With an otter on "you", or the development of speech for children and adults

Ziateva Anytka

class="commentator-comment-header"> Hello, I am sharing with you this wonderful fairy tale, I almost found it in electronic form. My sons love this fairy tale very much. The Tale of the Otter Girl A girl was born in a Chukchi village on a cold December. Her father was a noble reindeer herder, and her mother was a housewife. True, it was difficult to call her a girl. The character of the girl was like that of a tomboy, and outwardly she looked more like a boy: short haircut, men's clothing. With this character, she brought a lot of trouble to her parents. The girl's favorite pastime was to scare the deer. Terrified, they fled in different directions. Then the girl's father walked for a long time on the tundra and gathered deer into a herd. While the father was looking for deer, he was very angry with his daughter and imagined how he would punish her. But there were a lot of deer, it took several days to look for them. During these days, he was so tired that he did not even have the strength to scold the girl. But one day, when the girl began to scare the deer again, one frightened animal jumped on her. She fell and broke her finger. The girl cried loudly for the whole village. All the Chukchi fled to this cry. Mom took her to the shaman. The shaman looked at the girl and said: “Such an adult guy, but you shed tears. Your sobbing prevents me from remembering the spell to heal your finger." Sobbing, the girl replied: “I'm not a guy, I'm a girl,” but just in case, she stopped crying. When the shaman finished his ritual, he said: “The spell will help on one condition: for a whole month you must not run and jump, otherwise you will be left with a broken finger for the rest of your life.” The girl did not want to be quiet for a whole month, but even more she did not want to be left with a broken finger for the rest of her life. And she complied with the shaman's condition. The next day, out of habit, the girl came to the deer to scare them and remembered the shaman's condition. Neighborhood children came running and asked her to go sledding, she had to refuse. She also could not help her mother with the housework, as her finger was broken on right hand. Her only amusement was watching the deer. The girl looked and thought: “How beautiful and smart they are. How did I not notice this before? And when a month had passed, the girl no longer wanted to scare the deer. She wanted to do something nice for them. And the girl began to tie colored ribbons on the horns of deer. Now all the Chukchi in the area recognized her father's herd. If any deer with a ribbon was lost, people knew where to lead it. When the seventh winter passed, the girl, along with other children, was sent for training to the wisest shaman. The father gave half of his flock to the shaman for training. One day the leader of the village fell seriously ill, and the shaman had to go to his chum. The children were left alone. The fire almost burned down and it became cold in the plague. The children began to moan and complain. And only the girl was not taken aback. Since there was no firewood at hand, a shaman's tambourine, dried herbs, high fur boots and everything that burned went in. When the shaman returned, the children were already warm and cheerful. The next day, the shaman returned the girl and deer to her father, which he took as payment and gave a third of his herd so that he would no longer bring his daughter to him. Several more winters passed and the girl turned from a tomboy into a hurricane girl. Local guys knew her character and were afraid to approach her. She did not turn out to be a good housewife. The mother of the hurricane girl was very worried that no one would marry her. But one Chukchi still decided to marry her. He was from another village and did not know anything about the hurricane girl. This Chukchi was very tired of her courtship. The girl was so angry with him that out of anger she turned into an otter and began to bite him. The young man married another girl and left for another village. And the hurricane girl could not turn back into a person, she forgot the magic spell, because she was a dropout. And then she went to the shaman and asked to teach how to turn into a man. The shaman told her: “When you learn to be happy and cheerful, you will turn into a girl. And when you want to get angry, remember that you will become an otter again. Since then, the otter has been learning to be happy in order to become a hurricane girl again.

An astronomer, a lawyer and one climber,
Architect, pharmacist and even artist.
Sat on a carousel.
Could not resist and flew down:
Apothecary, artist, acrobat, astronomer.
Which of them are you not familiar with yet?
Bull, bull, white side,
I ran with a bun to the meadow.
The wolf waltzed with the she-wolf:
"It's not good for us to worry."
Pigeon in a blue boa
Eating blueberries on a branch.
The house in the village was made by Danya
"Grow up and live in it."
Barely spruce Yegor
He dragged him into his yard.
Hedgehog yellow russula
Glad like a squirrel to nuts.
Toad, crane and yellow bug
We went to the meadow to visit the hedgehog,
To be sewn into place by a dressmaker
Letter Sh and it became quiet in the forest.
Zil green dad pissed off,
Started up badly.
Look, you are the Irtysh,
And smooth, and quiet.
Yoshkarla flew yogis
Yogurt was eaten on the way.
Kumis was brought to China by the Kirghiz.
The Chinese like koumiss.
Lera with Laura and Larisa
Mom makes surprises:
Cutting, cooking, working,
Here are the smart ones.
Little soap lathered,
And all the water spilled out.
The oriole carries threads -
He will sew a sundress for himself.
pointy horns
Goat Earrings
And Seryozhka said:
"I'm a little scared."
Dust, steam, trampling, scrap.
A beaver and a beaver are building a house.
Grew up in the river ershonok,
Ros, grew, became a ruff,
And didn't grow up.
Gray bunny, hide your teeth:
It's not cabbage, it's a ball.
A black grouse on a current pushed a black grouse,
That grouse is a grouse, and
This grouse is a grouse.
Fishing with a fishing rod
Clever our Yurochka.
Fedya owl is afraid -
Flynn might get angry.
Cunning ferret, fast ferret,
Bread grabbed - and ran away.
Circus performer for circus performer Zinochka
He gave me a scarf.
A quarter of an hour siskin siskin
I sang ditties on ivy,
Black cat, big weirdo
Climb up to the attic to listen.
Dry fur coat Sasha,
Flank coat, not ours.
Behind the cheek of a pike there are brushes.
Brushes at the pike behind the cheek.
The pike squints its eyes,
Don't squint.
Mice are rodents. Cheese is chewed.
Have you gnawed? They gnaw.
Ate two Eli
Eclairs in bed.
Mom laundered
El barely.
Duck - young woman
Huddles in a tent.
Do not huddle there duck -
Living in a tent is scary.
Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Tasha yogurt,
And Mishutka - a herring under a fur coat.


  • tongue twisters for tongue twisters,
    for training and learning.

    Children stomped: `Top-top`,
    who will overwrite whom:
    Potap or Prokop?

    The cook gave the cook a ladle:
    - Cook porridge not for fun.

    Herbalist from herbs
    brewed decoctions,
    not poison.

    The spinner spun the yarn on the spinning wheel,
    I spun all the yarn on the spinning wheel in a day.

    The ambassador has gone
    drink brine.

    Forty forty turned over
    forty stacks of hay.

    The jumper quickly jumped on a jump rope.

    forty varieties of cheese.

    By scythe dew
    mowers mowed,
    yes, not everything was mowed,
    didn't have enough strength.

    Matryona has two crows
    stole pasta.


    telephone operator
    telephone message.

    Account clerk
    keeps counting.

    Brought by Margarita
    kilogram of margarine
    jar of raspberries,
    Yes, two tangerines.

    The muskrat walks the muskrat.

    Elena Telushkina, 03/18/2016

  • Masha has a midge in porridge,
    What should our Masha do?
    I put the porridge in a bowl,
    And fed the cat.
    Elena, 09.11.2015
  • The correct version about otters and cedar kernels:

    In the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig into buckets of cedar kernels.
    Having torn an otter in the tundra with a cedar, I wipe the cedar kernels with a gaiter, I steal otter cedars in the tundra, cedars into spats, kernels into buckets!

    Vladimir, 07/03/2015

  • Improved a little:
    (In the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig into buckets of cedar kernels)
    The kernels are rubbed vigorously on the powder, the faces are washed with a liter of cider.

    NfO, 11/29/2014

  • In the bowels of the tundra, otters in spats are digging cedar kernels into buckets! Bydra - a mixture of beaver and otter - cheerfully steals cedar kernels in the bowels of the tundra in buckets, bastard! Having torn the gaiters from the otter in the tundra, wipe the otter kernels of cedar, wipe the muzzle of the otter with the gaiter - otter into the tundra, the kernels into buckets. The beaver Peter wiped his hips, tore out the buckets, and chose the kernels. Passed the otters Gretchen's leggings. Sin at Gretchen's leggings to rub! In the tundra, otters are echoed by urks. Urks are digging bushes in the tundra. The Urka bushings will be soldered to the Turks. The Turks will insert bushings into jackets. The collar of the jacket is the muzzle of an otter. Fashionable otter in the bowels of the tundra!
    alexander, 06/19/2013
  • Sasha ate porridge.
    Sasha ate porridge.
    Sasha, eat slowly
    Our porridge is good.
    Dmitriev Vitaly, 06/09/2013
  • How about the famous one:
    Greek rode across the river,
    You see the Greek - there is cancer in the river,
    He put the Greek hand into the river -
    Cancer for the hand of the Greek - tsap!
    Natalia, 05/30/2013
  • Pig dumb, the whole yard
    rummaged through. dug half a snout, but did not dig to the hole
    Dasha, 10/19/2012
  • Continuation to `Three Chinese`:

    They had children:
    Yak and Chick Shah
    Yaktsidrak and Tsypa-Drypa - Shah-Sharah,
    YaKtsidrak Tsidryk Tsidroni Tsypa-Drypa Drypa Pony - Shah-Sharah Sharyh Sharoni!
    Svetlana, 05/26/2012

  • The hippopotamus bought new boots for hippopotamuses, hippopotamuses jump through the swamp in new boots, tearing their tummies.
    BORMINTAL, 04/01/2012
  • The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch, because they did not believe in the possibility of catching. Here are those of little faith: if they believed, they would fish them out.
    rida, 18.03.2012
  • The beetle is buzzing, the beetle is buzzing
    The bug beetle guards
    Irina, 02/11/2012
  • parrot says to parrot
    I will parrot you, I will parrot you
    parrot answers him
    parrot parrot parrot.
    Tanya, 01/02/2012
  • My yacht is light and obedient,
    I will plow the seas on it.
    Anechka, 12/17/2011
  • Ah, at the spruce
    Ah, by the tree
    Ah, at the spruce
    evil wolves!
    (read quickly)
    Nastya, 09.09.2011
  • detective detective detects all the motive
    deni$lam, 09/04/2011
  • In the bowels of the tundra, otters in spats are digging cedar kernels in buckets!
    Having torn leggings from an otter in the tundra, I will wipe the otter kernels of cedar,
    wipe the otter's muzzle with a gaiter - the kernels into buckets, the otter into the tundra!
  • there were three Chinese:
    yak yaktsindrak yak tsindrak tsindrak akoni.
    there were three Chinese women:
    tsipa tsipa drypa ​​tsipa dripa limmpamponi.
    how they got married:
    yak on chick yak tsindrak on chick dryp
    yak tsindrak tsindrak akoni cipa drypa ​​limamponi.
    Vanya, 05/28/2011
  • The fact that the otter is the original inhabitant of the Kherson region was already known to Alexander Brauner, one of the first researchers of the animal world of southern Ukraine. Moreover, this zoologist knew not only where she lives, but also her distribution in different regions.

    In one of his works (from the series "School Excursions and the School Museum", 1915), Brauner wrote the following about the otter: "On the Danube it is common, on the Dniester it is less than on the Danube, on the Dnieper it is completely exterminated." True, with all due respect to the classics of Russian zoology, it should be noted that, judging by his works, Brauner received information about game animals mainly from local residents and hunters. About non-commercial, "uninteresting" or "nasty" animals he collected it himself, especially about such as amphibians and reptiles. In this, Brauner was a top-notch field researcher. But sometimes the hunters somewhat distorted the information - in the direction of increasing or decreasing. But even if such a distortion took place, it was not on a very large scale. So, indeed, already then there were no otters in our area, or it appeared very rarely.

    And here it is far from clear. That the otter was then caught "how much in vain" - this, as they say, is a no brainer. The demand for her fur was high, and any control was almost completely absent. In those years, restrictions on fishing had just begun to be introduced, and even the otter ... What an otter there - the great empire cracked and collapsed, revolutionary storms shook society. There were no animals!
    But why did the otter disappear precisely on the Lower Dnieper? After all, if you look at the map, it immediately becomes clear that something is not right here. Firstly, both the Danube Delta and especially the Dniester floodplains are located not far from Odessa, a large trading city. And there were obviously 5-10 times more fur dealers here than in provincial Kherson. And as experience shows, it is the presence and activity of this category of businessmen that determine whether animals with expensive fur live or not.

    Secondly, there is a "discrepancy" with the area of ​​habitats. No doubt, the Danube Delta is large and vast. At the same time, the Romanian and Russian parts of the delta occupied 700-800 thousand hectares. But the area of ​​the Dniester floodplains, even at that, the best time (at least for nature) was somewhere around 40 thousand hectares. It's like the modern floodplains of the Lower Dnieper. As for the Dnieper floodplains, there were no dams then, and the total area of ​​the floodplains of the Kherson and Katerinoslav provinces was about 300 thousand hectares. And the otter, according to Alexander Brauner, was caught. In a word, the question is exactly this: who caught the otter in the Lower Dnieper at the beginning of the 20th century?

    Meeting with ... "Waterman"
    This incident occurred in the 1980s in the Dnieper Delta. It seems to be near the island of Belogrudov (Golopristansky district). It was like this: a man was walking along the shore and saw ... a merman. In general, he was very scared. And the man is far from timid, in the recent past a paratrooper, served in Afghanistan. Apparently, he decided that he met with an evil spirit ...
    But that day he was lucky twice. The first time - when I saw a rare beast. The second - when he came home and turned on the TV. There was a program "In the world of animals." And then a resident of the Kherson region, who had not yet departed from the meeting with the "evil spirits", saw his "merman"! It was an otter. But his impression and fear are quite understandable. The fact is that sometimes the muzzle of an otter is surprisingly similar to the face of a person or some kind of humanoid creature. Especially when not the whole animal appears from the water, but only its head. Involuntarily, you will remember the stories about the goblin and the water ones. And at the time when this incident occurred, the otter was already confidently mastering the Kherson region.

    Restoration of numbers: again a mystery
    By the end of the 1990s, it became clear that the otter not only populated the Lower Dnieper and "conquers" the small steppe rivers of Ukraine - it spreads throughout the country. From those places where this unique beast "clung to life" with all its might, when it was almost exterminated, the otter settled in new regions, settled down there, acquired offspring and - on the road. North, south, east and west. According to the new edition of the Red Book, about 10,000 otters now live in Ukraine. And in the 1960s, we had only 1,500 of these animals. The reasons for such a spontaneous natural restoration of numbers are incomprehensible.

    An otter is a diver?
    For quite a long time, several countries have been doing the following: sensors, video cameras and transmitting equipment are put on a trained (trained) aquatic mammal. And they send the beast to a cart: to control hydraulic structures. And in last years we are talking not only and not so much about military use (looking for mines and other "man-made" dirty tricks), but about monitoring the general condition of such objects. Previously, dolphins and seals were used for these purposes. But the problem is that almost none of them cannot work in fresh water - they do not survive.
    And the otter is unique in this respect: after all, it swims and dives in both fresh and sea water. And smart: her quick wits are at the level of the abilities of seals. So as such a "controller" it is very promising. Eh, to deploy such work in Ukraine! And control over port and other facilities could be strengthened, and the state could be glorified with new developments and technologies.

    Eugene Roman
    "Hryvnia SV".- No. 24 (500).- 10.06.2011.- p.4

    This brainwash (one of the most difficult tongue twisters of the Russian language) has given rise to many variations and humor. Get acquainted with some opuses extracted from the Internet.

    Bydra - a mixture of beaver and otter -
    cheerfully rubs cedar kernels
    in the bowels of the tundra in buckets,

    Having ottered leggings from an otter in the tundra,
    wipe the otter kernels of cedar,
    wipe the otter's muzzle with a gaiter -
    otter in the tundra, kernels in buckets.

    The beaver wiped his hips,
    I tore out the buckets, chose the cores.
    Passed the otters Gretchen's leggings.
    Sin at Gretchen's leggings to rub!

    In the tundra, otters are echoed by urks.
    Urks are digging bushes in the tundra.
    The Urka bushings will be soldered to the Turks.
    The Turks will insert bushings into jackets.
    The collar of the jacket is the muzzle of an otter.
    Fashionable otter in the bowels of the tundra!

    In the wilds of the proud crown of cedar
    Cheerfully tibrite otter kernels.
    Peeling the kernels from the cedar,
    The otter rams them into buckets.
    Buckets of cedar kernels in the tundra
    Solded by good non -ram.
    These frames are in the bowels of the tundra
    They strum loudly on the dombra.
    And a bucket of crushed kernels
    cedars are happy negros-bards.

    Undermining the roots,
    A beaver roams in the wilds of cedars,
    Having made a hole in the otter of the bucket,
    A predetermined hail of nuclei.
    Buckets in holes, otter tibrit,
    And ramming cedar kernels
    Breaks the edges of the buckets.
    Kernels - shot to the roots of cedar.

    Otter is stupid. sly beaver,
    Devouring buckets of cores
    Fertilizes cedar roots.

    Knit otters in the tundra leggings,
    In the cedars, the kernels ripen mortally,
    How otters knit leggings,
    Steal the kernels for sure!
    Carl stole the coral from Clara to keep the otters out.
    Otters steal everything they see: buckets, cannonballs, spats, cedars…
    Otters would even steal the tundra if it could fit in buckets.
    Karl was taken aback with corals, even Clara shed a tear!
    What is the tundra! Even the otters tried to resist the zebra,
    so that the zebra in buckets dragged the stole cores into the tundra!
    Zebra in the tundra is something!
    Otters - they are alien to fatigue.
    They wanted to take a hippopotamus,
    But he is a bit heavy.
    And here is Greka, across the river! He put the Greek hands in buckets...
    He sees the Greek - in buckets of otters! And besides, in leggings!
    The otters were not at a loss here:
    They stole a boat from the Greeks.
    They left the cedars in the boat
    And they laughed at the Greek.
    But remained with the Greeks
    The cores that the otters forgot
    Hiding them away, in leggings.
    Threw the Greek kernels into buckets,
    Pulled on leg warmers
    And went to meet Clara,
    with the one that stole the corals.