How to choose the right mink coat: expert advice. How to choose a beautiful warm fur coat and correctly determine its quality What is better fur

How to choose mink coat? Interested in women who plan to make a long-awaited new thing. In this article, we will tell you how to distinguish mink fur from a fake, what defects you should look for in a fur coat when buying, give instructions, tips, recommendations, and show a video.

In the western parts of Russia, a mink coat is a sign of wealth and exquisite taste, in the northern territories of the country it is an indispensable element in the wardrobe for harsh and hot winters. However, in any case, a mink coat is a stylish, fashionable and practical trend for all times, for every taste.

H orc coat : what is the price?

The first thing men are guided by when buying a fur coat for their ladies is the price. A woman, on the other hand, is a more sensitive nature, and the main selection criterion is the external characteristics of the model. However, in either case, it is extremely important to understand that a high-quality natural mink coat cannot be at the price of an inexpensive fox vest. You can see the prices for fur coats in Ukraine in more detail.

How the cost of a mink coat is formed:

  • Purchasing price of fur skins. Sewing a fur coat begins with the purchase of blanks for the model. The main fundamental segment, which forms the price of an already finished product, is the cost of skins at a fur auction. The most popular sites for the purchase of high quality fur skins are Genuine Mackenzie Valley Furs, North American Fur Auctions, Finnish Fur Sales, which are located in Canada, America and Finland. It is from here that a fur product begins its journey - a mink coat, which will then fall into your wardrobe;
  • Fur quality. The price at which the manufacturer will purchase fur products depends on this parameter. The quality of the fur is indicated by markings or labels. Each auction has its own suppliers of fur skins (fur farms), and the manufacturer, most often, has its own specific label evaluation parameters. So, for example, KOPENHAGEN FUR furs are marked as follows:

— Kopenhagen Ivory;

— Copenhagen Platinum;

— Copenhagen Burgundy.

The manufacturer Finnish Fur Sales is labeled as SAGA FURS, which in turn consists of three subcategories:

Graphite mink coat

The skins of Scandinavian and Canadian fur farms are the most expensive and most frequently bought around the world by those fur manufacturers who value quality and do not risk their reputation;

  • Fur consumption. It is natural to assume that a long mink fur coat to the floor will be much more expensive than, say, a short fur coat to the waist. The consumption of skins is greater, and, therefore, the price of the finished product is greater;
  • Color . The price estimate differs depending on the color of the fur. So, there are three main categories of color distribution that allow you to visually set the real price of a fur product:

- brown, light amber - the cheapest skin, which is purchased for mink coats of the middle price category;

- scanblack or high-priced black Scandinavian mink;

- white mink - Blackglama, a prestigious exclusive fur, which is often even more expensive than sable;

  1. transverse- the most inexpensive option, where the skins are sewn one near the other, there is very little waste from this type of sewing, the technology does not need to use innovative sewing technologies, and therefore this option is used most often;
  2. diagonal. Medium and high price category, which is used in the tailoring of luxury-class models of mink coats. In this case, a transverse diagonal line is used for sewing, which originates from the back;
  3. curly variant. It is used extremely rarely, since it will require a large consumption of material. Figured dissolution of skins is considered the most expensive option, which is used for tailoring VIP and Premium models.

All these points should be considered when choosing and buying a mink coat. Often unscrupulous manufacturers use the method of coloring the skins in a darker saturated black color, passing off the model as expensive furs.

Important! To determine the true color of the skin, you need to look at the core and the fur itself. If the fur is dyed, then when blown on the wool, a white stripe of skin will be visible, if it is natural, the mezra will be slightly lighter than the color of the fur itself. At the same time, from the inside, the mezra, as a rule, is also painted.

How many seasons can you wear?

And now let's talk about how to choose a mink coat with high performance. Natural fur has always been highly valued due to its durability, mink is no exception. So, most fur products in the north are sewn from this fur. The average service life, subject to the rules for care, is 10-15 years. But, as practice shows, the stylish fur coats of our grandmothers still have an amazing shine, they look great.

The only thing is it's a bit old fashioned appearance models. But there is no problem with this either: many fashionistas who inherited a natural mink coat prefer to reshape the product, making it stylish, fashionable and still practical to wear. In this case, the operational period is extended by another 10-15 years.

Interesting! Even if the mink fur has faded over time, lost its luster, it can be easily restored with a mixture of vinegar and ammonia. It is necessary to mix the ingredients in equal proportions, add water and clean the product with a sponge soaked in the mixture.

Features in operation

Since the price of fur products is quite high, before buying such an element of the wardrobe, I would like to clarify the performance of the fur. What kind of mink is in a sock, how many seasons can it last, and what do these parameters depend on?

Mink, of course, is not the most wear-resistant fur in nature. But, if you know how to choose a mink coat correctly, then when buying, you will pay attention to the type of tailoring and the quality of the fur itself. So, finished products can last from 18 seasons or more. The main thing is to follow the rules of operation:

  • dry after getting wet;
  • take care of the flesh;
  • protect from moths in the summer, do not wrap in plastic bags for storage;
  • comb the fur of a mink coat with a gentle brush;
  • clean from dust and dirt;
  • carry out regular professional cleaning.

According to fur experts, if such rules are observed, the fur of natural high-quality mink will last more than 15-18 seasons.

Is it warm in a mink coat? How cold can it stand?

As for the thermal insulation properties, here the mink is also considered the best option between the most expensive furs from, and less practical products from and. The fur perfectly retains heat, and the happy owner of a mink fur product will not be cold even at -20 degrees. If there are more frosts, then it is enough just to put a warm sweater under the mink coat, and it will be warm as before.

How to properly store a mink coat?

A mink coat will last a long time only if it is not properly looked after. Of course, if you wear it in the rain and then hang it in a wardrobe, then more than 2-3 seasons of fur is not enough. However, if you follow the fur villi and, as necessary, remove dirt, smooth the fur in the course of growth, then you can enjoy perfect shine at least 10-15 seasons.

Since fur is not worn in some regions all year round, you need to know how to properly store a mink coat the period of time when it is warm outside. Rules for storing mink fur products:

  • before you put the fur coat for safety in the wardrobe, you need to hand it over to dry cleaning. The remnants of human epithelium, sweat, hairs - all this is very attractive to bacteria, moths and mold. Therefore, before putting the product for long-term storage, it is worth cleaning the fur from all possible organic accumulations;
  • you can not clog a mink coat in a plastic bag so that the moth does not eat it. It is better to place the fur coat in a special cover with a breathable membrane base and periodically air it on the balcony, dry it;
  • after wearing from the street, always dry the fur coat in a ventilated place, comb it with a special brush in the direction of the growth of the villi, and only then hang it in a wardrobe;
  • a fur coat should always hang only on a coat hanger. Otherwise, the product will lose its shape, become outwardly unattractive and worn out.

Important! You should not put products with a strong chemical odor from moths in a fur coat. The fur will absorb the aroma and will weather for a very long time. Better to use natural soap with lavender, wormwood and walnut oils.

At what temperature to wear a mink fur coat?

Raw rainy weather is not the best the best option for wearing a mink fur product. The fur of any fur-bearing animal loves frost, only in this way it becomes lush, even and shines in the rare rays of the sun. The best weather conditions for wearing a mink are frost from -2 to -15. In such conditions, the fur shines beautifully, shimmers and looks luxurious.

But, if the mink coat has already fallen under wet snow, then you should not worry. You can simply dry the product in a ventilated place, comb it with a brush. You can pre-treat with a special moisture-protective spray and dry. Then even wet snow is not a problem for the perfect look of your luxurious mink coat.

Secrets of the right purchase

To know how to choose a mink coat, it is necessary not only to pay attention to a well-known brand, but also to realistically assess the quality of the fur, its thickness, and many other subtleties. In particular, it is also important to know how to identify a mink from a cheap fake.

Selection secrets:

  • natural fur of good quality, when moving against the growth of the villi, will return to its original place in its original shape. Inexpensive low-quality fur lies with tangled villi, you need to level and comb again;
  • pile growth is the same on any side, in any place of tailoring;
  • uneven hairs are not visible at the seam, the coat is even and neat;
  • inside all the stitches are even, without protruding threads, irregularities and remnants of matter;
  • if the manufacturer offers a non-tinted black mink, then the flesh will be a dark gray shade, but not saturated black, nature does not have this;
  • a very dense rough mezra speaks of poor dressing of skins, and, therefore, the quality of the fur coat is low.

Interesting fact! A conscientious manufacturer leaves the hem of a mink coat unattached. This is necessary to inspect the quality of the fur when buying. Thus, it is possible to view both the color of the mezra and its thickness.

Natural fur or fake: how to distinguish a mink?

What should be the fur of a mink? The most frequent questions of those who make such a purchase for the first time. First of all, you should understand that the risk of buying a fake on the market increases significantly than in a branded store. But, if you don’t want to overpay for a brand, you should pay attention to the following important distinguishing characteristics natural fur:

  • the natural skin of a downy animal will never be covered with a fabric layer, glued to it;
  • natural pile is more rigid than artificial, but at the same time gentle and smooth. Artificial to the touch like fluff, natural - like hair;
  • villi with a slight pinching do not come off and do not remain on the hands.

Important! Most often, mink fur is faked from cheaper furs of honorik, marmot. Other furs are distinguished by a rarer pile with a large growth of hairs.

Is it possible to buy a mink cheaper, saving on the purchase?

The desire to save money is understandable, but, most often, unreasonable. So, you can buy natural fur, but a less valuable animal, the fur of which will be pre-dyed and trimmed. But, when buying a natural mink fur coat, there are also some nuances.

In particular, it is worth knowing that the most expensive fur, which is used most often in tailoring expensive branded models, is black mink. Apart from the exclusive white mink fur, such fur is also often imitated by an unscrupulous manufacturer.

The most likely options for how to save money by buying a natural mink coat:

The taste and color ... How to choose a mink coat?

Of course, tastes differ. What is chic for one girl is bad taste for another. Therefore, when choosing an expensive fur coat from mink it is worth paying attention to the following points.


A mink coat can be presented in, which, when choosing, is largely determined by its configuration. So, thin, tall girls can choose short fur coats and waistcoats with a fitted cut, with a belt, and wide sleeves.

Women with beautiful and magnificent breasts should understand that fur in an unnecessary place will only add external image bulkiness and bulkiness. Therefore, it is worth choosing dark furs with a pattern at the waist, with a belt. The length of the model should not be above the knee. You can also play with combinations of fur: the ideal option is mink in the base and sable on the collar.


It is largely determined by financial capabilities. If it is possible to buy a fairly expensive Scandinavian black mink, then, of course, such fur will suit absolutely everyone.

As for more best options in the price range, it is important to take into account such a moment as the play of color and lighting. Blondes will suit both light brown and dark uneven mink coats. For brunettes, it is better to choose a mink of a dark shade, which will contrast with the delicate white skin of the face, shade dark curls.

Is it better with a belt or without?

Before choosing a mink coat, you need to decide whether you need such an element as a belt. The fur coat can have both leather and fabric and fur belts. Combined models with a leather insert at the waist or sides, with a leather belt are popular. This model visually removes the extra 10 kilograms.

However, a one-piece fur coat with a belt looks great on any type of figure. The only point worth paying attention to is the quality of the mezdra. In this case, thin skin looks better, and the fur shimmers with every step.

With or without a hood?

Suitable for those who do not like to choose hats, wear a scarf under a fur coat. Without a collar, you can buy for those girls who like to play with accessories, combine several stylistic trends.

From male or female?

The gender of the animal also affects the cost of the finished product. So, the skin of the male is more valuable, because it is a decent 20 cm more. This allows you to use fewer patterns, respectively, and there are also fewer seams. As a rule, a male mink coat is 20% more expensive than a female mink coat, but this difference is quite justified.

In dissolution, plates or solid?

There is no one-piece fur coat, since all skins have their own length and width. The most inexpensive pattern of vertical transverse skins, the most expensive -. However, such parameters do not affect the quality and duration of wear.

Cross cut or longitudinal?

A mink coat with a longitudinal cut involves sewing the skins vertically, - horizontally. Such a factor does not affect the quality of the finished product, and in most cases it is determined by the type of model: for vests and short fur coats, the transverse sewing option is often used, for long fur coats - longitudinal.

Which fur is better: Canadian or Scandinavian?

When buying a mink fur product, the seller often asks the question, from which fur is a fur coat preferable - or? Quality is influenced not by the type of mink, but by its label. According to external signs, the Scandinavian is more fluffy, thick and shaggy, while the Canadian, on the contrary, is short, like a plush. The choice depends on individual preferences.

Can a fur coat be inexpensive and which fur coats are the cheapest? Every woman wants to save money, but at the same time buy a really high-quality thing.

The best option for winter outerwear for our harsh winters, there were and still are fur coats, and products made from natural fur will warm much better than their artificial substitute. Every woman understands this and therefore the demand for natural fur coats remains high, as well as their price.

There are some tricks, using them, you can get a really good product, but at a lower price.

Rabbit fur coat

The cheapest fur coats: an overview of budget furs

Mink remains the most sought after fur, but it costs many times more than other furs. If you want to save on buying a fur coat, try choosing a product from budget furs. It will look no worse, but cost less. Pay attention to:

Can mink coats be inexpensive?

In the price of any fur product, the manufacturer lays the cost of the material. The best furs are bought at fur auctions, but finished products from such furs will never be cheap. Therefore, if you are offered to buy an inexpensive fur coat and try to prove that it is from an auction fur, do not believe it.

This is possible only in one case, if the material was unclaimed by the buyer products. They are dismantled into skins, the most suitable ones are selected, and a new fur coat or short fur coat is obtained from them. In this case, an honest manufacturer must indicate that this is a re-tailoring and, accordingly, reduce the price.

Fur coat from pieces

The cost of the most inexpensive product made of natural fur

The most expensive are fur products made from whole skins, and not everyone is ready to pay that kind of money for them. That is why fur coats made from pieces that remain during production are in demand. These coats are the cheapest. For their tailoring, the most suitable pieces of skins are selected and hand-sewn piece by piece. To ready product it turned out attractive, the pieces should match not only in size, but also in color.

In this case, it will be possible to save 3-4 times on the purchase, for example, a mink coat middle length from pieces can cost from 30,000 rubles. However, there are "pitfalls" in such a purchase. In terms of wear, such a fur coat will be inferior, since the threads on the seams will wear out much faster than the fur itself.

How to save money on a purchase: options

There are actually a few good ways pay less money, but at the same time become the owner of a quality thing.


A quality item costs good money, but in some Moscow markets there are worthy offers at a price lower than in fur salons. One of these places where there is a good choice is the "" market. Landmark - 14th km of the Moscow Ring Road (on the inside). In the Furs and Leather pavilion, you can find dozens of shops offering products from Russian, Italian, Greek and Chinese manufacturers.

Fur factories

They produce products that successfully compete with world brands. And you can be convinced of this by becoming a buyer of natural fur coats from the following manufacturers:

  • Moscow factory "Fur-Expo";
  • Moscow factory "";
  • Factory in Pyatigorsk "EL-EZER";
  • Kirov factory "";
  • Labinsk factory "SEMIFUR".

Online shopping

The most inexpensive fur coats that can be purchased on the Internet are those bought in the Middle Kingdom. Keep in mind that these are not always products made from high-quality fur, since the desire of the Chinese to make the cost as low as possible is known to everyone. For this reason, when making a purchase, be sure to specify the possibility of a return. To protect yourself from fakes, buy a fur coat in trusted Russian

Girls' best friends are not only diamonds, but also luxurious fur coats that haunt both the inhabitants of snowy and frosty latitudes and the heavenly corners of our wonderful planet warmed by the sun. Every self-respecting dreamer of expensive, fluffy and warm must know how to choose the right fur coat so that it becomes not just a reliable protection from severe frosts, but a real decoration. A fur coat is more than warm clothes. It is rather a symbol of status, prosperity, and indeed the wealth of a woman in general and the presence in her close circle of a generous and loving “patron”, or at least not stingy and not greedy, which is also not bad, although with love it is, of course, more sincere and warmer. A fur coat is a unique thing, because it is purchased, like jewelry, mainly not for its hard-earned money, but for “sponsorship”, but the choice always remains with the lady.

What you need to know before buying

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How to choose the right fur coat for yourself

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Clothing market or shop

Buying a fur coat in the clothing market is equivalent to acquiring a pig in a poke. Does a fur coat from a cat suit you? Then everything is in order 🙂 In general, such serious and expensive purchases should be made only in a specialized store, boutique or salon selling fur and leather, which has been working under the name of a well-known brand for several years.

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Choice of fur coat model

First of all, decide for what purpose you are purchasing a fur coat. The choice of model will depend on your answer. If you have to spend a lot of time outdoors, it is better to choose a long fur coat with dense thick fur. If you drive a car and it is your main means of transportation, the ideal option is a short fur coat or a fur jacket with comfortable, non-restrictive sleeves. The all-in-one solution for slushy days and everyday driving in public transport- short coat. In this case, you will have to forget about light fur and a too long hem. If you can’t afford to update your fur coats every season, give preference to classic products from high-quality raw materials that successfully migrate from season to season without losing their relevance and presentable appearance. Ultra-modern models with spicy newfangled chips by the next year may lose all their piquancy and popularity and you will simply be left out of business with an expensive little thing that does not bring any pleasure.

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Determining the quality of fur

So I want it to be both beautiful and warm, and not very expensive! How to find the golden mean? The value of fur is determined by the density of the pile, its height, softness and the presence of shine. High-quality fur is characterized by rich color, elasticity, silkiness, dazzling brilliance and the absence of an unpleasant "greasy" feeling when touched.

According to the weight of the fur, it is customary to divide it into heavy ones - raccoon dog, wolf, otter, sable, arctic fox, beaver, astrakhan fur; moderate - rabbit, mink, nutria, squirrel, muskrat, polecat; and very light - gopher, hamster, hare. The weight of the product also depends on the dressing of the skin - the better the dressing, the lighter it is. However, too light a fur coat should also alert. The fact is that furriers, in pursuit of saving fur, often stretch the skin more than necessary - the thickness of the skin and weight decrease, and the distance between the hairs grows, and you get a cold fur coat with thin fur.

Best for harsh cold winters suitable fur coat from arctic fox, muton, sable, wolf or fox. Poorly warms the fur of marmot, goat, sheared rabbit and ermine. And by choosing a gopher or a hamster, you generally run the risk of zadubnut. These cute little animals will only warm the soul, and even then only in a living form. Although lightweight for a metropolis in the middle lane winter version may be quite reasonable. If the winter in your area is not particularly severe, there are frequent thaws, cold rain or sleet is falling, it is more expedient to rely on waterproof furs, such as beaver or otter.

The service life of the product directly depends on the wear resistance of the fur. The otter fur will last the longest - up to 20 seasons! River beaver - 18 winters, fur seal - 17, mink - 10, astrakhan fur, marten and blue fox - 7, nutria and fox - 5, marmot and squirrel - 4, rabbit - 2, hare - only one winter.

Never rush into a purchase. Look at everything carefully, feel, smell, pull, pinch, try on ... A quality product will withstand all your executions without any problems. Having laid out the fur coat on the counter, carefully look at the fur - it should be thick, shiny, with a solid undercoat and without bald spots. Be sure to check the fur for stability. To do this, just iron the coat you like against the wool. If you notice that the outer hair breaks during this manipulation, and the villi remain on the palm, it means that after a couple of seasons your fur coat is going to have a decent baldness. A high-quality product will not be “offended” even if you try to pinch off a piece of fur from it - it will remain in its place, and will not be in your hands.

If you like a fashionable dyed fur coat, an ordinary white handkerchief, which needs to be drawn along the pile, will help to check the durability of dyeing. If the handkerchief remains clean, you can be sure that the fur coat will not “float” under the rain.

Fur will not be superfluous and sniff! Yes, choosing a fur coat is not an easy task, you have to connect all the senses. Who told you it would be easy? Smell! An unpleasant pungent smell should alert you - the skin, most likely, was made in a handicraft way.

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The wrong side - we see at the root!

famous brands that produce fur products, the lining at the bottom is usually not sewn. This is a very good indicator, indicating that the manufacturer has nothing to hide, and he is confident in the quality of his product. If you liked the fur coat, and the lining turned out to be sewn on, you have every right to ask the seller to rip it up a little in order to inspect the product comprehensively. In case of refusal, remember the pig in a poke and don’t be stupid - it’s clearly rubbish.

It is the wrong side of the fur coat that will allow you to check the quality of the dressing of the skins, the seams and the dimensions of the plates. Mezdra should be elastic and soft to the touch. If the mezdra rustles and crunches when compressed, the fur is overdried and the fur coat will be short-lived. For unpainted products, the reverse side of the skin should remain white. Yellow mezdra indicates an old stale fur. The seams should be sewn neatly and thinly, almost without palpation. A high-quality expensive fur coat should be sewn from whole skins. If a we are talking about mink, beloved by many ladies, the size of the pieces should be 15x15. The use of "half-plates" is not so bad, but a product made of very small pieces after a couple of seasons can begin to creep at the seams. By the way, it’s worth making sure that the fur coat is sewn or glued. And this is possible. A glued fur coat with a very high probability can stick under the first snowfall.

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On a high-quality fur product, branded tags must be present, which inform the buyer about the manufacturer and the method of caring for the fur coat. Moreover, labels should be in several places at once. A discrepancy between the information indicated on the label at the top of the lining and the markings on other parts of the product often helps to identify a fake for vigilant buyers.

Do not forget that all fur products sold in Russia are subject to mandatory certification, so do not hesitate to ask the seller to show you a certificate of conformity for a fur coat - this is your legal right.

We are glad to see you, dear readers, on our blog. Get involved in the conversation! Today he will talk about how to choose a mink coat. Some prefer to prepare a fur coat, like a sled, in the summer, taking advantage of seasonal discounts. Others delay to the last, and rush to the store when they already want to warm up. So this question is relevant at any time of the year. Read the article to the end, and we will reveal all the secrets of a successful purchase!

Buying a fur coat is no easy task. How can you foresee everything? It is clear that winter clothes we don't buy daily for lunch or dinner, so we expect to wear it for at least a few seasons. Especially since winter days, when you can walk a mink coat without damage, - count on your fingers.

A bit of theory

The Americans were the first to breed mink industrially. At world auctions, the skins of the North American mink are distinguished by a thick, long undercoat, which makes them visually lush and velvety. Soon, the Scandinavians surpassed the Americans in terms of the number of redeemed skins in the 1950s. Their product had a thick undercoat, the length of which highlighted the outer pile. Due to this combination, the fur shimmered beautifully. Russian minks were recognized as the most beautiful in the world. The silver-blue color of the skins made the hearts of fashionistas tremble.

Now a high-quality fur coat is included in the basic women's wardrobe, more about which can be found in. Did you know that mink has about 350 shades? An inexperienced buyer in the store's eyes run wide! Let's go through the main groups:

  • from black gloss to chocolate brown matte finish. This includes brown, the most common, and therefore cheap;
  • pastel shades. Light brown, coffee with milk, beige, milk chocolate - a great choice, especially since each shade is decorated with a long pile, which provides a noble overflow;
  • a rare light brown mink with a blue undercoat and blue silver of varying saturation. The lightest in this group is "violet";
  • The shade "Aleutian steel" is distinguished by a rich gray undercoat with a tint of the same tone. "Lavender" - a beige undercoat with a lilac pile - is unusually beautiful.

After we have become experts in theory, we can safely proceed to the “practical exercises” on choosing a fur coat:

The algorithm of actions in the store

The first rule of any purchase, and even more so for the purchase of a long-awaited new thing, is to choose the right seller. Don't want to be deceived? Never buy anything from dubious places. We follow the rule: we avoid crossings, ads, markets, tents, from the hands of acquaintances, strangers and other strange outlets. The amount required to purchase a fur coat is large enough to give it away for a low-quality product.

Only specialized stores, large centers, trusted online stores! We go in, do not succumb to the persuasion of sales consultants. As a rule, their task is to “sell” stale goods, a style that is not fashionable in 2018. We pass the rows with a short-lived rabbit, an old-fashioned raccoon, a sable. Here they are, our minks! The most durable fur. In addition, the least affected by weather quirks. There is a sober choice, an accurate calculation. Listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. Compare the look. A shiny, iridescent mink speaks of good quality skins. But if the surface looks greasy, with sticky pile, the update should remain on the store hanger;
  2. Smell the product. The unpleasant smell of rancid fat, sharp, chemical - a reason to abandon this option.
  3. Swipe several times over the pile in different. If you see detached villi, it is better to abandon the fur coat.
  4. Stroke again against the wool. High-quality pile - obedient, lively, it immediately takes its original position.
  5. Let's move on to the inside. The fewer seams, the longer the mink will be worn. A product made of pieces will only last two or three seasons. But remember that minks are naturally small animals. If you are offered a mink coat, fragments of which are more than 70 cm long, you should think about the authenticity of the model.
  6. If there is a lining, ask the seller in the store to cut off the edge. He is obliged to do this, because the quality of the flesh speaks volumes. The smooth, light, without cracks seamy side of a skin testifies to high quality.

More in the video:

Most responsible: fitting

Without this ritual, there is no joy in acquiring a long-awaited thing. No matter how beautiful the fur coat looks on the hanger, be sure to take the time to try it on. Ideally, walk around the salon in it for 5-7 minutes. At the slightest feeling of inconvenience, heaviness, the desire to quickly throw off our shoulders, we refuse this specimen without regret.

Raise, lower your arms, try to sit down, bend over, move around. Even in the photo, a narrow or short furry product looks cheap, as they say, as if from someone else's shoulder. Remember how to distinguish a quality item from a fake? Do you feel any discomfort? Have you chosen a good, your fur coat? Then we go to the checkout.

Wait for the purchase receipt and be sure to save the document. It's one thing to try it on in a store, it's another to take it to your own home. Turn around in front of your mirror, try on a fur coat with dresses, handbags. A fur product is not a down jacket, which has many combinations. By the way, you can read in detail about the topic of what to wear a down jacket with in the article. And remember that within 14 days you have the legal right to return the goods.

How to wear and care for a coat

Having brought a new thing home, determine a place for it in the wardrobe: away from batteries, without direct access sun rays and, of course, without moths. It is optimal if the fur coat is stored in a special breathable cover. It's one thing when you go to walk a mink under the winter sun, and another thing when the sun will highlight one side of it all day long.

  • do not wet, wash, iron;
  • do not dry at high temperatures;
  • when getting into the car, try to raise the long floors and turn off the seat heating;
  • refuse to wear a handbag on your shoulder, the fur is erased from the strap.

For more hair care tips, see the video:

Well, it seems that everyone has discussed how to choose a mink fur coat. If you have any questions, ask them through the comments. Share your new knowledge with your friends, colleagues by giving them a link to our article. See you soon, girls! Only happy shopping!

Nowadays, fur has become one of the key elements of women's wardrobe, being used not only for tailoring fur products, but also for finishing coats, vests and jackets, as well as for making all kinds of accessories - from scarves, stoles to bags and gloves.

Fur - natural (natural) material

Since ancient times, fur has been one of the most beautiful and luxurious materials for making clothes, loved by everyone for the warmth that it gives on cold winter days, the feeling of comfort and, of course, for its unique beauty. In addition, today fur is also an excellent choice of clothing for people with a developed environmental consciousness, since it is a natural (natural) material, with long term services that can be completely recycled.

Currently, the fur trade is strictly controlled at the national and international level in order to guarantee the conservation of animal populations that live in different parts of the world. In particular, the Greek furriers of the city of Kastoria many years ago, even before the creation of environmental and environmental organizations, boycotted the fur trade of those animals that were endangered - for example, seals and felines. Now the sustainable use of wildlife is controlled by such major environmental bodies as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - World Conservation Union (IUCN), as well as the United Nations Program for environment(UNEP) - United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Wildlife Fund - World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

As a result, any product made from natural fur is an excellent choice of a product made from real natural raw materials, which has nothing to do with artificial, synthetic products that cannot be recycled or disposed of.

It is no coincidence that in last years fashion trends dictate the use of fur products not only for going out, but also as everyday wear, and the proposals of fashion designers today satisfy the most diverse needs and tastes - both in terms of design and style: from a luxurious fur coat to a jacket that can be worn on a daily basis.

Modern models are distinguished by their simplicity and lightness, as well as their comfort and functionality. Moreover, due to advanced technologies and innovative approach in the field of fur processing (shorn fur, combination different types furs, extended color gamut, combination with other materials, laser processing, etc.) not only the range and choice of fur products has significantly increased, but also their availability to a wide range of consumers - regardless of age and social status, due to diversity and budget.

What to consider when choosing a fur coat

Before purchasing a fur product, there are always a few important points to consider that really suit your true needs. Of course, first of all, everyone must determine for themselves the purpose for which this or that fur product is selected (taking into account not only their tastes, but also their lifestyle). That is why it is necessary to keep in mind several parameters at once:

  • type of fur;
  • color;
  • the size and length of the product;
  • shape and silhouette;
  • for which occasions it is intended.

Fur type

Having decided to purchase a fur product, from the very beginning you need to decide for yourself what type of fur you prefer - based on its characteristics (wear resistance, warmth, etc.) or simply beauty (color color, long or short pile) and, in general, in appearance.

In any case, you need to remember that good fur does not crumble, does not crumble, does not paint hands, and when stroking in the direction of the pile and in the opposite direction, it does not leave hairs in the hands and easily returns to its original state, even trample it with your feet. In addition, when the hem of the product is compressed, the fur coat does not crackle or rustle.

In well-dressed fur coats, as a rule, the lining is not completely sewn, which makes it possible to look at the quality of the mezra (i.e., see the fur from the inside), while the mezra should be soft and certainly light, regardless of the color of the fur itself, even if it is painted. This is especially important when buying a product made from plucked fur.


Most women go equally well with warm and cold shades of colors, but some of them are still more suitable. This is especially true today, when in the manufacture of fur products there is a phantasmagoria of color in the full sense: from bright purple to dark green and passionate red shades, with a combination of several absolutely perfect colors. different colors. Therefore, when choosing the color of a fur coat, it is recommended to take into account some general principles that are valid for light and dark women.

So, blondes are more suited to brown or pastel shades of mink fur, as well as golden or light color lynx fur, or exotic color of fox skins. It is advisable for them to avoid black mink fur, which will give their features some sharpness, as well as black-brown fox, raccoon and chinchilla fur.

Brunettes, on the contrary, will look dazzlingly good in black mink furs, as well as in products made of fox fur and mink in mahogany or any red and shades of blue(of course, depending on skin tone).

Also, be careful when choosing fur that matches your hair color.

Size and length

Often classic models fur coats have spacious shapes, so it is especially important that the purchased product does not lose its shape, but has its originally conceived appearance. Therein lies its style and elegance.

At the same time, it must be remembered that owners of magnificent forms should not purchase long-brimmed products or made of long-haired fur, such as fox, lynx, raccoon or long-haired beaver, the fur of which gives the overall appearance of the product more volume than, say, smooth furs, and also sheared and plucked fur, or a coat made of leather or fabric, decorated with a long-haired fur collar.

Almost most types of fur are suitable for tall and thin women. It can be said that they were created in order to dress in furs, whether it be mink, fox, lynx and chinchilla, while products girded at the waist are also suitable for this type of women, which will further emphasize their figure and will look even more attractive on them. and more enticing. But be careful when choosing lush types of fur: sometimes too much volume, with thin figure may not look very beneficial.

Form and silhouette

But the most important point, regardless of the type of physique, is how well the product fits the figure.

For not large sizes it is very important to bring the long-skirted coat to the maximum minimum dimensions, in height and figure - in accordance with the proportions of the torso and arms. In addition, short products that do not reach the middle of the thigh emphasize the waist more, with the exception of those styles that are accentuated at the waistline.

As for the large sizes, oddly enough, it is much easier to choose a product for the owner of wide hips than a lush bust, but in both cases, a trapezoidal knee-length short coat will make the silhouette more attractive.

What applications is the product intended for?

Perhaps the most important point is for what occasions the wearing of a fur product is intended.

Every day

Today, ultra-modern models can be worn almost every day: from evening out to daily wear, to work - in combination with jeans, trousers or skirts.

business style

For a business style, cashmere sweaters trimmed with fur are perfect, as well as mohair coats, various fur capes, scarves and sweaters made of fur.

Banquets and social events

In these cases, astrakhan suits, sable jackets, classic mink and chinchilla capes with pashmina trim are especially good.

Evening out

Looks very elegant in the evening trouser suits, made of leather and fur, mink coats, stylish fur coats, skirts and tops made of fur.

Official style

For formal events such as dinner parties or weddings, sable fur, long fur coats made of fox and rare Russian lynx, as well as mink coats, broadtail or sheared fur and beautiful decorative fur scarves and boas are ideal.

sporty look

If you are the sporty type of person, you will feel amazingly comfortable in an anorak or fur-lined duffle coat, as well as leather and fur jackets or reversible jackets and fur ponchos.

for warm countries

For countries with mild and warm winters, three-quarter-length fur coats, jackets, coats and sweaters with fur details, including fur accessories, fur ponchos and sheared fur jackets, are suitable.

In principle, all these components affect, in general, the cost of a fur product. At the same time, it must be remembered that when buying a fur coat abroad, and especially in Russia, in addition to a large assortment of fur products, you also have a choice in fur coat tours that combine shopping with relaxation, as well as a significant discount in price - up to 60% and more, because here, or rather, in the city of Kastoria, there is a unique opportunity to purchase fur products directly from fur factories - directly from the first hand (from the manufacturer to the consumer). Moreover, Greek fur coats have long been a symbol of the high professionalism of skilled Greek furriers, who have become famous throughout the world.

On top of that, the newly created Greek Fur Institute, which has united the trade unions of fur manufacturers of the city of Kastoria, acts as a guarantor of products manufactured under the trade mark "GreekFur".