Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What are the benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? What is due to relatives in the event of the loss of a breadwinner

Each pensioner who lives in the territory Russian Federation, can count not only on receiving pension payments, but also on other measures of support from the state.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by length of service imply a wider range of privileges and rights than ordinary citizens who have reached retirement age.

Who is eligible for a retirement pension

A person who worked in the police department and stopped labor activity as a result of an order to reduce, with sufficient length of service, due to poor health, upon reaching a certain age, can count on receiving a special allowance from the Ministry of the Interior.

The increased amount of payments and additional measures of state support are due only to citizens who have a sufficient period of service:

  1. A person who has worked for 20 years, regardless of his age.
  2. A person who has worked for 12.5 years, but only on the condition that his total work experience exceeds 25 years, and his age is more than 45 years.
Attention! The size and types of support measures provided by the state directly depend on the rank received by the employee during the performance of official duties, his length of service.

If the employee has not reached sufficient length of service to receive additional measures of state assistance, he is provided with ordinary pension payments along with all other citizens.

Financial support for pensioners

After dismissal, an employee of the Ministry can count on receiving additional financial support in the form of lump sum payment.

The amount of transferred funds also directly depends on the length of service:

  1. If a serviceman has worked for the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 20 years, then he is paid a lump-sum payment upon dismissal in the amount of 7 official salaries.
  2. If the employee has worked less than this period, then a one-time compensation in the amount of 2 official salaries is transferred to him.
  3. If during the service the employee received an honorary title or a state award, then upon retirement he is paid a lump sum in the amount of 1 official salary.

The amount of pension payments by years of service

According to the norms established in Federal Law No. 166, the amount of pension benefits paid to former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot be less than the established amount. The indexation of such a cash payment occurs on a par with other benefits.

Now pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to a lump sum payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles, which was paid to all persons who have reached retirement age.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who quit their jobs due to seniority are entitled to special allowances:

  1. A pensioner with disability group 1, or if his age exceeds 80 years, then he is paid a 100% pension supplement.
  2. If a citizen has a dependent to support, he is paid an allowance of 32 percent.
  3. For the presence of 2 dependents - an allowance of 64 percent.
  4. For 3 people on a permanent basis - 100 percent of the pension.

In the event that dependents are also entitled to a monthly pension, no supplements are paid.

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Tax incentives for retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Retired police officers may not pay tax fees for one piece of immovable property. If a person owns several real estate, then he must independently choose which property will not be taxed.

In addition, pensioners may not pay income tax on pensions. But in this case, a person will not be able to receive a tax deduction when acquiring a real estate object.

Attention! The possibility of obtaining state support for the exemption or reduction of the amount of transport tax must be clarified in your region.

To receive relief, a citizen must contact the nearest tax office and hand over the following package of documents to the specialist:

  1. The passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. A document confirming the ownership of an object exempt from taxation.

Medical Benefits

If a retired police officer needs to receive medical care, he has the right to receive it free of charge, when applying for help to a specialized institution related to the system of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the event that a pensioner seeks help from another institution, all services are provided to him on a general basis.


According to the law, pensioners of the Department of Internal Affairs, who are retired, have the opportunity to get a room to use it under a social contract. Also, such persons can receive subsidies for the purchase of a house.

In the event that a person participates in a mortgage program, all obligations for the timely payment Money fall on his shoulders. By law, no more than 50 percent of the total amount of hiring is paid from the federal treasury.

Easy access to transport

Pensioners of the Ministry can ride for free or at a discount public transport. We are talking about urban or suburban routes, it will not be possible to travel between cities with such a benefit.

Benefits do not apply to taxi cars.

What benefits are not available to retired pensioners

According to the norms of Russian legislation, a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system pays for utilities and other services in full, in this direction no discounts are provided for this category of citizens.

Expect to receive a discount on utility bills, telephone conversations, only members of the families of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can, in the event of the death of such a person in the performance of his official duties.

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Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the title of Veteran of Labor of Russia or the USSR

Pensioners who have the title of Heroes of Labor can expect to receive a number of privileges. You can find out the exact information in the social security authorities located at the place of residence of the citizen. The list of such state support measures may vary depending on the region of the country:

  1. Possibility of free travel.
  2. 50% discount on utility bills.
  3. Free medical services, prosthetics.
  4. Payment of an increased pension.

In addition, pensioners of the Ministry can expect to receive additional social guarantees. The possibility of obtaining them directly depends on the length of service, the rank received during the service.

Video about benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

February 7, 2018, 17:44 Mar 3, 2019 13:39

What benefits are provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? This question arouses the interest of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are retiring. The city can sleep peacefully - this phrase contains the main meaning: the valiant employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are always on guard of order, protecting the peace of citizens, often even at the cost of their own lives. And therefore, when their term of service ends, the state provides benefits to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, given the heavy rhythm of work, irregular working hours and stressful conditions.

What benefits are provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Because of this, internal affairs officers retire earlier than their peers working in other industries, and charge them this pension an order of magnitude higher.

This type of allowance is not included in pension fund, like other categories, but in the Ministry of the Interior as military support for long service. But the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, before going on a well-deserved rest, chooses a pension insurance program for himself.

Constantly, benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are indexed by length of service. But it doesn't always work out what pensioners would like. For 2016, it was planned by the government to index assistance by 5.5%, but due to the crisis situation, the figure of 4% is taken as an average. Another change is coming - the length of service will be extended, as expected, for another 5 years.

But so far, benefits for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon retirement are provided only when they:

  • have worked in this field for 20 years or more;
  • have an age of 45 years, while the total length of service was 25 years, and the service life was 13 years.

It matters when calculating pensions and prof. level, that is, the title will play a significant role, as well as experience.

Discounted rates for pensioners. Dismissed by age from the service can be provided with housing and use the services of urban transport, as well as suburban and intercity at a reduced rate. They are provided by the regions. But, for example, in St. Petersburg, it was decided to provide veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a certain discount, they can also receive discounts when we are talking about the following taxes:

  • transport;
  • land;
  • property.

When a visit to medical institutions is required for treatment or the purchase of medicines, for recovery, the benefit begins to apply to both the ex-employee and his children, but in the case when the organization belongs to the department of internal affairs. Other medical institutions do not have such privileges.

The same condition applies when it is necessary to improve health in a sanatorium. If the institution is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, treatment there will be free, as well as travel, other health-improving enterprises - only on standard conditions. Close relatives will also be able to have benefits, but not one hundred percent, but fifty percent. In this case, both the length of service and the professional level of the pensioner will play a big role.

When it comes to children age categories from 6 to 15 years, then compensation is also due for their treatment, but you will have to collect a package of documents for this.

There are also beneficial tax incentives pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And, although benefits are not provided for utilities and a landline phone, you do not need to pay a tax on your own real estate. If a pensioner is the owner of several residential premises, the benefit is valid only for one.

The same rule applies to property such as a summer house, a garage or a private house. But there is more good news: if a veteran of internal affairs who retired on a well-deserved rest owns different types real estate, the exemption is granted for each type.

Whether to pay transport tax is decided by the local authorities. Typically, there is such a benefit. The pensioner needs to independently apply with the documents to the appropriate tax authorities, and preferably on time, otherwise the documents have the full right to consider and recalculate them within three years.

To do this, the list of documents must be:

  • passport and identification code;
  • pension sample certificate;
  • all Required documents issued for immovable buildings.

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What benefits are provided to working pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Not all veterans leave their posts after the expiration of time, many remain in their jobs. There are certain benefits for working pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They receive a pension, although its indexation, until the person has gone on a well-deserved rest, is not allowed. But as soon as they pay off, these 4% will immediately begin to accrue.

For those who work, there are no allowances that make up a very large percentage of the pension. But not everyone is entitled to allowances; first of all, they include those pensioners who:

  • participated in the Great Patriotic War;
  • have 80 years of age and I degree of disability.

A pension at a special rate is accrued to a family if the main breadwinner in it was an employee internal organs and he died in the line of duty.

A special case is if an employee has received injuries resulting in disability due to working conditions or in the performance of official duties. In this case, seniority will play a decisive role. Disability pension can be assigned only when the existing commission decides specifically for this purpose.

She must make sure that there really is an injury, and all documents must be correctly drawn up. In this case, you will have to undergo examination and examinations in various medical centers.

But a disabled person will be able to receive benefits only if the injury or injury occurred during working days or no later than 3 months after the official dismissal from work.

The state does a lot of good for former employees, and although housing and communal benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not allowed, many allowances and benefits help even in times of crisis.

What benefits are due to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 - this question worries many elderly people who have completed their service in law enforcement agencies and are about to apply for a pension.

Each person, going on a well-deserved rest, has the right to additional benefits and benefits from the state.

Priority position for receiving social payments have pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, retiring on a seniority basis. Their service carries a danger to life and health.

Going on a well-deserved vacation, such pensioners can count on an increased preferential package.

When can an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs go on a seniority pension?

A person who worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ceased his activity due to reduction, length of service, state of health, age, receives pension benefit through the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the following cases:

  1. A person has worked in the organs for 20 years, regardless of age;
  2. The person has worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 12.5 years, has a total work experience of 25 years, and his age is 45 years.

The amount of benefits and allowances depends on the rank of the employee and his length of service.

In other cases, former law enforcement officers are provided with pension payments on an equal basis with ordinary citizens and are not entitled to additional benefits.

Is there a one-time payment for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

When resigning from law enforcement agencies, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to one-time financial assistance:

  • For those who have worked for 20 years - a material payment in the amount of seven salaries;
  • If a person has worked for less than 20 years, 2 salaries are paid;
  • If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received an honorary title or a state award, then he is entitled to the payment of one salary.

How is the pension calculated for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have retired on a seniority basis?

The pension benefit of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot be less than that established by law 166-FZ and is indexed on a par with other benefits.

Rely on persons who have retired due to seniority and additional allowances:

      1. A person has the first group of disability, or his age is over 80 years old - he is entitled to a 100% allowance;
      2. The person is not employed, but he is supported by:
      3. 1 dependent - 32% supplement;
      4. 2 dependents - 64% supplement;
      5. 3 or more dependents - 100% supplement.

If dependents receive pension payments, then such a supplement is not paid.
Veterans of the Second World War are assigned a 32% bonus, which doubles when they reach the age of 80.

tax incentives

      1. This category of pensioners is exempt from paying taxes on one of the real estate objects. If a pensioner owns several such objects, then he has the right to choose which object will not be taxed.
      2. Pension income tax is also not paid by such citizens. At the same time, the pensioner is deprived of the right to receive a deduction for the purchase of real estate.
      3. Land tax compensation is also available to this category of pensioners.
      4. The vehicle tax exemption should be clarified in the region of residence.

To receive such relief, the pensioner must contact the tax authorities at the place of residence and provide the required list of documents:

      • Identity document;
      • pension certificate;
      • Documents confirming the ownership of real estate or transport.

If the pensioner did not provide the necessary papers to the tax authorities in a timely manner, then the recalculation of payments will be made for a three-year period.

Health Benefits

If a pensioner needs medical assistance, then it will be provided to him completely free of charge when undergoing treatment in medical institutions belonging to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When applying to other medical organizations, medical care is provided on a general basis.

Once a year, a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can visit a sanatorium belonging to this department for 25% of the total cost of the ticket. Travel to the resort and back is paid. If a pensioner needs to visit a sanatorium for rehabilitation, then the ticket is completely free.

Housing Benefits

Retired pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to the provision of municipal housing under a social contract of employment or to receive a subsidy for the purchase of a house.

When participating in the state mortgage program, all obligations for its payment fall on the shoulders of the pensioner. The state pays only part of the funds (no more than 50%).

The provision of housing under the terms of social employment occurs if a person was put on the waiting list for improving housing conditions no later than March 1, 2003.

Easy access to transport

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to preferential travel in local and suburban public transport, with the exception of ordinary and fixed-route taxis.

What benefits are not available to senior citizens?

Utilities and other housing services are paid by the pensioner in full. There are no discounts for compensation for telephone communications.

Payment discounts housing services will only be received by family members of law enforcement officers in the event of their death in the line of duty.

Benefits for next of kin of retired law enforcement officers as of January 1, 2019:

      1. Family members of pensioners are entitled to free medical care in medical institutions under the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
      2. Relatives of such pensioners are entitled to a ticket to a sanatorium with a 50% discount;
      3. In the event of the death of a pensioner due to an illness received during service in the authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs makes payments for the upbringing of his minor children;
      4. A one-time financial benefit in the event of the death of a pensioner from a disease acquired during service.

What benefits are provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have the title of Veteran of Labor of Russia or the USSR?

As a rule, their list does not differ much in the regions of the country:

      • Free travel in urban and suburban public transport, excluding fixed-route and regular taxis;
      • 50% discount on utility bills;
      • Free receipt medical procedures and prosthetics (except teeth);
      • Increased pension.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have increased social guarantees. It all depends on their experience and rank. You should find out about the relaxations due to such pensioners in local governments and social services.

Video: Disabled pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

All pensioners who live in the territory of the Russian Federation, along with the established pension payments, are provided with additional state assistance, which represents certain benefits.

Benefits are also provided for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the amount of which directly depends on the rank, length of service and retirement age.

What does the "letter of the law" say?

Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 of December 12, 1993 "On pension provision citizens who served in the State Fire Service, working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and persons, as well as persons undergoing military service, including all members of their families” defines individual privileges based on length of service.
According to the current Law, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who, on the day of dismissal from service, have a total service record of 20 years or more, are entitled to receive pension payments.

A pensioner receiving a service pension is also exempt from paying income tax. real estate, which is provided for individuals not of retirement age. This provision is noted in article 4, paragraph 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2003-1.

There are a number of benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

Health-improving course of treatment in a sanatorium (a voucher is provided once a year);
A military pensioner can count on benefits for rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort-type institutions, which are provided in the form of discounts (up to 75%) on the purchase of a voucher for himself.

Family members of a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also have privileges when buying vouchers, which include a reduction in the cost of a voucher for a holiday trip in the amount of 50%. The amount of the discount for family members is calculated on the basis of length of service, age and rank of an internal affairs officer.
Land tax refund;
Compensation of funds for the rehabilitation of young children aged 6.5 - 15 years. Payment of such compensations is carried out in the form of reimbursement of expenses incurred after the provision of relevant documents.
Also, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have served in the bodies for less than 25 years are provided with other benefits. To establish the amount of additional payments, the reason for which the person terminated the service is ascertained.

The provision of additional benefits is possible if the reason for the termination of service was:

Health status;
The onset of retirement age;
A public event prescribed by law.

Are there benefits for pensioners on paying utility bills?

Letter No. 03-05-06-02/86 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 17, 2011 provides some clarifications regarding the question of what benefits pensioners have when calculating payments for utilities, living space and telephone use. According to the current legislative framework employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who receive a seniority pension are fully exempted only from paying real estate tax.
If a pensioner wishes to receive additional benefits from the state regarding the payment of real estate tax, he will have to independently collect the necessary package of documents and submit them to the tax authorities.
If a pensioner belatedly applied for the desired benefit, the recalculation of the amount of real estate tax, which is calculated for individuals, will be made only upon submission of a written application by the taxpayer. The recalculation will affect only a period of 3 years no more. As a result, the amount of the benefit will be calculated taking into account the indicators of the amount of the tax, summarized for 3 years.

Possible but not granted benefits!

In the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the operation of the "Land Tax", certain provisions of Chapter 31 note the following. A pensioner who has served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 20 years and receives a service pension is not exempt from paying land tax.
The Office also believes that there are no legal grounds for granting a benefit, which will cover the payment for services for the use of the telephone, living space and utilities in the amount of 50%.

How have the benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs changed in 2014?

Pensioners - former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who served in the internal affairs bodies for 20 years or more, in the current 2014 were provided with all the benefits they were entitled to without changes.
If a pensioner, for health reasons, was forced to seek help from a medical institution, all the necessary assistance is provided to him in full, completely free of charge. The only condition for receiving free medical treatment is the fact that the pensioner must apply to a medical institution belonging to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are no related posts.

Let's figure out what benefits pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs rely on in Russia. Since the employees of this unit work in a mode of danger and constant stress, they are entitled to certain preferences when they reach retirement age. It could be financial assistance wellness voucher, tax incentives. Such allowances supplement the labor payment.

Retirement of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by length of service is not the only option for receiving pensions and benefits. Such privileges can also be enjoyed by former employees who belong to the Ministry of the Interior, have reached a certain age, have been laid off or left the service for health reasons.

The law of Russia under the number 4468-1, which was adopted in 1993 on December 12, determines that pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are former employees of the unit who:

  • served in the department for 20 years or more;
  • reached the age of 45 years, their total experience was 25 years, of which 12.5 had to serve in the internal organs;

Employees who do not meet these criteria are not eligible for military pension, they are charged civil pension payment. Individual representatives for special services to their homeland or injuries received in the performance of their duties, the state guarantees the honorary title of "Veteran of Labour".

Who can count on the honorary gratitude of the "veteran of labor"?

These are employees of the internal affairs unit and other military personnel who have 20 or more years of military experience. Persons who already have orders and medals, as well as letters of gratitude personally from the President of the Russian Federation, are also awarded. Disability and injuries that were received during the service and injuries that manifested themselves after retirement are also the basis for the award.

But these are not the only perks.

Let's see what benefits a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has:

  1. basic benefits;
  2. tax preferences;
  3. transport, medical and other benefits.

Main category

So, what kind of preferences do senior citizens of the Ministry of Internal Affairs enjoy? In Russia, for several years this category of citizens has been offered the following benefits:

  • providing living space as needed;
  • discounts on personal income tax, and taxation in your region;
  • benefits for health improvement/treatment and the purchase of medicines;
  • discounts for travel in urban, suburban, intercity transport;
  • preferences for close relatives.

On what grounds material and other assistance is provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is stated in federal law No247 (07/19/11). In Art. 4 (clause 6) of this document says that pensioners in need should be provided with housing. Applicants (the pensioner himself or his immediate family) registered before March 1, 2005 are entitled to municipal housing under a social tenancy agreement. In other cases, those who wish are offered a one-time cash payment for construction / purchase.

Tax preferences

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are offered some tax discounts. These include:

  • exemption from income tax, which is taken from income such as pensions, housing and compensation payments;
  • exemption from property tax, one of the owner's immovable objects is subject to exemption;
  • return of the amounts contributed towards the repayment of property tax to the FL;
  • compensation of payments made on account of repayment of land tax;
  • transport tax benefits, which are provided to pensioners of the Leningrad and Perm, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

As well as disabled people throughout the country are exempt from paying tax on cars and other motor vehicles.

Exemption from property tax is possible if the property is:

  • a room in a communal apartment;
  • residential single-family house;
  • garage or parking space;
  • outbuilding, the size of which is not more than 50 sq.m.

You can learn more about tax exemptions from 217 and 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The conditions for the provision of compensation are provided for in Article 64 of the Decree of the Supreme Court No. 4202-1.

Important! Compensatory repayments are provided only if the applicant left the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to deterioration in health or by reduction, by length of service or by age.

Travel concessions, medical and other preferences

As well as during service, and when leaving the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the employee retains the right to medical care in departmental medical institutions. They also have the right to purchase vouchers to health centers on preferential terms, paying only 0.25% of the total cost.

In a situation where a pensioner needs rehabilitation after treatment in a hospital, then a ticket to a sanatorium, a rest home and a tourist base is provided to him free of charge. He can also count on reimbursement of travel costs in both directions.

Attention! The cost of vouchers and travel to health-improving and medical complexes that do not belong to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not compensated to the pensioner.

Persons who have received a disability as a result of injuries and injuries received during the years of service are guaranteed free medicines and prosthetist services.

Transport preferences for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are guaranteed by laws of federal and regional significance. In particular . Applicants from St. Petersburg are offered tickets for travel by tram and trolleybus, metro and bus at a reduced cost.