Device for weaving flowers from yarn. Device for weaving flowers. Making a tiger lily

To decorate clothes, wreaths or other crafts, flowers are often used, which can be made from different materials: thread, fabric, etc. It turns out very unusual and beautiful if you combine flowers made in different technologies. In the article, you will learn how to make a flower out of thread with your own hands, using not only floss, but also yarn and other types.

To make flowers from threads, you must have a special loom, which you can buy at the store or do it yourself from plywood or cardboard.

Master class: making a machine

You will need:

  • craft foam (plywood, thick cardboard);
  • compass;
  • pencil, pen and ruler;
  • hacksaw;
  • 12 carnations.


Using this template, you can very quickly make simple and varied cardboard blanks.

Master class: do-it-yourself thread flowers

You will need:


  1. We pass the end of the thread into the central hole of the machine and on front side we begin to wind the threads on the studs clockwise, starting from number 1, then moving on to number 7, then to 2 and so on, as shown in the pictures.
  2. For the splendor of the flower, you need to make 2-3 circles.
  3. To finish the flower and secure, take a needle and insert the end of the thread into the eye or use threads of a contrasting color. We begin to tighten and fasten the interlaced threads to the center from the petal, which is opposite the one on which the winding was completed.
  4. We put the needle under the petal and pull it out on the other side. Then we again wind it under the petal and pass through the loop formed by the thread and tighten the knot.
  5. We draw a needle under the next petal, and then we draw under it again and grab the next one, located on the left. We continue to do this until we fix all the petals in this way.
  6. You can use another method to fix the middle. We pass the needle from below under the four petals, go back three, and then again we draw the needle and thread under the next four and return again to three. And so on until we sew all over the circle.
  7. If we are making a very simple flower, then we can stop there. Then we fix the ends, hide them inside the middle of the flower and straighten the petals.

Our do-it-yourself thread flower is ready!

You can continue to braid, going around in a circle several times, and then you get a more beautiful weave.

Surprisingly, with the help of various improvised materials that you can always find at home, you can make beautiful and original things. If you are a lover of flower arrangements, then this article is for you.

It will show how you can make flowers from threads with your own hands. They will be a wonderful additional accessory that can complement or complete any interior and not only.

To make a machine (tenerife) at home, you will need several materials from the following list:

  • a piece of thick and dense cardboard;
  • compass with pencil, ball pen and ruler;
  • hacksaw with carnations in the amount of twelve pieces.

Draw and cut out a circle from thick cardboard, and in it make a rounded hole in the center, as shown in the photo. Using a ruler, divide the workpiece into twelve identical parts, which are then numbered in order from one to twelve.

Nails should be hammered along the edges, visually separating the sectors. You can do it yourself, well, or ask your man, then for sure the machine will turn out the way it is needed. In the photo you can see how it will look after completion.

With the help of such a template, which is shown in the picture, you can make completely different cardboard blanks.

Video: Forming a flower on a tenerife machine

Master class on the formation of a flower from threads on the loom

For weaving flowers, threads should be prepared different color, a needlework machine, a needle with a wide eye and buttons. Pass one end of the thread into the middle of the loom you made yourself. On faces. side you need to wind the threads around the studs, observing the movement in a clockwise direction. Start with one, then go to number seven, then to two. Continue winding the base material as shown in the pictures.

In order for the flower to be lush, it is necessary to wind approximately two or three circles. When all the manipulations are done, you need to think about how to complete and secure the flower. Take the needle and insert the edge of the thread, for example, in a contrasting color, into its eye. Next, start tightening and fastening the interlaced threads in the very center from the petal, which is located opposite the one on which the winding was completed.

Insert the needle under the petal and pull it out from the other side. Then go back to the same place and go through the created buttonhole. It remains only to tighten the knot.

Pass the main material under the other petal in a row, and then pass under it again, capturing the adjacent one, which is located on the left side. Continue similar manipulations until the workpiece is properly fixed.

To fix the middle of the flower, you can use another method. Pass the needle from below under the petals in the amount of four pieces, then go back three things, and then again stretch the main material under the next elements in the amount of four pieces and again go back three elements. Continue these steps until you have sewn the entire workpiece.

If you want to make a completely simple flower, then you can stop at such actions. After that, fasten the edges and hide them inside the craft. Spread the bud with your hands. And that's it, the product is completely ready for further use.

Different forms of flower decoration from threads

If you want something more beautiful, then continue braiding on the loom a few more times. As a result, you will get an original and more beautiful thread product, as shown in the photo.

Handmade crafts are always stylish. Flowers are, of course, the most popular decoration. For their manufacture, a variety of materials and devices are used. The variety of flower forms in nature makes it possible to use with great success both a wide variety of colors and various materials to create crafts in the form of artificial flowers.

Flowers can be both complex and simple in shape, have a large number of petals of different sizes, or be quite simple to manufacture, consisting of several identical elements. Then they can be done together with your children, which will undoubtedly bring joy and pleasure to both. In order to facilitate the creation process as much as possible and to be able to create petals and flowers of any shape, it is better to use soft materials.

The most commonly used materials for creating flowers:

  • the cloth;
  • tapes;
  • threads;
  • beads;
  • wire;
  • paper.

You can also add glue to this or glue gun, scissors, pliers, wire cutters, molds, tweezers, a lighter or a candle.

Material selection

If you want to make flowers from beads, make similar products with my own hands rather troublesome, but the result is quite exquisite, it will be appreciated by every master. A feature of such crafts will be its relatively large weight and the need to select the thickness of the wire, fishing line or thread to the size of the beads. A large number of small details makes this work difficult, and not everyone can do it with their own hands.

If a we are talking About how to weave flowers from ribbons, preference is given to satin, because they always look colorful. When working with tapes, it is necessary to use quick-drying thick glue, optimally - a glue gun. Ribbon flowers are often made on the basis. The base can be fabric, cardboard or wire. There is a class of flowers created from ribbons, either without a base at all, or on a stem. Most often these are roses, carnations and orchids, however, each of them can be created in this way. Ribbons very easily take the required shape during fire treatment. Such flowers require rather careful handling and reliable, but gentle fixation.

In order to create flowers from threads, you will need:

  • form for weaving by hand;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • a needle with a thread or a tourniquet for fastening;
  • scissors;
  • wire.

Various accessories may also come in handy, depending on what result you want to get.

Working with threads

You can crochet flowers from threads. With this method of creating them with your own hands, the master can make fluffy flowers, flat ones or tie a finished base. You can crochet threads of various quality, while their pre-winding is not needed. If the flowers are connected with a complex technical pattern of boucle thread, this is high class and a great result. Such crafts are very attractive and original.

Video: a master class on knitting flowers

If you need to weave a flower with your own hands, you need to prepare the threads.

On a special device or a form made of wire, it is better to apply the threads even, not boucle and without any decorations. This thread is much easier to work with.

coiled flowers

Making flowers from threads is not difficult, the main thing is to understand the sequence of the process and that everything you need is at hand.

If the thread is too slippery, it must be carefully fixed both during winding on the form and during the stitching of the petals and giving the product its final shape. If the thread does not glide well, clings to the edges of the form, scratches the hands, it is better not to use it or pass it through the wax. The edges of the form should also be smooth so as not to cling or split the thread.

As a form, you can use a variety of materials.

The simplest can be cardboard. Two identical rectangles of cardboard are stacked together. A separate thread or piece of wire is passed between them - it will serve as the basis for the center. Both rectangles are wound together with even identical rings of thread. To get a quality craft, you will have to try and show a high class. The edges of the form should be even, and the thread should be moderately sliding. Here you will have to choose everything yourself: with which threads it is better to work, to process them or not, how to round the edges of the form. Perhaps someone has already worked with similar materials and will share their results, but the number of threads is so diverse that it is difficult to hope for such a thing. After the required number of turns is wound, the cardboard should be carefully pulled out and the fixation thread pulled. Get beautiful flower, but it will look like a ball.

To obtain a flat product, it is necessary to fix each petal separately. All of them need to be woven in the same plane. For this purpose, special devices are used.

The device for creating flowers from threads is a plastic circle with legs. Threads are wound on the legs in sequential order from one leg to the opposite through the center. The result is a plump core of the flower and petals evenly distributed around the circle. The number of wound circles determines the splendor of each petal. It is possible to create two-layer flowers when the core has a smaller petal size. When creating such an ornament, it is convenient that the petals are fixed with a single thread, so the flower on the form can be decorated with colored threads, ribbons and even beads. The fixed flower can be freely removed from the mold.

If there is no ready-made factory installation for creating flowers with your own hands, not even a great master can make it. The easiest way is to use a cardboard circle with cuts for threads. On such a circle, the thread is wound in a continuous spiral. Therefore, you should use 2 circles of cardboard with a fairly wide center. Between the circles, you can skip a piece of wire or thread - this is the future basis. In the center, you can form the middle and decorate it beautifully. With this winding, after the end of the formation of the flower, the cardboard forms will have to be cut in order to pull them out of the center.

More the best option a cardboard circle with markings can serve. According to the markup, pieces of wire should be attached to it. Then the flower is easier and faster to weave by clinging the thread to the wire guides.

Video: weaving a flower from threads on a special machine

Using wire to weave flowers

A huge disadvantage of almost all colors made by one's own hands is their softness, inability to keep their shape. This does not apply to flowers made of rigid materials, but it is very important for flowers made of beads, ribbons, fabrics, threads. If, when creating flowers from beads, they can have some rigidity due to the tight tension of the fishing line and the rigidity of the beads themselves, then ribbons and other soft material need a base. An excellent solution to this issue is the use of wire.

You can use ready-made wire forms to create flowers, or create them yourself. In order to wind the threads on the form, you need to fix them on each circle. It is impossible to achieve such fixation on a slippery wire, therefore spiral contours are used. Coils of threads are wound around the contours of the details of the flower.

Advantages of spiral wire loops:

  • the shape plays slightly, which makes the flower seem more alive;
  • the stitches lie evenly and at the same distance from each other;
  • you can create craft parts of various thicknesses;
  • no need to use additional fixation of threads and the finished colors themselves;
  • the long tips of the forms are combined into a common stem for the finished composition.

Several layers of threads create volume on the same form of wire, where one layer forms the leaves or petals of the tonic. You can also wind the threads in several layers at different angles, achieving extraordinary patterns and geometric shapes on leaves or petals crafts. The greater the distance between the turns on the wire, the thicker the thread needed. At the same time, the filling of the space of the form with threads can be carried out both with parallel stitches and diverging from a certain point, more often from the center.

Is there at least one woman in the world who is indifferent to flowers? But everyone knows that these fragile charming creations of nature do not live very long - both cut and growing in the garden. They quickly wither and cease to bring joy to the hostesses.

What to do?

How to prolong the life of these little wonders of nature? There is, perhaps, only one way - to perpetuate them by making elegant crafts - flowers from threads - with your own hands (for example, from yarn). weave, embroider, knit, make from wire and a variety of materials at hand. There are also flowers made of threads on cardboard. It is not at all difficult to make them with your own hands.

Creating flowers from multi-colored threads is a creative and very exciting activity. The craftswoman will require a considerable amount of patience and perseverance. In addition, you need a fantasy, without which it is difficult to come up with something original. Of course, a good eye and dexterous flexible fingers are important.

Well, let's try to do this fascinating thing - creating fantasy flowers from threads with our own hands.

What do we need

Any work requires preliminary preparation of all necessary materials and auxiliary tools. In this case, we need threads or yarn. We will choose it depending on the conceived model, having decided on the type, color and size of future products. Depends on color palette, which is most reasonable to take in the traditional range - for recognition.

Of course, you can make bright blue roses or black peonies. Maybe it will be original. But in our case, it seems that our do-it-yourself thread flowers should have the maximum resemblance to natural prototypes. For the same reasons, we pay attention to the texture of the threads. If the yarn is very complex, intricate structure, it is not easy to work with it, and the result is not always predictable.

It is best to take threads of medium thickness, especially for needlewomen without experience. If you cannot find a suitable yarn, you can take a thinner one and fold it two or three times. The volume of too thick threads, on the contrary, is reduced by delamination.

The easiest way to make flowers is from acrylic. This yarn has all the necessary properties - it is fluffy, slightly stretchy, it is easy to wind it around the wire. However, threads of mixed composition are not prohibited either.

Knitting needles, hook and wire

You can’t make it with your own hands without a hook and knitting needles. Let them be different sizes. Thick knitting needles will have to knit large flowers, thin - smaller ones. Not to do in our business and without a wire of various thickness. Its large segments will make up the frame of twigs and large petals, a small diameter will be used to make weightless airy leaves.

The wire before starting work must be cleanly washed to eliminate possible oily deposits. This can be done by wiping it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or by simply washing it with soap and water under the tap. So our future craft will look neat and clean.

The wire may vary in composition. For the stem of each flower, strong steel is suitable, which almost does not bend. She will also be able to imitate large branches. More thin copper wire, which is easy to bend, will become the basis of leaves, petals and buds.

What else is needed

From the tools you should take scissors, wire cutters and, of course, pliers. Without them, working with wire is difficult. You will need to bite off its even pieces, press the protruding tips or weave them together and fasten. Sharp strong scissors will be needed to cut the threads - sometimes in a whole bunch.

The needlewoman cannot do without additional materials - glue, foam rubber, cotton wool, cardboard, acrylic paints, with which you will have to tint a piece of wire that accidentally remained unfilled during the process of winding the thread. With the help of them, you can also change the color of the yarn if you could not find the desired shade in the store.

Having prepared everything you need (material, tools), let's think about a plan for creating our future product.

Preparatory work

How to make a flower from threads with your own hands? If you wish to reproduce one or another of its types, consider the sample in the most careful way. Pay attention to the aspect ratio. Perhaps, taking a ruler, you will have to measure the comparative sizes of the petals and buds.

Then try to copy the floral elements, repeating the dimensions of a real live plant. The basis for you will be a wire loop, woven and applied to a living flower to adjust the size and shape.

If your future product has an intricate outline, it is first drawn on paper. All components are created separately, then applied to the sketch to adjust the dimensions - width and length. After that, the disparate fragments are joined together.

Making leaflets

Flower leaves of any size and shape are made in one of two ways. The technology of the first of them involves the use of threads, knitting needles and wire. Using these techniques, not only leaves are created, but also flower petals.

So let's get started. Loops of the required width are cast on the knitting needles from the yarn selected by color and thickness. Then the dialed row of loops is carefully transferred to the wire, the segment of which should be bent in half and the ends of the threads should be fixed. The wire is twisted together with the thread, the excess protruding ends are cut off. From such wire loops, giving them different shapes, you can get a lot of leaves and petals.

Second way

Another method is winding. Thanks to him, we can get leaflets that have a more complex shape. The work is hard work and requires a lot of patience. The basis of each petal is its own individual small frame. Having bent it from a wire, wrap it with a thread, then fill it with yarn.

The edges of the leaf can be decorated by carefully stitching with another thread (contrasting or slightly different in shade from the main color). You can weave a thin cord from threads and sheathe the edges of the petal with it.

What you need to know when making these leaves? The space between the wires must be completely filled. Without this, our product will not look neat. When winding the thread, try not to allow gaps. The ends of each thread should be carefully hidden under the warp.

How to make flowers from threads with your own hands: master class number 1

As an example of making such a craft, we give a small master class on creating a specific flower - a tiger lily.

What should be stocked up? First of all, a small coil of wire (quite thin) and a certain amount of thread. Take the colors red, yellow and light green. Prepare a set of acrylic paints with a thin brush, a little bit of cotton wool, a tube of PVA glue and red nail polish. Don't let the work ahead scare you. The process of creating this graceful flower is not nearly as complicated as it seems at first.

Making a tiger lily

We bend a thin wire in half. Future petals must have elongated shape. If you don’t have a real flower at hand, find the corresponding photo on the Internet. Using the winding method, surround the top of the petal with red threads and the bottom with yellow threads. The transition between these two colors should be smoothed - painted over acrylic paint.

Part of a petal yellow color decorate with small brown dots. One petal is ready. Repeat all of the above a few more times, making 5-6 of the same petals.

Then we move on to the manufacture of stamens. Wet a small piece of cotton wool and twist it tightly. Wrap the middle of the resulting lump with a thin wire, twisting the remaining tips of the desired length together. If you can keep a living flower handy as a sample, you can carefully measure the length of its stamens with a small ruler.

Cover the dried cotton wool with a couple of layers of glue, waiting for each of them to dry completely. In order for the manufactured stamens to take on a natural red color, they should either be painted with varnish (acrylic paint) or wrapped with a thin red thread. In total, you will need to make six or seven pieces.

Continuation of work

A pestle is made in the same way - using the same cotton wool, glue and threads, this time green. The shape and size of it will be prompted by the image of a real lily. Surround the pistil with stamens and secure everything together. For plausibility, slightly squeeze down each of the stamens, then the resulting design is complemented by pre-made flower petals. Some of them are attached from the inside, some - from the outside.

All remaining and protruding wire ends are wrapped with a light green thread, a thick piece of wire is attached to them, imitating a stem, on which the winding continues. To make the work look neat, the threads in some places should be fixed on the wire with glue.

If your goal is to achieve full plausibility, then you will need some more green leaves. They are mastered by one of the methods described above and attached simultaneously with the winding of the stem. If your tiger lily is part of a big flower arrangement, suggesting many different colors, you can do without green leaves.

easier option

But here's a simpler master class for you - do you want to quickly make a cute bright yellow bouquet of fluffy flowers from yarn? To do this, you need very little - in addition to a skein of woolen threads in a rich sunny color, take a long piece of thick wire or several metal skewers. Of the tools you will need wire cutters and scissors for threads.

Choose the optimal size for the length of each stem. It can be different - it will look more natural. Cut the wire or skewers with wire cutters into pieces of the selected length.

Wind the thread around the index and middle fingers, making about 30 turns. Leave the end long enough. Having removed the resulting hank from your fingers, tighten the center of the formed small ball with a thread, dividing it into halves. All loops should be cut at the same time with scissors.

What will we get

Their size may vary, so you can take small scissors and cut each petal separately. Having fluffed the flower and giving it a spherical shape, cut off the protruding ends of the threads. Then fix the resulting fluffy ball on a wire stem.

You can make such flowers from threads with your own hands in the amount of 11-15 pieces or more, depending on the volume of the vase in which you want to put your bright elegant bouquet. The procedure for making a fluffy bright yellow "dandelion" is so simple that, having made one or two copies, you will automatically continue to craft while looking at the TV.

Such a bright yellow bouquet will not only decorate the window sill in the apartment, but also pleasantly refresh the interior in the office. It can also be given to friends as a fun gift.

We make flowers from threads with our own hands: another master class

And here's another great one easy way. Even a child will master flowers from threads and glue with their own hands. Will be required air balloons, multi-colored coils, scissors and the same tube of PVA.

All balls are inflated and carefully tied so that they do not go down during work. The next step is to carefully wrap each of them with threads. To easily and freely unwind them from a spool or ball, put the threads in a jar with a wide mouth.

We begin to wind the threads on pre-coated with glue Balloons. As a result, we get several large multi-colored cocoons. After waiting for the glue to dry completely, remove the ball from the cocoon. To do this, it should be carefully pierced with a needle and pulled out through one of the cells.

Beauty, and more!

As a result, we have weightless openwork product in the form of a ball of multi-colored threads. Now this ball should be cut into two hemispheres, and each of them, in turn, should be processed with scissors, rounding off the edges in the form of flower petals. Thus, each of the balls will bring us two bright wonderful elegant flower. These do-it-yourself thread flowers for children can be an excellent decoration for a room for the holiday.

If you want your products to look even more elegant, you can decorate them with small rhinestones on top or sprinkle them with colored varnish.

The tenerife flower motif weaving loom can be used both to create large things from individual elements, and to create accessories consisting of one or more elements. This tutorial describes the process of creating a brooch on a tenerife loom. To work on the brooch, you need to prepare a suitable yarn, as well as a bead for decorating the central part of the brooch. When preparing a tenerife set, it is worth choosing from the small diameter templates available, a round template and a hexagon template. By Tenerife, you will still need to prepare a plastic needle with a large eye to decorate the middle of the floral motif. For the convenience of applying the thread to the pins of the template, it does not hurt to prepare in advance a small tube from the drink. To sew on a bead, you will also need a regular sewing needle.

Brooch flower master class

Step number 1. So, all the materials and tools for creation are prepared and you can start creating a brooch. To do this, we install the selected templates on the tenerife base in the grooves corresponding to them.

Step number 2. We thread the thread of the lower layer of the floral motif through the prepared tube from the drink.

Step No. 3 At the end of the thread we make a small knot and fix it on the side of the tenerife base in a special slot.

Step number 4. We pull the thread itself and draw it down, draw it from below under the pin and return it to the top.

Step number 6. Having rounded the pin from above, we return the thread to the middle and change the direction so that the thread goes around the pin from below, which is located next to the lower pin from the previous step.

Step number 7. So we draw the thread in a circle to get the first petals of a flower motif.

Step number 8. In total, you will need to make three rows of such petals.

Step number 9. The next layer is similarly applied with a thread on a round template of small diameter.

Step number 10. You also need to make three rows of petals.

Step number 11. Having finished applying the thread, carefully remove the templates from the base so that the central part remains in the flower.

Step number 12. The central pin is carefully squeezed out with a plastic needle with a thick eye.

Step number 13. We fix all the threads of the end and start working on the back side with a regular knot.

Step number 14. We make out the middle of the flower, sewing stitches through the center and the middle of the petals.

Step number 15. Now along the edge we will decorate the central part of the flower with stitches.

Here's what you should be able to do.

Step number 16. Remove the flower from the templates.

Step number 17. Sew the bead to the center of the flower and fasten all the threads on the back side.

Step number 18. In the same place we sew the basis for the brooch.

The brooch is ready. The time for making the brooch took no more than an hour. Well, now you know how to make it. Create with inspiration, live with pleasure!