What can I give a boy for 9 years. The best gift options for a boy on his ninth birthday. Games, toys, entertainment

Vika Dee October 24, 2018, 23:36

What can I give a boy for 9 years for his birthday? At this age, a simple car will obviously not be enough, because the interests of third-graders are already wider and not limited to children's toys. In addition, I want the gift to contribute to the expansion of the circle of his interests, and correspond to his age. Suggest ideas on how to good gift 9 year old boy for his birthday.

But let's start with what should NOT be given. You should not give items of clothing - they are not of great interest to the child. Perhaps the only exception: a T-shirt, sweater or scarf with the symbols of his favorite sports club.

Hygiene products, photo albums, photo frames - all these gifts are more suitable for a girl

Often boys want a puppy or a kitten, but such a gift can only be given in agreement with the parents.


The gift does not have to be in material form at all - unusual impressions for a long time will be remembered for 9th birthday. You can take your child to an amusement park, a children's entertainment center or organize a hike in the vicinity of the city.

A visit to the amusement park as a gift for a boy for 9 years

Recently gained great popularity quests designed for different age groups. Arrange a visit to such a quest for the child and a few of his closest friends, and then take them to children's Cafe. Impressions from this day will remain in their memory for a long time, and it will be the most best gift boy for 9 years.

Home quest "In search of pirate treasures"

Even if you are going to give something to a child for 9 years inexpensively, try to do it original way: pack your gift in a box, paint it like a chest and arrange a home quest.

He will demand pre-training together with your parents and will look like this: you give the birthday boy a piece of the map with instructions for finding the next such piece, also equipped with instructions, and he will look for pirate treasures on them.

Come up with a birthday quest

Parents will have to hide these scraps of the map and the gift itself in advance.

Money as a gift

Try to find out ahead of time boy's wishes. If it is unrealistic and if you do not know what to give, you can give money.

It is not uncommon for children to start saving money to buy something of their choice.

But presenting money in an envelope, like adults, is not worth it, it is better to choose some original way, for example, put money in small denominations in pirate chest for the quest or make a bouquet out of banknotes.

A good idea to give gifts to children for 9 years in the form of gift certificate to a toy store, a bookstore, or a digital purchase so that he chooses something to his liking.

Is it worth giving a third grader digital technology?

Of course, it is worth it, because our children understand it better than many adults. A gadget useful for development and learning will become especially valuable. Smartphone or tablet, game console or camera - all this equipment is better choose not in the most expensive price category, since a child is a child, he can lose or break them.

Photo of a birthday gift for a 9 year old boy

Inexpensive but very useful gift there will be carriers with educational and / or educational games, electronic encyclopedias, etc.

sports gifts

Many boys at this age already attend sports sections, and then you can give something, appropriate for the sport:

  • boxing gloves;
  • tennis racket;
  • bicycle accessories;
  • skates;
  • skis;
  • football or basketball and etc.

If the boy has not yet decided on his sports hobbies, he will be pleased in any case:

  • roller skates with protective equipment;
  • skateboard;
  • flippers and a mask for swimming;
  • dumbbells (but not more than 1 kg in weight!);
  • target with darts;
  • subscription to the pool or skating rink.

What toys to give a boy for 9 years?

Toys for boys of this age have a serious developmental potential, especially variety of kits for kids technicians, physicists, chemists, aircraft modellers, etc., but it is worth considering that in order to realize this potential, the help of adults will be required, at least at first.

A children's microscope or a spyglass will open new horizons for the child and help to interest him in new areas of knowledge.

Boys love to play with their friends, so board games will also come in handy: chess, checkers, Monopoly, Sea Battle, as well as constructors, transformers, radio-controlled and prefabricated models of cars, helicopters, robots, ships, etc.

Give a boy a board game for 9 years

Creativity kits will help your child realize his creative potential, and at the same time they will instill useful skills. These include sets for burning and embossing; brushes and paints for drawing; special clay for creating reliefs; set for creating stained-glass windows, etc.

Do-it-yourself gift for a 9-year-old boy for his birthday

Brothers and sisters of a third grader do not always have the opportunity to give their brother something quite expensive for his birthday for 9 years, and then you have to turn on your imagination and make interesting gift birthday with your own hands. Kids can draw a congratulatory picture and, together with their mother, make a garland of bright paper letters or flags.

The candy machine will also look original: a base is used for its manufacture, and sweets are attached to it

From sweets, you can also make a garland like flowers, which in southern countries put on guests around the neck, and put it on the birthday person. Self made greeting card birthday boy will also be pleasant, especially if the congratulations are in verse.

What to give a nine-year-old boy who has everything?

This is really a difficult question. What to give a nine-year-old boy who has everything? Perhaps everything is not entirely true. To have everything, you need a huge building, stuffed to capacity with a gigantic amount of toys and games.

Give money for a boy's birthday

If you thoughtfully approach the solution of this issue, you can always find some interesting developing game(perhaps in in electronic format), which the child does not yet have. This will be a much more useful gift than money.

Every year the child becomes more and more mature, and it is more and more difficult to choose a gift for his birthday. It is especially difficult to find the answer to the question of what to give a boy for 9 years. After all, during this period he is no longer a child, but not old enough for more expensive things. In this case, you will need to show imagination and pick up a creative and useful gift.

At this age, the child has already formed hobbies, therefore, starting to choose the appropriate option, one should take into account the interests of the donee. Often these are computer games, sports activities, creative courses. In any case, the main thing is not to forget to pack it all nicely, and try to present it in a non-standard way, for example, to come up with a small quest to get it. Here are some ideas on what kind of gift might be appropriate.

Modern gadgets and devices

Nowadays the latest developments in the computer field, teenagers begin to get involved quite early. Therefore, it is not surprising if a 9-year-old child asks to give him some newfangled gadget for his birthday. If you are sure that such a present will be appropriate and useful, then you should think about buying a 9-year-old boy:

  • Notebook. This thing can be very useful in your studies, to find the right information. It is not necessary to buy a thing with powerful functionality; for the first acquaintance with this technique, an inexpensive standard model will be enough.
  • Computer accessories. If your teen already owns a computer, you might want to consider getting him a new, more modern mouse, headphones, joystick, or keyboard.
  • Mobile phone. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse such a gift, especially if it is quite interesting, with a large set of functions.
  • Camera. If a child is fond of photography, then a personal camera will be a great birthday present.

An important point in this matter is the approach to choice; you should not immediately take expensive or oversaturated devices with functionality. Since they will not match the age, it is better to choose modern, but standard models, so as not to worry if the boy then loses or breaks them.

Most boys at the age of 9 are already involved in some kind of sport, or simply lead an active lifestyle, spending a lot of time on sports grounds, in the courtyard of the house in the company of friends. This can help you choose a gift.

For example, for such children, a great option might be:

  • Rollers. This thing is equally enjoyed by both boys and girls at the age of 9 years. Because it's a great way to have fun with your friends. However, when choosing, be sure to take into account the size of the child, the presence of adjustment in the model, and the design (the boy should not choose rollers beige colour, with flowers or other decorative elements even if they look really cute).
  • Protective equipment. If a child often rides a bicycle or skateboard, then a gift in the form of protective equipment may be the best manifestation of care. This will protect him from injury during falls.
  • Punching bag and gloves. Even if the child is not fond of anything, you can give him something that will attract his attention and allow him to spend his free time usefully. Not a single child has yet complained that a gift in the form of a punching bag was inappropriate.

If a nine-year-old boy is engaged in a particular sport on an ongoing basis, then it is better to present him with some piece of equipment or give a certificate to a sports store so that he chooses for himself.

Do not think that at the age of 9 the child has already grown enough and is not interested in playing various games. There are children who will be delighted with the next big puzzle, or constructor. The main thing is that the gift should be age appropriate.

  • Board games. One of the most interesting and exciting games is Monopoly, or Sea Battle. They are fun to play with friends and are good for overall development.
  • Helicopter on the control panel. Many adults like this toy, so it will be appreciated by a 9-year-old boy. In addition to attention, it also perfectly develops coordination.
  • prefabricated module. A complex construction always occupies a curious younger generation for several hours. It is useful for the development of logical thinking.
  • Creativity set. If the child is diligent enough and likes to create something with his own hands, then you should consider buying materials to create original sculptures or structures. Kits for conducting chemical and physical experiments are popular.

At this age, the boys still love complex robots, transformers, complex mechanisms, so you can give a game with your favorite characters, a race with cars on control, and so on, which necessarily corresponds to this age. Usually the indication is on the packaging of the product.

creative surprise

If the child is cheerful, loves jokes and various jokes, then you should look for something extravagant, he will definitely appreciate this approach. Cool and an unusual gift the following things can be considered:

  • Ant farm. In fact, this is a small zoo, which is located in a tank slightly smaller than an aquarium. The child can study them and feed these funny insects.
  • interactive globe. Unusual thing responds to voice and is recommended to all schoolchildren to improve their knowledge of continents and oceans.
  • Spyglass or kaleidoscope. Such a gift will allow you to explore the world, or just take another look at the stars in a new way.
  • Item from the surprise store. A lover of a joke will appreciate any gift that will allow him to play his friends, so you can safely choose any product from a specialized boutique of jokes.

Of course, you can always try to make a gift with your own hands, but at this age, boys rarely appreciate them.

The question of children's gifts is always acute on the eve of the holidays. But if the kids are interested in everything, no matter what they are given, then the student is very selective about the desired presents. Therefore, before deciding what to give a boy for 9 years, you should take into account the experience of previous holidays and listen to the wishes of the birthday boy himself.

Choose together

Boys at this age are very picky. Therefore, organizing a holiday, as it was before, in secret from the child, is not easy. The son will surely rebel and say that everything is wrong.

Any improvisation is possible only if the very concept of the celebration is approved by the boy. This is especially true for gifts. It is better to go in search of him all together. You can frame it as a fun adventure within the script.

Before the celebration begins, on the name day itself, go shopping in search of a suitable gift.

Follow your interest

At the age of 9, many boys try to look like an adult. They strive to imitate their dad or their favorite hero, but at heart they are mischievous guys who want to run, climb ropes and rush at high speed, wearing roller skates.

Many children at this age already have a number of hobbies. Someone cannot be torn away from burning out, someone is passionate about sports, and the other loves to craft. When thinking about what to give a boy for 9 years, it is imperative to take into account his interests.

If the parents want to surprise the child and not open the presented present until the last moment, then this can be done when the boy has a constant hobby.

Moments of Choice

A gift should evoke a sense of delight. This is especially true for children. After all, regardless of age, they are all waiting for a small miracle.

Parents make a big mistake when they rely on their opinion. This often leads to birthday displeasure and resentment. It seems that mom and dad tried, but the boy is not at all interested.

Therefore, the best alternative would be a gift, which the hero of the occasion will choose himself. However, it must be borne in mind that desires may not coincide with opportunities. Not every parent is willing to fork out at the whims of a child. In this case, it is necessary to listen to the son and find a compromise at the adult council.

Gifts for active life

All children need to move more. After school lessons so useful to do something active. To encourage the pursuit of outdoor sports, you can donate an item related to sports.

It can be:

  • bike;
  • rollers;
  • skis, skates.

A bike for a boy who constantly disappears in the yard is generally a win-win thing. You can choose such a gift yourself, but the child and his dad will buy accessories for it on their own or make it under the guidance of adults, in the garage.

It should be remembered that a bicycle for a boy of 9 years old should no longer have any signs associated with babies. Cartoon characters are not allowed here, unless the boy is fond of any plot.


Of course, it is absurd to buy a pyramid for an almost adult child, but a book about the secrets of geometric progression would be out of place. It is possible that the child is fond of mathematics, but the holiday should bring fun, and this will be facilitated by the right toys for a birthday, 9 years old.

The boy will also not be interested in receiving souvenir items. They are supposed to be collected, put on a shelf and admired. And at this age, the child still needs to play.

You should not consider shoes or clothes as a gift for a boy for 9 years. He accepts her as necessary thing and does not perceive at all as a source of joy. If you wish and are sure that the boy wants to buy something from the wardrobe, it is better to give him a certificate.

Many people prefer to just donate money. Apparently, he will buy whatever he wants. But such an undertaking will be justified if one of the adults takes control of the purchases. Otherwise, the child will spend the entire amount on cola, chewing gum and trinkets.

Toys for an "adult" child

Sometimes parents do not keep up with the growing up of their son. Here, quite recently, he was happy with any typewriter, and wooden cubes caused delight. On the next birthday, he asks to go to the store and choose another toy.

But the boy has already grown up, and this circumstance should be taken into account when choosing.

Constructor. It is not only interesting for little dreamers, but also actively develops imagination and perseverance. It is better to choose metal options, with a lot of nuts, screws and screwdrivers.

Board games. For his birthday (9 years old), the boy can safely be presented with an interesting and exciting "tabletop". They are fun to spend time in a big company, and the choice is so great that it is possible to please any boy.

Creative kits. A gift for a boy for 9 years may well be with elements of creativity. Any child likes to create things with their own hands. And if it is a sea liner or a knight's castle, there will be no limit to delight. Sets are recommended for family use. Such a pastime unites, and the time spent with mom and dad will be appreciated by the boy.

Thinking about what to give a boy for 9 years, you can pay attention to creative things.

Try it, surprise

Children in primary school age are able to be surprised just like toddlers. But for this you need to try. The following gift ideas for a 9 year old boy can bring some magic and fun moments into his life.

Flying alarm clock. An original thing for those who are constantly late. Give your son such a present, and he will definitely always be the first. After all, in order for the alarm clock to stop ringing, you need to hit it with a special pistol.

Luminous shoelace. Of course, such a thing cannot be a full-fledged gift. But a small nice addition will be very useful. Friends of the birthday boy will surely appreciate the novelty.

Snowball thrower. If the birthday is in winter, then such a surprise will be in place. It will not only allow you to make snowballs with an amazing circle, but also throw them over long distances. If you present a few pieces to the hero of the occasion, then real snow battles will begin in the yard.

Games on solar battery. The toy can not only surprise the young researcher, but also give the first idea about the existing energy sources. Several full-fledged figures come out of the set, which, under the influence of sunlight, begin to move.

practical things

Many parents believe that the best gift for a 9-year-old boy is a modern gadget that is not only interesting, but also useful. However, the opinions of teachers on this issue differ.

Of course, if the boy is serious and will use the donated tablet to gain new knowledge, you can buy it. But when a child, to the detriment of walking on the street and communicating with friends, "hangs" at computer games, it is better to refrain from purchasing a new gadget.

In any case, boys at this age visit many places on their own. That's why mobile phone will be practical gift providing peace of mind for parents. As an alternative, consider a watch with a tracking sensor. Such a thing has a lot of advantages and will be appreciated by both the child and his parents.

Other gifts

It is not at all necessary, when considering what to give a boy for 9 years, to run to the store. You can invite your son and his friends on an exciting journey. As practice shows, such sorties are remembered for a long time, because they are accompanied by unexpected things and the surprise of all those present.

To choose a place, you should focus on the boy's hobbies.

  1. For children who constantly climb trees and cannot imagine their life without sports hobbies, it will be interesting to visit a real climbing wall or a rope town.
  2. Those who are fond of secrets, mysticism or just a lover of everything fantastic will be pleased to participate in this quest. Of course, you can invite animators, but it is quite appropriate to develop the program yourself.
  3. Young explorers will be delighted with an exciting walk to the museum. Don't be afraid, it's not all that boring. Now many organizations conduct not only boring excursions, but also master classes and organize children's parties related to the theme of the museum.

A familiar water park or a visit to a pizzeria can also be a wonderful gift. After all, not all children visit such places every day.

solemn moment

The gift was presented, the guests had plenty of fun, the time is coming for the solemn removal of the birthday cake. A birthday cake for a boy of 9 years old can be made in the style of the chosen theme of the day, or it can be completely unexpected.

Surely guests will be surprised if, instead of the usual one sweet, everyone gets a mini-cake, where each portion will have a candle. Their blowing out by the whole company will surely be more fun and will delight every guest.

When organizing the table, you can pay attention to the idea of ​​a candy bar. Children are difficult to seat to eat. And small portions can always be intercepted on the run. Fascinating journey in the world children's day birth!

Picking up and giving gifts to loved ones is a wonderful and enjoyable activity in every way. Especially if their recipients are our dear and beloved children. However, often at the stage of selecting a present, it turns out that despite all the abundance of all kinds of things and toys that exist in modern world, to choose from them something worthy and worthwhile for a particular baby, or even more so for a teenager, is very difficult. And to give an answer to the question: what to give a boy for 9 years, without hesitation and reflection, it is simply impossible.

No longer a child, but not yet an adult

This age has its own characteristics, which should definitely be taken into account when choosing a gift. On the one hand, it is already difficult to call a 9-year-old boy a “baby” and a “child” in the direct sense of the word. But, on the other hand, this is still far from being an adult, having his own views and beliefs ...

In general, 9 years old is a very controversial and difficult age, when future man begins to assert himself in life, tries to defend his "I" and is often very stubborn and "uncomfortable" for parents. But, along with this, at this age, children become more responsible and reasonable and with great pleasure study and learn something new and unknown. And hobbies at the age of 9 in a child can be very versatile and varied. And this must be taken into account when choosing a gift for a 9-year-old boy. It must be original, beautifully packaged, and, at the same time, functional enough so that the child can use it with joy and pleasure ...

In general, in order to please a teenager who will soon turn 9 years old, you need to spend a very decent amount of time. By the way, it is better to immediately exclude clothes, shoes and school supplies from the list of likely presents - things that are mandatory for purchase in any case, regardless of the upcoming celebration. Money is also not a very “convenient” gift for a nine-year-old boy. He is unlikely to be able to dispose of them correctly, therefore, after all, it is better to pay attention to specific products and gifts that correspond to this age.

Digital and computer technology

Nowadays, no one is surprised by the fact that 9-year-old boys “manage” computers and ultra-modern smartphones no worse (and sometimes better) than some adults. Therefore, nine-year-olds will gladly accept any fancy gadgets that they can show off to their friends and classmates at school. These may include:

  • Laptops and iPads. If the "hero of the occasion" does not yet have this popular "toy of the new time", then 9 years from the date of his birth is a great reason to buy him this useful device with which he can learn a lot of new things. When buying a laptop for a child, do not try to choose for him a powerful and expensive model with high functionality. For an initial acquaintance with a computer, a rather modest, inexpensive option with a standard set of functions will suffice. In any case, the birthday boy will be delighted.
  • Computer mice of the original form, multimedia keyboards, gamepads, joysticks. These functional gadgets will come in handy for any young "gamer" who knows a lot about good computer games.
  • Mobile phones and communicators. Not a single 9-year-old child will refuse such a magnificent (and rather expensive) present. But when choosing it, it is also worth showing practicality and a rational approach. After all, having bought a very expensive, difficult-to-use device for a boy at that age, you can end up with a lot of unpleasant troubles. A 9-year-old child does not yet understand the value and cost of such things, so he can break, ruin or lose an expensive phone and then your congratulations will end in a quarrel. In general, do not overdo it, and do not “grow up” the boy ahead of time, and then he will be completely delighted with your gift.
  • Digital camera. In this case we are talking, of course, not about expensive professional equipment high class worth a lot of money. A 9-year-old child will gladly accept a fairly modest and simple camera as a gift, with which he can manage independently. And, perhaps, this present will be the first step towards his future career?

Sports equipment and equipment

9 years old is the age when most children, especially boys, prefer to lead a very active and mobile lifestyle, spending a lot of time on the street and trying their hand at various circles and sections. And this must be taken into account when choosing a gift. Good options for these children:

  • Roller Skates. Perhaps, the best present for a boy at this age is simply not to be found. Moreover, today you can buy the most various models skates at very attractive prices. Among them are universal options, adjustable on the leg of the child, as well as products with a bright original design that will give the child maximum pleasure.
  • Skate boards. Another gift that a 9-year-old boy will definitely like. When buying a skateboard for a teenager as a gift, pay attention to the quality of fastening of its wheelsets and the strength of the material from which they are made. This important indicator will directly affect not only the quality of the ride on the skateboard, but also the safety of the child.
  • Set of protective equipment. No matter how well a 9-year-old boy rides a bicycle, roller skates or skateboard, the first thing to take care of when buying these things is the purchase of protective equipment that will save the little athlete from injuries and bruises. Protective gear can be presented on its own or as an accompaniment to a "grand gift" such as a new bike, scooter or skates.
  • Boxing gloves and punching bag. They can be presented as a "beginner athlete" and a boy who wants to become strong, strong and hardy.

In addition, if a child is engaged in a particular sport on an ongoing basis, as a gift for his 9th birthday, he can be presented with various items of equipment related to this sport. For example: a judoka or karateka - a new kimono, a swimmer - fins, and a tennis player - a high-quality racket.

Games, toys, entertainment

Despite the fact that some of the boys at this age seriously consider themselves adults and independent, nevertheless they are still children who love to play and do it with great willingness and pleasure. Therefore, as a gift for a 9-year-old boy, you can and should consider all kinds of games and toys. For example:

  • 3D puzzles and constructors. These wonderful toys will be of interest even to adult "uncles" and "aunts", not to mention third graders who will get a lot from the process of collecting them. positive emotions and pleasure.
  • RC toys. Well, these unique gadgets can, without any exaggeration, be called real “simulators” for developing skills for quick decision-making and developing attention and coordination. So they can be a very worthy gift for a 9-year-old boy on the occasion of his birthday.
  • Board games. Another excellent and very enjoyable way to train imagination, logic, memory development and strategic thinking for a child. Good options: intellectual "Monopoly", timeless and always up-to-date "Battleship", cheerful and provocative "Twister", etc.
  • Creator's Kit. Gifts of this kind will help the boy in the realization of his talents and abilities, which will be very useful in his later life. Moreover, the chosen directions should be the most diverse, but very interesting for the child: making stained-glass windows, wood burning and chasing, staging chemical and physical experiments, modeling and making clay crafts, etc.
  • Transformers, prefabricated models. Boys of any age love to explore everything new and unusual, create complex designs and come up with the most unimaginable characters such as galactic aliens and transformer robots and other "monsters", at the mere sight of which the blood runs cold. And with all this "horror" and "incomprehensibility", the 9-year-old kid plays with great pleasure, arranging real battles between the characters he created. So, he will definitely be delighted with such a gift.

Witty and funny surprises

If the potential recipient of the present loves everything extravagant and loves to have fun with or without reason, on his birthday he can be presented with an unusual and cool gift. For example:

  • Ant farm. A kind of "mini-zoo" of a futuristic type in a glass aquarium will definitely make a birthday boy indelible impression and he will spend a lot of time studying the life of these funny insects.
  • A spyglass. In addition to its originality, this gift also has a practical function, because with its help a nine-year-old boy will be able to take a fresh look at the night sky and the stars shining in it.
  • Interactive globe with voice guidance. Another extraordinary and very entertaining little thing that a third grader will definitely like. And at the same time, he will have an incentive to learn something new about the countries and continents located on our planet.

If you want to make a gift for a birthday man with your own hands, then here is one of the ideas for you.

In a word, in order to cheer up a nine-year-old boy on his birthday, you need very little. By the way, do not forget to add something sweet and tasty to your present, because boys at this age are very fond of “sweets”. It is also very important that your gift has a colorful and bright packaging, and then your congratulations will certainly go with a bang, and the "hero of the occasion" will receive a lot of pleasure and joy.

The older the child gets, the more difficult it is to choose gifts for him. If a three-year-old peanut is happy with a plush hare or a kinder surprise, then the younger child school age such presentations will cause disappointment.

9 years old is an interesting age, the child is no longer a baby, but not yet a teenager. A nine-year-old boy outwardly may look very serious, reasonable and independent, but in his heart he continues to be a dreamer and dreamer with an indestructible faith in a miracle.

Many nine-year-old children have already defined their circle of hobbies, someone goes in for sports, someone loves to craft, someone loves to experiment. When deciding what to give a boy for 9 years, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the child.

Basic rules for choosing gifts

A birthday present should definitely bring joy. Especially when it comes to a child, because children are looking forward to the holiday and attach much more importance to it than most adults.

Often, adults try to choose a gift for a child to their taste, without taking into account the wishes and preferences of the birthday man. This can lead to unpleasant situations: it seems that the gift was chosen with love, and the hero of the occasion put it in the far corner of the room and is not at all interested in it.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the best gift for a boy is what the birthday boy asks himself to give. On the one hand, this is certainly true, because a gift should make dreams come true. On the other hand, the desires of the child may not coincide with the material possibilities of the donor. After all, not every guest has the opportunity to buy a sophisticated gaming computer or some other expensive item as a gift for a 9-year-old boy. Therefore, when choosing, you will have to find a compromise.

But in any case, the chosen gift should be according to age. It will be equally unpleasant for a child to receive as a present both a tumbler designed for babies and a textbook on quantum physics, which may be useful to him in the future, but in this moment completely useless.

Most often, useless gifts are souvenir models of yachts, cars and other equipment. Such things need to be put “under glass” and admired, and a nine-year-old boy wants to play with toys. Therefore, most likely beautiful model will soon be disassembled into fragments and hopelessly broken.

You should not choose clothes and shoes as a gift. At this age, children already have their own taste, so it is likely that the birthday person will not like the item chosen by the guest. In addition, when buying without trying on, it is not always possible to guess with the size. If you want to give exactly one of the wardrobe items, you should present a certificate to a large children's clothing store.

Is it worth donating money? It's hard to say. On the one hand, 9 years old is already a completely conscious age at which it is time to learn how to plan expenses. On the other hand, it is unlikely that a nine-year-old boy will buy something practical for the donated amount, most likely he will spend a day on what seems to adults to be completely unnecessary rubbish. Therefore, if you plan to donate a large enough amount for a targeted purchase, it is better to give it to your parents, and the birthday man himself to allocate a small part of the money that he can spend at his own discretion.

Gift toys

The younger student is still a child, so it would be appropriate to give him a toy. Just choose a toy according to age. It can be:

  • Toy "equipment" on radio control. It can be cars, aircraft, boats. Such toys are not only entertainment, but also useful thing for training spatial perception, coordination of movements. Driving a car or a helicopter, the child learns to think through his actions, as the consequences of rash commands will be visible immediately.

  • Constructors. it great gift child for 9 years. Constructors are not only an interesting game, but also a useful “simulator” that develops fine motor skills, teaching perseverance, developing imagination.

  • Creator's Kit. A nine-year-old boy will be interested in assembling a pirate schooner or building a knight's castle with his own hands. Maybe the child will like to create figures from gypsum or sculptural clay or create puzzles on his own if he has a special machine for cutting them.

  • Board games. The range of games is quite diverse. These can be games with a “sports” bias: table hockey, football, etc. Children are also of great interest in games in which it is necessary to use logic, for example: “Young Detective”.


Do you think that it is worth buying more serious and practical things as a gift for a boy on his 9th birthday? Well, besides toys, there are many options for gifts. For example, most boys dream of electronic gadgets. Of course, even if the guest has the opportunity to make an expensive gift (laptop, tablet, etc.), anyway, you should first consult with your parents before buying a gift. Families have different attitudes towards the use of gadgets by young children, so such gifts should be coordinated.

If the child already has a computer or laptop, then you can buy various accessories as a gift: an original mouse, wireless headphones, new speakers, etc.


Even in our age of general fascination with computers, many people love to read books and children are no exception. If the boy rarely picks up a book, then a really exciting story can captivate him and interest him in reading.

Books must be chosen according to age. You should not give a nine-year-old boy fairy tales designed for three-year-olds. The annotations of books for children tend to give age recommendations, so even those who have little knowledge of children's literature can make the right choice.

Gifts for a young explorer

Nine-year-old children are very inquisitive, so they should buy special sets for experiments as a gift. Such sets allow learning the basic laws of natural science, physics, chemistry in a playful way. For example, you can purchase the following sets:

  • Growing crystals;
  • Electrostatic magic;
  • Children's meteorological station, etc.

Most boys will be delighted if they receive a Young Magician set as a gift. After all, having mastered the conduct of tricks, it will be possible to surprise your friends.

Gifts for sports and outdoor games

The child's body is in a period of growth, therefore physical exercises necessary for children. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage the desire for outdoor games and sports.

Here are some sports gift ideas:

  • Bike. If the boy doesn't have a bike yet, it's time to get one.
  • Rollers. High-quality roller skates can be the best gift.
  • Skates, skis or snowboard. These gifts will be appropriate if the birthday falls in late autumn or winter.

If a child attends a sports section, then he should be presented with a thing related to his hobby.

On a limited budget

It happens that a person does not have the opportunity to buy an expensive gift for a birthday man. Do not be upset, boys at this age are likely to be delighted original gift bought in a joke shop. Things like luminous shoelaces, Chinese lanterns, superhero masks will cost little, but will definitely be among the favorite things of the birthday man.


The most difficult thing is to choose gifts for a child who has everything. In this case, you need to give something really original or offer the child some kind of exciting adventure. The birthday boy will be happy if his friends are invited along with him.

What should be a gift-impression depends on the interests of the child:

  • A sports boy will be happy to visit a rope park or a climbing wall.
  • A young researcher should be invited to visit the museum. Today, many museums have special children's programs in which children are not only shown exhibits, but also offer various educational interactive games, master classes.
  • A lover of secrets can be presented with participation in an exciting quest to find "treasures".

The main condition for the successful choice of a gift-impression is the opportunity for the child to get a new and necessarily interesting experience for him.