Is it possible to wash with laundry soap. How to wash with laundry soap. Laundry soap for the face causes dry skin

Almost everyone suffers from acne at one time or another. Teenagers and young women especially often complain about this. The cause of acne is inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which produce an excessive amount of oily secretion. There is a blockage of the pores, in this place an environment favorable for the reproduction of bacteria is created. One of the simple and affordable acne treatments is laundry soap.

natural remedy

Laundry soap- it is exclusively natural remedy. Its composition is quite simple:

  • sodium salt;
  • vegetable and animal fats.

In the process of soap making, fats are strongly heated and soda is added to them, as a result of which soap glue is formed, which thickens strongly after cooling.

Laundry soap can be applied pointwise to pimples and left overnight

The principle of action of soap is based on disinfection. The main property - easily disinfects and eliminates most of the bacteria that cause acne. Soap creates an alkaline environment on the surface of the skin (Ph level is 11 units), which is able to eliminate excess fat and is unsuitable for the existence of harmful organisms and bacteria.

Tip: if you have dry skin, then use laundry soap with caution. After the procedure, you should moisturize your face. To do this, you can use natural oils, for example, peach.

Benefits of using laundry soap to fight acne:

  1. Availability. A large bar of laundry soap can be purchased at any store for about 20-30 rubles. It is cheaper than most cosmetics.
  2. Ease of use. In order to treat the skin, two washes a day are enough.
  3. A large number of various options applications. In addition to washing, laundry soap can be used as a mask or scrub (with the addition of additional components).
  4. Natural composition. The product is made exclusively from natural ingredients.
  5. bactericidal action. Due to its disinfectant properties, soap quickly and without problems removes most of the bacteria and microorganisms.
  6. Prevention of acne. Daily washing will not only cope with existing problems, but also prevent new ones.

Tip: if acne is not only on the face, then you can use laundry soap for the whole body. Replace them regular gel For shower.

Disadvantages of using laundry soap for the skin of the body and face:

  1. Possible dry skin. An active alkaline environment can lead not only to overdrying of the skin, but also to peeling.
  2. Not a very pleasant smell and aesthetic appearance.

Is it possible to wash with laundry soap (video)

Ways to get rid of acne

A contraindication to acne treatment with laundry soap is too dry and sensitive skin. But if you still decide to use this inexpensive and affordable tool, then take precautions:

  • spot application;
  • use of moisturizers;
  • use no more than 1-2 times a week.

There are many ways that will help you quickly and successfully deal with the consequences of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Washing with laundry soap. Soap is applied to the surface of the face and washed off almost immediately. The number and regularity of procedures depend on the type of skin and individual features. For dry and sensitive skin It is not recommended to use laundry soap more than 1-2 times a week. If the skin is very oily, then you can wash more often. You can use this method later for prevention.
  2. Laundry soap and salt mask. You will need a third of a teaspoon of soap chips and a teaspoon of fine table salt. Shavings must be knocked down into foam and mixed with salt. The composition is applied for one minute. Do no more than once a week.

    Laundry soap and salt mask - good remedy for acne

  3. Mask of laundry soap and onion juice. You will need half an onion, a teaspoon of sugar and a third of a teaspoon of soap chips. The onion is finely minced. Sugar and chips are added. The mixture must be applied to the face and kept for about three minutes. The frequency of procedures is 1 time per week.
  4. Laundry soap and soda mask. You will need a teaspoon of soda and a third of a teaspoon of soap chips. First, add a few drops of water to the soda to get a fairly thick slurry. Soap is whipped into foam and added to soda. Apply to the skin of the face along the massage lines.

    A mask made from laundry soap and soda is used as a disinfectant and scrub

  5. Laundry soap and hydrogen peroxide mask. It will take five drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of soap shavings. The ingredients are mixed, a little water is added. Apply for three minutes. Application - 1 time per week.
  6. Peeling mask with calcium chloride. Before starting the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed of impurities and cosmetics. On the face in three layers, apply a solution of calcium chloride (5 or 10%) with a cotton pad. Next, perform a facial massage with soapy water. Do it until the formation of pellets stops. If the skin is a little tight, wash off the mask with warm water.

    Peeling mask with calcium chloride replaces a trip to a beautician

  7. Point use. If there are one or two pimples on the face, then laundry soap can be spotted on them. To do this, use a cotton swab. Leave the product overnight and rinse with water in the morning. This method helps to quickly and painlessly get rid of a small amount of pimples on the face or body.

Everyone knows about the useful qualities of laundry soap in everyday life, but not many people know that you can also use soap as a soap! This product effectively helps to get rid of both a small pimple and a fairly large eel. Let's say even more - laundry soap for the face is recommended by many dermatologists.

It not only fights problem areas, but also dries the skin and creates the effect of smoothing wrinkles.

We will talk about these and many other properties of a nondescript bar of soap, which many modern housewives consider a relic of the past, in our article.

Components in the composition of soap, the main useful qualities

Regular laundry soap

Before you study in detail the question of whether laundry soap for the face is good or bad, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the components in its composition in more detail.

One bar of this detergent contains about 72% fatty acids (these figures can usually be seen on a piece) and up to 0.2% alkali.

Synthetic ingredients, sulfates, fragrances and parabens have no place in laundry soap, since it is an absolutely natural ecological product using only animal fats.

Laundry face soap: application features

The main benefit of laundry soap for facial skin is based on its function of skin disinfection.

The main benefit of laundry soap for facial skin is based on its function of disinfecting the skin. After application, dirt, dust and bacteria are effectively removed from the epidermis, and dead cells are exfoliated. The number of rashes on the skin decreases, narrows, is removed and, if present, purulent formations and many skin inflammatory processes.

Can you wash your face with laundry soap? It is difficult to find an unequivocal answer to this question, because the shelves of specialized supermarkets are full of a colossal set of various cosmetic care products. But for some, this choice simply leads to a dead end, and the number of chemical additives contained in newfangled creams and tonics speaks in favor of natural laundry soap.

But you should always follow the measure! After all, the aggressive alkaline environment of this type of soap eliminates not only the layer of pollution, but also the protective film, resulting in excessive dehydration of the skin.

Mix all the components, spread the resulting composition on the face and wait 10 minutes.

Rinse with water and wipe your face with ice.

with soda

Grate some soap on a grater, heat in a water bath and beat well until a foam forms.

Then add one teaspoon of baking soda and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Apply to face for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm running water. How else can you use soda in facial care, read on.

With salt

The above proposed recipe can be changed by replacing soda with salt - its marine version is optimal.

As we have already said, it is unlikely to get rid of wrinkles, but it will be possible to dry acne and disinfect the skin!

Laundry soap for acne

If you wash your face with acne soap, you can achieve results

If you wash your face with laundry soap from, then you can achieve only a short-term result. It is possible to remove acne by breaking down fat, because acne is the very “fat plugs” that clog pores and promote the spread of harmful bacteria. With the help of laundry soap, these very plugs are split, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

The other side of the coin is that healthy areas of the skin are drying at the same time, so it is recommended to use soap either pointwise on a pimple, or no more than once every few days.

how to get rid of acne, helpful tips and ways, read in.

Household soap from acne on the face will save, but the effect will not be long, because acne does not appear through skin contamination, but as a result of violations of some internal functions of the body (hormonal levels, improper metabolism) and are a direct signal to listen to your health.

Without eliminating the root cause, even laundry soap will be powerless!

How to apply masks with soap?

Prepared soap for mask application

Additional recommendations for applying masks:
laundry soap for facial skin is an effective tool and before using it, it is important to determine what type of skin you have. This product is suitable for normal or oily skin;
it is logical that the procedure is preceded by the removal of decorative cosmetics with a cleanser;
the mask is applied with gentle movements without pressure and rubbing;
in case of burning and acute discomfort, immediately wash your face;
after a quarter of an hour, apply a moisturizer on your face;
if you are only worried about one pimple, then a dot mask - best option. To the affected area cotton swab a softened bar of soap is applied. In this case, it is allowed not to wash it off with water, but to leave it, for example, all night.

It is important to remember that if you use laundry soap for the face, the benefits are immediately visible, but this is far from a panacea for acne, but only a way to eliminate external signs and dry the rashes.

A huge selection of skin care products is guaranteed to include a product that matches the features and needs to be taken seriously and responsibly.

Contraindications to the use of laundry soap

When choosing laundry soap, you should always remember that this is primarily an item for technical household needs and it is created specifically for these purposes, so it will not be out of place to be careful and not abuse this product.

For owners of dry and sensitive skin, laundry soap is prohibited for use. For all other skin types, you should strictly adhere to the above tips. Namely, do not use soap very often and do not walk in a soapy mask for longer than the specified time.

Laundry facial soap reviews are quite contradictory, so be guided by the recommendations of professionals

The opinions of dermatologists and cosmetologists often coincide, and they highlight several key reasons why you should stop using laundry soap for washing your face.

The primary cause is damage to the protective barrier of the skin, which prevents harmful bacteria and germs from entering the body. This layer consists of lactic acid and amino acids. Washing with soap with a high amount of alkali destroys the natural protection of the skin of the face.

The second, but no less significant negative property of laundry soap is overdrying of the skin. Even for oily skin type, this remedy is not a salvation, because, as mentioned above, it provokes even more activity of the sebaceous glands over time.

The process of premature aging is inevitable with the systematic use of laundry soap, which can cause significant damage to the skin of the face, depriving it of such necessary moisture and as a result of which it will become wrinkled.

We hope that we were able to qualitatively solve the issue on the topic of laundry soap for the face, the benefits of which are obvious - dead skin cells are exfoliated, harmful bacteria are eliminated and the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, that is, regular use of soap prevents scarring, and existing wounds will heal much faster. But is it worth the risk that the product precautionary clause warns about.

Laundry facial soap reviews are quite contradictory, so be guided by the recommendations of professionals and people who have personally checked this remedy. Each person is unique, respectively, we all have different skin, which can react completely differently to the process of washing with laundry soap.

Laundry soap in everyday life is used by all Russian families. They wash small things, they are used as a means of removing dirt and grease when washing walls, floors, kitchen utensils. Take a shower with laundry soap, wash long hair bathe pets. This alkaline product is always on hand, and in fact it can be dangerous to health.

Composition of laundry soap

The main ingredient in soap is fat. In Soviet times, for the production of laundry soap, pork, fish, beef, and mutton fat was used, which was not suitable for food purposes. It underwent repeated processing and purification under industrial conditions, the component was bleached and deodorized. In the modern recipe of soap, not natural fat is used, but its analogue substitutes. In addition, the composition also contains sodium, palmitic, lauric fatty acids, lard, water and alkali. Many people believe that modern laundry soap is much worse in quality than traditional Soviet soap. Meanwhile, in the last century, a lot of kaolin was often added to this soap, such pieces are now marked with the abbreviation "72", but they were never recommended for washing the body and hair. The presence of rosin in the composition of the soap also has a bad effect on the skin. However, in Soviet time it was also included in the recipe and thanks to this component, laundry soap foamed well and was stored for a long time.

Chemical burns

The main purpose of laundry soap is to remove fatty deposits from any surfaces and stubborn stains from fabrics. It is this feature that, with repeated use of soap as a toilet, destroys the natural layer of the epidermis on the hands. As a result, the skin becomes dry, inflamed, begins to peel off and loses elasticity. Moreover, many manufacturers increase the concentration of caustic sodium in it to increase the effectiveness of laundry soap as a stain remover. Such a washing product, when used in the shower, can cause a real chemical burn to the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and eyes. In some cases, a similar reaction on the skin can turn into dermatitis.

Decreased immunity

Laundry soap has high antibacterial properties. That is why in the last century it was actively used to wash pets and remove fleas from their fur. For people, the regular use of laundry and any other antibacterial soap is dangerous. The epidermis loses its natural protective barrier that protects it from bacteria, overall immunity decreases and the body loses its natural ability to resist harmful microorganisms. In the future, this can lead to outbreaks of skin and other infections.

allergic reactions

Modern laundry soap often looks different than it did in the last century. Thanks to the modified recipe, it is usually not brown, but white and even fragrant. However, light shades in soap arise due to titanium dioxide included in its composition. But this chemical compound has a carcinogenic effect and often causes allergic reactions. Even for the rare use of laundry soap at home, it is better to choose and purchase dark pieces.

Useful properties of laundry soap

And yet, in some emergency cases, laundry soap can be useful. It is good to use its antibacterial properties once during periods of acne on the skin, acne outbreaks. Laundry soap primarily treats wounds and bites of animals, its soap solution relieves itching and redness in the fungus of the lower extremities. If during acute rhinitis there were no appropriate medicines at hand, then the swelling of the mucous membrane and strong secretions are well removed by washing the nose with laundry soap foam.

But it should be remembered that all these actions should be carried out once, prolonged use of laundry soap is harmful to human health.

No one doubts the benefits and versatility of ordinary laundry soap. It is used not only for washing things, but also as a beautiful remedy in inflammatory processes, as a disinfectant and in many other cases. Laundry soap is very good for washing hair or cleaning household utensils. But few people know the cosmetic properties of this simple natural product. In this article, we will try to comprehensively highlight the question of what is the use of laundry soap for the face.

The composition and useful properties of soap

Laundry soap was widely used not only by our mothers, but also by grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and even earlier. It has not lost its relevance even now, while the economic market is completely saturated with a variety of laundry and hygiene products. The undoubted advantage of ordinary laundry soap is that it is an absolutely natural hypoallergenic product. It is made from environmentally friendly animal fats and vegetable oils and is therefore completely harmless to humans. Laundry soap is even recommended for washing clothes and diapers for newborns.

The composition of this product is very simple - sodium or potassium salts and fatty acids. According to state and industry standards, laundry soap is produced in three types - depending on the content of fats - 65%, 70%, 72%. Soap 65% is made by the direct method of soap making - all components are mixed, and the resulting viscous substance, after cooling, is cut into standard bars. The soap is very high quality, but has a small fat content. The other two types are obtained indirectly, in which the sticky initial substance is subjected to a saline treatment. During this operation, a base appears in the substance - a soap core, and soap lye settles in the lower layer.

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use soaps with a higher content of fatty acids, as they are excellent at eliminating germs and bacteria. When choosing a soap bar, you should pay attention to the density of the product - a homogeneous and solid soap foams much better. Today we hear a lot about how successfully laundry soap is used for the face, girls often leave reviews about its use. Is this really the case, or is a product intended for household needs not to be used for cosmetic procedures delicate skin? Let us consider further whether there is any benefit to the face from the use of laundry soap and what it consists of.

Washing with laundry soap - good or bad?

Hearing praises towards the amazing effect of using this product for face care, you wonder - is it possible to wash your face with laundry soap? After all, this is a purely economic tool and no useful substances inherent in effective cosmetics, it is not present at all. How can a remedy be useful if it is more than two-thirds fatty acids and one-third kohl? It is highly doubtful what laundry soap for the face can bring, even if it does no harm. After all, the skin on the face is much more delicate and sensitive than on the body, and it is quite easy to damage it. Is it worth the risk and experimenting on the face?

In order to understand whether it is possible to wash your face with laundry soap, let's consider each of its individual components through the prism of harm to the face. Now there are a lot of laudatory reviews about the properties of soap, which help to effectively rid the skin of the face of eternal problems - oily sheen, wrinkles and acne. But there are also many opponents who warn gullible girls and women about the harmful effects of soap components on the skin of the face. Where the truth is, where the lie, we will not understand, we note only one thing - the truth is in the middle. And whether it is necessary to listen to one or another distributor of information - everyone will decide for himself after reading this article.

So, can you wash your face with laundry soap? Let's look for the answer in the chemical properties inherent in each of the constituent elements of laundry soap.

Animal fats help skin cells function normally, forming a strong protective film on the face. It is even able to resist the action of ultraviolet rays. For thin, dry and damaged skin, this film is a real salvation. But for those who have oily skin, it is better not to use laundry soap for the face. Since soap fats can clog pores with sebaceous plugs even more and provide an unaesthetic oily sheen on the face.

Sodium is an alkaline element. It is very caustic and can destroy the structure of skin cells. And this, of course, is very harmful for the skin of the face - it becomes dull, gray, thin. But such an effect is possible only after the use of large doses of sodium and for quite a long time. The amount of sodium found in a bar of laundry soap does not pose a serious threat to the condition of the skin on the face.

Water is a useful ingredient that is indispensable in the structure of soap. Water, despite a rather modest amount, perfectly moisturizes the skin and neutralizes harmful components.

Modern manufacturers began to add kaolin to soap. He is white clay and has a softening effect on alkalis. The properties of white (china) clay include good moisturizing, ensuring rapid regeneration of damaged skin areas, and normalizing sebaceous secretions from the glands. It has no negative properties, but is not used in every type of soap.

Fatty acids - it is thanks to their antioxidant regenerating properties that fast healing various wounds on the face and getting rid of acne. These acids are also responsible for the timely renewal of cells, which rejuvenates the skin and smoothes wrinkles that have appeared.

Alkaline compounds have a bad reputation for breaking down the structural bonds in the cell. It is alkalis that are credited with the lion's share of the destruction and harm that laundry soap does to the skin of the face. And this is true, alkali dries the skin, but it cannot drastically affect the deterioration of its condition, because its share in a bar of soap is simply negligible. Such an amount of alkali does not harm, rather, it acts for the benefit of the skin - it expands the pores and opens nutrients direct path to the cells. It will take a very long time and often to wash your face with laundry soap to feel it. negative impact alkali. In addition, the action of alkali can be neutralized by rinsing the face with herbal infusion, which closes the pores and repairs damaged cells.

The pH ratio, which ideally should be 5 or 6, but not higher than 7, is quite high in laundry soap - 11, and sometimes even 12 units. At this pH level, cleansers and masks dry out the skin and cause flaking. In some cases, microcracks may appear. But all this is balanced by the positive properties of other ingredients. All together it has a powerful disinfectant and antibacterial effect on the skin of the face and pleases the beauties with its high degree of effectiveness.

In this situation, you can no longer doubt whether it is possible to wash your face with laundry soap. The answer is obvious and logically justified - it is possible and necessary. True, as in any business, here, too, one must not abuse the constant use of soap for washing, but use it in safe doses that give maximum benefit to the skin cells on the face.

What are the benefits of washing your face with this soap?

Having established that laundry soap as a face care product can really be beneficial, we present a list of its positive manifestations. Regular and correct use helps:

  • cleanse the face, as laundry soap helps with acne on the face;
  • relieve inflammation and disinfect cuts or scratches;
  • brighten and make less noticeable scars, stretch marks, scars;
  • get rid of small wrinkles;
  • produce effective peeling, opening the pores and performing their deep cleaning from organic contaminants;
  • eliminate skin lesions;
  • well moisturize the skin;
  • whiten pigment spots.

Side effects of using soap for washing

If you frequently and uncontrollably wash your face with laundry soap for acne or other unaesthetic rashes, then various side effects may occur. Regular use does not mean at all that this should be done daily and several approaches per day. Such frequent washing of the face will damage not only when using laundry soap, but even the most delicate cosmetic product, because it will destroy the protective fatty layer and open access for microorganisms and infections to the delicate skin of the face.

By overusing soap to achieve a better result, you can get the exact opposite effect and, instead of benefiting, greatly harm your skin. Due to the improper use of laundry soap, such side effects:

  • withering and dehydration;
  • the appearance of cracks and intense peeling;
  • massive rashes;
  • inflammation and suppuration of lesions;
  • painful skin irritation;
  • the appearance of a rosaceous network;
  • allergic rash and unbearable itching;
  • serious exacerbations of past diseases of the dermis.

To avoid these problems and troubles, you should carefully consider the recommendations of experts on the correct use of soap for one purpose or another.

How to wash properly with this soap

The presence of alkali in laundry soap allows you to well dissolve the dirt that has eaten into the pores, while simultaneously disinfecting them. But before using this tool, you need to check your skin for the absence of allergic reactions to the products that make up the soap. To do this, lather a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face and wait five minutes. If redness does not appear, laundry soap can be used to cleanse the face. But you don’t need to use soap for washing every day to celebrate the absence of allergies - according to cosmetologists, washing no more than twice a week will be the best regimen. After each wash, you should lubricate the skin of the face with a regular baby cream. The effect of this will be stunning, much better than even from professional cosmetics.

How to carry out the washing procedure? After all, this is not an ordinary washing, but a healing one, and it goes according to the following algorithm:

  • the washing procedure should be carried out in the evening, an hour before going to bed, when removing makeup;
  • first you need to cleanse your face and moisturize well;
  • then lather the soap very liberally on the palms;
  • apply gently on the face, without touching the eyes and lips;
  • wash away large quantity water and let it dry without wiping, so that it softens the negative effect of alkali;
  • after the skin has dried - after 20 minutes - lubricate with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

If a small area of ​​skin with a local problem - a pimple or a pigmented spot - is exposed to soap, then the soap foam is applied only to this place for 5-7 minutes and removed with a cotton swab.

You can apply such washing for 1.5-2 months, then it is recommended to take a long break of 3-4 weeks. In this case, you should be aware that the method of using laundry soap is different when using it to get rid of different problems. For example, most often girls are concerned about the question of how to wash their face with laundry soap for acne. More on this later in the article.

Using soap to fight acne

At the present stage of development of society, the problem of acne is quite acute. How can I apply laundry soap for acne on my face? A pimple is essentially a fatty plug that clogs the skin follicle and becomes inflamed there. With the help of laundry soap, this problem can be easily solved, since it breaks down the blockage and restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. This method is much more convenient and effective than squeezing, because it not only effectively solves the problem, but also disinfects the skin at the same time.

To properly wash your face with laundry soap for acne, you need to know how to do it. special agent from acne. To do this, mix the planed soap with water and beat into foam with a soft shaving brush. Mix a tablespoon of foam with a teaspoon of fine "extra" salt and apply this mixture on a cleanly washed face in problem areas. The mask should be kept on the face for half an hour. She can pinch noticeably and this indicates effective treatment. Shake off the dried salt and wash your face with hot, and then rinse cold water. To get rid of acne, this procedure should be done 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Using soap for cleaning

Cleansing the face with laundry soap is very useful, which is effectively provided by a mixture of soap and soda. Shake soap chips into foam with water, dissolve soda in warm water and stir it into soap foam. Apply for five minutes. For deep peeling at home, use soap foam with 10 g of ground coffee. There you need to add a few drops of peppermint oil and gently rub the skin of the face for 3-5 minutes, then wash off the mixture and lubricate with a moisturizer.

Using soap for facial rejuvenation

Laundry soap for the face helps with wrinkles. For this mask, you need to mix soapy water and diluted pressed yeast. Apply this compound to face light massage movements and hold for 20 minutes. Instead of yeast, you can use chicken protein or oatmeal. This mask helps to narrow the pores and toning the skin, which regenerates and rejuvenates it.

When using soap masks to eliminate skin defects on the face, it should be remembered that people with naturally dry skin need to be extremely careful. If discomfort occurs, the procedure should be stopped. But even if the sensations are normal, you should not allow longer contact with soap than once a week.

Can you wash your face with laundry soap? Girls reviews

Studying the opinion of girls on this issue, one can note multiple laudatory reviews on one or another use of laundry soap. Some ladies share their enthusiastic impressions about the application of this simple and effective remedy. Someone used expensive cosmetic preparations for a long time and did not see any special changes, and after even a short use of laundry soap, they received perfectly clean and delicate skin. For someone, a soap mask helped to remove annoying acne or ugly pigmentation on the face.

Many girls note that after washing with such a remedy, acne disappears without a trace, and the skin of the face ceases to be irritated and flaky. Some girls, after getting acquainted with laundry soap, are firmly convinced that cosmetologists are deliberately silent about such exceptional properties of it in order to sell more of their expensive products. Girls say that from washing with laundry soap, the skin becomes cleaner and softer, tightens and becomes very elastic. But for this, in their opinion, it is necessary not to forget to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream after the procedure.


Having received information about useful properties laundry soap, everyone can now decide for himself whether to wash them or not. But if you use this tool, you should carefully follow the rules of use and pay attention to the warnings of specialists.

In our today's article on the website, we will talk about a universal product that is in every home and about how it relates to beauty. So, laundry soap for the face.

The benefits of laundry soap for the face

The fact is that laundry soap perfectly cleans and disinfects the surface of the skin. Despite the high pH level, it does not contain surfactants and sulfates, which are found in any antibacterial soap. As a result, you can get rid of acne, wounds, cuts and some diseases. In addition, if it is compared with other detergents, cleansers and disinfectants, then it, due to its naturalness and price, wins in many respects. And it is unlikely that you will find such a universal remedy, because laundry soap can be used in everyday life, and for treatment, and for cleanliness in every sense.

And now for the cons. More precisely, it can not be called a minus. After all, if something is abused, then any drug or remedy will be harmful, and with laundry soap. If it concerns the skin of the face, body or hair, then it can not be used every day. Otherwise, it has no contraindications.

How to wash your face with laundry soap

The number of applications of laundry soap per week depends on the type of your skin and its individual characteristics. Washing no more than two to three times a week is minimal and harmless. This time is quite enough to restore the acid-base balance of the skin, because laundry soap, as it were, sterilizes the surface, completely washing away the protective layer. However, for you it may be a little or vice versa a lot. So start with twice a week. Some also wash only with laundry soap foam or soapy water.

one more important point is the washing sequence. You need to wash your face with warm water, and at the end be sure to wash your face with cold water so that the pores close well and bacteria cannot penetrate inside.

Laundry soap for facial fit if im washed

Cleansing the face with laundry soap for acne

There are several ways to get rid of acne with laundry soap: simple washing, spot application, or self-prepared masks, products or solutions. Pimples decrease and disappear due to the fact that the clogged follicle is cleared and the sebaceous gland normalizes.

If you are interested in face masks, then the site. suggests using the following recipes based on grated laundry soap:

Laundry face soap: reviews

  • I have always used laundry soap for as long as I can remember. Moreover, I wash almost every one of them and at the same time I do not experience terrible dryness or something like that. It also perfectly cleanses and disinfects the skin, what more do you need. And as food for the skin I use various masks of my own preparation. Marina.
  • Despite the fact that now everyone is preoccupied (in a good way J) natural cosmetics and they praise it everywhere, it seems to me that it is beneficial for many manufacturers to write bad things about laundry soap. After all, if everyone switches to a natural product, who will buy products from them. I think you can wash your face with laundry soap. It is ideal not only in the fight against acne, she herself got rid of them more than once in this way, but also from many other problems associated with the skin. Albina.
  • When I started using laundry soap, I was completely satisfied with the result: my face was clean, noticeably brighter and tightened. But only after two weeks of daily morning and evening washings, there was no trace of delight. Everything was dry, flaky and itchy terribly. Dorval is called free, greedy, but did not stop washing. I just use soap no more than twice a week and everything is super. Olga.
  • But I also love natural, but I no longer use laundry soap for the body and face. Too much it sterilizes and dries out the skin. Now switched to soap nuts. Their pH with the skin is almost the same and it works no worse than the household one. It also cleanses, disinfects and much more, without destroying the protective layer of the skin. Katerina.
  • And I'm girls now carried away soap making. It is such a miracle that it is beyond words. Especially all on grass and other delights. They can wash and wash without fear. Before that, I was also looking for a more or less natural remedy. Tried wash face with soap. Nothing but dryness and irritation on the skin. If you use it too often, it dries out the skin, and less often - just about nothing. Evgenia.

Bruslik Maria - especially for the site