How to get to the children's camp. How to get a discounted ticket to a children's health camp in the suburbs. How to choose the right camp

Children are looking forward to the holidays, and adults are anxious: what to do with teenagers during the holidays so that they do not stick around the clock in front of the computer? A good option is to send them to the nursery health Camp.

Elena Egina

explored options

We will tell you how to get a free ticket.

Choose camp

Find out the conditions

In large camps, free vouchers are given to children who regularly win olympiads, win prizes in sports competitions, or actively participate in social activities.

Age limits in different camps are different: in "Change" free places will be provided to schoolchildren aged 11-17, in "Artek" the age limits depend on the season: in summer they accept children 8-17 years old, at other times of the year - from 11 to 17 years old.

Collect documents

Find all diplomas and certificates of participation in olympiads and competitions for three years. In Artek, it is enough to upload supporting documents to the website in order to take part in the competition. In "Eaglet" in addition to this, you will have to complete a competitive task.

In addition to diplomas and certificates, you need to prepare a package of documents: copies of parents' passports, a copy of a birth certificate or a child's passport, SNILS, a certificate of residence, a certificate of parents' income, plus the application itself for a free ticket.

This is a standard set of documents: somewhere you will need less papers, somewhere more. As an example, study the list of documents for Artek.

Participate in the competition

Most parents want to send their children to the camp in the summer, as a result, getting into the “Academy of Creativity” shift in July is more difficult than getting into the “I am a Citizen” educational shift in winter. If you are refused a ticket, try to apply again for a less popular period.

Study the subject of shifts: it is unlikely that a child who is passionate about mathematics will be delighted with a ticket for a shift with a military-patriotic upbringing, even if she gets it for free.

Issue medical certificates

Issue a health resort card and medical certificates better after receiving a ticket: some tests and certificates may expire while you wait for a response from the camp.

Protection of the rights and interests of children is one of the priorities public policy RF.

Therefore, children, and in particular representatives of special categories, are provided with many benefits and benefits - free or partially paid travel, reduced tuition fees in educational institutions, free rest, etc.

The latter type includes a vacation in the camp that is especially popular in the summer - health-improving, sanatorium-resort, tourist or sports.

Some children have the right to go there once a year for free - for this, their parents only need to complete all the necessary documents.

general information

Funds for free rehabilitation of children are allocated from the budgets of different levels: local, regional and federal.

You can immediately issue a free ticket or first purchase it at your own expense, and then receive compensation.

If earlier the parents have already sent the child to the camp and at the same time paid the full cost of the voucher, then they can reimburse the money spent. All established preferential categories, working citizens, as well as organizations that purchase vouchers for the children of their employees have such a right.

The amount of compensation varies depending on the territory and can be from 40% to 90% of the total cost of the tour.

Compensation is received in the same bodies where the paperwork for a free vacation in the camp is processed.

To receive it, you will need to prove the fact of payment for the tour (for example, provide a check) and the child's stay in the camp, as well as collect documents confirming the grounds for this benefit.

Categories of citizens eligible for benefits

Free vouchers can be received directly by privileged categories of children or by children whose parents are privileged.

Each region sets its own list of preferential categories. They are usually designated in local legislative acts.

Average children's age, which rely on vouchers, is from 6 to 15 years, but in some territories it may be older children (for example, from 7 to 16 years old). Common cases under which a child can get a free ticket:

  • he is an orphan, disabled or left without parental care.
  • his family has an income per person below the subsistence level;
  • the child has become a victim of a catastrophe, violence, natural disaster;
  • his family has the status of refugees or migrants;
  • the child's parents are combat veterans, civil servants or public sector employees;
  • the child is brought up in a large family;
  • he is registered with the internal affairs bodies.

Separately, it is worth highlighting those children who have earned the right to free rest due to their talents and achievements - in sports, studies or other areas.

These can be laureates, prize-winners and winners of competitions, olympiads, creative competitions of various levels - from city to state.


Lists of children who are entitled to a discounted ticket compiled by the education department Every year.

Together with them, the list of health institutions where these children can be sent is being specified.

The number of tickets is always limited., so it is advisable to apply for its registration in advance - ideally a few months before the start of the holiday season.

You can use free rest only once a year, but without restrictions on the season - it can be any time of the year.

List of general documents, which must be brought to the state social authority by the parents, guardians or custodians of the child, to get him a free ticket:

  1. An application with a corresponding request.
  2. Copies of the pages of the applicant's passport and pension certificate (if he is a pensioner).
  3. Birth certificate of the child and, if available, also his passport.
  4. Documents on the place of his registration or stay.
  5. A certificate from the hospital confirming the absence of contraindications for spa treatment.

The complete package will depend on which category the child belongs to:

  1. Incomplete family - this is confirmed by a copy of the certificate of divorce, or the death of one of the parents, or a certificate stating that the mother is a single mother.
  2. Large family - you need to bring either a certificate confirming this status, or birth certificates for all children.
  3. The child is orphaned or left without parental care. In this case, you need documents on guardianship or guardianship. If their role is played not by an individual, but by a special organization, then copies of the pages of the passport are not attached to the rest of the documents.
  4. Low-income family - a certificate from the employment center or about the income of all family members (for three months) is required.
  5. The child is disabled or in need of rehabilitation - a copy of the certificate of disability, sending the child on vacation for health reasons (including indicating the persons who will accompany him, if necessary).

For children of other preferential categories(refugees, veterans, migrants) need supporting documents.

How and where to get?

Tickets are issued by various organizations. and institutions depending on the territory or type of preferential category:

  1. local clinic. Children registered in the hospital and suffering from chronic diseases receive a ticket from the medical institution to which they are attached.
  2. Department of Social Security. Here you can issue a ticket for disabled children and orphans, providing all the necessary and supporting documents.
  3. Enterprise trade union where the parents work. Many enterprises provide vouchers for the children of their employees - fully or partially paid. And this applies not only to state, but also to private enterprises. The procedure for obtaining a ticket is standard - collect documents and, if there are free places, send the child to rest.
  4. District administration. Talented children or parents with children from 4 to 7 years old can get a free ticket here by writing an application and collecting required documents.
  5. Social Insurance Fund. Here you can also get a ticket for a disabled person and a person accompanying him, and even get money for travel - to the camp and back.

In any case, each of these bodies must be located at the place of registration of the child.

Within a certain time (about 10 days) the submitted application will be considered and the parents (guardians) of the child will receive a response.

The deadline for submitting documents for a free trip to the camps begins 15 days before the start of the season.

The legal basis for refusal may be the lack of free preferential places or late submission of documents.

Because the there are always more applicants than tickets, it is better to worry about collecting documents in advance.

Rest in a children's camp can be not only beneficial for the health of the child, but also not burdensome for the family budget.

In some cases, it will be possible to return the money even for previously fully paid vouchers - if there are grounds for such compensation.

See also video

Summer is coming, and many parents are concerned about where their children will spend the summer. Free tickets to summer camps for children in Moscow in 2019 have already been issued to 34,000 schoolchildren. It's about on preferential categories of citizens who submitted applications before March 10.

In 2018, these applications began to be accepted in advance so that everyone could collect the necessary documents and submit an application in a timely manner.

Attention! An application for preferential vouchers and compensation for the independent organization of children's holidays for the summer of 2020 can be submitted from November 4 to December 12, 2019! Deadlines may change. Check the information on the website.

According to Vladimir Filippov, who is the deputy head of the Department of Culture, this year 44% of children from preferential categories will go to free camps. Parents were able to save on booking tours by doing it in advance. And, of course, we are pleased with the fact that 97% of all tickets were received online, thanks to the service.

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Where will the children go on free tours

In 2019, children who have received preferential vouchers will be able to go to summer health camps in the Moscow region, to the Azov and Black Seas, to the Volga region, to various regions Russian Federation, to Belarus, to Mineral water to the Caucasus.

There are organized camps that have passed a full security system, a check in three stages. In addition to ensuring security, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be involved.

Report of the Government of Moscow on the planning of children's free rest in 2019

More than a hundred thousand children got the opportunity to relax during the summer holidays, thanks to the care of the Moscow Government.

Here are the statistics to show this concern:

  • 34,110 children - free vouchers to children's camps, sanatoriums, rest homes were issued;
  • 19,410 children - certificates were issued for the ability to independently organize children's rest;
  • 44,000 schoolchildren will have a rest in health camps from the Federation of Trade Unions of Moscow;
  • 8,000 young athletes will have the opportunity to train at the summer training camp;
  • 3,000 families - compensation will be issued for the independent organization of children's recreation.

Who will accompany the children during the trip to the summer camp

Many parents worry and ask the same questions: “Is it safe to send children alone to summer camp?”, “Who will be responsible for their behavior and health?”, “Is it possible to accompany the child and go to camp with him?”

The children will be accompanied by students of universities and colleges specially trained at the Central School of Moscow counselors. They are taught lessons that will help them cope even with troubled teenagers and children from orphanages. Counselors learn the techniques of playing games, recreational activities, difficulties transitional age learn how to communicate with children of different ages.

If children need accompanying persons for health reasons, then parents or guardians will be able to go with them.

What documents are needed in order to apply for free children's vacation

You can see the list required documents and apply on your own through the portal

If you didn’t have time to do this this year, don’t be discouraged, just prepare all the documents in advance to send an application for the children’s summer camp in 2019.

Preferential categories of children who are eligible for free vouchers to summer camps

Check if your child is eligible for benefits:

What to do for those who cannot leave Moscow

Of course, not everyone received tickets. Someone did not have time to apply, someone is not eligible for benefits. But kids whose parents can't take them out for a summer vacation or send them to summer camps in 2019 on their own still won't go unnoticed. It is necessary to take care of the organization of children's recreation now, and there isextensive free program "Moscow shift"

Children from 7 to 14 years old will be able to take part in it, who will be able to attend the following institutions;

  • 28 sports schools in Moscow;
  • 132 educational schools have prepared playgrounds for summer recreation;
  • 87 social institutions organize groups for children.

All these establishments are waiting for your children and you need to sign up as early as possible so as not to miss this opportunity. All institutions will accept children from 9 am to 7 pm on weekdays, which will enable parents to calmly leave and come home from work without worrying about whether the child has eaten, if anything has happened to him, if he has contacted bad company.

How children's recreation will be organized for Moscow schoolchildren

At summer camps day stay three meals a day will be organized, excursions, trips to museums and cinemas are planned. Such an organized vacation will allow your kids not to hang out all day on the street, but to find new friends, learn and visit many interesting places in the capital.

The Moscow Change program plans to organize a lot of events, including:

  • master classes on various topics;
  • sports competitions;
  • excursions to interesting places;
  • visits to museums, the zoo, the Darwin Museum, the Moscow Kremlin, the planetarium;
  • the children will be taken to Yuri Kuklachev's theater of cats, to the Moskvarium;
  • will conduct classes in which the children will learn to solve problems;
  • arrange contests, quizzes, entertaining lessons.

As you can see, the summer camp program is really extensive, and it will certainly be much more useful for children to spend their summer holidays in the company of the same schoolchildren under the supervision of experienced teachers than in the yard or in the apartment. Every day at the summer camp will be full of interesting events and will be remembered by the children for a long time!

When will the registration of children in summer school camps in Moscow begin in 2019

Registration for the first shift begins on May 25, 2019. Do not miss the beginning, because there will be a lot of applicants. Children's summer camps in Moscow in 2019 will work one hour longer than in the past - from 9 am to 7 pm. In some camps, the arrival will begin as early as May 31. All parents will be able to follow the schedule on social networks. A special shift diary will allow you to monitor the events taking place in the camps online.

Summer Camp Schedule

In the Department of Sports and Tourism:

  • 1 shift from 1 to 29 June;
  • 2 shift from 2 to 30 July.

In institutions of the Department of Labor and Social Security:

  • 1 shift from 1 to 29 June;
  • 2nd shift from 2 to 30 July;
  • 3 shift from 1 to 28 August.

Rest will be completely free, while all children will be provided with hot three meals a day. Children will be supervised by 4,000 teachers and 400 medical workers.

Project for schoolchildren "Kultleto"

Among other things, the Kultleto project will be organized for all Moscow students. More than two thousand various circles, sections, seven hundred intensive courses for the development of creativity are being opened in cultural centers. Each student can try his hand, develop his talents, meet like-minded people, learn something new. In May, you will be able to find information on our portal about the beginning of classes and how to enroll in circles.

Also, the data will appear in the Moscow Directorate for the Development of Cultural Centers. If you have any questions, you can call

8 800 301 17 70 and get clarification.

They are guaranteed by Federal Law No. 124-FZ “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”.

According to this law, any Russian child can go on vacation. But parents should get in line in advance and collect the necessary documents. The number of tickets is limited.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the law is one, but each region of the Russian Federation executes it in its own way. Of course, there are also general requirements. They will be discussed.

Who gets free tickets?

First of all, for those children who have health problems and have fewer opportunities to relax for money. That is:
  • disabled people;
  • orphans;
  • sick children and children after surgery;
  • children from large, low-income and single-parent families.

A preschooler or a child who needs to be cared for may be accompanied by a Mother and Child chaperone. As the name suggests, mom can always go. As for dads, grandmothers, aunts and other adults, you need to check in a particular sanatorium or camp.

What can you get for free?

For a child, stay, accommodation, meals with or without a diet, cultural events, supervision of a teacher and health workers are free of charge.

The accompanying person will be accommodated free of charge and will be fed. But for him, wellness procedures are already paid.

But both the parent and the child will have to go to the place of rest at their own expense. Exceptions for the disabled, low-income citizens and residents of the Far North.

Huge queues for free tickets?

Not certainly in that way. Enrolling a child in a camp or sanatorium is a bureaucratic procedure. Some parents do not know about it, others do not want to understand it.

Therefore, you may well get a ticket for free, which others were too lazy to issue. But, of course, in the summer the competition is much higher. It is better to settle for spring, autumn or even winter holidays if you like the institution, its location and other conditions.

Even if they tell you "Nothing", still stand in line. Several vouchers in your area may become free. People change their plans or get paperwork wrong. Then the place is passed to the next.

Where to go to apply for a ticket?

Each region is allocated a certain number of vouchers, which are then distributed among polyclinics, schools, social insurance funds and other social agencies. That is, in the same sanatorium or camp, one child can get on a ticket from the clinic, the other - from the school.

The most common option is to issue a ticket through the clinic. If the child is sick with something, contact the specialized doctor. He knows what documents are needed from him for registration in a sanatorium or Kid `s camp. He will also give a referral for tests and tell you which institutions you can go to.

But there are health-improving and preventive programs in which a healthy child can also participate. Ask your pediatrician about them.

If for some reason you are not going through the medical field, you can try to take a school permit. Such vouchers are received by children who study well, show success in sports, participate in competitions (therefore, keep different diplomas and certificates). You can ask the head teacher or director about vouchers.

You can also ask around:

When to apply?

Preferably now. Then there is a chance to get to the camp in summer or early autumn.

What documents are needed?

To queue up for a ticket, you will need:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the parent's passport;
  • information about the registration of the child at the place of residence;
  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming the absence of contraindications for recreation in the sanatorium and resort center (if accompanied by an adult, the same for him);
  • referral for specific treatment.

For registration in a sanatorium or health camp, when the ticket is already in hand:

  • health resort card (taken from a pediatrician in a clinic after the results of the child's tests come);
  • certificate of absence of contact with infectious patients at the place of residence and in children's institution(at the pediatrician);
  • extract from the medical history;
  • certificate of epidemiological environment and vaccination calendar (from the school);
  • copies of the birth certificate and medical policy.

Some institutions may need some additional information. Check it out on the website or by phone.

It is better to take tests when they already called you and said that they were giving a ticket. Results have a limited shelf life. Therefore, a situation may arise when a urine test, for example, is no longer valid, and you have not even been invited anywhere yet. Then you have to submit again.

There are cases when the child has already reached the place of rest, and the parents send some certificate lost in a hurry or an updated result of the analysis by e-mail or fax. But it is better to have a complete set of documents on hand.

Going to a sanatorium or a children's camp means skipping school?

Not necessary. In some institutions, children are taught according to the school curriculum. The list of items can be clarified in a particular camp or sanatorium.

If there are no lessons, the child will in any case be given a certificate for the school. But they won’t let him get bored or stand on his head: educators monitor the regime and hold various events.

How to get a ticket faster?

You can buy a ticket, and then receive partial or full compensation for it. So you will have more chances to choose a place of rest and time of arrival. Documents for registration will need the same ones.

Everyone is guaranteed compensation. But its size depends on the place of work of the parents, type, category of benefits. For example, low-income and large families and families where parents do not work for health reasons can return the full cost.

They receive compensation after arrival at the Social Insurance Fund. You can first check this with the authorities where the ticket was issued. To receive, you must provide:

  • statement;
  • original and copy of parent's passport;
  • birth certificate or passport of the child;
  • documents confirming the benefit (if you have one);
  • return ticket from the camp;
  • Bank account number.

One parent can receive compensation once a year.

What helps you get the ticket the most?

Just in case, once again: the persistence of the parent helps.

Ask, clarify, call. And everything will work out.

Why spend a lot of money on buying a ticket to a children's camp or a sanatorium with health programs, if you can get all this for free?

This question is regularly asked by caring parents who want to improve the health of the child or send the child on a fun and rewarding vacation. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 138n dated March 27, 2009 and acts of regional legislation there are free vouchers to the sanatorium for children in 2020.

Health facilities are ready to welcome visitors all year round. Of course, preference is given to the summer season, when children are free from school and can enjoy plenty of entertainment or wellness treatments. You can get preferential vouchers to a camp for children or a sanatorium different ways. The possibility of free rest can be provided for frequently ill children registered at a local clinic, for children from large families and low-income families, for disabled children, etc.

However, one should not think that a talented healthy child from a good family, you should not dream of free trips to children's camps. Very often, rest at the expense of the state is provided to the winners of competitions, quizzes, and olympiads. Many camps open in the summer thematic shifts where talented children can go.

Categories of citizens eligible for a free ticket

The opportunity to get a free ticket is provided:

  • citizens aged 6 to 15 who are brought up in single-parent or large families;
  • orphans;
  • children from low-income families;
  • children with severe illnesses.

To obtain a ticket, all the above-mentioned citizens must submit the following documents:

  • birth certificate or passport;
  • personal documents of legal representatives - a parent or guardian (passport);
  • registration documents from the place of residence.

A package of documents that fix the availability of preferential rights:

  • For citizens from large families birth certificates for all children in the family are required;
  • For children under guardianship - personal documents of the guardian from the relevant authorities;
  • For orphans - death certificates of parents;
  • For families whose income level does not reach the subsistence level - documents, income statements;

Registration of a discount ticket

In order to receive a preferential voucher in 2020, parents (or other legal representatives) will need to write an application and document their family and other ties with the child. If necessary, documents on disability and family income are provided.

As a rule, an application for a preferential voucher is considered within 10 days. Claims for benefits and the number of vouchers falling under this category will be taken into account. It is noteworthy that preferential vouchers are issued only in a certain group of children's camps. When you get such an opportunity to relax, do not forget to clarify the procedure for obtaining compensation, which provides for the reimbursement of part of the cost of the tour.

Benefits are established at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation

It is also necessary to take into account belonging to a certain region of the country. Local laws establish their own list of those who have the right to rest for free or have benefits (the right to partial compensation for the cost of the tour). You can clarify this point in the organization where you plan to take a ticket. Places of appeal in the regions also differ. So, for example, citizens of Nizhny Novgorod need to apply to social protection departments or polyclinics at their place of residence, in Moscow - to the mayor's office or the MFC (you can book a ticket on the public services portal).

In order to guide everyone who wants to receive preferential or free trips to the camp for children, we will name all the ways and organizations where you can and should apply.

local clinic

A pediatrician or a highly specialized doctor can provide a child who has a chronic illness with a free wellness program in sanatoriums located on the territory of Russia. If the baby is still small, his mother can go with him on the trip "Mother and Child". For this, in addition to the children's list of documents, you will need to provide some papers to the mother. All children who are attached to a medical institution can get the opportunity to rest and heal. If you have not seen any ads in your clinic regarding this, check with your pediatrician or at the reception.
To get a ticket to a sanatorium-dispensary or a health facility, you need to provide:

  • completed application;
  • issued health resort card;
  • a certificate from a dermatologist and tests for enterobiasis.

Department of Social Protection

Disabled children and orphans can also receive free trips to the camp. To do this, you will need to fill out an application and provide a package of documents, which includes:

  • certificate 070 / y-04 (issued at the clinic);
  • birth certificate, if you already have one - also a passport;
  • medical policy;
  • the doctor's conclusion about the absence of contraindications to sanatorium-and-spa treatment;
  • documents that confirm the status of the child.

Social Insurance Fund

In this institution, you can get preferential vouchers for disabled children. The mother of the child or the person who will accompany him has the right to take advantage of this opportunity. Among the documents you will need: a health resort card, a certificate of disability, documents of the mother or guardian. The Social Insurance Fund can also reimburse the travel expenses to and from the place of rehabilitation.

Union at parent's workplace

You can also find out which sanatoriums give free or reduced vouchers to children in 2020, and get the opportunity to send the tomboys to rest through the trade union at work. By the way, it is available in both government and commercial organizations. Trade unions often issue vouchers specifically for the summer season, so this a great opportunity go to a children's camp by the sea for free. To get what you want, you need to write an application addressed to the director in advance, and by the time of the trip to the camp or sanatorium, have a sanatorium card in your hands (issued by a pediatrician).

District administration (department for youth affairs)

Through the authorities, you can get free holidays for children from 4 to 7 years old with mom or dad. Also, this privilege can be used by talented children who have shown themselves. This requires a standard set of documents: an application and a health resort card.