What is the name of the five year wedding? Wedding anniversaries by year: names and symbols. Gifts from spouses to each other

Quite a lot of time has passed since the wedding day, but you still do not know the name of your next anniversary? Do not worry, the life lived together will not pass just like that, and sooner or later you will learn all these “anniversaries”.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Years of married life, what to remember?

Sooner or later, the moment comes when you need to congratulate your soulmate on their wedding anniversary, but you don’t always remember its name. This is where the problems begin, because you need to know exactly what each year of living together is called. Often memory fails us, so starting from one year, we will tell about everyone.

first anniversary

It seems that they got married yesterday, and today is a year, as together they call this day a cotton wedding. This holiday got its name for a very simple reason: chintz is a light, airy material, it is a symbol of the lack of strength, because only 1 year has passed. But at the same time it shows how pure, easy and simple the relationship of two lovers is. Great gift there will be any product made of chintz, cotton or silk. Many recommend that the couple exchange ordinary cotton handkerchiefs.

Second anniversary

The two-year anniversary after the wedding is called paper. It is during this period that relationships can be compared with this material. On the one hand, it is not always as strong as you want, sometimes it can tear, wrinkle, or burn. But on the other hand, during these 2 years you already know your partner best of all, you have learned his fears and weaknesses, unpleasant habits. If you were invited to such an anniversary, a picture, a photo album, as well as money would be a good gift, they are also made of paper. But if it's your anniversary, make a photo collage or something like that.

3 year anniversary

Every year your family ties grow stronger, so the third anniversary is already quite a “significant” date that means a lot to your family. That is why it is called leather. It is believed that any difficulties have long been left behind, kids appear and everything falls into place. Leather symbolizes flexibility, because finding a compromise in relationships is a real art that not everyone can do.

fourth anniversary

A linen wedding is not called so by chance, because linen is not chintz, it is not so easy to break it, which means one thing: the relationship of the spouses becomes stronger, more reliable. A four-year anniversary can be called a wax anniversary, which is why it is customary to light candles at dinner. But the table should be covered with a linen tablecloth, and it would not be out of place to put a napkin of the same material near each appliance.

Flax also symbolizes strength, durability, prosperity. Things made of this material serve for a long time, so any gift will be remembered for a long time.

5 years from the date of the wedding

The five-year anniversary is, whatever one may say, already a serious anniversary that will be remembered, which is why it is called wooden wedding. This is exactly the material that can give warmth, comfort to every home. At the same time, it is often used in construction, this comparison means that the spouses have already managed to build strong relationships, have a child, equip a house.

If we recall all the previous symbols of weddings, then wood is the first solid material. But do not forget that family quarrels can destroy your reliable union. Therefore, on the fifth anniversary, spouses are advised to plant a tree together.

Six year wedding

Some marriages do not live past the age of six, because many obstacles must be overcome in order to maintain harmony in the family. If you nevertheless crossed this line, it is worth remembering that this wedding is called cast iron. Although in some parts of the world things are very different, for example, in America, Western Europe it is candy, and in Latvia - rowan. For the sixth anniversary, give the couple some ironwork, although this is optional. Instead, you can always buy a Teflon or ceramic present.

seven year anniversary

In all regions of our country, it is called differently, most often a copper or woolen wedding. Copper is a symbol of strength and prosperity, it is no longer an ordinary ferrous metal, it has some value. Of course, this is not yet noble, but still it is already something. If we talk about the second name of the seventh anniversary, wool, then it must be noted that this is the main symbol of warmth that warms every member of the family.

An excellent gift for such a wedding would be copper or woolen products, in the first case, a Turk, decorative cups, in the second, sweaters or a warm blanket.

8 years after the wedding day

After eight years of married life, you should already know everything about each other, life has become familiar, sometimes it seems that it is ordinary. At this point, it seems that the relationship has become like a tin. At the same time, some problems were resolved. If the eighth anniversary is called a tin wedding, you should not take everything literally, do not delve into everyday life, try to make small surprises for each other. As for gifts, it is best to pay attention to kitchen utensils or something in a tin box.

ninth anniversary

A faience wedding, this is what this year is called for the spouses. There are several completely opposite explanations for such a name. First: every day the relationship becomes strong, they are compared with tea, which is usually poured into faience cups. Second: having lived together for 9 years, the spouses are going through a crisis, their union becomes fragile, like faience. For this anniversary a good gift there will be crockery sets or tea sets.

ten year anniversary

What is the name of the tenth wedding anniversary? Remember: pink or pewter. It is on this day that you need to forget about all the troubles, and have fun to the fullest, while it is worth giving roses. If you want to give a couple unusual gift Please note that it must correspond to the holiday.

If we talk about the spouses themselves, then there is a small tradition here: the husband gives his wife 11 roses, 10 of which are scarlet, and the last one is white, symbolizing the next decade.

What happens after ten years?

As a rule, after the tenth anniversary, couples do not try to vigorously celebrate 11, 12, 13, 14, but still you should not forget about them.

  • eleven years is called a steel wedding, gifts are presented with appropriate, stainless steel;
  • the twelfth anniversary is marked by nickel, you can give any shiny items of your choice;
  • the thirteenth is a lily-of-the-valley, tender, quivering and such an easy anniversary, the gift should correspond to the holiday. A bouquet of lilies of the valley will come in handy;
  • the fourteenth anniversary is called agate, the first jewel appears in your piggy bank, most often on this day the husband presents jewelry with this stone to his wife.

After many years lived, the fifteenth anniversary comes - one of the most important dates in your family, which is called glass or crystal. It means the purity and clarity of the relationship that you have so carefully built all these years. It is best to give glass or crystal, and it does not matter what it will be, the main thing is what it is made of. Sixteen years - topaz wedding. The seventeenth anniversary is pink, the eighteenth is turquoise, then garnet.

The second round date is the twentieth wedding anniversary, it is called porcelain. Indeed, after so many years, the family becomes a beautiful, harmonious union, which is very similar to genuine Chinese porcelain. Then twenty-five years - a silver wedding. Many write songs about her, compose poems, because not everyone can live together for so many years.

Do not forget to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary, which is called pearl. This name is very suitable, because relationships, like a pearl, develop more and more every year, hone and become better, more ideal. As a result, they move to a new level. Then comes the fortieth anniversary, which is called the ruby. This stone is a real symbol of love, passion that has been reigning between spouses for more than a year.

Not every couple is given the opportunity to celebrate fifty years, that is, a golden wedding, this is a great rarity and value when a man and a woman have lived together for so long. This couple really understands how it is to live half a century and not lose trust, respect, love for each other.

Be that as it may, never forget to appreciate your soulmate so that each of these holidays will definitely come to your family.

Did you get a marriage proposal? Congratulations! Then it's time to choose the month for the wedding! And here, many newlyweds start to feel dizzy, because there are so many things to take into account: from the workload of banquet halls and the employment of specialists to personal preferences and will accept. The Wedding.ws portal will tell you about the latter, telling you about favorable days by months and dates for holding a wedding in accordance with folk omens and other factors.

Folk signs for a wedding by months

Let's look at the main signs regarding the choice of a date for a wedding by months to find out what time of the year promises spouses a long and happy life!

Wedding signs for months "assert" that a family union, concluded in the winter season, will be doomed to overspending the family budget. But this is only a general sign, each of the cold months has its own meaning:

  • wedding in december promises young strong and lasting love, which will grow stronger and intensify every year.
  • January wedding- not the most the best choice, because according to signs, such a marriage will end with the early loss of one of the spouses, most likely, the husband. Or such a marriage will often be on the verge of divorce.
  • February wedding promises the newlyweds a long family life filled with happiness and joy.

In Russia, winter marriages just happened at the end of February - the time of Maslenitsa, because this promised the young that they would “ride like cheese in butter”! And if it was snowing on the wedding day, then prosperity and happiness for the young are definitely guaranteed! In addition, engagements were often concluded at this time, and the wedding itself was held on Krasnaya Gorka, beloved by all the newlyweds.

The celebration, held during the awakening of nature from winter sleep, promised the young couple a marriage in which love would always live, and a house filled with fun. But there are more accurate signs in which spring month it is worth or not to play a wedding:

  • March wedding portends young people life in a foreign country or away from home.
  • April wedding- unstable family life: happiness in marriage will be changeable and fickle.
  • May wedding promises young betrayal of one of the spouses and mutual distrust. In addition, as the signs say, marriage this month can lead to the fact that spouses will suffer all their lives.

The most favorable day for a wedding in spring is Krasnaya Gorka (1st Sunday after Easter), which promises young people a strong and long union.

A wedding organized by a sultry time portends a young life in joy and "warmth". And if you go over the months specifically, you can find out that each of them has its own interesting meaning:

June is great for binding hearts with a sacred union. Harmony and happiness will reign in the family, and spouses will love each other immensely

  • June wedding turn marriage into an ongoing honeymoon. Happiness, harmony and love will always reign in the family.
  • July wedding has a twofold interpretation: the family will be "visited" by both joy and sorrow, all equally.
  • wedding in august promises a friendly family life filled with romance and tenderness.

A beautiful autumn time can be a great time for a celebration (except October!), This “golden” wedding will sometimes mark the beginning of a strong and long marriage. And if we talk specifically by month, then there are such signs:

  • September wedding portends spouses a quiet and calm life, filled with harmony and mutual respect.
  • wedding in october- not the best choice, because she threatens spouses with various difficulties in family relationships.
  • November wedding will “give” young people happiness and peace in family life as well as prosperity and financial independence.

Now you know what the month you have chosen for your wedding means and how it can affect the fate of your union. If you already fully believe the signs regarding the choice of the day for the wedding, then you should also pay attention not only to the month, but also to the date in this month. auspicious days for the wedding in accordance with folk examples are presented in the following photo, in which the dates for which the wedding should be scheduled are indicated by months in blue.

Astrological meaning of weddings by month

When choosing a month for a wedding, pay attention not only to signs, but also to the astrological forecast in order to choose a favorable date for the celebration in accordance with the lunar cycle:

  • Auspicious days for a wedding are 10, 11, 17, 21, 26, 27 days of the lunar cycle.
  • Unfavorable - 3-5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19.

In addition, the fate of the marriage union will be influenced by the zodiac sign under which a new family was formed:

  • If you schedule a wedding on dates under the signs of the elements of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then your life will be full of passion and love, optimism and striving for the best.
  • If on dates under the signs of the elements of Air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini), then you are destined to build easy and comfortable family relationships filled with harmony and trust.
  • If on dates under the signs of the elements of the Earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus), then your life will be measured and calm.
  • If on dates under the signs of the elements of Water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer), then your family relationships will never lose sensuality and sharpness, and you will always treat each other gently and attentively.

church calendar

In addition to personal preferences and current wedding signs, you should also pay attention to church calendar Because not all days are suitable for marriage. When choosing the month of the wedding and a specific date, you should definitely take into account the following recommendations of the church:

  • January: do not marry during Advent (January 1-6). Unfavorable dates this month for a wedding are from 7 to 9.
  • February: you should not appoint a wedding for the meeting of the Lord - February 15th. In addition, unfavorable dates are February 17-23.
  • March: in this month, a wedding cannot be held at all, and unfavorable dates for concluding a marriage union are March 3-19.
  • April: it is better to refuse to hold a wedding on Easter or the Annunciation, but Krasnaya Gorka (7 days after Easter) is an ideal choice.
  • May: you can’t get married on the Ascension of the Lord and the day before it (39th and 40th days after Easter).
  • June: you should not schedule a wedding for the second half of the month, in particular, on Trinity, Trinity Saturday and Petrov Post.
  • July: only after the 12th you will be able to get permission for the wedding.
  • August: You can hold a celebration only until the Dormition Fast, which begins on the 14th.
  • September: favorable dates for concluding an alliance before God are September 5, 12 and 19, but on 21 (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and 27 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross) this event should not be scheduled.
  • October: a more favorable time for a wedding is the second half of the month.
  • November: you should not play a wedding on the 1st and 2nd numbers, because these dates are memorial days.
  • December: it is forbidden to get married on Advent.

The following table lists some church holidays and dates on which a wedding celebration should not be scheduled.

A wedding is a special event in the life of every person. You can be indifferent to the celebration of even your own birthday, but the wedding day will forever remain in your memory, because the moment when two different people become one, it is impossible to forget. And it's worth it.

In most parts of our planet, it is customary to celebrate wedding anniversaries. This custom is ancient and, remarkably, initially common to both Western and Eastern cultures.

Each wedding anniversary has its own unique name. As a rule, when celebrating, it is customary to take it into account when choosing gifts for spouses. About the names of wedding anniversaries and what they mean, and will be discussed in this article.

What is behind the names

In a modern, extremely practical and wealth-oriented society, the names wedding anniversaries immediately associated with the choice of gifts. Well, it's very convenient. I looked at the corresponding calendar and already know what to give friends or parents for their wedding anniversary.

However, the traditions of these names originated in the Middle Ages, when people were not yet so mercantile. different fabrics, metals and precious stones, with which each such date was associated, they allegorically tried to describe exactly the relationship of the spouses. Durable materials from year to year invariably replaced brittle ones, simple metals were eventually replaced by noble ones. By the 60th anniversary, family relationships were already compared to a diamond. It was believed that only death could destroy such a marriage.

The beginning of all beginnings

Some twenty years ago, few people knew what weddings were, except for gold and silver. But today, interest in ancient rituals and customs is experiencing a new round of popularity. Therefore, we will try to cover all significant aspects of this issue. And let's start, perhaps, from the very day of the wedding.

Yes, the first wedding - green - is the day of marriage itself. According to tradition, the newlyweds had to give something in green. AT wedding crown brides must have been present fresh leaves of myrtle tree. They symbolized freshness, youth and the beginning of a new family life.

Today, as a rule, it is customary for newlyweds to give money. Such a present will help in the newly formed family structure, and at the same time it will save the giver from a headache about choosing the right gift. As for the observance of traditions, some currencies are still issued mainly in green colors today.

If you want to follow the ancient ritual exactly, then simply present the young as a symbolic addition to the myrtle tree, fresh flowers or some kind of green thing.

Additional bonus

Young couples will be pleased to know that green wedding celebrated every month during the first year of marriage. True, it is customary to celebrate it in private. Fresh flowers are a must. As on the day of the wedding itself, they are a symbol of a fresh start to family life.

At the same time, wise people noted another connection - no matter how beautiful and fragrant fresh flowers are, if they are not taken care of, they will quickly fade. In the same way, newlyweds should remember that, no matter how beautiful and happy their union is, in order for it to become truly strong, considerable efforts must be made.

One year later

1 wedding anniversary is called calico. This was motivated by the fact that the relationship of the spouses is bright, like a light fabric with a cute pattern, but not yet completely strong.

Our ancestors celebrated the 1st wedding anniversary on a grand scale. The couple invited all the relatives and prepared a plentiful meal. The wife wore a bright chintz dress, and the husband wore an embroidered light shirt. The hosts set the table with a beautiful, hand-embroidered tablecloth.

The guests came with gifts. A print dress from the mother-in-law was especially desirable. It was supposed to symbolize the easy and bright future life of a young family. Other invitees also tried to bring something made of chintz or cotton. It could be clothing or bedding.

And the young spouses gave each other a cotton scarf, on which a knot was tied, symbolizing their growing bond. In ancient times, a special spell was even pronounced over these scarves and hidden in a secluded place. But over time, this tribute to paganism was abolished.

Sometimes the people also called a chintz wedding gauze. And they explained it with the directness and valiant enthusiasm characteristic of ordinary people. Simply, due to the active use of the matrimonial bed, for the first year, cotton bed linen wore out great, sometimes to the state of gauze. And it would be nice to update it.

Paper and glass

The 2nd wedding anniversary is officially called paper, but just like the first, it has a second nickname - glass. Traditions may differ depending on the area. Therefore, try not to argue in vain about the names of wedding anniversaries.

What unites these two, at first glance, so various material? Their fragility. Paper is easy to tear, and glass is easy to break. Likewise, family relationships are still at a stage where they are not so difficult to destroy.

It is generally accepted that the 2nd wedding anniversary should be celebrated outdoors. The place is being decorated paper decorations, and guests are often offered to write down their wishes on small cards placed in advance next to the cutlery.

This is probably one of the few anniversaries in connection with which you don’t have to be particularly sophisticated when thinking about what to give. It is appropriate to present a book for a paper wedding (and this already opens up a huge scope for imagination), a beautiful notebook and even a bouquet of artificial flowers will come in handy. Spouses can make origami crafts for each other.

closer to the body

Leather - this is the name of the 3rd wedding anniversary. Over the years, the couple got to know each other well. Now everyone is able to understand the other at a glance, as if feeling his mood with his skin. In addition, as a material, leather is much stronger than paper. But she also needs special care and does not tolerate excessive stress.

For three years of family life, I managed to accumulate good experience in relationships. But not only positive. And therefore, on the eve of the next stage, it would be good to get rid of an unpleasant raid of misunderstanding or petty quarrels. It is also worth building relationships with other relatives so that on the day of the anniversary everyone can come together, sincerely wishing this family further prosperity.

On this day, spouses present each other with something made of leather as a gift. It can be a pair of shoes, a handbag, a belt, a jacket. It is no secret that such products are not from the cheap segment of the market. And just this should once again emphasize how much the husband and wife value their relationship and how much they value their soul mate.

Guests, when deciding what to give for their wedding anniversary, should also give preference to leather products. Fortunately, the market is now teeming with all sorts of offers. It can be a wallet, a wallet, a diary, a skin rug, slippers, even a picture made of pieces of leather or just a beautiful keychain.

linen wedding

The fourth anniversary of family life is called linen, or rope. This name speaks for itself. The years spent together tied the spouses together, like a strong linen rope. It will be very difficult to break these relations now.

As a rule, only close relatives and selected friends were invited to this event. The hosts had to demonstrate the ability to adequately receive dear guests. After all, these are no longer newlyweds who are just starting to get used to a new role for themselves.

It was customary for the host to serve home-made wine on this holiday, and the hostess to prepare her signature dishes. In the old days, for the fourth anniversary, the wife had to sew bed linen from linen (which at that time was quite an expensive material). After all, by this time the young family should already be firmly on their feet and be able to buy such things. In addition, in four years, the bed linen donated for the wedding was already becoming unusable, and it was time to replace it.

On this day, they gave mainly what should be useful in the household. And, of course, these items had to be made of linen. Mostly tablecloths, towels, curtains and bed linen were presented. It was also considered appropriate to give a picture painted on canvas.

First solid material on the list

Considering the names of wedding anniversaries, you could not help but notice that rather fragile materials come first on the list. But by the fifth year, this situation has changed. The 5th wedding anniversary is called wooden.

In this regard, several areas are recalled at once in which wood is used - as a building material, as fuel, and also fruit-bearing garden trees. All this was symbolically invested by the people in the celebration of the five-year anniversary of the family.

By this time, the couple had already built a fairly strong relationship with each other. In addition, as a rule, the family already acquires its own home, where love and mutual respect serve as the fuel that helps to keep warm in strengthened family feelings. Well, it was believed that by this time it would be time to have kids. After all, by the fifth year, fruit trees should already bear fruit.

An acceptable gift for this anniversary would be wood jewelry, wooden utensils, or figurines. And if you want to present something more significant, you can opt for some piece of furniture, such as a table or wardrobe.

Moving to the next level

The next year of marriage, according to popular observations, opens the era of metals in relationships. The 6th wedding anniversary is called cast iron.

Cast iron is not a noble metal. In addition, it is very fragile, afraid of temperature changes. But at the same time, since ancient times, for good housewives, cast-iron kitchen utensils polished to a shine in appearance were not inferior to copper utensils.

These characteristics indicate that although by the sixth year of marriage the relationship is already significant and well-established, it is not the time to rest on our laurels. We must continue to work on improving them.

On this anniversary, it is customary to give cast-iron dishes. But with some creativity, you can easily pick up a stylish lamp or garden decoration made from the mentioned material.

Strong as metal and warm as wool

The 7th wedding anniversary has two names: copper and woolen. And although in real life these materials have nothing in common, in a symbolic sense they perfectly complement each other. The people noticed that the relationship of the spouses during their life together by this moment had acquired the strength and flexibility inherent in copper. At the same time, they are warm, soft and cozy, just like your favorite wool sweater.

The number 7 has long been considered lucky. Therefore, although the copper wedding is not a round date, it was celebrated with pomp. Very often, as a symbol of happiness, spouses were given a copper horseshoe (about where they put so many horseshoes, history is silent). Also held in high esteem were copper samovars and candlesticks.

Nowadays, choosing a gift for this anniversary is also not difficult. They can be copper utensils, interior items, souvenirs or any woolen items.

Tin - modest, but necessary

AT modern society the very word "tin" has acquired a negative connotation. However, this was not always the case. 8th wedding anniversary - tin.

In the old days, not a single household could do without items made of tin. Buckets, mugs, ladles, etc. were always present in the kitchen. Sheets of tin protected the roof, they also built drainage and fences.

By this time, the spouses should have learned to solve everyday issues in such a way that it would unite them, and not divide them. In addition, tin is a strong material, and this serves as a symbol that relationships in such a marriage can adequately endure many hardships.

faience wedding

Behind nine years of marriage. It is customary to celebrate this date in a narrow circle of relatives and friends. This wedding is called faience due to the fact that this material used to be an integral part of everyday life. And this name was supposed to symbolize the fact that everyday life has long been debugged, and family life has entered a securely laid track of constancy.

If the time of year permits, it is best to celebrate this anniversary in nature. After all, its second name is a chamomile wedding. But still, all the main traditions of the celebration are connected precisely with faience. And the funniest of them - with beating dishes.

Everyone beats the dishes on this day - both the hosts and the guests. The only restriction is that in no case should there be gifts brought by guests. It was believed that by breaking the old dishes, you would get rid of the grievances and misunderstandings accumulated over nine years.

And pay attention to folk wisdom: it was necessary not just to throw out something old, but to break it. Any modern psychologist will confirm that this ritual provided an outlet for accumulated stress. And in order to amuse your friends, arrange several perky contests that include breaking dishes.

First official anniversary

10th wedding anniversary - pewter. This metal indicates very flexible and strong family ties. But, since tin is rather nondescript, modern tradition allows you to celebrate the anniversary, focusing on another symbol - a rose, which personifies unfading love.

Celebrating a decade is a big deal. All relatives and friends are invited, a rich table is laid. It will be good to withstand the style of decoration in pink tones. A pink tablecloth is laid on the table, decorations are also chosen in this range. The main course is either meat with pink sauce or red fish. And as the main drink, it is appropriate to use rose wine.

Since a bouquet of roses provides a much-needed tribute to tradition, this year's gift choice is entirely up to you. But it is worth remembering that on the first anniversary it is traditionally customary to give expensive gifts. And spouses, as a rule, present jewelry to each other on this day.

A decade and a half of family life

After the tenth year of marriage, according to tradition, only round and semicircular dates are celebrated (15, 20, 25, etc.). Of course, you can find out what wedding anniversaries are called in other years, and congratulate close friends or your soul mate. But feasts these days, as a rule, are not satisfied.

It is customary to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of living together at a table set with crystal. After all, it is called crystal. If we trace the sequence of materials with which our ancestors associated every year of family life, then the appearance of crystal seems unjustified. After all, every year the reliability and strength should increase. And crystal, although beautiful, is extremely fragile.

But this is only an apparent contradiction. Think about what beats more often - glass glasses or crystal glasses? That's right - glasses. And why? Yes, because we treat crystal products much more carefully. It is the same in the family - relationships are kept clean and beautiful due to the fact that each of the spouses values ​​them.

Second anniversary

The 20th wedding anniversary is called porcelain. It is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. Relatives and friends are invited, and the tables are always served with new porcelain dishes. It was considered a good omen in the old days to break old dishes. But since many guests were invited, and on this day only sets of porcelain were given, the family bins did not suffer from this at all.

Interestingly, the number 20 is associated with romance and daydreaming. And it is right. After all, to porcelain wedding in most cases, children have already grown up and become independent. Gone are the days when parents had to think about their children first. It's time to freshen up the relationship.

A small romantic trip, where they can be together, can be a wonderful gift for spouses. And if they don’t think of it themselves, children and close friends can organize such a vacation for them.

Well, if you still sacredly honor traditions, but at the same time some originality is not alien to you, then on this day you can present a beautiful porcelain doll or figurine as a gift.

silver wedding

Twenty-five years of marriage are marked by a silver wedding. This precious metal perfectly emphasizes the unbreakable bonds that bind husband and wife.

A very beautiful custom is the exchange silver rings on this day. The spouses will wear these rings along with the wedding rings, only on the middle finger. They symbolize the stability and longevity of their union.

Another one interesting tradition prescribes to start the day of the anniversary with washing silver water. To do this, in the old days, water was poured into a silver basin or jug. But if, by a strange coincidence, there is no silver basin among your utensils, it is enough to put a spoon made of this metal into the vessel.

If circumstances permit, it would be good to celebrate the wedding anniversary in the same place where the wedding celebration took place. The tradition tells to invite everyone who was present at the wedding a quarter of a century ago. And, of course, those friends whom the spouses have acquired during this, not at all a short period, will be welcome guests.

A wedding is not only a day of union of two hearts. This is an ancient custom with deep roots and traditions. The tradition of celebrating weddings by year originated about 2 centuries ago. Then only wealthy people who had money and leisure for the celebration could afford it.

Gradually, this custom penetrated into all strata of society and acquired its own characteristics. In our area, only anniversaries are usually celebrated, while some anniversaries are simply skipped and ignored. But each mark is an important part of family life and has its own nuances, so information about them will be extremely useful.

Year Anniversary name Peculiarities
0 years (wedding day) Green The name symbolizes the immaturity just now educated family. Newlyweds still have to go through many difficulties and prove that their marriage is really reliable. Flowers are used as symbols; they decorate the room where the ceremony and the banquet hall are held.
1 year print wedding Such material is lightweight and low cost and symbolizes only the beginning of a marital relationship. As a present for such an anniversary, chintz materials can be presented, it can be clothes or souvenirs. During the celebration, according to custom, you need to drink champagne, which is left after the wedding ceremony.
2 year paper or glass The name hints that the relationship is still fragile. Only by being together, the spouses will be able to create strong family, it is desirable to acquire offspring by such a date. As a gift, glassware is perfect, which, moreover, is useful in every home.
3 year Leather The symbol of such an anniversary is leather, it is already a more durable and reliable material. A couple can exchange leather gifts, these can be wallets, bags, shoes and other items. It is customary to celebrate such an anniversary in the open air.
4 years Linen or rope Linen is the symbol of such a date. It shows the wealth, purity and reliability of married life. When celebrating an anniversary, the table must be covered with a linen tablecloth and candles placed. As a gift, products made using the weaving technique, such as baskets or souvenirs, are presented.
5 years Wooden The first anniversary date of the spouses. Such an anniversary is called a wooden one and shows that the relationship has passed the initial stage. Wooden products are presented as gifts. According to customs, the couple should plant a tree on such an anniversary. It will serve as a reminder to the next generation and strengthen the marriage bond.
6 years Cast iron This material is the first strong symbolism of a young family. A considerable period lived together shows that the relationship has gained a certain weight and is important for the spouses. But the anniversary symbol also shows that relationships need to be monitored, as if the cast iron is dropped, it can break. As a present, it is customary to give metal materials, such as frying pans.
6.5 years Zinc Although such an anniversary is not common, according to some traditions it should also be celebrated. Such an anniversary symbolizes pure, like zinc, relations between spouses. You can celebrate with your family, or spend time in solitude with your soulmate.
7 years Copper This number of years in marriage is symbolized by copper. This metal shows that there is respect and love between spouses. According to tradition, it is customary to give a copper horseshoe.
8 years Tin At this stage, the life of the spouses takes on new colors. The couple has most likely already got a child and strengthened their family. It is customary to give tin gifts.
9 years Faience or chamomile Faience symbolizes the strong union of the couple. This material is not firm, therefore, in order to strengthen the relationship between the couple on this day, the spouses should complain to each other about themselves. The second symbol of such a wedding is a chamomile, which blooms only in warmth - just like relationships warm in difficult times.
10 years Pewter or pink Tin is a flexible material, and the relationship of a couple should have the same trait. But roses mean passion and romance, which has not died out after so many years of marriage. On such a date, it is customary to give tin materials or red roses. An anniversary like this should be celebrated in a big way.
11 years Steel Such an anniversary symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in their life together and shows that the relationship of the spouses has gone through adversity and become stronger. Usually celebrated with relatives and close friends. A set of pots, trays and other steel utensils is presented as a gift.
12 years Nickel Sometimes such an anniversary is called silk. By tradition, it is celebrated after 12.5 years lived together. The date shows that, despite the years and obstacles lived, the relationship of the spouses remained as bright as nickel. You need to give shiny nickel dishes for such a holiday.
13 years old Lace Lily of the valley and lace are used as symbols. Both of them characterize the tenderness and reverence of the relationship, as well as the purity of marriage.
14 years old agate The first time the symbol is gem. An agate wedding shows that the relationship has gained weight and the spouses love and respect each other. On such a date, a husband can give his wife a piece of jewelry with such a stone.
15 years Crystal Fifteen years of married life are named after crystal. On the table by such a date there should be crystal dishes, and the husband and wife should exchange crystal glasses. Guests, in turn, must break glassware. Gifts should also be selected based on the name.
16 years Topaz Topaz was popularly considered a powerful amulet that would protect the family from all adversity. Such an anniversary is not common and, according to some traditions, it is not celebrated.
17 years No name not celebrated
18 years Turquoise Often in this year the child of the spouses becomes an adult and the couple begins a new stage of life. All quarrels and disagreements are already behind, a happy future awaits the spouses. As a gift, it is customary to give objects turquoise color such as bed linen.
19 years Pomegranate Pomegranate is the personification of love and honesty in marital relationships. It is customary to give gifts in red. You can celebrate in the company of close friends and relatives or in solitude.
20 years porcelain Porcelain is an expensive material that glows brightly in the dark, thus showing the way in difficult times. On such a date, it is necessary to give cups, plates, sets based on porcelain.
21 years old Opal Such a stone symbolizes a strong and reliable relationship between spouses. According to tradition, this anniversary is celebrated by the spouses together.
22 Bronze Bronze is a combination of two metals and shows the union of two different people into a single whole, their flexibility and ability to give in controversial situations. People who have lived together for 22 years have learned harmony and respect.
23 years old Beryl Beryl symbolizes the beginning of a new path. It is believed that by this date the relationship of a married couple is moving to the next stage. If a husband and wife lived happily for such a long period of time, then the relationship is really built on love and fidelity.
24 years Satin Satin-based fabric is lightweight, and the relationship of a couple in love should also have this characteristic. On such a holiday, it is customary to give gifts made of material based on the atlas or with its content.
25 years Silver Such a date shows that the spouses are united by a noble and reliable relationship. Silver is an expensive metal and shows the strength of family ties. Such an anniversary should be celebrated with luxury. One of the customs for such a holiday is the purchase of silver rings for spouses, which are worn next to the wedding rings.

It should be borne in mind that not all anniversaries have their own symbolism and are celebrated, since, according to ancient beliefs, this can lead to misfortune and the breakup of a couple.

Wedding anniversary - table from 26 to 50 years

Year Anniversary name Peculiarities
26 years Jade Jade is a rather mysterious stone and a symbol of strong bonds and love. Also, according to tradition, he guards the secrets of marriage. This anniversary is celebrated in a close family circle, and jade souvenirs are used as gifts.
27 years Mahogany The wedding day of the spouses was a long time ago, and after 27 years the children have already grown up and, with a high degree of probability, grandchildren have appeared. The name of the anniversary is closely related to the family tree. This meal is traditionally served with large quantity invited people. Gifts for such a holiday can be wooden products.
28 years Has no name not celebrated
29 years Velvet Velvet is a symbol of warmth, love and tenderness between husband and wife. According to tradition, the wife should wear something containing velvet to the celebration. Velvet towels or bed linen can serve as a present.
30 years Pearl Such an anniversary shows the cohesion and greatness of the life of the spouses. Pearls are a symbol of nobility and wealth. life experience husband and wife. It is recommended to celebrate the holiday in a restaurant with a large number of guests.
31 years Dark or sunny The past tense shows that the family hearth has become warm and cozy. The couple fulfilled their duty, continued the family and now they can relax and bask in the sun.
32 years No name not celebrated
33 years Strawberry Such an anniversary is not common, and according to some traditions it is not celebrated.
34 years Amber Such an anniversary, like amber itself, shows the greatness of a married couple who went through all life's difficulties and retained their feelings. On such a date, it is customary to give amber jewelry or souvenirs.
35 years Coral or linen Coral is the personification of the eternal and shows that the relationship of the spouses will always be the same ideal. Such an anniversary should be celebrated with relatives and friends.
36 years No name not celebrated
37 years Muslin The years spent together made it possible to seal the bonds of marriage, which, like the material from muslin, cannot be broken by hands, which shows the strength of the relationship between husband and wife. On such a holiday, it is customary to give curtains, curtains or clothes based on muslin.
37.5 years old Aluminum Many celebrate 37.5 years so that the life and life of the spouses are easy, like the aluminum alloy itself. It is customary to give aluminum products - these can be engraved souvenirs or a mirror in a frame made of such metal.
38 years Mercury Although mercury is poisonous, at the same time it can take the form of a vessel, which is a symbol of the ability of spouses to smooth out all quarrels and conflicts. It is customary to give mercury thermometers, pendulums or silver objects.
39 years Crepe Crepe is a symbol of pure relationships that are built on trust and respect. It is customary to give tablecloths or crepe scarves.
40 years Ruby The ruby ​​is a symbol of enduring and passionate love. It is customary to celebrate an anniversary in a large company with luxury. As a gift, you can use ruby ​​jewelry, caskets, watches, red products.
41 years old earthy Such an anniversary is not a common holiday and is celebrated in a close family circle.
42 years mother-of-pearl It is customary to give mother-of-pearl jewelry, hairpins or pens, as well as clothes with mother-of-pearl buttons.
43 years flannel It is not a common anniversary and is rarely celebrated. A gift can be clothes based on flannel or other warm and soft fabric.
44 years old Topaz Topaz is a symbol of transparency and truthfulness in relationships. As a present, jewelry containing topaz will be an excellent solution.
45 years Sapphire Even according to old traditions, sapphire is a symbol of love and acts as a protector from evil forces. Like this expensive stone, a husband and wife are obliged to protect each other from possible troubles. For such a holiday, jewelry containing sapphire is given.
46 years old lavender Lavender is associated with tenderness and kindness. It is customary to celebrate such an anniversary in a close family circle. You can give a bouquet of lavender, perfume with the smell of such flowers.
47 years old cashmere This fabric is one of the most expensive, and it takes a lot of effort to produce it. Such works are connected with married life, since diligence is also needed to maintain relationships. You can donate cashmere clothes.
48 years old amethyst Amethyst is a symbol of the unique relationship of spouses. As a gift, jewelry and other items containing such a stone are used.
49 years old Cedar Cedar is a long-lived tree, and it is a symbol of long family relations. It is customary to give souvenirs and products based on cedar.
50 years Golden This date is called golden and is celebrated on a special scale. Spouses can exchange jewelry. According to some traditions, it is customary to renew your wedding rings on this date.

Table of wedding anniversaries - from 51 to 100 years

Year Anniversary name Peculiarities
51 years old willow It is not a widely known holiday and is celebrated quite rarely. Products containing willow are used as a gift.
52 years old No name not celebrated
53 years old uranium According to tradition. such an anniversary is celebrated in solitude or with close relatives.
54 years old No name not celebrated
55 years emerald Emerald symbolizes long happiness and good life couples. The holiday is celebrated in a close family circle. You can give jewelry or souvenirs with emeralds, as well as green products.
56-59 years old No name Not celebrated
60 years Diamond The diamond is the most durable mineral and represents the strength of family ties. Celebrated with relatives and close friends. You can give diamond or platinum jewelry.
61 years old rich It is celebrated extremely rarely and is not a widely known anniversary.
62 years old aquamarine It is celebrated alone or in a close family circle. You can give souvenirs containing such a stone.
63 years old No name Not celebrated.
64 years old Funny Rarely celebrated, not a common holiday.
65 years old Iron The anniversary shows how strong and durable the relationship of the spouses turned out to be. It is customary to give decorative ornaments, dishes and household items based on iron.
66 years old neon It is celebrated very rarely in some countries.
67 years old magical It is celebrated modestly in a close family circle.
67.5 years Stone The stone does not change its shape over time, just like the relationship of the couple remained unchanged. You can give souvenirs made of stone and other products.
68-69 years old No name Not celebrated.
70 years old Gracious During this celebration, the husband and wife should thank each other for the time they spent together and good relationship. Gifts are chosen at the request of the couple.
71-74 years old No name Not celebrated.
75 years old Crown The crown symbolizes the high status of the couple in their family. You can donate useful household items.
76-79 years old No name Not celebrated.
80 years old oak The oak stays in the soil for more than a hundred years, just as the relationship of the spouses is durable. It is customary to give wooden decorations and souvenirs.
81-89 years old No name Not celebrated.
90 years old Granite This stone has a long service life and shows that the marriage of spouses has come a long way. You can give a decor or a vase made of granite.
91-99 years old No name Not celebrated.
100 years red wedding The tradition to celebrate such an anniversary came from the Caucasus. The whole family and close friends are invited to this celebration. Products are given in red.

Here you will see all the dates of weddings and their traditions:

Anniversary celebrations are a long tradition. Each year has its own nuances that will need to be taken into account during the celebration. What are the best gifts to give on anniversaries?

In addition to silver, gold and diamond wedding, which are usually on everyone's lips, each anniversary has its own name, personifying family relationships in different periods of marriage. And in order to understand what the union is waiting for at this stage, it is important to know the names of weddings by year.

Names of wedding anniversaries: from green to gold

Let's go through an interesting and eventful family life together with the Svadbagolik.ru team, and also find out what every wedding year means:

  • wedding day orgreen wedding- these are the very first steps of the newly-made spouses along the exciting path of a happy family life. not without reason green color associated with youth and freshness and symbolizes birth.
  • 1 year -print or gauze wedding, as colorful as the fabric of the same name according to popular rumor. Traditionally, the relationship of the spouses in the first year after the wedding is compared with the thinnest, easily torn material - chintz. The young family has a lot to learn so that their union grows stronger with every passing year.
  • 2 years -paper wedding . Life barriers of the first joint year successfully overcome. A natural transition from romance to everyday life begins. This is a turning point for many couples. That is why paper acts as a symbol of the second anniversary, because on the one hand, it can break like a fragile union 2 years long, and on the other, it is like a blank sheet on which you can draw a picture of your future life.

  • 3rd anniversary - leather wedding. The family union is getting stronger, therefore, a more durable, but very ambiguous material is recognized as a symbol of a joint date. The skin has a significant density, however, with insufficient care, it coarsens and bursts. Also, in the absence of attention to each other, the relationship of the spouses can “burst”.
  • 4 years -linen wedding. This anniversary is also called the rope or wax anniversary. Linen is a symbol of wealth, and the fabric of this material is characterized by strength and durability. So spouses, gradually gaining financial stability, strive for family harmony and love.
  • 5 years from the date of the wedding -wooden anniversary. This is a small anniversary of the spouses and indisputable proof of the strength of marriage bonds. It is symbolic that the tree usually bears fruit after 5 years. So a married couple usually has time to have children during this time.

  • 6 years -cast iron anniversary. The first joint date, the symbol of which is metal. Cast iron - far from the best durable material, however, in capable hands, it can take any form. Spouses continue to learn to understand each other and be attentive, and their relationship grows stronger and improves every day.
  • 7 years -copper (woolen) wedding. According to the long tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries, copper and wool are considered the symbol of this date. The relationship of the spouses after 7 years from the date of the wedding is compared with the properties of the above materials: they are quite durable and, at the same time, plastic, like copper, as well as soft and warm, like woolen products.
  • 8 years from the wedding -tin or poppy anniversary. During this difficult period, the mutual feelings of the spouses are dulled, and life comes to the fore. That is why for harmony in the family it is important to avoid conflicts on this basis. The family path passed was not easy, as was the manufacture of the symbol of the 8th wedding anniversary - tin, which blacksmiths made by hand many years ago. High-quality metal was obtained only after several stages: soaking tin in liquids and rubbing it to a shine. Similarly, the relationship of spouses who have successfully overcome life's difficulties during this period become strong and flexible by the 8th anniversary.

  • 9 years- earthenware or chamomile wedding . A step before the first significant anniversary, the spouses are in understanding and harmony, however, they are not yet wise with great experience. During this period, family crises are possible, so it is recommended to refresh the senses (it is not for nothing that one of the symbols of this anniversary is a camomile, which personifies pure love and devotion). Faience, as an incredibly beautiful, but fragile material, reminds the couple that caring for each other is the key to strong relationships.
  • 10 years- pink or pewter wedding. Both symbols represent both firmness and softness. The flexibility of the characters of spouses is an important skill that can make a marriage long. The rose in Russia symbolizes the family, the flower itself symbolizes the freshness of feelings, and the stem with thorns is the path with obstacles that the spouses successfully overcome.

  • 11 years - steel wedding anniversary. Passing the line of 10 years of marriage, the spouses already have a list of considerable achievements behind them. They got their own housing, raise children, have Good work. A steel wedding confirms the inviolability of marriage, by this time the husband and wife have passed the probationary period for a young family with dignity.
  • 12th anniversary- nickel wedding. The couple went through a significant stage of life together, being shoulder to shoulder. They already know how to overcome difficulties together and not pay attention to all sorts of irritants.
  • 13 years from marriage- lace (lily of the valley) anniversary. The number 13 is often associated with mysticism, however, the anniversary of this date is the most comfortable and tender for a married couple. The fates of the spouses are so tightly intertwined with each other, like threads of lace, so that they cannot be broken. And this can be seen immediately: over the years, the husband and wife have become kindred spirits.

  • 14th anniversary- agate wedding. Agate, without exaggeration, fantastically beautiful semiprecious stone hiding in its depths something mysterious and unique. So a married couple, despite a long joint journey, continues to discover new sides in each other.
  • 15 years together- glass or crystal wedding. Marital relations become pure and transparent, however, still vulnerable. That is why during this period it is extremely important to protect and respect each other.
  • 16 years- topaz anniversary. It is believed that topaz is able to protect against diseases and evil looks, so it was he who became the symbol of the wedding of the 16th year of marriage, successfully passed by the spouses.
  • 17 years- pewter or pink wedding. No, there is no error here. This name has indeed already been mentioned regarding the 10th anniversary, and now it is repeated after 7 years. Some sources stubbornly call this wedding anniversary pink, and the 10th - tin. Now the spouses look at some things in a new way and discover new heights for themselves.

  • 18 years -turquoise wedding . Turquoise is considered a stone of love and fidelity. Celebrating the coming of age of the family, the husband and wife may well begin to pay more attention to each other, because the children have already grown up. This is a great chance to feel young again and plunge into the world of romance.
  • 19 years -pomegranate anniversary(some sources refer to it as hyacinth or krypton). Pomegranate will help awaken passion for a little cooled feelings under the pressure of everyday life. Return the former strength to emotions - and your union will sparkle with new colors.
  • 20 years -porcelain wedding. What do you think represents married couple with twenty years of experience? This is, of course, a wonderful and harmonious union, where the husband and wife complement each other, and also know how to understand each other perfectly. This anniversary is celebrated by the most persistent couples. Often, behind external calm in relations between spouses, a rather fragile world is hidden, which is easy to break, like the symbol of the 20th anniversary of marriage - porcelain.

  • 21 years from the date of the wedding - an opal anniversary. The symbol of this date - opal - has many unique qualities and is a symbol of fidelity. The feelings of the spouses at this stage of life are tested and tempered.
  • 22 years - bronze wedding. The couple was able to achieve harmony, learned to give in and understand each other. It's time to remember the brightest life moments over a glass of champagne!
  • 23 years - beryl anniversary. There is no more place for insincerity in the family, since the spouses have learned to disinterestedly give love and care to each other, their relationship is honest and transparent.
  • 24th anniversary - satin wedding. The name for this date was not chosen by chance. 24th birthday of marriage is compared in strength and beauty with tender satin fabric. She seems to emphasize with her gloss the strength of an established union.
  • 25 years since the wedding -silver anniversary . This anniversary needs no introduction and is celebrated on a grand scale. First a precious metal, which personifies not only the strength of the union, but also its nobility. The feelings of the spouses become more colorful, and the relationship becomes wise and pure.

  • 26 years - jade wedding. Characterized by durability, jade, like nothing else, is ideal for describing marital relationships after 26 years of marriage.
  • 27 years - mahogany wedding- this is the personification of nobility, endurance and wisdom in the relationship of spouses.
  • 28 years -nickel anniversary . Relations loving people all this time they were subjected to real tests and, thanks to this, true love gained even more momentum.
  • 29 years - velvet wedding. The symbol of this anniversary - velvet - tells the spouses that for harmony in relationships it is necessary to show tenderness, care and warmth to each other.
  • 30 years from the date of the wedding -pearl wedding . good marriage, like pearls, year after year, act after act takes on a perfect form. Marital relations become strong and reliable.

  • 31 years - swarthy or sunny wedding anniversary, whose symbols are clear light and happiness. Having traveled a long way together, the couple were able to keep the warmth in the relationship. And this is really a great happiness!
  • 32 years -copper wedding . At this stage of married life there are renewals and changes. Crises are gradually left behind, and each other's shortcomings acquire a peculiar charm and cause only a smile.
  • 33 years - stone or strawberry wedding. Husband and wife are one. Over the long years of marriage, their love has not cooled down, but has grown into something of a better quality, becoming strong as a stone. Another name for a stone wedding - strawberry - hints that the feelings of the spouses have not lost their former sweetness.
  • 34th anniversary - amber. During this period, the spouses learn real value family relationships after a long time. By the way, in order for the resin to turn into amber, more than one decade must pass.
  • 35 years from the date of marriage -coral wedding . Another name is linen. Corals, which have become one of the symbols of this anniversary, are able to grow from the smallest particles to infinity. So it is in the life of the spouses - the family grows, grandchildren appear after the children, and soon great-grandchildren.

  • 36th anniversary in Russia it is usually not celebrated, however, in some sources its name is mentioned - bone china wedding, less often - copper(as well as the 32nd anniversary).
  • 37 years - muslin wedding. A family that has successfully maintained a warm relationship is not afraid of a break. Marriage is no longer threatened by scandals with or without, suspicion or unfounded claims.
  • 38 years - mercury wedding. She is a kind of unique anniversary, like her symbol - liquid metal. The couple managed to dissolve into each other and fully enjoy strong feelings.
  • 39 years since the wedding called crepe anniversary. Marital relations, like the symbol of the date - crepe fabric - have incredible strength.
  • 40 years -ruby wedding . It's time to celebrate another family anniversary! A noble and incredibly beautiful ruby ​​- a symbol of the 40th anniversary of marriage - personifies strong and beautiful love.

  • 41 years of marriage is an earthen (iron) anniversary. Over the years, the family has become the foundation of the foundations, gave birth to children, and then to grandchildren.
  • 42 years old - mother-of-pearl. Peace and tranquility reign in family life: life has become simple, and mutual respect has come to the fore in relationships.
  • 43 years - flannel wedding. In a family with such a solid experience, it is warm and calm. The house is dominated by comfort, which is so adored by grandchildren. The couple certainly have something to be proud of!
  • 44 wedding years - topaz anniversary(again, as in the 16th anniversary of marriage). The time has come to remember the tenderness that permeated the hearts of the spouses at the beginning of their joint journey.
  • 45 years of marriage -sapphire wedding. It is believed that during this period vital energy increases. . The sapphire itself symbolizes unbreakable and strong bonds in marriage, and, according to some sources, this gem has the ability to protect against diseases.

  • 46 years old or an anniversary with a beautiful name - lavender. This flower is able to retain its unsurpassed aroma for a long time. So the spouses, who lived side by side for so long, managed to maintain their feelings for each other.
  • 47th anniversary - cashmere. It is amazing that after such a long and difficult journey shoulder to shoulder, the spouses become similar to each other in appearance. The past years have left in memory the brightest, quivering moments and memories.
  • 48 years - amethyst wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is an unusually beautiful and valuable mineral, embodying fidelity, marital love and strength of relationships.
  • 49 years - cedar wedding. On the eve of the golden anniversary, this date is modestly celebrated. It is noteworthy that a long-lived tree - cedar - was chosen as a symbol of a fairly long journey.
  • 50 years since the wedding -golden anniversary . Half a century with each other is an indicator and the result of hard work on relationships. Anniversaries managed to carry their feelings through the years and this is certainly admirable.

Wedding anniversaries: the path from 50 years and above

After the golden jubilee, every wedding anniversary is revered and proud. We continue to acquaint you with the list of weddings by year after 50 years of marriage:

At the end of our fascinating journey, the Svadbagolik.ru portal wishes every couple to meet all anniversaries with dignity, celebrating them with their families in happiness and joy!