A typical humanist: how to determine the inclinations and preferences of a child. What is the value of the humanitarian mindset of an individual? How to understand what mindset a child has

It turns out that those who have a more developed left hemisphere can be called a techie. And those who have a more developed right hemisphere - a humanist.

What are the types of mentality

Modern scientists argue that there are different types of mentality. Moreover, some believe that all people can be divided into two types:

Other researchers find the correct division into 4 types:

In some cases, the analytical and synthetic mindsets are considered.

Very deeply studying this topic distinguish:

Psychologists, as a result of numerous experiments, have come to the conclusion that the type of thinking is seriously influenced by the experience of communicating with parents.

Analytical (mathematical, technical)

Students with an analytical mind can easily understand arithmetic and algebra. Geometry is a little more difficult for them. Analysts fail in situations where imagination is needed. Adult analysts seem cold, unromantic, and not empathetic.

A person with an analytical mindset will first think, then do. What is an analyst like in everyday life? He is reliable and collected, you can always rely on him, he will make an excellent economist. To others, they may not seem delicate, because of their peremptory nature.

In fact, nothing earthly is alien to people with a mathematical style of thinking. They just like to act according to logic and reason, based on facts. It is easier for an analyst to remember something by understanding the pattern of the event, including it in understandable scheme peace.

Serious companies hunt for analysts and are ready to pay them big fees.

Humanitarian (emotional)

A person with an emotional way of thinking has a better perception. He, unlike the analyst, does not need to delve into the phenomenon, taking it apart and then adding it into an obvious whole. A humanist is able to immediately feel and understand the situation, to penetrate the very essence of the event.

People with an emotional style of mind really experience everything that happens around them in the world. They can experience the world differently and express emotions, behave differently.

Students with a humanitarian mindset are able to remember a lot of information, vivid images facts that have nothing to do with each other. Therefore, they are more easily given "humanitarian" subjects, history, literature and others, where they do not need to understand patterns, but need to remember a lot of facts and information.


Specialists who differ in a synthetic way of thinking are able not only to analyze what is happening, but also to synthesize new knowledge, principles, rules.

They come to the development of such results based on their individual information, knowledge and natural abilities. The new rules of behavior that are being developed are put into practice on the basis of new laws, theories, moral principles, and ideas.

Such a person is distinguished by excellent organizational skills, the ability to predict future events. He knows how to properly build his behavior in his personal life, makes the right long-term decisions.

In politics, people of a synthetic mind perceive phenomena as a whole, more often they become artists, writers, and creative personalities.


The autistic mentality is manifested by three characteristic behaviors:

  • poor communication with outside world, including with parents;
  • insufficient communication with society, comes to a complete unwillingness to communicate with anyone;
  • limited range of interests, repetitive movements.

A person with autism is withdrawn from external life, deepened in his inner world, his emotions and feelings are poorly expressed. In ordinary life, this is expressed in the lack of contact with other people. As a result, a person speaks poorly or does not speak at all, often completely ignoring people. Such a person may not respond to his own name, not look into the eyes of others.

The autistic mindset is characterized by immersion in the world of one's thoughts and experiences, weakened contact with the real world. At the same time, individuals have unique and remarkable abilities. If you use these opportunities wisely, you can become a successful professional in a particular specialty.

In life, there are rarely people who have only one way of thinking. There are unique people who do well in mathematics, literature, history, write poetry, love music. Usually such people are talented in all the cases they undertake.

In some cases, a person can love philosophy and be a criminal. A mathematician can be a radical fanatic or a nationalist. It is terrible when a brilliant scientist directs his knowledge not to feed the hungry, to bring water to the desert, but to invent a deadly weapon.

A person with a criminal style of thinking spends all day thinking about a plan to deceive his friends and acquaintances, although he also dreams of robbing and offending strangers, killing or driving him out of his own house. The nineties of the last century became a vivid example of the flowering of individuals with criminal inclinations.

Instead of seizing the opportunity to do business, many took up arms and robbery. Hitler, carried away by the idea of ​​the chosenness of his nation, engaged in murder, genocide and looting.

People with a philosophical way of thinking have superbly developed intuition, the ability to think deeply. These people see things that others don't. They want to know the answers to questions that make others dizzy.

Man with musical style thinking is inextricably linked with music. She constantly sounds in his head. Such people have a mobile mind, they easily understand the thoughts and feelings of others.

People with a logical mindset are patient, rational. They are interested in logic puzzles, strategy games, rebuses and puzzles.

A person with an emotional mindset is easily amused and upset. Emotions rule his life. Such a person has a well-developed imagination, he quickly plunges into the plot of a movie and a book.

Individuality with the brain of the creator constantly solves its problems in a new way, dreaming, creating masterpieces, paintings, poems, fascinating stories.

To become a successful and worthy person, it is important to correctly understand your inclinations and mindset. Develop positive qualities of character and direct them to good.

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Analytical mindset - what does it mean? Features and development

Analytical mindset - what does it mean? This is what we will understand in our article: we will talk about the features of its development in stages.

What is a mindset and its types

If the chosen profession corresponds to the mindset, a person reaches unprecedented heights in his career, it is easier for him to achieve goals, merits become more significant.

  1. Humanitarian. Before making a decision, a person first imagines everything and tries to feel it. Here, in the knowledge of the surrounding world, the emotional method prevails. Studying any phenomenon, the individual passes everything through himself. The holders of a humanitarian mindset are more theorists than practitioners.
  2. Synthetic is a universal mindset. People, as a rule, have good abilities to comprehend both mathematical and human sciences. The advantage can go in one direction, in which case it is necessary to pass a special test for professional suitability.
  3. Analytic mind. It is characterized by continuous mental work of the brain. It gives the ability to connect the links in the logical chains of the thought process and to reason correctly.

Let's take a closer look at the latter.

Analytical mindset - what does it mean?

Analytical ability is the art of thinking logically and correctly expressing your ideas. A person with this type of thinking is able to collect all the facts, analyze them and lay out a chain from them leading to the correct conclusion, leading to the most accurate conclusion.

Analytical mindset - what is it? This is not just the ability to reason and express your opinion - you need to build a logical conclusion. Usually, a thinking person reacts emotionally to any twists of fate, connecting intuition, which does not obey logic. Emotions are different from logical scientific knowledge. An individual whose thoughts have a bright emotional coloring, yielding to instincts, cannot line up the facts in the right direction without error. This is illogical thinking, hence the disparity of opinions about the same event.

No, this does not mean that people with analytical thinking are not subject to emotions and instinctive behavior. Their brain is so arranged that in making decisions, processing and analyzing facts, they do not connect emotions and intuition. And yet the analytical mindset - what does it mean?

Let's reveal the essence of the term

In simple words, this natural gift but it can be developed. The first thing to do is to decide if you need it. As a rule, an analytical mindset is necessary for people who are engaged in science, writing, medicine, various investigations, lawyers, accountants, political scientists, and so on. The product of their labor will be examined by other people, so the result must be flawless and unmistakable.

Thus, we have opened the curtain on the question of what the analytical mindset means. Let's say you decide to develop these abilities, let's figure out how to do it. Or maybe they already have? How to recognize them?

Analytical mindset - what does it mean and how to define it?

There are many tests. But it’s not worth hoping that there will be a 100% result, because, having a mathematical mindset, you will successfully complete tasks with tasks, but gaps in the knowledge of the Russian language will give a disappointing assessment of the level of your analytical abilities. There are no universal tests. It is better to seek help from a specialist who will step by step help you sort out this issue.

Try to determine their presence on the example of a simple practical lesson. It is necessary to take any text and try to break it into fragments, to catch the idea, to recognize the intention of each part, to learn something new for yourself. If during the training there were any difficulties, analytical skills need to be developed.

How to do it?

In simple terms, you need to train your brain. The left hemisphere is our logic, analytical abilities. Therefore, in order to strengthen it, you need to work on increasing the load on the right side of the body. it physical exercises and, of course, solving various problems.

The right hemisphere is our emotions, intuition. Responsible for fantasy. And in order to develop this part, you need to include all thought processes when performing tasks.

You need to work daily. There are exercises that will help you build, trace and compare your thought process with the way of thinking of another person.

  1. After listening to the opponent's opinion that does not coincide with yours, try to mentally share his point of view and arrange events in such a way that the logical chain leads to conclusions similar to his conclusions. This way you will be able to determine the roughness in his presentation of the position, and perhaps you will find errors in yourself.
  2. Analyze any situation. Come up with many options for getting out of it, several possible favorable solutions.
  3. Read novels and detective stories, where halfway through try to figure out the criminal.
  4. Solve logical and mathematical problems, puzzles, puzzles, solve crossword puzzles. It's fun, exciting and useful.
  5. Watch educational TV programs, videos on the Internet on geography, history, some scientific channels. Listen to political debates. Follow the dialogue, how the speech is built, what arguments are given.
  6. Play chess, checkers, billiards.

A trained analytical mind is like a natural thought process where you don't have to strain your brain. There is no intellectual load. Then we can consider that you have acquired this unique gift.

What else will help in the development of analytical skills?

There are many special trainings that help with this. It offers models of situations from which it is necessary to find a way out, to offer its solution. And already on the basis of the answer, his behavior is corrected, the specialist works on the development of thinking. Classes are interesting and relaxed.

Role-playing games-improvisations are successfully practiced. There is no time to think about a decision. You need to describe your thoughts momentarily. After that, a collective analysis is carried out.

If you can’t attend trainings, you can invite a friend with analytical thinking to visit and do the same exercise with him.

You can practice on your own in complete silence. It is necessary to project some kind of situation in your thoughts, to come up with ways out of it. After that, you need to analyze your thought process and the actions performed in the imagination. You can practice with friends.

So, we figured out the concept of "analytical mindset", and what it means. Forgetful individuals who find it difficult to concentrate and bring the matter to the end, it is necessary to develop memory, improve mental activity.

How to improve it? Expert advice:

  • You need a healthy, full sleep, at least seven hours, and with heavy loads, you need to allocate time for rest in the afternoon.
  • You should not start the labor process immediately after eating, you need a short break.
  • Instead of a cup of coffee, it is better to do morning exercises. This is a charge of vivacity and energy.
  • "Reminder". This exercise will allow you to use all types of memory, if you constantly remember and scroll in your head, as well as speak aloud, for example, a plan of affairs for the day.

Mentality. What do you have?

A lot depends on the mindset in a person's life. First of all, success in the field of his professional activity. The type of activity should correspond to the mindset. And then it will become easier to work, and professional achievements will be more significant.

The mindset is humanitarian and analytical (in particular, mathematical).

Analytical mindset - allows a person to analyze situations in detail and build their clear holistic image. As a rule, in such people the thought processes of the ongoing analysis are continuous. Such people surrounding reality perceive only from an analytical point of view and successfully identify significant connections and relationships between various elements of information. Analytical abilities are close to the so-called mathematical or technical mindset.

In contrast, there is an artistic-imaginative mindset. A person with figurative perception first tries to feel everything, to imagine. Lyrical, or artistic-figurative perception uses an empirical-emotional form of cognition. And although among the humanities there are representatives with good analytical skills, this is still a rarity.

Sometimes there are people who cannot clearly define who they are, humanitarians or technicians. In the study of such people, success is the same on both fronts - both in literature and in mathematics. Such people have a universal mindset. However, their abilities are not distributed 50 to 50, but with a slight margin in one direction. Such people are very well helped by professional testing to determine the mindset.

Scientists believe that the mindset is determined by which hemisphere of the human brain is more developed. If the right one, then the person prevails emotional sphere. If the left hemisphere is the leader, then the person's analytical mindset prevails over emotionality. Try doing the following:

  1. Interlace your fingers several times, and you will notice that the same finger always ends up on top. An emotional person will have a left finger on top, with a predominance of an analytical mindset - the right one.
  2. Try it with a pencil or pen outstretched hand combine it (her) with any vertical line (door, window). Now alternately close the left and right eyes. When you close the “leading” eye, the object that you hold in your hand will move relative to the aiming line. The right leading eye speaks of a firm, persistent, more aggressive character, the left - of a soft and compliant.
  3. If, when interlacing hands on the chest at the top, it turns out left hand, then you are capable of coquetry, the right one is prone to simplicity and innocence.
  4. If you feel comfortable clapping right hand, you can talk about a decisive character, left - you often hesitate before making a decision.

However, whatever your mindset, you should do what you love. It doesn't matter if it suits your way of thinking or not. After all, a person is the “grasshopper” of his life. And if you really want to, then.

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  4. Interpretation of test results for intelligence, type of thinking and mindset

The mindset or type of thinking of a person largely determines his professional activity and success in the chosen profession. After all, if the individual characteristics of thinking "correspond" to the work of a person, then it is much easier for him to fulfill his duties, his achievements are more significant, and his career advancement is more successful and easier. Since only a person who is engaged in “his own business” is capable of real achievements. What are your individual characteristics of thinking?

Psychologists believe that the characteristics of a person's thinking are determined by the hemisphere of the brain, which is his leading one. If the right hemisphere is more developed, then the emotional sphere, figurative, abstract thinking prevails. In this case, the place has a humanitarian mindset. If the left hemisphere of the brain is more developed, then this is an analytical mindset, the so-called mathematical thinking.

We propose to understand this in a little more detail before moving on to interpreting the results of the intelligence test.


Basically, the type of thinking is divided into four categories: practical or technical mindset, artistic-imaginative, humanitarian mindset, and mathematical mindset. However, the names may be somewhat different. Each of them has its own individual characteristics of thinking.

  • Practical thinking.

A person with a practical mindset prefers and uses objective thinking in everyday life. This type of thinking is characterized by an inseparable connection between the subject and space and time, the consistent execution of operations. They carry out the transformation of information with the help of substantive, specific actions. The result of this type of thinking is a thought embodied in some new construction. In life, people with such a worldview are often called realists, they rarely fantasize or are generally incapable of abstract thinking.

  • Artistic mentality.

Such people have a purely figurative thinking. On the contrary, they separate the object from space and time, carry out mental transformations of information, operating with images. In practice, it is easier for such people to imagine, imagine what needs to be done, it is easier for them to tell than to show with actions. result figurative thinking becomes a thought, which is embodied in some new image.

A person who has such a figurative, abstract thinking “passes everything through himself”, i.e. trying to feel, imagine. They are very clearly visible, because they have a hard time accepting criticism, separation, and react emotionally to almost everything. They react violently to love notes and poems, lyrical moments in a movie or book. They rarely have analytical skills. These are, as a rule, good humanitarians: doctors, psychologists, social workers, etc.

  • humanitarian mindset.

Individuals who have such individual characteristics prefer sign thinking. They transform information with the help of inferences.

This is the strategic, creative thinking of a person, when a logical chain is built not according to some small details, but is firmly tied to some imaginary goal. Since the goal is not yet a “thing” that does not exist in reality, but only a planned one, people who have a humanitarian mindset have developed intuition and creativity based on imagination, feelings. That is, a person first needs to imagine and feel everything. This type of thinking is based on the emotional method of cognition of the surrounding world.

  • Mathematical thinking.

Such people give preference to symbolic thinking, that is, the transformation of information using certain laws and inference rules (for example, algebraic ones). The result is a thought, which is expressed in the form of formulas and structures that fix the relationship between symbols (literally or figuratively).

A mathematical mindset or an analytical, technical mindset are practically synonymous. Mathematical thinking allows a person to analyze individual phenomena in actions. That is, the analyst, unlike the humanists, sees the situation in individual details, is able to better, more adequately, or something, assess the situation. Logical thinking in people with a mathematical mindset, as a rule, is much less developed, but they perform calculations in the mind just fine. They easily use existing formulas, laws and rules, and this is not only about mathematics, but about life in principle.

The analytical mindset in everyday life implies a “perceptive mind”, a person’s ability to “intelligently analyze, do correct conclusions". In psychology, this is thinking, based on the logic of reasoning, not perception. Simply put, the analytical mindset is the opposite of intuitive thinking. A person who has this type of thinking prefers to be guided in life by “dry” facts, some kind of objective information, and not at all by feelings. Analytical ability is very close to technical or mathematical.

  • Universal mindset.

In addition to all this, very often people have the so-called synthetic mindset, that is, universal, including abilities in different directions. It is quite difficult for such people to clearly define who they are to a greater extent, humanitarians or technicians. They, as a rule, have the same success in studies on completely polar fronts, they are equally good at all subjects, both mathematical disciplines, and, say, literature. Such people quite clearly represent the general picture of the world, understand graphs and drawings. At the same time, they can easily get emotional and cry.

The owners of a universal mindset can be considered lucky, because their individual features of thinking cover everything, they are endowed with all abilities. However, their abilities are not distributed equally, not evenly, but with some preponderance. To determine their predominant features of thinking, they are encouraged to take professional testing.


Compare the answers you gave to the test questions with the correct ones, and give yourself 1 point for each of the matches of your option with the correct answer. This is how the results are evaluated for all sections of the intelligence test, with the exception of the FOURTH SECTION.

In the FOURTH SECTION, points are calculated a little differently, namely:

For a direct match with the key (correct answer) - 2 points;

For a word similar in meaning, but not matching the key - 1 point;

If your answer does not match the key at all, and the concept of the word is far from the meaning of the correct answer - 0 points.

Calculate the number of points in each section of the intelligence test separately and evaluate your results, individual thinking patterns and mindset.

  • Correct answers of the test for the structure of intelligence


Having calculated the results of the test for the structure of intelligence, you can independently interpret them (interpret, decipher). The more points you ultimately score when answering questions in a particular section, the more pronounced in your thinking are the characteristics that were tested in this section. You can talk about high results if the level of 3/4 of the number of correct answers in a particular section is overcome.

SECTION ONE tested your ability to reason, your sense of reality, common sense, autonomy and independence of your thinking.

SECTION TWO is responsible for identifying the level of development of your sense of language, the ability to generalize and clearly, accurately express the meanings and meaning of words and concepts.

SECTION THREE tells you how vividly your ability to combine is expressed, how flexible and mobile your thinking is. Here it turns out to what extent your mind can understand certain relationships, and also how much you tend to find an exact definition of concepts, how important this is for your type of thinking.

SECTION FOUR indicates your ability for abstract thinking, your education, the ability to define concepts and competently express your own thoughts.

SECTION FIVE assessed your practical thinking, how developed are your abilities to quickly, quickly navigate in the proposed situation, information, as well as the ability to use ready-made algorithms in solving problems (both in professional activities and in life).

SECTION SIX evaluates your mathematical abilities, the ability to think logically, reveals the desire for order in everything, for a certain rhythm and pace in life.

The absolute maximum score that is possible when testing is 132 points, and the closer your score is to this figure, the higher your level of intelligence. In general, you have the right to consider yourself intellectually developed and an educated person, if the number of points you have earned exceeds at least 95 units. If you scored 125 or more points during the testing process, then you can not hesitate to tell your relatives and colleagues that you have a truly universal mindset and you are practically a Genius!


For a more holistic and complete interpretation of the results obtained, the sections are combined into the following complexes, dividing the mindset characteristic of a person into: verbal thinking; mathematical thinking; theoretical and practical thinking.

Averages are not interpreted here, since their meaning is obvious - something in between, between high and low intellectual level in the context of assessing a particular type of thinking. Also, the interpretation of the results is clearly lower than low ones, since there is simply nothing to characterize - perhaps the test is not yet suitable for age parameters (a child has passed it), or the level of a person’s intellectual abilities, as they say, wants the best. Anyway, given test is aimed at the structure of the intellect - this is an assessment of the type of thinking, that is, it assumes the presence of a certain level of its development. To determine the level of IQ and mental retardation, there are other, more suitable testing methods for this.

  • 1. VERBAL THINKING (sections one through four)

High scores: points. You have a very well developed speech, a rich vocabulary. You easily express your own thoughts with the help of words and understand others. You almost certainly have a purely humanitarian mindset. Perhaps you are given mathematical problems without much difficulty, but you think more in images than in objects.

High scores: points. You have what they call a mathematical mindset. You do not cause any particular difficulties, neither mathematical operations, nor the identification of mathematical patterns, nor the memorization of formulas and rules. Your life is probably also subject to some strict rules and you think clearly, structured, taking into account many details.

Low scores: up to 25 points. You have a very moderate ability to any exact sciences. Perhaps the world of numbers just seems boring and lifeless to you, or perhaps you are just not paying enough attention. But, most likely, your lack of mathematical abilities is more than compensated by your creativity, wild imagination and emotional perception.


If you get high scores in sections 2, 4, and 6, then this indicates your theoretical mindset. You probably love encyclopedias and any scientific literature. You are one of those people who carefully and carefully consider some kind of action, but in the end, in practice, they cannot carry it out. The role of “commander” rather than “performer” is more suitable for you, because you understand everything perfectly, imagine how to do it in the best way, ideally, so to speak, and even for sure you can supervise and tell subordinates what and how to do. But doing it yourself is problematic for many reasons.

If most of the correct answers are given to you in sections 1, 3, 5, then you are endowed with a practical mindset. You tend to memorize only those scientific knowledge that can be useful in practice, which can be used in real life. Do you think that the most the best teacher- this is an experience. A practical mindset helps you navigate the reality around you perfectly. However, you rarely have the desire or time to think about your own actions and decisions, so you tend to make mistakes often, and the same ones, stepping on the same rake, as they say.

And a little more about individual features thinking.

Everyone knows the heated debate between the "humanitarians" and "techies". "Physicists" often make fun of the "lyricists", considering them to be eccentric people and of a narrow mind. Like, a really talented and quick-witted person is distinguished by the ability to memorize and analytical thinking at the same time. Is it true? How to determine whether a person has a humanitarian mindset, or a technical one? What are the “strengths” of the “lyricists”?

Features of the humanitarian mindset

"Humanists" can easily understand formulas and physical phenomena. Of course, if they want. However, more often than not, they are not attracted to such activities. It is much more interesting for its owners to engage in literature, social sciences, to try themselves in creative activities. Note that the division into "physicists" and "lyricists" is conditional. A person can perfectly know the laws of resistance of materials, but choose a social activity that is closer to him.

The humanitarian mindset is characterized by the predominance of the spiritual component of the personality. Many natural scientists (physicists, chemists) felt the need to express themselves in creativity and succeeded in this. For example, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was valued for his poetic talent, the great Leonardo da Vinci was both an artist and an inventor, Albert Einstein played the violin.

It is believed that the humanities see the world in the totality of the intellectual and emotional components, which are closely intertwined into one whole. It is not only a good memory ability or a hobby fine arts, and to a greater extent, a multifaceted perception of the world, they see the environment from all sides. They are distinguished by a clear awareness of the "two sides of the coin", the possibility of a different opinion, vision, experience, interpretation.

People with a "technical" mind like to "sort things out". The key point for them is that everything should be “according to the rules”. "Physicists" are ready to argue endlessly about the existence of unshakable laws of the universe, "truths in the last resort", unconditional obedience to the only true statements. For creative people this perception is unacceptable. They can reject the opposite opinion, disagree with it, but recognize its right to exist.

The predominance of the type of mind is determined without much difficulty. Teachers, for example, immediately see what the student gravitates towards - mathematical or humanitarian disciplines.

Typical signs of "lyricists":

  • high literacy;
  • ability to foreign languages;
  • creative abilities (passion for music, painting, poetry);
  • good memory;
  • ability for philosophical reasoning.

There are special tests to determine abilities. The range of professions for the humanities is quite wide - from library work to a political career. It is necessary to take into account the inclinations and preferences for a particular field of activity.

How is the humanitarian mindset manifested in children

Features of mental activity are already visible in early age. How to determine whether the baby has an emotional mindset, or rational?

"Humanitarian" signs that appear first:

  • A well-developed sense of touch and smell, sensitivity to smells, touch, visual effects that "techies" may simply not notice.
  • Passionate about puzzles logic games(sorters, pyramids, nesting dolls), but they like to sculpt, draw, paint, make from different materials.
  • They analyze the literary works they have read, express their opinion about the plot and characters, and try to discuss them critically.
  • They enthusiastically play “war”, “daughters-mothers”, i.e. prefer role-playing activities.
  • Don't be afraid to sleep without light.
  • They do not ask “research” natural science questions, what are the stars, where do frogs winter, do fish sleep, where do animals get their tails, and so on.

Have you noticed the manifestation of these signs in a child? Think about what profession he should aim for in the future. It should be noted that the humanities can also be exact. Take linguistics or psychology as an example.

Humanitarians, as a rule, have good communication skills. This trait shows up in childhood. They easily establish contacts with others, regardless of whether their worldviews coincide or differ. With such people it is always easy and interesting, they have a bright charisma, people with different temperaments, religious beliefs, mentality, professions are drawn to them. They can be talented psychologists, politicians, speakers, artists, presenters.

Attention! There is a fairly well-known and simple way to determine the type of thinking. You need to interlace the fingers of the hands and see which one thumbs will be on top. If the left "leads", the humanitarian-emotional aspect prevails. And vice versa, if the primacy is for the right, the rational component is closer to the person.

The method has many supporters, but there are also opponents. Whether to take it into account, everyone decides for himself.

mindset in adults

We have already said that "lyricists" "by the will of fate" may well be in demand engineers, mathematicians or nuclear physicists. In the same way, there are “techies” among officials, psychologists, cultural experts.

Thus, the mindset does not always determine the choice of profession, especially since not everyone is doing what they like. However, the emotional and mental personality type has an impact on the life path of any person.

You are a humanitarian if:

  • Possess symbolic thinking - you designate connections between objects with the help of concepts.
  • You can say that you have a large circle of acquaintances, real and virtual - a lot of contacts in your phone notebook and social networks.
  • Love noisy companies, the company of other people.
  • Willingly acquire new knowledge and skills.
  • You know how to express your thoughts, reason, analyze, highlight the main thing.
  • Interested in the culture and customs of other countries.

Humanities suitable profession:

  • journalist
  • criticism;
  • sociologist
  • teacher;
  • translator
  • tour guide;
  • marketer;
  • lawyer
  • designer
  • fashion designer;
  • archaeologist;
  • writer;
  • doctor;
  • hairdresser;
  • tourism manager.

Important! Dissatisfied with the way your career and life have turned out? It makes sense to determine the mindset and think about what you really want, taking into account inclinations and abilities. It's never too late to change your life!

Everyone is probably aware of the division of people according to the type of mindset into the humanities and mathematicians. From the first years of a child's life, caring mothers are interested in how each of them manifests itself at different ages and what is the best way to occupy the baby, depending on the type of his thinking.

What is the difference between mathematics and humanities?

If your child has a mathematical mindset, then the exact sciences will be easily given to him. At the same time, most likely, he has a good memory from an early age, developed logical thinking, and solving complex riddles and puzzles is a joy for him.

If the baby has a humanitarian mindset, then solving problems on logic is a burden to him. It is believed that the humanities are sublime, creative people, with a well-developed imagination and intuition, devoid of standards and "frameworks", with unlimited thinking. They often draw beautifully, have an ear for music, they have a developed sense of beauty.

Test for determining the inclinations of a child at an early age

If your child:

  1. Loves to color.
  2. Doesn't know how to solve simple puzzles for kids his age.
  3. Requires proof of the veracity of the tale.
  4. It has an excellent sense of smell, subtly reacts to odors.
  5. Prefers memory games, lotto, checkers.
  6. Loves role-playing games(in "daughters-mothers", "war").
  7. He thinks very soberly and clearly, striking his parents and their friends.
  8. Likes realistic stories about children or animals more than fairy tales.
  9. Afraid of the dark.
  10. Talks a lot, often thinks interesting tales, stories.

Answers "yes" to questions 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10 indicate that your baby is more of a humanitarian. Answers "yes" to questions 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 indicate that he probably has a mathematical mindset.

What is the best thing to do with a baby in order to develop his abilities from childhood?

Determining who your child will be in the future, when he is still small, is quite difficult. The main task of parents is not to teach him to read or write as early as possible, but to teach him to reason and think logically on his own, because it is precisely these qualities that adulthood will help him analyze situations in any profession he chooses.

It's not that hard. Start by reading fairy tales, but after reading, ask your child a few questions about what he heard. Let the kid try to come up with his own ending for the story. Buy him coloring books, sketchbooks, take part in classes with him. It is good if you have any musical instruments at home. And you can be sure that a baby who has been comprehensively developed since childhood will not become only a “mathematician” or “humanist”. If you teach him to think big, he will not have problems learning in any of the school subjects.

Scientists say that children who have a pronounced inclination to only one area of ​​science are no more than 1-2%, and they themselves easily make it clear what they are interested in studying. Only 12% of very bright children have a clear inclination towards the study of the exact sciences or the humanities, and still they cannot be called "pure" techies or humanities. Approximately 5-8% of gifted children demonstrate high ability to study both the exact sciences and the humanities.

How children are divided according to their mindset

In principle, every person is born with the inclinations for any kind of activity, because wise nature generously endows us with opportunities. But not every person develops these inclinations into abilities.

Until your child moves into high school, it will be very difficult to determine exactly what he is more inclined to, and is it necessary? AT lower grades elementary school education is aimed at developing the abilities that are necessary for mastering any field of knowledge, and in the future, any profession - in other words, the child is taught to learn. And this is right, because the mental processes that affect the formation of the special abilities of the child develop until the senior classes, and only by the age of 13-14 the formation ends. different types thinking. Now it becomes noticeable which school subjects are given to your child easily and with pleasure, and which are not of particular interest.

Of course, it must be taken into account that interest in school subjects and grades do not always give a real idea of ​​the child's abilities. Newton was considered mentally retarded at school. A smart, talented, gifted child at school can be both an excellent student and a loser. Grades often depend not only on intelligence, but also on psychological characteristics student and the nature of his relationship with teachers.

In fact, the division between mathematicians and humanities is not based on any serious research in the field of the brain. Most often, such stamps are awarded to students by school teachers. If the child could not quickly give an answer in the lesson, instantly solve an example in his mind, he was confused at the blackboard, the diagnosis is immediately ready - a humanist, it is not given to him to solve problems. But in fact, the reason for such a child's behavior in the classroom may be simple constraint or features of his nervous system.

What tests determine a child's inclination to study sciences?

Professional psychologists have developed a lot of special tests to determine the inclinations of children. different ages. If you want to find out in advance the mindset of your child, contact a professional psychologist. The specialist will offer him to continue the logical chains, find the superfluous and give other tasks to determine the level of development of his abstract thinking, spatial imagination.

If your child's abilities are not yet so clearly expressed, let him try himself in as many activities as possible. Let him do what he likes: visit creative circles, collect models, draw, sing, dance. The main thing is that the lesson should bring sincere joy.

Adults can be roughly divided into two categories: "humanities" and "techies". The former have a passion for art, read a lot and correctly express their own thoughts, often fantasize with rapture, and achieve the greatest professional success in creative professions. "Techies" are distinguished by an analytical mindset, prudence, earthiness, craving for the exact sciences, attention to detail. Humanitarian or analytical abilities are manifested in childhood.

Today we will talk about boys and girls who think figuratively, love history and literature lessons, refuse to solve mathematical equations and dream of becoming famous writers or philosophers.

How to understand that a child is a humanist

The easiest way to determine the talents and abilities of the offspring is to observe his school success. What subjects does the child favor: mathematics, geometry, physics or the Russian language, literature and biology? Will he rather solve the equation or spend a couple of hours writing an essay? In his free time, will he prefer to solve crosswords and puzzles or will he read a book? Often typical humanitarians can be seen a mile away.

Firstly, they do better in the relevant subjects at school, but the exact sciences are given to them with difficulty. Secondly, they stand out among their peers for their emotionality, vulnerability, sensitivity and a penchant for creativity: drawing, modeling, writing poetry.

But do not rush to write down your son or daughter in the humanities, putting a dash in the column "analytical mindset." It is believed that up to 7-10 years old, children do not have special preferences regarding this or that subject, they are equally interested in everything that happens around them, they willingly take on something new.

Does your daughter sing verses of her own composition all day long? Great, but it's too early to enroll her in a literary circle, it is possible that in a couple of months the girl will be interested in assembling construction kits.

A more or less definite picture of a son's or daughter's abilities and preferences will begin to emerge after grades 3-5. Your task is to notice in time what the child is most interested in. At the same time, focusing on the development of, for example, humanitarian abilities, one should not treat it as if it were an exact science. Try to make every effort to ensure that the student's progress is smooth, without jumps and jerks.

In addition to observing the success of the offspring at school, you can also identify a humanist in a child by the following signs:

The child emotionally reacts to all sorts of visual effects and tactile sensations

Can spend hours drawing, making crafts, reading books, comics and magazines

Easily remembers proverbs, sayings, poems and even passages from prose

・Has a rich vocabulary

・Can write a compelling story right off the bat

Talks a lot and often, shares his experiences with you

Indifferent to natural sciences

So, with what mindset your child has, you have decided. But do not be categorical, dreaming about how to send your son or daughter to a humanitarian university and give the country a talented journalist, philologist, psychologist or teacher. It is possible that by the end of school, the teenager's priorities will change dramatically, and he will want to try himself in a completely opposite field, for example, to enter the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

You also need to consider that some children do equally well (or poorly) in both the humanities and exact subjects. In this case, you can either give the student a choice regarding the formation of a circle of interests, or take the situation into their own hands and direct the child in the right direction.

Tip for parents of typical humanists: encourage your child to be passionate about a particular subject or area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, but do not forget to remind him of all-round development. If a student easily reads paragraphs on history, then its study is easy for him. Why not reduce the time allotted for homework in this subject by increasing the duration of preparation for a chemistry or drawing lesson?

Carefully supervise the child, remembering that a person who is passionate about a certain activity is able to spend several hours in a row on it. The result of an obsession with, for example, biology can be unlearned lessons in other equally important subjects. It is also possible that after reading a fascinating book, the child will forget to have lunch on time, walk with friends in the yard, play sports, and clean up his room. Remind him that there are many other significant and interesting things in his life.

Do not scold your son or daughter for poor grades in subjects for which he clearly has no inclination. If your student, despite apparent efforts, cannot comprehend algebra or physics, it may be time to hire a tutor who will individually help your child fill in the knowledge gaps.

By the way, a few years ago, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation announced its intention to annually test schoolchildren in grades 8-9 in order to determine their aptitude for humanitarian or technical subjects. This would help teenagers decide on the choice of a profession and a university for its development.

The idea certainly deserves approval. After all, many school graduates complain that they cannot decide on the type of professional activity they are interested in, both before entering the university and after graduation. Of course, it is much easier in this regard for a child who, from the age of 11-13, intensively replenished his knowledge base on his favorite subject, and then made it the basis of his future profession.

And finally: do not show your disappointment if the inclinations and hobbies of your son or daughter do not meet your expectations. Humble yourself and accept the choice of the child, and do not try to instill in a typical humanitarian a violent love for formulas and numbers.

Remember that the person who is truly happy is the one who is engaged in what he loves and can realize his talent to the maximum. But we want to see our children happy, right?

From the basics of psychology, it is known that the hemispheres of the brain are responsible for the mental function. People with a dominant right hemisphere are more emotional, they differ in figurative, abstract thinking. Such individuals have a humanitarian mindset. If the left hemisphere dominates, the person is more practical, has analytical thinking and a mathematical mindset.

There are 5 main categories of human thinking:
- practical mindset;
- artistic and figurative;
- humanitarian;
- mathematical ();
- universal mindset ().

What type of thinking do you have?

In order to understand your type of thinking, first of all, you need to become more familiar with each of them.

Practical mindset. People who possess it, in everyday life, prefer objective thinking. They are consistent in everything and have an inextricable link between the object-space-time. A person with such a mindset is inherently not inclined to fantasize and dream.

Artistic mentality. With such thinking, all information is processed with the help of images. Such people have a developed imagination and vocabulary. It is easier for them to tell than to show by action. A person with an artistic mentality is very easy to recognize, as he reacts sharply to criticism and is emotional in almost all manifestations. Analytical abilities in such a person are much less pronounced.

A person with an artistic and imaginative mindset is perfectly suited for the profession of a psychologist, social worker, as well as creative professions.

A humanitarian mindset that can be described as iconic thinking. The personality of such a warehouse processes information with the help of inference. Such a person does not build a logical chain according to “small details”, but ties it to a specific imaginary goal. This helps him developed intuition and creativity, which is based on imagination and feelings. The emotional method of cognition is the first thing a humanist relies on.

Mathematical (analytical) mindset. In this situation, the opposite is true. People with this mindset prefer laws, rules, and formulas. Unlike humanitarians, these individuals are able to adequately assess the situation and resolve serious issues. Cold calculations help you succeed in the commercial field. The analytical mindset is based on the logic of reasoning and is the exact opposite of intuitive thinking. Facts, objective information and figures are what such people prefer to be guided by.

Mathematical (analytical) thinking is very similar to the practical mindset.

Universal (synthetic) thinking. People with this mindset can be called lucky, because they have all the abilities. They have well-developed left and right hemispheres. They have a fairly clear picture of the world and are well versed in technical disciplines. They are emotional realists. However, these abilities are not divided equally, but with some preponderance. And in order to identify the predominant type of thinking, you need to go through a special psychological test.

Based on the foregoing, knowledge about the types of thinking and mindset has a huge impact on your future successful future. Develop in the right direction! I wish you success!