Sixty years of marriage. Diamond wedding (60 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms Postcards with the 60th anniversary of marriage

Diamond wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

At a diamond wedding, toasts are most often heard for love, mutual understanding, patience and support, because without them it is impossible to imagine a happy family life. Congratulations can be short and memorable in the form of a bright toast or connecting memories of the past with warm wishes for the future. An ode to love dedicated to the heroes of the occasion will be more appropriate than ever.

The 60th wedding anniversary shimmers like a diamond! Congratulations to the strong and loving couple! I wish you optimism, fun, calm warm evenings in your favorite embraces and a youthful gleam in your eyes at the sight of each other. Health to you, longevity and comprehensive happiness!

Dear anniversaries! In my imagination, you two are associated with a beautiful necklace - a beautiful wife, personifying a pure diamond and an impeccable setting - her husband. It was he who not only managed to win the heart of a young beauty 60 years ago, but also supplemented her beauty with his strength and masculinity. Such a tandem is a rarity. And if fate gave it to you, then you are wise and worthy. I would like everyone who is present here to touch the magic of your relationship and become the same wonderful spouses and friends! good luck to you and good health! Once again, Happy Holidays!

Happy Diamond Wedding! 60 years is a whole life, life together with a person who is closest to the rest of the world! May everyone repeat your happy and successful marriage, and you yourself will continue to live in love and harmony. Happy Anniversary and thank you two for being you!

Congratulations on your 60th wedding anniversary! Perhaps no one came up with such words to fit everything sincere about you: you are kindness, decency, tenderness, courage! We love and appreciate you very much! Live in health, harmony, love! May peace and kindness reign in the soul! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your diamond wedding! Your family is a sparkling diamond. The beauty of your feelings is difficult to describe in words, and many couples will envy your devotion and loyalty. So we wish you that you can continue to keep your love and warmth of your feelings until the platinum wedding, to which we are waiting for an invitation from you!

Dear anniversaries! Today, on such a beautiful and sunny day, we congratulate you on your diamond wedding! 60 years have passed since the beginning of your married life, there is something to remember, there is something to tell. Today you are surrounded by children and grandchildren who love and respect you very much! We wish you continued happiness family years and congratulations again! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your anniversary! We want to raise our glasses to your health and happiness! May your home continue to be filled with joy, comfort and children's laughter of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

Sixty years is more than half a century. Sixty is a whole era, which is both frightening and exciting at the same time. Over these long years, you have become wonderful spouses, ideal parents: father and mother, grandparents, great-grandmother and great-grandfather .... - let this list continue indefinitely for many, many more years! You are an example of love that does not fade and tenderness that does not die. You are infinitely dear to everyone who loves you and came to congratulate you on this day! Happy holiday, our dear anniversaries! May your life be filled with only positive emotions! May fate bring only good news and surprises! Health to you and boundless love!

Dear anniversaries! You are the chosen ones of God, since the Lord does not give everyone such a long and happy married life. Your path was not strewn with flowers, you shared all the difficulties, but at the same time you kept your love and raised worthy people - your children and grandchildren. It means that you truly have a golden heart, a golden mind and golden hands. I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you that your future life will be as bright as today's holiday!

Dear Parents! I congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary! I want to thank you so much for giving me life, for love and understanding, for good advice and support in difficult times, for my happy childhood dreams, for home comfort! Your life with your mother is a wonderful example of love and mutual assistance! The bonds of marriage did not become chains for you, but turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Happiness to you and long life!

Dear Mom and Dad! I am sincerely happy today to congratulate you on your diamond wedding! Thank you family for your warmth and care, for the fact that you managed to create a wonderful family with many traditions and small family holidays. For me, you are the personification of the most the best parents in the world. For my children, you are the wisest grandparents. For the children of my children - the most gentle great-grandmother and great-grandfather! Thank you for your constant tireless work - to create and protect our great relatives! May your life be filled with only bright moments! Let it be easy and carefree! Happy holiday, our beloved!

Our dear anniversaries! On this beautiful day, with a feeling of deep gratitude for kindness, love, all kinds of support and help, please accept our my sincere congratulations and wishes for long life, good health, much joy and happiness. Sixty times bitter!

A wonderful holiday, a significant date in honor of 60 years lived together! Congratulations on your diamond wedding! I wish you to remain for each other the most precious and beloved diamond for many more years! I wish you health and well-being, great luck, family understanding, care and respect for loved ones, prosperity and spiritual joy!

Congratulations to our dear anniversaries! The symbol of this holiday is a diamond, which in ancient Greek means "indestructible". In its natural form, a diamond is not considered beautiful, it is the filigree cut that gives it beauty. Diamond can cut any hard substance, but the diamond itself can only be processed with another diamond. Life generously created the conditions for your perfect cut, and you perfectly complemented each other and warmed with your inner light. You are the greatest value of our family!

Today is not just a day when we celebrate another anniversary weddings. Today is a celebration of love and understanding. After all, it was these qualities that could keep you together for so many years, they helped you create a wonderful family and raise good kids. You have supported each other all your life, such an understanding as yours is very rare, and therefore it is so highly valued - like a diamond of rare beauty. Diamond wedding - fairy tale! May it never end! We want to wish you many years of happy life, smiles and bright moments! Happy holiday, our beloved!

Dear anniversaries! Today you are celebrating your 60th wedding anniversary - a diamond wedding! Let the diamond of your life play with its edges - your children and grandchildren. For your health! Bitterly!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the diamond wedding, on the 60th anniversary of strong bonds and happy marriage! I wish you to live long and prosperous, keep good hope and bright love in your hearts, take care of each other and gather on holidays with a big family!

Dear anniversaries! Here comes your diamond hour! It's so rare these days to find a couple celebrating their diamond wedding. And you proved that to live together happy life not only possible, but necessary! You lived with love and faith in each other and created a wonderful family with their own traditions. They admire you, they want to be like you. I sincerely wish you long life, inspiration and joy! More happy smiles and wonderful events! Happy holiday to you, with a diamond wedding, dear!

Today we are all here to celebrate your diamond wedding anniversary. A diamond is the strongest stone of all the stones in the world, let your health be just as strong! A diamond is also the most valuable stone - let mutual love and tenderness be just as valuable for you! May your house be filled with joy, and illnesses forget the way to it! Let your faces glow with happiness, just like on your wedding day! You are beautiful and deserve admiration and applause! Happy holiday, our dear ones!

Dear father! Congratulations on your 60th birthday. Your life with your mother is a wonderful example of love and mutual assistance. The bonds of marriage did not become chains for you, but turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Thanks to your help, life's hardships did not bend my mother's back, thanks to your love and tenderness, my mother's eyes still sparkle with diamonds, thanks to your example and your advice, I learned to overcome any difficulties! Thank you for everything! And I wish you all the very best! Sun and joy to you!

Dear anniversaries! Like a spring flood quickly passed 60 years family life. Years have proven that you have wisdom, a sense of responsibility, devotion to the family, and also kindness, generosity of soul, high decency! Be, our dear ones, always healthy and happy in the circle of relatives and friends! Bitterly!

Your family is an incredibly beautiful necklace! And what can we say about its cost and value. The wife is the diamond, and the husband is the setting that holds it tightly. And only when you are together, this product is unique in the whole world. So you live in such an idyll, harmony and tandem until the platinum wedding!

Diamond wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

You were once a bride and groom,

And now sixty have already lived together,

Happy wedding anniversary, we congratulate you,

We wish you health and joy in life!

Diamond wedding, six decades!

Congratulations today. May your century be

Long, joyful, pleasant and rich to all,

What a person needs. Let it be no problem

Let life be kinder and fate more tender!

Happy Anniversary!

This is a diamond!

Again in a white dress

The women are standing.

We believe in happiness again

After the wedding, we

Bad weather will pass!

All dreams will come true!

Diamond wedding!

You've been together for 60 years!

Again today we will shout: "Bitterly!"

“Love,” we tell you, “yes advice!”

They proved by their example

You, that there are no obstacles for feelings!

I wish with admiration

You long and happy years!

Diamond you are rare, precious,

In the frame of happy years!

Your family is like a priceless gift,

Bringing warmth and light to all!

Health to you, kindness, good luck!

Peace in the house! From fate - bounty!

Let the clouds of the sun not hide

And the wind will carry away trouble!

A diamond is a valuable and expensive stone!

Sixty years we've been with you

We are glad that we walked this path with honor,

Children and grandchildren were born in love!

May our family be the happiest

Let it have energy, strength,

And everyone in it, what he wants, achieves,

Good luck, let the star smile at us!

Diamond placers are not needed,

When such people exist!

And next to you are young

To be considered an honor today

Great. Diamond weddings

Not so much on earth.

For loyalty to you the lowest bow!

For devotion to your destiny!

For the sixth decade, day and night,

You can't imagine life without each other.

We want to help you now

We understand you right away.

We wish you great happiness

So that the evil clouds bypassed!

So that there is no bad weather and bad weather,

And all the bad news is gone!

Loose diamonds on tender palms!

Loose diamonds on the palms of the faithful!

In overflows of joy, how teardrops shine!

We wish you happiness! Let the sparks of love

You love also, gently and without falsehood!

Diamond wedding anniversary has come!

I sincerely congratulate you on this!

Let there be an ocean of happiness in life,

Let the sun shine in your souls!

Passion replaced trembling came,

that has matured over the years!

Love and tenderness with you forever,

And love will never be enough!

Let there be applause

Everything today is in your honor!

After all, for bright compliments

There is a very good reason!

You have a diamond wedding

And this is a great anniversary!

We congratulate you, relatives,

With all my heart today with her!

Behind the shoulders of a beautiful couple

Sixty happy long years!

Your union lit up today

Diamond wedding precious light!

We wish you great health,

Care and attention of relatives.

Thank you for your wisdom and love

You have kept them in your hearts!

Don't get old, dear parents,

Happiness to you, health, long years!

We have always seen a bright image in you,

We don't have anyone else!

For warmth, for your kind souls

And for raising us!

For care and patience for a long time

May God bless you!

I wish you warm relations

Left 60 years behind

Congratulations on your diamond wedding!

May God reward you with patience.

You have half your life behind you

But half a life ahead!

You share joy and sorrow together,

Success and luck do not miss!

It's diamond time

Dear, wedding is our anniversary!

Life lived with love and faith

The day is filled with hope!

We will remember all the events with sadness,

They have become our value!

And fill our hearts with love again

So that all days are happy!

Diamond wedding - honorable date!

Just looking at you, we immediately understand:

After all, the feeling is more precious and harder than a diamond!

We will not wish you trite, extensive;

Let cheerful facets play brighter -

We want to admire your love!

Let the world push the boundaries

And they gave distant beckons!

And let you want to sparkle

A diamond of several carats!

In the family you have happiness and comfort,

Warmth, prosperity, beauty!

You also have the feeling of a Miracle,

And also - a dream come true!

Happy anniversary, friends!

The diamond sparkles!

It is impossible not to congratulate you!

It happens.

You lived for many years

Together, it's a miracle!

Let the seed of troubles dry up.

May you be lucky everywhere!

This wedding is called a diamond!

The most precious anniversary!

Everything passes, but remains with you

The one who is the most valuable on Earth!

60 years you walked through life side by side,

Share joy and sorrow together!

Let happiness be an endless waterfall

It pours into your hospitable home!

More expensive than a stone is not found,

You found a diamond on the way.

But brighter than diamonds, richer treasures,

Your family union is a great success!

Health to you, joy, close attention,

So that there is patience and understanding!

Hold on to each other and get sick less

Pour this glorious glasses for a toast!

Happy Diamond Wedding! Nice couple

All your family members are proud of you.

Managed to build a family

Save, increase your luck!

They were able to keep and cherish their happiness,

Appreciate each other and believe in good!

Only diamonds shimmer

Dazzling sunshine!

The wedding is not in vain called

Now often by this name!

You have a diamond holiday

We wish you on your anniversary

Paradise life and different

Good luck, victories and wishes!

On this glorious anniversary

From family and friends

Allow me to wish

Do not get sick, do not lose heart

Wait for no troubles and no end

And the diamond crown!

You are fifteen years old

To endure until the crown.

Let's follow this strictly.

Good, smooth road to you!

Lived for sixty years

They deserve diamonds

Your character is a diamond

Your marriage is the best!

You are always an example for us

Have you gone through the years

And hungry, dashing,

Harvest and evil!

Live well for many years

Forgive and love!

To live together for many years

You need to know a lot -

When to give in to each other

When to start over

When to scold each other

When to rush to reconcile,

We wish to live and prosper!

Fall in love with each other again!

So this is the anniversary!

Champagne sparkles all around

We give you diamonds

Great excuse to have fun!

Married for 60 years, it's just a fairy tale!

We wish you inspiration and, of course, affection!

May luck be near

Our congratulations - you are rewarded!

Diamonds, diamonds!

These are best friends!

Congratulations on your wedding

All your friendly family.

We want to wish you

Mutual feelings are very, long!

Tears, sorrows of all do not know.

Understand that life is beautiful

Joy to you, mood!

On this day, especially passionate,

Let luck accompany!

Congratulations on your diamond wedding

You've been together for 60 special years!

What do you wish? I wish you well!

After all, there is nothing more important in life,

Than every moment and every minute

Always share with each other

Rain is not terrible, frost is not terrible,

If you can understand each other!

Diamond wedding -

We have no words today!

We've been through a lot together

Joys, problems and troubles.

The blizzard of happiness did not break,

You did not betray love.

Through adversity and misfortune

Hand in hand together!

We wish you good health

Peace and warmth in the soul!

You proved in detail -

With a sweet paradise and in a hut!

Worthy was your marriage agate,

Crystal, silver and gold.

Today we celebrate the anniversary

Two diamond people.

You have come a long way together

And we are so proud of you!

We want to live as long

In love, as before!

Our dear "young",

We heartily congratulate you

Happy Diamond Anniversary!

May your life be full!

Let this wedding bring you

An avalanche of happiness and warmth!

We wish you good health

The soul is getting younger day by day.

So that in your life a new counter

Counting back the years!

Like a scattering of precious diamonds,

60 years left behind!

And we wish you everything at once -

Much happiness and great love!

Health to you, help each other,

Support your loved ones always!

Give them the most valuable advice,

Let trouble not touch you at all!

Happy Anniversary

Your strong family!

diamond wedding

Not in a dream, but in reality!

We wish you good luck

Strength, joy, love!

Happiness let fate not hide

From hearts that are in love!

Sixty years - yes!

Super friendly family!

So many years lived together -

He is the groom, she is the bride,

Today again at the table,

And we drink champagne

For love and kindness

And family warmth

What warms their souls

And helps all relatives

In a difficult, difficult life

Be a friendly family!

Love is a striped phenomenon:

Warmth and intimacy impeccable

Replace quarrels creepy

And disagreements in families are eternal!

But your couple is not banal:

Problems do not interfere with feelings!

And Happy Diamond Anniversary

Congratulations to everyone today!

Like the facets of a bright diamond

Your eyes are on fire

Even though you got married so long ago,

But you two are so good!

You are together as a friendly family

Lived for six decades

Today is the wedding anniversary

There is no more beautiful couple than yours,

We wish you love, health,

Don't lose your strength

We respect and appreciate you

And we love you two!

For joy, we can hardly hold back tears,

And we bow our heads before you!

For the fact that we lived together for so many years,

We do not know of any other such examples.

May God generously reward you with health,

May you be there for as long as possible!

We need worldly wisdom we are yours

And we promise to please as much as possible!

Celebrating a diamond wedding today

Now we wish you health for centuries!

Believe in your strength and forward with the song,

May the children be strong and the grandchildren grow up!

May your beloved great-grandchildren bring happiness!

May the sun shine on your hearts

And may the loyalty multiply over the years to come!

glorious anniversary life together,

And it is also very beautifully called -

Diamond wedding

After sixty years is considered!

This is a very rare and beautiful stone.

And not everyone gets it.

Only a select few before this date

We manage to live together!

Diamond wedding - an honorable date

She has a lot to say

About the main thing that life is a great reward

Save love and family for so many years!

We wish you to go through life with love

May faith in each other strengthen your marriage!

Happy anniversary to you so special

60 years lived in perfect harmony,

I want to wish you happiness

Also, your life is not boring.

I wish you health and wellness,

I wish to live in harmony and peace,

With a diamond wedding to you,

I wish you live to 100!

Your marriage is now 60,

It is durable and valuable, like a diamond.

So do your eyes shine

I want to tell you a lot!

Happiness in the family to cherish.

We congratulate you, we wish you further

Feelings to cherish and cherish to be able to!

Together you met years

I wish you health

Only understanding!

Live in harmony with yourself

Gentle attention!

To become a diamond, one must

Faceted to be a diamond!

And now let's translate

This thesis we are on you,

Two diamonds cut

As a result of common years

And well preserved

Decorating the white light!

We look at you with pride

And rapturous dreams

We sigh with envy.

Oh, and we would too!

Behind a long marriage

He is not a joke, not a trifle!

It lasts sixty years

In it is hidden the light of diamonds!

I will say without flattery and embellishment,

What an honor to congratulate you!

Let all bad weather recede

I wish you much happiness!

Like a big, faceted diamond

Priceless six decades!

And may the hearts of two lovers

We are delighted like poppies!

You, holding hands, will pass

More countless years!

So let them be in flight

Problems, old age and trouble!

Side by side you lived together for 60!

Your strong union has become an example for us!

As before, sincerely your eyes shine,

And your diamond jubilee is filled with faith!

We love you today congratulations

With a magical date! We wish you happiness

Good health and spirit to grow stronger,

So that children and grandchildren often visit!

Diamonds do not hide in the bowels -

They glow in your eyes!

Not under the thickness of the earth for kilometers -

In a kiss on wet lips!

AT warm word"I love" with a breath,

In mutual admiration of two,

Holy promises before the registry office

And in events dear to you!

You made a wonderful record

Be proud of your diamond wedding!

After all, not everyone is capable of

So that love and warmth are preserved!

Be always young

Don't lose love and hope!

May they not be enemies of the year,

On the contrary, let them give you tenderness!

You deserve all the diamonds!

60 happy years

You passed easily

Keeping a vow of love!

And today, congratulations

You with this great day,

We sincerely wish you

Live up to a hundred years together!

Happy diamond wedding, brilliant anniversary!

Happy holiday of solemn love!

You are together for a long time, because there are reasons for that,

At one time, you found a half of the heart!

May your affection, understanding, care

Continue to live and flourish!

Let them not grow old, do not break the feelings of the years,

You will meet the stone wedding together!

Six decades on the road you are together,

Today you are the bride and groom again!

Diamond rings on my hands shine

it best gift from loving grandchildren!

Be happy, live richly

We wish you vivacity and strength from the bottom of our hearts!

Let your love be winged

May all your dreams come true!

All the guests will not get tired of clapping together,

All marveling at the strength of the family.

Although the past years can not be darned,

And you don't have to, it's all about love!

And six tens is a huge term,

This is a big part of life.

Let it be with bottomless tenderness

Fate will spin smiles for you!

You are a sincere and intensely loving couple,

We call you a living legend!

The strongest union unites you,

You are the best example for all of us!

Congratulations on your diamond wedding,

Up to a hundred years in love, live in harmony!

Give us wise advice every hour,

Thank you, dear, that you are with us!

Your wedding happened once!

You were spinning in a charming dance!

Graceful and well-coordinated

The crowd gave compliments!

Since then, just as clearly and boldly

You work together!

Kernel strong family laid down

Lived up to the diamond wedding!

Wonderful plot!

He has no equal in the world!

We counted at our leisure:

Together you five dozen years!

"One year - one carat",

Each with a fortune

Turns out he's rich!

But I won't waste an hour

In the bustle of crackling phrases -

With a diamond wedding

I hasten to congratulate you!

You are united by swan loyalty,

You are the most beautiful and the happiest couple!

60 years all the time next to you, together,

Today we call you bride and groom again!

We sing a hymn to your love

We always take an example from you,

Strong love cut two diamonds,

And a beautiful diamond for the wedding handed over!

diamond wedding,

He speaks of lasting family happiness,

Take an example from you

Fate orders to equal you.

Accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart,

Keep your love carefully

May all your dreams come true

Appreciate each other like the apple of your eye!

Only you can love like this

So that the feeling multiplies over the years,

And you know - love extend

You can only do good deeds!

The feeling that light gives us

You have managed to prove

And now sixty years

Your wedding day has flown by!

Such a couple is the rarest specimen in the world,

Like a diamond that is 7 carats faceted,

And your couple is a diamond hero of the day today,

For sixty years the hearts of lovers have been beating!

You honored the birth of the family every year,

And there was a lot in fate - love shone,

Such family experience inspires respect,

May the Lord give you strength!

Diamond is the hardest of stones

Accept congratulations from dear guests!

We all wish you health, happiness,

Let the bad weather not disturb you.

May your family union

Will not be subject to years

Let there be a strong thread of marriage bonds,

We wish you extraordinary strength!

Like a diamond in an expensive setting

What is more precious than any treasure,

Your union is limited by years,

What did you two share?

Were in joy, happiness and sorrow,

Shared fun and work

We wish you strength and health

To see the great-grandchildren grow up!

Diamond wedding - six decades

This is the real feat

You have experienced so many different storms and troubles,

We wish you big, intoxicating love!

Let the pain and sadness pass by

Your six decades are priceless,

Let the family bring only positive

Descendants delight like poppies!

Union your name is a diamond

You created it surrounded by love

And the grandson and great-grandson will be happy today,

What a family the gods have awarded you!

Let your eyes not know your tears

From grief, failure and upheaval

And there will be happiness in life - how many stars,

And gentle, kind and sincere explanations!

Gold wedding rings

You are connected forever

You spouses are just perfect,

Not a hindrance to the love of the year!

And diamonds can't match

With sparks that play in the eyes

Your youth lasts forever

May the taste for life never be lost!

Golden wedding behind

And another ten years on the road

With the same glee in the chest,

With the same life

In joy and in God!

Good, long years to you

And friends

full bowl

And love is the same!

to meet

new anniversary,

In feelings, becoming no older,

And younger!

Family is celebrating today

Sixtieth birthday!

And your couple calls

We all have only admiration!

We wish you only happiness

So that there is enough strength for everything!

Let it be beyond the control of years

Your union is strong and beautiful!

Anniversary sparkles with diamonds!

Already six dozen you are together!

Today for relatives, relatives and friends

You are the bride and groom again!

There is no more reliable couple in the world, honey.

We will raise our glasses to you!

We wish you happy and sunny days!

We will embrace you tenderly, warmly!

Everyone should pray for you

For you to ask God for happiness,

You are the embodiment of spiritual beauty,

We must all look up to you!

We will shower you with diamonds from head to toe,

You are only worthy of admiration

We wish you good luck, happiness,

Let you bypass the side of misfortune!

Diamond wedding!

Sixty is not an easy time!

To the ageless soul

Anniversary is coming!

Today you are two heroes:

Sixty lived together!..

And here they sit side by side

They pamper everyone!

We wish you health.

The evening of life is so beautiful

If a friend is still good

For conversations over fresh tea!

beautiful gem

Cut years and glass.

When does family life beckon?

When you're waiting for the best.

We wish you - let the faces spark

Your life will be illuminated like the dawn!

Let the heart remain pure

This is the name of the anniversary for a reason.

We wish you to remember the date

Like a good day that the light gave.

Such a day - he himself is definitely a fee

Over the sea of ​​​​expanded forces!

You have confirmed that there are

Great light of goodness!

Happy anniversary to you, mother-in-law, father-in-law,

Happy wedding! Hooray!

It's been sixty years since

Happy day -

Before the diamond wedding

Enough fire!

Cheerful, warm, smart meetings!

Let's sing, circle:

You save your fire of love,

And live the same!

Diamond is a dangerous stone.

Specifically for glass.

Look under your arms

The bottle didn't leak.

We'll find a place for her

On the holiday table.

Rejoice, bride and groom

On the Diamond Jubilee!

Let it be happy and long

You two still live!

Be full of life, like the Volga,

We don't drink!

Diamond Date!

sixty wonderful years

They flew by unnoticed

But love is your amulet!

Leaning on each other

understanding and enduring

You did a miracle

Living together for a long time.

And today, on the date of the wedding

We wish you not to be shy!

And probably so many more

To be together and not to regret!

Embrace with all our heart

We are so happy for you!

Your feelings are so visible

In the gentle sparkle of your eyes!

There was nothing in life

And happiness and adversity

And there was no noise in your house

What kind of weather.

But all with perseverance passed,

And credited for experience

Reliable support for each other

You have already become a long time ago.

Diamond wedding -

Incredible day!

So let it disappear in the future

Sorrow even shadow!

Accept congratulations from the children,

You have lived for 60 long years,

We wish you, without any doubt,

You in the life of amazing victories!

Health is the main victory,

Manage to get your way!

May troubles always bypass

We wish you only the best!

Six decades have passed

Like a young maiden in a white dress

The groom, who was dressed in uniform,

He promised to be happy!

He said - and he was true to his word,

Carried his love through the years

In the world only loved her

And protected from the weather

And today is the anniversary

Brilliant celebrating weddings

Your faces are not dearer to us

More important and warmer hugs!

Six decades to pass

By fate not milky -

Can't find a needle in a mop

Do not flutter carelessly!

Only one love led

She only kept

And the reward was

And gave me strength!

Congratulations, wise ones, you,

Happiness to you, health,

And the burning of clear eyes,

And goodbye to the new!

Isn't that a talent

Six decades on the road?

Isn't it a diamond

Higher happiness cannot be found!

Well, of course, talent!

Give a Diamond

Affectionate, the only one

The most faithful, sincere,

Let no longer young

Tired and gray-haired

But dear forever,

Sweet and heartfelt!

Call all your friends

For a wonderful anniversary.

Rejoice, create

Live up to a hundred years!

Your union is strong, it is hard as a diamond,

And confirmation - lived years!

They endured both sorrow and adversity,

But there is still a reserve of energy!

You find all your strength in each other,

And today we want to wish

So that the world does not become poor for you,

So that you were together, and time turned back!

With a diamond wedding!

You are heroes, no doubt!

Easily lived in marriage

Sixty happy years!

Who knows how to have fun

He cannot live otherwise

Will never get angry

And in misfortune will not cry.

Forget all ailments and troubles,

If the circle of friends is large.

We are all grandparents

Only young at heart!

For happiness, the Lord himself blesses -

Seeing grandchildren grow up

Managed to live together for many years,

Live long - so be it!

We will pray to the Lord for you

So that he can give health,

So that they never know despondency,

And always help each other!

Anniversary!... Sixty.

This date is beautiful

Poets dedicate poems today,

Because love and hope


Because this is not nonsense.

Dear you ours!

May happiness and joy

keep leading you

In the roads of the earth,

For everything to work out, to be

Don't be quiet!

Like a diamond after being cut

Became a beautiful diamond

So is a strong family.

Became a gift to you!

Sixty years have passed

Live in peace and love

How we lived for many years

Strive to do everything

So that the whole world is happy for you!

I am very grateful

I appeal to you, dear!

I wish you peace and tranquility

You are almost saints to me!

We lived together for 60 years

I want to live!

To be tender to mother, like a bride,

Father - how to be on your wedding day!

I drew a path for you

Wicked Fate:

Six decades is a lot

Only the wedding is young.

Smile dear

And love like the first time!

Let the elements rule

Over the fallen grass.

But for you they are empty:

From everything - love is a barrier!

Yes, make noise and sing a feast,

Let's play glasses!

You have a rare date today,

A diamond wedding is a miracle!

Diamond is a great reward of fate,

For everything that was in life and what will be!

And there will be many more - life is long,

And all the sharp turns - behind.

I raise my glass of wine

For happiness ahead!

May your life be long and pleasant!

Let the disease forget you!

Let there be joy boundless!

And great-grandchildren will arrive!

Diamond of the purest water -

A gift to you from fate!

And no matter how many carats it contains,

It is important that the eyes are still burning.

The one who so cherishes his love,

Neither soul nor body is decrepit.

Fading and words, and congratulations,

In front of a couple - everyone is a feast for the eyes!

May health be strong like a diamond

Celebrate your wedding many more times!

Leaf fall, snowfall,

Sometimes dry -

Everything so often

It happened on the road.

six decades old

Among relatives and friends

you passed

And did not meet old age!

You are young at heart

And you have a holiday


From pure heart,

Speaking dear words

No embellishments:

That would be for everyone

So bask with joy!

Diamond wedding - sixty!

Why is a diamond famous among stones?

Everyone, of course, knows that a diamond is

The hardest gem!

He will save you from all troubles,

The popular belief speaks.

And the rumor of the people does not lie,

We believe in the power of this stone!

Those whose wedding is full sixty -

Their love is as indestructible as a diamond!

Diamond wedding -

60 wonderful years!

Never regretted

For "yes" in return.

Good health to you

Peace, warmth!

Let the family flourish

I wish you well!

Let the children be proud

And grandchildren give light!

And little great-grandchildren

They're coming for lunch!

Years passed like a blizzard

And do not return them to you now,

It wasn't a very sweet life.

How the boat sailed on the sea!

Together you are exactly sixty,

You have great grandchildren!

And your marriage is diamond

Let it be bright, like a poppy!

May God prolong your years

Let them not step on the threshold

Trouble, misfortune or grief,

And there will simply be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness!

Diamond wedding - sixty!

Magic erases the boundaries of time,

Young people sit side by side

And in the eyes of love still sparkles.

And the soul does not see gray hair, wrinkles,

And hearts beat with a single sound,

Your union is strong and indestructible,

You are holding hands all the time!

This wedding is celebrated by a few,

You have passed both troubles and hardships!

May it remain so forever

All the good things that have been created over the years!

What to wish on your diamond day,

Success, of course, is just the beginning.

So that every time he was even more successful,

And life is happier and more fun!

You walked confidently for sixty years,

And happiness and love you always cherished.

So let fate sparkle like a diamond

Let Fortune give her lucky forfeit!

wedding diamond

Flashed suddenly

Lots of happiness, laughter,

Joy all around!

Happy anniversary


Many wishes

We will read to you now!

Be healthy

Let the disease go away

Your life is like a rose

Blooms with happiness!

Let the family be big

loves you very much

And the smile will

Light as it is now!

We wish you from a loving heart:

All the blessings of the earth, and at the same time heavenly!

Live long just like this:

Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,

In love, consent for many years.

I would also like to wish

To raise good grandchildren and great-grandchildren -

A bunch of girls and guys

Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!

Who could say in those gloomy years

(Enemies could kill a hundred times!),

What are you up to diamond before the wedding

Will you love each other the same?

May you not accumulate diamonds,

Your work is unfairly valued,

But children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren - talents -

Taking life from you, mature and grow!

You are treated to: wine, meat, fish...

For work, health, strength, pride, honor,

We thank you for your love!

Because you are in this world!!!

Though the hair turns gray

And sad sometimes

But souls don't age

And always young.

For you, "newlyweds"!

For eternal love!

To her laws

Reigned again and again!

Our beloved, relatives,

Do not hide gray hair at the temples,

For us, you are always young,

For us, you are always alone,

Diamond wedding let the date

It will be just the beginning for you!

Let our dad be healthy

And happy glorious mother!

So that your dear eyes

Did not know treacherous tears,

And your great-grandchildren are all older,

They bring you bouquets of roses,

So that you are with us forever

They gave us warmth and affection,

After all, we value you very much,

You made a fairy tale come true for us!

Diamond - what a wonderful stone!

Again we have a holiday and a celebration.

On this day, many friends and relatives came to you,

And together we are happy and warm!

And friends and relatives, not sparing words,

They rush to congratulate you on this anniversary day!

You are full of light and joy, happiness,

We need your advice and it's important!

Your family loves and appreciates you,

Reliable and loyal friends!

We all wish you health and strength,

So that you always have everything you want,

So that youth, happiness, luck, success

Fate has always given you without interference.

You haven't had time to drink your autumn yet,

Although the diamond wedding is at the gate.

Live long without getting sick, with love we ask

Well, let old age and sadness not wait for you!

Diamond wedding - 60!

This is admirable!

Feelings of your young will surprise:

You look - you smile involuntarily.

So many years to understand each other

To be together in joy and in sorrow,

What fate is given to humbly accept.

You are two captains in the life of the sea!

May fate give you only happiness

Joy and fun for many days.

You have become an example for everyone for a long time,

Let the anniversary inspire you!

You are now exactly sixty!

We congratulate you on your wedding day!

Let the years fly like a bird

We wish you good health.

Your age is not for ardent passion,

But we have come a long way together!

Now more important is peace, participation,

And understanding is the point!

Any years are good

And those in youth, and these!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

Longer to live in this world!

The way is strewn with diamonds

Your life is good and grace!

Love is alive in it, and this is the essence,

Destined to meet each other!

God bound fates

Two native and loving hearts,

Sixty years inseparable

Union of two golden rings!

Adversity and bad weather passed,

May you never return

And so that there is happiness in life,

And always shoulder to shoulder!

Where you go

Flowers are blooming!

Smile is the sun's light

There is no boredom with you.

No need for many words:

After all, you are love itself!

Not broken by misfortune

Has always been with me.

You are light, fire, water.

I wish - be always!

Be as gentle and simple

For me, so young!

Life with you is not a burden for me,

You are my love, you are my joy!

Diamond wedding - 60 years!

Units mark this.

Diamond fortress in the hearts of your love

Erases even the boundaries of time!

We wish you to live like this

Side by side together for twenty or thirty years.

Leave in the memory of your love warmth


Let it be preserved

All that was dear to you for so many years!

All that is created by labor with the soul,

Let it fasten.

Love and live many years

Happy days

Let it just last!

A diamond wedding is an incomparable date!

Years passed, the world around changed,

And only love remained unchanged

And the strong interweaving of your hands!

So, holding hands, walk

We are happy for years and years!

Meet the sunset and sunrise together!

And let adversity pass you by!

Your bright anniversary inspires us,

Makes cleaner, better and more beautiful!

May fate protect you

Live many years, our relatives!

sixty wonderful years

Life has counted.

What is it all in the past? Oh no!

Sixty is the beginning.

Yes, new start

In the field of knowledge.

To be an example is your destiny -

Kindness and knowledge.

We are not the same as before:

Every year is like a new dream

But hope burns in the soul,

That he will be happier.

We wish you, dear ones,

Joyful, happy years,

Let the yards pass

God will take you out of trouble!

Today is an extraordinary day

You are close together sixty!

You found support words

When you couldn't dream.

This life is not an easy way

But you were always together:

Shared joy, happiness, sadness,

Holding on tight.

Here is a super diamond:

Such a strong family!

We wish you to always burn

From the spark to burn the flame!

Worthy wisdom example

And a valuable life lesson:

Created a family - be faithful to her,

This deed is appreciated by God!

You are the most best mom and dad!

You are the wisest grandparents!

How lucky we are that once

A boy meets a girl!

How lucky they got married

Found your soul mate!

Lived, raised children and worked

Happiness, adversity - all passed together!

How we love you and how we respect -

Simple words can not convey!

Today we only wish you:

May heaven send grace!

For six decades of joint

We will say to you: "Thank you, dear ones!"

From us, children, from grandchildren, wonderful great-grandchildren:

"Thank you for being you, folks!"

Two people met one day

And together we walked an entire era,

Not everyone is capable of this:

Share joys, sorrows and sorrows.

But we will not remember sad things,

Today is a holiday - the best of dates!

We celebrate the merging of your destinies,

Your anniversary is wonderful - sixty!

From this date it breathes magic and a fairy tale,

She sparkles with diamonds,

After all, so many years to live in love and affection,

Fate blesses only the chosen ones!

Let the diamond be a magic stone

Fate sends you grace!

And you stay with us longer

To convey the wisdom of life!

Entries 1 - 11 from 11

Side by side you lived together 60,
Your strong union has become an example for us,
As before sincerely your eyes shine,
And your diamond jubilee is filled with faith!

We love you today congratulations
With a magical date! We wish you happiness
Good health, and in spirit to grow stronger,
And children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren visited more often!

Diamond wedding - exactly 60,
It's worthy of admiration
So many years to understand each other
To be together in joy and in sorrow,
What fate is given to humbly accept.
Yes, it is admirable.
May fate give you only
Happiness, joy and fun for many days,
After all, you have become an example for everyone
And this anniversary is proof of that.

Happy Diamond Wedding. 60 years is a whole life, a life together with a person who is closest to the rest of the world. May everyone repeat your happy and successful marriage, and you yourself will continue to live in love and harmony. Happy Anniversary and thank you both for being you.

Our beloved, relatives,
Do not hide gray hair at the temples,
For us, you are always young,
For us, you are always alone,
Diamond wedding let the date
It will be just the beginning for you
Let our dad be healthy
And happy glorious mother,
So that your dear eyes
Did not know treacherous tears,
And your great-grandchildren are all older,
They bring you bouquets of roses,
So that you are with us forever
They gave us warmth and affection,
After all, we value you very much,
You made a fairy tale come true for us!

You are now exactly sixty!
We congratulate you on your wedding day!
Let the years fly like a bird
We wish you good health.

Your age is not for ardent passion,
But we have come a long way together.
Now more important is peace, participation,
And understanding is the point!

Any years are good
And those in youth, and these.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Longer to live in this world!

Glorious anniversary of living together,
And it is also very beautifully called -
Diamond wedding
After sixty years is considered!

This is a very rare and beautiful stone.
And not everyone gets it.
Only a select few before this date
We manage to live together!

With a diamond wedding, a brilliant anniversary,
Happy holiday of solemn love,
You are together for a long time, because there are reasons for that,
At one time, you found a half of the heart.

May your affection, understanding, care
Continue to live and flourish
Let them not grow old, do not break the feelings of the years,
You still have to meet a stone wedding together

There was nothing in life
And happiness and adversity
And there was no noise in your house
What kind of weather.

But all with perseverance passed,
And credited for experience
Reliable support for each other
You have already become a long time ago.

Diamond wedding -
Incredible day!
So let it disappear in the future
Even the shadow is sad.

For joy, we can hardly hold back tears,
And we bow our heads before you!
For the fact that we lived together for so many years,
We do not know of any other such examples.

May God generously reward you with health,
May you be there for as long as possible!
We need your worldly wisdom,
And we promise to please as much as possible.

The way is strewn with diamonds
Your life is good and grace,
Love is alive in it, and this is the essence,
Destined to meet each other.

God bound fates
Two native and loving hearts,
Sixty years inseparable
Union of two golden rings.

Adversity and bad weather passed,
May you never return
And so that there is happiness in life,
And so that we always bake to the shoulder!

Today is an extraordinary day
You are close together sixty!
You found support words
When you couldn't dream.

This life is not an easy way
But you were always together:
Shared joy, happiness, sadness,
Holding on tight.

Here is a super diamond:
Such a strong family.
We wish you to always burn
From the spark to burn the flame!

Worthy wisdom example
And a valuable life lesson:
Created a family - be faithful to her,
This deed is appreciated by God!

Congratulations on your diamond wedding

Diamond is a dangerous stone.
Specifically for glass.
Look under your arms
The bottle didn't leak.

We'll find a place for her
On the holiday table.
Rejoice, bride and groom
On the Diamond Jubilee!

Let it be happy and long
You two still live!
Be full of life, like the Volga,
We don't drink!

Diamond wedding anniversary has come!
I sincerely congratulate you on this!
Let there be an ocean of happiness in life,
Let the sun shine in your souls!
Passion replaced trembling came,
that has matured over the years!
Love and tenderness with you forever,
And love will never be enough!

Diamond you are rare, precious,
In the frame of happy years.
Your family is like a priceless gift,
Bringing warmth and light to all.

Health to you, kindness, good luck!
Peace in the house! From fate - bounty!
Let the clouds of the sun not hide
And the wind will take away trouble.

congratulations on your 60th wedding anniversary

Diamond placers are not needed,
When such people exist.
And next to you are young
To be considered an honor today
Great. Diamond weddings
Not so much on earth.
For loyalty to you the lowest bow!
For devotion to your destiny!

Behind the shoulders of a beautiful couple
Sixty happy long years!
Your union lit up today
Diamond wedding precious light.
We wish you great health,
Care and attention of relatives.
Thank you for your wisdom and love
You have kept them in your hearts.

congratulations on your wedding anniversary 60 years

Diamond wedding - a respectable date!
Just looking at you, we immediately understand:
Love cannot be counted in carats
After all, the feeling is more precious and harder than a diamond!
We will not wish you trite, extensive;
Let our verse subside with an echo of applause:
Let cheerful facets play brighter -
We want to admire your love!

Family is celebrating today
Sixtieth birthday.
And your couple calls
We all have only admiration!
We wish you only happiness
To have enough strength for everything
Let it be beyond the control of years
Your union is strong and beautiful!

More expensive than a stone is not found,
You found a diamond on the way.
But brighter than diamonds, richer treasures,
Your family union is a great success.
Health to you, joy, close attention,
To have patience and understanding.
Hold on to each other and get sick less
Pour this glorious glass for a toast.

It's diamond time
Dear, wedding is our anniversary!
Life lived with love and faith
The day is filled with hope!
We will remember all the events with sadness,
They have become our value!
And fill our hearts with love again
So that all days are happy!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

Married life always involves many surprises, joyful moments and an incredible feeling of happiness, as well as adversity. Spouses must go through all this together, each time supporting each other in difficult times and sharing the happy moments of their lives for two.

To live six decades of married life means to go hand in hand through thousands of roads, the fortress of such a family is truly Diamond, while maintaining their love for each other and each time supporting in moments of weakness. Having overcome such a long journey together, our parents, and for some grandparents, deserve the greatest respect.

What is the name of the wedding - 60 years of marriage?

date, which is characterized cohabitation 60 years long is called a diamond wedding. It began to be called so in honor of the most beautiful and very durable stone on the entire globe. And this stone is called a diamond. It is a symbol of strength, fidelity, light, reliability and of course purity. All these qualities are an integral part of the life that the heroes of the day lived together.

Now their heads are covered with gray hair, and wrinkles can no longer be hidden on their faces, but once these two lovers made a promise to each other to always be together and not part, despite life's obstacles. And they fulfilled their promise in full. Although it was not so easy to do. After all, their life, like the facets of a diamond, cannot be called smooth. More than once they had to fall and rise together, to go through the obstacles that life had prepared for them together. Nothing could separate them for so many years, lived together. And their relationship has become a model for everyone to follow, because they have become so strong that nothing and no one will break them.

A diamond wedding is not celebrated very often, and therefore there is no specific custom on how to celebrate it correctly. There was a tradition in Russia, according to which on this day, no longer young spouses wrote a message to their descendants. In this letter, the couple talked about how they were able to live together such a long joint work. Having read this written message in the future, the children and grandchildren of this married couple will be able to learn the secret of how to maintain reciprocity in love, loyalty and respect in relationships.

How to celebrate 60 years together

If you want to celebrate this wonderful date, do not organize too magnificent and loud events. No longer a young couple will be happy to celebrate this event in the circle of their closest and dearest people. It is worth deciding in advance the question of who will organize and prepare the upcoming celebration. In no case do not dump this hard work on the heroes of the day - in their old age, respect and attention must be shown to them.

In order for the holiday to be a success, talk to the perpetrators of a significant event and find out their opinion on this matter, their wishes and tastes. The mood and what atmosphere will be at this celebration depends to a greater extent on the anniversaries. It can be a celebration full of noise, musical and dance competitions, or maybe a regular dinner with the family, which will bring together all the children and grandchildren. The main rule at this solemn event should be an attentive attitude towards a married couple who are celebrating their anniversary. At their age, nothing is more valuable than attention.

If you have any difficulties in organizing a festive celebration, then animators and agencies for organizing such holidays can come to the rescue, because they are professionals in their field. Vintage weddings have become very popular among the events ordered by anniversaries. With their help, professional animators embody the spirit of those times when the heroes of the day got married.

To decorate the premises where the wedding anniversary will be celebrated, it would be best to give preference to light colors and bright color. The symbol of this celebration is considered very beautiful flowers which are called orchids.

What to give for a diamond wedding anniversary

60 years from the date of the wedding is a very special date and in order for it to be remembered for many years, you need to choose the right gift. Therefore, all those present at this “diamond” holiday need to show their originality when choosing a present for anniversaries.

In the first place as a gift for this solemn event are diamond items. But not everyone has such finances to afford to buy diamonds as a gift to spouses. But from this situation, you can still find a way out. And it consists in donating artificial diamonds, which are called cubic zirkonia. They are so similar in appearance that it is not even possible to distinguish from each other. If you still decide to make such a gift, then be sure to warn the anniversaries that the diamonds in it are artificial. This is necessary in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.

Also, another option for replacing diamonds can be tea, the packaging of which is made in the form of this wonderful diamond. A gift in the form of a family collage or a video film will be very interesting and expensive for anniversaries. And a lot of material for the latter has accumulated over these long 60 years.

Flowers should be an obligatory attribute on this anniversary. They should not only decorate the interior of the room where the celebration takes place, but also delight the anniversaries, accompanying every congratulation in their direction.

Spouses should exchange, albeit small, but expensive gifts. A wife can present her beloved with a tie pin, which flaunts a small diamond. Accordingly, a husband can present his wife with a gift in the form of a hairpin with the same stone. In honor of their anniversary, spouses can also give each other rings with this most beautiful diamond in the world. The ring must be put on the middle finger, next to the wedding.

Same way as a gift t you can use the following:

  • a newspaper, the issue of which is dedicated specifically to an elderly couple of anniversaries, where all the articles are written exclusively about them. The style of this publication should be similar to such well-known printed publications as "Arguments and Facts", "Pravda" and others. But its difference is that in this gift newspaper each article is written about those moments in the life of a married couple that are of great importance to them in life, for example, the first meeting;
  • handmade family album. You can paste in it photos of grandchildren, childhood friends of the spouses, pictures taken at interesting moments and much more;
  • a personalized calendar of anniversaries, where each individual month is accompanied by their photograph.
  • make a historical video clip from the video and photo archives of the hero of the day.

If finances allow, then you can expensive gifts type:

  1. wedding glasses made of precious metals;
  2. platinum diamond jewelry.

When presenting your gift, do not forget that for anniversaries, its value takes the most last place. For them, it will be more expensive to know that it is made from a pure heart, as a sign of respect and attention.

Many couples in love have kept their feelings for many years, despite all the difficulties of family life. Such relationships are very strong and harmonious. Many lovers managed to live in marriage for sixty years. We will talk about such couples and the celebration on this occasion later.

What wedding 60 years of marriage?

No wonder such a wedding is called a diamond. According to esoteric laws, a diamond - a stone resulting from a mixture of air and earth energy - acts as a talisman. It is strong and durable, like a diamond, and valuable, like gold. The same character traits a married couple who have lived together for a long time. They inspire and inspire, delight those around them. Such an event as a diamond wedding, I want to celebrate with family and friends.

About 199 years ago, celebrating round dates was a privilege of high society. Over the years, anniversaries have already been celebrated by all segments of the population. All dates were given symbolic names reflecting the characteristic features of the period of cohabitation. know. The very day of the celebration was then called the "Green Wedding". The wedding anniversary of 60 years of marriage began to be called "Diamond" in the second half of the 19th century. To this day it has been preserved.

How to celebrate the celebration?

60 years of living together is a great occasion to get together with the whole family in a cozy cafe, which must be ordered in advance. Festive dinner variety of activities. Anniversaries will be pleased to receive, in addition to gifts and warm congratulations, a colorful show in the form of fireworks or a fire show, funny clowns. A family concert, prepared by the forces of relatives, children and grandchildren, will be especially remembered.

The theme of the event on the occasion of 60 years of marriage is chosen according to family values. Perhaps, for example, in the spirit of the time when married couple went to the registry office. 60 years of wedding can be celebrated in retro style, pre-arrange the interior. It should be pastel colors. The decor will be decorated with the appropriate accessories: linen tablecloth self made, paintings and dishes, photographs made in black and white style. According to the spirit of that time, outfits are also chosen.

What wedding anniversary of 60 years of marriage is complete without a good kitchen? The traditional menu will please all guests. At the end of the festive banquet, you need to issue original cake, preferably performed by the closest relatives. The solemn removal of a confectionery product with candles will be remembered for a long time.

If the health of the heroes of the day allows, then you can invite them to relax and celebrate the anniversary of 60 years of living together. To do this, you should buy them a tourist ticket to a picturesque place.

What to gift?

What to give for a 60th wedding anniversary? On this significant day, there should be many flowers. They can be presented taking into account the preferences of the anniversaries. The festive hall is also important to decorate flower arrangements. Flowers in pots are well suited as a gift: an orchid or an anthurium. They will be a reminder of the pleasant moments of life.

You can also give household appliances, photo frames, Jewelry, handmade postcards, textiles, original collage or slide set. After all, no celebration can do without it. A good option for a presentation is a gift certificate for purchasing the necessary goods in a branded store.

Perhaps someone prioritizes money as a gift. Many consider them a universal present. They can compensate for the cost of the event, you can independently buy something to your taste. You should not give money for a celebration, because after a while the anniversaries will not remember such a present.

However, there are cases when it is necessary to donate money. For example, when the celebration turned out to be spontaneous, anniversaries are limited in funds if you are a close relative.

60 years of marriage is a special date in the life of a loving couple, significant event for all their relatives. Therefore, I would like to commemorate this family event in a special way. Here it is important to show imagination, to plan and organize everything in advance.

What can not be given for a wedding anniversary?

There is a belief that some items donated for a wedding celebration can bring misfortune and turmoil to the house, they symbolize parting with loved ones. Such gifts include: sets of forks and spoons, various kinds of watches. It is not customary to give mirrors and scarves. It is believed that they lead to early aging and disease, betrayal and betrayal.

Memorable gifts that will be original and remembered for a lifetime include:

  1. Carrying out a photo session for anniversaries. Professional makeup artists and stylists will help create the original look of the "newlyweds" in the style of different eras. They will select outfits, accessories for them and appropriate makeup to choose from.
  2. Copies of diamond anniversaries in miniature in the form of author's dolls made from photographs. This gift is admired by anniversaries and guests of the holiday.
  3. For loved ones, you can order bed linen with the image of the heroes of the occasion.
  4. Create original family coat of arms, based on family traditions with monograms of anniversaries. Such gifts can be ordered in specialized firms that deal with heraldry.
  5. Genealogical tree made in original style.
  6. A romantic trip for two: riding a yacht, limousine or carriage.
  7. Gift Certificate: a visit to the spa, where you can relax for two and relax after the celebration.

Traditional congratulations

60 years of marriage is a symbolic date that speaks of fidelity, happiness and love of two close people. They deserve special original congratulations happy anniversary: ​​wishes for long life, mutual understanding and respect for each other. Of course, no one canceled congratulations in verse. Here it is important for children and grandchildren to pay attention to the anniversaries, to surround them with care and warmth in response to their love and warmth.

Congratulations options

You are an example for us

After all, you are a living legend.

Your love inspires you

Gives you strength and kindness.

Protects you all the time.

She is strong, strong as steel,

Like strong granite.

She's a beautiful diamond

Pretty rare specimen

60th anniversary.

Today is the wedding anniversary

Your family congratulates you

Happy 60th Anniversary.

Beloved and adored people

Live together for a hundred years

We will be with you somewhere,

Keeping your two loving hearts.

Holiday script

On such a significant day, the spouses should congratulate each other on the anniversary and thank for all the good things that happened in their lives. Indeed, only thanks to endurance, mutual understanding and disinterested feelings, the couple withstood all life's difficulties.

You can create a festive mood for anniversaries from the very morning. "Diamond" newlyweds will be pleased to hear congratulations on the phone. You can send traditional postcards with warm wishes or give a telegram.

If older people do not like fuss and get tired quickly, then the most the best option the celebration will be a home dinner or lunch with the family in a country house, in nature. Relatives should take over all the preparations for the celebration, protecting the elderly anniversaries from unnecessary fuss and hassle. Perhaps the hostess will be in the mood and she will cook her favorite dish, which is traditional for the whole family.

Preparations for a celebration are always pleasant chores for all family members. Here it is important to decorate everything with soul and mood, to pick up transparent dishes and table decorations. After all, on a holiday about 60 years of marriage, everything should radiate a radiance like a diamond.

On this day, various kinds of congratulations are appropriate: original toasts and poems from both adults and the youngest members of the family. You can look at photo albums, recall touching and funny stories from life. A pleasant pastime with the family, which brings together all family members. And most importantly - deliver great pleasure anniversaries.

One of the interesting traditional customs is parting words to grandchildren. A married couple will describe all the subtleties of harmonious relationships in writing. Children and grandchildren will receive advice and knowledge as an invaluable gift in building a strong and friendly family. Perhaps on the day of the "Diamond Wedding" they will learn some interesting unknown facts about their life as a strong family.


Many couples have been together for 60 years. What is the name of this wedding? This we have already found out. We also talked about what presents can be presented for this celebration.

Love and understanding, warmth, attention from close relatives is the most desirable, important and the right gift for a married couple on such a special day of their lives.