Regressive hypnosis - past lives from A to Z. Real reviews of people who have done regressive hypnosis What it really is

Regression is simply going backwards in time. When a person remembers what clothes he wore to a party a week ago, he makes a conscious regression. It seems that such memories are erased over time from memory forever. However, this is not quite true. All the experience and knowledge accumulated during life is stored in our unconscious. But there are methods that make it possible to return, it seemed, forever forgotten memories.

Regressive hypnosis is a method of tapping into the perfect memory bank of the unconscious and extracting information from it for consideration by the conscious mind. When immersed in a trance using the regressive method, a person re-experiences the events of the past. If the situation is traumatic, the hypnotherapist instructs the patient to view the events as if from the outside in order to muffle the unpleasant sensations. During the session, the hypnotized person often demonstrates behavior characteristic of him during the period in which he was returned by the hypnologist. For example, he uses in his speech turns and intonations characteristic of a ten-year-old child.

A regressive hypnosis session lasts longer than a standard hypnosis session. For example, one hour is enough to conduct hypnosis according to the Milton Erickson technique, while classical hypnosis takes 30 minutes. Regressive hypnosis requires much deeper immersion and takes up to 2 hours on average.

For a more detailed understanding of what regressive hypnosis is, you can get by watching the video:

Scope of regressive medical hypnosis

The use of the regressive method of hypnosis in psychotherapy can achieve the following goals:

  • normalize problematic family and work relationships;
  • establish the causes of the appearance of various complexes and diseases;
  • cure allergic reactions and skin disorders;
  • heal childhood trauma and phobias;
  • free yourself from the fear of death by looking into past lives;
  • get rid of hesitation before making fateful decisions;
  • increase self-awareness, achieve personal growth.

For people suffering from childhood mental trauma, regressive hypnosis is one of the fastest and most effective methods of therapy. Faced once with some kind of traumatic experience, the individual on a subconscious level decides in the future to protect himself from falling into such situations. The protection of the subconscious takes the form of inexplicable fears and somatic disorders. Having discovered the source of fear in some event from the past, the patient gets a chance to get rid of unpleasant sensations, reconsidering the attitude to the situation from the perspective of an adult. Often, working through one negative experience causes a domino effect: many other problems that have tormented the patient for years go away by themselves.

Regressive hypnosis is also effective method immersion in a resource state - a time when a person did not have any internal restrictions or negative experience, instilling in him a lack of confidence in his abilities. By returning to this state, a person discovers the strength and ability to solve current problems more creatively and productively.

Myths and reality about regressive hypnosis

The regressive method of hypnosis has many supporters and critics. And some are simply afraid of being subjected to hypnotic suggestion. The reason for this is the myths that arose thanks to the rich imagination of filmmakers and stage hypnosis.

  1. The myth of the complete submission of the client to the will of the hypnotist and the fear of revealing personal secrets. The technique of regressive hypnosis involves the use of Ericksonian hypnotherapy techniques - non-directive methods of interaction with the client. The subject remains partially conscious and, if desired, can easily refuse to follow the orders of the hypnotist if they contradict his ethics and intentions.
  2. Fear of not remembering the content of the regressive hypnosis session after leaving the trance. The hypnologist inspires the client to remember all the information necessary for his development. In addition, the entire session can be recorded on a voice recorder or video.
  3. Fear of not getting out of hypnosis. Trance is one of the natural states of a person, finding consciousness between normal sleep and wakefulness. And problems with getting out of a trance when accompanied by a hypnotist are excluded.

The exception is patients with psychotic or borderline psychotic states, for whom hypnotherapy is really contraindicated.

The only significant problem with regressive hypnosis is the occurrence of the phenomenon of false memories, when the client's subconscious produces fictitious stories. For example, the fact of sexual violence allegedly experienced in the past. Such imaginary memories are usually implanted in the memory when reading books, watching TV shows. But often the phenomenon is caused by the unprofessional behavior of the psychotherapist, who gives a setting to search for similar episodes in the past. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo regressive hypnosis only with specialists who specialize in their work specifically in hypnotherapy. You can ask all the exciting questions about hypnosis and regression to a psychologist-hypnologist with many years of experience

Even in the middle of the 20th century, hypnosis began to be regarded as effective tool therapy of psychological problems and physiological diseases. But after the publication of books by practitioners of regressive hypnosis Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon and others, the method of regressive hypnosis has reached a new level and gained even more fans around the world.

Regressive hypnosis - altered state

The topic of this article may be unusual for people who think that hypnosis is something mystical and almost connected with the shamanic practice of inducing a trance, leading to the transformation of the human psyche, to an altered state of consciousness and, as a result, to unconscious actions. Hypnosis can also be understood in this way, although that would be a somewhat superficial definition.

Often hypnosis is associated with esoteric knowledge, and this is no coincidence. After all, what is esoteric knowledge? This is such knowledge that is available only to initiates, it is hidden from prying eyes, inaccessible to the crowd, but with the help of certain techniques and techniques, initiation into the tradition, previously hidden knowledge becomes available, and hypnosis plays an important role in obtaining this knowledge. Immersed in this state, you can come to such discoveries that you did not expect, learn new things not only about yourself and your past, but sometimes about the future, get acquainted with events previously unknown and gain knowledge that will allow you to advance on the path of self-improvement and knowledge true world order.

Although some analysts are inclined to compare hypnosis with sleep, this opinion is erroneous. Hypnosis is different in that during it, a person completely retains memory and will. By the way, the latter is an extremely important factor. A person cannot be hypnotized against their own will. Even during the session itself, it often happens that a person refuses to follow the instructions, the directions that the hypnotist gives him, thus showing resistance and thereby once again demonstrating the presence of will during the hypnosis session.

The main thing in hypnosis is suggestion, which is why there is such a thing as "hypnotizability". A person who is easily hypnotized is called hypnotizable. Firstly, this is not common to all people, so hypnosis is not a panacea that is shown to everyone. Secondly, the depth of immersion and the quality of the hypnosis session itself directly depend on the other side - on the hypnotist. Often a psychologist acts as a hypnotist.

The direction that psychologists practice is called "hypnotherapy". This is a fairly wide area modern psychology, and its origins lead us to the distant past. Ancient healers, Eastern healers have long known about the therapeutic power of hypnosis and successfully used it. As for the present, starting from the 18th century, European doctors began to call this condition animal magnetism.

In our time, there are several of the most influential areas of hypnotherapy, among which are:

  • ericksonian hypnosis,
  • regressive hypnosis,
  • hypnodrama
  • gestalt therapy,

Problems Solved with Regressive Hypnosis

Why are regressive hypnosis methods so popular? because great amount physical ailments, diseases of the organs of the body and psyche are by no means caused by somatic reasons, but by psychosomatic ones, i.e. the root of the problem lies not in the dysfunction of one or another organ by itself due to its deterioration, but in the human psyche. Having immersed a person in a hypnotic state, it is much easier to find the cause of the problem and neutralize it. Having been eliminated at the level of the psyche, it automatically disappears from the physical level, and thus human health returns to normal.

Naturally, not all deviations in physical condition are psychosomatic in nature, but disorders such as

  • depression,
  • sleep disorders,
  • digestive problems,
  • weight problems,
  • phobias
  • skin problems
  • neuroses,
  • stuttering,
  • some dependency forms,
  • allergy

can be solved with hypnosis. And even more interesting is that with the help of hypnosis, these problems can be solved faster and more efficiently than when a person resorts to the methods of allopathic medicine with its pills and miracle capsules, which, unfortunately, can never rid a person of a problem to the end, because their main goal is to “remove”, level the symptoms. This so-called "symptomatic treatment" is very common, but in reality it is not very effective. Therefore, if a person really wants to get rid of the problem once and for all, then hypnosis provides such an opportunity.

Much has been said about the fact that during regressive hypnosis, as well as during normal hypnosis, the brain goes into an altered state, but so far this question remains open among professionals, because in an altered state, the indicators of activity of the cerebral cortex differ significantly from those , which a person demonstrates while in a normal state, and from that which manifests itself in a state of hypnosis.

Regressive hypnosis and past life

Regressive hypnosis is in many ways similar to conventional hypnosis, with the only difference being that the hypnotist sends the person into the past with the help of verbal suggestions and suggestion. Deeper layers of memory are activated, those unconscious knowledge that a person definitely has come to the surface, and a person remembers past lives, his reincarnations.

A specialist hypnotist who practices regressive hypnosis must himself believe in the theory of reincarnation, that is, in the reincarnation of a person, rebirth in various bodies, in which his essence does not change. According to the testimonies of people who have been subjected to hypnotic influence, as well as the hypnotists themselves, the rebirth of a person most often occurs in the same area and even surrounded by the same close people with whom he interacted in a past life. Why is this happening? The fact is that a person is given another chance to continue building relationships, as well as to reevaluate what was done in a past life.

What he understood from past experience will be applied in real life, thus the evolution of man takes place, his approach to the Ideal. Ordinary average person lives on earth for hundreds, and often thousands of lives, but if he does not turn to regressive hypnosis, there is practically no chance of remembering these lives, because this knowledge lies deep in the subconscious. Ordinary reality with its cycle of events does not sometimes even give a person the opportunity to think about the existence of a previous experience of life on Earth, while regressive hypnosis, using the settings given by the hypnotist, solves this issue quite easily. If you are a truly hypnotizable person, then after just one session, conducted under the guidance of an experienced hypnotist, you will regain the memory of your past incarnations, and it is possible that this knowledge will help you overcome the problems that you encountered in your present incarnation.

Regressive hypnosis technique effectiveness

By the way, it should be noted the effectiveness of the method of regressive hypnosis. With regard to psychological problems or those intractable issues that you encounter on a regular basis, many of them can be stopped by resorting to the method of regressive hypnosis. Some apologists official medicine tend not only to be skeptical of this method, but even consider it dangerous for humans. However, what do they have to say in response to the many positive reviews from people who have had a hypnosis session? That the weak psyche of some clients allegedly cannot cope with the influx of vivid memories from the past? Sometimes what happened in past incarnations can cause a painful reaction in a person, make him angry or make him cry.

But you need to understand that this is only an externally manifested effect of the fact that a person restores the memory of events that occurred long ago, and it is not surprising that his reaction to them will be violent. Often, in addition to the events that happened to a person on Earth in other eras or even in other countries, he recalls his prenatal experience. All this, taken together, makes even orthodox hypnotists think that past lives really exist, that a person’s memory is by no means limited by the present incarnation, and even more so does not begin to function at the age of 2 ̶ 3 years. Much more is stored in memory than we suspect, and this knowledge has something to offer us.

The only caveat to conducting sessions of regressive hypnosis can be made for those people who have mental disabilities. Therefore, regressive hypnosis is still indicated for people with a normal, strong psyche.

The choice of a hypnotist is also very important. It often happens that it is difficult to find a good experienced and tactful hypnotist-psychologist who would believe in the very phenomenon of reincarnation. On the contrary, you may find that there are many offers from, to put it mildly, less qualified specialists, but positioning themselves as regressive hypnotists. Ideally, it is best to conduct a session with a psychologist-hypnotist who is aware of the presence of past life experience, but if this is not possible, then it is better to choose a truly qualified person than to rely on a practice, albeit knowledgeable in past lives, but who is not able to conduct session quality.

The fact is that some people believe that all hypnotists believe in reincarnation. This is far from true. But when conducting sessions of deep hypnosis, these psychologists are faced with a phenomenon when their client entered the state of hypnosis so strongly that even without special suggestions, without instructions to go further into their past lives, these people, nevertheless, themselves remember past lives, or at least the prenatal period of their lives, when they were still in the womb.

This kind of experience, when the hypnotist is not a follower of the theory of reincarnation, is all the more evidence that it exists objectively. After all, when they immersed a person in hypnosis, they did not have the goal of leading a person through past lives, however, in reality it happened, regardless of their conscious desire.

How to prepare for regressive hypnosis. regressive hypnosis method

There are several options for preparing for a session of regressive hypnosis, but here we will describe one of the most effective ones, which will prepare you for dealing with both health problems and psychological issues.

So, first you need to meet with a specialist who will conduct a hypnosis session and discuss the goals that you want to achieve. Then, in the process of hypnosis, the psychologist-hypnotist will place the accents in the work in such a way that your attention and memories find those periods of life in your past, or rather something that happened in this life, where the problem comes from, which blocks your further development. Usually these problems are emotional blocks formed in early childhood, but due to the fact that consciousness and memory have supplanted them and now they have become part of the subconscious, access to them using conventional methods is closed, while hypnosis bypasses the prohibitions of the conscious mind. and directly opens access to what is stored in the subconscious, so that a person remembers it, relives it again and realizes it.

Thus, in the second part, already during the hypnosis session, the problem is often solved the first time, since emotional unblocking occurs at the moment of EXPERIENCE, and then full awareness of what happened, which leads to rapid changes in real life. And if the problem was associated with physical ailments, then after hypnosis the patient's condition improves dramatically, and after a while the person finally restores health. Again, it must be remembered that here we are talking about such diseases, which are based on psychosomatic causes. Once again, we emphasize that there are problems whose causes are purely physiological, and then hypnosis cannot serve as a means of healing.

You need to look at the situation maturely and evaluate all the pros and cons. On the other hand, after the first session of hypnosis, an experienced specialist himself will understand whether it is worth continuing the therapy further and immersing the person in deeper states of hypnosis, leading him to memories of past lives, or not. That is, a real highly qualified specialist will understand whether it is possible to solve the client's problems with the help of hypnosis alone, or whether other methods need to be resorted to. Regressive hypnosis, not being a panacea, nevertheless has established itself as powerful tool in the practice of restoring the physical and mental state of the human body.

from the editors of the site: once again we recall that before deciding to let into your inner world an outsider (hypnotist) is better to observe his lifestyle. If you are completely satisfied with the format of life he has chosen, then proceed further, but even if any one aspect of his life contradicts your worldview, it is better to think it over well.

Stereotypes of human behavior, the way to respond to situations and events is determined by the program recorded in his unconscious. This program does not always work for a person in a plus. Traumatic events of the past early childhood in the present they create obstacles in order to be happy, satisfied with life. Sometimes incorrect subconscious programs lead to serious deviations in behavior and even to the breakdown of vital systems in the body. You can deal with such problems with the help of regressive hypnosis.

regressive hypnotherapy

Regressive, or retrograde, hypnosis is the study of the patient's past, immersed in a hypnotic trance, together with a hypnotherapist. The task of such work is to find and change or eliminate the attitudes laid down deep in the unconscious that negatively affect a person’s life. It is also possible to create new installations.

Psychologists have long known that any personality problem has its origin in the past, more often in childhood. To eliminate it, regression is required, that is, a return to the situation or time when the problem first arose. It is far from always possible to make this a conscious study, since the memory of such injuries is often erased. More precisely, it is hidden in the subconscious, and consciousness guards access there. Therefore, a person does not understand the reasons for his failures.

Hypnosis, by introducing a person into a state of trance, removes the protection of the sentinel centers of consciousness and opens the way to the unconscious. Before starting the session, the hypnotherapist asks the client what problems need to be solved, and together they form a request. Then there is an immersion in a trance, and work with the past begins.

By asking questions, the specialist evokes certain memories in the patient, makes it possible to return to negative and traumatic moments of the past, look at them from the outside and even relive them. Then change the attitude to the situation and the prevailing stereotype of behavioral response. able to save the patient from:

  • pathological phobias;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • improperly formed behavioral skills;
  • feelings of inferiority;
  • feelings inadequate to life situations (anger, guilt, fears).

This list goes on. Eliminating psycho-emotional and physiological problems, regressive hypnosis gives a person a sense of peace, harmony with himself and the world, relieves him of heaviness that hindered development and a full existence. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by numerous real reviews of regressive hypnosis on the Internet.

Get advice on regressive hypnosis with a hypnotherapist Nikita Valerievich Baturin on his VKontakte page.

Regressive hypnosis also includes the exploration of past lives. Psychotherapists are ambivalent about the study of past incarnations of a person under hypnosis, expressing fair doubts about the truth of memories of past lives, deaths and existence between lives. However, this does not prevent people who have undergone hypnosis in past lives from solving many of their problems and even gaining a new meaning of existence. These techniques are often used in personal growth training.

Reviews from past regressive hypnosis

Anton, 29 years old: “I was forced to go into regressive hypnosis by a persistent feeling of aimlessness and walking in circles. It felt like a waste of energy. After the first session there was lightness, a feeling of freedom. The conscious work during the session on the problems gave an incredible feeling of confidence. There was a calmness that I lacked so much. The next two sessions turned out to be more energy-intensive, but the result was impressive. Now I am enjoying the fruits of my work with a regressologist, I am enjoying life.”

Marina, 36 years old:“I want to tell you about my unusual experience. This is a regressive hypnosis session. At first I read the reviews of those who did regressive hypnosis. In general, for a long time I went to the idea of ​​going through just this type of hypnosis. At first, I was scared and did not understand what would happen next. How then to live and how I will see myself in a past life. But after my regressologist gave me instructions, it became clearer and easier. It will be easy to follow. And everything that will happen to me happened before. What I have already experienced. That is just my memory. The most interesting thing is that I managed to remember all my childhood to the smallest details that were forgotten a long time ago. And I plunged into the emotions that I experienced as a child.

I also want to note: it seemed terrible to go deep into your consciousness in order to see what was happening there. But if a person has already decided on regressive hypnosis, he will definitely go there to satisfy his interest. Interest is the most powerful lever. The sensations that you experience when entering this water are difficult to retell or explain to other people. This is your own, close, peculiar only to you. After completing the dive, you begin to turn to mentors. Either you yourself are a mentor for yourself, or you are looking for it in people who are interesting to you. Unfortunately or fortunately, I did not experience finding a mentor. Too holistic to divide myself into the one who teaches me and who I study.

Everything turned out to be interesting, but most importantly - useful. It was possible to understand: a person is responsible for his actions, for the result he receives. Having experienced a whole storm of emotions, an incredible flow of energy that passed through me, I needed to explain to the hypnotherapist in an elementary format what was happening to me. It was impossible to retell what was felt. A hundred years of history, the appearance of souls, the hunt for the soul. All this flashed before me like in a fantasy movie. But I realized that it exists. That it takes place in a parallel world and may never touch us, but it exists. Regressive hypnosis is worth a try. The most important thing is not to be afraid, because what is going to happen happened a long time ago. These are just your memories, and you can see who you were in that life, what you did. In this life, you are already responsible for yourself.”

Natalia, 28 years old: “I read a lot of reviews about retrograde hypnosis, went to him out of curiosity. During the session, at first I felt how much my hands were freezing, they became just ice cold. Then I saw myself as a man. I stood in the cold. I had a mustache, they pricked upper lip. She smelled men's cologne. I felt completely like a man, while at the same time I was aware of where I really was. This is very difficult to explain. I used to be able to easily establish contacts with people. But after the session, I felt as if I had gained the ability to reach the same level with any person. There was some kind of indescribable desire to help people.

I also began to think: often people, especially young people, do not understand what exactly they want from life. They simply do what others expect from them, often without much pleasure or even to their own detriment. After the session, I had some unexpected clarity of what exactly I want and what I need to avoid. There was even a desire to master this method myself in order to help others learn what they themselves learned, and also change.

I see so many good things around, I just look at the surroundings in fascination. And I'm so happy with my condition. All the blackness was swept away, as if snow melted water. All the negativity that I have experienced for several years is coming off me. I have not felt such a state as I have now since the moment when I was diagnosed with my illness. The negativity enveloped me then, so it became more and more every day. And then all of a sudden - and all this passes.

At first I was afraid that not. And then, when everything happened, I remember the moment when love suddenly broke out inside me. I even saw this place, below the neck at the level of the heart. And this good state slowly lives in me. So afraid of losing him. It's like a precious ball inside me. Thank you very much to my hypnologist.

Karina, 36 years old: “It all started after my divorce from my husband. I felt devastated and exhausted, lethargic. And it was necessary to take care of the child, somehow earn money. Consciously looking for a way to help myself understand the cause of my situation and deal with it. I learned from the reviews about regressive hypnosis, I realized that I want to try it. The first session lasted five hours. The regressologist and I went through several of my incarnations, examined some generic stories, removed several visible blocks. But along the chain, it seems to me, they were removed more.

It was interesting to recognize myself in past incarnations. Much became clear, my views found an explanation. On the subtle plane, it was interesting to look at the obstacles to the natural movement of energy, to correct them. In the second and third sessions, blocks and influences were already removed much more easily, answers to questions came easier, all work was carried out more intensively.

I managed to reveal my abilities, to accept my soul. Now I can do much more, but I continue to work on myself. I see exactly what I need to do. I see more positive things around. I have become much more responsible for raising a child, I take into account the consequences of all my words and deeds. I have almost opened my own business.

Sergey, 32 years old: “I would like to tell you about my unusual journey, I am writing a review about retrograde hypnosis. Travel to a past life. When I found out about such an opportunity in our city, I immediately showed interest. Before the regression session, I was advised to stock up on questions that I want to get an answer to. I was just asking different questions, I took them with me on a journey to the past. I remember the day when the session was scheduled for me, I was waiting with impatience and excitement. But when he came, the excitement disappeared. I just trusted my hypnotherapist. She uttered phrases that helped me relax, distract from the hustle and bustle of the world in which my consciousness resides every day.

The journey itself began after complete relaxation. I remember describing aloud the pictures that appeared before my eyes. My regressologist guided me, offered to pay attention to some details. I remember the journey as a very positive one. I remember laughing a lot. I managed to get answers. But they seemed so small to me compared to the world that opened up for me. Now, when I remember the course of the regression, those tasks that are encountered daily in life seem to me so insignificant compared to the eternal absolute tasks. After regressive hypnosis, I felt very confident, calm. The vanity has disappeared from my life. Some true values ​​have been identified. I began to understand why I was going, where I was going, why I was saying certain words. It has become much easier to refuse people what is not related to my true values. Everything seemed to fall into place, falling into place. Life in general has become calmer, more confident.

Larisa, 29 years old: “I was very impressed by the reviews about regressive hypnosis, I decided to try it, signed up for a session. Before going for it, I was simply torn apart by contradictions, doubts whether I needed it. But I made up my mind and have no regrets. I still can't believe what I saw with my own eyes. Everything was super emotional, I cried and even screamed. I saw several of my incarnations at once, and they changed so quickly that I just blew my head. Like some kind of performance. I clearly saw my birth. And even after the session, these memories haunted me for a long time. I, honestly, did not believe that this was possible, and now I just bow to the skill of a hypnologist. I feel positive, some unusual energy has appeared. I started doing what I had been putting off for a long time - I do yoga with video lessons and English.

Dmitry, 33 years old: “I always felt with people, even acquaintances, squeezed, uncomfortable. It interfered with the family, at work. Then another suspiciousness appeared, began to grow. I matured to understand the reason for this and overcome it. So I came to regressive hypnosis. Everything went exactly as described in the descriptions. I remember seeing pictures. Somehow, I suddenly realized that I was doing something wrong. Of course, the regressologist tried. I felt an incredible release. Now I continue to work on myself. I'm trying self-hypnosis. There are such changes in life that if it weren’t with me, I would never have believed it. ”

Olesya, 35 years old: “I had a situation in life - I could not force myself to leave the house, panic attacks began. Of course, I had to go out, it was painful. I lived like this for more than ten years, I even got used to it. Why this is happening to me, I don't know. I was advised to consult a hypnologist, and he suggested regressive hypnosis. Feedback from other customers was simply enthusiastic, helped to decide. I made a request to find out the reason for my condition. At the session, we went first to the age of my first class. We gradually advanced, reached one and a half - two years, then even further.

The situations always turned out to be similar - leaving the house, from the room to the common corridor. Even from the crib at the age of one year. I distinctly remembered the moments of swaddling. And when we reached the moment of childbirth, my throat was squeezed, I felt suffocation. I remembered, my mother told me: the birth was swift, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck. Only the fact that she grabbed the pen saved me from death. But had to be pumped out. That is, I might not have been born.

We removed it - worked it out, viewed it from the other side. It was necessary to react to the situation like an adult. And the panic just went away. It struck me. It is surprising that we managed to reach the cause in one session, although we did not even imagine such an option. I am very grateful to my hypnotherapist."

Vitaly, 23 years old:“I have been told before about my non-hypnotizability. Interested in what it is - retrograde hypnosis. It turned out that more often it is called regressive. So I wanted to know what is there, in these past incarnations. Came to this hypnosis, everything worked out. I was able to see much more than I knew. It is interesting that he saw himself differently, but he was aware of everything around. Scared when I saw myself in female body wanted to run away. I marvel at the patience of a hypnotist. Very happy with this experience. Some extraordinary lightness. It was as if a stone had been taken out of the chest, and the soul had been freed. Even the brain earned at all speeds. Respect for such technology!”.

Anastasia, 31 years old: “I am a practical person, it is quite difficult for me to part with money. I expect certain results from any investment. Therefore, the decision to go for regressive hypnosis was not a whim. I needed to solve my problems, I chose a specialist for a long time. Now I can write my own review of regressive hypnosis. To begin with, my hypnotherapist offered to formulate a request with which we will work. The session was on Skype, I was in bed. At first I could not relax, immerse myself. But when the questions began, my subconscious began to give answers, incomprehensible pictures appeared before my eyes, I was very surprised.

I saw myself in another body, another time. I had strange feelings for this man. Outwardly, he was completely unfamiliar to me, but inwardly I felt it was me. I saw this man in different situations, ages. At some point, something like a quiet tantrum began in me, the tears did not stop, although I usually don’t cry at all. I realized - this is an emotion that I did not live in time. I had to get rid of her, get rid of her. I didn't want to stop crying. But the regressologist corrected my condition, we moved to another time period, when the situation had already been experienced. We looked at the situation through the eyes of God, which was generally surprising, because I also saw him.

Then I met my mentor. It felt like it energized me. The session lasted two hours, but it seemed like an instant to me. I came to understand what I was doing wrong, why physical problems appeared in my body. You could say I learned to help myself. There were some guidelines, a desire to continue this work. Those worries that tormented me before now seem incomprehensible. Immediately after the session, I really wanted to relax, but now I feel lifted, physically I am much better. I realized how important it is to fully live each emotion correctly.

I want to add - if there is a problem in life that comes back again and again, you need to understand its causes. We need to resolve them, get rid of them forever. Move on in life as a free, confident person. The technique of regressive hypnosis allows this to be done. You don't pretend, you don't make an effort on yourself. You just lie there, watching the changes take place in your soul. I recommend this amazing experience to everyone. It will definitely bring results."

Alexandra, 62 years old: “I want to leave a review about regressive hypnosis. During the session, I shed tears several times. Experiences coincided with the moments when births and deaths occurred in different lives. I even saw the fact of cutting off the head. My most remarkable discovery is that I am big, that I am everything. I was struck by tears, because I practically do not cry at all. It seems to me that tears were shed because the mission with which I was brought into the world in one or another reincarnation was not fulfilled.

My brain just flipped. I have read many books about it. But the effect of the session just shocked me. What I saw changed my life. In those moments when everything seemed to explode, there was a transition. And there was a feeling of happiness and discovery. After the session, it was as if I opened a new breath, even in the physical sense it became easier to breathe. I look around and do not recognize the surroundings. What used to annoy, suddenly began to carry a positive.

Real feedback about regressive hypnosis from patients

Regressive hypnosis is one of the hypnosis techniques in which a person is immersed in a trance state. This state allows a person to view his past lives and incarnations, learn a useful lesson from such a journey, solve problems that have piled up and break the circle of looped situations.

This type of hypnosis is used to treat various psychological and emotional disorders.

In research, this technique is used to confirm the facts about the existence of reincarnation, that is, the reincarnation of the human soul and rebirth, the existence of past and future lives.

Regression in psychology is the study and detailed study of a person's past.

Regressive hypnosis shows a person the real cause of his disorders and pathologies, he is able to show the source of the problem, find and explain various psychological and emotional disorders.


To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the methods of regressive hypnosis and techniques.

The technique of regressive hypnosis is to immerse a person in a trance and find the necessary information in the subconscious. Such a complex process is done because in a normal state or in a state of classical hypnosis, it is impossible to get to the desired information.

Those who are interested in regressive hypnosis and go to such experiments are interested in knowing their past in more detail, learning from it, studying the sequence of changes, and also tracking the patterns of changes.

In modern psychology, regressive hypnosis seeks to find the true problem that provoked the emergence of existing situations.

Immersion technique

For regressive hypnosis, special training is required, which is carried out by a psychologist for some time, until the specialist assesses the patient's condition and concludes that the patient is ready for the practice of hypnosis.

The technique consists of several stages:

  1. Dive into a trance state. When immersed in a trance, the hypnologist keeps in touch with the patient, asking him leading questions and helps to get comfortable in the current situation. This is also done in order to make sure that hypnosis works and the person sees his past.
  2. After confirming that the person is in the required state, the hypnologist asks leading questions that help to find the necessary information, outline the state of affairs more clearly and identify what became the source of the current problem.
  3. After discovering the causes, the hypnologist corrects the situations and information in past events, fixes the changed version in the subconscious and returns the patient to real time.

Throughout the trance session, the hypnologist controls the patient's condition, accompanies and helps to understand your subconscious. The final point is the withdrawal from the trance, while in no case is it allowed to waste energy and create new problems.

It takes time to study past lives, in one session it is impossible to cover all the information and reach the source, the original point of departure, that is, your origin.

In a state of trance, people are able to remember their past lives and tell about them in great detail, sometimes it happens that the patient can tell the future incarnation.

In a hypnotic trance, regressive hypnosis opens the door to a person's subconscious, to his unconscious. At this level, you can change and correct situations, human behavior. The danger lies in the fact that one careless influence or suggestion can incur serious consequences.

The technique of regressive hypnosis should be carried out by a hypnotist specially trained and without negative thoughts and impulses.

What problems can be worked out?

One of the tasks of regressive hypnosis is to make a person relive unpleasant moments and periods for him, as a result of which he gets rid of them and neutralizes their impact on real life.

Regressive hypnosis helps to solve the following problems:

  • Get rid of chronic fatigue.
  • Recovery of psychological and emotional state bringing a person into harmony with himself and finding balance and integrity.
  • Identify and resolve sexual disorders.
  • Establish relationships, learn how to properly communicate with others.
  • Get rid of addiction and bad habits.
  • Solve the problem of self-doubt and self-confidence.
  • Problems of a psychological nature.
  • Solve problems with excess weight.
  • Fix stuttering.
  • Eliminate allergic reactions.
  • Get rid of depression.
  • Solve the problem with sleep: get rid of insomnia and nightmares.
  • Treatment of allergies of various nature and origin.
  • Defeat nervousness and anxiety.
  • Heal the psychological trauma received in childhood.
  • Get rid of phobias and fears.
  • Work through the birth trauma and relive the birth process, learn from this lesson and positive aspects.
  • Regressive hypnosis is one of the ways to expand your own consciousness, to get to know yourself and your life better. Understand what you need to strive for and in what direction it is worth developing. Analyze past lives and identify patterns.
  • Regressive hypnosis helps to avoid mistakes in adult thinking.
  • It helps you find your purpose and place in the world. This technique reveals the hidden potential in a person and releases his reserve resources.
  • With the help of regressive hypnosis, you can look not only at the past, but try to look into the future. For example, in future incarnations. This technique poses a greater threat than regression itself, with its journeys through the past. Since what is seen can be shocking and a person will subconsciously wait for what should happen, but consciousness will not know how it should happen and due to what situations and actions.


  • A person will have to live and feel again those moments that he may have already forgotten about. These moments can be both neutral and cause pain from memories and experiences, and suddenly I can’t handle it.
  • Hypnosis is fast method therapy for the disease, but is unlikely to be effective. Here, someone may be lucky and the problem will be solved, since the imaginary and imaginary will coincide with what will be in the subconscious, and then the situation is resolved. But on the other hand, there may be even more unresolved problems in the subconscious, and pulling them out of there will simply lower the person and crush him morally.
  • Relapses and negative consequences are possible.
  • Danger to the human psyche. If the emotional experience in the past was strong enough, and the problem is severe, then re-experiencing emotions and solving the problem may cause a malfunction in the psyche and, against this background, psychosis will be provoked or psychological pathologies may open.
  • Unfair diagnostics and analysis of the psychological state of the patient.
  • Psychological or nervous breakdown can return after a certain period of time. Since with regressive hypnosis, a suggestion could pass that the problem was solved. In fact, no work has been done. It all depends on the qualifications of the hypnotist and his honesty and ability to understand what is happening, as well as help the client understand what he saw.
  • There is a small risk of getting addicted to hypnosis. This happens on a subconscious level and consciousness denies this fact for a very long time, which aggravates the situation.

Some variants of regressive hypnosis are practiced in esoteric trainings and seminars. During the training, you can feel this hypnosis for yourself, as well as master the technique of hypnosis and practice it yourself for your own personal purposes, that is, on yourself.

People who are interested in the topic of reincarnation, that is, past and future incarnations, are interested in regressive hypnosis.

Hypnologists who practice this type of hypnosis claim that the technique is safe, but doctors traditional medicine ready to argue with them. Regressive hypnosis techniques can be dangerous for people with an unbalanced and unstable psyche, as well as people who are too emotional and impressionable. Therefore, before the regression procedure, each client must undergo mandatory training, as well as be diagnosed for deviations and contraindications. The analysis reveals the speed of immersion and hypnotic trance, the duration of being in such a state and the speed of the psychological processes to restore the past.

Currently, there are cases when regressive hypnosis has had a positive effect and helped a person solve their problems and live happily, but there are also cases when such a practice has driven a person crazy. Of course, they prefer to remain silent about negative consequences and accidents, only if these are not laboratory studies.

On the one hand, regressive hypnosis can help resolve existing problems and benefit a person, on the other hand, it can be harmful and involve in looped states and constant memories of what he saw in a hypnotic state.

The data obtained can haunt a person, torment him and make him worry. Therefore, before deciding on such practices, it is worth analyzing your condition and clearly describing all the pros and cons options.

There are people for whom hypnosis techniques do not work - this can be explained by the fact that a person is not able to relax and trust the hypnologist. Also, a person does not realize the seriousness of the procedure and does not perceive the information received. Not only at the preparatory stage, but also during the session.

Remember that entering a state of hypnosis is easier than experiencing and realizing what was seen.

« In the recent past, in my life, in an amazing way, situations were repeated that made me suffer again and again. The people and scenery changed, but the situations themselves remained the same. It was so amazing that I could predict with 100% certainty the further development of events at the very beginning of the emergence of relationships or situations. I have always carefully monitored all my emotional reactions and actions that may have thrown me into a well-trodden rut, but no matter how hard I tried, the ending always remained the same. The coincidences were so amazing that it was impossible to explain them simply by a combination of circumstances. Having come to understand that I was the source of the problems, I began to try practicing recapitulation techniques. I tried to identify those moments from the past, living which, I attracted into my life people who subsequently hurt me. All this was ineffective. Along with the correct, in my opinion, scenario, there has always been an alternative one. I never considered hypnosis as a method of finding the source of problems, until one day I accidentally saw an ad for regressive hypnosis sessions. I decided to read more about this method first. After reviewing the topic, I realized that I would definitely try its free version first, that is, I decided to try to master regressive hypnosis on my own. Surprisingly, it worked out for me. It turned out to be even easier and faster than what I initially set myself up for. It took only a few independent sessions, and I was able to break through the thickness of the layers into the layer of my past experiences. There, I was able to see with absolute clarity the origin and development of situations that really did repeat themselves like a broken record. The "needle" of life constantly slipped into the former, cut groove on the plate of fate, and there was no chance to avoid this if you did not see and recognize this moment in advance. Seeing and understanding this, my life was instantly transformed. For the first time I feel myself in a new place, with new people. I feel fresh, hear new melodies and smell new smells. I live …."

(an excerpt from a letter from Svetlana K. Spelling and punctuation of the author preserved)

Regressions - the essence of the method

The method of immersion in the past, through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis, in order to identify aspects of the personality that influence the events of the current life, is called regressive hypnosis. The state of a person who practices regression is characterized by awareness and the ability to remember. In the case of a sufficient depth of immersion, events from the past are experienced with certainty and power that leaves no doubt about the true reality of their existence.

Experts disagree on how successfully regressive hypnosis can be mastered on your own. The issue is the need to achieve a very deep hypnotic trance. Gradually going through all the phases of entering, staying and leaving this state, it is necessary to achieve not only a regression into the past, but into a very distant past, beyond the current incarnation.

Regressive hypnosis by Michael Newton

The founder of the method is Michael Newton. He imagined our mind in the form of three rings. Moving from the outer ring to the inner, we pass through the layers of the conscious - thinking mind, the layer of the subconscious and reach the center. This center is the super or supraconscious. This is the impersonal level of our Self, which is the focus of our undying essence, our Soul. It is an inexhaustible source of life that fills the personality with the power of existence and at the same time brings from the past the impression and pattern of our innate reactions. M. Newton and D. Canon are representatives of the Ericksonian hypnosis school. Ericksonian hypnosis is called therapy of the unconscious, in which the patient is taught to independently enter a trance state. Erickson himself, by the way, considered trance to be an absolutely normal state and stated that a person unconsciously falls into it several times a day, dreaming, reading or fantasizing. Absorbed by these images, he disconnects from outside world and does not hear, does not see and is not aware of the closest environment. Some breathing practices, yoga, lucid dreams also immerse a person in a shallow trance. However, its depth is not sufficient for regressions into the past. NLP and shamanic practices reach a greater depth of trance, but it is not enough for regressions. Representatives of the school of classical hypnosis reach the deepest layers of trance in one session. However, in this case, the presence of a hypnotist is mandatory, since the person in this case plays a passive role, and without the guidance of a hypnotist, he will simply fall asleep at a certain stage. In the technique of regressive hypnosis according to Michael Newton, a person learns in stages how to enter a deep trance himself, consciously move forward or backward, while maintaining a memory.


The goals of a person starting practice can be completely different: from the simple interest of a researcher to the desire to resolve difficult life situations. The method will be useful to most serious searchers. Immersion in a huge layer of our Self, hidden by layers of momentary thoughts, which truly transforms and transforms experience. Here is a partial list of the results that will result from the practice of regressive hypnosis:

  • raising the level of awareness;
  • increase in the level of personal effectiveness;
  • significant improvement in health;
  • increase in personal power and ability to create;
  • elimination of negative blocks and programs;
  • improvement (restoration) of relations with relatives and children;
  • opening of new directions of active and creative life.

Practice Regressive Hypnosis on Your Own

The reader should not get the impression that the brevity of the description of the method indicates its ease of development and accessibility. In classical regressive hypnosis, in which an experienced hypnotist puts the patient into a trance, several many hours of preparatory sessions are required. Hypnotic regression can only be fully realized in a deep hypnotic state.

How to prepare?

First, you need a good theoretical background. It is necessary, at a minimum, to familiarize yourself with the books of Michael Newton, which, fortunately, can be downloaded for free on the net. Secondly, it will not be superfluous to read forums and watch videos on this topic. Thirdly, start practicing, since it is practice that will be your main Teacher. So:

  1. sit on a chair or in an armchair, taking a comfortable position;
  2. give yourself a set to relax;
  3. for a few minutes (10-15) breathe slowly and deeply, focusing all your attention on this process;
  4. Set yourself up for complete self-control during the session and for a safe exit from it on a count of 5.


  1. Give yourself the setting that with each count your state of immersion in the depths of the subconscious will deepen.
  2. Clearly visualize a pendulum that moves rhythmically and for a while freezes in the upper right position.
  3. Without turning your head, begin to follow the movements of the pendulum, moving your eyes open to the right up and fixing them in this position.
  4. Hold your gaze for a while until a feeling of slight fatigue occurs.
  5. Return your gaze to the left and down. This is for one account.
  6. Keep counting and moving your eyes from 10 to 1.
  7. After counting to one, close your eyes and return them to their normal position. Relax completely.


  1. Visualize any landscape you know or imagine. Consider its details.
  2. Immerse yourself in it and feel the coziness, comfort and security.
  3. Concentrate on any finger of one of the hands. Feel it clearly, without trying to do it at the expense of some extra effort. Concentrate all your attention and, after a while, feel the warmth and pulsation at the point of your attention. If you lose the sensation, bring it back again. Be aware of your control and ability to control consciousness in a state of trance.
  4. Imagine a vivid picture from your childhood. Take your time. Let the picture be filled with colors and become voluminous and lively. Allow yourself to become a participant in this "movie" by throwing away all the filters of the brain. You are able to do this quite easily and plunge deeply into the state, just as sometimes, when watching an interesting movie, we completely lose touch with reality and find ourselves participants in the events on the screen.
  5. Remind yourself that you can exit this state at any time.

The time of each phase is determined individually and depends on the ability to relax, concentrate and visualize. With each lesson, the time to complete the steps will be reduced. Numerous questions about how to enter a trance yourself for the purpose of regressive immersion and past life exploration will also decrease each time.


  1. Dive deeper, even deeper. Go to the earliest childhood, the very first days after birth,
  2. Move on, beyond your birth.
  3. Carefully look at the corridor of your lives that has appeared. Doors to the sides open doors to unique layers of your experience. When you pass through a certain door, you will re-experience the experience of that life. However, now the observer is not sleeping. You are present, aware of your experience, and you can make a difference. You have no involvement in the situation, despite the full palette of feelings and emotions.
  4. Choose the door you want to open first. Once you enter, you can move in the layer of your chosen reality in any direction. The instrument of movement is forward and backward counting. Counting from 1 to 3 - move forward. Counting from 3 to 1 - come back.
  5. When you have studied and lived the situations of this life well, leave the layer of this reality by going out the door through which you entered. This would be a good place to end today's regression experience. If you decide to continue your journey, remember that the experiences you experience in your next life will dilute the intensity of your previous experience.


  1. Remind yourself to return. Go the same way you came.
  2. Return to children's experience, and from it to the present.
  3. Before leaving the trance state, give yourself the order to remember everything you saw, felt and experienced during your journey.
  4. Start slowly counting from 1 to 5.
  5. On the count of five, open your eyes and remain still for a while, reflecting on the experience.
  6. Write down the experience and your interpretation of what you see.

Safety precautions for regression therapy

According to most experts, the method is relatively safe. It is believed that it is impossible to achieve deep states without a certain level of mental stability. However, for people with the following diseases, the practice of self-regressive hypnosis is contraindicated:

  • hypertensive crises;
  • epileptic and hysterical seizures;
  • intoxication;
  • heat;
  • any disease in the acute stage.

Where and how else can you learn regressive hypnosis?

Upon request for training, the Internet provides links to numerous courses conducted almost throughout Russia by specialists of various skill levels. Among them are doctors of medical sciences and people who have independently mastered the techniques of regressive hypnosis. To advertise and recommend someone is not within the scope of this article. As a recommendation, when choosing a teacher, consider work experience, feedback from people who have been trained and cost. Try to find out how close the technique is to the classical one. Give preference to followers of the school of Michael Newton, as this will guarantee you mastering the method in the right way.


Academic science does not believe in the existence of conscious experience prior to birth. However, hypnotic methods are successfully used by professional psychotherapists to correct mental states patients. To believe or not to believe, whose side to take - it is up to each of us to decide for ourselves. The wise will independently plunge into this amazing and unknown world, and, like a pioneer, go to conquer the unknown depths, fraught with countless secrets and mysteries.