Documents for entering into marriage with a foreigner. Marriage with a foreigner in Russia - necessary documents. List of documents for marriage with a foreigner in Russia

Regulation of all issues relating to is carried out family code RF and by-laws based on it. Registration is possible if one of the spouses has citizenship of another country. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Clause 1 of Article 156 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation states that regardless of the citizenship of those entering into marriage, the form of marriage is determined in accordance with Russian law. Therefore, future spouses must apply to the registry office and go through the registration procedure.
  2. Marriage with a foreigner requires compliance with the legal conditions of the country of which the second spouse is a citizen (for example, reaching a certain age, previous engagement, parental consent) - Article 156 of the RF IC. Registration authorities will need to provide confirmation that all the rules of another state are observed.

    Attention: if the persons entering into marriage have dual citizenship - of another state and the Russian Federation, they are considered citizens of Russia and the marriage takes place only under Russian law.

  3. Only monogamous marriages are allowed in Russia. If a foreign citizen recognizes polygamy in his homeland, a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to become a second wife in Russia (you can learn more about the obstacles to marriage).

If a person has two or more foreign citizenships, he has the right to choose the laws of which state to be guided by. More details about the conditions for entering into a marriage can be found in.

Is registration of family ties involving stateless persons allowed?

On the territory of Russia, you can marry a stateless person (clause 4, article 156 of the RF IC). The same applies to citizens of unrecognized countries. If such a person permanently resides on the territory of the Russian Federation, Russian legislation applies to him, if in another country - the legislation of the state in which he lives.

The official registration of relations is accompanied by the submission of a document proving the identity of the person without citizenship. According to the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”, Article 10, such a certificate can be:

  • residence.

In the absence of these documents, marriage between stateless persons cannot be concluded.

Which authorities should be contacted?

According to Article 10 of the RF IC in the territory of the country, marriage registration is carried out at the registry office. The same rule applies when one of those wishing to register a relationship is a foreigner.

Article 10 of the RF IC. Marriage

  1. Marriage is entered into in the civil registry offices.
  2. The rights and obligations of spouses arise from the date of state registration of marriage in the civil registry offices.

Wherein the application is submitted to the registry office that registers marriage with citizens of other states, personally in writing or through the public services portal (in accordance with Article 11 of the RF IC; Federal Law No. 143 of November 15, 1997, clause 1, Article 26, Article 24).

Marriage in diplomatic missions or consulates is carried out between foreign citizens (according to Article 157 of the RF IC). In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Future spouses at the time of registration of civil status are citizens of one foreign state that has appointed a consul or ambassador.
  2. If there is reciprocity.

Important: marriage registration at the embassy or consulate is possible only for foreigners. If at least one of the spouses has dual citizenship, incl. Russian, the procedure is carried out in the civil registration department, because such person is not considered a foreigner.

You can find out more about where you can get married.

How to apply - step by step instructions

To enter into a marriage with a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation, you need to go through a certain procedure. Compliance with the legal requirements of the country of which one of the future spouses is a citizen, and Russian Federation guarantees the recognition of such a union as legal. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare a complete package of documents, if necessary, translate and certify it. After papers are submitted to the registration authority along with the application.

Collection of necessary documents

Federal Law No. 143-FZ of November 15, 1997, Article 26 indicates the following list of documents required for marriage with a foreigner:

From two spouses:

  • application (F. 9) - issued at the civil registration authorities, can also be found on the public services portal;
  • identity document (passport, for stateless persons - TRP or residence permit).

A foreign citizen must provide:

  • confirmation of the possibility of marriage from the embassy of another country or state registration authority);
  • justification of the foreigner's stay on the territory of the Russian Federation - visa, residence permit (except for states with a visa-free regime);
  • if the person was previously married, a certificate of its dissolution.

Important: documents of a foreigner must be translated into Russian. Such papers are certified and legalized with the help of an Apostille stamp or consular certification. This is evidenced by the provisions of the law No. 154-FZ of 07/05/2010, art. 27.

Contacting the registry office or consulate

To apply for the desire to marry, future spouses apply to the registry office or the consulate. If the bride or groom is from the CIS countries, the application will be accepted by any branch of the registration authority, only separate registry offices work for representatives of other countries.

If a foreigner is not able to appear in person to submit documents, the declaration of intent can be formalized by separate statements from each party (clause 2, article 26 of Law No. 143-FZ of November 15, 1997). This requires notarization of papers in the Russian consulate.

How long to wait after applying?

An application to the registry office is submitted no later than 30 days before the wedding. If there is a good reason, the process can be expedited. The reason for this could be:

  • expiration date of the foreigner's visa;
  • the presence of a serious illness in one of those entering into marriage;
  • pregnancy of the bride, etc. (you can find out more about registering marriage during pregnancy).

To reduce the waiting period, documentary evidence of such a need will be required. You can find out more about the terms for registering a marriage and whether they can be changed.

Registration ceremony

An interpreter may be required at the marriage registration ceremony if one of the spouses does not speak Russian. The bride and groom must confirm the voluntariness of their decision, understanding what in question. Otherwise, the concluded union may be invalidated.

In order to conclude a legal and voluntary marriage, a professional translator with a diploma and a license is invited to the ceremony. He duplicates the questions in the foreigner's native language and translates his answers into Russian.

This condition is inappropriate to apply to representatives of those states where the Russian language is well known, for example, Ukraine, Belarus.

Is a mark put in the passport of a foreign national?

A foreigner's passport is not stamped. Such powers Russian authorities they do not have civil status registration; this is the prerogative of the state whose citizenship the spouse has. The mark about is put down in the passport of the Russian. Newlyweds are issued a certificate of registration of relations, on the basis of which an appropriate entry is made in an identity document in the home country of the bride or groom (or at the embassy in the Russian Federation).

Attention: if a foreigner is stamped with a marriage stamp in the Russian Federation, the passport will lose legitimacy.

Is it necessary to confirm the union at home and how to do it?

An alliance concluded in Russia with a foreigner must be legalized in his homeland, otherwise it will be considered that such a citizen is not married. For this marriage certificate is submitted to the authorized bodies of another country. Previously, such a document must go through the procedure for confirming compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in one of two ways:

  1. Apostille.
  2. Consular legalization - translation into the appropriate language, certification in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as in notaries, after that - in a foreign consulate.

If the groom (bride) is a representative of a CIS country that is a party to the 1993 Minsk Convention, legalization is not required.

In a foreign country, other documents may be needed to legalize marriage: a certificate of no criminal record, a birth certificate, etc. The procedure can take quite a long time (for example, in Israel - up to five years).

Marriage, regardless of the nationality of persons, is possible, entry into it is regulated by the legal norms of the Russian Federation. The registering authority is the registry office or the consulate. In this case, the conditions of the country of which the foreigner is a citizen must be observed. When concluding a marriage with a stateless person, the laws of the state in which he permanently resides are taken into account.

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Marriage is always an exciting event that divides life into “before” and “after”. The law allows a citizen of Russia to marry a citizen of another state or a stateless person.

Marrying a foreigner is still considered romantic exotic, which brings only happiness and financial well-being. But is it always like this? And won't you then have to deal with the overseas "prince" or "princess" in court?

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From a newlywed foreigner:

  • document that a foreign citizen has the right to marry (issued at the embassy of his state, or at the registration authority);
  • visa or residence permit(with the exception of countries with which Russia has a visa-free regime) - as evidence that a citizen has the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate that the foreigner's previous marriage has been terminated (if any).

All documents submitted by a foreign groom (or bride) must be translated into Russian, officially certified and legalized (apostille or consular certification) - Article 27 Federal Law of July 5, 2010 No. N 154-FZ "Consular Charter of the Russian Federation".

It often happens like this: a citizen of the Russian Federation concludes his marriage outside the country. Each state has its own list of documents, but in the vast majority of countries you will need:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document on registration at the location;
  • birth certificate(according to the new model);
  • if this is not the first marriage - a certificate of divorce, a court decision;
  • health certificate (for example, in the United States of America);
  • certificate of no criminal record.

Documents must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and translated into the language of the country where the marriage takes place. Translation must be notarized(except in Germany, where it is not required).

Where can such a marriage be officially concluded?

This can be understood from the name itself - only at the registration authority. Namely:

  1. in the registry office;
  2. at the consulate - this applies to countries with which certain agreements have been established.

It is not uncommon for a bride or groom who does not know this nuance to agree to beautiful ceremonies in the form, for example, of a wedding in England or an exotic ritual on the sandy beaches of the Caribbean.

Even, perhaps, they will sign on beautiful forms, decorated with images of angels. However, it will later become clear that such a marriage has no legal force in Russia and spouses strictly speaking to each other nobody.

From here, even the concept arose - “limping marriage”, that is, the wedding seemed to be, but according to the laws of Russia, a couple is not considered a family.

And all because young people only enjoyed the ceremony and did not bother with the "unromantic", but official procedure in the presence of the consul.

Rights and obligations of spouses after an international wedding

Personal and property relations of spouses subject to the laws of the country where the husband and wife live(Article 161 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). If they do not have a permanent residence, then the countries where they were last place residence.

The best thing sign a marriage contract- this gives greater certainty in relations regarding property rights, and also gives guarantees in the event of a divorce.

Is a prenuptial agreement necessary?

As practice shows, it is necessary. He governs property relations including in the event of a divorce.

This does not apply directly to marital relations or communication with children. For marriage contract it is best to use the services of a lawyer - this is exactly the case when written with a pen can not be cut with an ax.

If the case goes to court, the servant of Themis will be guided not by the laws of the Russian Federation, but by the marriage contract.

The next stage is a visit to a translation agency. translated into the language of the country of which the foreign spouse is a citizen. After that, both parties sign, and then the document is certified by a notary.

International marriage: pros and cons

Despite various dramatic talk shows and articles, Russians are not going to give up international marriages. And indeed, they have some advantages. For example:

  • right of free movement in a foreign country;
  • right to work Abroad;
  • economic stability, especially in the presence of a marriage contract;
  • the ability to quickly and efficiently learn a foreign language.

Meanwhile, every medal has a reverse side. Unfortunately, the statistics are disappointing: two-thirds of foreign marriages end in divorce.

It's not just about the test of time. There are others, very serious obstacles, which not everyone can overcome:

  • mentality difference;
  • conditions for obtaining citizenship. This is not as easy and fast as it might seem, and the other half, it turns out, is in no hurry to help;
  • the language barrier;
  • mismatch between expectations and reality from marriage. This applies both to money (the Germans and the French, for example, are very stingy, if not stingy), and relationships with others;
  • homesickness. It is not so rare that they get divorced simply because the further they go, the more they feel that no matter how good it is at a party, it is better at home.

What are the dangers of marriage with a foreigner, legal consequences

Many people ask what "pitfalls" can lie in wait for them on the path to happiness and well-being?

Difference of laws and legal status. Yes, a marriage concluded in Russia in the registration authority is completely legal.

But if, for example, the wife is Russian, and the husband is a guest from the East and between them no Muslim ceremony, then in the homeland of the husband the union is not recognized.

There is a high probability that you will not be "beloved and only", but one of many wives. Not to mention people from the African continent - in some countries culture and customs are far from civilized.

There is a ceremony, but no marriage. As already mentioned, one should not buy into beautiful ceremonies in the form of elephant riding under a canopy and other things and painting in beautiful forms.

No, you can afford all this - only after a bureaucratic procedure. When a bored spouse or, more often, a spouse is kicked out, and she sues, it turns out that before the law of the Russian Federation they are just a couple, not a family.

Remember, marriage with a foreign citizen can only be concluded at the registry office or at the consulate!

Probability of losing property and, in other cases, citizenship. You should carefully study (it is better to visit a lawyer) the laws of the country you are going to move to.

Important: if you are married or married only for citizenship, should be as careful as James Bond. For example, in the United States, if your plot is discovered, very severe measures will follow - a fine, deprivation of citizenship and deportation.

over the child. If a son or daughter was born in another country, they usually become its citizens.

In the event of a divorce, it will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to take them to Russia.

. It is much easier to receive alimony after a divorce in the spouse's homeland than after returning to Russia.

After the state border separates you, force ex-spouse financial support will be very difficult.

Every year everything more women they want to arrange their fate by tying themselves with the bonds of Hymen to a foreigner.

Why international marriages are gaining popularity is still an open question.

But what are the nuances of such a marriage? What should future spouses remember, and what should they pay attention to? Marriage with a foreigner in Russia - what documents are needed? We will talk about all this in detail in this article.

How to register a marriage with a foreigner in Russia? The process of registering a marriage with a foreigner is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

In general, the procedure itself is no different from the traditional one, when a marriage is concluded between two Russians.

But it may require additional documents, a list of which you will find in the section below, as well as compliance with certain requirements. Without this, such a marriage will not be concluded on the territory of Russia.

Marriage relations will be considered official after they are registered by the registry offices in Russia. Among foreigners, it is not uncommon for married marriages (with the participation of the church) or civil marriages, when the spouses are actually in a relationship, but do not register them. Both of the latter options are not official marriage in the territory of the Russian Federation.

If you got married, then you should legalize the relationship by contacting the appropriate registry office.

What can be the reason for refusing to register a marriage by the registry office?

  1. The presence of a legal marriage with a foreign spouse in his homeland.
  2. Close family relationship between the bride and groom (adoption, brothers and sisters up to the third generation, father and daughter or mother and son).
  3. Officially recognized incapacity of one of the spouses.
  4. One of the spouses is younger than the legal age for marriage (less than 18 years old, under special circumstances marriage can be registered from 16 years old).
  5. Non-compliance with the rule of monogamy: if a man from a country where it is customary to have more than one wife is already officially married to another woman, he will not be able to take a Russian woman as a second wife.
  6. Non-observance of the rights of a foreign spouse in relation to the conclusion of a marriage union.

The last point should be discussed in more detail. Entering into marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation, the newlyweds conclude it according to our legislation. But a foreign spouse is not subject to the laws of a foreign country, and observance of his rights when entering into a marriage is mandatory.

In order for the marriage to be concluded, it is obligatory for the foreign spouse to reach the age of marriage accepted in his country.

It is also necessary to follow the official marriage procedure adopted for the country of which the foreigner is a citizen. This applies to both the mandatory engagement (if this nuance is enshrined in law), and the blessing of marriage from the parents (if required).

Before submitting an application, you can contact the consulate of the country of which the future spouse is a citizen. You will be fully consulted on all issues and issued detailed instructions upon marriage.

Marriage with a foreigner in Russia - documents

In order to apply for marriage registration with a foreigner, you must first prepare. Without a full package of documents necessary for consideration of the application, it simply will not be accepted.

What are these documents?

  • passports of both spouses (Russian and internal passport of a foreigner) - copies, and originals, which are presented when applying;
  • notarized translation of the foreign spouse's passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty for registration of marriage;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of an official marriage concluded at home;
  • divorce certificate, if one of the spouses was previously married;
  • for a foreigner, a residence permit, or a guest registration, or a visa to stay in the Russian Federation, except in cases where the future spouse is a resident of a country with which Russia has a visa-free regime.

This is the main list of documents without which the registry office will not consider an application for marriage. If the situation is non-standard, and additional papers are required, then the registry office staff can request them from the foreign spouse.

Please note that all documents in a foreign language submitted to the registry office must have a notarized translation (if the country that issued them belongs to one of the republics former USSR), or a mark on their recognition as legal in our country (apostille). In rare cases, it may be necessary to certify documents at the consulate under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Where is registration made?

Usually, the procedure for registering an international marriage requires the participation of a third party - a diplomatic mission of the country of which the foreign spouse is a citizen.

There are times when people from different countries. In this situation, there may be some difficulties in collecting the necessary documentation, and in addition to this, there are a number of nuances that it is desirable to know. Under Russian law, foreign citizens have the same legal capacity as a Russian citizen. A foreigner has the right to enter into a marriage and dissolve it. This article will cover all the important aspects of this issue.

Any marriage begins with an appropriate decision and requires filing necessary documents at the registry office. The package of documents, if the parties to the marriage are people with different citizenships, is slightly different. Regardless of citizenship, both parties will need to prepare a certain set of documentation. The algorithm for submitting documents depends on the country in which further registration will be carried out. The list of documents may differ, based on the requirements of a particular state. But the main list is given below:

  • passport (sometimes, it is enough to provide only a passport);
  • certificate confirming the absence of this moment marital relations(can be obtained at the registry office, but there may be difficulties with its issuance, since formally there is no such form in the legislation of Russia) or a certificate of divorce;
  • certificate of registration of the fact of birth;
  • document confirming citizenship. This document used to be issued simultaneously with a certificate of registration of the fact of birth. In another case, this document certificate can be obtained from the Office of the Federal Migration Service, the passport office or the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Russian Federation;
  • visa (special invitation from the bride or groom). It is registered with the OVIR authorities or at the place of stay.

This list of documents will need to be presented to various authorities: at customs, at the embassy, ​​at the registry office.

Additional documents that may be needed in this situation are:

  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • a certificate that confirms the absence of marital relations at a given time, or other possible obstacles;
  • certificate of legal capacity to formalize marriage relations. In the Russian Federation, this certificate is not issued, since there is no form to fill out. It is issued in the state where the registration will be carried out, as its form depends on the country. A notarized extract from the Family Code of Articles 12-14 of the RF IC is also allowed, indicating the conditions for entering into a marriage. This certificate, in free form, can be issued at the registry office;
  • family composition information. Issued by the Housing Office;
  • data from the place of residence;
  • if one of the parties has minor children and after registration they are expected to leave the country - a certificate of registration of the fact of the birth of a child and permission to leave, in writing, from the second parent;
  • health certificate;
  • certificate of vaccination (if required).

All of the above documentation (both basic and additional), except for those issued by the consular department, must be legalized or apostilled. The latter is required if the foreigner is from a country that has ratified the Hague Convention. This implies the presence of an apostille and a translation into the language of the state in which the registration will be carried out. All the necessary documentation should be prepared in Russia, since it is not always possible to make a translation elsewhere.

The list of documents that is required in the registration of marriage for a foreigner with a Russian citizen:

  • passport;
  • a certificate authorized to certify the absence of marital relations at the moment;
  • a document certifying the financial condition (required to confirm the financial ability to support the groom or bride of a citizen of the Russian Federation). It is mandatory, especially for the issuance of a visa.

Collecting and processing all the necessary certificates will take about three months. The above package of documents will help in the future to prepare a residence permit without any problems.

Registration of marriage in the country of the future spouse (s)

To register a marriage outside the native state, it is mandatory to prepare the entire necessary package of documentation in accordance with the requests of the country where registration is expected.

Registration of marriage relations between a citizen and a non-citizen of Russia in the territory of another country is carried out in the following cases:

  • mutual, voluntary consent to the registration of the bride and groom. Personal confirmation on the day of registration is required;
  • reaching the marriageable age of the spouses (18 years). An exception is the pregnancy of the bride, as well as the birth of a child (then under such circumstances - from the age of 16);
  • the absence of circumstances that may prevent marriage.

If all conditions are met, then the marriage is registered in accordance with the legislative norms of the state where registration is carried out.

The nuances of marriage with a foreigner

In addition to the need to collect certain documentation, there are a number of aspects that you need to know in this situation:

  • all documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation must be apostated and translated into the appropriate language;
  • all information should be drawn up in strict accordance with the legislation of a foreign state;
  • documentation has a limited validity period. For example, the validity of a certificate of absence of previous marital relations is up to three months, and a certificate of quitrent legal capacity is up to six months.

The nuances of registration of marriage relations with a non-citizen of the Russian Federation within the territorial limits of his country:

  • he has the right to be recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation in case of compliance with the conditions of the Russian legislation;
  • when concluding an exclusively religious (church) marriage - this form has no legal grounds for recognition in Russia;
  • has no legal grounds for recognition in Russia of a marriage containing polygamy.
  • In any case, there are times when such a marriage is not recognized due to disparate legal provisions.

With proper preparation of documentation, as well as similar legislation of countries, your marriage to a citizen of a foreign state will have legal force and, subsequently, may be recognized in Russia.


“Marriages are made in heaven,” we often hear in films and from our acquaintances. This beautiful exciting event for the relatives of the bride and groom and themselves can be overshadowed by difficulties and obstacles if one of them is a foreigner. Regardless of which country your chosen one or chosen one is from, marriage registration with a foreign citizen in Moscow is regulated by the Family Code of the Russian Federation (FC RF) and by-laws issued on its basis. According to the established regulations, marriage is allowed if one of the spouses is a citizen of another country or a stateless person, while a number of established rules must be observed.

Marriage with a foreigner in Russia

Marriage with a citizen of another state on the territory of Russia can only be concluded according to Russian laws, so future spouses must contact the registry office of one of them and go through standard procedure on a universal basis.

The foreigner, for his part, is obliged to adhere to the requirements established by his country for concluding a marriage union. For example, reaching a certain age, obtaining the consent of parents or local authorities, arranging an engagement, if necessary, confirming the involvement of the future half in a particular religion, etc.

If one of those wishing to marry has two - Russian and another state, then within the Russian Federation his actions are subject to the regulations of Russian legislation.

If a person does not have citizenship or comes from a country not recognized by our state, but lives in Russia legally, then the norms of the RF IC will also be applied to him.

In conditions where a foreign citizen does not have a passport or, conversely, has several at once, he should adhere to the rules approved by the country of his permanent residence, or the norms of one of the states of his choice.

List of required documents

To start the procedure for registering a marital union, you will need the following documents to register a marriage with a foreigner in Moscow:

  • completed application;
  • copies and originals of the couple's passports;
  • certificate of marital status or confirmation from the consulate that a citizen of another state does not violate laws home country, entering into marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • confirmation of the legal stay of a foreigner in the Russian Federation (except for persons arriving from countries with which there is a visa-free regime);
  • certificate of dissolution of the previous marriage, if any.