What to wear under a black coat. Mink coat: the secrets of stylish looks

Your wardrobe has been replenished new thing, and you became the owner of a chic mink product? This is an occasion not only for joy and pride, but also for reviewing your wardrobe and, if necessary, buying a few new things that will look great with a fur product.

A mink coat is only a component (albeit an important one) of the whole image of a fashionista. When buying a fur product, you need to think about what it will be not only convenient, but also advantageous to wear, how best to combine things. So, with what to wear a mink coat? What you should pay special attention to:

  • shoes;
  • headdress;
  • accessories.
In the overall picture of the image, every little thing can matter.

What to wear with a mink coat

If some natural fur coats are bought for infrequent outings (take at least a chinchilla, sable, etc.), then a mink product, given its excellent consumer properties, can be worn throughout the cold season, which means that you need to devote time and attention to your wardrobe.

Fashion is changeable. Appear different models, fashion designers come up with unique styles. Therefore, it will probably be more convenient to consider fur coats based on their length, because the cut, the color of the mink can be very diverse.

Short fur coats

If you chose a shortened model, then it is immediately clear that some elements of clothing will be visible, and it is worth choosing the vestments in great detail. Short version winter coat looks stylish and youthful. With what to wear a mink coat to the knee or above it? With a short coat, you can wear tight trousers with a blouse, skinny jeans. Stylists do not recommend wearing flared trousers. Business style is favorably combined with short fur coats (they are often preferred to wear by autoladies): strict trousers or classic, business style skirt.

The tandem looks good: a fur coat and a dress. It can be a long evening dress for going out, or it can be a midi-length skirt. Color combination fur coats and the rest of the ensemble are combined in completely different ways. You can choose options that you are used to wearing, experiment and implement new ideas.

long models

A long fur coat is not always for every day:

  • It will be heavy in itself;
  • constantly walking (due to the length) in it is not always convenient;
  • the hem of the product quickly becomes dirty and in this case it is difficult to avoid visiting the dry cleaners.

Speaking about what to wear with a maxi-length mink coat, it is worth saying that it is not easy to choose clothes for a complete look.

A long fur coat, although chic, looks rather heavy, it should be worn with high-heeled shoes in order to visually stretch the silhouette, make the figure more toned, slim. If you neglect this rule and wear flat-soled boots, then an expensive elite fur coat will not look spectacular at all, on the contrary, all the chic of the product may be nullified.

A long fur coat is good for infrequent outings to show off. And in this case, an evening outfit (dress) and even, quite possibly, not boots, but shoes for a solemn occasion would be appropriate.

The most comfortable option is a mink coat to the knee

Let's leave the extremes (long to the floor or, conversely, shortened coats) and see what to wear with a mink coat of the most optimal - medium (slightly higher or knee-deep) length. That's where there are a lot of different options. Attention should be paid to shoes, trousers or a skirt, pick up a hat and accessories.

Let's start from the bottom - with shoes. This is one of the main elements that will help make the image whole. We have already said that long, almost to the heel, fluffy products are best worn in combination with high heels, short ones will also look great with a stiletto heel and a small thick heel.

But with what shoes to wear a mink coat middle length? There is more than one option, but the main thing is to remember the convenience, because fur products are worn in the cold season, which means snow marks, ice, slippery roads - everything will be encountered on the way. After all, for the sake of chic, you can put on high heels, and after a few meters passed with your head held high, you find yourself in an emergency room. But you don’t want to find such an adventure on your head at all.

Traveling in the cold, especially on ice, on a stiletto heel is not at all convenient, although a thin heel will look good with a medium-length fur coat. Of course, you can parade in thin heels from home to the car, but if the journey is longer, then more practical shoes will be the best solution. As an alternative, you can advise boots (suitable without a heel), you should also look at ugg boots - such sheepskin shoes will be in harmony with a fur product.

There is also valuable advice to be given. What height you choose the heel is one moment. But another nuance is not unimportant - the material from which the shoes are made. With an expensive mink coat, you should wear a natural one (made of leather or good quality suede) shoes. The usual "one-day" leatherette will immediately be noticeable "against the background" of the product from natural fur.

It’s also worth thinking about what to wear under a fur coat. Depending on the model, you can experiment. Nobody canceled the good old classics. She is a life saver. Try on a fur coat mink fur knee-length with jeans (skinny), wear pantsuit or a skirt, a dress will do just fine. Do you feel comfortable? All good? Arranges? Then go ahead - attract the views of fans!

And ... yes ... almost forgot! The answer to the question of what to wear with a mink coat would be incomplete, if not to say about accessories. Under the fur coat fit a small handbag or clutch. Do not take "as a companion" big bags. They will be out of place, they will add heaviness to your image. The same goes for scarves. They should be light, thin, and not tied over a fur coat, and even in several rows.

Choosing a hat for a fur coat

The question of which headdress to prefer in order to complete and complement the image is also very relevant. Many stylists give advice to try to show off in a hat made of the same fur - mink. She, in combination with a fur coat, looks stylish: a headdress and winter clothes come in one set. At the same time, it is not necessary to choose a hat exactly to match the coat, it is quite acceptable to “play” with shades. But it is worth considering that fur hats are more to the face. mature women. It is better for fans of youth style to look for something more “light” and “airy”.

As an alternative, fashionistas can be offered to try on a felt hat or some kind of winter coat with a fluffy coat. knitted pattern. This option is suitable, but on the condition that the model is not too "simple". If you put something really cheap on your head, the whole gloss of a mink product may fade. You can also wear a mink coat with a scarf.

For those women who are going to buy winter model with a hood, you don’t have to worry at all when looking for a hat. You can get by with a hood - put it on, and you feel comfortable.

Now there is a real fluffy boom! Designers show fashionable fur coats in their collections with might and main, demonstrating both natural and artificial furs in the most daring colors. What to wear with a fur coat in everyday life? For you tips and photos of fashionable images.

What shoes to wear with a fur coat
The choice of shoes is very important point. No one will notice a sweater worn under a coat, but boots will immediately attract attention.
Most people think that only stiletto heels should be worn under fur, period. This is not entirely true, and there are many more options. Stiletto shoes in winter are not very comfortable and unsafe, especially since narrow models of boots do not retain heat well. Try to combine business with pleasure and complete the look with uggs, comfortable and very warm.

Short fur coat It will look good with over the knee boots at low speed. If you can't live without extra inches in the instep, look for boots with solid soles or wide, stable heels. Stylish and safe, unlike thin heels.

How to wear a fur coat with athletic shoes
Fur and sneakers - bad manners? It wasn’t there, women of fashion still can’t combine this into a stylish look. If you decide on this extraordinary experiment, we suggest you look at how to wear a fur coat with sports shoes so as not to look ridiculous.

What hat to wear with a fur coat
Naturally, fur is best complemented by an elegant hairstyle. However, in cold winter weather, a hat is a must. What hat to wear with a fur coat so that the image looks like a single whole?

Fur hat under a fur coat for a young girl, the option is not entirely successful, take a closer look at a plain knitted hat.

It is worth considering options for combinations of fur outerwear and bandanas, a stole or a luxurious scarf.

You don't wear hats at all? Then your option is a fur coat with a hood. Warm, comfortable, and the hair will be less spoiled.

What clothes to wear a fur coat
If you are the owner of a fur coat to the floor, you can wear anything underneath. For options to the knee or short fur coats, you need to select the appropriate combination for the style.
A time-tested classic will help create the right combination. For girls who are thinking about what to wear a fur coat in everyday looks, we offer options:

  • simple knitted dress
  • pencil skirt, jumper
  • tweed suit, blouse
  • dark skinny jeans, turtleneck
  • jeans or skirt with cashmere sweater

A more dangerous combination pantsuit, in this case, the fur coat should be short and fitted. Fashion fur coats this season are very different, so don't be afraid to experiment with different variations.

We select a bag and gloves
No matter what anyone says, the most ideal combination for fur is leather. Elegant accessories made of leather or suede will complete the luxurious look with a fur product. Choose a bag and gloves a tone lighter than a fur coat, or vice versa - darker.

What fur to choose a fur coat?
What fluffy outerwear is not sewn from! From silver fox, arctic fox, chinchilla, lynx, rabbit, puma, sheepskin, faux fur... And the most popular are mink coats. Should be remembered: a long mink coat is an exclusively evening option, a short model or knee-length is quite suitable for everyday wear.

Try to hear me. Wear mink coat It's an honor, it's a privilege to be earned. When you look good on the outside and feel great on the inside, you should be ready to challenge the envious and remain cheerful and happy at the same time.

You have to keep your posture and respect yourself for who you are. The mink coat is the highest manifestation of women's fashion.

When you wear a mink coat, do it right - be bright, cheerful, self-confident. Do it with dignity, and don't walk like a beaten dog with slumped shoulders and downcast eyes.

And it's always worth remembering a few important rules socks of expensive fur coats made of sable or mink fur. Forlove.com.ua recommends choosing the right events for which you should and should not walk your precious fur coat: suitability and taste should be your calling cards.

How and with what to wear a mink coat

1. Please do not wear a mink coat to mournful occasions such as funerals. Don't wear fur while you're grieving and not feeling well.

2. However, if you are invited to walk the red carpet, do not hesitate to choose the most expensive furs from your closet (sable, arctic fox, mink, ermine, lynx) and dress accordingly.

When you wear an exclusive fur coat to a social event, make sure it's frosty outside or cold enough that you don't sweat in 10 streams - real fur warms very well!

3. Don't wear a mink coat to the beach if it's warm outside. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your furs are, but the motive to show off and show off is clear to everyone, and therefore unpleasant. So don't put on a show of absurdity.

4. Do not let your fur coat be discussed. Even if you get a compliment about a cool coat, accept it with dignity and move on. Let your friends discuss other things, but not your fur. You don't have to convince them that your mink coat is the most fantastic here: they have to see it for themselves.

Some women at the same time can only dream to be in your place. Do not convince them and do not focus on this at all: you are magnificent - and let this memory be imprinted in their memory forever.

5. Remember why you wear a mink coat: to look your best and get a lot of compliments. Kill yourself on the nose that is so chic fur coat on you deserves compliments - and do not resist them.

Make sure your skin and hair color blend well with the fur. Pick up suitable clothes and shoes. It will be great if they say to you: “You look stunning!” And it will be much worse if only your fur coat is praised: “Oh! You have such an amazing coat!” Do you feel the difference?

Also remember another rule of elegant wearing an expensive mink coat: "It is you who wear fur - and therefore do not let the fur wear you." This means that people should first notice you in furs, and not furs on you.

Also do not forget about makeup and personal care: your appearance should be adequately combined with the mink in which you are wrapped from head to toe.

6. Choose a fur coat of the right size. A good fur coat should be slightly loose, but not too tight around your figure.

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However, do not choose baggy models - do not go to extremes.

7. What to wear with a mink coat? When wearing a fur coat over a dress or skirt with a blouse, make sure you wear your long dress or your longest skirt in your entire wardrobe.

That is, it is best and most correct to wear a fur coat with a long skirt, dress or trousers: otherwise the whole image may look somewhat ridiculous and disproportionate, you may look like a “shot down”.

When going to a glamorous party, you can wear such a long dress to the floor that the fur coat will be shorter than it.

But the general unspoken rule for wearing furs is the following: clothes under a fur coat should be 5-10 cm shorter than a fur coat, but at least cover the knees or reach them.

8. What shoes to choose for a mink coat? The one that will be beneficial to emphasize the beauty and sophistication of the fur. You can try to wear stilettos - they will be a beneficial evidence of your elegance and taste.

In any case, shoes with a flat sole or with a medium heel are not something that goes well with an exclusive fur coat.

Therefore, if you are wearing a precious mink coat, be kind, stand on stilettos or just high heels.

9. It is also very important that you feel while wearing a mink, sable, muton or other expensive fur coat. Your attitude towards yourself in a fur coat- the most important thing: it is on its basis that the people around you will perceive and evaluate you.

Mink coat and car

When a girl wears a mink coat and drives a car, she should remember a few rules.

What to wear with a fur coat? This question is often asked by a confident and active woman. We will try to help this fashionista and figure out in which cases a short coat made of fur - the best option clothes, how to choose the right one, taking into account the age and features of the figure. What wardrobe details will perfectly complement the silhouette, and let's dwell on the main tricks that will help create an image.

In this article:

What is called a short coat?

As the name implies, a short fur coat is a short fur coat, the length of which is above the knees and can end at the waist. His short length makes it possible to wear a fashionable fur product in any winter weather, wear it in public transport feel confident driving a car.

Unlike a long fur coat, the risk of damaging valuable fashionable fur or degrading its quality is minimal.

Depending on the material, shortened fur coats are made from expensive furs: mink, nutria, fox, muton. Products made of rabbit, raccoon, fox and silver fox fur have proven themselves well. The cheapest, but no less popular, is a short fur coat made of faux fur.

The cut for a short fur coat can be very different: from fitted to flared silhouette. The color scheme is the most diverse. It can be natural calm tones, combinations of several colors. Young girls can get even the most sparkling colors.

How to choose a fluffy thing according to the figure and preferences?

Unlike long fur coats that restrict movement, which are distinguished by a high price, short fur coats are more youthful clothing. There are no special rules on how to wear them. They are worn like evening dresses as well as every day. None age restrictions while not.

When choosing a style fashionable fur coat you should be guided by the features of your figure. Pay special attention to the collar area. It is in this place that the style can visually expand the figure and break the proportions.

On ladies with a pear-shaped figure, A-shaped short fur coats look good, they hide wide hips well. By focusing on the waist with a belt, you can emphasize the dignity of the figure and make it more attractive.

On ladies of slender silhouettes, straight cropped fur coats look best. Belts fit perfectly on the figure, visually lengthens the silhouette with a V-shaped collar and a slightly flared hem.

What to wear with a short fur coat (combinations with different styles)

Office Style

Bright faux fur products do not really fit into Office Style. All other models will look good over business suits and knee-length dresses. or long classic pants- a good office solution.

By purchasing short fur coat as business wear, please note that the legs need special protection from frost. Together with a cropped fur coat, it is better to wear high boots, long woolen skirts or trousers. Well fit into the image neckerchiefs, bags, hats. Those who want to stand out from the crowd can use bright colors. It is good if the bag is combined with a leather insert on a fur coat.

Casual style

A short coat made of fur fits perfectly into a youth wardrobe. Knee-high boots on the heel of any shape and height, jeans, trousers, skirts. In warm weather, short skirts and shorts look good with tight pantyhose, . Perfectly complement the clothes of sweaters, jumpers, and.

A good addition to the fur top is a large capacious hood, which can sometimes accommodate not only updo but also a small hat. In the absence of a hood, suitable accessories would be knitted scarves, hats, . All these gizmos look good with fashionable fur cape When choosing, pay attention to the combination of colors.

Fashionable natural cropped fur coat will be a good addition to the evening outfit. Stylists advise in this case not to fasten the top, this will only emphasize the solemnity of the image. Choose evening shoes, of course, high stilettos are out of competition.

Choice of shoes

When choosing what shoes to wear with a short fur coat, take a look at the boots of a classic style or with wide tops, ankle boots. You can opt for ankle boots or boots. Informal style lovers can follow haute couture and choose or sports shoes.

Tricks to create a whole image

When introducing a cropped fur coat into your wardrobe, and choosing what to wear this versatile product with, pay attention to two rules that will allow you to always look great and maintain the integrity of the image:

  • Make the main focus on the fur product, take it as a basis, and shape your entire wardrobe in such a way as to emphasize the elegance of this thing. Next to the fur short coat, the presence of accessories or other things interspersed with fur is unacceptable. Do not limit yourself to one color of clothes. It is important that all the details together form a harmonious color scheme.
  • When choosing what to wear with a short fur coat, pay attention to the combination of the length and proportions of all the things worn. Short fur products look better next to cropped clothing: shorts, mini skirts and short dresses. Together with a fur coat to the middle of the thigh, it is better to wear long skirts and a dress, trousers, models covering shoes will look good.

When considering whether to add a cropped fur coat to your wardrobe, appreciate such advantages as versatility, convenience and comfort, and remember that, like any thing, it should fit perfectly into your chosen style.

It is unlikely that any type of outerwear for the cold season can adequately compete with the chic and luxury of a natural fur coat. A short mink coat is a must-have this winter season, it is beautiful, comfortable and practical. There is still time before winter, so it's time to decide on its style and color.

Short mink coats 2018

Every winter season pleases us excellent opportunity flaunt in exquisite outfits against the backdrop of white snowdrifts and in frosty freshness. The range of natural fur is diverse and wide, but the delicate playful mink is not inferior to the leading positions in the collections of eminent couturiers and the fair sex, who prefer to wear luxurious furs on fragile women's shoulders.

Short models, whose length barely reaches the middle of the thigh, give extraordinary comfort and coziness, there is no question of the heaviness of the attire. If we talk about what they are, short mink coats, then first-class products basically follow current trends, with an eye to timeless classics:

  1. Premium models are made mainly in a straight and flared cut, an elegant stand-up collar is often used, a soft shoulder line is characteristic.
  2. This season it is proposed to wear a trendy model with combined tailoring.
  3. In addition to traditional colors, unusual and even extravagant tones are offered.
  4. Actual curly laser haircut fur.

styles of short mink coats

The fur of a fur animal without additional tinsel looks chic, so mink products are magnificent even in a laconic design. Designers this year are focusing on unconditional femininity and romance, which is so openly expressed by models of short mink coats:

  1. Your wardrobe can be decorated with an A-line model with pleats at the bottom.
  2. A fitted coat or a straight cut is always relevant.
  3. As a tribute to the general trend towards oversize, designers presented models with a free cut and with a belt.
  4. The cold-proof hood perfectly complements the sophistication of fur outerwear.
  5. Short sleeves are a fashionable detail of the winter look.
  6. Style - extraordinary fashion solution for winter 2018.

Short mink coat with hood

Many of us categorically do not accept hats, so a short mink coat with a hood is a great solution for a cold winter. In windy weather, this detail will protect against gusts, and on a sunny day it will become a beautiful addition to the collar. The hood is attached to a fur coat with a dressing gown style, bat, trapezoid. Often the hood is fastened with a beautiful button or an elegant brooch. The hood itself can be made in color to the main fur or create a spectacular contrast.

Short fur coats from a mink of an autolady

A woman driving a car is a sight that has not surprised anyone for a long time. But it is extremely inconvenient to drive a car in a limited space in a magnificent attire made of natural fur. You should not refuse a chic fur coat, a special cut of the autolady model will warm you, but it will not interfere with driving carefully. Comfort is achieved by a shortened length, thanks to which the seat does not create disturbing folds, and the free cut of the sleeve does not hinder movement. There are many variations on this theme:

  1. Often, a short mink coat of an autolady has shortened sleeves without weighting cuffs.
  2. The laconic design is expressed in the complete absence of a collar.
  3. A small hood is convenient as an alternative to a headgear when leaving the car.
  4. Popular models with a belt.

Short mink coat

A very popular version of the fashionable fur coat has won great love from fashionistas. Which is not surprising, because the transverse arrangement of the skins has an extraordinary and stylish look. The stripes can be the same width or combined in different sizes to form an interesting pattern. The overflow of fur color creates a beautiful effect, it is difficult to resist such splendor. The only thing worth paying attention to is that a short mink fur coat can add volume, so girls with full forms should avoid such models. A reasonable compromise is products made of short-haired fur.

Mink coat with short sleeves

At first, many ladies perceived this trendy version with a short sleeve with considerable surprise, but then they wanted to become a happy owner. interesting model. A beautiful short mink coat with three-quarter sleeves looks extraordinary and feminine, and its practicality is beyond doubt - you can not be afraid that expensive fur will be rubbed along the edges.

The refined model is ideal for driving girls. To keep hands warm, wear high leather gloves or a sweater under a fur coat. It is recommended to take gloves not to match the color of the fur, but in a contrasting tone. A stylish short mink coat with short sleeves is the perfect end to an evening look that consists of a chic dress, diamonds and an incredible hairpin.

What to wear with a short mink coat?

A fur coat made of elite fur is out of fashion time frames, it always looks appropriate for a winter look and with the appropriate accompaniment. Shortened models are much more democratic than elongated ones, so you can use casual clothes and business wardrobe items to make bows:

  1. A youth look can consist of tight leather leggings, tight skinny and a plain turtleneck or jumper and over the knee boots.
  2. An actual pencil or flared skirt is worn with a straight or flared fur coat and neat wedge boots.
  3. Wool or knitted dress good with a fitted coat. The latter can be grabbed with a wide leather belt behind the rivets. If the coat has short sleeves, do not forget about.
  4. Evening Dress perfectly complement the laconic model of a trapezoid cut.

If you put on youth jeans or a comfortable skirt under a fur coat, then you can use the current one as a headdress. knitted hat with fur pompom. When a short mink women's coat is used with a set of clothes classical style, a fur hat or hat is considered the best addition. Chic shawls or shawls elegantly transform the bow.

Fashionable images in a short mink coat

Mink black short coat

The universal color is considered the most practical, it easily tolerates pollution, is easily combined with various clothes. Only diamonds can compete with the luxurious black sheen of mink fur. A short black mink coat with a cross section, both narrow and wide, looks especially impressive. And you should not make a common mistake by wearing things of a similar tone under black fur.

Winter, in which white-dark colors reign, is no reason to abandon a bright cheerful palette, especially since positive tones are relevant in the coming season - brick, coffee, raspberry, purple and others. It is worth noting that designers recommend choosing shoes and accessories made of black leather or suede under a black fur coat - boots, boots, gloves.

Short gray mink coat

There is a persistent stereotype about "mouse" gray color, but a fur coat in this exquisite tone of the palette looks amazing. There are many shades of gray: pearl, silver, coal, with blue, graphite. It is not so difficult to choose according to your taste and color type. A short mink coat goes well with almost any color:

  1. A short light mink coat is expressive with dark gray trousers or a skirt.
  2. The classic combination of gray and pink can also be used in this case: a fuchsia-colored dress is worn under the gray model, in lilac.
  3. Leather accessories look stylish with gray fur.
  4. Gray outerwear good with red, olive, burgundy accessories.

Short white mink coat

The dream of any woman is an incredibly beautiful short white mink coat, in which you feel like a real queen. This is an option for going out, in everyday looks it is out of place and completely impractical. Such magnificence is suitable only for special occasions, to and to shine. precious stones. A light short mink coat can be made in pure white or have blotches of black or gray. Exquisite models with a collar or cuffs made of fur in a contrasting tone.