How to be a man tips. What should be a real man? Families First

How to become a true man and who is he, this real man, about whom most women dream so much? What qualities do you need to have to become one?

Be able to choose and clearly understand the consequences of your choice

In simple terms - do not mumble. A man understands the importance of making decisions, including the speed of their adoption. He does not stop, realizing that by postponing the choice, he slows down his life. At the same time, he understands that not all decisions may be correct, but this does not frighten him.


Goals are the most important thing in a man's life. He sees no obstacles, moving towards it, confidently resolves emerging issues. He knows for sure that there are no unsolvable situations, he clearly sees his path and does not turn off it.

A man has his own system of values, from which he does not deviate. Despite the fact that life regularly throws a couple of temptations to each person, a real man does not deviate from its course and does not react to them. He does not betray his views, does not change his point of view under the influence of the opinion of the majority. This is a fully formed and self-sufficient person, for whom it is enough that he is sure that he is doing everything right (within the framework of the criminal and moral code, of course).

Not afraid of failure

Success or failure is equally productive for him. A man will not stagnate, he is not afraid of defeat, realizing that even if it comes, he will be able to cope with it. He does not worry in advance that something may not work out, although he also calculates unsuccessful scenarios as much as possible.

A real man understands that the process of his formation is based on mistakes and failures. Since it is the strength with which difficulties are overcome that make him a man. Success does not give the same strong energy.

man in a relationship

As in all other areas of life, a man is not afraid of rejection, he always takes the first step. He understands that he will get what he wants. He is not afraid to take responsibility for the relationship. At the same time, relationships are never a fundamental moment in his life. His own goal is that which guides all his actions.

If the relationship is not satisfying, he honestly ends it and moves on without guilt. The decision to be with a woman is his conscious choice. As for the quality of the relationship, he himself, by his actions, sets an example of how to behave with him.

The man is fearless

The emergence of fear is reason enough to do what causes it.

Overcoming and fighting is the life of a real man. He doesn't turn away or hide in a shell, he doesn't back down, no matter what the outcome is.

Self confidence

The man speaks and behaves confidently. Such behavior is a manifestation of a clearly formulated life position. He does not need approval from the outside, the presence of principles causes respect among the people around him, even if they do not share his principles.

A responsibility

A man is responsible for everything that happens in his life: successes and failures at work, friends, relationships with a woman. He chooses what helps him move forward and eliminates what pulls him back.

The same item also includes the creation of safe conditions for those for whom he is responsible: a woman, children, parents. Protection, like prey, is one of the primary tasks facing a man from time immemorial.

He works on himself and makes himself better

A real man has a clear idea of ​​what kind of person he wants to become, what skills to possess. He devotes time to his own development, reading, sports, studying the materials necessary for him. Moving forward is something without which his life is impossible.


It is wrong to concentrate only on psychology and goals.

A man must be a man in every sense. Therefore, strength and endurance are something that should also be paid attention to.

Sports and the gym several times a week are mandatory items in a man's schedule. You should also work with bad habits, if any.

Summing up, I would like to say that a real man is a happy and self-confident person who is clearly aware of his place in life and has a built-in hierarchy of values ​​that he adheres to. In fact, it does not matter what exactly he does, but his activity brings him satisfaction. This is an internally calm person, realizing that his world is in himself.

The state of peace of mind, which cannot be disturbed by anything, gives him the strength that makes him a man. Achieving this state is not easy, it may take a long time, however, as already mentioned, a real man is not afraid of anything, he just goes to his goal.

Alexander, Samara

Like it or not, to become a real man, it is not enough just to be born with a set of male chromosomes. In the cultures of the world, there are various rituals that glorify masculinity, as well as traditions that help maintain it. This article will focus on how to turn from a boy into a man, and not about the basic differences between men and women. Although there are no clear criteria that define masculinity, there are certain qualities that are considered signs of a real man, and in this article we will talk about them.



    Know yourself. Find out who you are and start loving yourself. There is no single right path to masculinity. A real man can be a lumberjack in a sweater who does not wash for 10 days in a row. A real man can be a teacher at a university who tells students about Milton and Shakespeare. The main thing here is that a real man knows and respects himself.

    Be an expert in some area. It doesn't matter what field you like. Just pick something you know a lot about. Men do not always know how (and do not always want to) speak in complex and beautiful sentences, but when the moment comes to act, they know what to do. A real man can cope with a difficult task thanks to his mind. What can you be considered an expert in? Here are some examples of areas of expertise you should consider.

    • General erudition. You know everything about everything in the world. You could win Who Wants to Be a Millionaire if you wanted to be on TV. You know what parts of speech and participles are, you understand pterosaurs and you can distinguish a suit for 7,000 rubles from a suit for 700,000 thousand rubles.
    • Cars. Men are attracted to cars in the same way that women are attracted to them - they are beautiful, interesting and complex. No wonder men talk about cars like women. Perhaps you know how to change the oil in a car or fix a clutch.
    • Story. Unfortunately, even those who specialize in history rarely use their skills to solve various problems: you can apply the strategy of the Roman warriors, the tactics of the negotiations of the Cold War, the vague economic policy of France, and so on. A person who studies history knows that this knowledge is useful not only for preventing the repetition of past mistakes.
    • Women. Some men immerse themselves in the study of women. If you want to learn to understand them, be prepared to make mistakes and learn from them. There is nothing worse than men who thinks that he will make any woman happy, but who in fact is only a boor, an unceremonious person and an ignoramus.
  1. Learn to admit your mistakes and know when to apologize. Only an insecure man believes that making mistakes is bad, because he does not like being himself. Confident men understand when they were wrong and are not afraid to admit it.

    • Learn to apologize different ways. An apology can be more than just verbal—buy football tickets, bring breakfast in bed, or take a trip out of town. Men know that sometimes it is much more useful to act than to speak.
  2. Learn all about the male code. What it is? This is a set of unspoken rules that men follow. The rules may change, but they almost never change completely. Following the rules will let other men know that you respect them as much as you respect yourself. Here are some examples of such rules:

    Get rid of self-destructive thoughts or habits. Remember that men in all cultures are sometimes exposed to destructive influences in society that make them unhappy. To begin with, you should assess the environment in which you grew up as objectively as possible.

    • Did you grow up in an environment where it was acceptable to humiliate someone physically or verbally if the person didn't behave as expected or didn't obey an older person? Most often, cruelty is the result of cowardice, and not the desire to solve the problem. One should not be harsh towards friends and relatives or threaten them for the sake of asserting one's authority.
    • Have you been taught that you should suppress your emotions, hold back your tears, and hide your vulnerability as best you can? The disadvantage of this is that you could drive emotions into yourself, and because of this, everything will only get worse. Try to show your masculinity differently - be a reliable and strong person who can cope with the vicissitudes of fate.
    • Have you been taught to hate or fear homosexuals? Remember that it is only your inclination to have romantic and sexual relationships with people of the same sex that makes you homosexual. Your favorite music and clothes, the desire to cry when watching a movie, flowers for your wife, sensitivity and goodwill towards everyone do not make you gay. Sharp manifestations of homophobia speak of a person's insecurity in the sexual sphere, and not of his strength.


  1. Go in for sports. If you are a man, this does not mean that you can forget about taking care of yourself - you need to take care of your body. (For some men, that means weight training at the gym.) Be proud to be a man and get active: cardio, yoga, Pilates (they're not just for women), weight training, or playing sports combined with proper nutrition are all good options. Try to walk at least 30 minutes a day to burn fat and build muscle.

    Wear clothes that suit you. Things do not have to be very expensive or designer - they should suit you. Not all men are muscular, so loose and baggy clothes are not for everyone. While skinny jeans are very popular, try to stay away from women's clothing. Men only need:

    • Good jeans. One pair of comfort jeans, one pair of work pants and one pair of tailored jeans is enough. Build your image with basic things.
    • Button down shirts. One comfortable shirt, a few for work, and a few formal shirts will also suffice here.
    • Quality shoes. As a rule, men need 3-5 pairs of shoes: dress shoes (for work or solemn events), tennis shoes, shoes for work, comfortable shoes (sneakers, sneakers) and not very strict shoes (oxfords, loafers, moccasins). Match these shoes with your clothes in different ways according to your habits and lifestyle.
  2. Don't take drugs. Men are naturally curious, which makes drugs a serious danger. Confident men do not resort to drugs. Even if they have a lot of debts, difficulties at work, and a lot of unfinished business among personal affairs, a real man can enjoy life without trying to calm himself with drugs.


    Think about your principles. Men do not always like to be judge, jury, and executioner, but he knows how to distinguish good from bad and expects others to be guided by these rules. Look into your soul and ask yourself if you would like someone to treat you the way you treat someone else. This will help you stick to your principles.

    • A man does not resort to theft, even if he is in a difficult situation. A man in a difficult situation turns to others for help, and does not appropriate what does not belong to him.
    • A man helps those who need help. He knows that someone is unlucky and offers his help, even if he knows that the person will refuse.
    • A man trusts his friends, partner, family. He keeps his promises and expects the same from others.
    • A man never lies to himself or to others. He lives according to his conscience, and his conscience helps him come to terms with the truth, even if it is unpleasant.
  1. Be ambitious. Men are naturally ambitious. They want to be earners and win the respect and admiration of other men. Not all men choose the same career path, which suggests that different people different ambitions. Whatever job you choose (and you can have many), set goals for yourself, try to achieve them and discover something new in yourself every time. Define what the word "success" means to you.

    Be prepared to take responsibility and be responsible for your decisions. What distinguishes a man from a boy is the ability to take responsibility. Men keep their word, fulfill their duties and are responsible for their actions. Men clean up after themselves (literally and figuratively).

    • Men know that any can be a father, but only one who is ready for responsibility can be a good father.
    • Men don't force other people to do what they don't want to do themselves. They understand the complexity of the task and understand the risk that people are exposed to instead of them.
  2. Learn to make sacrifices for the people you love. Sacrificing is part of personal growth, whether you like it or not. A man differs from a boy in that while the boy doubts or complains, the man acts. A man is not afraid of sacrifices, especially for the sake of loved ones, and is ready to give time, money or other resources.

    Be good man. Integrity is about doing the right thing the right reasons, even when no one sees it. You may decide that once you have done what you have to do, your responsibility ends there, but that does not always make you good. human. Try to do good things all the time and re-evaluate your personality and your integrity. If you want to be a man, be a good man otherwise you will remain a boy.


    • Pay for everything on dates, unless the girl thinks it's barbaric. Be careful.
    • Open doors, pull up chairs, use the words "please" and "thank you" in your speech. Try to be polite out of respect for the girl.
    • Do your homework. Some men who are in long-term relationships neglect household chores: they don’t take out the trash, they don’t wash the dishes, they don’t change their baby’s diapers. Real men know that they should take part in household chores, even if they don't like them.
    • Dare to lose. Men love to compete, but many find it hard. Learn to accept defeat as well as victory. This may be more difficult than you think.
  1. Do not talk about your love affairs on every corner. Men love to dive into romance, but very often they can't keep their mouths shut. Don't think that if you don't talk about something, it doesn't count as a win. Success in love often speaks for itself. Quiet self-confidence will hint to your friends that you regularly win victories, even if this is not the case.

  2. Always treat your girlfriend or wife with respect. Here is a short list of do's and don'ts.

    • Should:
      • Listen to your partner.
      • Forgive small mistakes.
      • Keep your word.
      • Treat the person the way you would like to be treated.
    • It is forbidden:
      • Build unrealistic expectations.
      • Manipulate people to get what they want.
      • Treat a person like an object.
      • Assume that you know how the person is feeling and how they will react.

Passions for real men have been boiling for many hundreds of years. Last years There is an active discussion - so who is a real man, a stronghold of the motherland and a brighter future.

Here you will find a practical guide and fundamental principles how to be a real man. Deep and core. Without water and glamorous pathos.

But what is it like to be a real man? What he must be able and how to become one?

In the beginning, it is important to say that everyone needs the guidance and support of a real ... person.

In the individual of the human species capable of organizing, rebuilding, creating, doing, realizing, helping, punishing, solving their problems and, out of love, kindness, exercising their power and ability to a family, a group of people ... a region, homeland, continent, humanity.

It so happened that the most suitable organism for the implementation of these functions is a man. Unlike a woman, he is not burdened with bearing, feeding, raising children - internal issues. And due to mobility, physical strength, it is suitable for defending external interests.

Therefore, evolutionarily, a man became the owner of the titles of a lighthouse, leader and leader of the nation.

And for the same reasons, there is no need for a lot of “real men” - a maximum of 10-20%. After all, someone must follow him and help to realize His line.

But taking into account the upbringing of many boys as organisms that please mothers / grandmothers / aunts, that is, as executors of the female will, very few real men remain from the original 10-20% of naturally potential male leaders.

And just like that, modern glossy minds that create a criterion, a litmus test calling for the quality of saliva, suit or car to determine the authenticity of a man. And if he meets our requirements of responsibility, masculinity, gallantry, friendliness, wealth, power, intelligence, strength, then he is real, 007.

But the trouble is that the remaining normal men are left out of these female ideals of super-agents and glamorous paratroopers in a white Mercedes.

What should a real man be able to do?

One of the main qualities of a real man is that he does not owe anything to anyone. The prefix real means wholeness, self-sufficiency and lynching effectiveness. A real person is a kind of formed system that consciously and constructively moves through life. And no list of qualities, claims, obligations, so necessary for manipulation, does not involve a person in impulses of self-assertion and competition in false competitions.

That is, a real man is, first of all, a genuine, realized, happy man. Therefore, the rest are people in the project, some kind of rudimentary potential, adult people with suffering, diseases and symptoms. childish infantilism, who have not become masters of their mind, energy and body, which are designed for the harmonious implementation of tasks and happiness.

And it’s not appearance, muscles, manners, masculinity and responsibility that come to the fore at all, but the ability, the skill to be happy and productive.

And what range of tasks a man chooses for himself is purely his own business: he will take care of himself, include someone in the family, personal group, start dealing with the problems of the region or yours personally ... he decides.

Of course, if the spiritual, inner strength is in the cultural and an educated person, then he will most likely observe different manners of social decency, will be courageous, gallant, but purely for the sake of your own comfort and tranquility.

How to become a real man: a straight path

To become a real man you need to take care of yourself and your life. You should actively train the "body of life" practicing combat techniques of self-regulation and pumping up the muscles of professional self-realization.

Very important volumes of a man's life– high-quality relationships with women, development and protection of your people (family, children, parents, someone else), a reliable team of like-minded people, doing your task and God (who am I, where am I, where am I)

Let's look at how to develop the qualities of a real man through the prism of everyday life:

Women - forgive and love

These beautiful creatures through sex and relationships will expose your weak points - when you lose integrity, become attached to a woman, or vice versa are offended. Therefore, you need to learn to forgive women and not give the system of priorities, creative impulses, spatial self-organization into tender and gentle hands beloved women.

Business first and foremost

The desire to become unique in the competitive struggle gives rise to temptations to abandon certain facets of oneself in the process of creating a market advantage for a product / service. And you lose some natural part of yourself in exchange for money, popularity, etc. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the issue of harmony, balance and look for new methods of self-realization, taking into account your individuality and personal development processes. But you must have your own business, even if it is within the framework of a career.

The bottom line - take it and do it!

Develop all the skills in the chain "tasks of embodiment -> dream -> desire -> goal -> plan + resources -> action + rest\recovery -> result -> implementation of results in your life -> development/maintenance of the environment around you". Starting with simple and small goals, gradually moving to larger and more socially involved ones. Realizing and rebuilding personal strategies for the implementation of each stage and interaction with other people, structures. This will be helped by the development of discipline, organization, sincerity, breadth and structure of thinking, professionalism, courage, and sacrifice.

Character - iron will and good heart

Your value is not in the male brutal character, but in a certain inner stability, aspiration, lightness, peace, clarity and love. Everything heavy, energy-consuming and crooked - greed, greed, anger, despondency, laziness, cowardice, passivity, deceit, betrayal should be identified, realized and removed from the structure of one's character, replacing it with more constructive habits of behavior - goodness, will, love, truth , organization, joy, courage, independence. Not to suppress anger, etc., but to comprehend it and learn to respond through your stronger, purer and less destructive sides without losing effectiveness.


A trained and strong physical body is an accumulator of endurance and vitality. Different kinds martial arts increase flexibility, composure, self-esteem, not to mention the ability to physically “solve” stalemate hooligan-conflict situations. Therefore, a balanced diet, clean water, regular physical activity in the form of a pool, exercise equipment or intensive work with free weights is a minimum.


Look for ways to relax and recover other than drugs or large doses of alcohol that kill the body. If meditation \ psychotechnics, then it is necessary taking into account your structure of the psyche and body. Seated vipassana, aikido, pool, qigong - to each his own. It is very important to spend at least an hour a day alone and alone. Sex perfectly relaxes, but it is important to select women who are adequate for themselves, who give inspiration, strength, joy, and not just take away your energy.


A man is a carrier of aspiration. He always knows and remembers what is most important, how it all began and where we are striving. Being present, harmonizes goals with personal harmony. Also, there is a position on all life issues.

Sensuality and abstraction

The logical and concrete side of the mind is our strong point, which should be developed further. But it is also very important to learn to think abstractly and master the sensual categories of comfort, joy, lightness. Without sensitivity and abstractness, the ordinary logical mind is not able to think on a large scale and adequately respond to current, changing situations. Otherwise, it's like a bulldozer without a rudder - powerful, spectacular, but such a mechanism will require a platform / crane for turns, with a loss of timely response, etc.


When solving real problems, you come across different situations - from simple ones (didn’t fit someone’s expectations) to more complex ones (business clash of interests, active-aggressive confrontation) and critically complex ones (raising children). At the beginning the only way maintain and develop their position is rigidity, pressure, anger, aggression, physical impact. Because of compassion or understanding that there is more effective ways conflict resolution, emotional and physical aggression is replaced by wisdom, persistence of intention and "good aggression" - active influence without hatred and anger inside.


In any group/society, automatically, in order to survive, a hierarchy of power is built - who is formally and realistically in charge, who is strong and weak. There is no point in proving and fighting for formal, “visible” power. Demonstration of strength is not yet a sign of strength or intelligence; perhaps weakness is behind this, or vice versa, a red herring. When interacting with a group, it is important to always remember your tasks and rely on your interests, your unique essence. Use participation in “peaceful” competitions to blow off excess steam or stimulate the development of a useful skill / quality (public speaking, culinary skills, chess, etc.)


From the point of view of the spiritual path, it is important for a man to actively implement bring your ideas and dreams to life, first helping yourself and then bringing constructive change to the larger society. A real man is not necessarily a steelworker, a boxer or a businessman, a politician. Creative people(artists, scientists, composers, poets) realize their male part in courage create works of art, theories or inventions. Without the influence of female energies and the opening of the heart, it is very difficult for a man to come to a single whole \ god \ enlightenment \ original "I".


We recommend that you go through each item and test yourself for weaknesses or unaccounted for issues. To develop basic qualities, start with practice volitional concentration on the image, feeling or understanding of the required quality.

If we simplify all the gossip, then we can say that the real one is, first of all, a happy person who realizes his tasks and character, carrying a construct to the external environment. Therefore, to become a real man, learn to make yourself happy by being extremely truthful, lively and active.

If you are raising a boy, then try not to make him an obedient girl by destroying his will and planting programs for courting you, motivating this by raising nobility and caring for the environment. It is best to be a visual aid for the boy, making it possible to read normal patterns of behavior in "real time", and not from smart instructions.

The above list of qualities is a kind of primary ideal for assembling a real man. For young people, you can certainly take examples real people(Bruce Lee, Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal) and compare yourself with them.
Comparison and imitation is in some ways an ineffective technique, because it distracts a person from himself, but this can prompt guys to certain thoughts and show an example of role-playing behavior and the manifestation of basic masculine qualities.

Yours, Leonard Boyard
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Expanding opportunities, potential and craving for life!

Nowadays, everything has been turned upside down. This also affected the ideas about a man, and how he should be. In this article, you will learn how to become a man and what you need to do for this.

If we, men, are correctly defined, then we are born "totally naked." I don't mean physical nudity.

We are talking about knowledge and understanding of this world, as well as about the qualities of character, about positive habits, about the level of consciousness.

One can guess that all these moments need to be developed and nurtured in oneself.

What needs to be done to turn from a boy into a man?

From the early age The boy needs to be taught to be responsible and independent. He needs to see an example of a developed man.

Unfortunately, in our days, education has become such that a man cannot develop even by the age of 30. Whether more or less to work with his head, but with nothing else, a man begins in the region of 25 years.

If this happens, then you need to somehow get out of this situation. It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s never too late to start developing, although it’s much more difficult to start with age than when you were young.

The simplest advice on how to become a man:

A man, in order to be a man, needs to develop as a person, work on himself, on his qualities of character.

It manifests itself as constant training, correct mode days, the development of memory, courage, control of feelings, etc. You also need to learn to build the right relationships with everyone around you, to develop in professional activity, plan life and much more.

For assistance in developing this issue, below you will find links to additional articles.

Men should pay special attention to spiritual development without which it is impossible to develop harmoniously in other areas of life.

Obstacles to male development

It would be wrong not to tell you about some of the moments that are fraught with danger for men and their self-development.

One of the main obstacles to male development is excessive attachment to women.

When a man thinks too much about women, when he wants to constantly enjoy them, it makes him weak-willed and unable to control his feelings.

Therefore, it is important for a man to learn to control his feelings and resist female energy. Literally, a man should not run after every skirt, but should be faithful to one woman.

By the way, it is possible to determine by similar signs a developed man or not yet:

Implemented and strong man enjoys working on himself, he likes to engage in self-development, unrealized - he constantly wants to relax, drink alcohol, smoke, spend time with a new girl.

A man must be stronger than himself and his feelings and desires, this is an indicator of male strength.

Articles that will help you understand how to become a man

The blog has a number of articles that will greatly help you become a man in the full sense of the word. I recommend checking out these:

(A very detailed article from which you will learn how a man should be in various areas of life)

(In this post you will learn about the common problem of modern men - lack of confidence, as well as how to get rid of it - a detailed step-by-step plan is attached)

(An article that simply and clearly tells whether a womanizer is a real man or not)

(Non-standard advice for getting rid of the addiction of smoking)

Once again about the main

Now let's briefly define the main idea of ​​the article.

To become a man you need to work hard on yourself. This includes:

  • Mandatory daily spiritual development
  • Control of emotions and desires, the desire to be stronger and higher than their feelings
  • Self-development in the daily routine, nutrition, physical activity
  • Professional self-development and professional development
  • Setting goals for various periods of life, planning your time
  • The ability to always take responsibility for your life, without blaming any third-party circumstances
  • Development of confidence, development of various skills and abilities
  • Formation of positive qualities of character: honesty, loyalty, courage, courage, etc.
  • Purposeful acquisition of positive habits and their development
  • Rejection of negative habits

This list can be continued indefinitely.

The moral is that now you should not have the question “how to become a man”, and even “what should I do for this” now you know.

Work on yourself, change yourself, conquer yourself and be men.

If this article was useful to you, then share it on social networks!

The modern world has changed a lot, many values ​​have been lost. Unfortunately, the concept man” has also changed, and many modern guys are no different from girls. Men want to know how to be real a man to be admired by others and to please women. How be a man and what qualities do you need to have? The following tips will help you realize how a real man differs from others.

The man takes responsibility

A real man will never do something, knowing that it is wrong, and then blame others. A man always takes responsibility. One of the meanings of the word "husband" is one who is able to manage the family. Even if a man makes a mistake, he corrects it himself, and does not blame his wife or children for his own failure. A man analyzes and changes his behavior or attitude towards a problem. Responsible and self-confident men are always nice to look at.

A real man always becomes a leader

A real man is obliged to make decisions persistently and take full responsibility for the decision. No one likes when a person mumbles when the husband in the house cannot make any decision himself. Of course, the wife does not want to be controlled everywhere and not asked what she herself wants, but she also does not want all the affairs to fall on her fragile shoulders. Men who lack firmness of character can use auditing which helps to become better, stronger, happier.

A man must be strong

Of course, we are not talking about physiological strength - everything is clear here, a man is much stronger than a woman. A strong person is one who is able to control his emotions. So, a man simply must be able to manage his anger. It is no secret that women are more emotional, in a quarrel they can say a lot of nonsense, and if a man argues the same way as a woman, then conflicts will never be resolved. Therefore, a man must control emotions. After all, he is a man, he is smarter and more responsible.

A man must be courageous

This characteristic includes such human qualities as honesty, independence, discipline, conscientiousness, self-confidence, the ability to communicate and convince. If a man knows how to look into the eyes of pain and difficulties, then this is a real courageous person.

A man must have good manners

Finally, a man should be well-groomed and neat

Of course, this paragraph does not imply that he should go to beauty salons, after all, he is a man, and this is the prerogative of women. But, clean shoes and ironed clothes will not be superfluous.

These points will tell you how to be a man, but a peasant from the word "husband", i.e. courageous, courageous, responsible, polite. This is how all girls and women represent him. When choosing a partner for herself, as a husband, a woman, first of all, makes sure that her husband is a support and a reliable strong wall, both for herself and for future children.