Master class on making a festive collage for Mother's Day “Beloved mother. Do-it-yourself wall newspaper and poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten and school - step-by-step master classes with photos and videos, templates for printing Poster options for grandmother

In November, the whole country celebrates a wonderful cute holiday dedicated to mothers. On this day, adults and children strive to please their mothers. Express your love, appreciation, gratitude through words and deeds. It is a very good tradition to celebrate this date by holding a small celebration: to sing a song, recite a learned poem, give your mother a gift and arrange a small surprise, in the form of household help, attention and affectionate communication, a walk, a performance, etc. And the schedule of these events, as well as congratulations, can be written on a large sheet of paper. Such a sheet is beautifully designed and presented as an additional gift. Thus, the question of how to make a poster quickly and simply for Mother's Day is not difficult, and the implementation of the answer to it will bring many pleasant minutes to all creators.

When preparing for thematic holiday, it is very good to make a wall newspaper-poster in advance. It reflects the attitude of all participants in the action to the most dear person in their life. Wishes, confessions, revelations can be written on the poster. It is possible to place photographs and memorable details that make you remember certain moments in life.

Making a simple and beautiful poster for Mother's Day with your own hands

As it was written above, a poster that is perfect for Mother's Day has several purposes.

  • Basically, it plays the role of a large greeting card, on which poems, congratulations, etc. are written accordingly.
  • Also, a beautiful and bright poster serves as a worthy decoration at home, creates festive atmosphere and uplifting.
  • And the poster can be an integral element of the celebration itself. Especially if games, demonstration numbers, quests and other tasks and entertainment are arranged. On the poster, a schedule can be written, tasks and puzzles, pointers and codes are hidden. You can attach signs, souvenirs, prizes and much more on it.
  • And the last thing is that such a poster is already good in itself. original gift, moreover made by hand.

If you have a little time, a rich imagination and good drawing skills, you can create a wall newspaper poster from start to finish using only art supplies, colored paper and glue. Come up with a main story that will be embodied in the central picture, and then add decorative elements(for example: a border around the edge, flowers, emoticons, hearts). Write different ways title-title, congratulations, poems and quotes. Decorate the sketches with paper applications, and soon you will have a beautiful card in front of you that is sure to charm any mother.

Today, a variety of technologies and materials allow everyone to create a unique and beautiful poster that reflects the individuality of your family, your inclinations, and most importantly, the peculiarity and originality of your mother. So, you can make several types of posters:

1 option. Pay the main attention to the holiday itself and the word "mother". You can write in huge letters "MOM", and in each letter "hide" the symbols of motherhood, flowers, pictures. You can arrange each letter in different colors, or make them using the isothread technique - it will turn out very gently and airy. Write “Happy Mother's Day!” at the top of the sheet, and at the bottom, place a large lyric poem dedicated to mothers. Decorate the sheet in soft pastel colors.

If the poster is created for a school or kindergarten, and plays an educational role, then under the inscription you can put a small note about the history of the holiday and its significance in our lives. Post information about how you can please your mother, and how to spend this holiday.

Option 2. Dedicate this poster to your mother and/or mothers in your family. In this case, you can no longer do without photographic material. Arrange a small photo session, describe the nature, habits, personality of the mother. Interview all family members, and write next to the portrait how this or that person described and said about her. Create a photo collage and add funny captions to it. Show mom's everyday life and holidays, her hobbies, joys and sorrows. Write down 10, 20, 100 reasons why your family values ​​this person and what they want to do to make them happy. If the family consists of mother and grandmother, then it makes sense to dedicate each half of the sheet to one of the women.

3 option. You can create a craft that will decorate the wall. Make multi-colored flowers out of colored paper, and, having formed a bouquet of them, glue them to the center of the sheet. Glue a basket cut out of paper to the bottom of the bouquet. Around you can also arrange butterflies cut out of paper. To make it interesting to study the postcard, place each picture or verse under the "doors". Cut out squares, circles or irregular shapes from paper and glue them so that they open and close. As a lock, you can use buttons and paper clips.

4 option. Take ready-made postcard templates, print them out and color them in any way you like. It's very simple.

Video on the topic of the article

Here you will find workshops on making colorful, simple and entertaining posters for the holidays and just a good mood.

How unusual to tell dear mothers about your love? You can shout out loud with the whole class in unison, sing the most traditional song in parts (in which “ma-ma” is the first word) or give a large colorful wall newspaper for Mother's Day. The last option is not the easiest, but the most effective. A beautiful poster with a photo collage, a bright drawing paper with an abundance of voluminous details, a panel with poems and watercolor drawings ... Any poster for Mother's Day, designed by yourself at school or kindergarten, is able to say much more than a song, a verse or a hefty bouquet. Read our tips, download templates, stock up on inspiration - and your gift to your beloved mothers will turn out to be the most original and unusual.

What should be a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school

So, preparations for my mother's holiday have started: handmade gifts, drawings, flowers, and so on and so forth ... There are no problems with these details. A completely different matter is the collective work on decorating the classroom and corridors. What should be a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school, able to convey the depth of children's love and cheer up mothers for the whole day? There are several options:

  • a humorous poster on a specific topic;
  • bright congratulatory poster with wishes;
  • a college of scrapbooks and family photographs;
  • huge drawing with handprints, 3D elements, etc.

There are other, traditional and more extraordinary variations of a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for school day mothers: classic greeting posters, voluminous posters, photo collages on whatman paper, sweet posters, flying wall newspapers, etc. Read more about their creation in the next section.

How to create a wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school

Volumetric poster. This is a great alternative to a hand drawn poster. For its design you will need whatman paper, colored paper and scissors, pencils or paints, small foam cubes, glue, and stencils. On whatman paper, it is necessary to beautifully write down the title, paint over the background, outline with a pencil the contours of all clippings and other details (photos, artificial flowers, bows, printouts with poems). It remains only to glue small cubes of foam rubber and fix volumetric elements on them.

Photo collage. This is the most simple and at the same time spectacular way congratulate mothers on the holiday. To create a collage, you will have to collect in advance from all students one of the most successful family photos (or a photo of your mother) and paste them beautifully on a poster in a thoughtful manner. Alternatively, you can give each student one letter from the phrase “Mommy, we love you very much!”, And do individual photos. And then lay them out in the right order on a wide canvas.

Flying wall newspaper. This is a relatively new form of greeting moms with a Mother's Day poster. To implement the idea, it is necessary to pre-arrange a colorful congratulatory wall newspaper with bright drawings and good wishes from the whole class, and then fix thin, light planks on its lower and upper edges. In order for the poster to move easily in the air throughout the hall, it is worth attaching 8-10 helium balloons to both upper corners. The finished gift will look very impressive and will surely surprise all parents sincerely.

Do-it-yourself Mother's Day poster to school: what's what

Unlike a wall newspaper - the result of collective child labor, including the most different types creativity, a poster is an informative and entertaining poster of an introductory or congratulatory nature performed by one author. A do-it-yourself poster for Mother's Day to school may contain short notes about the history of the holiday, unusual facts about great heroine mothers, thematic poems of writers, colorful illustrations and pleasant congratulatory lines.

Often, school themed posters for Mother's Day are designed in the form of an information summary of the achievements of mothers over the past academic year, about parental assistance to the school, about their participation in various competitions and holiday competitions. Even more often - in the format of an advertisement or a poster for an upcoming school concert (performance, competition, etc.), dedicated to mothers all students. They usually contain the announcement of the event, the time and date of the event. But there are other, more or less popular options for a do-it-yourself poster for Mother's Day to school: we'll figure out what's what next.

Certificate of Appreciation for Mother's Day at School

AT last years thematic posters became very popular - letters of commendation, diplomas and honorary sheets. They can be factory (purchased off-the-shelf) or homemade. In the first version, the students only have to sign the poster and add a couple of lines from themselves. In the second case, the guys create a poster on their own “from scratch”: they buy a drawing paper, draw a title, write a laudatory or thankful text, and complement the picture with bright decorative illustrations.

In the certificate of honor, you can thank all the mothers at once on behalf of the whole class, or indicate the individual merits of the mother of each student. For example:

  • Kravchenko N.G. - leader of the class committee;
  • Veres I.N. — creative organizer of holidays, etc.;
  • Zaitseva A.S. — skillful confectioner, sponsor of children's buffets;

A poster for mothers in the format of a certificate of honor can contain beautiful poems by classics, modern authors or the students themselves, a list of the merits of the mothers of the class, a list of thanks to all students, data on who and when the “document” was issued.

Wall newspaper for a matinee for Mother's Day in kindergarten: how to do it yourself

In kindergartens, matinees, concerts or festive evenings are held on Mother's Day. Children learn their roles in advance, prepare handmade gifts and publish a wall newspaper, with the support of educators. And if the guys can be inexperienced and not quite dexterous in such a matter, teachers must be aware of all the nuances. Let's talk more about wall newspapers for a mother's day matinee in kindergarten: how to do it yourself, decorate with details and decorate on the wall.

Well, any holiday wall newspaper begins with the purchase of drawing paper. Only then follows the planning of the composition, the selection of materials, the preparation of instruments. An important part of the poster is the title. It can be located along the top edge in one or two lines, in the center of the composition, in the shape of a rainbow, and even diagonally in one of the corners. It is better to print and cut out the letters of the heading, draw with a marker using a stencil or bring out in bright colors in calligraphic handwriting. The most common headline text options are: "Happy Mother's Day", "It all starts with mom", "My mom is the sun!" "Congratulations to our moms", "Mom is the first word!", " Better mom there is no in the world ... ".

There are also rules in composing a composition:

  • It is better to place the most interesting materials in the central part (a collective photo of mothers, an interesting drawing of children, congratulatory poems written by schoolchildren);
  • The remaining illustrative and textual elements should be evenly alternated;
  • A separate place can be taken away by a funny statement of children about their parents (let each child write these lines with his own hand);
  • An integral part of a successful poster is decorative details created in different techniques needlework. For example, flower appliqués, butterflies or the sun using quilling technique, voluminous origami birds, watercolor drawings and more. The more techniques are combined in a wall newspaper, the brighter and more original the result;
  • We must also not forget about the popular headings: jokes about moms, riddles about the family, Interesting Facts from the history of the holiday, sincere congratulations and wishes;

Separate headings of the wall newspaper can be delimited by frames, distributed collectively against a general background, or placed in the form of a specific object. For example, in flower petals, in rainbow stripes, in raindrops, in the rays of the sun, etc.

Poems and congratulations for the wall newspaper for Mother's Day in the kindergarten

It is important to know how to make a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for a kindergarten matinee for Mother's Day. But it is equally important to choose suitable illustrative material, beautiful poems, interesting riddles, the necessary congratulatory words. After all, a festive poster should be not only bright and colorful visually, but also competent in its text elements.

Poems like this will never ruin a poster dedicated to the day mothers:

Mom's hands are warm
Mom's eyes are light
Mom's fairy tale in a dream
Mom's genes in me
Mom's thoughts are with me
My earthly bow to my mother.

If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That lunch is tasteless.
If mom is not around
It's cold in the apartment
If mom is not around,
Bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away
It is very difficult for children.
I'll tell you straight:
- Take care of your mother!

In the world
kind words
Lives a lot
But all the best
And more tender one -
Of two syllables
A simple word "ma-ma"
And there are no words
Kinder than it!

With these puzzles, the wall newspaper for Mother's Day will be even more interesting and exciting:

Who warms with love
Everything in the world succeeds
Even play a bit?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - smack?
This is how she always is
My (mommy) dear!

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms,
Kohl is next to me (mother).

Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up"?
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Tea - pour into a bowl?
Who braided my hair?
Whole house swept one?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who childish loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?

Such entertaining facts will make the holiday poster not only entertaining, but also informative:

“The largest family in Russia lives in the Orenburg region, 64 children are brought up in this family, their parents are the rector of the temple and his wife.”

"The record number of children born to one woman was 69."

“The largest family in the world lives in India. Zion Khan - the head of the family is surrounded by 39 wives, 94 children, 33 grandchildren - a total of 167 people.

"The oldest woman in childbirth, Rosanna Dalla Corta from Viterbo, Italy, on July 18, 1994, at the age of 63, she gave birth to a boy."

“The largest baby in the world was born in Italy in 1955. His weight was 10 kilograms 200 grams.

Unusual poster for Mother's Day with their own hands in kindergarten - even more ideas

Even the most naive and touching traditional wall newspaper is unlikely to surprise the heroes of the occasion. After all, classic posters have practically not changed their concept since the childhood of our mothers. All the same clippings, poems, winged sayings and wishes. Another thing is an unusual do-it-yourself poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten: look for even more ideas for collective implementation in the next section. Use our tips, and you will surely see joy and delight on the faces of the guests of the holiday.

Original ideas for creating a do-it-yourself poster for a kindergarten holiday for Mother's Day

We offer even more ideas for unusual and original posters for Mother's Day in kindergarten:

Beautiful wall newspaper for Mother's Day: print for free

If there is no time at all, and the holiday is coming soon, beautiful wall newspaper for Mother's Day, you can print it for free from the Internet and beautifully color it or paste it over with a colorful application. This option will not only save precious hours, but also compensate for the lack of imagination or handicraft talent. A festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day can be printed for free in pieces divided into A4 sheets, or in separate beautiful fragments (texts, frames, headings, etc.).

Printable Poster Templates for Mother's Day at School and Kindergarten

A wall newspaper for Mother's Day, created collectively at a school or kindergarten, is not only a bright holiday decoration hall, but also a great way to rally the class, to remind about the importance of mother in everyone's life, to awaken even greater love for the dear parent. You can create your own Mother's Day poster with pictures or photos. And you can choose a template, print the elements and color the finished poster together.

Mother's Day is one of the most wonderful and bright holidays that has long won international status. Since 1998, in our country, the “main” holiday of mothers was established at the state level, and the corresponding date appeared on the calendar - last sunday november. On this wonderful autumn day, Russian mothers hear nice words congratulations and best wishes from family and friends. Bright bouquets flowers, cute gifts and touching signs of attention - every mother is pleased to feel like a real queen! In kindergarten and school, on Mother's Day, it is customary to do Greeting Cards, draw wall newspapers and colorful posters with photographs, poems, words of festive prose. Indeed, a mother's day wall newspaper and poster is just perfect for congratulating moms on behalf of the whole class or kindergarten group. We offer you to make some original thematic wall newspapers or posters with the help of step-by-step master classes with photos and videos for the upcoming "mother's" holiday - after all, November 26 is very soon! Alternatively, you can use ready-made templates for individual fragments, print them on sheets of paper and glue them into a single picture. So let's get ready for Mother's Day!

Beautiful do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten - a step-by-step master class with a photo

For every child, mother is kindness, tenderness, care. On the eve of Mother's Day, kindergarten students prepare surprises for their beloved mothers in the form of cute crafts or a colorful wall newspaper from the whole group. How to make a wall newspaper for Mother's Day with your own hands? Our step-by-step master class with a photo can be held in a kindergarten for kids different ages. Each child will have the opportunity to literally "put their hands" on the creation of a beautiful festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day.

We stock up on materials and tools for a master class on making a wall newspaper for Mother's Day for kindergarten:

  • paper sheet
  • colored paper and cardboard
  • gouache
  • congratulatory verses about mom - you need to print and cut out
  • letters for the sentence “Mom means life” - from cardboard or colored paper
  • quilling paper flowers
  • bulk flowers from colored paper
  • a picture of a woman with a child - printed on a piece of paper
  • brushes
  • glue - in the form of a pencil and PVA
  • simple pencil
  • toothpick
  • double sided tape
  • scissors
  • foam sponges

How to make a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten - a step-by-step description of the master class with a photo:

  1. On a sheet of drawing paper we paste a cut-out image of a mother and a child - in the central part. Draw a big heart around the picture.

  2. Via foam sponges create a light background.

  3. The edges of the wall newspaper will be decorated with prints of children's hands - at this stage all the kids of the group can take part.

  4. For coloring the heart choose pink color- the result of mixing red and white gouache.

  5. From the letters prepared in advance, we add up the sentence “Mom means life” and glue it to the paper with double-sided tape.

  6. Glue bright flowers around the heart also with the help of adhesive tape.

  7. On the free sections of the drawing paper we place printed and cut out poems about mother.

  8. We decorate the four corners of the wall newspaper with voluminous paper flowers.

  9. That's all, it remains to hang our product on the wall and wait for moms - that will be a surprise for Mother's Day! Each mother will appreciate the creative talents of her child.

Do-it-yourself festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day - a master class at school, with a photo step by step

Each country has its own traditions of celebrating Mother's Day, but its meaning has remained unchanged - strengthening family ties, as well as close ties between parents and children. On this day, every mother is surrounded by attention, care, flowers and gifts from loving relatives. Many schools on Mother's Day arrange thematic classes, morning performances for pupils of primary and secondary grades. In addition, children write essays about their mother, draw holiday wall newspapers - with poems and congratulatory inscriptions. We have prepared a simple master class with a photo step by step on how to create a do-it-yourself children's wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school. Most best gift to all mothers from loving children!

Necessary materials and tools for creating a festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day with your own hands to school:

  • paper sheet
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • simple pencil
  • cotton pads
  • poems about mom - printed on paper
  • photographs - 10 x 15 cm

We make a festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day with our own hands - according to a master class with a photo for schoolchildren:

  1. First you need to make a lot of daisies - we cut strips of white paper and yellow round cores (two per flower).

  2. We glue each strip with the ends, connect them together, and put a yellow circle in the middle - and on the other side too.

  3. We fix the finished daisies with glue along the edges of whatman paper - around the entire perimeter. It turns out an elegant flower frame for a wall newspaper.

  4. We lay out photos and poems about mother printed on paper on the surface, trying to choose the most successful places for each element.

  5. Bright red paper hearts will perfectly complement our composition.

  6. Children's imagination is truly limitless - from cotton pads you can make voluminous daisies of amazing beauty. To do this, we fold each cotton pad, giving it the shape of a petal, and then connect and glue it together with another “petals”. In the center of such a "chamomile" we fix the yellow center.

  7. Ready-made daisies are placed on a sheet of drawing paper, filling in the free areas. Such a wall newspaper will be a decoration for any class and a wonderful gift for Mother's Day.

Wall newspaper for Mother's Day (download and print for free)

To create a beautiful wall newspaper for Mother's Day, it is not at all necessary to have the talent of a graphic designer or the makings of a designer. Here you will find templates for individual fragments - they can be downloaded for free, printed on A4 sheets and made up a general picture. As a result, you will get a wonderful wall newspaper, which will remain to be painted in different colors. This method of making a congratulatory wall newspaper for Mother's Day is great for both children and adults - try it, it's very easy and fun!

Mother's Day Wall Newspaper Templates - Printable

DIY greeting poster for Mother's Day to school - ideas with photos and videos

With the onset of November, children all over the country are preparing to celebrate a warm spiritual holiday - Mother's Day. Indeed, every mother is pleased to hear lovely congratulations from her beloved daughters and sons. In many school classes on the eve of the holiday, you can see congratulatory posters or wall newspapers made by children's hands - with Best wishes, confessions, photos of beloved mothers. We are happy to share ideas with photos and videos to create the most beautiful Mother's Day greeting poster. Choice for every taste!

Ideas for congratulatory posters for Mother's Day to school - pictured

DIY Mother's Day Poster Video Tutorial

Poster for Mother's Day with their own hands in kindergarten - ideas in pictures

In kindergarten on Mother's Day, kids of different ages create touching crafts from paper, dry leaves and other improvised materials with their own hands. As a rule, it is customary to give such gifts at a festive matinee dedicated to Mother's Day. In addition, you can make a large “collective” poster for the whole group - you will find ideas in pictures on our pages. Everything is simple and affordable!

Best DIY Mother's Day Poster Ideas for Kindergarten - Finished Pictures

Bright wall newspaper or poster for Mother's Day - a great opportunity for children of all ages to show their creative talents. In our selection you will find simple step by step master classes with photos and videos on how to create a beautiful wall newspaper or poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten and school with your own hands. In addition, here you can download and print ready-made templates for free - you just have to put the individual fragments into a picture and color it with pencils or paints. Successful implementation of all ideas and plans!

A poster and a wall newspaper for Mother's Day are essential attributes of a kind and touching holiday. Children make them in advance in the kindergarten under the guidance of educators and at school with teachers. To make the products catchy, beautiful and colorful, you can print a suitable template, and then decorate it and supplement it with photographs, poems and congratulations. The second option is to create a unique work by combining a drawing, printed pictures, appliqué and other decorative elements in it. Both methods are good in their own way and provide an opportunity to show imagination and creativity, preparing a pleasant surprise for the closest, dearest and beloved people in the world.

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten - a simple master class on video

How to quickly and easily make a beautiful wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten, will tell detailed master class on video. The guys will get great pleasure completing the task, because this is one of the rare cases when no one will scold them for their palms smeared in paint. On the contrary, educators will even praise the kids, since the lesson involves drawing not with brushes, but with their own hands.

How to draw a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in the garden with your own hands - an example in the video

Beautiful do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school - the best examples in the photo

To make a wall newspaper made in honor of Mother's Day for the school turn out to be original, you will have to show imagination. The easiest way to give a "zest" is to decorate a sheet of Whatman paper with colorful pictures, thematic greetings and bright applications with voluminous hearts decorated with paper flowers. They need to be cut out of paper, strung on thin ribbons and carefully attached to the bottom of the wall newspaper. This decor will look very unusual and moms will definitely like it.

Most fast way creating a wall newspaper - cut flowers, poems and congratulations from ordinary postcards and glue them to a piece of paper. It will turn out simply and sincerely, but, at the same time, elegant and festive.

The wall newspaper, in which the drawing, photo and application are arranged, looks quite attractive.

Of course, you can’t call it original, but as classic version it may well take place. After all, the main thing is the attention shown to loved ones and absolute sincerity in the manifestation of one's feelings.

Wall newspaper for Mother's Day - what templates to print for kindergarten and school

When planning to make a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in a kindergarten or school, you can make the task a little easier for the children and download the appropriate templates in advance, and then decorate them with felt-tip pens and paints, decorate them beautifully with colored paper and fill them with poems, photographs and pleasant wishes dedicated to your beloved mothers.

Templates for a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten and school

The first option is a solid black and white image of the genre scene. In the center of the composition is a squirrel mother, and her squirrel babies are located around her. In the background are frames with empty space inside. After downloading the template, you will need to decorate it with pencils, felt-tip pens or bright colors, and paste photos of mothers with sons and daughters or printed texts of poems into the vignettes.

If this blank is used at school, then whole photo collages can be prepared for vignettes, and congratulations and wishes in verse or prose can be written by hand.

Another very simple template has a maximum padding. Poems, congratulations and wishes for mothers from children have already been printed here. Only in the lower left corner there is a free field where the guys can add a few personal phrases from themselves or write a collective message to their parents.

Successful, beautiful pattern in golden autumn shades is more suitable for school use. Vignettes with empty lines provide for boys and girls to fill them in by hand touching congratulations and beautiful wishes Happy Mother's Day.

Although, if the teacher asks his wards what exactly they want to say and wish their mothers on the holiday, and then writes these kind, gentle, beautiful phrases on the free lines, marking below which of the guys became the author of certain words, the template will fit perfectly in the festive decoration of the kindergarten and will definitely please the parents who came to the matinee.

How to make a poster for Mother's Day with your own hands in kindergarten with pictures and paper appliqué

A very simple, but at the same time bright and colorful poster for Mother's Day in the kindergarten can be made with colored paper applications and children's photographs. The guys will independently glue the necessary blanks to the base and add a photo with their smiling faces. The teacher will help the kids draw a welcome title, and then choose and write by hand a kind, touching poem with congratulations and wishes for mothers.

Necessary materials for DIY mother's day poster in kindergarten

  • paper sheet
  • PVA glue
  • brush
  • colored paper
  • simple pencil
  • stencil for letters
  • Photo
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a poster for Mother's Day with your own hands in kindergarten

  1. On sheets of multi-colored paper, using a pre-prepared template, draw children's hands, and then cut them out with scissors. The number of blanks should correspond to the number of children involved in the group. You can do without a template and just at the time of making the poster, invite the boys and girls to attach their pens to the paper, circle them with a pencil, and then carefully cut them out. Then each palm will be individual and the whole product will acquire a more personal touch.
  2. In the upper part of the sheet of drawing paper in the middle, make a welcome inscription: “Mom is our sun” or any other inscription corresponding to the theme of the holiday. Draw the letters using a stencil or cut out from bright colored paper and stick with glue.
  3. In the center under the inscription, stick an element cut out of yellow colored paper, symbolizing the sun. Just below write or paste a poem dedicated to mothers.
  4. Glue multi-colored children's hands on the sides of the poster, and glue photos of children on top of them. Each hand should have a photo of the child (portrait or full height). Children must bring pictures from home in advance.
  5. Put the finished poster under the load so that all the elements stick to the right places, and then attach the product to the wall or any other even, dense base.

Do-it-yourself Mother's Day poster for school - interesting ideas for photos and videos

Making a poster for school with your own hands for Mother's Day is an interesting task that requires a creative approach. In work, you can use any technique and combine various elements of decor. The brighter, more unusual and original the product is, the better moms will remember it. After all, it is always nice to know that your child is able to show imagination and create small creative masterpieces with his own hands.

Mother's Day Poster Ideas and Examples for School

Highly interesting option holiday poster is made on the principle of a collage. The main idea is that there are not only people in the world, but also animals, birds and insects. And all representatives of the flora and fauna have mothers who are just as reverent and tender towards their babies, like human parents. All images on the poster are united by a common motto about the importance and necessity of mothers, and are supplemented with the names of the most valuable spiritual qualities. The composition is illuminated by a kind, smiling sun, symbolizing the joy and prosperity that mothers bring to our planet.

One of the best types festive decoration- This is a poster consisting of joint photographs of mothers and children. To make the pictures look whole and harmonious, you need to combine them with a single decor, for example, with an application of colored paper made in the shape of an angel with wings. Such a substrate will add color to the poster and distinguish it from all other similar products. Efforts to manufacture will require the very minimum, and the effect will exceed all expectations.

A simple but attractive poster at school for Mother's Day can be painted with paints. The main character of the composition will be a child standing on a flowering meadow and stretching his arms to the sun. A bright, shining rainbow above it is the inscription: "Everything starts with mom."

If desired, it is quite acceptable to add a few more children to the picture, and choose some other no less sonorous and beautiful slogan as the motto. The poster will not lose from this, but, on the contrary, will become more saturated and catchy.

Rasskazova Olga Valentinovna

Wall newspaper - collage co"Day mothers»

Holiday "Day mothers» in Russia, more and more gaining momentum. In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated every year on the last Sunday of November.: in 2015 - November 29; in 2016 - 27 November.

Congratulations on this day mothers and pregnant women, unlike the International women's day when congratulations are accepted by the entire female population. Our mothers will be pleased if we "extra" once we remember them, congratulate them and express our love.

So we decided to please and surprise our mothers, and prepared such a collage poster. For this work, we used joint photographs of children with their mothers.

I bring to your attention the result of our work.

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Dear colleagues, the holiday of all mothers on Earth "Mother's Day" is approaching, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. He appeared in our country.

In our kindergarten, every year a holiday dedicated to "Mother's Day" is held. The guys and I were very actively preparing, prepared with a musical one.

Mom is the most important important person in our life, and especially for a child. On Mother's Day, we are with older children - a preparatory group.

Mother's Day is one of the wonderful holidays. For children and mothers, we decided to create a wall newspaper "It's good next to her, my dear mother, mine." Children.

Last year, the guys and I made a very elegant wall newspaper for moms. The newspaper turned out to be very versatile both on Mother's Day and on.

Purpose: The wall newspaper was made together with children for Mother's Day in order to maintain love and respect for mothers in children. There was a wall newspaper.

On the eve of the celebration world day aviation and astronautics, which the whole of Russia celebrates on April 12, we also decided to prepare with the children.