

During any conversation with a person, try to imagine how he feels right now. Or put yourself in his place. It doesn't really matter how the communication takes place - in reality, by phone or via the Internet.

Tune in to the wave of the interlocutor - to his thoughts and emotions, try to recognize them. Later you will realize how useful it is to develop such a skill.

4. Exercise "Guess from the photo"

When looking at photographs of familiar people, try to imagine what is happening to the person in the image in reality right now. Start with simple questions about life that require a one-word yes or no answer.

The next time you meet a friend, find out from him what has been happening to him lately. Match your answer with your guess. If you perform the exercise regularly, the information will begin to coincide very soon.

5. We remove fear

The main obstacle to the development of intuition is the feeling of fear. In order for intuitive thinking to work to its full potential, you need to learn how to cope with your fears. In this task, it is important not to overcome fear, but to surrender completely to its power.

Be careful - this is a very strong feeling. However, only by realizing your fears, you will gain the ability to hear the inner voice. You will feel free and begin to better understand the deepest properties of your personality.

6. Turn on positive thinking

Forget about negative assessments of the situation and people's actions - learn to think in positive categories. If a negative attitude gets into your head, immediately change it to a positive one. For example, you thought, "I can never do this."

The next thought should be: “What should I do to change the situation?”. The constant search for solutions will make your thinking work at full capacity. Gradually, the subconscious will begin to connect to solving problems.

7. Meditations and relaxation

These exercises are really effective - practice them regularly. And to make the tasks even more interesting, try to attract the attention of your friends to them. To do this, tell about the article in in social networks- among friends there will definitely be like-minded people.

Remember - the way out of any problem is within us. Develop your intuition! Over time, you will have new opportunities. You will only make the right decisions!

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There have been many situations in my life when my intuition really saved me.Therefore, an article on how to develop intuition, I think it should definitely become part of this blog.

My intuition once pointed me to the business that will become mine in life; helped to abandon the “not my” profession, expressing this with sabotage and complete internal denial.

She helped to get away from a person with whom everything was outwardly good, but internally felt like “something was not right”.

Intuition allowed me to move to another city, although I had no idea how I could live and develop there. In general, everything happened.

Have you ever used your inner voice?

I always say to people whom I help in the fulfillment of desires: if you really want something and cannot logically explain why this is so, then most likely you have listened to the sage inside you.

Important! Your intuition knows exactly how to make your life happy. It remains only to recognize her voice and begin to understand what exactly he is saying. Well, follow his call >>>

Therefore, in my opinion, developing intuition, understanding it is a key part of the process of fulfilling a desire.

Follow your intuition. This is where true wisdom comes into play.

Oprah Winfrey

What is intuition

Before proceeding to the topic of how to develop intuition, let's figure out what intuition is.

Do you ever feel like something is going wrong, or do you feel like you need to stop and go the other way in a certain situation? Maybe you felt insecure at a certain moment or felt anxious in certain situations?

This is your intuition.

The ability to trust your own intuition is great, but first you need to learn how to develop your intuition. When you can begin to use and trust your own intuition, you will realize that you can listen to it and how it can help you in certain situations. Let's see what intuition is and how we should use it.

Intuition is a whisper, or sometimes a cry, that tells you to jump or stay still. This is your internal GPS system.

Your intuition is a combination of spirit, emotion, and logic that guides you through life.

More often than not, we don't listen to our intuition. There is too much chatter in our head, very loud chatter that does not allow us to hear our intuition. These are doubts, worries, judgments and fears.

Let's say your intuition tells you that you love to dance and that makes you dance or even sing. She tells you that you will be successful in dancing or singing. Or intuition says: "I want love." She says, "Let's take a chance and write this book," or "Let's take a chance on starting this business." You are so excited by what your intuition is telling you!

But then a dialogue pops up in my head. And it says, “What if I fail?”

You must understand that the brain keeps us safe.

Your brain is wired to protect you! That's all, he is called upon to warn you against the unknown, because he has not yet experienced this and is trying to stay safe, this is logical.

And your intuition is a spark of passion, a spark of desire and love. It is this spark that pulls to move forward.

It's important to turn off your mind sometimes and believe what your body and spirit are trying to tell you!

Let's finally learn how to develop intuition and hidden abilities that will help us in the fulfillment of our desires.

8 Ways to Develop Your Intuition

I have put together some exercises for you. how to develop intuition and latent abilities. These are 8 excellent advice. If you start applying them in your life, you will learn to hear and listen to your intuition.

1. Look for signs

First of all, in order to be able to use your intuition, you must be able to recognize it when it speaks to you. Intuition is usually not loud or demanding - it is subtle and communicates differently for different people.

For example, you may receive visual messages, such as images that appear in quick flashes or visions, or that unfold slowly like a movie.

Your intuition may speak to you as a hunch or a passing thought.

In addition, your intuition may speak to you in physical sensations such as goosebumps, butterflies, or a sense of relief.

Sometimes intuition is just a deep sense of knowing and certainty. If you have ever felt that you know something true in the depths of your heart or soul, chances are it was a message from your intuition.

Remember that the subconscious parts of your mind know things that are not necessarily available to your conscious mind, and trust that the repeated signs may be trying to tell you something that will make you happy.

2. Meditate

Meditating and stopping your inner dialogue for 5-10 minutes a day will really help you clear your mind, which in turn will help you connect even more with your intuition. Meditation also helps you enter clear and positive thinking.

When you meditate, you have thoughts and feelings that you might not normally pay attention to, because there are many other things going on in your life that take your attention away from your own thoughts. Pay attention to these thoughts and feelings through meditation or afterwards, and clear your mind of any worries. This will make it easier to hear and listen to your intuition.

3. Ask questions

Receiving wisdom from your intuition should not be a passive experience. Ask specific questions of your intuition so that it gives you the exact answers to what you are looking for. The clearer you ask your questions to your innate wisdom, the clearer the answers will be.

I will tell you how to ask a question in the technique at the end of the article. Three pretty simple advice behind, let's move on to the fourth tip on how to develop intuition.

4. Write down answers

Intuitive messages are subtle and can disappear from your conscious mind very quickly if you don't take steps to write them down. In fact, neuroscience research shows that intuitive ideas not captured within 37 seconds are more likely to never come up again.

5. Keep a diary

This is very effective method start a conversation with your intuition and receive its wisdom. I suggest you keep a regular diary for just five or ten minutes a day - you will be amazed at the results. You will see the changes and progress that are happening to you.

6. Act fast

The Universe rewards those who act immediately - and your intuition does the same.

When you act on the information you receive from your inner source of wisdom, you open the channel between your subconscious mind and conscious mind even wider and receive more intuitive messages that are easier and easier for you to hear and start acting right.

7. Trust yourself

The more faith you have in your intuition, the greater the results will be.

Whether you want to make better decisions, solve problems faster, or create winning plans for your life, you will achieve your goals faster and more effectively when you tune in to your intuition and listen to what your inner wisdom is saying.

Important! Trusting your intuition is trusting yourself - and the more trust you put in yourself, the more success you will have >>>

8. Live in the moment

Focusing on the present will be the best thing you can do for yourself and your intuition. If you focus on things that have happened in the past, you may be able to bring back old pain and guilt. Worry can clog your mind and create negative thinking, as can worry about your future and things you can't define.

Try to be fully present in the now moment, this will help you be in a happy, positive frame of mind and help you develop your intuition. You can focus on your thoughts and feelings right now and not worry about what you can't change.

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are worried, you are living in the future. If you are in the world, you are living in the present.

How to develop intuition according to the method of John Kehoe

The top five on my list is The Subconscious Can Do Anything! John Kehoe. In it, the author gives a practical exercise, after reading which and starting to apply it in life, you will understand how to develop intuition and latent abilities.

How to Awaken Your Intuition: 3 Steps

Here are three steps that will help you naturally and effortlessly awaken your intuition and get answers to your questions:

Step 1

Think for a few minutes that you do indeed have a powerful subconscious mind, that there are absolutely correct answers and solutions, and that your subconscious mind will find them for you.

Try to move from the logical awareness of these facts to their emotional perception. When this happens, you will feel a joyful excitement. Consciousness should be constantly reminded of the existence of such a powerful helper as the subconscious.

You should feel confident, realizing the power hidden in you.

Step 2

Be clear about what you want from your subconscious: what answers, solutions and views on the problem you want to get from it. Repeat to yourself several times that at this very moment your subconscious mind is working for you.

Don't stress yourself out trying to imagine possible answers. Speak confidently to your subconscious, constantly repeating what you want it to do, but verbalize it as if it is already doing it for you.

“Now my subconscious is telling me…”

Repeat this to yourself at least ten times to feel that the process has begun.

Step 3

Relax and fill your brain with the confidence that the correct answer will be revealed to you. Remember that faith and confidence are not just sensations, but vibrations of energy.

These vibrations will attract correct decisions and answers, just as a magnet attracts metal.

A brain that fluctuates in the energy of certainty about the right answer will naturally find that answer.

Imagine how you will feel when you find the correct answer: excitement, joy, relief. Feel it right now, but don't push yourself too hard.

You should not think day and night that the subconscious mind will soon tell you the right answer. All three steps take no more than five to ten minutes to complete. They are best done every night before bed. The transition from wakefulness to sleep is the most opportune moment to reach the subconscious.


It may take you a long time to implement all the tips on how to how to develop intuition and latent abilities in your life.

But it's worth it.

Your personal intuition will become magic wand; you'll wonder how you moved through life without her. Intuition does not exist for the spiritually gifted, not for those who meditate all day, not for those who have a relaxed life. Intuition is a tool for each of use it!

Tell us in the comments how your intuition helped you in life? Were there such cases? By the way, from time to time I hold a master class where I share my personal experience and techniques to materialize the desired. You can register

Intuition- a rather complex phenomenon, especially since everyone has a different idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit. It is a natural part of our mental abilities and depends on genetics and experience. There is an opinion that intuition is something mystical, and you are either born with it or without it. But, in fact, anyone can develop their intuitive abilities. The only question is whether you believe in them or not.

For to develop your intuition there are a few simple rules:

1. Faith in your own strength. Intuition mainly comes from two sources: your instincts and experience. Instincts are laid down genetically from birth, and your experience is accumulated and stored in memory. Your intuition is a certain kind of messages from your subconscious, coming from a storehouse of information that is collected through your feelings and sensations.

2. When building an intuitive database, observation is very important. You get information through the 5 senses, and when you use your deductive reasoning skills, your intuition helps you make the right decision. It is extremely important to learn to listen to your inner voice. Try to train your powers of observation: just look, listen, analyze, etc. Absorbing as much as possible of the most diverse information, you contribute to the development of intuition. Your reasoning over purposeful observation also plays a significant role.

3. Use your curiosity. Curiosity stimulates attention, observation and reasoning, contributes to obtaining the most valuable data necessary to replenish the knowledge base. By encouraging your curiosity, you will be able to accumulate the necessary information to improve your intuitive abilities. And, having learned to listen to the inner voice, you can always find answers to your questions.

To increase the effectiveness of the perception of your inner voice, you should also take into account some of the nuances:

Keep in mind that your intuition is always working. It helps you in making the right decisions. Many people don't believe because they don't see it. All you have to do is learn to listen to your intuition.

Let your intuition guide your decisions naturally, rather than force it to work. When needed, the inner voice itself finds its way to your consciousness.
Be more sensitive to your own emotions, as well as the emotions of other people.

Exercises for developing intuition

Each person is endowed with an inner instinct from birth, but many people, being under the constant influence of stress, are so accustomed to relying on their mind that they relegated the voice of the soul to the background. Their attention is focused on the physical aspect of reality. But in vain, because inner instinct, unlike logic, can save you from unpleasant situations and wrong decisions. Unfortunately, already in childhood, many lose touch with the inner voice, acquiring conventions that block the subtlest connection with the voice of the soul.

You can develop intuition, you just have to set such a goal and put in a little effort. With good intuition, you will be able to:

  1. Make decisions quickly;
  2. Anticipate upcoming events
  3. Find out the reasons for certain circumstances;
  4. Get information about a person.


Starting to perform exercises, you should relax, take a comfortable position, distract from unnecessary thoughts clothing should not restrict movement. It is better to set a pleasant temperature in the room, if you wish, light a candle. Hands are free, so that the energy flows calmly through the body, breathing is conscious.


1. Traffic light.

This exercise will help you to know yourself more deeply. It is basic, so it will take some time. So, draw three colors of traffic lights and hang them in front of you. Note to yourself that green color- well-being, yellow - caution, red - alarm, stop. Sit opposite and direct your attention to the green color, only pleasant sensations are associated with it. Having found such associations in yourself, go to yellow. Completely dissolve in it. The feeling of alertness increases, remember this feeling. No need to rush, just feel yellow and all the emotions it evokes.

You can go to red, do you recognize the danger signal? Contemplating this color, you may understand how harmful and untimely certain actions are for you. Beginners should ask themselves easy questions, the answers to which are already known. For example, I am 25 years old and you are checking the signal. Then the next question, gradually getting to the most difficult.

Each color should be given 10 minutes, accelerating the pace of perception of colors.

Then you can use this practice in everyday life. Let's say you make a decision, ask your inner voice, what signal will it give you? Over time, you will be able to automatically receive answers from your intuition.

2. Activation of the right hemisphere.

Stand up straight and raise your arms to the sides, turning your palms. Imagine that in right hand you hold the right, and in the left - the left hemisphere of the brain. Close your eyes and ask yourself a question while bringing your hands together. Squeeze your palms, thereby connecting both hemispheres and now your mind and intuition will interact.

3. Intuitive answer.

Grab a notebook and pen, take a deep breath, and write down the question. Now let the spontaneous flow of words flow from you. Just trust your intuition and write down all the images and thoughts that float before your inner eye. This will take no more than a minute. Now we can start interpreting the images. This will not be difficult, but it is advisable to do it unemotionally.

Intuition is largely related to the quality of your information base. This means that your judgments and biases can affect your intuition.

By developing your intuition, you not only improve your information level, but also protect yourself from making wrong decisions.

At the most crucial moments, people appeal to their inner voice, but in rare cases they receive a clear answer.
Often in very important situations, there is not enough correct information, hints. At such moments, intuition becomes the most devoted, powerful assistant. As one of the languages ​​of the subconscious, intuition is the invisible guiding hand of a higher power, a guide in the dark, a generous source of help and inspiration. Thanks to intuition, a person seems to be walking along an illuminated road, and all other paths are lost in the dark.

Definition of intuition

What is intuition and how to develop it correctly? In another way, it is also called premonition, but for the most part it is a person’s ability to recognize information using not the voice of reason, but sensations and feelings. But not everything is so simple, because not every person knows how to properly tune in to the wave of his soul. There is no other way to get there. Science still does not recognize intuition as a tool for accessing the subtle world, and does not rely on the veracity of the information received. The voice of intuition is something extremely subtle, individual, elusive, opening its doors only to the elect. It cannot be controlled, much less forced to give exactly the information that is needed. The study of this subject requires great patience, as well as painstaking work on your soul and body. At the same time, it has a mystical character, because the facts are known when exactly what intuition suggested came true exactly to the details. People who meet throughout life can help and push in the right direction, but you will have to find the key to the soul yourself.
Each personality has its own path, a certain scenario of life, from which weak people sometimes turn away. But intuition will always give signals to return a person to his path. The inner voice is able to suggest a solution to problems, answer any question, thanks to which it will introduce itself. shortest way to the goal.
The main thing to realize is that if there is no goal, there is no happy opportunity. To know your path, you need to clearly understand where to go, as well as why. If a person does not know where he wants to go, then it does not matter which way he goes. The problem is that at the end of the path it will be unbearably painful to understand that the goal and dream have been missed, and the path has been traveled along someone else's path. But, unfortunately, it will be too late.

How to learn to listen to yourself?

It is noteworthy that young children have an innate connection with their inner voice, but under the influence of society, this thin thread is quickly interrupted. Intuition ceases to work because it is not used, it has been forgotten. It is as if a person has not moved for a long time and the muscles of his legs and arms atrophy, the same thing happens with the work of intuition. It is very difficult to restore this connection again, for some it takes many years.
It would seem that it could be easier to just listen to yourself, but in fact it is hard personal work and work on yourself for a long time. Only if, under certain critical circumstances, a certain impulse occurs, a request to “turn on” the power of intuition, miracles begin.
What factors help to listen to the inner voice:

  1. Physical exercise. Yogis, knowingly exhaust themselves with practices, stretching and gymnastics. These exercises help you take control of your body.
  2. It is necessary to fast on certain lunar days to learn how to pacify the feeling of hunger, cleansing the body.
  3. Austerities in the form of refusal from harmful food, smoking, alcohol, sex are necessary in order to control passions, preventing them from capturing the mind, mastering oneself.
  4. A healthy body in symbiosis with pacified instincts makes it possible to learn to listen to your inner voice.
  5. Cleansing the body of harmful toxins and slags. Need to drink a large number of water, adhere to the right diet, periodically arrange fasting.
  6. Getting rid of acute and chronic ailments, the fight against excess weight. It is much easier to listen to intuition when a person feels healthy in his body, and unpleasant sensations do not interfere.

When a person is distracted all his free time by drinking, delicious food, or chronic illness, it will be very difficult to focus on personal perception. There is simply no time or energy left to work on oneself. No wonder the well-known proverb says: a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Practical Exercises for Developing Sixth Sense

Before waiting for clues from the subconscious, you need to know approximately in what form they will come. Don't expect clues from Heaven or other grandiose signals. On the contrary, you should be attentive to any small details and sensations that occur in everyday life. Many do not even realize that a message from above can come from the TV, telephone conversation, loud phrases from the crowd. The main thing is not to rely on the mind, because it interprets the present only through the program of the past and associations.
very effective in controversial situation pay attention to sensations in the body. You need to fully trust your feelings in order to distinguish between negative and positive sensations. When you have to quickly make an important decision, the body gives the right clues.

  • Exercise number 1 "Answer from the heart"
    There is a fairly simple exercise for developing intuition. It gently teaches to listen to the inner voice. It is necessary to ask the question that interests you in your mind, and then listen to the sensations in the heart and solar plexus. The same applies in situations where a quick, decisive response is required. If unpleasant, pressing spasms occur in the region of the heart, one should be as careful as possible. Warmth, peace, harmony in the heart means that a person is moving in the right direction. There are many different body signals, even a whole science, kinesiology, was created to decipher them.
  • Exercise number 2 "What's in the letter?"
    You can develop and learn intuition with the help of ordinary emails. To do this, without looking at a new message, try to feel what message it contains, what information. It is best to turn to your feelings, which are especially pronounced if you temporarily drown out the flow of thoughts. For example, focusing on a letter, there may be a feeling of anxiety, fear, fear.
  • Exercise number 3 "Silence and emptiness"
    There is an excellent means for harmonizing the mental, as well as physical condition- meditation. It is advisable to practice meditation before going to bed, when no one and nothing prevents you from relaxing your body, calming your thoughts along the way. Meditation teaches you to drown out the endless stream of repetitive thoughts, verbal garbage. Thanks to this, the voice of the soul wakes up - intuition. In addition, this practice helps to increase energy, while helping to change stereotyped thinking. Such an exercise should become a habit, if you do it regularly, you will develop your sixth sense faster.

Learning not only to listen, but also to understand intuition is not easy, but if you back up your goal with the right actions and do not turn off this path, the result will be excellent. Events, people around will only favor. The path to the development of intuition is difficult, and in order for it to become a reliable assistant in difficult situations, you must always remain conscious.

Foresight of events, the ability to find the most successful solution, to avoid trouble - all this gives us intuition. In some people, it is developed quite well, while others notice that their intuition is weak. You should not despair, it can be developed, for which you need to perform some exercises and, first of all, want to do it.

Why do we need intuition and what is it?

Intuition is the ability to instantly solve problems based on a sense of foresight, as well as on one's own experience. Many decisions arise spontaneously and unconsciously, a person commits an impulsive action or rejection of it. This feeling is largely due to the ability to deeply feel current events and people, to be ahead of the action by a few seconds, minutes or hours. Often, when making intuitive decisions, there is no logic, a person does not always understand why he suddenly did this and not otherwise. Sometimes decisions are made completely extraordinary and unexpected.

Why do we need this feeling? Intuition helps to avoid dangerous situations. Everyone knows cases when people suddenly changed their minds about getting on a plane, and then they found out about a plane crash. Intuition helps not only to save lives, but also for ordinary work, for example, when making business decisions.

Without this feeling, a person makes many more mistakes, which is why it is so important to develop intuition and help yourself to navigate and respond to events most effectively.

11 ways to develop intuition

Even if it seems to you that your intuition is bad, it is quite possible to develop it and quickly enough. Next, you will learn the simplest and most accessible exercises on how to develop intuition for any person at any age.

Tracking the mood of the interlocutor

While communicating with other people, watch their reaction and at the same time try to understand what is hidden behind their emotions and what their true intentions are. Notice any changes in facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of voice. Gradually, you will learn to quickly respond to a change in behavior and be able to assume what a person is going to do next. The ability to track facial expressions will allow you to identify a person who is lying to you or is going to harm you.

Follow your feelings

Set aside a day that you completely devote to studying yourself, your feelings and actions. Evaluate everything that you feel, but rather write it down. Follow your feelings. Consider, for example, what time you need to leave the house in order to be on time for a meeting. Which route would be the best. After completing the action, evaluate the result - whether you guessed the correct time, place or behavior of a particular person.

Feelings can tell us a lot. If it seems to you that it is better not to do something today, listen to your intuition. The more you listen to it, the more it will develop. Any sense, even the sixth, should be trained, because without training skills fade.

Bring your inner world into harmony

If you are tense, prone to fears, nervous breakdowns, doubts, then these states do not allow the feeling of intuition to manifest. Bring your world into harmony. Take care of yourself, your peace of mind. Calm meditation, yoga or energy practices are well suited for these purposes. Learn to listen to yourself. Learn to calm down and tune in to the current moment.

Ask questions

This practice will allow you not only to learn a lot of new things, but also to correlate your answers or assumptions with a real-life answer. Anticipate the answer you'll get and ask the question. It’s not scary if you suddenly didn’t guess the first time, everything comes with experience. The more questions, the more correct answers you will learn to give. By asking questions, stimulate more questions. Such exercises in the form of games are good to perform in a group of people. They will also help to develop the creative process.

Do not be afraid of the lack of logic in the decisions made

The sixth sense is often incompatible with logic, decisions come suddenly and some of them are surprising. If you are wondering how to develop intuition , then do not be afraid to be illogical and make extraordinary decisions. Listen to the subconscious, it is illogical, but capable of giving the right answers, while the consciousness works to make analytical decisions.

For good intuition, develop the right hemisphere

This hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, figurative and spatial thinking, perception of music and smells. Do exercises that will help get the right brain working.

Guessing events

Before you leave for work in the morning, consider who you might meet along the way. Imagine these people. Are they familiar to you or not? Think about what the weather will be like today. Don't take an umbrella if you don't think it's going to rain. Listen to your intuition, it helps it develop.

The phone rings? Before picking up the phone, try to feel who is on the other end of the line, what his mood is and what he wants from you.

Train yourself to predict events. At first it will be difficult to do this, but then you will automatically start to know what will happen in the coming hours.

Developing intuition through play

The simplest exercise is a guessing game with a deck of cards. First, try to guess just the color of the card you are holding. When the success process exceeds 50% of the correctly guessed color, you can move on to guessing the suits.

To complicate the process, take cards with drawn pictures. At first they should be the simplest, it is better to take geometric figures. Then you can add animals, plants, people, etc. You can also play with a coin, guessing which side it will fall on. Statistics say that heads fall in 50% of cases. You need to make sure that the number of guesses differs from the statistics. Even if you guessed 40%, it's already good - intuition works, just the other way around. In this case, analyze your feelings when you tried to feel which side the coin would fall on.

App for smartphone or tablet

If you do not have maps at hand or want to develop intuition anywhere, download a special program for your phone. The principle is the same - you need to correctly guess the numbers, shapes or other images.

Learning Visualization

Do you know that a lot of what we think about can come true? To develop intuition, it is useful to visualize positive dreams. At the same time, you develop your imagination and help good events come true. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax and imagine what you want to receive. You should scroll through your head only positive options for events. Scroll through the events, follow your feelings. Perhaps you will see exactly the option of action that will happen. Remember your thoughts.

Get rid of fears

Fear makes it difficult to think and act effectively. Fear blocks intuition. You feel doubts about whether you understood everything correctly and began to act. Of course, sometimes fear is part of the sixth sense, such as when you decide not to board a plane for some unknown reason or change your route abruptly. In this case, you need to listen to your fear. Thus, constant anxiety interferes with intuition, and rare bursts of fear can be a way to manifest it.

We looked at simple but affordable exercises. The most important thing is the desire to do it and constant training. Pay attention to any events that occur in your life. Compare them with your feelings, and especially those that you had shortly before something happened. Try to pay more attention to positive events, but sometimes listen to fear that has appeared for no reason.

Intuition is, first of all, knowledge and the ability to lead one's life. Use it and success will come immediately.