How to remove lipstick from lips. We remove lipstick from clothes at home. How to remove lipstick from wool

Reading time: 5 minutes

An indispensable tool in the arsenal of every woman - lipstick - gives lips brightness, moisturizes and protects. But it can also cause a lot of trouble if used carelessly, and you have to think about how to wash lipstick from clothes.

What is lipstick

The basis of any lipstick is fatty wax.

  • Natural vegetable wax (carnauba from palm leaves, pink, less often bee) determines its shape, ensures durability and plasticity.
  • Fats (mink, lanolin) and oils moisturize and nourish delicate skin lips. Mainly used Castor oil, less often shea butter and coconut.
  • Dyes, pigments, mother-of-pearl and other additives are also added to the fat and wax mass.

It is because of the presence of all these ingredients that traces of this decorative cosmetic product are visible on both light and dark fabrics, and it is quite difficult to get rid of them.


  • If you notice that either the blouse has a trace of lipstick, do not delay and start washing: the fresher the stain, the easier it will be to get rid of it. old stain covered with a layer of dust, becomes dull, dull and cleaned with great difficulty.
  • You must first read the recommendations for caring for the product, which are indicated by the manufacturer on the label. Items that cannot be washed must be taken to the dry cleaners.
  • Also remember that if you have already tried to use any chemical, the item will most likely not be accepted for cleaning.

Household chemicals from lipstick stains

You can start with less aggressive methods that will help break down fatty substances, remove pigments, without harming the structure and color of the tissue.

Laundry soap

  • You need to take real laundry soap (72%, usually dark brown) and lather the stain from the front and back sides.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • If the trace is still noticeable, lather again and leave for half an hour.
  • Then rinse and wash the item as usual.

Stain removers

On delicate fabrics, you first need to check the effect of the product:

  1. put a little on a cotton pad and rub it from the wrong side or in an inconspicuous place;
  2. if the disc remains white and does not stain the color of the fabric, then you can continue to work.

Now stain removers are available in the form of gels, pastes, sprays, wipes, bar soaps and pencils (sticks).

  • Any of the products is applied to the area of ​​​​contamination and left to act for the time recommended by the manufacturer. Usually 10 to 30 minutes.
  • After that, the thing is washed with a powder or liquid detergent.


It is better to take a new generation of bleaches with active oxygen. They gently affect any fabric, without disturbing the structure of the fibers and perfectly removing all traces of lipstick and other contaminants. From it can be used both for hand washing and added to the machine.


If the contamination area is large enough, you will need a board wrapped in a dry, light-colored towel. The soiled item is placed on it with the wrong side up.

If the stain is small, you can use a glass by pulling a cloth over it.

Observe the following precautions when working with chemicals:

  • put on gloves, mask;
  • do not bring containers with liquids close to your face;
  • provide access fresh air into the room.


You can take medical or denatured alcohol, dilute it with water and treat the stain. This method is suitable for thin and woolen fabrics.

  • It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with a solution of alcohol, and rub it over the stain several times.
  • If it does not completely disappear, wet the cotton again and repeat the procedure.
  • At the end, wash the item in soapy water and rinse well.
  • Also ammonia (ammonia) will do well with lipstick.


Purified gasoline will help to cope even with chronic traces of the lip.

  • It is necessary to apply it on a piece of cotton wool and gently wipe the contaminated area from the edges to the center.
  • Then rinse, wipe with a solution of table vinegar so that there are no streaks left, and wash the product in a typewriter or by hand.

Hydrogen peroxide

This tool is perfect for cases when you need to decide how to remove lipstick from a white fabric. Peroxide solution (3%) is applied directly to the stain, left for at least a quarter of an hour, then washed off.


This product is made up of essential oils pine trees is also an excellent remedy, especially for fabrics that cannot be bleached or stained.

It is used diluted.

  • The stain is treated with a cotton pad or a piece of clean cloth.
  • Then clean napkins or paper towels are placed on the front and back sides. All residues of contamination will be absorbed into the paper.
  • After that, the thing must be washed with powder.

Folk remedies

Usually they are used if the fabric is delicate, but it was not at hand. special means. Their action must also be checked in an inconspicuous area.

lemon and soda

  • Lightly dampen a cloth from a spray bottle.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on the dirty area. You need to take only food small.
  • Pour a few drops on top lemon juice and leave for an hour.
  • Then remove the soda and wash the thing.

Usually, to remove lipstick from clothes, you have to try. Of course, you can give a chance to modern cleaning pencils, wipes and other stain removers, but this is quite expensive and not always justified. In such a situation, it is realistic to do with what is already at home. The options we offer are really effective and very economical.

How to remove lipstick from clothes?

Before you start removing lipstick that has stained your clothes, prepare a place for this work:

  • on a comfortable flat surface, whether it be a countertop, ironing board or cabinet, lay a cloth napkin or towel;
  • be sure to turn the item. All subsequent manipulations should concern only its wrong side;
  • Before applying the selected product to stains, first test it on the most inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. You need to make sure that the fabric will not suffer from further actions.

After completing the preparations, proceed directly to cleaning. To help you put your clothes in order:

  1. hair spray;
  2. shaving gel;
  3. toothpaste;
  4. borax;
  5. dishwashing liquid;
  6. glycerol;
  7. lemon + soda;
  8. hydrogen peroxide;
  9. ammonia;
  10. turpentine + ether;
  11. alcohol or gasoline.

Shaving gel
Dishwashing liquid

It is not necessary to use all. Choose the method that suits you best.

  1. Spray generously with your usual hairspray. After 10 minutes, moisten this place with a wet sponge and send the item to the wash. This will help remove lipstick from clothes.

    Hair spray

  2. Gently lubricate the contaminated areas with a male or even female shaving cream. Scrub them with an old toothbrush, and then lightly sprinkle with regular baking soda. Rinse the fabric thus cleaned with water.
  3. Apply a sufficient amount of toothpaste to stained areas. After waiting a few minutes, rinse it off with warm water. Repeat if necessary.
    The disadvantage of this method is that the stains rarely disappear the first time, because this hygiene product is an extremely weak solvent. The obvious advantage is the delicate effect of the paste on any textile.
  4. Being a natural stain remover, borax does a great job with lipstick on things. Cover problem areas with this powdered substance, and then moisten it all with hydrogen peroxide. Such a technique will leave no chance for pollution. Rinse the finished product thoroughly.
  5. Dishwashing liquid is also an excellent stain remover. Apply it on soiled areas of clothing, let it work for 10-12 minutes. Before sending a piece of clothing to the machine, work on the areas to be washed with a soft bristle brush. This method will 100% help remove lipstick stains.
  6. Slightly heat liquid glycerin and, without saving, soak traces of cosmetics with it. In this state, the product to be cleaned should lie down for at least an hour. Finish off with a salt water rinse.

  7. Combine and mix well fresh lemon juice and baking soda. It is better if the resulting slurry is dense. Thickly cover the lipstick-stained material with it. When the homemade paste dries and turns into a crust, remove it with a brush. After the clothes should be rinsed.
  8. This method is rightfully one of the simplest. Moisten the traces of lipstick liberally with hydrogen peroxide and make sure that the material completely absorbs it. If the initial task was not solved the first time, repeat.

  9. This technique is only suitable for silk and woolen wardrobe items. With cotton soaked in ammonia, wipe each stain until it is completely eliminated. The hand should move from the middle to the edges. Subsequent washing will save your outfit from a specific pungent odor and possible stains (we recommend reading).
  10. Wipe off lip makeup with a mixture of turpentine and sulfuric ether. Liquids are taken in equal volumes. Remember that only colored clothes can be cleaned with the resulting composition.
    This method requires extreme care, since ether is a flammable substance.
  11. You probably have a small amount of gasoline or rubbing alcohol. Wipe off the lipstick with a tissue dipped in one of them. If the choice fell on gasoline, pour vinegar on the areas treated with it: this way you will insure the fabric from streaks. The product will only be washed.

    Attention! Both liquids are classified as flammable. Therefore, working with them requires maximum caution.

Although traces of lipstick are considered persistent pollution, it is within the power of every housewife to rid them of an adored little thing. Do not give up your favorite cosmetics for the sake of clean clothes, because now you know that everything is fixable. And don't forget to add the site "" to your bookmarks.

If you are faced with the task of removing lipstick from things, remember that the trace of it is considered a difficult stain to remove, since its basis is oil. In order not to spoil your favorite clothes, you need to remember that each type of fabric requires individual approach to clean up these contaminants.

Removal methods at home

Since lipstick is made from oils, coloring pigments and other chemical constituents, the result of cleaning clothes from it is unpredictable. But you can try to save your favorite clothes by taking a few steps:

  • Place a paper towel on a cutting board. Turn the product inside out and place the stain on a towel so that the fat is absorbed.
  • Clothes that are not afraid of regular washing can be cleaned in the following way: pour a pinch of sodium borate on the contaminated area and add a couple of drops of a 3% peroxide solution. When the stain has dissolved, rinse the product in cool water (wash if necessary).
  • Wet wipes work well with lipstick marks. Their advantage is that the oxidizing agent interacts only with the contaminated area without damaging the tissue. Wipe the dirt with a napkin until the stain disappears.
  • You can treat the stain with ammonia. To neutralize the smell, clothes must be washed.
  • Effective is the composition of lemon juice and baking soda. It must be applied to the stain, and after drying, gently brush off the residue with a brush.

Folk remedies

Among the proven stain removal recipes that our mothers and grandmothers used in their practice, It is worth highlighting some of the most effective:

  • Apply a small amount of tooth powder to the contaminated area and rub. Wash the product in warm water using laundry soap or dishwashing liquid. If it was not possible to immediately wash the lipstick, the procedure is repeated. With this method of cleaning lipstick, do not use whitening pastes for colored clothes (for example, for red), this may adversely affect the appearance of the product.
  • Peroxide can be used to remove dirt from white fabrics (blouses, shirts). Apply to the stain and let it soak in. Wash the treated product in soapy water. Repeat several times until the stain is gone.
  • Turpentine is suitable for cleaning delicate fabrics and things that cannot be washed. Due to the natural composition of pine needles, it easily dissolves any fats. Before processing, the stain is thoroughly cleaned of dust. Then turpentine is applied to a napkin with pile and applied to the stain from lipstick. A cotton cloth or paper sheet is placed on top. Ironed with an iron.
  • Put gasoline on a rag and wipe it off greasy spot. To remove stains, wipe the spot with vinegar solution (4 tablespoons of vinegar diluted in 200 ml of water). Wash the item after all procedures.

Special stain removers

On the shelves of supermarkets there are many specialized products to combat pollution of various origins. They can be in the form of a pencil, spray, aerosol. Your choice of product will depend on the type of fabric you want to clean. Usually, all information for the buyer, helping him to decide on the purchase, is presented on the product label.

Before applying a stain remover, you need to test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. If the color of the fabric does not change, the product can be used on the contaminated area, following the instructions for use.

You can use a universal algorithm of actions suitable for most modern tools:

  • Wet the contaminated surface with warm water.
  • Apply stain remover (pencil, soap, aerosol).
  • Leave to soak for 20 minutes, then rinse with water or machine wash.

"Ambulance" for fresh stains

There are several recipes that will quickly and efficiently remove a fresh stain from the fabric:

  • Mix lemon juice and salt until a slurry is formed. Apply to contaminated area for 30 minutes. Rub, rinse with water.
  • Dishwashing gel will help get rid of fresh lipstick marks. A small amount is applied to the stain. You need to let it soak for 20 minutes. Scrub with a toothbrush and rinse in lukewarm water.

From colored fabrics

To remove lipstick stains from colored products, you must carefully select the product. So, for example, chlorine-containing stain removers will inevitably lead to damage to the product. Among safe means for colored fabrics, the following can be distinguished:

  • liquid glycerin. It must be brought to a warm state and applied to the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. Leave for 60 minutes. Dissolve in 5 liters of water 2 tbsp. l. salt, rinse clothes in this solution.
  • Turpentine and ether mixed in equal proportions. The resulting solution is applied to the stain for 30 minutes. If the trace of lipstick could not be removed and it has become pale, put paper on both sides of the pollution. Sprinkle with talcum powder and iron with a well-heated iron.

From different types of fabrics

Hairspray can remove lipstick marks from denim (skirts, jeans, jackets). It is necessary to spray it on the contaminated area, let it soak. Pass with a cloth soaked in water. If the stain is old, baby powder will come to the rescue. You need to pour it over lipstick and leave it for several hours. During this time, it will absorb all the fat. Then clean the fabric with a brush and wash. To remove stains from denim clothes, products such as dish gel, vinegar, sweetener, and shaving gel will also help.

The designation "delicate fabrics" speaks for itself. Things from these materials are easy to spoil with bleaching agents. by changing their original tone. Alcohol, baking soda, and toothpaste are the best stain removers for such clothes.

Can remove stains and chemicals, but then the label should say "for delicate fabrics."

To remove lipstick from woolen products, you need to take a cotton pad, moisten with alcohol and wipe the stain. This method is also suitable for silk clothes.

To appearance the product has not lost its attractiveness, it is better to get wet rather than rub the fabric.

For jersey clothing, you can use refined gasoline as a cleaning agent. The resulting stains are easy to level with heated glycerin or a mixture of vinegar and water.

From outerwear

In order to clean outerwear made of raincoat fabric, cashmere, drape, bologna and other materials, you can use turpentine, gasoline, wet wipes, a mixture of water, vinegar and salt.

Potato starch is only suitable for things with a fresh stain. For a light-colored down jacket, especially white, you need to use only denatured ethyl alcohol. Lipstick stains can be removed with any outerwear if you use a stain remover pencil.

From blankets and upholstered furniture

To return the bedspread and furniture original view, you can use the offers of a cleaning company or a dry cleaner. Such a service will cost a lot, however, the result will satisfy the most demanding customers.

In addition, specialized equipment and products brought by the company's specialists are not contraindicated even for small children, pets and people with allergic manifestations.

If the furniture has removable covers (spread), they should be washed in a bleach that does not contain chlorine. You can soak the removed item in citric acid(prepare a solution: dilute 3 tablespoons of acid in 5 liters of water), and then wash in the machine with powder.

To eliminate traces of lipstick, you can use dry cleansers in the form of an aerosol and powder. Effectively washes furniture with Varena, made in Germany. It comes with detailed instructions.

You can spray hairspray on the soiled part of the sofa. Let it soak in for 5 minutes, remove the residue and blot with a paper towel. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. For soft upholstery, shaving foam and ammonia diluted with water are suitable. Apply to the stain, leave for 3 minutes, then wipe with a towel.

From wallpaper

If the wallpaper has suffered from lipstick, you can clean it, but it is important to know exactly the type of coating. The procedure for removing dirt from non-woven wallpaper will differ significantly from paper or vinyl counterparts. Each wallpaper roll should have an instruction manual, where it is written possible degree of interaction of the material with moisture.

To independently determine how resistant the wallpaper is to water, you need to wipe a small area (in a place hidden from view: behind a cabinet, chair) with a cloth with soapy water. If the images printed on the wallpaper are not affected, the coating can be safely washed.

Most effective means removing lipstick stains:

  • Wipe the wallpaper with a dry cloth, then with a damp cloth with a product (washing gel, soap solution). Get wet with a napkin. This method is contraindicated for cleaning paper-based wallpaper.
  • If the stain is not old and has a small area, you can remove it with a regular eraser.
  • The melamine sponge will allow you to cope with strong pollution. However, it also has disadvantages: because of the abrasive base, the wallpaper pattern can be damaged. Before use, you need to test it on a small area of ​​wallpaper.
  • To remove lipstick marks from paper-based wallpaper, it is recommended to use a crumb of bread. Press a small piece firmly against the stain and hold for several minutes. During this time, the dirt will be absorbed into the gluten. Repeat if necessary.
  • Gasoline mixed with toothpaste will remove old stains from all kinds of wallpaper. Apply the gruel to the stain, leave to dry. Remove the rest with a brush.

How to wash bright lipstick if, as a result of an oversight, it ended up on one of the items in your wardrobe? It is quite possible to remove such traces, and simple improvised means will help in this.

Lipstick can make a girl more noticeable and attractive, but accidentally being on clothes, it can cause a lot of trouble to her mistress. Most lovers of bright cosmetics probably had to think about how to wash lipstick from an elegant blouse or favorite jacket.

Often such contaminants seem quite persistent, but you can still get rid of them. There are several effective ways to help remove lipstick marks from your clothes.

Effective detergents

Getting rid of any stain is much easier until it has had time to eat into the fabric fibers. If possible, immediately begin the fight against insidious cosmetics by washing bright traces on the blouse with laundry soap.

If you can’t immediately do the laundry, use a quality stain remover. Pour a little liquid on the stain, wait about half an hour, and then wash the whole thing. In most cases, modern detergents successfully cope with the removal of lipstick from clothes made from a wide variety of materials.

Folk ways

If detergents have not been able to clean your clothes of cosmetics, you will have to use folk recipes. Before you wash lipstick in any of the proposed ways, carry out preparatory work:

  1. On the flat surface(for example, on a table or a smooth board) lay out a clean cotton napkin or towel.
  2. Place the soiled garment on top of the napkin, wrong side up. Lipstick contains a fatty base, so all stain removal procedures are best done from the inside out.
  3. Before using any product, test the effect on the fabric on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. You need to be sure that in trying to remove a lipstick stain, you do not ruin the item completely.

When the preparatory measures are over, you can proceed directly to the removal of stains.

Dishwashing liquid

Liquid designed for washing kitchen utensils is often the best assistant in the fight against stains of various origins. It will also help if you need to remove bright lipstick stains from an elegant blouse. Apply the product to the stain for about ten minutes, and then gently clean the fabric with an unnecessary toothbrush and rinse in cool water.

lemon and soda

A good "stain remover" is obtained by mixing freshly squeezed lemon juice and baking soda. Dilute the soda with the juice of this citrus fruit to make a thick paste, and generously smear the lipstick stain. Wait until the mixture is completely dry, brush it off with a brush and rinse the cloth.

ammonium chloride

You can quickly remove lipstick marks from woolen or silk clothing using ammonia. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and treat the stain, moving from the edges to the center, until it disappears completely. To get rid of the pungent odor and avoid possible stains, wash the item.

Gasoline or alcohol

If you have a little of any of these liquids in your home, try soaking a clean rag in them and wiping off any traces of lipstick. Since streaks may remain after using gasoline, wipe the stained area again with a vinegar solution, and then wash the clothes.

A mixture of turpentine with ether

For brightly colored fabrics, the following make-up removal method works: mix equal amounts of ether and turpentine and apply to the lipstick stain.

Hydrogen peroxide

If inadvertently a bright trace of lipstick ruined your snow-white blouse, do not be discouraged. Soak the stain with hydrogen peroxide. Wait until the liquid is absorbed, repeat the procedure if necessary.


Liquid glycerin will help restore purity to your favorite things. Lightly heat the product and apply liberally to the stain. After an hour, rinse the fabric in salt water.

Now your clothes look neat again, and there is no trace of the annoying bright spot!

Traces of lipstick - an insidious retribution for feminine beauty. If such a nuisance befell you, then do not despair. Lipstick stains are easy to remove from almost any type of fabric. The main thing here is efficiency, because old pollution comes off quite problematic and often with unpleasant consequences. So, before moving on to practice, let's find out the rules of response and the basics of "first aid".

General rules for saving clothes

In order to completely dissolve lipstick marks, it is important to understand what kind of enemy you are dealing with. The main danger is that lipsticks are made on a fat (wax) base, adding a certain coloring pigment. The final result of stain removal depends on the quality of the composition and the durability of the dye. First of all, the fat base is reduced from the surface, then dyes. Thus, the first starting point is degreasing, the final is bleaching agents. The nuances of cleaning depend on the type of fabric.

To prevent the stain from permanently eating in or spreading, use the following tips:

  1. Treat the surface with a tool, while making gentle movements from the edge to the middle. This way you avoid streaks and smearing.
  2. For convenience, use a sponge, cotton swab or soft cloth dipped in the selected composition. The alternative is a soft brush.
  3. For extensive contamination, it is necessary to process only from the wrong side. So you prevent the penetration of the fat base into the depth of the fibers.
  4. Place a tissue or paper towel underneath to soak up excess oil and liquid. Periodically replace the napkin with a new one.
  5. Take a look at the label. If the manufacturer writes only about dry cleaning, then it is better to take such a thing to dry cleaning and not experiment with the effect.

If trouble caught you on the road, ordinary wet wipes will come in handy. This method is applicable for light pollution. Rub wet wipe stain, use swiping motions, do not rub. Since wipes contain alcohol (check the composition), the lipstick will quickly “leave”. Don't forget to wash your clothes in the washing machine at home.

Useful improvised means and materials will come to the rescue. When cleaning, remember that you should not exceed the temperature regime recommended by the manufacturer. So be sure to check the label and washing instructions.

Medical alcohol

Rubbing alcohol will help gently remove lipstick from clothes. This method is effective for woolen items and even silk fabrics. Soak a cotton swab in the composition and work until the stain dissolves. Followed by a standard machine wash.


Ammonia, he is ammonia, they sell it in any pharmacy for a penny, but there are a lot of benefits in reducing various kinds of stains. So, soak a cotton swab or sponge in the product and treat the surface. This technique quickly eliminates small traces of lipstick., and with large volumes you have to tinker. After the procedure, be sure to thoroughly rinse the fabric. Ammonia - a good option, if you need to wash the felt-tip pen or marker from clothes.

When working with strong-smelling solvents, it is advisable to ventilate the room. Before use, test on an inconspicuous area such as the inseam or the wrong side.

Denatured alcohol

Another unexpected and useful assistant is denatured alcohol. You will need a soft, light-colored, lint-free cloth. Dip a cloth in alcohol and blot the stain with it. Under the action of the solvent, the trace will quickly turn pale and disappear after a while. After cleaning, it is advisable to send the laundry to the drum washing machine. For washing, use a mild detergent without bleaching ingredients. The water temperature should not exceed 30-40 ºC.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another pharmacy assistant is ordinary peroxide. This method will only work for cotton and natural white fabrics. For light matter, it is worth using a solution of peroxide with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. For pure white, a concentrate is suitable. Soak a cotton wool or sponge in the solvent and apply it to the dirt, which will literally melt before your eyes. Then wash as usual. Hydrogen peroxide also quickly and effectively removes nail polish stains from light-colored clothing.

Hydrogen peroxide should be used with care. Prolonged exposure will not only discolor the fabric, but can also damage the fibers. As a result of careless handling, holes or bald spots are easily formed.

Refined gasoline

This method is suitable for mixed fabrics like jersey. You can buy refined gasoline in the economic department. Soak a cloth or cotton wool in the liquid and blot the stain. If stains remain after the procedure, prepare the following solution. Dilute table vinegar or glycerin with water in a ratio of 2 to 1, apply to the surface. The job is done - send it to the car. Gasoline can quickly and effectively remove fuel oil from clothes.

lemon and soda

This gentle method is useful even for delicate fabrics. Take a saucer and mix a couple of tablespoons of baking soda with the juice of half a lemon. As a result, you should get gruel. Move the porridge to the stain, rub in a little and leave for 15 minutes. Scrub with a soft brush or sponge, rinse. An unusual duet of lemon juice and ethyl alcohol will help remove stains from tomato juice.

Special means are created specifically for severe cases and help even when others were powerless. In the department household chemicals you can even inquire about special fat dissolvers.


To remove lipstick from a white cloth, use a suitable type of bleach. Be sure to check the instructions and do not violate the application technology. Do not overexpose the product on the surface for too long. Prolonged exposure will not improve the effect of the application, but it can aggravate the situation. Be careful when cleaning delicate fabrics, as chemicals can corrode their structure, and instead of a stain, you will get a hole. It is advisable to choose a composition with an appropriate mark like “silk” or “for delicate”.

When using aggressive compounds, do not forget to wear gloves. Ordinary household gloves for washing dishes or gloves for working in the garden will do.

Stain remover

The stain remover is considered the most universal remedy, as it is suitable for both colored fabrics and white, it even copes with wool and cotton. Read the instructions and apply the product strictly for a certain time. It is not necessary to soak the whole thing to remove the stain., a local effect is sufficient. Leave the stain in the solution for a while, then rub a little and send it to the wash at a gentle temperature.

If you don’t have a stain remover in your arsenal, and you don’t keep ammonia at home, then hairspray or shaving foam will certainly be found. We understand extreme and non-standard solutions.

Hair spray

Surprisingly, but regular varnish for hair will help you reduce traces of lipstick. It is necessary to apply the spray on the stain, wetting it abundantly. Leave the garment on for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly in warm running water. If the effect is weak, repeat the procedure. Then send the laundry to the wash with a mild liquid powder and at a gentle temperature.

Do not allow liquid to dry out. Apply a sufficient amount.

Shaving gel

Suitable for both male and female versions the main condition is a colorless consistency. Spread the fabric on a flat surface and stretch it. Arm yourself with a toothbrush, apply a little cream on the dirt and rub gently. After the procedure, fill the area with baking soda so that it takes away the remaining foam. Rinse thoroughly in cool water.

If the structure of the product is pigmented, then it is better to dilute the gel separately, after dropping a couple of drops of water.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing gels are excellent at dissolving grease and similar stains. Moisten the stain, dilute the gel in a ratio of 1 to 1 and use a brush to treat the surface. You can replace the brush with a soft, light-colored cloth or sponge. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then lather and rinse again. If the stain still remains, dip the garment in soapy water and launder. Followed by a gentle machine wash. Dishwashing liquid can also be used to remove foundation from clothes.


You will need gel toothpaste. natural formulations or herbal remedies will not work. Wet the stain, apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to a soft toothbrush and scrub. Periodically rinse the place and look at the result. Then send it to the washing machine.

Please note that toothpaste is not a good option for delicate fabrics, but it can easily clean jeans or thick materials.


If home methods do not "take" the stain, then dry cleaning is the only way out. But keep in mind that laundries and chemical salons do not accept for cleaning clothes that have been previously treated with special bleaches or stain removers, and sometimes even aggressive chemicals. Therefore, if the affected area is extensive, and the thing is expensive, you should not risk it again.