Transformation into an oriental princess: Arabic makeup and other nuances. Visage in oriental style and the technique of its implementation

One of the subspecies of the mysterious and beautiful oriental makeup is Arabic eye makeup, which is most popular among European women. What is the attractiveness of this type of make-up for modern fashionistas? This make-up is unique, it differs from the rest in its extraordinary brightness and saturation of oriental colors. At the same time, rich colors in the East are used not only to decorate the eyes, but also, contrary to the general laws of make-up, lips, as well as cheeks. The Europeanized version is subject to general rules, it is the eyes that stand out in it.

This is what happens as a result: on a light background of the face, the eyes acquire a special emphasis; lips and cheekbones remain natural, only slightly emphasized by gentle blush and barely noticeable lip gloss. A feature of Arabic makeup is that it uses a large palette of bright shadows: black, lilac and purple, gray, matte and mother-of-pearl gold. An obligatory element here will be perfectly clear and correctly shaped eyebrows using black. In addition, the image is decorated with sparkles and rhinestones, which are superimposed on the frontal and temporal parts, eyelids and even eyelashes. Due to the latter, Arabic makeup pretends to be an evening option or more suitable for festive events.

Arabic makeup, as it should be suitable for the shade of the lens of the eyes. Of course, Arabic makeup will be ideal for brown eyes. In this case, the color palette of shadows should consist of blue, brown, green, yellow, red shades. For owners of gray, blue and even green eyes, there is also their own color palette, you just need to choose from it the most suitable shades for a particular type of appearance. Besides, It is extremely important to monitor the compatibility of colors, since Arabic makeup is multi-colored. The minimum number of colors used in this design of the eyes should be at least two, but as you gain experience in doing makeup, their number must be increased.

Technical nuances of Arabic eye coloring

Arabic makeup is not an easy technique to perform and to achieve a good result it is important to have basic knowledge and some skills in applying cosmetics. Firstly, the skin of the face needs to be prepared for makeup: cleanse and moisturize, even out the color, mask visible flaws, powder the face and eyes. Foundation and powder should be a couple of tones darker than your own skin. Next, the most important thing begins - the design of the eyes, which you need to start with highlighting the eyebrows, for which a smooth and clear line is drawn with a contour pencil. After that, we proceed directly to the imposition of shadows on the eyelid area.

Arabic makeup for green eyes is preferred in gold and green shades, pink and lilac, silver and terracotta shadows can be used. The upper eyelid is covered with basic shades of light shades. When combining colors, the boundaries between them should be invisible, which will help high-quality shading. To do this, the shadows seem to be driven into the skin with a convenient wide brush, moreover, this method will give the makeup a longer life. Shadows are also applied along the lower lash line with careful movements.

The next step is the creation of a thick black eyeliner, without which no real Arabic makeup for brown eyes is inconceivable. For lighter eyes, less saturated dark eyeliners, for example, dark brown, are suitable. You can use for this as a contour pencil, and liquid eyeliner in rich black. In continuation of the eyeliner, the contour is drawn with spectacular arrows, over which you will have to try hard so that they are even and clear.

Ways of drawing arrows: following the scheme

In Arabic eye makeup, two ways of drawing arrows on the eyelids can be conditionally distinguished. The first scheme is suitable for owners of the correct almond-shaped eyes, when the goal is only to emphasize and highlight a flawless contour. To do this, with a pencil or black liquid eyeliner, you need to draw a clear arrow up from the inner corner. At the same time, the hand must be firm, it must not be allowed to falter, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired result. The lower eyelid is formed in the same way, while the upper corner is slightly pulled up with a finger.

The second way to create arrows in Arabic-style makeup will help transform small eyes, as well as correct the problem of drooping corners of the eyes. In this case, you should not connect the upper and lower contours, the line should not turn out to be continuous, but discontinuous. The gap formed between the upper and lower arrows is filled with shadows. If the eyes are convex, then the shade of the shadows should be dark, and with small eyes - light.

After creating the arrows, the eyelashes are covered with mascara: the upper ones in several layers, and the lower ones in one. If done right, blue, gray and green eye makeup will be just as beautiful and flawless as Arabic brown eye makeup.

The secret of the magnetic beauty of Eastern women lies in their bewitching and captivating look. Arab beauties perfectly comprehended the art of temptation. How to make a look expressive and passionate, at the same time mysterious and mysterious?

Arabic makeup focuses primarily on the eyes, while leaving the lips almost invisible. It is the eyes that attract attention to themselves, they should be burning, bright, almost sizzling. Black and mother-of-pearl colors - this is the secret of mystical charm.

This make-up is literally stunning. However, it must be remembered that it must be appropriate and correspond to the situation and event. It is suitable for a festive event, special romantic date, an incendiary themed party. But it is unacceptable to use it as an everyday one, at least if you live in the West.

Arabic makeup is impossible without preliminary correction of the complexion. To do this, you must first apply the tone and powder according to all the rules.

You can not apply such a make-up at the slightest redness on the skin, which will nullify all efforts to create an image. The skin should be the perfect color and texture. With fair skin, preference should be given to foundation creams in shades of ivory, with darker skin - saturated tones, but not golden or bronze, which in this case are completely unsuitable. It is better to choose a cream with a matting effect.

Arabic starts with a stroke. It must be blue-black, giving dazzling expressiveness and forming the perfect eye contour. For eyeliner, it is better to take a liquid agent. With its help, the eyes are given an almond shape: lower and upper arrows are created.

Shadows can be chosen and matte, but for the classic, mother-of-pearl is more characteristic. There can be several shades for application, it is not necessary to be limited to one. Many colors - this is again a more traditional option.

Color palette shadows is determined by the natural color of the eyes. For blue and green, silver, lilac, golden, pink are best suited; for brown and gray - blue, yellow, brown, green, red. Arabic makeup for brown eyes is the most successful option. Oriental beauties are mainly characterized by just such an eye color, so the details of this make-up are worked out to the smallest detail.

Shadows are applied with a thick brush very thickly on the entire surface of the first middle eyelid, then brought to the very eyebrows. Under lower eyelashes a line is drawn with shadows along the entire length of the eyelid.

When choosing shadows, you can abandon the European classical compatibility scheme. If you are brave enough, choose bright shadows. different colors if modest - take one shade bright, and the second - calm, neutral. One of the colors, along with the arrows, should “envelop” the eye, and the second should shade it. First, the shadows that you chose as the second color (base) are applied and shaded to the eyebrow. Then the first color is applied to the moving eyelid.

Highly important detail- brows. They, in fact, basically set the tone for makeup, shaping the look. The eyebrow line should be absolutely clear, their contour must be highlighted with a pencil and even lengthened closer to the bridge of the nose.

Blush should be selected as pale, dim as possible, preferably even - colors natural tan. You can do without them.

Eyelashes must be as lush and thick as possible. To do this, apply several layers of mascara to the upper ones. It is enough to paint over the lower ones once to emphasize the contrast with the upper ones.

Lipstick for this type of make-up is chosen almost neutral, perhaps only a tone different from natural color lips. Moreover, preference should be given to tones lighter than the color of the lips.

Arabic makeup is not only cosmetics. Here you can not do without additions in the form of rhinestones, sparkles, beads and pebbles. They can be glued to the eyelids, hair or clothes.

You need to complement the image with the help of appropriate perfumes - with a sweet intoxicating aroma.

When choosing a similar makeup technique, make sure that your hands are flawless and always with a bright and catchy manicure. A fantasy henna tattoo can give a special charm.

The whole image should be mysterious and seductive. Take the time to make sure everything is perfect.

Women of the East have always attracted attention with their mysteriousness and bright appearance. And it's not just their innate beauty - their stunning skillful makeup also plays a significant role. Looking at him, the image of a beautiful fairy-tale princess comes to mind. But nowadays, such makeup has ceased to be the prerogative of only oriental beauties - if desired and with some skills, any girl can do it. And we will help you with this, revealing all the secrets of its proper implementation.

History of occurrence

The first references to decorative cosmetics were found in texts ancient egypt and Mesopotamia, the oldest of which are about 10,000 years old. Initially, the decoration of faces and bodies with the help of such means was of a ritual nature, but later ordinary women began to use cosmetics in order to emphasize and enhance their natural beauty.

Cosmetics are made from natural materials, such as henna, antimony, usma, ash, safflower and other gifts of nature. Best Recipes passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. Some have survived to this day.

For example, to line and emphasize the depth of the eyes, antimony was used with might and main - a black stone, which was ground to a powdery state, mixed with castor oil and circled their eyes. This tool had not only cosmetic, but also healing effect- relieved conjunctivitis, relieved tension and swelling from the eyelids, healed wounds. Makeup made with antimony was durable and could last for several days.

The next tool that helped the women of the East become even more attractive is usma. With the juice of this plant, the girls drew eyebrows and covered eyelashes. The fact is that it is an excellent hair growth stimulator, and also dyes them black, which is why oriental beauties have such thick and bright eyebrows and eyelashes.

The amazing properties of usma are valued to this day.

To give brightness to the lips, a red powder was used, extracted from the flowers of safflower dye. The same effect could be achieved with Arnebia root juice. And cheeks blushed with aker - clay mixed with poppy pigment.

As we see oriental women knew a lot about beauty and used the generous gifts of nature with might and main. Even now in the eastern markets you can find almost all the tools that were used in ancient times, because their proven effectiveness has earned the trust of generations and has not been forgotten or lost.

Arabic make up features

In general, oriental makeup is divided into several types, but we will talk about them a little later. The most popular is the Arabic style makeup. It is by looking at him that we imagine the fabulous Scheherazade or Princess Budur from popular oriental tales. In order to try to perform such a make-up, you need to know about its features:

  • Focus on the eyes. They should be bright, large and very carefully traced. Shadows, mascara and eyeliner choose exclusively saturated shades;
  • Lips and cheekbones play a secondary role and do not stand out. It is strictly forbidden to use dark or bright lipstick;

  • Pay attention to your eyebrows. Give them a clear outline and highlight with a black pencil;
  • Sequins, rhinestones, false eyelashes are welcome.


However, an Eastern woman is not only a Muslim woman covered with a veil. There are two more types whose make-up can be considered oriental. They are Japanese and Indian. Based on this, there are the following varieties of such a make-up:

  • The aforementioned Arabic. Only the eyes and eyebrows stand out;
  • Japanese. His distinguishing features are a bright face, bright lipstick, underlined corners of the eyes;
  • Indian. The most extravagant of all. The emphasis is on expressive eyes and sensual lips.

There are special cases when oriental makeup must be applied according to certain traditional rules. One of these cases is nikah - Muslim wedding ceremony. Of course, it involves the application of Arabic makeup.

Since the nikah ceremony is held in the mosque under the watchful eye of the mullah and numerous relatives, the bride should look beautiful, but modest. It is recommended to emphasize the eyes with arrows and pay attention to eyelashes and eyebrows, but it is worth choosing cosmetics the most light, gentle tones. Bright lipstick and blush are excluded.

The next special case that we will consider is the make-up of a professional geisha. In this case, the face should not just be light, but white. Eyebrows are drawn with a thin, clear line, lips are covered with bright red lipstick, eyes are shaped with a black pencil. This is how traditional Japanese makeup is performed.

And, finally, the third case, suggesting Indian style - the stage make-up of a belly dancer. Since the dancer's facial features should be visible from the farthest rows of the auditorium, such a make-up is made as bright as possible, using only saturated colors of shadows, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick and blush.

Despite the obvious differences, all three varieties of Eastern makeup have one thing in common: each of them suggests a flawless skin tone.

Therefore, no matter which option you like best, you should take care of evening out the complexion, correcting its features and eliminating imperfections.

How to choose cosmetics?

To perform any type of make-up in an oriental style, you need to carefully select cosmetics. First, pay attention to the tinting base for the skin: cream and powder. It is advisable to choose products with a light texture that do not clog pores, but at the same time are quite dense and pigmented, because the skin should be flawless. Also stock up on concealer, highlighter, correctors for contouring. Choose the right blush color.

Next, select the eye shadow. Their palette will depend entirely on what type of oriental makeup you have chosen. For Arabic and Indian styles, bright shades, mother-of-pearl, sparkles are suitable. For Japanese - matte shades of base colors.

ink, liquid eyeliner or eyeliner suggest only one color - black, and the richer it is, the better. You can also use false eyelashes.

When doing lip makeup, style also plays a role - if it is an Arabic version, your choice is nude beige lipstick; Japanese means scarlet lips, but Indian will allow you to “play” with a palette from red to wine-burgundy.

Lip gloss and mother-of-pearl are not provided in any of the options.

How to apply correctly?

The type of face and the shape of the eyes of Europeans, of course, differs from the appearance of oriental girls. But if you want to make up so that you can try on the chosen image for a while, our step-by-step instruction. Before starting to acquaint you with the implementation of makeup in stages, I would like to mention a few important points:

  • A beautiful make-up is, first of all, a neat make-up. If you are planning to amaze everyone with the image of an oriental beauty at any event, be sure to rehearse the chosen make-up and it is better more than once. Experiment with tone, shadows, try contouring. See how you will look in different lighting. Make sure that all selected funds are persistent and do not drain from the face after an hour;
  • Oriental eyes are almond-shaped eyes. But if you have a different eye shape, do not be discouraged - any of the techniques involves “finishing” along the outer corner with a black pencil. This way you can "lengthen" your eyes and it will look very organic;
  • Choose your outfit carefully. Not every dress or suit is suitable for oriental makeup. Best Option- dress style traditional clothes the country whose make-up you have chosen. This does not mean that you should wear a veil, sari or kimono, but you can pick up something similar and dilute with suitable accessories.

Well, now, the promised master class on performing oriental makeup. For example, we chose the most popular option - Arabic. So let's get started:

  • Even out the tone of the face. Cleanse your skin first with water and make-up and sebum remover. Apply your daily cream. Next, apply a tinting agent with a round sponge-sponge, carefully blend over the face. Do some contouring if you want. Give the skin a matte finish with powder;
  • Accentuate your cheekbones with blush that matches your tone. It is desirable that they be a little darker in color than the face. On the "apple" of the cheekbones, you can apply a drop of highlighter;
  • Draw a clear line of eyebrows, lengthening them to the temples;
  • Let's add sparkle to the eyes: apply light shadows with mother of pearl under the arch of the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the eye;
  • Now turn on the imagination: cover the upper movable eyelid with colored shadows. Moving to the outer corner of the eye, apply darker shades. Blend the borders;
  • Arabic makeup is unthinkable without arrows. Draw them with a pencil, liquid eyeliner or liner - your choice. The arrow should go beyond the eye, giving it an almond shape and visually enlarging it. It is recommended to emphasize the lower eyelid in the same way;
  • Apply lengthening mascara to lashes or use overhead bundles;
  • And finally, paint your lips with a neutral lipstick. They should not stand out on the face.

Secrets of makeup artists

In order for oriental makeup to suit you as much as possible, you need to take into account your color type, eye color is especially important.

The eyes of Eastern women inevitably attract the eye - it gives the impression of deep, almost bottomless whirlpools. No wonder - the obligation to wear a veil made them learn to focus on this part of the face. Classic modern Arabic makeup on a European girl will look too bright, unnatural, vulgar, emphasizing eyes, lips, cheeks at the same time. They borrowed the best from him - expressive, deep "mirrors of the soul".

General rules of oriental make-up:

  • Think about relevance. It's nice sometimes to stand out from the crowd on a gray weekday, but Arabic makeup creates the right impression in a nightclub, on theme party, podium, stage, solemn event, an important date. Rhinestones, sparkles on eyelashes, eyebrows, temples, appropriate in this case, will give additional theatricality.
  • The image is ideal for brown-eyed women. For them, it is necessary to use black, noble, saturated tones of mother-of-pearl shadows - ink-violet, emerald, royal blue, turquoise, chocolate, brown-red, bronze, gold, silver. Everyone else needs to reduce the intensity of the shades - lilac, pink, lavender, olive, terracotta, silver gray, pale gold will do. Accordingly, the effect will be slightly different.

A photo:

  • Beginners guided by step by step descriptions, you need to start with two harmonizing tones of shadows, gradually expand the palette used, gaining experience.
  • Perfectly clear arcs of jet-black eyebrows, thick, shiny hairs, making the eyes almond-shaped, elongated to the temples, are required.
  • Lips make the most natural color, not forgetting to emphasize the sensuality with delicate pastel lipstick, gloss. choose warm tone. Draw the outline with a pencil, slightly adjusting the shape.
  • Even tone of the face perfect skin- an indispensable condition. Use makeup base, foundation, loose powder, concealer. Make pale skin a tone darker.
  • Blush only dim - bronze, sand, terracotta. An alternative is a bronzer, a tan-colored powder.
  • The image is always perceived as a complex. One Arabic make-up is not able to transform you into a mysterious attractive oriental beauty. Pick up the appropriate perfume, clothes, shoes, do the styling, take care of your hands.

Step by step description of the procedure

Correct Arabic makeup (step by step instructions):

  1. Wash thoroughly, remove decorative cosmetics.
  2. Tidy up your eyebrows at least 2-3 hours before the make-up. Swelling, redness of the superciliary arches give the woman a tear-stained look.
  3. Wipe the skin with tonic, apply a nourishing cream. After 10-15 minutes, remove the excess with a paper towel.
  4. Even out your complexion with a moisturizing foundation. Disguise bruises, bags under the eyes with concealer. Apply tan-colored powder on top with a wide brush.
  5. Shape the eyebrows with a jet-black pencil, shadows, slightly lengthening to the temples.
  6. Cover the upper eyelid with a thin layer foundation, apply the base shade of shadows on top - the lightest (brownish, grayish, lilac). Use a wide brush with a beveled tip, "driving in" the pigment, achieving the desired intensity of color.
  7. Highlight the inner corner of the eye with mother-of-pearl, pearl, ivory, champagne, golden, silver. Cover the moving eyelid with a tone of medium intensity. Emphasize the outer corner with a bright, saturated color, slightly raising it to the temple. Draw a pink stroke under the eyebrows. Make the borders of applying colors smooth, invisible.
  8. Bring the lower eyelid as close as possible to the lash line with a pigment of medium brightness. Blend down lightly.
  9. With liquid eyeliner, draw even noticeable arrows. If the shape of the eye does not need to be corrected, slightly lift the top from the lash line, starting from the middle, connect to the bottom above the outer corner. Small or "falling" eyes will correct individual upward arrows. The interval between the lines is filled with feathered light, dark shadows (respectively for small, large eyes).
  10. Paint the upper eyelashes with coal-black mascara, which gives volume, 3-4 times, the lower ones - 1. Do not forget to lightly powder, comb them before each layer.
  11. From the temples to the most protruding point of the cheekbones, apply a touch of blush. Blend up and down.
  12. Circle the contour of the lips with a pencil. Cover with lipstick, neutral shade gloss.

Probably, there is not a single girl who, reading Scheherazade's fairy tales as a child, did not dream of looking like an oriental princess. Makeup in the appropriate style will help make your wish come true. Get ready for long workouts. Haste is your worst enemy, everything must be perfect. Bright, bewitching, unique Arabic make-up is worth the time spent, giving the owner charm, sophistication, oriental mystery. Good taste is important, the ability to stop in time - the line between showiness and vulgarity is extremely thin.

Many little girls love oriental tales, but adult women can play them too. Arab eye makeup will help with this. Bright, unique, truly magical, bewitching, it will allow you to escape from everyday life and at least for a while turn into an oriental beauty. And we'll help you a little.

Traditionally, it was Eastern women who paid the most attention to their appearance, emphasizing their natural beauty with bright colors. Clothing traditions also played a role. The veil, in which only the eyes were visible, forced women to make the most of the released freedom.

As a result, the eyebrows were carefully summed up with usma, which not only gave them color, but also stimulated growth. It is worth recalling that in the east they loved wide and thick black eyebrows, preferably fused at the bridge of the nose.

Antimony, a powdered mineral mixed with oil, was used to line the eyes. She also had, in addition to cosmetic, also a therapeutic effect, protecting the eyes from inflammation.

Colored pigments were extracted from numerous herbs and flowers. Some were used for tinting the eyes, others for the lips and cheeks.

As a result, Eastern women turned their face into a canvas, the basis for a masterpiece. But in order to draw it, I had to learn this from childhood, the older sisters and mothers of little women helped in this.

Today, the traditional oriental eye makeup has not only not disappeared, but has found a new birth, enriching the make-up culture of European countries.

How to do oriental makeup

The technique of Arabic makeup is very complex, but it is in it that its uniqueness lies. Therefore, if you plan to make it for a corporate party or a party, you should practice in advance so as not to spoil good evening. But a little theory and practice, and you will succeed in beautiful Arabic makeup.

We will tell you a few secrets of its application:

  • Tone. Any make-up begins with a tone, and Arabic-style makeup is no exception. The scheme is no different from any other: foundation, corrector, powder. If you have dark skin, then just apply your native tone, but if your skin is too pale, you can try to take a tone darker.
  • Blush. Oriental makeup allows the use of soft blush. Bronze tint works well.
  • Brows. This is one of the main features of oriental makeup. They should be clear, black, beautifully curved, dense, of medium width and length. If your own do not match the standard, they can be drawn with a soft black eyebrow pencil.
  • Eyes. Arabic makeup focuses on the eyes. This process requires the most attention and patience, so we will consider it separately.
  • Lips. In order not to distract attention from bright eyes, you should use a soft lipstick of a natural shade for lips. You can add oriental flavor to your lips with a contour pencil, making them more plump.

Thus, his main feature are bright eyes. How to do Arabic eye makeup, we will explain in more detail below.

Read also: Powder eyebrow tattoo: features of the procedure and to whom it suits

Accent - eyes

To make Arabic eye makeup, you will need rich black, gray, beige and white shadows, as well as a few colored ones, of a certain range. You can complement them with gold, silver or bronze sparkles. You will need black liquid eyeliner or a soft pencil, as well as black mascara or false eyelashes.

With the help of selected materials and patience, you need to repeat the following sequence of actions:

  • The entire space from the upper eyelashes to the eyebrows is covered with basic beige shadows.
  • With the help of a finely honed soft pencil or liquid eyeliner, you need to make arrows. They should start from the corner, forming large almond-shaped eyes. If they are small, then the arrows can be made wider. There are two versions of their execution: in the first, they go to the temples, raising the corners of the eye, and merge into one. The second is the “dovetail”, when the eyeliner of the lower and upper eyelids rise to the temples parallel to each other, but there is free space between them. This method allows you to visually enlarge the eyes.
  • Now black shadows are applied along the contour of the upper arrow with a small brush and slightly shaded. All movements and colors rise from the corner of the eye to the temples.
  • Following the black, light gray shadows are applied, which are also well shaded. The goal is not only to expand the eyes, but also to visually stretch them.
  • Then you can apply 2-3 more colors from the selected gamut. It should be remembered that Arabic makeup for green eyes will be different from brown or gray. After all, the iris determines the chosen range on a par with clothing.
  • The lower eyelid should also be summed up with one of the selected colored shadows.
  • When all the shadows are applied and well shaded, you can add glitter to the lower eyelid and upper. Arabic makeup for blue eyes or gray allows only silver sparkles, brown and green - gold or bronze.
  • The finishing touch is eyelashes. Overhead is best, but you can use volume-enhancing black mascara. 2-3 layers should be applied to the upper eyelid, allowing each to dry well, to the lower one - only one.

It should be noted that this is the simplest version of Arabic makeup. He allows the most daring experiments with shapes and colors. Black arrows and bright colors are perhaps the only requirements.

Color spectrum

Arab wedding make-up, like just a festive one, remains one of the most striking types of make-up. For him, you should choose very special shadows, dense textures that would give a good bright color rather than a light tint. It should be recalled that Arabic makeup for brown eyes, green or any other involves the use of at least three colors. If you have good skills and artistic taste, their number can be increased.