How to wash a mirror without streaks to a perfect shine? How and how to quickly wash a mirror without streaks at home, using special and folk remedies? Mirror cloth that does not leave streaks

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 6 minutes


A transparent, clean and sparkling mirror is the “face” of a clean housewife. The presence of mirrors in the bathroom, hallway, the appearance of numerous closets with built-in mirrors, of course, made life difficult for housewives in terms of cleaning.

Today, together with the online magazine site, we will put things in order in your mirrors.

Before starting cleaning, let's try to deal with causes of stains on mirrors:

  • Dust and dirt.
  • Poor quality detergent.
  • Insufficiently clean water.

We have decided on the reasons - we begin to act and proceed to washing the mirrors:

  1. Water and newspaper to wash and shine mirrors at home
    Mirror cleaning in a simple way begins with the use of water and a newspaper (toilet paper can become its substitute). The only negative is the presence of lead in newspaper paint (harmful for children). If you have already tried this method, move on to other methods.
  2. Shiny mirrors at home - salt water + tea
    How to clean a mirror to a shine? resort to method simple means- insist strong tea for 15-20 minutes, dilute with salt water (1 teaspoon of salt) and blot with a nylon cloth - cleaning the mirror is not so difficult.

  3. Giving Shine and cleaning mirrors at home - Chalk + vinegar (method two)
    Prepare a mixture of:
    • vinegar - 1st l;
    • water - 1 tbsp.

    Warm up, let it brew for 15-20 minutes and drain the water. With the prepared “mashed potatoes”, rub the mirror thoroughly with a piece of suede, a rag or newspaper.

  4. Giving Shine - Chalk + Ammonia (third method)
    Prepare a mixture of:
    • chalk or tooth powder - 1st l;
    • ammonia - 1 tbsp.

    Wipe the mirror with the resulting slurry with a soft cloth.

  5. Giving shine to home mirrors when washing - Potatoes (fourth method)
    Grate a mirror with half a raw potato, rinse with cool water and then wipe with a dry cloth. There will be no trace of dirt left, and the mirror will shine like new.
  6. Salvation of a mirror from dirt - Bow
    How to clean a mirror with an onion? - Very simple.
    It is enough to rub the mirror with an onion, leave for 5-7 minutes and wipe it with either a cloth or paper. Saves from mosquitoes or flies.
  7. No streaks on the mirror after washing - Water + Dishwashing liquid
    Instead of dishwashing detergent, you can take, for example, dishwasher liquid - both products have proven effective in combating excess dirt on mirrors.
  8. Alcohol and alcohol-based solutions for cleaning mirrors from traces of hairspray
    Colognes, Sprays "save" from lovers of hairspray. It is necessary to apply a barely noticeable layer of alcohol or solution to the surface of the mirror, then wipe it with a cloth or paper.
  9. Protecting the mirror from moisture for safe washing
    You can save the mirror from dampness by applying to the amalgam (from the back of the glass) a composition of melted wax 1/3 and turpentine 2/3.
  10. General recommendations for cleaning mirrors at home
    To make the care of mirrors complete, you need to clean them regularly with a dry soft cloth and, in addition to this, use a linen cloth without extra fibers 1-2 times a month, wetting it in vinegar.
  11. How to clean a new mirror without dust?
    It is recommended to wash the mirror with a solution of blue water or use green tea infusion instead of blue.
  12. Placement of mirrors in the house for their greater safety and comfort
    Direct Sun rays are not recommended. It is necessary to place mirrors in the apartment in such a way that the light does not fall on the mirror itself, but on the person who will look into it - then it will not show possible stains in the sun after washing, and also blind you when trying to preen in front of him.
  13. How to give a new shine to the mirror when washing?
    It is enough to dip a lint-free cloth in milk and wipe the mirror. After that, the mirror will shine again.
  14. Kapron, like excellent remedy for cleaning mirrors
    Capron will help to rub the mirror to a shine. It is enough to moisten it in cold water and wipe the mirror.
  15. Can I clean mirrors at home with car fluid?
    The magazine site asks you to refrain from using car fluid as a mirror cleaner, as it contains many substances that can cause dizziness and headaches.
  16. We hope that the 15 secret ways from the site will help you take care of your home mirrors. You can now Easily clean each mirror yourself and rub it to a shine so that it shines clean again!

Do you want to wash your mirror to a shine, but after each wash you get only ugly stains on it? Don't know how to get rid of it? So that you can deal with such a problem, let's look at how to wash a mirror without streaks.

To figure out how to clean the mirror so that there are no streaks left on it, you first need to find out where they come from. There are several sources of their appearance:

  • Poor quality window cleaning chemicals that leave soapy residue behind.
  • Dust and dirt, as well as sticky handprints and waste products of insects, in particular, flies, that were not washed off the glass well.
  • Water with various impurities. She leaves limescale on the mirrors. Most of all, mirrors in the bathroom suffer from this type of pollution.

Given all these types of pollution, you can choose the most suitable type of glass cleaner from both industrial products and folk recipes. If you follow the correct washing algorithm for such surfaces, you can easily deal with this task, no matter what kind of product you choose.

Glass cleaning sequence

In order to wash mirrors without streaks to a perfect shine, you need to follow the basic steps for cleaning such surfaces. They are:

  • Dirt removal. To do this, you will need to use water with a little shampoo or dish detergent, or special chemistry for mirrors. You will need to collect this solution on a rag or soft sponge and carefully walk it over the entire surface. Do not use materials with pile or abrasive cleaners for this purpose, they will certainly leave scratches on the mirrors.

  • Washing off the detergent. This stage must be carried out most carefully, since if it is performed incorrectly, divorces most often remain. You will need to work like this: you need to take a clean new sponge or soft cloth, remove the remnants of the product with it, wetting the sponge itself several times in clean water. After that, you will need to take some boiled water and wipe the mirror with it.
  • Rubbing mirrors. At this point, you will need to take newspapers and mirror cleaner. First you will need to apply such a tool to the surface, and then take a newspaper and rub the glass well with it. If you don’t have newspapers on hand, you can use napkins or microfiber cloths, you can also take a regular towel, but after that there may be lint on the glass.


if you want to wash your mirror for shine, you need to follow all three steps in sequence. If you miss at least one of them, after washing, stains will still remain on the glasses.

What industrial tools can be used

What is the best way to clean such surfaces? You can use a variety of industrial products, including special glass cleaners like Mister Muscle, professional products like SPECTR-PROFI (they will completely clean even the most dirty surfaces), and car washes. The last two types of products can only be used outdoors, as they have a higher toxicity and can cause dizziness and even nausea.

If, for some reason, you didn’t have a single suitable product at hand, you can also use ordinary monitor wipes, but there will be much more fuss with them. Therefore, in such a situation, it is much better to resort to folk recipes, especially since most of them are elementary in application.

Green tea cleansing

This is one of the most budget funds for cleaning mirrors. Use it like this: take a glass of freshly brewed strong natural green tea, add a tablespoon of ordinary table salt to it, and then apply this mixture to the mirror with a nylon cloth. Wipe the surface dry, there will be no streaks on it.

Video: cleaning mirrors with tea:


use only nylon fabric for this purpose. Any other will leave a pile.

By analogy with this tool, you can use a weak blue solution. It also copes well with various pollution.

Cleaning the surface with potatoes

If you do not have any special chemicals on hand, you can get by with ordinary potatoes. How to clean the mirror? You need to do this:

  1. First, cut the potatoes in half to form a large juicy cut.
  2. The resulting cut will need to carefully rub the surface.
  3. After that, you need to rinse the mirror with water and wipe it dry.


you can use the presented product even if there is dirt on the mirror. It can handle them with ease.

Rub the mirror with onions

If you are thinking about how to wash so that there are no streaks on the glasses, you should try using ordinary onions for this purpose. The principle of its use is similar to the use of potatoes for this purpose. You just need to cut the onion in half, rub the surface with it and leave it all for 10 minutes. After that, you just need to rinse the surface with water.


use this remedy if insects often land on your glasses. The bow will easily scare them away.

Bring back the surface shine

How to wash a mirror so that it starts to shine again? You just need to take ordinary milk, put it on a cloth and wipe the mirror thoroughly with it. After that, you will need to wipe it dry.


use this product after you have already cleaned the surface with soapy water or any other product. Only in this way will you achieve the best effect.

We clean surfaces with ammonia

How to wash mirrors so that a beautiful shine remains on them? Ordinary ammonia, which is available in almost every first aid kit, will help you cope with this difficult task. It is recommended to work with him like this:

  1. First you need to deal with a solution of ammonia. To do this, you should take a glass of ordinary boiled water, and then add a spoonful of ammonia to it.
  2. You need to pour the resulting mixture into any spray bottle. A regular water sprayer will do, as well as an old bottle of perfume or hair product. Next, you will need to use such a bottle to apply the product to the entire surface.
  3. Now you will need to wipe the glass with napkins or newspaper.

This tool, how to clean mirrors, is considered one of the most effective. Many housewives use it to keep their home clean without any ready-made chemicals.

Remove dirt with vinegar

This is another effective and easy-to-use recipe for streak-free mirror cleaning. Use it like this:

  1. First, prepare a cleaning solution by mixing vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Next, take a rag, soak it in the vinegar mixture and wipe the surface very well with it.
  3. After that, take a regular napkin or a newspaper and rub the surface to a shine.

Video: how to wash with vinegar?


this remedy you need to wipe it off the mirror well. Otherwise, it will also leave streaks.

Removing nail polish stains with alcohol

How to clean a mirror with hairspray stains? You can cope with a similar task with the help of alcohol colognes. To do this, you will simply need to type any cologne on a rag and rub a smooth surface with this rag to a shine.


To make it easier to deal with such pollution, try to clean them immediately. If they remain on the glass for more than a week, it will be very difficult to get rid of them.

Fixing the glass in the bathroom

Mirrors in the bathroom are most affected by dampness. To put it in order, you can do this:

  1. To begin with, you will need to mix melted wax and turpentine in proportions of 1: 2.
  2. Right after that, while the mixture has not yet thickened, you will need to spread it on the back of the glass. The film formed on the back of the surface will protect it from moisture.
  3. Next, you will need to process the shiny surface itself so that it is protected from fogging. To do this, you will also need to prepare a special mixture by adding a gelatin solution to it (it is added in a teaspoon per 50 ml of water), a spoonful of shaving foam, and any fabric softener. You should type this mixture on a cloth and wipe the surface well with it.

After such processing, you will not have questions about how to quickly wash the mirror without streaks. You will only need to wipe it with alcohol or ammonia from time to time so that it retains its original luster.

Video: how to wash a mirror?

How to wash a mirror without streaks - this task can become impossible if you do not know some of the subtleties. First of all, they determine the source of mirror dirt. Further, knowing the reason for divorces, choose the necessary detergent and material for wiping the surface. If there are children and people prone to allergies in the house, only environmentally friendly products are used for washing.

Causes of plaque or stains on the mirror

To select a detergent, first of all, determine the cause of the spots and dirt. There are many such sources:

  • If it is located in the kitchen or in the immediate vicinity of the kitchen, the coating is predominantly greasy (from greasy fumes or soot).
  • In the bathroom and shower room, it is lime or soapy (from water or splashes when washing).
  • In the halls and hallway - a dusty coating, creating the effect of a dim reflection.

In addition, there may be sweat marks human, hairspray, traces of the vital activity of flies.

Leaks and streaks leave:

  • low-quality detergents;
  • microimpurities of water;
  • cloth or sponge material.

Mirror cleaning sequence

To get rid of visible stains and plaque, the first step is to wash the surface with a simple water-soap solution. use laundry soap (can be for children), a soft sponge or rag. Knives, glasses or abrasive materials should be excluded so as not to damage the surface and not spoil the mirror.

The second step is the application of a special detergent. Such funds can be purchased at the store. professional tools will give the mirror antistatic properties, which will reduce the amount of the dust that settles on it and, accordingly, the number of cleanings.

In this case, it is not recommended to use means for cars due to their high toxicity.

Thirdly, it is necessary to remove the stains left by the detergent itself. To do this, it is worth washing the surface several times with ordinary warm water (you can boil it, it is not as hard as from the tap).

The fourth step is to bring the surface to perfect shine. One of the two following compositions can be used:

  1. For a glass of water - 1 tbsp. spoon and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of alcohol (you can vodka). Spray the resulting solution evenly over the entire surface, and then wipe with a dry, lint-free glass cloth that does not leave streaks or a paper towel.
  2. Insist 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed chalk in a small amount of ammonia. Draining excess liquid, and having obtained a slurry of sour cream density, rub the surface with it. Wipe and polish with a dry, lint-free cloth or paper towel.

Many housewives are wary of using industrial surface cleaners at home due to their unpleasant odors and toxicity. In addition, every year the population progresses allergy to various chemicals.

In this case, it is more expedient to use folk, environmentally friendly methods for health. They have many options. They are simple, affordable and economical. The only drawback is that they can be more energy-intensive (labor-intensive).

Cleaning the mirror in different ways

The question of how to clean the mirror without streaks is solved in several ways. Excellent assistants in this matter are folk remedies. They were used in the last century, when the CIS countries did not abound with industrial cleaning agents.

Folk remedies

The problem of how to wash a mirror without streaks is perfectly solved by the simplest tools or products at hand. They can be found by any (even ill-mannered) housewife in her kitchen.

  • The easiest and most versatile way is ammonia, boiled water and a newspaper. One tablespoon of alcohol is diluted in a glass of water and sprayed over the surface. Finally rubbed with crumpled newspaper.
  • A tablespoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of infused green tea. The composition is applied to the surface and wiped dry. This treatment adds shine.
  • Raw potatoes are great for shine. The cut half of the potato is rubbed on the mirror, washed off with water and polished with a dry cloth.
  • Shine and shine can be restored by using ordinary milk for processing. With a cloth dipped in milk, they clean the plane and finally bring it to an ideal state with a dry cloth.
  • A new mirror will shine after being treated with a blue-water solution.
  • Flies will not sit on the mirror for a long time if you rub it with onion juice and let it stand for 7-10 minutes. A dry paper towel or lint-free cloth will help complete this process.

All these methods make it much easier for housewives to clean the mirror at home.

Secrets of Cleansing Specific Contaminants

Sometimes special spots accidentally appear on the surface: traces of chewing gum, markers or stickers (the kids were joking). Most often, a whitish coating from the water appears - this already applies to how to wash the mirror in the bathroom.

Bathroom mirror

All surfaces in the bathroom are characterized by limescale (calcium carbonate) from dried water droplets. So that the cleaning process is not difficult, it is worth doing it regularly, and not from case to case. There are three options for how to wash a mirror without streaks in the bathroom:

  1. Bred sachet citric acid in 0.5 liters of water. Spray all over the surface. After 5 minutes, rinse with clean water and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.
  2. Works great with limescale and regular lemon. Rub a piece of lemon on the problem area. Wash off with water after a minute and pat dry.
  3. It is very good to wipe the mirror in the bathroom with a solution consisting of equal parts of water and vinegar. After the disappearance of pollution, you should use a simple, damp cloth or napkin.

How to rid a mirror of stickers

The stickers that have adhered to the surface are first softened for three minutes with a cloth moistened with hot water. Then the spatula is carefully removed from the surface.

You can also warm up the place with a sticker with a regular hair dryer, then carefully with a blade and wipe it with alcohol.

Great for removing stickers vegetable oil. It is applied with a cotton pad for two minutes on the problem area and then everything is removed with a paper towel and a damp cloth.

Acetone or other nail polish remover will remove the sticker well.

How to clean the surface from the marker

If traces from the marker on water based, it is enough to rinse it with clean water and wipe it dry with microfiber.

To get rid of traces of the alcohol marker, you must use alcohol or vodka.

Traces of the oil marker are removed with grease or oil. To do this, impregnate the fabric surface with oil and rub the stain. Finally resort to a dry napkin.

Knowing how to clean a mirror without streaks, every housewife can always keep it in perfect condition. The main thing is that this interesting process brought pleasure to her and the joy of the result.

Attention, only TODAY!

Cleanliness and comfort of the house is a guarantee Have a good mood. The health of those living in it also depends on how often the house is cleaned, since untidy areas are a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. We wash, scrape, clean, wipe - the housewives are well aware of these household chores. Of particular difficulty is the washing of glass, polished and mirror surfaces.

Not every hostess knows how to wash a mirror without streaks. And to accomplish this task, sometimes in vain, they spend a lot of nerves and effort. It is not possible to wash a mirror without streaks to a perfect shine the first time. The result is a spoiled mood, repetition of boring work and wasted time.

A very simple and cheap and accessible method is known, which uses water, soft cloths and thin paper (usually toilet paper or newsprint). The order of work is as follows:

  • dirt is washed off with a cloth soaked in water;
  • in a circular motion with the help of paper, crumpled into a ball, the glass is rubbed dry, only in this way can the complete disappearance of stains be ensured.

The disadvantages of this method are laboriousness (it takes a long time and carefully to polish) and the presence of toxic substances in printing ink.

Using improvised means

How to wash a mirror without streaks at home - they know. There are a lot of folk remedies:

  • water and table vinegar (proportion 1: 1);
  • tooth powder and ammonia;
  • vinegar and tooth powder.

In the first case, the mirror is cleaned in the same way as described above. With water mixed with vinegar, you need to wash the mirror, removing excess dirt, and then scrub it with paper until a characteristic shine is obtained.

The second option is also quite simple. In equal proportions, it is necessary to mix tooth powder and ammonia until a slurry is obtained. Rub the mirror with the resulting mixture, lightly pressing with a rag on places with especially strong dirt and leave it in this state for a while, for example, for 15 or 20 minutes. While the dirt sours, you can relax or drink a cup of tea. Then you need to rinse it all with water at room temperature and lightly polish the surface with a napkin. can be replaced with toothpaste or crushed chalk. The use of baking soda is not recommended to avoid clouding the glass.

Similarly, cleaning is done with vinegar and tooth powder or chalk. In a glass of warm water, you need to take a spoonful of vinegar (nine percent) and a spoonful of chalk or tooth powder. The mixture must be infused, excess water drained. Apply the resulting slurry to the mirror area, clean the contaminants in a circular motion and, at the end of this action, rinse with cool water.

There is another folk remedy, which includes milk, salt, blue and ammonia. Glass is rubbed with this mixture, washed off and polished.

Use of natural ingredients

How can I wash a mirror without streaks using products of natural origin? After all, such washing causes minimal harm. environment. Alternatively, you can use green tea leaves. This method has a double benefit:

  1. Environmental friendliness.
  2. Cheapness and the possibility of using waste that must be disposed of.

The use of starch or potatoes is another possibility of using natural ingredients. To prepare the composition, a tablespoon of starch and a tablespoon of water are taken, the resulting mixture is applied to the glass in the same way as in the previous options and washed off after 20 minutes.

Starch can be replaced with potatoes.

To do this, you need to take half of the tuber, rub the surface with it, and then rinse with warm water and wipe dry with a soft cloth or suede cloth.

How to wash a mirror without streaks if there are traces of flies on it

It is very difficult to clean the traces of flies or other insects. How to wash glass and mirrors without streaks, if these unpleasant neighbors appeared in the dwelling, especially with the onset of summer? An ordinary onion can easily cope with this task. It is necessary to take half of the onion and, similarly to the version with potatoes, vigorously rub it into a mirror or window surface.

Onion juice will instantly remove fly spots and prevent further insect infestation.

Ready-made chemicals

Modern women are business people or employed in the manufacturing sector, so there is not so much time left to clean an apartment or house. Imagine what it is like for a working hostess: there are always few opportunities for such things in terms of employment. How to quickly wash a mirror without streaks? This problem is serious enough for business woman. This is where you need to get help. household chemicals, which in modern world is a saving straw that facilitates household work. You can resort to the banal use for washing dishes. It must also be applied to the surface and, after holding for a while, quickly rinse off. With help good drug dirt is removed instantly and there are practically no streaks left. To make it more convenient, the chemical is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed. This happens very quickly.

There are also special glass cleaners. Well-known cleaners such as "Second", "Shine", "Mr. Muscle" and others. Efficient removal streak-free dirt is achieved due to the content of ammonia and isopropyl alcohol. Precautions must be observed when using. To avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of chemical vapor poisoning, the room where the mirror hangs should be well ventilated. A car glass cleaner can also work.

Antistatic wipes

For convenience, manufacturers have come up with wipes for cleaning mirrors with special impregnation. There are options for cleaning computer monitors, TV equipment and optics. The composition with which these assistants are impregnated helps to rid the surface of unnecessary stains, and also contains an antistatic agent. The presence of the latter reduces the accumulation of dust on the surface and allows less frequent

By the way, such an option as the use of unnecessary nylon tights, which have lost their relevance due to the arrows that have appeared, is another effective method They enhance the shine and help to quickly and efficiently wash the mirror without streaks.

Step-by-step instruction

Summing up how to properly wash a mirror without streaks, you can draw up the following step-by-step algorithm. And the use of various means, both improvised and special, comes down to one chain of actions that must be performed sequentially:

  • First step- cleaning of pollution by any of the means that have been listed. The more aggressive the composition, the faster the cleansing will occur. Sometimes it pays to get your priorities right. What is more important: speed or safety? Natural and improvised means are cleaner from an environmental point of view.
  • Second step- washing off a chemical or composition made by oneself. The use of cold water leads to the best result. To facilitate the work of removing stains, a special brush with a rubber squeegee for washing glass will help. Rubber drives moisture down, the surface is clean and streak-free. The use of such tools speeds up the cleaning process several times.

  • Third step- polishing. It is needed in order to give the mirror the necessary shine. Microfiber cloths will help with this process. But newsprint or toilet paper will do. A distinctive property of paper is that it practically does not leave dust and fabric fibers on the glass. In addition, its availability and low cost allows you to wash windows and mirrors in the house with minimal material costs. Two or three newspapers - and the mirror shines like new. A good result is also obtained using suede.

Causes of streaks when washing

So, the mirror is washed and dried. But upon closer examination, it turns out that its purity and brilliance are far from ideal: there are cloudy stains and smudges, appearance leaves much to be desired. Likely causes:

  • There was dirt or dust on the glass before washing. If possible, it should be removed even before using water, brushing it off with a soft brush or cloth, and clean the droplets of fat with an absorbent cloth.
  • Remains of detergent were not washed off, for example, left on the glass washing powder which is difficult to remove. To wash it, you need a large number of water.
  • Water contains impurities that leave cloudy smudges when dried.

To remove streaks, wipe the glass with a damp cloth and wipe dry toilet paper or absorbent paper.

The face of every housewife who loves cleanliness is a mirror, which in most cases does not cause much trouble to put in order, but here how to clean a mirror without streaks?

A lot of mirrors in the bathroom, hallway, bedroom and even in closets made life much more difficult for housewives in terms of washing these mirrored surfaces. It seems that washing a mirror to a shine is a simple matter, but here's how to do it so that after careful polishing there are no streaks left?

Streaks appear because most of the tools and products that we use to clean mirrors are often simply not suitable for this painstaking work.

But, despite this, you can overcome absolutely any dirt, even wash water stains and traces of detergents from the mirror surface. Now, dear hostesses, let's start solving this problem.

To begin with, we need to figure out Why do stains still appear on the mirror in order to further understand what can be done and what cannot be done when washing mirrors. There are three main reasons why stains appear on mirrors:

  • the remnants of dust, dirt or grease particles are not well washed off the surface of the mirror;
  • residues of detergent or spray used to clean the mirror surface may leave soapy streaks;
  • The reason for the appearance of streaks on the mirror may be the very water that you used for washing, since it may contain various impurities and salts, which then remain on the mirror in the form of streaks.

Now that you know the main causes of divorce, you can draw up a plan of action, following which you can clean the mirror without leaving a single divorce.

Next, we will discuss with you how to clean a mirror. Depending on what type of household chemicals you prefer, choosing one or another mirror cleaner will not be difficult. In modern life, there are more than enough such detergents, but just before buying these sprayers consider how they will affect the well-being of your children and other family members, since the substances contained in similar means, can cause even a healthy person an allergic reaction or irritation of the mucous membranes.

Therefore, before buying these mirror cleaners, remember if your household has any contraindications. If there are any, then using folk methods for washing mirrors without streaks, you will achieve excellent results without endangering the health of your loved ones.

By the way, according to many experts, stains on the mirror are left precisely by specialized products for cleaning mirror surfaces.

Therefore, the choice is only yours, what to use when washing mirrors, so as not to leave a single divorce.

How to wash properly?

Let's deal with you in order, how to properly wash mirrors without streaks. Mirror cleaning should begin by removing all dust and grease. If you immediately splatter the entire mirror surface with glass cleaner, then you certainly can’t avoid streaks. To begin with, dear hostesses, you should arm yourself with a soft rag or sponge, as well as any detergent. Dishwashing liquid or shampoo is ideal.

Now you should prepare a soap solution. To do this, in a small container, dilute a tablespoon of your chosen detergent in warm water, lather it well and, after wetting a rag in this solution, start washing the mirror. If you use a sponge, it is enough to moisten it with warm water and apply detergent directly to its surface. Foam the product - and you can wash the mirror. Never use hard sponges or cleaners that contain abrasives.: They will quickly scratch the mirror surface.

Then rinse the sponge or rag with clean water and wash off the remaining detergent from the surface of the mirror, then take a fiber cloth or a small piece of gauze. These textures will perfectly save the mirror from the possible appearance of streaks, only you need to carefully wash off the soap residue several times, each time rinsing the rag again.

If you find dried fat droplets on the surface of the mirror, then take a blade or a thin knife and very carefully try to remove these contaminants. Then moisten a soft sponge with detergent and carefully rub the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mirror - there will be no trace of grease left. Don't forget to wash it large quantity water so as not to leave streaks.

Well, if the mirror is so dirty that even a soap solution cannot cope with it, then use dish cleaning powder. Just before cleaning, do not forget that the powder must be turned into a pulp with a small amount of warm water, and only after that, yes, hostesses, only after that you can apply it to the surface of the mirror. You do not want to reward your mirror with small scratches in the pursuit of cleanliness. After using this product, wash the mirror surface thoroughly, as the use of powder will leave a large amount of cloudy streaks.

After removing the bulk of the dirt, you should start washing the mirror with clean water. You may think this is stupid, but in order to avoid divorce it is better to use filtered water or boiled water. Wetting a cloth in water, thoroughly wash the mirror, wiping off the remnants of detergents. It is better to use a fiber cloth, as it will perfectly clean the mirror surface and leave no streaks.

After completing the main work let's start polishing. For this procedure, a dry fiber cloth is ideal or plain paper. Paper will perfectly clean the mirror surface to a shine, and textiles may leave small particles of fiber or collected dust.

Old newspapers are the most effective in terms of giving shine to mirrors and getting rid of various stains.

Their texture is ideal for this difficult task: it perfectly absorbs all excess moisture and will not fall apart into small pieces. To avoid streaks on your mirror, take a few sheets of newspaper and crumple them well, then straighten them a little and start rubbing your favorite mirror, paying particular attention to the corners. You can also use paper towels, which, unlike ordinary napkins, have a denser structure. Thanks to this method and old unnecessary newspapers, you will return an extraordinary shine to the mirror, and not a single divorce will remain on its surface.

But before rubbing the mirror surface with old newspapers, it must be moisturize special means for cleaning mirrors and glass, which will contribute to the maximum brilliance of your mirror. Apply a small amount of this product with a sprayer to the mirror, then wipe with a fiber cloth or newspaper. And voila - the dazzling shine of the mirror is guaranteed to you, and most importantly, no streaks!

Folk remedies

So, we have considered the main secrets effective washing mirrors, but, as mentioned earlier, many people may be allergic to specialized detergents, so let's save our families and look at many tips on how to wash mirrors without streaks using folk remedies.

So, our caring readers, let's start a short digression, thanks to which you will know all the tricks on how to wash a mirror without streaks using folk methods:

Folk methods for eliminating divorces


1. Old newspapers and water

As mentioned earlier, this is a great way to add shine to a mirror. First you need to wash it using warm water, and then rinse with cool. This trick, for sure, many of you did not know. This method will give the mirror a special shine. After water procedures carefully rub the mirror surface with old newspapers or toilet paper. But I have to disappoint you a little: newspaper paint contains a large amount of lead, which very harmful to children, so either replace newspapers with paper towels, or choose a more harmless way for yourself.

2. Tea and salt water

Thanks to this method, it will be possible to give the mirror an extraordinary shine. To do this, prepare the following solution: brew strong tea and let it brew for about 25 minutes, then add one teaspoon of salt to it. It is best to rub a mirror to a shine with a cloth made of nylon thread, which must first be soaked in a tea solution. After the mirror should be wiped dry. This method will give shine to your mirror, and get rid of streaks.

3. Vinegar and chalk

In this case, it is necessary to prepare a mixture using one tablespoon of tooth powder or chalk, one tablespoon of vinegar and a glass of water. All ingredients must be mixed and heated, then let it brew for 20 minutes, wait until the chalk particles settle, and drain the water. Using a small piece of gauze, apply a small amount of the resulting slurry to it and carefully rub the mirror surface. After this procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the mirror so that there are no smudges of chalk left. This method will surprise you with its result. Having tried it once, for sure, you will always use it, because the effect will exceed your expectations.

4. Ammonia or ammonium hydroxide and chalk

Prepare the mixture by combining chalk or tooth powder and ammonium hydroxide in equal proportions. Using soft tissue or a sponge, rub the entire surface of the mirror, then rinse with cool water and wipe dry. Such folk method will clean your mirror from dirt and leave no streaks.

5. Potato

You must have been surprised when you read how you can clean a mirror and make it shine. But still try this trick and test it on your mirror. To do this, take half a raw potato and rub it on a mirror, then rinse with cool water and wipe dry with a fiber cloth. There will be no trace of various contaminants, and the mirror will shine with purity and brilliance, and you will not see any streaks.

6. Onion

This folk remedy most likely made you laugh. But the bow is really very effective. Rub the mirror with half a raw onion and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water so that no smell remains. Such a folk remedy will save your mirror from midges and flies, respectively, and from small contaminants from them, which are so tedious to wash off.

7. Detergent for dishes or dishwashers and water

One of the ways to wash mirrors at home without leaving streaks is to use dish detergent or a specially designed dishwasher detergent. To do this, dilute one teaspoon of detergent in warm water, moisten a sponge and wash the mirror. After that, rinse the entire surface well. cold water and wipe dry. There will be no trace of divorce.

8. Alcohol or alcohol-containing substances

These tools will help deal with the problem of mirror contamination with hairspray because it's so hard to wash off. But we will solve this problem with you. To do this, take either cotton pads or a small piece of gauze, soak in alcohol and wipe the entire mirror, then you can wipe it with a dry cloth or paper towel. There will be no streaks or lacquer marks left on the mirror.

9. Prevention of the mirror from dampness for subsequent effective washing

Often, on the reverse side of the mirrors, you clearly noticed dark spots, which, of course, are not washed off by anything. Unfortunately, they cannot be washed, so it is better to prevent their occurrence. To do this, prepare the mixture in the following proportions: one part of melted wax and two parts of turpentine. With the resulting mixture, rub the amalgam, that is, apply it to the back of the mirror. Thanks to this trick, you are saved from the appearance of dark spots of dampness.

To keep your mirrors always shiny and clean, you should regularly clean them with a soft, dry fiber cloth. In addition, in order for your mirrors to be fully cared for, twice a month it is necessary to treat the mirror surface with a cloth cloth previously soaked in vinegar.

11. Wash out the new mirror

In order to wash a new mirror, on which various contaminants have not yet had time to form, you can use weak solution of blue or green tea. Soak a soft gauze cloth in your chosen product and wipe the mirror, then you can wipe it dry. This way of washing the mirror with the help of folk remedies will perfectly cope with the problem of stains and will maintain the shine of the new mirror constantly.

12. Correct placement of mirrors in the house

In order to keep the novelty of your mirrors for a long time, you should choose the right place to place them. Choose a place that will not be exposed to direct sunlight. The mirror should be placed so that direct sunlight falls on the person who looks in the mirror, but in no case on the mirror surface itself. If you place a mirror under direct rays, you will not be able to look into it without squinting your eyes, and possible stains will always be visible to you under the refraction of the direct rays of the sun.

13. Milk

In order to give the former novelty and dazzling radiance to your mirror, simply moisten a soft cloth in milk and wipe its surface, then wipe it dry. This folk method will surprise you with its effectiveness.

Any fabric that is made from nylon thread or old nylon tights will be able to rid your mirror of streaks and give a special shine. To do this, simply moisten the nylon in cold water and wipe the entire mirror thoroughly, then you can wipe it dry, and then again walk over its surface with nylon, but already dry. The effect of this method will be amazing.

15. Liquid for cars

Many housewives manage to use this tool to get rid of streaks on mirrors. The remedy is indeed very effective, but it is better to refrain from it, because it contains a high content of various impurities that cause dizziness and a sharp headache.

We hope that these tricks and helpful tips, how to wash a mirror with the help of folk remedies, without leaving streaks, will really help you in solving this problem, and your mirrors will again shine with a dazzling brilliance, on the overflow of which there will be no place for streaks.