Do-it-yourself titmouse carnival costume. We make a do-it-yourself titmouse costume for a girl: options, patterns, useful tips for making. Tutu Costume Ideas

26.02.2016 15:47

Simply stunning in beauty carnival costume for a girl who is easier to do with her own hands than it might seem at first glance. A puffy tutu skirt is the key to his success. Any girl will feel like a real princess in this outfit. This Bird costume is made in blue colors - it perfectly recreates the image of the Blue Bird, the bird of happiness, as it is called, the Bird of Paradise or the Peacock costume.
Let this costume inspire you as you create your own unique bird costume for girls. It is enough to change its color scheme and we can get a few more equally spectacular options: in white - a Swan costume, in red-yellow-orange colors - a Firebird costume, a yellow-green-green color scheme - a Parrot or Canary costume. Fantasize!
For a fluffy tutu skirt, you will need from 5 to 10 meters of fabric - depending on the age of the bird girl and the fluffiness of the skirt. How more fabric, the more magnificent. For a tutu skirt, it is better to use tulle, tulle, organza or other airy or mesh fabric.
Belt - wide elastic band.
As a top - an elastic bodysuit, a swimsuit, a tight-fitting blouse, a turtleneck. We decorate the collar or neckline with a boa made of thin ribbons, tulle, swan's down or feathers.

Do-it-yourself bird costume for a girl - see the master class with step-by-step photos:

For the Bird costume, the author of the master class used tulle in 5 colors - it is very impressive: sky blue, turquoise, blue, blue, black. Each of the colors in this tutu is repeated twice - in fact we make two layers of fabric in our tutu. You can sew two skirts and combine them after, or after we sew all the cuts, fold the skirt in half.

We cut off the desired length - from the waist to the level of what length you want to see the skirt.

Lay out the fabric by color.

At a distance of 1 cm from the edge we make a line. As the cut of one color ends, we put another one next to it and continue to scribble. So to the end.

We make the assembly on one and the second skirt.

We put them on top of each other - you can mix colors - it's more beautiful.

If we used a lot of tulle, the number of layers of the skirt for the Bird costume may increase. In this case, of course, the skirt will only benefit - it will be more magnificent.

We fasten all the layers of the skirt.

We sew them together.

We cut the elastic band along the width of the girl's waist, sew the edges into a belt. We begin to fix it on the skirt.

Then we sew.

Here is such a magical image of a Bird in a costume for a girl you can create with your own hands! Happiness in the eyes of your daughter from the seen costume is more expensive than the effort and time spent on its creation. The admiring glances of others will bring you joy. Happy creativity!

Face painting and decoration with a feather and a veil complete the magical look.

We will decorate the head of our magical Bird of Happiness with a hat with a veil or a headband with a flower and feathers. Use feathers, fluff, tulle or a net for a veil, rhinestones, sparkles in its decoration - according to your taste. The main thing is to keep colors the image you create.
You will find ideas on how to make a DIY head decoration for a Bird costume below by clicking on the links.
In the photo - a hair ornament in the Bird costume - a headband on which several feathers and a veil are sewn.

Do-it-yourself needlework creativity design - interior, furniture, decor, clothing, accessories, toys - handmade ideas and master classes on the ArtEmpire.rf website:

Galina Shinayeva

Very often we kindergarten various attributes, costumes, masks of animals, birds are needed, and very often we have to make them ourselves from improvised materials. I bring to your attention the option of quick production of masks - caps from colored cardboard.

Today ecological holiday- Sinichkin day. Everyone is preparing to welcome winter guests - birds that stay in our area for the winter: tits, bullfinches, waxwings, siskins, thrushes - mountain ash, etc.

To make a mask - a hat for a titmouse bird, we need:

Colored cardboard set


stationery stapler.

Getting Started

Cut strips of black

two 29 cm x 4 cm,

one 29cm. x 8cm.

Cut out two black circles with a diameter of 4 cm. - eyes,

two parts wrong oval shape yellow - cheeks.

From a strip of 9 cm. x 4cm. Brown color cut out the beak.

We begin to collect a hat.

We connect two narrow strips,

attach a wide strip.

We attach cheeks with eyes.

We attach the beak.

We connect narrow strips into a rim.

We attach the end of a wide strip to the rim.

Hat - the mask of the titmouse bird is ready.

By the same principle, you can make hats - masks of any other bird, changing the colors of the details.

For example, for the bullfinch, let's take the red color for the cheeks.

To make a mask - a sparrow's hat, we take brown cardboard and white color.

Some sparrows have black spots on their cheeks.

Blue Tit.

In Moscow and the Moscow region there are several types of tits: Great tit, blue tit, titmouse, titmoskovka.

Related publications:

Theme: "Birds - titmouse." Direction: Artistic - aesthetic. Educational area: Artistic creativity. Integration.

Synopsis of the OOD: “Bullfinches and titmouse are our favorite birds” on fine arts (drawing) Educational area: Artistic aesthetic development Type of children's activity: Visual activity (drawing) Age.

And for the matinee on March 8, we put on the dance "Daisies". To beat it more interesting, we decided to make such funny chamomile hats. Children.

You will need: 1. Scissors 2. Eyelets 3. Pencil 4. glue gun 5. Felt pen 6. Glue 7. Ruler 8. Printer paper color.

Hello again. Dear colleagues! This time I bring to your attention very necessary for us, music directors attributes.

I have always loved doing needlework. With the advent of 2017 (Year fiery rooster) I decided to please the children and make it for the New Year.

The master class is designed for schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, as well as for everyone creative people. Purpose: for games, theatrical.

One of the most anticipated holidays for children is the New Year, and not only because of gifts and sweets. This day is filled with magic and charm, and only adults know that it is best to celebrate the holiday in an interesting and nice suit, so every parent tries to come up with something unusual and beautiful.

Do-it-yourself New Year's costumes for girls based on a tutu skirt

Carnival costume is one of the most important attributes of the New Year. There is no end to the imagination of parents when it comes to making outfits, and the process can be very long and tedious. many moms puffy dresses prefer tutu skirts made of tulle, on its basis you can create a lot of memorable images that will remain in the memory of the child for a long time. Even a beginner can handle such a product, because it is not necessary to sew a skirt. To work, you will need quite a few materials:

  • elastic band for a belt 5-7 cm wide;
  • tulle;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure.

Important! The amount of material depends on the splendor of the skirt. You should always take into account the length of the product and the circumference of the child's waist. When calculating the amount of material, be guided by these values, multiplying them by half.

Fluffy tutu skirt - instructions

Some manufacturers produce tulle already in bobbins. If you find just one, it will be even easier, since it will just need to be cut to length. Don't be discouraged if you don't find it. Take the tulle in one piece. The simplest ballet tutu does not require any effort to make, we will consider step by step two options on how to make a tutu skirt without sewing. In the first case, you will need to do the following:

  1. With a centimeter tape, measure the child's waist, take a wide waistband, and cut off the resulting length, after subtracting 3-5 cm.
  2. Put the ends of the elastic on top of each other and sew them tightly. This elastic band will become a belt for the future skirt.
  3. Prepare the tulle. Postpone required length, multiplying it by half and adding 2.5 cm. If you have a solid piece of material, cut it into strips 7.5-8 cm wide.
  4. The elastic band of the belt needs to be pulled over something hard, the back of the chair will do. Fold the strip of tulle in half and tie around the elastic band.
  5. Repeat the steps, gradually shifting the tied strips closer to each other.

The second method is useful for those who want to make a 2- or 3-layer tulle skirt. The manufacturing process is not much different, but a chess gum is suitable as a belt. What do we have to do:

  1. Prepare the tulle as in the first case, for a two-layer skirt you will need 2 spools.
  2. Pull the rubber band over big book, or a suitable board.
  3. Fold the strip of tulle in half and thread it through the second row from the bottom. Continue doing the same until you complete the entire row.
  4. To do the second row, take a pen or pencil. They will help you not to get confused in the layers. Tie further strips without missing a place. Straighten and tighten the material to make the skirt look neater.

Important! Use soft or medium hard tulle. A skirt made of it will look much prettier and less puffy.

Tutu Costume Ideas

A tutu skirt is suitable for almost every look. Just add accessories, decorate a little ready product, and you can safely go to the ball. So unpretentious, but spectacular way you can make a costume of a fairy, a kitten, a squirrel, a frog, a snowflake, a butterfly, and any other character. The main thing is to have a fantasy and a desire to surprise your child.


This magical image fell in love with many girls, and mom, precisely because you can pick up regular dress accessories, and the outfit is ready. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a dress in the right style or color. This is where a tulle skirt comes in handy. For this product, select suitable color: pale lilac, pink, lilac. The length can be maximum. To the skirt, you can sew a bodice of flowers to match, and decorate the head with a wreath, or a cap with a tulle ribbon in the color of the entire ensemble. main attribute fairies - Magic wand and wings!


When creating a skirt, the main thing is to choose a material that matches the color. Here you can combine several colors in one product: orange, brown and black, tying stripes on an elastic band in turn. Additional accessories will be:

  • ears;
  • tail;
  • paws.

Ears can be made from felt by cutting out 2 triangles orange color and fasten them together. Place smaller white triangles on them. The base must be glued to the hoop. It will be convenient to use hot glue. The tail must be fluffy. To keep it in shape, sew the wire inside. Use natural or artificial fur as the material for the tail. You can put on gloves with cut off fingers on the handles, and sew fur stripes or pompoms on them.


Highly interesting costume it can turn out if the skirt is multi-colored. Here you can use several shades of green at the same time. As in the previous costume, you can put green satin sleeves on the handles, or all the same gloves. The head of the child can be decorated with a mask, or a hat can be specially sewn to the costume. It will not be superfluous, there will be leggings on the legs.

Important! If the skirt is 2 or 3 colors, then the rest of the accessories should be of the same shade, then the whole ensemble will look harmonious.

Snow White

This Disney princess is a frequent guest at the New Year's ball. A girl in such a costume always looks unusual. There are many different interpretations of this costume, but the color scheme remains the same: blue top, yellow bottom. In this case, the tutu skirt should be made long, made of soft tulle, one-color. If the girl has her hair styled like Snow White's and complements the costume with a hoop with a cute bow, then the image will turn out to be completely complete.


Becoming a princess is the dream of every girl, which means that the carnival costume must match. Gold colors, cream, or beige are suitable here. The skirt must be maxi. Ideally, if it is made on a checkerboard elastic band, and it will be magnificent. Every princess should have a crown. Making your own crown is not difficult at all. There are many options: you can make it from cardboard, from wire, decorated with beads. And you can make a small crown of lace, after lubricating it with PVA glue, and letting it dry.

Red Riding Hood

In the fairy tale of Charles Perrault, it was not indicated anywhere that the skirt main character as well as the hat was red. However, most New Year's costumes this character is sewn in red. You can go the same way and make a red tutu skirt, it will still be better in length if the product is up to the knee. The invariable attribute of the costume is a red hat. You can complement the image with the help of leggings, an apron, and baskets.


A tutu skirt in this image looks very impressive if it is one-color, for example, black or white. It is necessary to sew a fur ponytail, tights or striped leggings to a short fluffy skirt. The image will complement the ears on the hoop. As a top, you can use a one-color turtleneck, or a dance leotard. It will not be superfluous to sheathe it faux fur to complete the image.


There can be a lot of color options here, the butterflies are bright and cheerful. A skirt can be made in 3, 4, and even 5 colors, the main thing is that they are combined with each other. It is better to decorate the hairstyle with a long mustache on a hoop. Don't forget to attach wings to the back. It is not difficult to make them: twist the frame of strong wire, tighten it nylon pantyhose, and paint with paints. Bright butterfly in front of you.

As you can see, a DIY suit is a great alternative to a store bought one. You can craft with your child, this exciting process will give both you and your daughter a lot of pleasure.

Do-it-yourself titmouse costume for a girl is a great alternative to more common carnival children's looks. The titmouse bird is elegant and bright - in a yellow-blue dress, with wings and in a bird mask. In this outfit, your baby will definitely not go unnoticed.

Choosing materials

The materials you use for your titmouse costume will determine the final look and feel of the costume. Outfit from the bad synthetic fabric are cheap, but stick to the feet, electrified and can cause irritation on the skin of the child. Then, instead of joy, he will receive continuous grief from the holiday.

For the breast of a titmouse, you can use plush or fleece that imitates short plumage; elegant organza or tulle is suitable for a skirt. Wings and a mask are perfectly obtained from dense, bright and well-shaped felt. You may also need thick cardboard from which to make your bird's beak.

As for the shades, let's pay attention to the titmouse in nature - this bird has a yellow belly and a "tie", a head and wings of black, shimmering blue. Therefore, the titmouse costume will resemble a real bird, if you take the main outfit in yellow, a dress or a skirt with a T-shirt will be preferable for a girl. Complement it with blue or blue wings, and you get a real titmouse.


If you don't know how to sew well or don't have time to spare, the easiest way to make a titmouse costume is to take a ready-made bright yellow dress. However, there are other less time-consuming options. For example, you can take a yellow T-shirt and sew a skirt from bright tulle. You can choose a hard one that stands up and keeps its shape well - the skirt will turn out to be fun and perky, like a tutu. And from soft eurotulle you can make a lighter fluffy skirt that will create a romantic look, and then this skirt can be used in other outfits.

To make a skirt, measure the child's waist and measure the length of the future skirt. According to these measurements, cut 4 pieces of tulle so that the skirt does not shine through. Set the sewing machine to the longest stitch length and sew along the edge of each piece separately. If you sew by hand - just type the edge of the cut on the thread, as they say, "bait" it. Then pull the thread at one end to get the assembly. Straighten all the folds so that they are uniform. Now sew over the folds with the already short basic stitch to secure the gathering. Do this with every cut.

Measure a piece of wide satin ribbon for the belt - waist circumference plus 30 centimeters on each side for tying a bow. Fold all the pieces of tulle on top of each other, sew so that they become one. Put on top of the cut satin ribbon and pin it to the tulle with pins. Fold the free end of the ribbon over to the other side and pin again. Stitch the belt to the skirt and it's ready. Due long ends belt, you can easily tie it around your child's waist.


The next step in creating a do-it-yourself titmouse costume is wings. There are many options here, but we will highlight a few of the simplest and most beautiful.

For the first one, you will need a blue bolero with short or long sleeves. Long shreds of shiny organza can be sewn on the sleeves shades of blue- the wings are ready.

The second option is to sew the wings out of fabric and felt. To do this, you need a piece of any fabric of blue color for base and felt different shades blue. Let the child extend his arms to the sides, and you measure the distance between the wrists. This will be the width of the wings. From the fabric, cut a semicircle, the base of which is equal in length to your measurement. The diameter of your semicircle can be made to measure the child from shoulder to waist. Sew rubber bands or ribbons to the corners to tie the wings at the wrists.

Next, cut out a lot of oval long blanks from felt - they will imitate feathers. Sew these feathers onto the base with an overlap. Sew the finished wings to the collar of the dress, tie on your hands, and your titmouse can take off.

Another option is to sew a blue feather boa on a similar fabric base around the edge - it will turn out very similar to a bird.

Titmouse costume mask

Measure the circumference of the child's head, add 3-4 centimeters for overlapping. Cut out a strip of this length from the cardboard. From the same cardboard, cut out two triangles, glue them along a long edge to make the beak voluminous, and glue the base to the middle of the cardboard strip. Connect the strip into a circle. Cut out two eyes from cardboard and stick on tape. Color the blank, and you can put it on your head.

The second option is to make a mask out of felt. Cut out two pieces of glasses and a teardrop nose from felt. Glue the nose to the middle of the glasses, glue the second piece of glasses on top. Insert an elastic band around the edges. The edges of the mask can be stitched for security and decorated with feathers or bright pieces of felt in other colors.


To complete the titmouse costume for the girl, you can wear yellow knee-high socks or leggings, suitable shoes under the dress. You can also add makeup to the face - for example, draw blue wings on the cheeks.

Carnival costumes for children's parties are becoming more and more popular. Gone are the days when everyone was just bunnies and snowflakes. Now everyone has their own role in the carnival, and it requires a more elaborate costume. There are many options, you can always buy ready-made. But if you have time and desire to create, it is better to sew for a girl with your own hands. As a basis, you can take a dress, skirt, tunic or overalls.

We offer interesting and original outfit in which your girl will flutter at the holiday like a real bird. In addition, it is easy to perform and does not require special sewing skills.


Cooking baby suit titmouse with fluffy skirt sun-flare in two layers. We use different in texture and tulle blue and yellow flowers. Fabric consumption is approximate. Model parameters: height - 128 cm, waist - 60 cm, top skirt length - 30 cm, bottom skirt length - 37 cm.

The top of the product is made of blue satin, the bottom is made of yellow tulle. You will need:

  • blue satin 1.5 m wide - 1.2 m;
  • yellow tulle 1.5 m wide - 1.5 m;
  • satin slanting inlay in blue;
  • decorative blue elastic for a belt - 55 cm;
  • pattern paper;
  • scissors, measuring tape, chalk.

How to build a pattern of a skirt-sun?

To sew a titmouse costume on New Year, we are preparing a pattern ¼ paper products. We make calculations:

  • We calculate the radius - this is the width of the skirt in the belt: FROM: (2 * 3.14) = 60: 6.28 = 9.55 cm.
  1. On our pattern ½, which means we set aside 4.78 cm along the upper semicircle. Be sure to take into account that the skirt will be gathered at the waist, so we will deepen the waist line by 1-1.5 cm along the shared thread.
  2. From the center of the waistline, lay off the length of the skirt - 30 cm down and on the sides. Plus 2 cm for seam allowances.
  • Connect the dots and cut. Well, the pattern of the titmouse costume is ready.

  • Let's move on to fabric. We start with a blue satin overskirt. We fold the fabric twice diagonally, pin the pattern to it with pins, outline it, adding 2 cm to the seams and cut it out. It is not necessary to sew such a skirt on the sides, the circumference is complete. You need to gather the fabric around the waist.
  • We do the same with tulle, adding 7 cm in length. And also pick it up at the waist. We connect both parts of the skirt and sew to the belt, for which we use a decorative blue elastic band.
  • We sew a blue oblique trim along the edges of the upper skirt. Fatin does not need finishing. So, the skirt is ready. Let's move on to sewing vests.


To sew a do-it-yourself titmouse costume for a girl, we use blue and yellow satin for a vest. At the edges of the finished product we decorate with a ribbon of feathers. For a girl with a height of 128 cm you will need:

  • blue satin - 35 cm;
  • yellow satin - 35 cm;
  • oblique satin trim for decoration;
  • decorative feather braid;
  • pattern paper.

The vest consists of three parts: a blue back and two yellow front shelves. We cut out the model from paper, as shown in the figure below, outline it on the fabric, taking into account the allowance for seams up to 2 cm.

Cut out and sew on the sides. We process the edges As a decor, we use a blue feather ribbon. Alternatively, you can add yellow and black - the color of the feathers of the titmouse. We decorate the entire vest along the edge. The same feathers can be sewn on the sleeves of the raglan, which is worn under the vest. The color you can choose is blue. Decorate the breast of the titmouse with a black tie. You can take it ready-made or make it from the remnants of felt, which is used for a hat.


When creating a do-it-yourself titmouse costume for a girl, you need to think over a headdress. There are many options. It can be a headband with flowers and feathers, a bandana or a hat. different models. The main thing is that the primary colors are present: blue, yellow and black. In our case, we sew a hat with a visor in the form of a bird's beak made of felt. This material perfectly keeps its shape, does not require additional processing of cut edges, does not shed. If desired, you can replace it with other materials. So, you will need:

  • blue, yellow and black felt;
  • white.

How to prepare patterns is shown below.

Number 1 - beak, 2 - front shelf, 3 and 4 - side parts, 5 and 6 - rear shelves, 7 - clasp.

We cut out all the details of the cap from paper, having previously made calculations. So, for parts 3 and 4, the length of the base is equal to the diameter of the head divided by 6. Then we lay out the patterns on the fabric, circle, adding a little to the seams, cut out and sew in turn. The beak is black, the rest of the details are blue and yellow, as shown in the picture. We cut out the eyes from white tape, stick it on the cap on the sides. Pupils can be drawn with a marker or cut out from leftover felt. Be sure to fasten the clasp at the back. Attachment points are marked on the pattern.

Well, a do-it-yourself titmouse costume for a girl is made. It remains to add a few details and you can go to the holiday.

We complete the image

As the basis of the outfit, we use raglan with long sleeve blue color to match the skirt. We decorate it with a feather ribbon along the entire length of the sleeve. We put on ballet flats in tone, blue or black. From above they can also be decorated with feathers.

Well, as you can see, nothing complicated. The image turned out to be light, airy and very elegant. Just right for the holiday. We wish good luck to your titmouse!