How to remove deep scars on the face. How to remove a scar on the face or make the scar less noticeable. Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

You will need:


This method is used for deep scars, when a kind of indentation forms in the skin. To do this, in various situations, take fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid. They are injected into the scar and thus even out the volume and color of the skin at the site of injury.

There is one "but"! Despite the fact that the procedure is not complicated, it retains the effect from 3 to 18 months.

It all depends on what the scar was filled with. Collagen is absorbed the fastest, and fats taken from other parts of your body take the longest.


Scars also freeze. Here, however, they knock out a wedge with a wedge. So, a special tool is moistened in nitrogen and the place of the scar is cauterized with it. From such a cardinal cooling, the skin swells. After healing, a wound is formed, which is covered with a crust. When it disappears, the skin becomes soft pink, and over time it completely merges with the tone of the whole body.

Cryosurgery is a very painful procedure. It is most often carried out with anesthetic anesthesia. Sometimes, to completely get rid of the scar, you need to go through 2 to 10 procedures.


A very sterile procedure, effective and painful. There are two types of lasers:


    After it, the skin heals faster, because it is more delicate. Does not injure healthy tissue around the scar.


    It heats the skin and dermis so much that collagen is produced rapidly, which contributes to rapid healing. It is the high thermal effect that helps to remove even the deepest scars.


It is used only for superficial scars, when the middle and lower skin tissues are not affected. It's kind of a hard scrub. Only for exfoliation take aluminum oxide. With its help, the crystals exfoliate your skin at the site of the scar, thus aligning it in color and texture.

Acid peeling

Glycolic acid is used for this procedure. It removes scars from the upper layer of the epidermis.

The skin is not injured, old cells are removed, and new ones are formed faster. Thus, accelerated skin renewal occurs.

For deeper scars, trichloroacetic and phenolic acids are used. They deaden the upper layers of the dermis, making it dark. Soon this crust departs and the depth of the scar decreases.

You can do such peelings no more than once a month.

Sometimes, for quick effect two types of chemical peels alternate with each other.

Surgical method

This option is suitable for narrow scars. After all, then they can be cut out, sewn up from the inside so carefully that no one will notice. Sometimes, however, a trace remains, but it looks like a thin sewing thread that allegedly accidentally caught on your skin.

If the scars are very large, then surgeons transport sections of your skin.

Today, also, it has become possible to transplant silicone (special artificial bags) and expanders made of biological skin into place of the scar.

This procedure is as follows: near the place of the scar, the surgeon sews you an expander or a silicone bag. After that, it is filled with saline, from which the size of the foreign body increases, stretching the skin. Then the implant is removed, the scar is cut out, covering this place with healthy, but grown nearby skin.

Folk recipes

  • Decoction of herbs.

This recipe is relevant for scars resulting from burns. You'll need:

  • Nettle 2 tbsp. l.
  • Chamomile 2 tbsp. l.
  • Calendula 2 tbsp. l.
  • St. John's wort 2 tbsp. l.
  • Yarrow 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water 400 ml

Mix all herbs in the same proportion. Let it brew for one day. After that - use for compresses. Soak a handkerchief or napkin in the decoction, attach to the scar. Top with polyethylene and a warm scarf, scarf or blanket. Do such compresses every day for 3 hours for 2 months.

  • Melon mask.

You'll need:

  • Melon seeds 20 pcs.
  • Eggshell 2 eggs
  • Olive oil 10 ml

Select ripe melon seeds. Dry them on newspaper and clean up afterwards. Grind the shells from two chicken eggs. Mix all ingredients. You need to apply it to the scar, and then do a bandage dressing. Make such masks in courses of three weeks with a break of 7 days.

  • Ointment Vishnevsky with vodka.

You'll need:

  • Vishnevsky ointment 2 g
  • Honey 1 tsp
  • Vodka 1 tbsp. l.
  • cabbage 1 leaf

A very popular remedy that enhances blood flow and tissue renewal. Mix the indicated components in the exact amount. Apply the product on a cabbage leaf and apply to the scar. Conduct such sessions every other day for 30 minutes.

There is an opinion that scars adorn a real man. Perhaps not all men will agree with this. But with the fact that scars and scars do not adorn women, perhaps everyone will agree. What to do? How to remove scars so that they do not cause inconvenience?

Scars can appear for various reasons. It can be scars left after the healing of acne, or after surgery. It could also be due to trauma or injury. Whatever the reasons, it is possible to remove scars from the face or body. Here are some basic tips.

  1. If the scar appeared after a wound or operation, then the first steps should be taken immediately. After removing the stitches, you need to start using creams to dissolve the scar tissue as soon as possible. One of the most effective on this moment, is Contractubex cream. In many cases, the use of this tool alone is sufficient.
  2. If after applying the course of the cream, traces of the scar are still visible, then you can use the peeling procedure. During chemical peeling special reagents are applied to the skin, as a result, the top layer of the skin is removed. Thanks to this method, you can remove scars on the arm or other part of the body.
  3. If the scar forms a dent or dimple on the surface of the skin, then special dermal fillers can be used to remove it. Cosmetologists usually use collagen or a special hyaluronic acid gel. As a result, the skin is evened out. But this procedure will need to be repeated every few months.
  4. If you want to permanently get rid of unpleasant memories of the scar, then you can use laser therapy. This method helps to smooth the scar from the surface of the skin, leaving almost no marks. To remove the scar with a laser, local anesthesia is often used. Procedures may differ from each other depending on the laser. There are some that remove the top layers of the skin, giving it a more natural look. And then the scars disappear. Other lasers penetrate the lower layers of the skin and stimulate collagen production. Thus, you can get rid of scars from the inside.
  5. If the scar is very large or there are many of them, then you can resort to the surgical method of removing them. There are several such methods. For example, you can cut the scar and apply intradermal sutures. You can also do plastic surgery with a change in the contours of the scar. Or cut a scar for the purpose of subsequent skin grafting. There is a surgical method called expander dermotension. It consists in the fact that a silicone bag (expander) is sewn in a place next to the scar, a physiological solution is injected into it. As a result, the code above the scar is stretched. After that, the pouch is removed, the scar is excised, and the skin is tightened.

How to remove scars at home?

But can scars and scars be removed only with the help of specialists in special clinics? No. You can remove scars at home by following these tips.

  • lemon juice. It contains natural bleaching agents that will make the scar less noticeable;
  • aloe juice. For minor household cuts or to prevent acne scars, aloe should be applied to a fresh wound. The juice of this plant has restorative properties, and will heal the wound without scarring;
  • honey. it natural remedy universal mask for scars. Honey can be applied to the scar several times a day;
  • home mask . If you mix a tablespoon of fine oatmeal with one tablespoon of cream and add a couple of drops lemon juice, then you get a wonderful mask for scars. It should be applied to the skin for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Each organism has its own characteristics, and different scars appear with different wounds, but now you know for sure that it is possible to get rid of scars. And, if someone asks you: is it possible to remove the scar on the face so that there are no marks left, you can confidently say: “Yes!”

Female beauty is very capricious and does not tolerate compromises, even small flaws, especially on the face. Perfect flat surface it is easy to spoil with a small scar or crease. Such a defect is difficult to mask with the most expensive correctors and powder. To remove the scar on the face you need to find the most safe way and select individually a whole ensemble of events. Otherwise, complexes about, albeit small, but features can take on catastrophic proportions.

Folk ways to treat scars on the face

Of course, you can remove the scar at home, you just have to spend a sufficient amount of time for this. Depending on the size and depth of the scar, it can take months to heal.

The following products are considered the most effective:

  • citrus juice - lemon, grapefruit, lime helps to whiten the altered pigmentation of the connective tissue;
  • aloe juice is able to prevent scar formation after acne removal, you can attach a cut of a branch to the damaged area, active ingredients accelerate the healing process, providing a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • honey - sweet compresses have a peeling effect, smoothing the surface of the skin, masks based on a natural product help to activate blood circulation and renew cellular structures;
  • herbal and cereal ganaches gently cleanse dead skin cells without scratching, soothe the injured dermis, oat and rice flour, dry powders of chamomile, linden, nettle, thyme and plantain are considered the most effective;
  • the following active components will gradually eliminate defects on the face - salicylic, lemon acid, boric alcohol, soda and salt, you should follow the rules of use, otherwise you can harm and get burned.

Remove scars with methods traditional medicine easy thanks to the following recipes:


It is necessary to prepare a composition of combined aromatic oils. Take four drops of neroli, rosemary, mint or geranium, sandalwood, fennel or tea, rosewood and frankincense, add to one of the selected 5 ml of almond oil and apply three / five times daily. Carry out such manipulations during three months, especially effective to use after scrubbing or peeling.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


You can remove scars on the face thanks to a natural procedure. You will need natural beeswax (wax), olive oil and propolis (bee glue). Heat the nourishing oil in a water bath, stirring constantly, add crushed wax and a pinch of propolis, when all the ingredients are combined, remove from the stove. The composition will thicken within a few hours, treat the problem area, applying a dense layer overnight. You can use this remedy for up to six months, after checking the sensitivity of the epidermis to bee products.

Unsuccessful removal of acne and blackheads leads to the formation of a bumpy structure, in a small area. If this procedure is repeated regularly, this can ruin the entire surface of the face. Homemade scar mask recipes help to smooth the skin and remove altered pigmentation.

Herbal mask

Facial care requires time and attention. Helps to improve color and structure alignment, an effective natural recipe. It is convenient to make a large volume, such a mask can be used daily. It will take equal amounts of chamomile, nettle and plantain herbs, carefully, to a powder state, grind in a coffee grinder. Cosmetic raw materials should be stored in hermetically sealed dry containers. Distribute daily with rubbing movements over the entire surface of the face, diluted slightly with water, leave for five minutes, then rinse off the residue.

honey mask

Helps remove facial scars regular use next composition. For fifteen grams of solid honey, you need to take five grams of coffee grounds and the same sea ​​salt. Apply the resulting slurry in a thick layer only on the damaged area of ​​the epidermis, hold for about half an hour. After removing the product, treat with nourishing shea butter or cocoa, they improve elasticity. Apply the procedure every evening for one month.

Video recipe: How to remove acne scars (post-acne)

In home-made cosmetology, lotions and tonics are widely used, which rub the affected area in the complex of general therapy.

It is distinguished by a special moisturizing and regenerating action, and can also be used to treat burns. You will need to grind the pulp of one cucumber in a kitchen machine, pour five hundred ml mineral water with high salt content. Add five drops of lavender essential oil to this volume. Store the product in the refrigerator for about ten days, soak a cotton pad daily and apply to the scar. This lotion is similar in action to the peeling procedure, but has a less aggressive effect. For cooking, you need two hundred grams of any sour berries - cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, grind and strain through cheesecloth from solid particles. The resulting homogeneous concentrate is diluted with 100 ml of green tea. Store the finished lotion for about a week in the refrigerator, wiping the problem area daily.

Scar treatment

There are ways to permanently get rid of scars in aesthetic medicine clinics and beauty salons. A wide range of methods allows everyone to choose the right one.

Laser scars can be removed in just a few sessions. First, the surface layer of the scar is excised, after which the formation of new cells is provoked. It will take time for the recovery period. Depending on the individual features it lasts from several days to two weeks.

Video: How to remove scars and scars without surgery? laser resurfacing

Effective and chemical peeling of the face for grinding scars. Under the action of a complex of acids, the middle and deep layers of the skin are affected. After, a crust forms at this place, under which a new even layer of the epidermis is formed. Full recovery may take about a month, for this period you will need to forget about the use of decorative cosmetics, visiting a bath, sauna, solarium, covers will need to be protected from temperature extremes, dry, hot, frosty air and ultraviolet rays.

Injection correction is performed only by an experienced cosmetologist who selects the desired concentration and depth of injection. Diprospan is often used, it helps to smooth out damage and restore natural pigmentation.


  • thin vessels, rosacea;
  • wounds, cracks, burns;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • neoplasms of a different nature;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • infectious diseases.

Remedies for facial scars

In cosmetology, new methods are constantly being developed to help get rid of scar tissue at home. Their popularity is ensured due to ease of use and availability, unlike expensive plastic and aesthetic manipulations. The action is absorbable and softening, which is especially effective for shallow scars on the skin of the face. The principle of operation is as follows - first, the area and depth decrease, after which the tissue is lightened, the scar becomes less noticeable. If applied on fresh lesions, you can avoid the unpleasant sensation of itching, accelerate healing, soothe redness and inflammation.

Active components can be plant extracts, fatty and essential oils, vitamins, minerals, hormones. They have no contraindications, except for individual local reactions, most drugs are allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Local action contributes to:

  • Increased synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • Normalization of blood circulation;
  • Antibacterial effect;
  • Water and lipid balance is maintained;
  • Strengthens local immunity.
Precautionary measures:
  1. Apply a thin layer only on the problem area;
  2. Avoid contact with mucous membranes;
  3. Check before use for possible allergies;
  4. Do not use on open wounds.

Ointments for scars

At home, such remedies for scars have proven their effectiveness.

Contractubex - reduces deformation, softens and smoothes a hard damaged area. Contains allantoin, sodium heparin, Serae onion extract, this composition helps to dissolve blood clots, prevents the spread of scarred connective tissue, has a bactericidal effect, retains moisture, accelerates the recovery and healing process.

Based on urea, sodium heparin and camphor, providing good absorption and skin hydration. The metabolism in the cells of the epidermis is restored, the feeling of tightened dermis softens and disappears. Helps to get rid of and prevent the appearance of acne scars on the face.

Dermatix has a gel-like structure, contains polysiloxanes and silicon dioxide. The silicone base is quickly absorbed after application, leaving an invisible film on the skin that does not affect oxygen breathing. Absolutely safe remedy removal of scars on the face, even in a child. The only thing you need to apply to cleansed skin, and after ten minutes, removing unabsorbed residues, girls can apply make-up.

Video recipe: Ointment for scars and scars on the face

Scar cream

Zeraderm helps not only with scars and scars on the face, but also contributes to the treatment of acne and acne (marked in the name of ultra). Restores the surface of both newly formed and long-standing surface damage. Cream-gel is used during the rehabilitation period after surgery or laser correction. The main active ingredient is a high-molecular silicone compound, through which both oxygen and moisture can easily pass, natural metabolic processes are not disturbed. There are no restrictions except for an allergic reaction that occurs in rare cases.

Scarguard helps to remove scars and prevent the formation of new ones. Hydrocortisone, silicone and vitamin E are the basis of a healing, liquid cream. Puffiness, itching, irritation are removed, deep nutrition and hydration of the tissue is provided. The structure is smoothed, normal pigmentation is restored. Very simple and convenient application, with a thin brush, the desired area is treated with the product and within five minutes it is completely absorbed. An invisible drainage bandage is formed on which cosmetics can be applied. The manufacturer does not recommend the use during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age, without consulting a doctor.

Mederma is a hypoallergenic product, it is quickly absorbed, the light structure does not leave marks. Serae onion extract and allantoin help retain moisture, soften and smooth acne scars. Collagen production is activated, the damaged area becomes smoother and more elastic. Dissolves blood clots, has a long antibacterial effect.

Video: How to get rid of scars, scars at home

If you get hurt and there is a risk of getting a scar, especially on an open area of ​​​​the body, measures must be taken as quickly as possible, before the scar has had time to form. This is especially true of the consequences of burns. In the home first aid kit, there should always be an ointment containing depantonol, which prevents the formation of scar tissue. There are a number of effective home remedies for scars that have formed.

Aloe juice with honey and vitamins A and E is excellent for “fresh” skin lesions, prevents scar formation, and also minimizes the effects of old shallow scars. Mix one teaspoon of aloe juice with the contents of the Aevit vitamin capsule, add a little honey to get a creamy consistency and apply on the scar. Cover with a tissue and let it soak in. Remove any remaining product after 15 minutes. The mixture should be applied 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Blue clay is an excellent wound healing agent, both on its own and in combination with olive oil, honey, various essential oils. Prevents scarring of tissues, smoothes existing scars. Clay (or a mixture) is applied to a healed wound or scar, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse. Repeat the procedure should be 3-4 times a day, 2-3 weeks.

Nutmeg with any cream and honey - effective remedy that can help remove a scar, even a deep one. In order to prepare it, you should mix crushed nutmeg with your favorite cream in a ratio of 1: 3 and add a little honey. Apply the mixture on the scar and hold for half an hour or an hour, without covering anything, then remove it. The tool does not "work" immediately. The first results will be visible in 2-3 weeks.

Dried crushed melon seeds have pronounced regenerating properties. A mixture of seeds is especially effective in combination with olive oil and crushed eggshell. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture on the scar and leave for an hour. The procedure must be repeated for 2-3 weeks. The scar should decrease in size and become almost invisible.

Of the available pharmaceutical preparations, Vishnevsky's ointment has good healing properties. To get rid of the scar, you can prepare the following mixture: a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of ointment and half a teaspoon of vodka. The mixture must be put on a cabbage leaf, applied to the scar and fixed with a bandage for half an hour. The remnants of the mixture are most conveniently removed with a tonic or make-up remover milk.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely get rid of scars at home. Sometimes it is only possible to make them less noticeable. For a radical get rid of scars, it is better to contact professionals.

Professional methods for getting rid of scars

Modern cosmetology has at its disposal a variety of techniques designed to help get rid of scars. First of all, these are all kinds of chemical peels: superficial multi-fruit and glycol, deep phenol and median TCA peels, as well as scar correction using fillers with hyaluronic acid. most effective methodology recognized laser resurfacing.

Any operation - planned or performed urgently - is a stress for the body, in response to which it activates a whole cascade of reactions. They also start in the skin along which the incision is made. And the larger the intervention, the worse the blood supply to the integumentary tissue and the more genetic features in its enzyme systems, the higher the likelihood that postoperative scars will appear at the incision sites.

So that they don't spoil appearance, did not dictate the style of the clothes worn and did not cause an uncomfortable feeling of tightness of the surrounding tissues, they must be removed. We will talk about the ways in which this can be done.

Why do post-surgery scars appear?

The formation of such defects depends on many factors:

  • Whether an incision was made along the lines of Langer (this is a conditional diagram showing in which direction the skin will stretch as much as possible on one or another part of the body).
  • Whether the surgical approach passed over the bone protrusion or along the area that is subjected to tension or is forced to move frequently. For the treatment of diseases or plastic surgery the incision is not performed in such places, but if the intervention was performed for injuries, to remove a foreign body or tumor, these features could not be taken into account.
  • The scale of the operation: if the intervention was carried out during internal organs, after the incision, the skin was stretched to get to the desired abdominal organ. Such stretching, especially in conditions of insufficient blood supply to the integumentary tissue (this increases with age), increases the chance of scarring.
  • How the postoperative suture was applied to the skin - whether several stitches were performed or the surgeon used an intradermal technique (using a fishing line that connects 2 skin flaps without interrupting its course). Some interventions - due to the severity of the subcutaneous fat layer - are forced to end with the installation of devices that allow you to "tighten" the skin. In this case, the chance of scar formation is 99%.
  • Did suppuration or divergence of the seam occur? These factors increase the chance of over-development of scar tissue at incision sites.
  • Is there a tendency to form keloids, which is genetically determined.

Types of postoperative scars

How to remove the scar after surgery, the dermatologist decides by evaluating the type of defect. There are 3 types.

Normally, after damage to the skin, 2 processes of the opposite direction are launched in it at once. The first is the formation of connective (that is, scar) tissue, the second is its splitting. When they are coordinated, a normotrophic scar is formed - an inconspicuous defect of the same color as the surrounding skin.

If the dissolution of scar tissue prevails over its formation, the scar will resemble a hole and be called. Such defects are more often formed after those operations that did not require suturing:, moles,.

With the predominance of education over destruction, a pinkish and protruding hypertrophic scar appears above the skin. Its appearance is promoted by suppuration or constant traumatization of the wound zone. It is formed when the operation was performed in the area of ​​a large amount of subcutaneous fat. The likelihood of such defects is reduced if, after removing the sutures, an ointment is used to heal scars after surgery: Levomekol, Actovegin, Methyluracil or Solcoseryl.

If there is a genetic predisposition of the skin, it can form. This is a formation that protrudes above the rest of the skin, has a pink or whitish color, is smooth and shiny. It begins to grow 1-3 months after the stitches are removed. The chance of its appearance increases if the skin is dark, the operation was performed on chest, the intervention was performed during pregnancy or adolescence. The occurrence of this type of defect cannot be prevented.

Scar removal methods

The choice of the method by which the removal of postoperative scars and scars should be carried out is within the competence of the dermatocosmetologist. Only he, based on an assessment not only of the type of skin defect, but also of the blood supply to the integumentary tissue, can decide whether the following apply here:

  • ointment for scars after surgery;
  • injection method of treatment (mesotherapy, drug injections or steroid injections);
  • physiotherapeutic methods of influence;
  • deep dermabrasion;
  • method of chemical peeling of cicatricial changes;
  • one of the mini-operations when the scar can be removed either by the action of liquid nitrogen, or a laser, or current pulses;
  • Plastic surgery.

Do not self-medicate: folk remedy from postoperative scars often become a waste of time, which subsequently makes it difficult for even the laser to cope with them. The dermatologist will tell you exactly when you can try to apply the ointment, and when more aggressive methods are needed.

Video: Laser resurfacing

How to treat postoperative scars at home

At home, you can use local remedies such as: creams for resorption of scars after surgery, ointment-based preparations, special patches. An excellent help for such therapy is the use of physiotherapy procedures (phonophoresis with lidase and hydrocortisone) and compression methods (pressure treatment, when the same drugs are applied under a pressure bandage).


This is a drug based on urea - a substance that dissolves tissues, as well as sodium heparin - a compound that thins the blood (this improves microcirculation) and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective for removing fresh postoperative scars.


This is a gel based on onion extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. It inhibits the growth of cells that give rise to scar tissue. This also includes heparin, which has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect, softening scar tissue. The third main substance of the drug is allantoin, which promotes wound healing, increasing the ability of tissues to bind water.

Gel and spray Kelo-cat

The preparations are based on silicone and polysiloxane. Together they form a film on the surface of the scar, which will prevent the growth of scar tissue, restore interstitial water balance, eliminate itching, tightness of the skin.


It contains silicon dioxide (abrasive particles) and polysiloxanes. Its action differs little from the effect of Kelo-kot: moisturizing the skin, eliminating itching, fighting scars and the appearance of pigmentation on them.


This is a cream for scars after surgery. It contains silicone, the actions of which are described above, hydrocortisone, a hormone that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and vitamin E, which softens scar tissue.

Gel Fermenkol

It consists of enzymes that break down collagen (collagen fibers form the basis of scar tissue). It can be used both for the treatment of fresh postoperative scars, and those that are more than 6 years old. AT last case it is better not to smear the scar, but to apply Fermenkol under the influence of electrophoresis.


This is an ointment based on natural ingredients, made according to an Ayurvedic recipe. Thanks to its active ingredients, it penetrates into the depths of tissues, “switches” regeneration in them, so that they themselves begin to displace the scar defect, replacing it with normal skin.

Mepiderm scar patch

This is a silicone patch that can be combined with a compress

ionic (compressive) layer. Such a complex creates sufficient moisture in the scar tissue, which leads to its rapid resorption.

It has different sizes, which allows you to choose it individually. Its color is flesh. Before application, the skin must be treated with an aqueous lotion, dried with a dry cloth. It is advisable to remove the hairline at the site of application.

Contraindications for home treatment

It is better not to decide how to smear the resulting scar, while there are conditions at the defect site such as:

  • redness;
  • herpes;
  • the appearance of reddish vessels;
  • manifestations: weeping areas with separate blisters and crusts on them.

It is contraindicated to start the treatment of scars with an exacerbation of an existing chronic disease, with allergies, especially with its skin manifestations, during any infectious disease.

Video: How to remove scars and scars

Treatment in the office of a dermatocosmetologist

Consider what methods of scar correction are offered by professionals.


The method consists in introducing a "cocktail" of (the main natural "filler" of the skin), vitamins and enzymes, into the area near the scar. The efficiency of the method is low.

Introduction of glucocorticoid hormones

The method is based on the introduction into the scar tissue of preparations based on synthetic analogs of hormones produced in the human adrenal glands (“Triamcinolone acetate”, “Hydrocortisone suspension”). There they, having a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, should stop the production of connective tissue, and this will significantly reduce the scar after surgery.

This is how hypertrophic and keloid scars are treated.


This is the name of the exfoliation of the surface layers of the skin within the epidermis so that new, already healthy layers appear in their place. Since the scar is not the epidermis, but the connective tissue, you can not be afraid to inflict deeper damage (the growth layer will still not be deformed due to its absence).

For the treatment of scars, mechanical peeling is performed (microdermabrasion, using fine abrasive particles,) or its chemical counterpart when acids are applied (for example,).

Scar removal by deep mechanical dermabrasion


The basis is the effect of liquid nitrogen. It causes necrosis of pathological tissue, in place of which healthy skin is formed.

The depth of cryotherapy is 100% uncontrollable. It may take more than one procedure to remove a scar. Healing after each of them is up to 14 days, the wound is wet, it can become infected.

laser resurfacing

it The best way, scar removal after surgery. It involves the application of microburns both on the defect area itself (because of this, the scar is “compressed”), and on a small area along its perimeter. As a result of the last exposure, healthy skin begins to form, which displaces scarring.

For a complete correction, you may need not 1, but several procedures. Healing occurs under a dry crust, so infection is impossible here. The crust falls off after 10 days.

Scar correction by laser resurfacing


How to get rid of a scar after surgery, if it occupies a large area, is keloid or hypertrophic, plastic surgeons know. They excise the scar tissue, after which they either immediately apply cosmetic sutures, or close the defect with a flap of their own skin. The flap is pre-prepared so that it does not lose its blood supply.